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ISSN: 2597-8640

Innovation and Technology HISAS 14

Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer for

temperature analysis to increase fishery productivity
I Gede Bayu Pradnya S.a, Putri Rousan Nabilab, Muhammad Hudayawanc Valiano Aditya Pratamad
Naval Architecture of Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Chemical Engineering of Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Geodesy Engineering of Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Mechanical Engineering of Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Corresponding Email:

Sea temperature in Indonesia range between 250c to 300c based on a research using infra-red and thermal
infra-red remote sensing method. We measured the sea temperature using canal 20,31 and 32 with MODIS
satellite. The main purpose of the research is to study the relationship between fish production and
oceanography factor that being observed with MODIS satellite based on sea temperature parameter data that
we obtained. Total production of fish in Indonesia on 2013 reached 11,06 million tonnes with estimate value
to Rp. 126 trillion. The wild fisheries and farm fisheries sub-sectors are the biggest contributors with 5,86
million tonnes and 5,20 million tonnes respectively. The utilization of satellite imagery hopefully may
increase the fish production yearly with the mapping of fish distribution using sea temperature parameter.

Keywords: Aqua MODIS, Fishing Area, Sea Surface Temperature, Fishery Resources, NOAA – AVHRR

INTRODUCTION Next it has been said that fish have the

Sea surface temperature is a physics ability to adapt with certain temperature that allow
measurement that explain the number of matter it to live and temperature affect the distribution of
consist in an object. The sea temperature, the fish itself. According to Laevastu and Hela
especially the surface layer depends on the matter (1970), the impact of temperature towards the fish
obtained from the sun (Weyl, 1970). The sea impacts on its metabolism process like the growth
temperature in Indonesia mostly range between and food digestion, body movement like
25ºC to 30ºC and may decrease to one or two swimming speed, and nerve stimulation. The
degree as the depth increase to 80 db (± 8 m) impact of temperature on fish can clearly be seen
(Tomascik et al. 1997). Meanwhile according to on the spawning phenomenon, where temperature
Soegiarto and Birowo (1975), Indonesia has the determine the duration of spawning on some fish
sea surface temperature between 26ºC to 30ºC, species. Water temperature and stream during and
with the thermocline layer ranging from 9ºC to after the spawning is the most important factor
26ºC and the inside layer between 2ºC to 8ºC. The which determine the larva power, heritance and
sea temperature ranges from -2ºC to 30ºC where metabolism of certain commercial fish. Extreme
the lowest is caused by the ice formation and the temperature on spawning ground during the
highest is caused by the radiation process and the spawning season may force the fish to spawn
object change with the atmosphere (Ingmanson somewhere other than the region. Temperature
and Wallace, 1973). Whereas, the sea surface changes for a long term may determine the
temperature in tropical zone ranging between movement of spawning ground and fishing ground
27ºC to 29ºC and 15ºC to 20ºC in the sub tropical periodically (Reddy 1993). Naturally sea surface
zone. This temperature decrease accordingly with layer temperature is a warm layer caused by the
the depth. Reddy (1993) said that fish is a cold sun radiation on the day. Also the wind caused
blood animal that its body temperature adjust with stirring to the sea from the upper layer to the
the environment where it lives. It also said that depth of 50 to 70 m which results a homogenous
fish has the ability to adjust the temperature to a warm temperature on the layer (about 28,000C).
condition where they are comfort with, which in That is why the layer called ‘homogenous layer’.
the end affecting its distribution and productivity. There is a potential that the layer become thicker
by the impact of sea current and tides. In the satellite. Terra and Aqua satellite are also
shallow area, the homogenous layer may reach the designed to bring the other sensors, AVHRR and
bottom of the sea depth. The warm upper layer CZCS and orbiting once every two days with a
separated from the deep cold layer by a rapid sun synchronous and near-polar orbit. Both
changes of temperature which called thermocline Satellite orbiting the earth every other day with
or temperature discontinuity layer. The the height 705 kilometres above the earth surface.
temperature on the surface layer is homogenous MODIS Field of view is ±55o with the wide angle
because of the mix between the wind and the 2330 km.
