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Medlock Elementary supporters face second front against closure

by Matt Amato “How can we have a wait- final recommendations Feb.
ing list if we’re under capac- 7, building a defense purely
For area residents and ity?” asked one attendee. “It based on economics may be
parents at Medlock Elemen- doesn’t make sense.” wishful thinking. The larg-
tary, the battle to avoid the The impact on property est applause of the night was
chopping block was already values in the Medlock area is reserved for one woman who
won. At least that’s what they another consideration. More said Medlock’s greatest asset
assumed last year when a com- than a dozen concerned ho- was its ethnic mix and that
mittee of community members meowners with no ties to the its students would be sent to
failed to reach the consensus school were at the meeting. schools dominated by one race
that would have closed the “This will affect their [the if Medlock closed.
school. The community rallied school board’s] revenue,” one Collaboration with other
then–waving signs, bringing long-term resident pointed out. PTAs is another likely strategy,
children to meetings, creating With the board to hear and one supported by Abdul
slogans, doing what it could to
apply pressure–and prevailed. See Medlock on Page 15A

Snow halts DeKalb for a week

However, the threat of closure
has re-emerged.
A classic 1950s era build-
ing nestled in a quiet neighbor-
hood of post-war bungalows, by Andrew Cauthen responded within five min-
Medlock is again the target of utes and the county’s SWAT
a school system riddled with team arrived on the scene
debt and desperately in need Thick ice covering most within about 10-20 minutes,
of state funds. On Jan. 4, the roads brought normal life in Gagnon said. After a few
school board announced that DeKalb County to a halt for shots were exchanged, three
up to 14 schools could close nearly a week after a winter suspects were taken into cus-
to help trim a surplus 11,000 storm dumped four to five tody.
seats. inches of snow and ice on Mike Carlson, public
Three days later, Med- the Atlanta area. information officer for the
lock’s supporters were in the School cancellations, Dunwoody Police Depart-
familiar surroundings of the slippery driving conditions, ment, said Dunwoody had a
school’s cafeteria to plan an- road closures and empty lot of accidents just as other
other defense strategy. But government offices were the municipalities did. Some
PTA co-president Tommy norm as frigid temperatures people were more concerned
Houseworth warned of a and cloud cover prevented about making it home than
mightier struggle ahead. “They the ice from melting off in- reporting the accident, Ga-
won’t respond to emotional terstates and roads. gnon said.
feelings, we have to look for Because of the inclem- The city did not have
an alternative solution,” he ent weather, DeKalb County many road closures, Carlson
said. “This all happened very schools used an unusual five said. Police officers worked
quickly.” snow days in a row. with public works employ-
That alternative solution, Walter Woods, a ees to keep the roads safe.
he argued, would require a lot spokesman for the county’s Carlson said one
of number crunching: Med- school district, said the Dunwoody Police officer
lock’s survival now hinged on school calendar has four in- was involved in a minor ac-
making financial sense. clement weather days built cident.
According to figures pre- in. Since five days have been The department also
sented at the meeting, the used, the district will have to used its Twitter account to
school is at 80 percent oc- convert other days to school keep residents informed
cupancy. The consulting firm days such as teacher work about road conditions. One
hired by the county to draw days and other holidays. update on Jan. 10 asked
up a list of recommendations, DeKalb, along with business owners to stay
MGT America, has taken a the other affected school closed: “We know some
number of factors into ac- systems, is also waiting for businesses are planning on
count, such as square footage, direction from the state’s De- opening later today. Please
and decided that students can partment of Education to see don’t. Road conditions are
be sent to other area schools– how the excessive day must Stone Mountain resident Al Nunez shovels his driveway after the
bad and will probably get
snow storm. Photo by Travis Hudgons
McLendon, Laurel Ridge and be made up, Woods said. worse.”
Avondale, in Medlock’s case. “It’s early in the year, The snow forced the clo-
Scrutinizing the consult- so hopefully there won’t be said the weather slowed the said. No DeKalb Police of- sure of the DeKalb County
ing firm’s data will be key to anymore,” Woods said. department’s response time ficers were involved in acci- Recorders Court, parks and
making a viable case against Between Sunday and to calls only slightly. dents during the bad weather recreation facilities, librar-
closure, said Houseworth. Wednesday of last week, the “We still got to all the conditions. ies and all senior citizen
Anecdotally, there appears to DeKalb County 911 center calls,” Gagnon said. The de- One call DeKalb police centers. The Board of Com-
be grounds for a credible chal- received 13,967 calls. Of partment responded to 165 responded to was an armed missioners had to postpone
lenge. One parent at the meet- those, 5,730 were emergency vehicle accidents on Jan. 12 robbery at about 9 p.m. on its regular meeting for four
ing, for example, described 911 calls and 8,237 were alone. But there were no fa- Jan. 10 at the Citgo gas sta- days. The county’s sanitation
how one of her two children non-emergency or adminis- talities or serious injuries. tion located at the intersec- department suspended resi-
couldn’t attend Medlock due trative calls. Police car tires were out- tion of Rockbridge Road dential garbage collection
to overcrowding. There’s also Jason Gagnon, a fitted with makeshift chains and South Stone Mountain- for serveral days.
a waiting list. DeKalb Police spokesman, to increase traction, Gagnon Lithonia Road. Officers

200,000-plus gallons of sewer

spills so far this month
by Andrew Cauthen Jan.7. The spill occurred on Binghamton Drive in
Dunwoody and was caused
Last week while most by roots.
DeKalb residents were stuck So far this month, more
at home because of the win- than 239,220 gallons of sew-
ter storm, county workers age have spilled into area
were called out to deal with a creeks.
20,000-gallon sewer spill. Last month, DeKalb
The spill, which occurred County agreed to pay a
Jan. 11 on North Hairston $453,000 penalty from the
Road in the Mountain Crest federal Environmental Pro-
apartment complex, was tection Agency after having
caused by grease blocking nearly 850 sewage spills
an eight-inch line which then from 2006-10. The county
forced a manhole cover to also consented to implement
overflow. The spill entered a $600,000 stream cleanup
Snapfinger Creek, according project.
to county records. Additionally, the county’s
Four days earlier on Jan. Board of Commissioners
7, nearly 165,000 gallons of hours to contain the spill. arbridge Circle in Tucker from flowing. Workers had approved $1.345 billion in
sewage entered Camp Creek Other spills include: on Jan. 9, caused by grease to pump sewage from one improvements to DeKalb’s
from a spill on Lawrencev- • A 38,220-gallon spill on and roots. manhole to another one to water and sewer system,
ille Highway in Tucker. Jan. 13. The spill, on the • A Jan. 7 spill on Ripple- stop the spill from entering which will be financed by
Again, the cause was grease 1500 block of Biltmore Dr., water Drive in Atlanta. the Entrenchment Creek an 11-percent rate hike each
blocking a pipe causing a entered Peachtree Creek This 5,125-gallon spill was tributary. year from 2012-14.
manhole to overflow. It took and was caused by grease. caused by a piece of broken • A 1,240-gallon spill that
county workers nearly 48 • A 1,200-gallon spill on Bri- pipe obstructing the sewage entered Nancy Creek on THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2011 Page 3A

Dunwoody suspect
remains in jail
by Andrew Cauthen was used or where the bul- down the day after he was lets struck. arrested.
The motive for the killing On his Linked-In ac-
During her husband’s also has not been released. count, Neuman describes
funeral in November, An- Since late December, himself as a results-driven
drea Sneiderman was friends of the Sneiderman leader with vast interna-
understandably family were tional experience managing
distraught. planning to engineering teams in the
Andrea “threw hold a candle- aerospace, health care and
her body over the light vigil at energy sectors.
coffin before they Dunwoody Neuman earned his bach- Russell “Rusty” Sneiderman and family
placed [the coffin] Prep on Jan. 6. elor’s degree in aerospace
in the ground as The vigil was engineering from Georgia METROPOLITAN ATLANTA RAPID TRANSIT AUTHORITY
if she didn’t want indefinitely Tech in 1984. In 1998, he
him to go,” said postponed after received a masters’ degree
Sivan Ariel, who word spread of in business administration NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS JANUARY 24, 2011
attended the Con- Neuman’s ar- from Bradford University.
gregation Or Ha- rest, according In 2009, GE sent Neu- Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit
dash synagogue to an e-mail man to Walton High School Authority (MARTA) will hold public hearings for the purpose of considering
with the Sneider- from the Con- to use his project manage-
mans. gregation Or ment skills to help students Proposed Bus Service Modifications for April 23, 2011
Informa- Hadash syna- optimize their time in de-
Proposed routing and or adjustments for the following bus routes:
tion has surfaced showing gogue. signing, constructing and
Sneiderman knew the man Neuman, who remains testing a robot for a project. Route 42 – Pryor Road/McDaniel North Hairston Road and Goldsmith Park &
recently charged with the in the DeKalb County Jail Erik Burton, com- Street: Alternate weekday trips until 7:00 Ride Lot will continue to be provided by the
murder of her husband, without bond, and Andrea munications director for pm to restore service along Amal Drive, Route 119.
Russell “Rusty” Sneider- Sneiderman are both project DeKalb’s district attorney’s Bond Drive and Ashwood Avenue.
man. managers at GE Electric En- office, said the case was still Route 125 – Clarkston/Northlake:
On Jan. 4, The Dun- ergy in Marietta, according open and that he could not Route 56 – Adamsville/Collier Reroute from Kensington Station to
woody Police Department to Martin Liptrot, a com- discuss the details of it. Heights: Alternate trips to restore week- Avondale Station along North Decatur Road
charged Hemy Zvi Neu- pany spokesman. day peak hour service to Waits Drive, Alex and Winn Way to relieve congestion and
man, 48, of Buckhead, with Neuman has three chil- Unemployed? Under employed? Drive, Alex Way and Tarragon Way. improve bus movement in and around
murder in the November dren: Addie, 17; and Lee Start your own Business! Kensington Station. Service would no
Route 120 – East Ponce de Leon longer be provided along Northern Avenue
shooting of Sneiderman out- and Tom, 20-year-old twins Unlimited income potential.
Avenue/Tucker: Modify route to operate between North Decatur Road and
side of Dunwoody Prep, a working on engineering de- Call Jimmy L. Cave,
Independent Associate, from Avondale Station via E. Ponce de Leon Rockbridge Road.
daycare center where he had grees at Georgia Tech. Avenue to Tucker.
dropped off his son. Police “I wonder how they even Pre-Paid Legal at
(404) 916-1440 Route 126 – Northlake/Chamblee:
say Sneiderman was shot got these ideas for careers,” or visit Route 121 – Stone Mountain/ Provide more service along the Chamblee
several times, but have not Neuman wrote on his Face- Memorial Drive: Modify service to reflect Tucker Road to Henderson Mill Road
released what type of gun book page, which was shut all trips operating via North Hairston Road, segment and reduce the frequency of serv-
E. Ponce de Leon Avenue, Main Street, W. ice along the Flowers Road South and
Mountain Street and Memorial Drive termi- Mercer University segments from alternat-
nating at Goldsmith Park & Ride Lot. ing trips to selective trips only to reflect
Service along Memorial Drive between current service demand on weekdays only.

