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Groen Power Plo across the Ocean Life of Al AGarden, Three Sons, and Some Rope: ait 09 Unit 10 oie 11 Unit 12 ‘Something in the Air ‘The Escalator Mystery Acid or Alkali? ‘The Human Machine Social{Studies) Lena the Unstoppable I's Raining Cats and ... Catst AStory of Two Kingdoms AButcher, a Baker: One Clover Money-Maker f=» Unit 13 ait 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 ASecret from Rembrandt. ‘Minuet in G Major, by ... Met Lot's Play Ball Tiptoe Tapping, the Tinikling = About My Best Reading 108 + Word index 110 ‘+ Scope & Sequence Green Power Pie across the Ocean A Garden, Three Sons, and Some Rope Key Words ‘© Look and listen. Then repeat the word. Q@ 4 fel 5 2 | Esit#] no lea fs] framed Perfect score Have you ever grown ] 2 ; Plage? Done? © Fillin the biank to complete the sentence. ee \ 1. Mom When | do something she doesn't like, have on you? 2. Mia gota ‘on her exam, She answered every question right. 3 Younave to on your studies. Don't listen to music. 4 Can you water my while I'm away trom home? 5 That pieture is our family phot. & Wetook a With lots of dificult questions. Green-Power o= as ‘Tara frowned at the clock. The test was tomorrow, and “What's this?” Tara asked, confused. there was too much to study! “There's no time to explain. Just look at it ‘Mom came in quietly. Tara expected healthy snacks. right before the test. Trust me!” But Mom set down two houseplants instead. Then she In class, Tara felt very silly, but she did it. ‘opened the curtains, Her test results came the next day: “Mom!” Tara said, “What are you doing?” 100 percent—her first perfect score! “Oh, nothing,” Mom said. “Study hard!” “Was concentrating easier?” Mom asked. The next morning, Tara was leaving. Mom gave her a “Yes!” Tara smiled. “How did you know?” framed picture. It was... trees! “The plants help. Seeing plants and trees improves concentration, Even pictures of plants work!” >: picture nelp Tara? [© expect to think or betove that something wl happn trust tohhave confidence; to depend on Sresu —the fa cove ofa gums, test, te S improve to.get batter Comprehension ( What is the passage mainly about? © the environment © 900d study habits © abenefit of plants ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 1 Mom brought Tara ( snacks / plants ) when she was studying. 2, Tara's mom opened the (curtains / windows) in Tara's room. 3 Tara brought a (picture / houseplant ) to school. ‘© Choose the best answer to each question. 1 What made Tara fee! silly in class? @ Mom's snacks ® apicture @ her score 2. What helped with Tara's concentration? (Pick two.) @ green desks © apicture of plants © houseplants 3. What is true about Tara's test score? @ twas perfect. © twas late. © Itwas silly. 0 © Read the passage again. Then complete the chart below. Having Houseplantsin the Room Before afer + Mom gave Tara wo houseplants Tara got her fst perfect score and a tamed ‘ conthe test. + Tara looked at the picture before + Seeing and the Plants Help Me! ‘There is ofn) | rosemary plant! Sin my room, 2+ | Sells good and makes freshoir Feel Ged) when T see the plant. improves concentration. There is a(n) inmy room. It -Tfeel when T see the plant. Key Words ‘® Look and listen. Then repeat the word. @B ' Ema was’ . eg =< dessert sheep +3 6 Bh soe symbol soldier ab ‘© Fillin the blank to complete the sentence. 1 ‘are animals covered with curly wool, 2 Ths isonsal atthe sor today. 3 Youeat after the main meals. It's usually sweet. What's your 4 Youcanstow aconeentbyusinga favorite dish? Where is it from? 5 His jobis fighting for his country. He's a 6 Jamesisa chet. He makes various pies and other desserts. 3 ( Pie across the Ocean c= ae | For British and American people, pies are "more than desserts. They're special, traditional BS dishes, And some are not for dessert. They're dinner! Meat Pie In Britain, meat pie isa traditional dinner. At first, most ‘meat pies had birds. In the Middle Ages, people often cooked birds called miagpiés. They put them in round pastries. Over time, these pastries got the name “pie.” It came from “magpie.” Today, steak pies are most common. In areas like Wales, sheep are common. So lamb pies are ‘traditional existing fra tong time without changing lamb a young sheep orits meat Apple Pie Apple pie means “Americans,” Europeans made apple pie first. They came to America with it. Over the years, it became a US cultural symbol, like hot dogs. In World War 1, American soldiers even said, “We are fighting for Mom and apple pie.” Later, companies used this idea. They wanted their products to mean the same, =») eultural eating toa parteuta society and its cutie company _abusiness organization that sls goods or services 5 Comprehension © Read the passage again. Then complete the chart below. ‘Two Different Pies Meat pie Apple pie + Inthe past, meat was from . made i fist, E * Itbecame a cultural symbol of © common ingredients of pie +The word "pie" is from (© What is the passage mainly about? @ the history of pie © pie as a main dish ! * Companies used this idea for . pies and lamb their pies are common today. ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 1 The first meat pie had ( birds / steaks ) in it. 2. Europeans made apple pe (before/after) they went to America 3 Apple pie became a ( product / symbol ) of America, @cn the Bak —— zi Famous Dishes around the World joose answer to each question. Each country has its fornous dishes. Some became the word food? 1 What isa magpie? 1 like to eat vorious dishes from other countries. @ anarea ® adessert © abia 2. Which kind of meat pie is popular in Wales? @ tamb ® hot dog © steak 3. Who else tried to use symbols of America? @ mothers @ companies © Bitish people 6 Key Words © Look and listen. Then repeat the word. Q@ 2 = 3 = aa retrigrator 5 8 pour environment. ‘© Fillin the blank to complete the sentence. 1. You can keep fed fresh and coat in the 2 The {s the natural world that surrounds us. 3 Gan you ‘some hot milk in this cup for me? 4 Don't throw away ald paper ar bottles. They are for 5 Pourthe chocolate into the bow! while itis stil liquid ‘ {sa meta that is used for making cans. Life of Al c= Wait! Don't open that yet! That's Al, the aluminum can, A machine poured the melted aluminum into a rectangle. Then another machine stretched it out, Paper-thin. Then the third machines cut out circles and, Where did Al come from? He took a long road to your pulled them into cup shapes. refrigerator, Let's follow his journey. It wasn't over yet. Another machine poured the soda in. Alwas born at the recycling plant, First, he was just Finally, a lid went on top, Now Alisa whole can! : melted aluminum. That came from his parents, They are Al wants to be a father someday too. So it’s important to old cans, aluminum foil, and car parts. recycle Al, And it's good for the environment! (2 was : [Journey atipromone place to another stretch —to-spead or extend plant afactryorbuilling where a process happens © shape specific fox othe outino of somathing Comprehension © Read the passage again, Then complete the chart below. How Al Became a Whole an © Complete the topic sentence of the passage. 1. Amachine poured melted aluminum into ain), -—_—_—— mecnsnmnneeaneeeemmannan Ct nee | + hatin tia i “me ; nenneeeanener en nere ener ener eeneneereeneneenenenenenenel shapes. Xenon 5. Alid went on top. Al became a(n) car ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 1 Al started his life in a ( recycling plant / refrigerator ). 2. Alwas party bor trom (car parts / old paper). 3A’ got (soda /a lid )last and became a whole can. ‘© Choose the best answer to each question. 1 What changed A's shape? @ his parents ® machines © soda 2 What is good for the environment? ® aluminum ® awhole can © recycling ‘3. What did machines do to make a whole can? (Pick two.) @ stretch coot Oat 2 Key Words © Look and listen. Then repeat the word. Qw © Fillin the blank to complete the sentence. ‘| When you cut something into a long and thin piece, i's a 2 lalways snacks with my sisters, 3. Don't turn or cross until you see the post office. Just go 4 Weneed astrong to tie those things together. How many different rectangles 5 can you make with a 12-cm rope? ‘You should keep the wire straight. Be careful not to it 6 That ‘separates our garden from our neighbor's. % A Garden, Three Sons, and Some Rope c= @ Farmer Jake was getting old. “Take care of the garden," he told his sons. “Divide the land, The cleverest one gets the most.’ ‘They didn't understand. “Here are three 24-meter ropes,” Jake continued. “You. each take one and make a rectangle—that’s yours. Share whatever’ left equally.” ‘The garden was a square. Each side was 36 meters long. z= ‘What sizeof sreetangle wil you make an the garden” g Jim went to the southeast comer and bent his rope in the middle at 90°, He connected it to the south and east fences. That made a 12-by-12square. “The best corners mine!” he said. Leo was cleverer: He made a straight line to the north fence, “Hat” he laughed, “That's 24 by 121” & But Joe was the cleverest. He connected Leo's rope and the west fence, one meter from the north fence, “Fool!” Leo laughed. “You chose a ‘one-meter-wide strip?” “Nope,” Joe smiled. “Mine's the other side, I's 35 by 24." 53) ‘S eanneet to join two things together a Comprehension ‘© Complete the topic sentence of the passage. Three sons divided their father’s 9 and tried to get the m ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 11 Jake's garden was (1206 m'/ 144m’), 2. Jake wanted his sons to have (his garden / his rope }. 