wave which why the layer called mixed layer.
Mixed layer support the lives of pelagic fish and EXPERIMENTAL METHODS
passively float the planktons, fish eggs, and larva The method that used in this research is
while the cold layer support the lives of benthic the processing of MODIS level 1B image.
animals and deep sea animals (Reddy 1993). A. Equipment and Material
According to Nontji (1993) when there is an Materials that are used in this research are:
upwelling occurs, the thermocline surface moves 1. Image of Aqua MODIS satellite Level 1B
up and the gradient turn smoother and mass of 2. Indonesia Map digital scale to 1:1,000,000
water from deep surface which contain nutrients Instruments that are used in this research are:
upwelled to the top surface. Short term fluctuation 1. Acer core i5 Notebook with 4GB RAM
of thermocline depth depends on the movement of 2. Software include; ER-Mapper 6.4 and ENVI
sea surface, tides and streams. Under the 5.1 to process the image of Aqua MODIS
thermocline layer, the temperature decrease before it become a map; SeaDAS 4.8 to
slowly as it goes deeper. According to Wyrtki process the image of Aqua MODIS Level 1B
(1961), the thermocline depth in Hindia Ocean to become Level 2; ArcGIS 9.0 to categorize
stretch 120 m to the south of Southern Equatorial and process the layout until it become a final
Stream Zone, with the depth reach 140 m. map
Laevastu (1981) have studied the impact of
oceanography factor to the pelagic fish Start MODIS Data
distribution and shows that the main parameter 1 KM
that relate to the pelagic fish distribution is the
temperature and the stream of the sea. Geometric Bow Tie
Correction Correction
The number of fish production and the
degree of pelagic fish population is closely related
to the changes of sea water temperature. The Counting the Counting the
depth of pelagic fish movement depends on the value of canal value of
radiation 20, brightness
temperature vertical structure of the sea. Next it
31, 32 temperature
stated that some pelagic fish species will swim Kecerahan
deeper if the temperature on the surface is getting Measure and
warmer. The movement of a herring fish group count the sea Finish
depend on how wide the mixed layer area in the water
surface on the night. temperature
A.Remote Sensing
Aerial optical photography has become a major Figure 1. Flow diagram of sea water temperature
part on mapping the sea water temperature data processing
(Fingas and Brown 1997). Shines of the ocean
shows a silver colour intensity and reflects the 1. Bowtie Correction
light in a visible spectrum. But some conditions Bow-tie correction was done in order to
like the sun zenith angle, position sensor and wind repair the part of overlapping image. Overlapping
condition may vary the temperature on certain occurred because of the increasing field of view
types because the effectivity of visible light and (IFOV), from 1x1 km to the lowest point
near infra red on the remote sensing have a approaching 2x5 km on the maximum angle.
limited data (Adamo et al. 2006). Operator 2. Geometric Correction
experiences is also basically needed to identify the Geometric correction was done to reduce
sea surface temperature on the manual imagery. geometric distortion coming from the earth
B. Citra Aqua Modis surface objects that appears and caused by the
MODIS is a sensor which intended to present earth surface curvature and another factors. So
shore, sea, and atmosphere data periodically. that, after the geometric correction phase, the
MODIS sensor is installed on Terra and Aqua
spatial position from an area in the image will be highest position on 23.50 northern lattitude. The
appropriate with the actual condition. sun will be at the top of equator during
3. Radiation Grade Calculation transational season between March and September
In order to calculate the sea surface (figure 3).
temperature, MODIS data that being used are Richard and Davis (1991) stated that the
band 20, 31, and 32. world sea temperature divided into three zones
based on the depth of the sea, the surface layer
Table 1: Band Scores of the Sea Surface (sea surface temperature), thermocline layer
Temperature Calculation temperature, and deep layer temperature. Sea
Band MODIS Bandwidth (μm) Radiation water temperature largely depend on the intensity
Spectral of sun radiation. Sea water temperature will be
20 3,66-3,84 0,45 (300K) higher on the region that receives more
31 10.78 – 11.28 9,55 (300K) radiation.The region that receives the most
32 11,77-12,27 8,94 (300K) radiation is the low lattitude zone on 100NL-
100SL lattitude.
Brief and descriptively title each table and
caption each figure. Place figure caption below
the figure; place table title above the table. Text
and symbols must be clearly readable, avoid small

Figure 3. Sun position on a year.