Monday, January 24 at either location:

2424 Piedmont Road NE, Atlanta, 30324 215 Sycamore Street, Decatur, 30030
7:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M.
Community Exchange from 6-7 pm Community Exchange from 5-6 pm
Riding MARTA: Riding MARTA: 1 block east of Decatur Station.
Across street from Lindbergh Center Station.

Copies of the proposed bus service modifica- (1) leave a message at (404) 848-5299; (2) write
More than 1.1 million Georgia 4-year-olds have benefited from the Georgia Lottery-funded tions will also be available at MARTA’s Office of to MARTA’s Office of External Affairs, 2424 Piedmont
Pre-K Program, giving them the quality educational foundation they need to succeed. External Affairs, 2424 Piedmont Road, N.E. Atlanta, Road, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30324-3330; (3) complete
Georgia 30324 during regular business hours, Mon- an online Comment Card at; (4)
With over $12 billion toward education and over 1.3 million HOPE scholars, we’re helping Fri 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or fax your comments no later than January 31,
supply the essential building blocks needed for a brighter future for Georgia. Thank you, For formats (FREE of charge) in accordance 2011 to (404) 848-4179.
Georgians, for playing – because when you play, our students win. with the ADA and Limited English Proficiency regula- All citizens of the City of Atlanta and the coun-
tions contact (404) 848-4037. For those patrons ties of Fulton, DeKalb, Clayton and Gwinnett whose
requiring further accommodations, information can interests are affected by the subjects to be considered
be obtained by calling the Telephone Device for the at these hearings are hereby notified and invited to
Deaf (TDD) at 404 848-5665. appear at said times and places and present such evi-
In addition, a sign language interpreter will be dence, comment or objection as their interests
available at all hearings. If you cannot attend the require.
hearings and want to provide comments you may:
Beverly A. Scott, Ph.D. General Manager/CEO

The Newslady
I ‘see’ you
heard Williams’ story: A down As I watched him on NBC’s international spotlight being of-
and out former radio disc jockey Today Show I was particularly fered dozens of opportunities to
with a golden voice plagued by struck by his spirit. He was so showcase that gift of voice he says
the demons of alcohol, drugs and humble and mannered and pos- God gave him. He described his
petty crimes to feed his drug habit, sessed a joy that the national me- experiences as “outrageous” and
estranged from his family, begging dia spotlight did not give him. It cautioned us not to judge a book
on the side of the road. Many peo- was evident in his Youtube video. by its cover. There are so many
ple would stop and “indulge” him Williams says he’s been free of stories out there on the street.
by listening to his golden voice drugs and alcohol for two years. Among Williams’ job offers
while tossing him a few coins, but When asked by the Today is one from the NBA’s Cleveland
It’s said that a good photogra- they never really “saw” him. Show’s Matt Lauer how this re- Cavaliers for a two-year contract
pher has a “good eye.” One would He was part of the barren, habilitation is different from the that could include announcing
be hard pressed to find a better ex- concrete cityscape, as noticeable past, Williams said the difference games plus living expenses. I
ample of one seeing an excellent as the traffic light. There, but not this time is God in his life, his deep loved the quote from a Cavs of-
shot than the case of the Columbus really. But something dramati- spirituality. The scriptures tell us ficial who said, “We believe in
Dispatch photographer who “saw” cally different happened recently. to wait on the Lord. The scriptures second chances and second oppor-
Ted Williams begging on the side A photographer actually stopped, say to humble ourselves and God tunities. When you see something
of the road in Columbus, Ohio. looked and listened. He made will exalt. The scriptures also in- that feels good and seems right,
With one video shared on You- Williams do camera work for his struct us to do unto others as we you just have to launch.” What
tube, Williams was turned into alms. The photographer not only would have others do unto us. would happen in our communi-
an overnight sensation with guest saw superior talent, but he shared Williams repeated the Golden ties if we really began to see each
appearances on all the national it. Almost instantly there were Rule, which he said his mother other? Ah, the possibilities with
talk shows. Williams might still be millions of hits on Youtube. Wil- taught him long years before. His second chances and prayers for re-
on the streets begging for a sec- liams, who until a few days ago mother told the army of news demption. What was the line in the
ond chance to showcase what he was living in a tent near a Colum- media that God had answered her movie Avatar? “I see you.”
describes as his “God-given gift bus highway, is now mulling over prayers that her son would one
of voice” had not that photogra- dozens of job offers and hundreds day make something of himself. Steen Miles, The Newslady,
pher “seen” Williams and allowed of well-wishes from all over the At 53, Williams has benefitted is a retired journalist and former
others to see his unique, velvety world. He was also reunited with from a second chance. He said Georgia state senator. Contact
pipes. his 90-year-old mother whom he there’s no way he could have ever Steen Milies at Steen@dekalb-
No doubt most of us have hadn’t seen in a decade. imagined that he would be in the

Haiti: one year later

by Judge Greg Mathis

It’s been a year since a violent earth-

creating a sense of normalcy for the people
of Haiti and showing progress in the country
is to ensure that safe housing is available.
quake shook the poor nation of Haiti, killing Building the homes, however, is difficult if Let Us Know What You Think!
hundreds of thousands of people and causing there is no clear space to build. To date, only
THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS encourages opinions
billions of dollars in damage. 5 percent of the ruins the earthquake from its readers. Please write to us and express your
In the days that followed the left behind have been cleared away. views. Letters should be brief, typewritten and contain
quake, nonprofits, corporations Not only is this a hindrance to the the writer’s name, address and telephone number for
and individuals from around the rebuilding process, it is also a safety verification. All letters will be considered for publication.
world donated money and time hazard. Charities working in this area Send Letters To Editor, The Champion Free Press, P. O. Box 1347,
in an overwhelming show of must allocate their resources appro- Decatur, GA 30031-1347; Send E-Mail to
FAX To: (404) 370-3903 Phone: (404) 373-7779
support. As the media marks this priately and make sure they have the Deadline for news releases and advertising: Thursday, one week prior
tragic anniversary, we should all funds on hand to better address the to publication date.
be aware that, although time has housing needs of the Haitian people. EDITOR’S NOTE: The opinions written by columnists and contributing
passed, there still is much to be In the days following the earth- editors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor or publishers.
The Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement at
done to not only rebuild Haiti Mathis quake, those working on the ground any time. The Publisher is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
but to also make it prosperous. were focused on finding survivors,
It’s been no secret that organizations treating the injured and providing emergency
working on the ground in Haiti have strug- services. Today, they are working to curb a Publisher: Dr. Earl D. Glenn
gled to determine priorities and allocate cholera outbreak that has hit the tiny nation, Managing Editor: Kathy Mitchell
resources. Billions of dollars were raised while continuing to provide shelter, food and
News Editor: Robert Naddra
following the earthquake; Americans alone medical care to countless people.
gave $2 billion to various charities. Unfortu- The work in Haiti is difficult, there is no Production Manager: Kemesha Hunt
nately, less than 40 percent of this money has doubt. And everyone working in the trenches Graphic Designer: Travis Hudgons
actually been spent. To be fair, it would have should be commended. However, a more
been irresponsible for the charities to have concentrated and collective effort to both ad-
gone through the donated funds too quickly. dress the current needs of the Haitian people The Champion Free Press is published each
There should, however, be a plan – one that and to plan for their future is needed. Friday by ACE III Communications, Inc.,
is made available to the public – for directing 114 New Street, Suite E, Decatur, GA. 30030
the funds to the areas they are most needed. Judge Greg Mathis currently provides le- Phone (404) 373-7779.
One of those areas badly in need of fund- gal advice to more than three million listen-
ing is housing. Nearly 1 million Haitians ers on the Steve Harvey Morning Show and
still call temporary camps set up after the also on his website, www.askjudgemathis.
earthquake home. One of the first steps in com. DISPLAY ADVERTISING (404) 373-7779 x 110


William C. Crane, 1974-1992 One Man’s Opinion C. William “Bill” Crane, 2009 - ?
Pardon Billy the Kid??? Are you kidding me?
those of nearly half of our American or not to honor a potential pardon just how “pardoning Billy the Kid”
presidents. There is an odd twist in waved like a carrot by then provin- would likely translate later into Rich-
the fabric of our nation’s history and cial Gov. Lew Matthews in 1879, in ardson being soft on crime should
tradition that we periodically glamor- exchange for Bonney’s testimony in he later again seek elective office.
ize and even lionize villains, outlaws another murder case. Bonney testi- Richardson said on the Today Show
and even the occasional sociopath. fied, and that killer was convicted, during his last day in office that there
If you doubt me on this, think of how but Matthews never made the pardon were still “too many facts in dispute”
Bonney, John Dillinger, Al Capone that had been discussed. There is no for him to issue a pardon with a clear
and even thugs like “Baby Face” actual proof or documentation of the conscience.
Nelson and Clyde Barrow became pardon offer, other than Bonney’s I suspect just as Bonney/Mc-
“I learned of all the rules of household names, and even heroes own papers. The provincial gover- Cartey always returned to rustling,
the modern-day drifter. Don’t you for some in their day. nor’s considered pardon was for a gambling and the life of an outlaw,
hold on to nothin’ too long. Just Bonney died young, at the age murder by the Kid during what is Richardson has not yet left the po-
take what you need from the ladies, of 21, with his primary accomplish- known as the Lincoln County War. litical stage. A prominent Georgia
then leave them, with the words ments being a paid cattle rustler and Bonney instead escaped from Democratic friend of mine is often
of a sad country song. My heroes cattle thief—and having murdered prison, killing two more guards on quoted as saying that there is only
have always been cowboys,” – Wil- somewhere between four and nine his way out, and then spent 11 more one true cure once one has been bit-
lie Nelson, 1979 (lyrics by Sharon men, though legends of the Old West weeks marauding across the New ten by the bug of politics—formal-
Vaughn) inflate that number as high as 21. Mexico territory before being found dehyde.
Like many children of the early Remember, at the time of his life and and fatally shot by Garrett in July And I would suggest, for Gov.
‘60s, I played a lot of cowboys and during the many years he spent in of 1881. None of these later crimes Richardson, or any other aspirants
Indians. My interest in history came what is now New Mexico, much of were ever considered or potentially for higher office, that there are still
later, but as my name was Billy back the American southwest were territo- covered by any pardon. better examples to be set, including
then, I was usually “Billy the Kid.” rial provinces of the United States, Anti-hero westerns aside—and the time and attention we pay to our
It wasn’t until roughly high school and part of a long-standing dispute Billy the Kid has been the subject heroes versus our villains, and we
that I came to know William Bon- over “who owned and was entitled to of many—the fascination with this should make sure that we don’t make
ney (aka Billy the Kid) as a true dirt what” with Mexico. juvenile delinquent nearly 130 years heroes out of outlaws.
bag. That wasn’t even his real name. Former presidential aspirant after his death continues to mystify.
Bonney, actually Henry McCarty, and outgoing Democratic governor Three states currently argue over the Bill Crane is a DeKalb County
was memorialized and brought to of New Mexico Bill Richardson right to claim the Kid as being born native and business owner, living in
fame years after his death by Sheriff is a highly regarded governor, and there. Scottdale, Georgia. He also serves
Pat Garrett, who held the honor of perhaps one of the most visible His- Thankfully, on the morning of as chief political analyst and com-
putting a bullet into Bonney’s back panic elected officials in our nation. New Year’s Eve 2010, Gov. Richard- mentator for 11Alive News and WSB
and ending his life. For the past several months in New son finally came to his senses, or per- Radio, News/Talk 750. Contact Bill
Strangely, Bonney/Billy’s 18- Mexico, Richardson has sought pub- haps more likely heard from a hand- Crane at
page Wikipedia entry is longer than lic thought and comment on whether ful of skilled political consultants on

