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Submitted by:
Jheremy Roman F. Abel
Grade 11 – St. Agnes of Rome
Extra Judicial Killing
I. Grave Matter
What was done:
Extra Judicial Killing (EJK) or Extra Judicial Execution is the merciless killing of a
person or a group of persons by governmental authorities or individual such as Policeman and
Soldiers without any judicial proceedings or without a legal process. Some victims are innocent
and most of it are mistakenly killed.
The 5th commandment “You shall not kill” was violated in this kind of act. The person
also violated the rights of the victim to live. And also the health both physically and mentally of
the families of the victims may also be affected leading it into depression and anxiety. The
community will also be affected because of fear, it can also lead into chaos.

II. Full Knowledge

The person/s who committed this act was under the law and was under the command of
the persons who has higher positions than them.
Of course that person/s who committed this act knows what are they doing for they have
a choice to not to kill the victims but they did it anyway. They may be aware of the consequences
of that act because they know the law but they are violating it.

III. Full Consent

The possible factors that influenced the person/s who have committed that act are the
persons who has the authority to make them follow his/her commands such as the President of
the Philippines or the PNP Chief. On the other hand, the person/s who committed that act wants
a promotion so the act was committed.
The person/s who committed that act might have been doing that act freely for it can
boost their promotion or fame and they have a choice to kill that person or let them live another
day to repent.
They are deeply involved for they had violated the 5th commandment “You shalt not kill”
for they had taken a life which is strictly prohibited by the law of God.

IV. Mortal
The person/s who practice EJK committed a mortal sin. Because they already know the
law both on the community and the law of God that killing is a grave act. And also they have a
choice to not to kill the victim. They also committed the act with a free will so they have
committed a Mortal Sin for they killed the victims without a chance to fight for themselves.
V. Conclusion
Extra Judicial Killings or EJK is a Mortal sin in all angles. For it violates God’s
commandment, “You shall not kill” with a choice weather to violate it or not. And also, they did
that act, killed the victims, without giving the victims a chance to defend themselves.
The government should abolish the “Oplan Double Barrel” for it just cause chaos both
the government and its people.
I. Grave Matter
What was done:
Divorce is the termination of marriage and the cancelling of the legal duties and
responsibilities of marriage. Two people married are terminating their marriage.
It violates the vows that they said on their wedding day at the altar. It also violates the
teachings of the bible that if you marry a person, you should not divorce. It also violates the true
meaning of love.
It affects both the persons who did the act, their welfare and relationship. If they had a
family, it can affect their child/children. And it affects the community where they belong.

II. Full Knowledge

The person who committed this act may be unhappy about their relation, experienced
harassment and violence, and mostly, having an affair which is violating the 6th commandment.
They both know what are they doing for they are the ones that decides to terminate their
They might be aware of the consequences because on their wedding day, the signed, and

III. Full Consent

The possible factors that affected or influenced the person/s who committed this act are
themselves. For they are married. There must be a reason, Adultery or violence, so that they
decided to have a divorce.
They may be acting freely for they are deciding what will happen. They might be
attacked by their conscience for the are married and they love/d each other.
They are both involved on the act for divorce can’t be done without the agreement of
both persons.

IV. Venial
The person who committed the act committed a Venial Sin. For a marriage that is not
effective or may have been subjected to violence and adultery is unhealthy for both sides. Before
it ends up into murder or to Tulfo, so that they decided to end their marriage. They may have
been asking for God’s guidance and they may be repenting because of the acts they did.
V. Conclusion
Divorce is bad because they swore at the altar. But if the marriage can result into
devastation, to violence and sadly, murder. It is an option. But another option is the person/s who
want to do this act should go to counseling and seek a priest to know what to do. And especially
ask for God’s assistance to know what would they do.
I. Grave Matter
Mining is what miners do. They harvest the raw nutrients under Earth’s soil. It is not a
sin. Illegal mining is. It is the act of mining which it has no permission. But some mining
companies, though they had permission, they dispose waste to the sea. And sometimes over
mining that kills the soil, the land, and kills the animals living on that area.
It affects the people that lives near the area. Those activities kills the crops and the sea.

II. Full Knowledge

The person/s who committed this act has a full knowledge about mining. And because of
money. Greed. They knew that it can kill the land and the people because of the landslides that
occur but they still continue.
Of course that person/s who committed this act knows what are they doing for they have
a choice to do what is good or what is wrong.

III. Full Consent

Greed might influence the people/s who committed that act. For they don’t care about the
environment or the people. They only care for themselves and the money that they make.
They act freely and aware of the possible outcomes of their act. They are deeply involved
for they have a choice not to continue it or not to overdo it.

IV. Mortal
The person/s who committed that act commits a Mortal sin. Though they are just doing it
for their welfare, they slowly kill the land and the trees and animals that lives on it which God
made us the steward of it. They also deposits their waste chemicals illegally.
V. Conclusion
Mining is bad both for the humans and for the mother Earth.
The government should shut down the mining companies that are mining illegally and let
those companies who obey the law continue mining responsibly.
I. Grave Matter
SOGIE or Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression, Equality Bill is a
proposed legislation of the congress of the Philippines. It pushes that the LGBTQ community
will have the rights to have the LGBTQ signs anywhere such as the toilet and have their flag be
recognized. The values that is violated here is the human person created by God only had two
Gender, Man and Woman. Those identity is what they had when they are born. And also inclined
with that is the S
II. Full Knowledge
The person/s who made the bill wants to have equality for the LGBTQ community.
They may know the consequences of their acts because of the advocacy that they are
trying to let everyone hear it.

III. Full Consent

The factors that possibly affected the person/s who made SOGIE Bill are their
community, the LGBTQ community. And also their members that are being bullied and being
They acted freely for they are fighting for their rights as members of the LGBTQ
They are deeply involved because they made that bill.

IV. Venial
The persons that made that bill commits a venial sin. For they are just fighting for their
rights and they didn’t choose to be gay or lesbian.
V. Conclusion
SOGIE Bill may not be that heavy sin but a minor sin only because the actions that have
made didn’t affect or threaten human life.
Fire Hazing
I. Grave Matter
Fire hazing is what happened to the Amazon Forest and the Amazon tribe. It is when an
oil mining company burned the forest to haze the tribes because they didn’t agreed to let them
mine that forest for oil.
It affected many animals and trees and most of them died because of it. It violated the
laws of nature and violates God’s reason why we are created: to be the stewards of his creations.
It also killed the forest and many animals there and affected most of the community around it.

II. Full Knowledge

The person/s who committed the act of Fire Hazing was under greed and knows exactly
what they are doing because they burned the forest repeatedly to torture and haze the tribes. They
are aware of the consequences of what they did for they have a choice weather to do it or not.

III. Full Consent

The possible factors that affected the person/s that committed the act are Anger and
Greed for the reason why they did that is because the tribes didn’t let them mine and because
they want profit so they want to mine there. They did that willingly and aware of the
consequences of what they did.

IV. Mortal
The persons who committed that act commits a Mortal Sin. For they did burned the forest
to haze the tribes which is a mortal sin in all angles. Because the forest were burned, the animals
died and the tribes perished. It is a mortal sin because they didn’t even lend even the smallest
mercy for them because of Greed.

V. Conclusion
Fire Hazing is a Mortal sin in all angles. Because it violated the mission that God said to
us which is to become the stewards of his creations. It must never happen again. And because of
greed, many people will only think for their own just to step other people down.

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