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SECTION I (30 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this Section.

QUESTION 1. (each question carries 2 marks)

a) Define charge and how many types of charge are there?

b) Define electric potential and explain the statement ‘the potential difference
between two point is 1V’?
c) Define the term resistance and state its S.I units?
d) How does resistance of the wire depend on its length and cross-sectional area of
The conductor?

e) What is Ohm’s law? Define ohmic and non-ohmic conductor?

f) What is the magnitude of electronic charge and how many electrons present in 1C charge?
g) How is work done to move a charge of Q C from a point B to A is related to the potential at
A and B?
h) Draw the graph of V=IR and how you can find the value of the resistance from the graph?
i) Consider Q coulomb of charge flows steadily through any cross-section of the conductor at
time t find current I in terms of Q and t. what is the value of I if Q=3.5C and t=10 s?
j) Write the value of equivalent resistance if two resistors of 2Ω and 2.5Ω are connected in
parallel and series?
k) What is resistivity of a conductor? Define 1Ω-m resistivity?
l) What is power? Define 1-watt power?
m) What is emf of a cell?
n) A bulb of 100 W,220V is connected to 220V calculate its resistance?
o) State two factors on which resistivity of a conductor depends?

QUESTION 2. (each question carries 3 marks)

a) Draw the I-V graph from the data given below in following table and also find the value of
resistance from the graph and also state whether the graph follows Ohm’s law or not

0 0
2 1
3 1.5
4 2
5 2.5
6 3
7 3.5

b) 6.25x1032 electrons flow through a 1m2 cross section of a conductor of length 1m at time 5
min. Calculate the steady current flowing through a conductor, also find the resistance if the
resistivity of a conductor is 1.8x10-8Ω-m and also calculate the potential difference at the
end of the conductor.
c) Show that if three resistance of value R1, R2,R3 are connected in series then their equivalent
resistance is the sum of all the three resistance?
d) If 2 joules of work is done by you in moving a charge of 3C from infinity to a point B then find
the potential at point B? if 3 joules of work is done in moving the same charge from infinity
to a point A then find the potential difference between two points?
e) Write three difference between primary and secondary cell?
f) Draw a V-I curve for a conductor at two different temperature. What conclusion do you
draw from your graph for the variation of resistance of conductor with temperature?
g) Name the material which is used for making the connection wire. Give reason for your
answer. Why should a connection wire be thick?
h) A battery of e.m.f 15 V and internal resistance 3Ω is connected to two resistors 3Ω and 6Ω
connected to parallel.
a. Find the current through the battery.
b. P.D between the terminals of the battery
c. The current in 3Ω & 6Ω resistance

i) From the given fig below find the current through both the ammeter and also find the
voltage across 8Ω resistance?

j) find the equivalent resistance between A and B?

k) find the potential difference between the points A and C, C and B , A and D, D and B

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