Perfect: the enemy

of the happy
Wouldn't it be terrible if we had a
great president and we didn't notice?
It’s easy to find some- health care bill passed,
one to wish you a happy giving at least 32 mil-
New Year. Strangers do by Donald Kaul
lion people a chance at
it. Even people who don’t coverage they’d never
like you do it. It’s far had. He extended job-
more rare is to find some- less benefits for mil- The following comments are pulled straight from our Web site and
one who will tell you how packed city like New lions of the long-term are not edited for content or grammar.
to achieve it. York, it’s going to create a unemployed in time for
I am that rare some- big mess. the holiday season. He got Raw sewage spills into local creeks
one. I intend, before this This is particularly true an arms reduction treaty
column ends, to present when you’ve recently let with the Russians passed Could this clogging be due to the illegal disposal of
you with the secret of go of some 400 sanitation by the Senate. He cleared cooking oil? And if so is what are the measures being
happiness. Call it a New workers (the snow re- the way for the end to the taken to get to the root of the problem. And shouldn’t the
Year’s gift. moval people) to cut your “don’t ask, don’t tell” pol-
budget. public have fist hand knowledge of these spill as well, by
But first let me tell icy in our military. He got
you about happiness’s But New York’s an- a financial reform pack- way of a boil water alert or something. I believe throwing
evil twin–unhappiness. ger at Bloomberg’s per- age passed that will do increasing taxes and paying taxpayers dollars by way of
Unhappiness is New York formance is as nothing some good in preventing fines and penalties back to the federal government is the
City after an 18-inch compared to the wrath another financial melt- solution.
snowfall. incurred by President down. He moved toward
It happened over the Barack Obama in his withdrawal of our combat –marilyn jackson-blair posted this on 1/15/11 at 11:20 a.m.
holidays and the Big two short years in office. troops in Iraq.
Apple came to a dead Republicans have ex- That’s not chopped liv- How is it they can find money for raw sewage but can’t
stop. Planes stopped fly- coriated him for extend- er. OK, he also extended get the homeless off the streets? Where do they think the
ing, buses stopped busing. ing health care insurance the Bush tax cuts for the homeless perform their elimination of waste?
And as for cars–fuhged- to the poor, failing to cre- rich, a lousy move forced
daboudit. ate more jobs and over- upon him by Senate Re-
regulating banks and in- –Lichele posted this on 1/15/11 at 7:59 a.m.
New Yorkers took this publicans. And he had to
with the calm equanim- dustry, trying to stimulate agree to keep throwing
ity usually reserved for the economy and daring money (uselessly, I think) Residents still urged to stay off roads
large fires in crowded to take up the agenda of at our mythical missile
theaters. They screamed, the gay rights movement. defense system. I’ve noticed malls and some grocery stores managed to
they wailed, they moaned. Democrats, on the oth- That’s politics. That’s hire people to clear their parking lots. Is there some reason
They blamed their mayor, er hand, have blamed him compromise. It’s our sys- we can’t have a plan to hire private contractors to help with
a billionaire-philosopher- for coddling banks and tem of government. roads when we don’t have adequate municipal equipment?
statesman named Michael industry, not extending Wouldn’t it be terrible
Bloomberg, founder of health care even further, if we had a great president –Al posted this on 1/12/11 at 5:24 p.m.
the eponymous financial failing to end the wars and we didn’t notice?
news and data empire. he inherited and trying And so at last we come
He didn’t give them to compromise with Re- to the secret of happiness:
publicans who wish him The Champion newspaper closed today
enough warning, New Lower your standards.
Yorkers charged. The dead. I don’t mean to imply
warning he gave them It’s as though the you should accept shoddy Well, at least The Champion is one employer that is
was weak. He was slow whole country had an 18- work or failure, but less considerate of its employees. Pity those employees whose
to declare a “snow emer- inch snowfall, all at once. than perfection? Oh yes, nonessential employers insisted their employees risk per-
gency.” He didn’t get side Yet, at the end of his that you should accept. sonal safety and come in to work and ontime or be fired.
streets cleared for days. two-year apprenticeship, Because that’s the way These people won’t even be able to collect unemployment
The mayor, after some he can point to a remark- life is. Not perfect. as the Georgia Dept. of Labor will probably determine that
defensiveness, took the able list of achievements, They say that perfect is weather conditions aren’t the fault of the employer and
fall and apologized to his given the hard road he the enemy of good and I if an employee did not show up ontime - well, that’s the
constituents. He promised had to travel. think that’s right. It is also employee’s fault.
to do better in the future. His policies pulled the enemy of happy.
But let’s face it folks, the economy out of its
freefall. The banks and –Claurence posted this on 1/10/11 at 2:11 p.m.
you can declare all the OtherWords columnist
snow emergencies you corporations he bailed out Donald Kaul lives in Ann
want. Eighteen inches of with government money Arbor, Michigan. www. UPDATE: Road closings list
snow is still 18 inches of have repaid much, if
snow. And in a densely not most, of it. He got a It’s not too hard for northerners to deal with, but here
in Atlanta, we have icy hills. Side roads are never treated
much in the north and we neighbors would work together
and dig, salt with rock salt and shovel to break up areas to
Printed on 100% post- get out into main roads. Our municipalities SHOULD have
been better prepared with all of the advance notice, but

consumer recycled paper WE can help each other also. Shovel it!

–Diane posted this on 1/14/11 at 3:18 .m. THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2011 Page 7A

Champion of the Week
more than $30,000 for the
shelter in 2010. The Gar-
den of Eatin’ is an event
where visitors can buy a
ticket to sample food from
25 Decatur restaurants.
There also is a silent auc-
tion. The event cleared
$25,000 last year. Stubbs
also helped coordinate
a garage sale last June
at her church that raised
$6,000 for the shelter in a
single day.
In addition to her work

DeKalb Sheriff under

with the co-op, Stubbs
Helping those less volunteers for the Wom-
fortunate was a concept en’s Community Kitchen
instilled in Diane Stubbs at Grace United Method-

budget for 2010

by her father. ist Church in Atlanta and
“It’s always been a the Decatur Emergency
passion of mine and my Assistance Ministry,
dad taught me to give which is a food pantry
by Andrew Cauthen intended to counteract while maintaining a safe back and do for others that also helps with utility the department’s loss of environment for both the who can’t help them- bills, prescription bills and
89 employees due to the employees of the Sheriff’s selves,” Stubbs said of rent.
As the DeKalb Board county’s early retirement Office and the inmates her father, Ray Manget, Stubbs said she helps
of Commissioners begins program last year. incarcerated here.” who passed away in out at two other shel-
to wrestle with the 2011 According a report from The Sheriff’s Office was 1996. ters in Atlanta and helps
budget, the county’s the county’s chief executive able to pay all outstanding Stubbs has been liv- serves Sunday lunch to
sheriff announced that his officer, the Sheriff’s Office 2010 bills, not furlough any ing by her father’s words approximately 350 home-
office had ended the year refilled all 89 positions. The employees during the fourth for decades. Presently less people.
under budget for the 10th Sherriff’s Office has 863 quarter of the year and she volunteers for several “I do what I do in [my
organizations, including father’s] memory,” Stubbs
consecutive year. positions. return more than $810,000 the Decatur Cooperative
According to a statement Brown said the entire to the county administration, said. “I feel like he’s smil-
Ministry, where her father ing down from heaven
released by Sheriff Thomas $748,000 allotment will Brown said. was the group’s first trea-
Brown on Jan. 7, the be returned to the county’s For 2011, DeKalb CEO and saying ‘keep at it.’”
surer. Stubbs taught pre-
Sheriff’s Office was under general fund. Burrell Ellis has proposed a Stubbs has volun-
budget by $811,170 for “The executive staff of budget of $66.1 million for school at Clairemont Hills
teered with that orga- Baptist Church and re-
2010. Last year’s budget the Sheriff’s Office has done the Sheriff’s Office. That’s nization ever since her tired as a teacher from St.
for the Sheriff’s Office a fantastic job in managing nearly 12 percent of the church, North Decatur Timothy United Methodist
was $74.4 million. Of that the resources to include county’s overall budget and United Methodist Church, Church. She has been
amount, the Sheriff’s Office personnel assignments in $8.3 million less than last became involved with able to volunteer more
did not use about $63,000. keeping overtime pay to year’s budget. Hagan’s House, which since retiring and also
In September 2010, the a minimum,” Brown said. “I am looking forward is a homeless shelter for is active within her own
Board of Commissioners “I cannot express how to working with the board women and children un- church and has helped
allotted an additional proud I am of this team of commissioners as we der the auspices of the her son raise her now-4-
$748,000 in funds to of professionals who has prepare for the next budget DCM. She helps serve year-old granddaughter
be used for anticipated made it their mission to cycle for 2011,” Brown meals there two weeks a since Stubbs’ daughter-
overtime pay. This was protect the taxpayers’ funds said. year, and two years ago in-law passed away three
became shelter’s lead years ago.
volunteer at night. “My dad just wanted
“I help serve meals, us to realize how blessed
take supplies to the ladies we are,” said Stubbs,
there, lend an ear to lis- who follows the mantra
ten and help with the chil- of John Wesley, the
dren,” Stubbs said. “I just founder of Methodism.
try to make their evenings “‘Do as much as you can
flow more smoothly.” for as many as you can
She also is co-chair- for as long as you can.’
woman of two fundraising That’s pretty much it in a
events that helped raise nutshell.”

