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Handout LA 5b

Please fill in the blanks with appropriate answers according to the word classes

My 1._______lovely__________ (opinion adjective) teacher: One time we were at 2.

_____canteen_______ (common noun) and while I was 3.____running_________

(dynamic verb) to my friends, I just so happened to 4.______have_____________

(dynamic verb) a huge 5.______fall________ (concrete noun) (keep in mind, I was

wearing 6.___skirt___________ (concrete noun) so it hurt like hell) and without

thinking, I shouted at the top of 7.______my_________ (possessive determiner) lungs

“Ouch!” With my luck, my 1._____lovely__________ (opinion adjective) teacher was

sitting on the bench right beside me. 8.______He________ (personal pronoun) then

took me inside and I thought he wanted to 9.______shout___________ (dynamic verb)

at me 10._____but_________ (coordinating conjunction) he just couldn’t stop laughing

and sent me back 11._____outside__________ (adverb of place) with a candy bar.

8.____He________ (personal pronoun) is still my favourite teacher.

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