Objective: To Develop A Program To Train Executives in Negotiation Skills

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Objective: To develop a program to train executives in negotiation skills.

Imagine that you are a partner of Brain Consulting, a consulting firm that offers programs to develop
the soft skills of negotiation in international executives. Your director assigned you the project
because he knows you took a course on the topic and is aware that this tendency has revolutionized
the negotiation discipline. 

He tells you that the office received a request for 20 high level executives to be trained. They will
eventually be going to the Asia Pacific region and he asks you to design a custom-made program for
this specific profile. These executives will negotiate will their peers in the region, all of whom have
very aggressive negotiation profiles and are very susceptible and intolerant of ideas that conflict with
their interests. Their mastery of English is acceptable, but the vocabulary of technical terms is
different, and this lays the foundation for communication barriers that would also include a cultural

However, there is not usually pressure to achieve quick agreements, and there are opportunities to
reflect and prepare offers during several weeks at times, and sometimes even months to arrive at
agreements. Long term relationships of trust are what the companies value.

After reading the situation described above, design a program to train executives in negotiation
skills. Include the following elements in your program: 

 Name and description of the program (to whom is intended for, profile of the participant, main
challenges, general objective of the program, program duration, etc.).

 Define the topic list of your program and the objectives of each topic.  

 Explain how you will manage the specific needs of the language for the cultural factor. 

 Explain how you will manage the specific needs of the time to set agreements. 

 Explain generally the dynamic of the program of the ways to participate, explain the topics,
the application, etc. 

We recommend that you consider and reflect on all the material seen this week.

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