If you would like to nominate someone to

be considered as a future Champion of the
Week, please contact Kathy Mitchell at or at
404-373-7779, ext. 104.

New attorneys learn the ropes in

DA’s apprentice program
by Nigel Roberts trict Attorney Don Geary and Most of the apprentices the state that have experi- Case, have deferred associ-
DeKalb County Assistant Dis- work for no salary. Some, enced major backlogs, as ates working in the program
Adam Ribner recently trict Attorney Matt McCoyd, though, have been hired by they carry the same case who will join their firms
graduated from Georgetown the program provides extensive law firms that have deferred load while experiencing with a wealth of experience
University Law School and instruction and practical expe- their employment for up to dramatic budget cuts. after completing their ap-
passed the Georgia bar. Un- rience in criminal prosecution, one year while they train in Law firms have also ben- prenticeship.
like most newly minted oral advocacy and jury trial the program. efitted from the apprentice Any law firm or recent
lawyers, Ribner will go to advocacy. This free legal help, program. The DA’s office graduate that wants more in-
his first job with lots of prac- “While running the pro- which has been approved noted that several metro formation about the appren-
tical experience through the gram creates some extra work by authorities in the state’s area firms, such as Alston + tice program should contact
DeKalb DA’s attorney ap- for our office, we are delighted court system, has been a Bird, Bryan Cave, Dewey McCoyd at mjmccoyd@
prentice program. to be able to offer this opportu- significant help to district & LeBouf, Morgan Lewis
As an apprentice, Ribner nity to these great young law- attorneys offices throughout & Bockius and White &
has done just about every- yers,” said Geary. “Our objec-
thing a prosecuting criminal tive is to offer each apprentice City of Chamblee – Public Notice
attorney does—from draft- the opportunity to participate in
ing legal memos, negotiating two to three jury trials serving Qualification Fee for Municipal Election
bond and plea deals to ap- as either first or second chair Pursuant to Section 21-2-131 (a) (1) of the Georgia Election Code, notice is hereby given that
pearing in court. “It’s been during their apprenticeship.”
an invaluable opportunity,” Ribner, 30, was a police the qualifying fee for City of Chamblee 2010 Municipal Election is $216 for the office of City
said Ribner. “The apprentice officer for about three years, Council. For additional information, contact Nancy Williams, City Clerk at 770-986-5018 or
program allows beginning serving in DeKalb and Charles-
attorneys to get hands-on ton, S.C. “Police work is re-
experience inside a district lated to prosecution. Making
attorney’s office that doesn’t arrests is where the process PUBLIC NOTICE
normally happen.” starts,” he said. “As a police NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL OFFICE QUALIFYING FEES
The apprenticeship pro- officer, I had contact with pros- DECATUR CITY COMMISSION AND
gram started under former ecutors but wanted to be more DECATUR BOARD OF EDUCATION
DeKalb County District At- involved in the legal aspect of
torney Gwen Keyes Fleming NOVEMBER 8, 2011 ELECTION
the justice system.”
and is modeled loosely on an His apprenticeship is nearly
L.L.M (an advanced master’s over, and Ribner will soon join Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 21-2-131 the City of Decatur City Commission has fixed the qualifying fee for City
of law degree) in trial advo- the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Commission at $ 144.00 and the fixed qualifying fee for Board of Education member is $35.00. Additional
cacy. Designed by DeKalb Atlanta where he will work as information may be obtained by calling the City Clerk’s Office 404-370-4100 ext. 6503 from 8:30 A.M.
County Chief Assistant Dis- a law clerk in the civil division. until 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.

Save up to 25% on your 2011

Property Taxes by filing
Celebrating more than 70 Years
of Service your return before
EVENTS March 1, 2011
January 6th – CEO State of the County
Address to the Business Community –
CEO Burrell Ellis looks back at the An online return is available at
County's 2010 accomplishments and
lays out his vision for DeKalb in 2011.
Simply search for form
Hosted by: Council for Quality Growth &
The DeKalb Chamber. Location: The

Thalia N. Carlos Community Ctr., 2500
Clairmont Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.
Registration & Networking - 7:30 AM
Breakfast Meeting - 8:00 AM. Cost to
attend: $25.00 / Registration

January 11th – New Members Lunch You will have a SECOND CHANCE
Reception – Sponsored by Georgia State The DeKalb County Tax Assessor will mail appraisals to all
University / Brookhaven Center – Event
open to new and existing Chamber property owners in April-May, 2011. After receiving apprais-
members only. Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 als, appeals can be filed at the tax assessors office.
pm. RSVP required. For information,
visit the Chamber’s website or call 404-
378-8000 ( Tax returns or forms can be picked up at or mailed to:
January 17th – Martin L. King , Jr.
Holiday. The DeKalb Chamber office will
DeKalb County Tax Assessor
be closed in observance of this holiday.
We will reopen on Tuesday, January
120 W. Trinity Place #209
Decatur, GA 30030

For more information on DeKalb Chamber related AVOID THE RUSH---FILE NOW!
events or to receive email updates, call 404-378-
8000 or visit Placed by Ray Johnson 404-520-4043 THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2011 Page 9A

Boston selected as county’s

new solicitor general
by Matt Amato criminal defense attorney. cases off the trial attorneys DeKalb’s district
“It’s a big job,” said and judges by creating a attorney. Her ap-
Handling a hefty case Boston. “I’m bringing a diversion program,” Boston pointment comes
load will be one of the chal- perspective that most don’t said. two months after
lenges facing new DeKalb have. I have a full-circle ex- Such changes, though, running for the
County Solicitor General perience being involved in will come after an obser- DeKalb State
Sherry Boston, who recent- every side [of criminal de- vational period to assess Court.
ly was sworn in less than a fense and prosecution law].” the department’s workings “Five years
week after being appointed One of Boston’s chal- and needs. “I’m going to from now, I’d like
to the post by outgoing Gov. lenges will be addressing be spending a lot of time to be leading the
Sonny Perdue. the department’s case load. keeping my eye on things,” office with a list of
Boston, serving as a Annually, that number aver- Boston said. “It’s the smart accomplishments
judge on the DeKalb Re- ages 13,000, handled by 25 thing—to get a good handle for the citizens of
corder’s Court and the Dun- attorneys and approximately and make changes that are DeKalb and com-
woody Municipal Court at 50 support staff. necessary.” munity programs,”
the time of the appointment, “I’d like to implement Boston replaces Robert she said. Boston
attended Emory University a standardized, centralized James, who resigned to
and previously worked as a program—one that takes mount a successful run for


Congressman John Lewis. Photo by Andrew Cauthen
(Degree, Diploma or TCC)
Lewis speaks at DeKalb’s MLK event Has DeKalbTech
by Andrew Cauthen
America,” said Congress-
man John Lewis during
DeKalb County’s 27th an-
sented Georgia’s Fifth Con-
gressional District since
1986. “America is a better
been a part of
Fifty years ago this year,
in 1961, civil rights leader
nual Martin Luther King Jr.
America; our world is a
better world because Martin
your life?
Martin Luther King Jr., Lewis, the only survivor Luther King Jr. lived.”
participated in the Freedom
Rides to protest against
of the 10 speakers during
the historical March on
Lewis recalled visiting
various cities around the
We want to reconnect with you
segregation on interstate
buses and at bus terminals.
Washington in 1963, was
the keynote speaker for an
South as a child and seeing
the signs that read “White
through our newly launched
That was the same year that
President Barack Obama
employee-led celebration
on Jan. 14.
Men,” “Colored Men,”
“White Women,” and “Col-
DTC Alumni Association website!
was born. “If it hadn’t been for ored Women.” When Lewis
“If it hadn’t been for Martin Luther King Jr., I asked his parents about
Martin Luther King Jr., don’t know where I would racial segregation they Please Register at
there would be no Barack be. I don’t know where would say, “That’s the way
Obama as the president
of the United States of
America would be today,”
said Lewis, who has repre-
it is. Don’t get into trouble.
Don’t get in the way.”
See MLK on Page 10A
404-297-9522 x1139

Continued From Page 9A
When he was 15 years
old, Lewis said he felt
called into the Civil Rights
Movement after hearing
King on a radio program in
1955 talking about people
of faith making a difference
in society.
“When I heard his voice,
I felt he was talking di-
rectly to me saying, ‘John
Robert Lewis, you too can
do something,’” Lewis said.
“I was inspired by Dr. Mar-
tin Luther King Jr., to find a
way to get in the way.”
A year later Lewis, some
of his siblings and cousins, Photos provided
went to a library in Troy,
Ala., to try to get a library
card. But they were told
that the library was for
Whites only. Lewis said he
never went to that library
Habitat volunteers invited to
again until July 5, 1998, for
a signing of his book Walk-
ing with the Wind.
Lewis said King’s mes-
pitch in on a smaller scale
sage is still relevant for to-
day: “He inspired us all to by Chris Queen event came about in a mission in DeKalb County. a neighborhood.
stand up. He taught us the brainstorming session. John Shaffer said they will repeat “They get to participate
way of peace. He taught us Habitat For Humanity Shaffer, executive director the event in coming years. in the resurrection of an
the way of love. He taught DeKalb will present a new of Habitat For Humanity In 2011, Habitat For eyesore that attracts crime
us the way of nonviolence. and innovative fundraising DeKalb, was discussing Humanity DeKalb is and vandalism, turning it
“If Dr. King could speak event with its Playhouse ideas for fundraisers planning on completing into a home for a family
to us today he would say Build Event on Feb. 12 in with a member of the 12 houses. Their goal is to that is working side by side
there’s too much violence, various locations throughout organization’s fundraising renovate nine foreclosed with them on that property,”
too many killings,” Lewis DeKalb County. committee when the idea properties and build three he said. “They experience
said. “We need to be kind This first-of-its-kind to build playhouses for the completely new homes. the joy of knowing that the
to each other. We need event allows groups and children of families who “We have expanded our partner family appreciates
to be willing to say ‘I’m families who may not have benefit from Habitat For operations quite a bit from what they’ve done, and will
sorry.’ We need to love and the time or resources to Humanity was suggested. the traditional concept of become strong neighbors in
not hate.” devote to a full Habitat For “Habitat is all about building one new home at a an improved neighborhood.
During his talk, Lewis Humanity project to get building houses, said time,” said Shaffer. All the volunteers come
told of how he got started involved in a different way. Shaffer. “Why not shape Shaffer, who took on the away feeling better about
with public speaking: In At the Playhouse Build a fundraiser around that role of executive director themselves in the process as
1944, when he was 4 years Event, groups will construct very concept? We designed in September, said he is well.”
old his father, a sharecrop- 4-foot by 6-foot children’s a small playhouse that we blessed by seeing people Habitat For Humanity
per living near Troy, Ala., playhouses, which will thought people would be step up to the plate and DeKalb is a local division
used $300 of his savings to then be auctioned off interested in buying to put help others. He said that of Habitat For Humanity,
purchase 120 acres of land as a fundraiser for the in their backyards for their watching people work to an international, non-profit,
that is still in the Lewis organization. children. We knew people change the lives of others ecumenical Christian
family today. At the event, groups would voluntarily build benefits him as much as organization that provides
Lewis’s chore on the will frame and build the such a project, donating it it benefits the volunteers safe and affordable housing
family farm was to care for playhouses. The framing back to Habitat so that the and the families served by for families. Habitat
the chickens, and as a child, portion of the event is proceeds would benefit our Habitat For Humanity. For Humanity DeKalb
he was interested in becom- designed to give the groups mission.” “It has meant so much has built more than 60
ing a minister. an idea of the camaraderie Shaffer also credits the to me, being new to the houses throughout the
“From time to time, and fellowship that takes Tucker High School chapter Atlanta area, as I have county through the help of
we’d gather all of the place at a typical Habitat of Habitat For Humanity for watched individuals, as individuals and groups from
chickens, together–and my For Humanity building creative inspiration. This well as churches and all over DeKalb County.
brothers and sisters and site. After framing their group of students has raised businesses step forward The deadline to be
cousins–in the chicken playhouses, groups will take $130,000 for Habitat For and give of themselves for involved in the Playhouse
yard and we would have the houses to a staging area Humanity and completed the betterment of others,” Build Event is Feb. 4. The
church,” Lewis said. to decorate. eight builds in locations said Shaffer. “When we entry fee is $200-$300,
“They never quite said Habitat For Humanity as diverse as Taos, N.M., do a housing rehabilitation depending on the size of
‘amen,’ but I’m convinced representatives will judge Mobile, Ala., and the Gulf for example, or rebuild a the group entering, and the
that some of those chick- the playhouses and award Coast. Shaffer hopes to get burned out house, the work fee covers the cost of the
ens that I preached to in prizes in various categories. other schools on board and is dirty. There is absolutely materials for the playhouse.
the ‘40s and ‘50s tended The playhouses will then use the event as the catalyst nothing glamorous about it. For more details on
to listen to me much better be displayed at Perimeter to open more high school But after these volunteers how to become involved
than some of my colleagues Mall before being auctioned chapters. and our partner families with this event or other
listen to me today in the off as a fundraiser on April The goal of the have put in a few weeks, Habitat For Humanity
Congress.” 16 to benefit Habitat For event is to increase the they experience the rebirth DeKalb projects, visit www.
Humanity DeKalb. organization’s profile and of a vacant, dilapidated
The idea for the raise awareness of its property that is a burden on THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2011 Page 11A