Based on the research, we obtained the
data of Indonesia sea temperature around 29-31.8
0C. These are the data of fish hauls frequency
Figure 2. Sea surface temperature distribution in
based on sea temperature research data.
the Pacific Ocean.

Sea water temperature ranged between

27°C-29°C in the tropical zone and 15°C-20°C in
the subtropical zone. This temperature may
decrease accordingly to the depth of the sea. Sea
temperature relatively constant at 2°C-4°C in the
depth of 1000 m (King, 1963).
Variation of daily sea temperature in the
tropical zone does not vary much where it only
ranges between 0.20C-0.30C (Gross, 1990). Figure 4. Fish hauls frequency based on sea
Yearly variation of sea water temperature surface temperature.
relatively small with only 20C at average. This is Based on the chart above, we know that
caused by the sun position and the mass of water the highest fish haul outcome came in 31.02-
came from the high lattitude. During western 32.46oC with the frequency 30 times of fishing.
monsoon, heating occurs in the Arafura sea and Hela and Laestu (1970) stated that the
Sumatera western coastline with the temperature temperature is an essential factor to determine and
around 29-300C. Meanwhile the sea surface of assess some fishing zone and will not only depend
Southern China Sea relatively low about 26-270C. on the temperature, but also the temperature
During Eastern Munsoon, the sea water difference. Based on research by Rais (2009), it
temperature in eastern Indonesia reach a lower shown that the optimum temperature for fishing is
value (Soegiarto dan Birowo, 1975). During ranging between 28-31oC. Based on the range, we
December, the sun position reaches its lowest know that Indonesia fishing zone also ranged
position on the 23.50 southern lattitude and during about that figure.
eastern moonson (June), the sun reaches the

The circled area above plots the area of laut. Skripsi. Fakultas Teknik Program Studi
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Based on the fish spread analysis, we Antara Konsentrasi Klorofil-A Dan Suhu
detected a lot of fish groups in the ranging Permukaan Laut Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan
temperature 29-31oC. This is caused by the Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella Longiceps) Di Selat
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CONCLUSION Pelamis) Berbasis Sistem Informasi
The conclusion that can be concluded from Geografis Diperairan Teluk Tomini Provinsi
the study and analysis are: Gorontalo. Skripsi. Pemanfaatan
1. AQUA/TERRA MODIS satellite can be used Sumberdaya Perikanan, Jurusan Perikanan
to obtain the sea surface temperature (SPL) Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan Dan Perikanan,
with the sea surface temperature map as the Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar.
result [7] Modis, 2015. Moderate Resolution Imaging
2. Oceanographic temperature parameter gives a Spectroradiometer,
significant effect toward the fishing outcome ites-
variation with the optimum outcome result in and-sensors/modis (1 nov 2016).
sea surface temperature between 29-31oC. [8] Modis, 2015. http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.
3. The utilization of sensing remote technology gov/cgi/ (1 nov 2016).
is a good and acceptable alternative to provide [9] Prasetya, Briliana Hendra. 2014 Modifikasi
the fishery resource potency information as it Algoritma AVHRR Untuk estimasi suhu
is faster, cheaper, and more precise. permukaan laut ( SPL ) citra aqua modis.
4. The fishery resource potency cartographic is Abstrak.Teknik Geomatika, ITS.
the essential need in order to increase fish [10] Raissa, 2013. Pemetaan suhu permukaan laut
production in Indonesia menggunakan Citra NOAA/AVHRR dan
Recommendation: Advanced and routine Aqua/Terra Modis di Perairan selatan jawa
research is needed to get the illustration of timur. Laporan kerja praktik. Jurusan teknik
potential fishing zone every season kelautan /oseanografi Fakultas teknik dan
ilmu kelautan Universitas hang
Authors declares the submitted
manuscript have no any conflict of interest.

[1] Annas, Rifqi. 2009. Pemanfaatan data satelit
modis untuk menentukan suhu permukaan


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