Clarkston to get street lights where

murder occurred
by Andrew Cauthen In other business, the years ago, has been serv- and hiring rule the day,” Commissioner Larry board of commissioners ing as interim director since Commissioner Lee May Johnson, whom the board
approved the appointment then-director Mike Bell said as the commissioners chose for its presiding of-
Five months ago, a of Joel Gottlieb as the retired last summer during questioned Gottlieb about ficer again this year, said the
20-year-old Myanmar refu- county’s financial director in the county’s early retire- his willingness to work with commission is serious about
gee was gunned down in an what was dubbed “a semi- ment program. Gottlieb has the board. the roles of the legislative
apparent drive-by shooting confirmation hearing.” approximately 35 years of “We’re going to be push- and administrative branches
as he and his friends were Gottlieb, who was hired government experience. ing the envelope,” May said. of county government.
walking to their apartment as the county’s assistant “Long gone are the days “Are you sure you want to
complex on Jolly Avenue in finance director about 15 when political appointments do it [the director’s job]?”
Now that dark half-mile
stretch of road on the border DeKalb County Wants to Hear From You
of Clarkston is getting street
lights, thanks to a vote by Regarding the Proposed Franchise Agreement Renewal
the DeKalb County Board with Comcast Cable Communications
of Commissioners last
week. Send your comments and/or concerns regarding Comcast’s current performance under
The owners of 62 percent the current franchise agreement and/or the future cable-related needs and interests of
of the property along the your community to
road signed a petition ask-
ing for the street lights and The Champion Weather Jan. 20, 2011
agreeing to pay 40 cents per
lighted street-side foot per Seven Day Forecast In-Depth Local Forecast Today's Regional Map Weather History
year to pay for the lights. THURSDAY
Today we will see mostly sunny skies with a Jan. 20, 1943 - Strange vertical
In August 2010, 20-year- Mostly Sunny
slight chance of showers, high temperature of antics took place in the Black
old Pa Lee Klo, who had 55º, humidity of 62%. South wind 5 mph. The Dunwoody Hills of South Dakota. While the
High: 55 Low: 33 record high temperature for today is 73º set in temperature at Deadwood was a
been in the country less than 53/32 Lilburn
1933. Expect cloudy skies tonight with an 80% Smyrna Doraville frigid 16 degrees below zero, the
a year, was killed on the FRIDAY
chance of rain and snow, overnight low of 33º. 54/33 town of Lead, just a mile and a
street that is heavily used by Sunny
Snellville half away, but 600 feet higher in
pedestrians. High: 40 Low: 21 *Last Week’s Almanac Decatur
55/33 elevation, reported a balmy 52
And many of the pe- Date Hi Lo Normals Precip
Atlanta 55/33
degree reading.
destrians are easy targets 55/33
SATURDAY Tuesday 34 29 51/33 0.16" Lithonia
of criminals, said Adam Sunny Wednesday 28 20 51/33 0.00" College Park 56/33 Jan. 21, 1988 - High pressure
Hoyt, a Clarkston resident High: 44 Low: 24 Thursday 34 19 51/33 0.00" 56/33 Morrow over northern Nevada and low
who works for Friends of Friday 44 18 51/33 0.00" 56/33 pressure off the coast of
Refugees, a Clarkston-based SUNDAY Saturday 48 24 51/33 0.00" Union City
Southern California combined to
group that helps refugees Sunny Sunday 52 28 52/33 0.00" 56/33
produce high winds in the south-
become contributing mem- High: 50 Low: 31 Monday 47 30 52/33 0.00"
Hampton western United States. Wind
bers of society. Rainfall . . . . . . .0.16" Average temp . .32.5
57/34 gusts in the San Francisco area
About two weeks after MONDAY Normal rainfall . .1.15" Average normal 42.1
reached 70 mph.
Departure . . . . .-0.99" Departure . . . . .-9.6
Klo’s murder, 400 marchers Mostly Cloudy
*Data as reported from De Kalb-Peachtree Airport
participated in a Walk for High: 53 Low: 35
Solidarity to commemorate Local Sun/Moon Chart This Week Tonight's Planets
his life and bring to light TUESDAY Day Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset
Rise Set
the growing violence in the Mostly Cloudy Last Thursday 7:40 a.m. 5:56 p.m. 7:12 p.m. 8:02 a.m. First
Mercury 6:21 a.m. 4:16 p.m.
High: 52 Low: 34 1/26 Friday 7:40 a.m. 5:57 p.m. 8:22 p.m. 8:41 a.m. 2/11
apartment complexes where Venus 4:21 a.m. 2:39 p.m.
refugees and other immi- Saturday 7:39 a.m. 5:58 p.m. 9:32 p.m. 9:17 a.m.
Mars 7:58 a.m. 6:09 p.m.
WEDNESDAY Sunday 7:39 a.m. 5:59 p.m. 10:40 p.m. 9:51 a.m.
grants live. Partly Cloudy
Jupiter 10:40 a.m.10:37 p.m.
New Monday 7:38 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 11:48 p.m. 10:26 a.m. Full
“They are terrified every High: 52 Low: 30 Tuesday 7:38 a.m. 6:01 p.m. No Rise 11:02 a.m.
Saturn 11:53 p.m.11:36 a.m.
day when they go out,” said 2/2 2/18 Uranus 10:32 a.m.10:27 p.m.
Wednesday 7:37 a.m. 6:02 p.m. 12:56 a.m. 11:42 a.m.
Susan Pavlin, director of
policy for Refugee Family Local UV Index National Weather Summary This Week Weather Trivia

Services. Since Klo’s death, The Northeast will see mostly clear to partly cloudy skies with scattered snow What meteorologist made
the Clarkston area has seen today through Saturday, with the highest temperature of 39º in Baltimore, Md. a significant contribution
177 crimes, including 62 0 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+ The Southeast will see scattered showers and thunderstorms today and Friday, to geology?
assaults, 23 robberies and UV Index
mostly clear skies Saturday, with the highest temperature of 79º in Hollywood, Fla. The Answer: Alfred Wegener first
one murder, Pavlin said. 0-2: Low, 3-5: Moderate, Northwest will see mostly clear to partly cloudy skies with a few showers today through theorized that the continents
The lights could mean 6-7: High, 8-10: Very High Saturday, with the highest temperature of 56º in Medford, Ore. The Southwest will see mostly were once together.
the difference between life 11+: Extreme Exposure clear skies today through Saturday, with the highest temperature of 72º in Los Angeles, Calif. © 2010., Inc.
and death, Hoyt said. StarWatch By Gary Becker - A Sentient Universe
Clarkston mayor
We live in a universe that is composed mostly of dark matter and dark energy. What we can see, about four percent, is made up of mainly hydrogen, a light, colorless,
Emanuel Ransom asked odorless gas, that given enough time, can turn into people. The storyline is a complex series of twists and turns that has been occurring for billions of years. The universe
the commission to approve started with a pop, still called the Big Bang, the rifting of dimensions 14.7 billion years ago from some pinhead-sized blob—a burst of pure energy which a second later
the special lighting district boasted all of the laws of nature that we know today. Energy rapidly morphed into hydrogen, helium, and a tiny bit of lithium. In the turbulence of the primordial mix,
in the memory of Howard denser structures began to form galaxies which had as their basic luminous component, stars. One of these structures was the progenitor of our own Milky Way. Galaxies clustered and
Tygrett, the former mayor grew as they cannibalized each other, moving outward in an ever expanding and accelerating universe. Within our own local area, our Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies became
of Clarkston who died sud- dominant. Hundreds of billions of stars lived and died since our galaxy’s beginning, stars that have changed their hydrogen and helium into heavier elements through thermonuclear
denly in office in December. fusion. About one star in a thousand has gone supernova, producing in its catastrophic wake all of the naturally occurring elements and seeding the galaxy with its stardust—dust that in
one case mingled with more hydrogen and helium to form an average star with its planets and moons that today we call our solar system. On the third planet, those atoms created in the
Tygrett, who was elected to dying bellies of stars were able to organize into replicating units about four billion years ago and evolve over eons of time into people Humanity has a tremendous responsibility to under-
office last year, was a propo- stand the soul of this universe that has given so much of itself to create us.
nent of the street lights.

Health officials say too much fluoride

causing splotchy teeth
by Mike Stobbe But there are also growing
worries about more serious
ATLANTA (AP) In a dangers from fluoride.
remarkable turnabout, fed- The Environmental Pro-
eral health officials say many tection Agency released two
Americans are now getting new reviews of research on
too much fluoride because of fluoride last week. One of the
its presence not just in drink- studies found that prolonged,
ing water but in toothpaste, high intake of fluoride can in-
mouthwash and other prod- crease the risk of brittle bones,
ucts, and it’s causing splotches fractures and crippling bone
on children’s teeth and perhaps abnormalities.
more serious problems. Critics of fluoridated wa-
The U.S. Department of ter seized on the proposed
Health and Human Services change to renew their attacks
announced plans Jan. 7 to on it—a battle that dates back
lower the recommended level to at least the Cold War 1950s,
of fluoride in drinking water when it was denounced by
for the first time in nearly 50 some as a step toward Com-
years, based on a fresh review munism. Many activists nowa-
of the science. days don’t think fluoride is
The announcement is essential, and they praised the
likely to renew the battle over government’s new steps.
fluoridation, even though the “Anybody who was anti-
addition of fluoride to drink- fluoride was considered cra-
ing water is considered one zy,” said Deborah Catrow,
of the greatest public health who successfully fought a
successes of the 20th century. ballot proposal in 2005 that
The United States prevalence would have added fluoride
of decay in at least one tooth to drinking water in Spring-
among teens has declined from field, Ohio. “It’s amazing that
about 90 percent to 60 percent. people have been so convinced
The government first be- that this is an OK thing to do.”
gan urging municipal water Dental and medical groups
systems to add fluoride in the applauded the announcement.
early 1950s. Since then, it has “This change is necessary
been put in toothpaste and because Americans have ac-
mouthwash. It is also in a lot cess to more sources of fluo-
of bottled water and in soda. ride than they did when water
Some kids even take fluoride fluoridation was first intro-
supplements. Now, young chil- duced,” Dr. O. Marion Bur-
dren may be getting too much. ton, president of the American
“Like anything else, you Academy of Pediatrics, said in
can have too much of a good a statement.
thing,” said Dr. Howard The fluoridated water stan-
Pollick, a professor at the dard since 1962 has been a
University of California, San range of 0.7 parts per million
Francisco’s dental school and for warmer climates where
spokesman for the American people used to drink more wa-
Dental Association. ter to 1.2 parts per million in
One reason behind the cooler regions.
change: About two out of five The new proposal from
adolescents have tooth streak- HHS would set the recom-
ing or spottiness because of mended level at just 0.7.
too much fluoride, a govern- Meanwhile, the EPA said it is
ment study found recently. In reviewing whether to lower
extreme cases, teeth can be the maximum allowable level
pitted by the mineral—though of fluoride in drinking water
many cases are so mild only from the current 4 parts per
dentists notice it. The problem million.
is generally considered cos- Associated Press writers
metic and not a reason for seri- Dina Capiello in Washington,
ous concern. Maria Cheng in London, John
The splotchy tooth condi- Seewer in Toledo, Ohio, David
tion, fluorosis, is unexpectedly B. Caruso in New York, and
common in youngsters ages Mary Foster in New Orleans
12 through 15 and appears to contributed to this report,
have grown more common along with AP news researcher
since the 1980s, according to Jennifer Farrar in New York.
the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention. THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2011 A Section • Page 13A

Walker wants to
minimize ‘trauma’ of
school consolidation
by Robert Naddra would be left at less than 75 per- cent occupancy in one scenario
and one in the other.
DeKalb County School The proposal would elimi-
Board member Eugene Walker nate most of the 11,000 empty
is getting the message loud and seats throughout the system. Also,
clear from parents regarding the the proposal calls for 12,000 to
redistricting and consolidation 16,100 students among the sys-
proposal presented to the board tem’s 99,000 student body attend-
earlier this month. ing new schools next year.
“Parents are telling me they Of the 21 schools with en-
want us to preserve our commu- rollments of less than 450, one
nity schools,” he said. “They’re scenario would leave no school
telling me they want to minimize with less than 450 students and the
the shock and trauma of their other would leave three according
Winter is the season for chilled thrills children being redistricted to go
to other schools.”
Some of that trauma may be
to the proposal.
“All of our schools are not
broken,” Walker said. “We need
by Gale Horton Gay Little Angels. Don’t forget a number of special drinks unavoidable as the board heard a to keep the ones that are not
about building a snowman, such as French Hot Choco- proposal from MGT America that broken intact and make sure they
The winter months in throwing snowballs at tar- late for $4, Ellijay Apple calls for the closing of 14 schools continue to do well. We’ve got to
metro Atlanta mean snow gets, creating an igloo or Fritters a la Mode for $8 and in massive redistricting effort that make a hard decision and I don’t
and ice is possible, however, warming up by a fire and several hot and cold cock- is designed to make the system believe hat every schools needs
certainly not a given. But toasting marshmallows for tails such as the $7 Cinnal- more efficient and make more tampering with.”
that doesn’t mean that plans smores—there are places for ove, made with Absolut Va- schools eligible for state funding. Walker said he is in favor
Seven of the 12 elemen- of keeping open Wadsworth, a
can’t be made for a variety all of this, too. Those who nilla, Irishman’s coffee and tary schools recommended to be magnet school.
of fun outdoor activities just want to watch can catch cinnamon. closed are in Walker’s district. “There are 160 students there
including sliding, gliding the action from an observa- The Rink at Park Tavern The schools targeted for closure and they are doing well,” Walker
and racing across frozen tion deck. is located at 500 10th St. in in the proposal by MGT Amer- said. “But there aren’t enough stu-
surfaces. Snow Mountain will be Atlanta and is open through ica are Livsey, Medlock, Rock dents there to justify its existence.
Whether one stays in producing 320 tons of fresh Feb. 14. Chapel, Bob Mathis, Atherton, In my opinion, we need to find a
DeKalb County or ventures powder daily using treated For more information, Glen Haven, Gresham Park, Sky way to fix Wadsworth to keep it
into neighboring territories, and recycled lake water un- visit Haven, Toney, Peachcrest, Wad- open. We don’t need to close it or
one can easily find several til it closes on March 7. or call (404) 249-0001. sworth and Kittredge elementary consolidate it.”
places where snow and ice Cost ranges from $17 to schools, Avondale High School The proposal calls for the
are practically guaranteed to $27 for a two-hour session. and Avondale Middle School. system to be redistricted into five
Walker knows that closing super clusters.
be in place—regardless of For more information, visit Ice skating rink at Centen- some schools is inevitable, but A series of public workshops
the temperature outside. www.snowmountainpark. nial Olympic Park the DeKalb County School Board have been scheduled to help
Here are a few of our com or call (770) 498-5690. member is spreading the message residents better understand the
favorites that we heartily Stone Mountain Park is lo- Centennial Olympic that high-achieving schools are to proposal and give them an op-
recommend: cated U.S. Highway 78, exit Park in the heart of Atlanta be saved. portunity to voice their opinions.
8 in Stone Mountain. is the granddaddy of all the “We’re going to have to close The first two were scheduled for
local outdoor venues. It was schools, that’s a given,” Walker Jan. 18 at Miller Grove and Jan.
Snow Mountain at Stone 13 years ago when the park said. “But we ought not close the 19 at Druid Hills Middle School.
Mountain Park The Rink at Park Tavern opened its first skating rink ones that are performing well.” The remaining workshops are Jan.
and it’s been popular ever Four of the 12 elementary 20 at Chamblee High School, Jan.
It’s back for the third A new venue for frigid since. schools on the list—Medlock, 25 at McNair High School, Jan.
Atherton, Glen Haven and Gresh- 26 at Bethune Middle School and
consecutive year. Snow fun is Atlanta’s The Rink at Open daily through Jan. am Park—failed to make AYP Jan. 27 at Stone Mountain High
Mountain–a hillside of man- the Park Tavern restaurant, 30, the rink allows visitors (Annual Yearly Progress) in 2010. School.
made snow produced around located adjacent to Pied- to take to the ice or hang According to the proposal, The superintendent will make
the clock despite tempera- mont Park. out in covered observation which has two options, 27 schools a recommendation to the board on
tures that don’t always dip Ice skating takes place seating complete with mu- in the county are at less than 75 Feb. 7, then the board will hold
below freezing. in a heated tent complete sic and theatrical lighting. percent occupancy and are not public hearings on March 1 and
Young and old alike can with piped-in music and Admission is $7 per person receiving state funding for some March 3 before a final vote is
dash down one of 20 tubing rink-side dining. The rink is and $2 for skate rental for a programs. Only two schools taken on March 7.
runs, and new this year is 85 feet long by 40 feet wide 90-minute session. Lockers
a Avalanche Alley, a group and can accommodate 200 are $1. Take note this venue
tubing experience in which skaters at a time. Tickets does not accept credit cards.
five guests can ride together
down the 400-foot tubing
can be purchased for a skat-
ing session for $10, with an
Discounts are available for
students with identification
Medlock Continued From Page 1A
hill. Also making its debut additional charge of $5 for and groups of 20 or more. Akhbar, the regional repre- next steps: “The only way we
this season is Fort Snow, an skate rental. Centennial Olympic sentative for eight local PTAs. can create a feasible plan is to
area for children to crawl This venue uses a sys- Park is located at 265 Cen- “We have to work with other enlist many, many volunteers
through a tunnel of snow. tem of underground piping tennial Olympic Park Drive schools and come up with a to offer their time and tal-
And they haven’t forgotten of glycol, a type of anti- in Atlanta. For more infor- plan,” he said. “The reality is ents. This, quite simply, is not
about the little ones, there’s freeze, with layers of water mation, visit www.centen- that we have to close schools, a job a couple of PTA officers
a special area for children to create the skating surface. or call (404) that’s the bottom line.” can run with….What we need
ages 3 and younger called Rink-side treats include 223-4412. Akhbar did note, however, is a committee of dedicated
that schools would be pitted parents who are willing to work


against one another to avoid together over the next two to
closure. three weeks to focus on the ac-
Two days after the first tion items involved in giving us
meeting, a Medlock PTA e- a viable presentation on behalf
mail was sent out throughout of Medlock to share with the
the community detailing the school board.”

Photo by Sarah Bakhtiari

Academy concept better prepares

students for middle school
by Sarah Bakhtiari Roaden. the academy concept. Lee, hort group to collaborate appropriate for their age
After the construction who will become principal with,” she said. With the group. For example, pro-
City Schools of Decatur is completed, there will be at Fifth Avenue, said that newer system filled with 9-, fessional coaches come in
is re-opening Fifth Avenue 24 classrooms and 18 to she believes the students 10- and 11-year-olds, stu- to teach students how to
school as the city’s sole 20 teachers, according to and the teachers benefit dents and teachers are able enhance their listening and
fourth-fifth grade school this Glennwood’s principal, Dr. much from the different sys- to work together, and the speaking skills, which dif-
fall. The school will be larg- Gloria Lee. Also, a multi- tem. school can concentrate on fer from those of younger
er than Glennwood Acad- purpose room will be added. “We’re able to focus on the needs and programs of students.
emy, which will become Fifth Avenue, which just fourth and fifth grad- older elementary students. “We can build on those
the city’s fourth elementary was closed in 2004 due to ers,” she said. “It just makes sense,” basic skills taught in K
school next school year and low student enrollment, is She explained that when Lee said. “They’re still in through 3,” Lee said. “We
serve students in kindergar- being rebuilt to make the Decatur had seven elemen- elementary school, but we want to enrich the overall
ten through third grades. classrooms and the other tary schools with grades K wanted to begin thinking educational experience.”
According to Bruce instructional spaces bigger through five, it was harder about moving them to the At Glennwood, newly
Roaden, the system’s di- and more fitting for students to concentrate on each indi- next experience [middle appointed Dianna Herron-
rector of community rela- and teachers. vidual grade level. In some school].” Watson will be the principal
tions, the main reason Fifth Currently, Glennwood of the schools, there were Children in fourth and at the start of the school
Avenue is being rebuilt is has 17 teachers and the only one or two teachers fifth grades have a different year in the fall, and teachers
the student body has out- classrooms and cafeteria are for fourth and fifth grade, set of skills than younger from the other elementary
grown Glennwood. “It will small. and sometimes one teacher children, she said, and schools in the Decatur sys-
be 10,000 square feet big- The 2010-11 school year taught both levels. teachers and staff are able tem will be chosen to teach
ger than Glennwood,” said is the system’s seventh with “They didn’t have a co- to set up more programs at Glennwood.

New store in Avondale Estates gives

second chance to merchandise and pets
by Kathy Mitchell go to areas where there are several of them. We’re right next to the
police station so we feel safe, and
When Tanya Mahrous it’s a nice large space.”
accepted a buyout package from In fact, the owners first thought
her corporate job she knew exactly the space might be too big. “We
what she wanted her next move to were going to partition it off to
be. She wanted to start a business keep it from looking bare, but that
that combined a favorite pastime— hasn’t been necessary since large
bargain hunting—and a passion— numbers of donations came in the
helping homeless pets. She returned first week,” Mahrous said.
briefly to her hometown of Lincoln, She noted that she’s also pleased
Neb., where she shadowed a friend with the quality of the merchandise
with a second-hand shop. Then that’s being donated. “Many of
with her husband, Toby Tobias, our donors tell me that they are so
she opened her dream shop, Second delighted with what we’re doing
Life, in Avondale Estates earlier this that they are happy to donate high
month. quality items.”
The business name has a double Mahrous said that her experience
meaning. When customers buy the as a bargain hunter has helped in
previously owned items in the store pricing the merchandise. When
they help to give homeless animals something really unusual is donated,
a chance at adoption. Actually a she may ask the donor for help in
Wife and husband owners Tanya Mahrous and Toby Tobias say their rescued
nonprofit, the business depends on Dalmatian Lucky was the inspiration for starting their business. Photos by Kathy assessing its value. Second Life
donated items and volunteer help. Mitchell sells gently used clothing, home
Mahrous is the only employee. décor and furniture in a boutique-
the store most days, however, is the smaller dogs and want to adopt
“And right now, I’m pretty much style environment. The owners say
couple’s Dalmatian Lucky. them as puppies. They also more
a volunteer, too,” Second Life’s “He’s our CSO—our chief smile often want females. I can’t imagine they are striving for consignment
president and co-founder said with store quality at thrift store prices.
officer,” Mahrous said. “He makes what the last 10 years would have
a laugh. Tobias, who spends most “We want to give our customers
our customers smile.” The 15- or been like without him.”
of his time working toward a Ph.D. good deals, but we want to make
16-year-old animal—elderly by dog After looking around a bit,
degree at the University of Georgia, enough money to make a real
standards—comes slowly forward Mahrous and Tobias settled on the
works there on a volunteer basis difference,” Mahrous said.
to check out strangers who come in, space near North Clarendon and
whenever he has free time. Noting that approximately
then returns to his bed in the corner. Avondale Road, which she said
Profits are donated to four 80,000 unwanted pets—about
She said that Lucky, whom they seems to be working out perfectly.
non-profit organizations that have 200 a day—are put to death in the
adopted just days before he was It’s near their home and has other
missions that involve rescuing Atlanta area each year, Mahrous
scheduled to be euthanized, has advantages as well. “There are lots
animals. One day, Mahrous said, said, “If we can reduce that number
been with them approximately 10 of other bargain shops in the area—
there may be actual adoption events substantially, this will all be
years. “He was classified as hard to Finders Keepers, the Salvation
at the store, which she said offers worthwhile.” The store’s mantra,
place because he was a large, older Army—and that actually helps since
education on spaying, neutering and dog—and male. Most people want people shopping resale stores like to she said, is “save money; save a
pet adoption. The only animal in pet’s life.”

ATLANTA BROOKHAVEN Rep. Howard Mosby, chair of
the DeKalb House delegation at
photographer Alan Mothner.
The class will cover such topics
(404) 656-0287. as what the basic settings mean,
Fellini film to be shown at Author to speak at library and optimizing composition and
Emory lighting. Each week participants
Author Jonathan Maxwell get a specific assignment and
Emory University has an-
nounced a free showing of the
will discuss his book Murderous
Intellectuals: German Elites and DECATUR then spend part of the next
class reviewing each student’s
Federico Fellini film Amarcord, the Nazi SS at the Brookhaven Russian troupe to perform pictures. A syllabus and general
Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 7:30 p.m. Library Saturday, Jan. 29. A photography handout will be
Most often translated as “I re- nominee for the Allbooks Review Performance company distributed at the first class.
member,” Amarcord is Fellini’s Editor’s Choice Award for 2011, Golden Gates will be at the Classes will be held
loosely autobiographical, epi- this title examines why so many Decatur Library Thursday, Jan. Thursdays from Jan. 27
sodic account of growing up in well-educated professionals 27. Golden Gates was created through March 23, 7 - 9 p.m. at
the Adriatic coastal city of Rimini willingly joined the National in 1993 in St. Petersburg, Dunwoody Nature Center, 5343
during Italy’s Fascist 1930s. “Al- Socialist Party. The event will Russia. Students, ages 5 Roberts Drive, Dunwoody. Fees
ternating between poignant sen- be 2-3 p.m. at the Brookhaven to 15, under the direction of are $150 for members; $200 for
timentality and bawdy humor, the Library, 1242 N. Druid Hills Marina Tourlygina, will show general public participants. For
total was pure Fellini and one of Road, Atlanta. For more off their skillful virtuosity, colorful more information and to register,
the biggest critical and box office information, call (404) 848-7140. costumes, syncopation of visit
successes of the writer-director’s footwork, gymnastic leaping and
career,” states the university’s foot-stomping ferocity. Moscow
announcement. The screening
will be in White Hall 208, 301
CHAMBLEE Nights, an ensemble of talented
Russian folk musicians, tours LITHONIA
Dowman Dr., Atlanta. For more with Golden Gates. Sponsored
information, visit www.filmstud- Chinese New Year Step show proceeds to go
by the Friends of the Decatur or call (404) 727- celebration announced toward scholarships
Library, the event is at 7 p.m. It
6761. Parking near White Hall is free and seating is on a first-
is available for free starting at 7 Community members are The Kapsi Foundation
come, first-served basis. The
p.m. in the Oxford Road parking invited to performances of drum- of Decatur Inc, a non-profit
Decatur Library is located at 215
deck. ming, dancing and a Chinese organization that provides
Sycamore St., Decatur. For more
traditional musical instrument in college scholarships to
information, call (404) 370-3070.
Ralston to speak at Lincoln celebration of the Chinese New metropolitan Atlanta high
Day Dinner Year, Jan. 29. There will also school students will host its
be a shuttlecock kicking com- annual Steppers Challenge
Library to show film
The DeKalb Republican Party petition after the performances. Saturday, Jan. 29, at 4 p.m. The
has announced that Georgia The event will be 11 a.m. - noon event will be at Martin Luther
As part of its Friday mov-
Speaker of the House David at the Chamblee Library, 4115 King Jr. High School, 3991
ies series, the Toco Hill-Avis
Ralston will be the featured Clairmont Road, Chamblee. For Snapfinger Road, Lithonia.
G. Williams Library on Jan. 28
speaker at its annual Lincoln more information, call (770) 936- “Teams from local elementary,
will screen Dirty Rotten Scoun-
Day Dinner on Friday, Feb. 11, at 1380. drels, starring Michael Caine middle and high schools are
the Druid Hills Golf Club begin- and Steve Martin. The 1988 sure to provide an entertaining
ning at 6 p.m. film is rated PG and runs for 110 level of showmanship and
Sixth District U.S. Represen-
tative Tom Price will be a spe-
CLARKSTON minutes. Every Friday afternoon
the library presents a mix of new
precision as they compete for
prizes and bragging rights,” the
cial guest. The annual non-par- releases and old favorites. When announcement states. Tickets
tisan event is sponsored by the Legislative delegations are $10 at the door. Proceeds
to host public hearing available, movies are presented
Senator Jim Tysinger Breakfast with closed captioning to assist will be used for scholarships.
Forum and is open to the public those with hearing difficulties. For more information, contact
for discussion of current events. The DeKalb County Legisla- event chairman Clarence Wells
tive delegations from the State The films are shown 1:30-3:30
The forum is in its 35th year. p.m. at the Toco Hill-Avis G. Wil- at (404) 214-7400.
Tickets are $50 per person House will hold their annual pub-
lic hearing on Monday, Jan. 24, liams Library, 1282 McConnell
and may be obtained by visiting Dr., Decatur. For more informa-
the DeKalb Republican Party of- at 7 p.m. at the DeKalb Techni- Sushi workshop announced
cal Institute Clarkston Campus tion, call (404) 679-4404.
fices in Embry Village shopping
center at I-285 and Chamblee- Conference Center, 495 North Chinatsu Miyauchi of Genji
Tucker Road. Tuesdays and Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston. Inc. will present Sushi for You,
Thursdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., or The 2011 Session of the a sushi workshop and hands-on
by phone at (770) 451-4174, or Georgia General Assembly be- demonstration, Saturday, Jan.
(770) 934-1635 and by mail at gan on Monday, Jan. 10. The 29. Call or visit the branch to
public hearing will give DeKalb Photography class offered register. The event is 2-3 p.m. at
the DeKalb GOP at P.O. Box
941038, Atlanta, GA 31141, with residents the opportunity to be the Lithonia-Davidson Library,
heard on issues being consid- Dunwoody Nature Center 6821 Church St., Lithonia. For
order forms on the web site:
ered during the legislative ses- has announced that it is offering more information, call (770) 482-
sion. a six-week class on digital 3820.
Reservations are required no
For more information, contact photography with professional
later than Monday, Feb. 7. THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2011 Page 17A

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Tucker’s Cloud pushes toward another state wrestling title

by Bryan Fazio passed along to his brother I had pushed, and my mom wins, he talks to me about “He’s just been working re-
Anthony Cloud, who helped push me. I just kept what he could do better. ally hard.”
The saying goes “You wrestled in the 215-pound my trust in God and ee He’s just a student of the That work ethic has
can’t win on talent alone.” weight class at Tucker be- pulled me through.” sport.” spread to the entire Tucker
Even when that talent fore Carey. An owner of a day- This year there’s been team, the one that Cloud
gives one the athleticism The drive, meanwhile, care service, Felecia has plenty of winning. Cloud has been the captain of for
to play two sports and has comes from his mother Fe- kept Cloud going through has rolled through his op- the past two years.
been passed along through licia. school, football and wres- ponents, mainly having to During his senior year
genetics, champions still After Cloud lost the tling, constantly urging him rely on himself to keep at Cloud has been working on
have to put in a little extra. state championship his to do more, and to do what- the absolute best level on both his individual achieve-
For Tucker senior Car- sophomore year, his coach- ever he is working at better. the mat. The easy victories ments and that of his team,
ey Cloud, there is definitely es laid out a plan for him “It’s always been like have left his coach hoping getting to the point that he
enough talent. As a fresh- to become a better, more that,” Cloud said. for some more solid compe- and his co-captain Gabriel
man Cloud earned a spot offensively aggressive That effort led him to tition before the state tour- Miller run the first 35 min-
on the Tucker wrestling wrestler. That plan called a state title after defeating nament on Feb. 18. utes of each practice by
team and as a sophomore for more effort than just Joshua Lewis of Northwest “We have the north met- themselves.
he wrestled his way to a showing up at practice and Whitfield 5-4 last season. ro tournament coming up, “I continue to push my-
second-place finish in the leaving when the coaches He followed his state, per- and hopefully he can get self as well as continuing to
AAAA state championship said the team was done. formance with an eight challenged there.” Miller push my teammates,” Cloud
tournament. Following a full day at place finish in nationals said. “I really don’t want said. “Last year I focused
However, from there his school when Cloud finished held in Virginia Beach. his toughest match to come more on myself and this
personality, drive and ambi- with his homework there Cloud pushed through at state.” year I’m focused on all of
tion kicked in, helping to were plenty of times when his junior year where he While Miller may be us getting better together.”
make him a state champion he started to turn on the TV continued to do whatever concerned about it, Cloud’s Cloud’s focus is leading
in the 152-pound class his and melt into the couch. the coaches asked by put- focus has not dwindled due him to chase another state
junior season and propel- However, for someone ting in his usual 100 per- to his lack of appropriate championship. But beyond
ling him to an undefeated wanting to become a state cent effort, and continued to challengers. He has contin- that his sights are set on a
record (29-0) thus far in his champion and someone liv- get better. ued to work hard in practice loftier goal.
senior year. ing under Felecia Cloud’s “He wants to learn the and his weight has dropped “My ultimate goal is
The talent comes from roof, that wasn’t going to sport, which is really what from 152 to 145 pounds to win the state champion-
his father, Charles Cloud cut it. shows up when he goes just on training and running ship,” Cloud said. “Not
who won the 103-pound “At times I wanted to out and wrestles,” Tucker alone. only to win state but to go
state championship when he give up,” Cloud said. “But, wrestling coach Shannon “It’s not been any di- higher than that and win
was in high school, and was I knew what my goals were. Miller said. “Even when he eting at all,” Miller said. nationals.”

and is expected to feature several DeKalb

Vaughters finalist for County players. There also will be junior
girls all-star game as well as boys and
national award girls senior all-star games.
Tucker senior linebacker James
Vaughters has been named one of five
finalists for the Franklin D. Watkins
Memorial Award. The annual award,
Agnes Scott guard named
presented by the National Alliance of Af- conference player of week
rican American Athletes, is given to the Agnes Scott sophomore guard Gene-
nation’s top Black high school scholar- fine Sapateh was named Great South At-
athlete. Vaughters has a 4.0 grade point lantic Conference player of the week for
average at Tucker and will attend Stan- the week ending Jan. 9. Sapateh averaged
ford University on a football scholarship 16.6 points, 12 rebounds and four steals
next fall. He is a member of Habitat For in games against Piedmont, LaGrange
Humanity, Young Life and volunteers at and Wesleyan. Sapateh, a Greenforest
area elementary schools. Vaughters par- Academy graduate, had 17 points, 14 as-
ticipated recently in the Under Armour sists, four steals and four assists in the
Army All-American all-star game and Scotties’ 64-40 win over Wesleyan.
was an all-state player his senior season.
Emory’s Lombardo sets
Chamblee coach to head school pole vault record
Sophomore Anthony Lombardo set
all-star team the Emory University indoor pole vault
Chamblee head boys basketball coach record with a vault of 4.45 meters last
Caesar Burgess has been chosen as week at the Appalachian Open. Lom-
the head coach of the North team in the bardo finished fourth in the meet while
GACA junior boys all-star game. The breaking the old school record of 4.42
game will be played March 26 in Augusta meters set by Mark Kleinhopf in 1985. THE CHAMPION FREE PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 2011 Page 19A

Purple pride:
by Robert Naddra Sharman White started the
Miller Grove takes team-first
attitude into national spotlight
In addition to Parker, ing about yourself. It’s differ- to the younger players. program when the school White has three seniors who ent this year. We’re all one. “I’ll check in on JV prac-
opened in 2005. The system have the potential to land We all revolve around each tice and they’ll be messing
From the moment a is working as the Wolverines college basketball scholar- other. If a teammate is down, around,” Brooks said. “I’ll
basketball player slips on were 14-0 before their Jan. ships. Provost and point I know exactly what is going let them know what it is and
the purple jersey at Miller 19 game against Dunwoody guard Thomas Marshall on inside his head.” that they can’t be doing that.”
Grove, the concept is and ranked in the top four form one of the top back- Said Marshall: “There’s It’s a message Brooks
drummed into his head. nationally in three differ- courts in the state. Forward no individual better than and the other seniors also
Team. ent high school basketball Henry Brooks, 6-8, is a everyone else. We all feel picked up along the way
Devon Provost first got polls—PrepNation (No. 2), versatile player who has sev- like we need each other to from former players includ-
a taste of that concept com- ESPN (No. 4) and USA To- eral scholarship offers from be successful and we’re like ing Mfon Udofia, who now
ing up from the junior varsity day (No. 4). across the country, includ- a family. Everybody knows starts at Georgia Tech, and
to the varsity as a sopho- The Wolverines have ing Georgetown, Harvard, Tony but we know he’s not Donte Williams, a standout
more. beaten teams from five other Maryland, Northwestern and our only weapon.” last season who is a fresh-
“You hear about it in states and have wins against Oregon State. In addition to focusing man at Georgia.
practice, before games, dur- former national No. 1 Milton “Nobody has the spot- on team first, White makes “Being on same team
ing games,” said Provost, a (a Class AAAAA team from light,” Brooks said. “You sure his players are account- with Mfon was a great learn-
6-foot-3 senior guard. “The Alpharetta), and Columbia, pick up the concept of want- able on and off the floor, and ing experience,” Marshall
coaches and players always the defending Class AAA ing to win instead of worry- that the message filters down said. “When the game got
talk about it.” champions. See Purple on Page 20A
For an outsider, it may be “Tony is the engine that
easy to label Tony Parker drives us but we wouldn’t be
as the superstar for the Wol- where we are without every-
verines. one else on the team,” White
After all, the 6-foot-8 ju- said. “This came from work-
nior has more than two doz- ing on the team as a whole
en scholarship offers, includ- and developing a good work
ing Duke, Georgetown, Ohio ethic. My teams have always
State, Georgia and Georgia been like that.”
Tech. Parker leads the county It starts with character
in rebounding and is one of development, which White
the top scorers in DeKalb said begins at home with ev-
for a team that has won two ery player.
straight Class AAAA state “These are high-charac-
titles. He has a 27-rebound ter kids and they’re taught
game to his credit this year to stay humble and stay
and was named MVP of a hungry,” he said. “It makes
holiday tournament. it a lot easier to establish the
But the team concept has concept I’m trying to get
been in place since coach across.”

Did you miss a game?

Don’t worry.
Each week The Champion spotlights former high
school players from the county who are succeeding in The Champion sports section provides award-
athletics on the college level.
winning local high school sports coverage
Richie Gordon, Western Carolina (basketball): The featuring:
senior forward from Lakeside had 16 points and nine
rebounds in a 79-78 win over Appalachian State and • Weekly highlights.
had eight points and eight rebounds in a 70-63 win
over Elon last week. • In-depth features.
Saadia Doyle, Howard (basketball): The sophomore
• In-game action photos.
from Columbia had 29 points and 15 rebounds in a
69-53 win over North Carolina A&T last week. Doyle
tied a season-high for rebounds and has scored at
least 20 points in seven games this season.
Travis Leslie, Georgia (basketball): The junior guard
from Columbia had 38 points and 15 rebounds in two
games last week. Leslie, who has scored in double Stay connected:
figures in six straight games, had 21 points and 13
rebounds in a 73-66 loss to Vanderbilt.

Purple Continued From Page 19A ‘We’re not successful

close he took control.” after them the way. Hard said. “We’ve tried to set an
Miller Grove has never
had a losing season and has
not had more than six losses
work dedication and sacrifice
has become the standard.”
Although he has
example. We have the com-
munity behind us. We
have to have character
without every guy in the
in a season since the first
varsity team went 19-10
in 2006. Six players have
another year left at
Miller Grove, Parker
also does his part to
at all times, even if
we’re just going to
Wal-mart to buy
purple jerseys.’
earned scholarships since the set an example for the chips. We want to
program began. players behind him. show people we’re – Tony Parker
“The kids see what hard “We’re not suc- good young men
work looks like,” White said. cessful without every and more than just
“There’s a list guy in the purple basketball players.”
of kids that jerseys,”
show kids Parker

Miller Grove bsketball players, from left, Thomas Marshall, Tony Parker, Henry Brooks and Devon Provost have helped the Wolverines go undefeated so far this season. Photo by Robert Naddra

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