3 (Jim / Joe) got the biggest part. ‘© Choose the best answer to each question. ‘1 What did Jim get? @ thebest corner —-—«@ the fongest rope «© the biggest part 2 What size was Leo's land? @ 12x12m @ 12x24m © 12x36m 3. What is the size of Joe's land? @ 24m? © 14m © 840 m? ‘© Read the passage again. Then complete the chart below. Same Rope, Different Area Lf. Ra ‘ : ‘ Width(em) {1 | 2 4 lergth(em) | 5 | 4 2 Area Yas 8 8 (om) | AS When the rectangle is 1x5 or 5x1, the area is the smallest. Tt is 5 cm*. But when the rectangle is | ,theoreais the biggest. Tris the Unstoppable Moot Lona Maria She never glves up. It’s Raining Cats and... Cats! A Story of Two Kingdoms A Butcher, a Baker: One Clever Money-Maker Who’ the clever one: the butcher oF the baker? Key Words © Look and listen. Then repeat the word. Qm © Fillin the blank to complete the sentence. Who are your role models? After high school, she will go to an art What can you learn from them? a 2 The showed us one of his great paintings 3. Anna doesn't get sick often. She's a very gir. ‘To cross the river | have to _how to swim. 5. The professor gives a great - Its very informative. In order to this scene, I need seven colors. Lena the Unstoppable e= In 1968, Lena Maria Klingvall was born. She was a healthy Swedish baby with a beautiful smile. But she was a little different. Lena had no arms. And her one leg was much smaller than the other This did not stop Lena. She learned to use her feet like hands, She leamed to swim too. She was good at it, In 1988, she went to the Paralympics in Seoul. She got 4" place. [=== c Ww (© unstoppable impossitle to sop be goodat to dosomsthing well 1 Paralympics the Ohrmpc Garnes fr csable atates “ Japan, and Thailand, — Today, Lena is also an artist. She uses her feet to paint. Lena gives lectures about her challenges. She is also the subject of a movie. Lena is a good role model. She gives hope to many people, 1 [a ehallonge something ica that reques great elon eubject atopic of abook era movie ‘rele model someone whose behavior i a.good exam to-copy Comprehension © Read the passage again. Then complete the chart below. - Lena's Achievements: (©) Whats the passage mainly about? + She got 4" place in the in 1988. @ a person who overcame challenges + She studied music, and she became a pro © how to become apro singer + She's ain) ‘She paints with her feet. © the causes of body differences “sho phes bit. hi chaloiiga. * She's ain) of amovie, ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 1 Lena was bom without ( arms / legs ). 2. She learned to (walk fast / swim ) and went to the Paralympics in Seoul 3 She paints with her (feet / mouth ). ‘My Role Model ‘My Role Model ‘© Choose the best answer to each question. My role model is | Lena Maria _—Myrote model is 11 What di Lena do aftr the Paralympics? (Pick two) *Klngill). she has chalerges “He/She has challenges: @ studied music © started swimming © gave lectures | =the 2 What made Lena popular in Thailand? 2, | “She hes one smaller tog @ her swimming © her singing © her ant But she never gave up and But he/she never gave up ond achieved great things: achieved great things: 3. Why is Lena a good role model? @ Shegiveshope. @ Shepaints well. © She's amovie star. Bo your friends have some problems? Can you think of any geod solutions? Key Words © Look and listen. Then repeat the word. Qu 1 mosquito chemicals 4 5 6 S jac ee lizard parachute © Fillin the blank to complete the sentence. 1 Chameleons are reptiles and a kind of 2 An) bit my arm lastnight. fees itchy nowt 3 in «all the animals and plants live in harmony. 4a have six legs. So a spider doesr't belong to them, 5 You can jump from an airplane i you have a(n) & Spray these in the ar, andthe harmful insects wal disappear. 2 It’s Raining Cats and... Cats ‘Nature connects many things. Small changes often ! ow bring unexpected results. There's a popular story about this idea. Here's how it goes. In 1955, a Borneo tribe had a problem: malaria, Mosquitoes spread this disease, and it was dangerous, ‘The tribe called the WHO. They suggested a solution: spray mosquito-killing chemicals ‘The Wo (Wor Heath Organizations 4 part ofthe United Nations that focuses ‘on global health seus, unexpected rot planned happening without warning the ac or method of soking a problem The tribe took the advice, and the mosquitoes died. But many other insects died too. Then lizards ate the sprayed insects, cats ate the lizards, and the cats died. Without cats, the number of rats grew out of control. Now Bomeo had a huge rat problem! To solve this, the UK dropped boxes of cats with parachutes. The cats killed the rats. Finally, things went back to normal. It’s not clear how much of this story is true. But it’s still a good example of how nature connects al life, 0%» Wy di the eats in Borneo [Bout of control impossible to contro 5 noemal ‘he usual state a Comprehension © Complete the topic sentence of the passa een Astory about a Borneo t shows how | connects things. ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 1 People in ( Borneo / the WHO) had a problem with a disease. 2. (Chemicals / Mosquitoes ) solved the malaria problem. 3. (Parachutes / Rats ) caused another problem in Borneo. ‘© Choose the best answer to each question. 1. What is malaria? @akindoftibe akin ofisland © akind of disease 2 Which animals died because of the chemicals? (Pick two.) ® mosquitoes © rats © cats 3. What kiled the rats? @ the chemicals @ new cats © malaria ‘© Read the passage again. Then complete the chart below. Problems & Solutions | Problem Mosquitoes spread | Soution | They sprayed mosqut-kling Result Mosquitoes, other and even cats died. v ‘New problem — The number of ‘grew out of control. Solution The UK dropped eats with Result Gals kled the ats. Things went back to Mary's Problem: Take's Problem: She often comes late to class He always catches colds. Your Advice: Your Advice: 1 Setan alarm every night. Do you know any inter Dea ee ot aU Bai nt Key Words © Look and listen. Then repeat the word. Qm@ 1 ‘© Fillin the blank to complete the sentence. 1. When you 2 Myteacher didn't someone, you de something with them, me for the main role inthe play. 3 Iwas, because Mom was nice only to my brother. 4 The music band is very popular. They lots of fans, 5 The shot the arrow and hit the middle of the target & Alot of people ike Josh. Ho's 45 Long ago, there was a prince named Jumong. His father was Haemosu, the son of the Sky god. His mother was Yoohwa, the daughter of the Water god. Jumong was an excellent archer. Even today, “Jumong” is a nickname for good archers. Jumong was special in many ways and popular among people. His brothers were very jealous and tried to hurt him. So Jumong gathered his followers and left the kingdom. With these people, he began a new country: Goguryeo. [cfolower person wh has leader and follows him/her 12 kingdom — anaton or county that has aking o queon King Jumong had three sons. When he got old, he picked the next Goguryeo king. The next king was Yoori. Yoori’s brothers, Onjo and Biryu left and began their own kingdoms. Onjo named his kingdom Shipjae, meaning “ten followers.” Unfortunately, Biryu died, His followers joined Onjo's kingdom. Onjo changed the name to Baekjae. The name meant “100 followers.” ‘Sunfortnately ina way thats sad or sapponting a7 Comprehension () What is the passage mainly about? @ the kingdoms of Onjo and Biryu © the beginnings of Goguryeo and Backiae © the relationship between Jumong and Yori ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 1 Jumong's ( father / mother ) was the child of the Water god. 2. Jumong’s (father/ brothers) did not ke him. 3. ( Yoori/ Biryu) became the second king of Goguryeo, ‘© Choose the best answer to each question. 1. Who was Jumong? @ aged © marcher © Baokiae's king 2. Who left Goguryeo? (Pick two) ® Yoor © Ono © Biyu 3. Wh did Shipiae change its name? ® It grew big. ® Onjodied. © Followers lett. ‘© Read the passage again. Then complete the chart below. ‘Two Kingdoms Goguryeo HE + Jumong was special and * Onjo and Biryu left Goguryeo. * ‘and began their new kingdoms. + Jumong's brothers were very Aer Bi ce is . Joined Onjo's + sumong ef with is kingdom, and began Goguryeo. * Onjo changed the + Yoori became the second king. of his kingdom to Baekjae. + Goguryeo! The frst king wes Jumong. He wos « good archer. + Bockjoe: The first king was Onjo. He was a son of Jumong. His brother was Yoori the second king of Goguryeo, + Shill: The first king was He was V3} Wo age Where do you go shopping, EA ees eld ROI Key Words © Look and listen. Then repeat the word. Qa ‘© Fillin the blank to complete the sentence. 1 Ifyou want to buy something, youhave to for it 2 The makes fresh bread every morning 3. lIbought some beef and pork at the shop. 4 The ofthe dress is too high. it's not realy worth it 5. There are numbers of walking in the busy street & Myuncle grows vegetables and raises cows on his A Butcher, a Baker: One Clever Money-Maker Q= Smallville had one butcher, Jones and one baker, Brown. Their businesses did well until the Big-Box Superstore ‘opened nearby. Big-Box was cheaper! Big-Box bought lots of food at once, So they got big discounts from farms. Then they sold everything at lower prices and still made good money. === What wil you tuaton t But Jones and Brown only bought small amounts. So they didn’t get big discounts. They couldn't sell at low prices, and they started losing customers. Jones complained. “Don't shop at Big-Box!” he yelled at passersby. No one listened. But Brown didn’t complain. Instead, he checked the bread at Big-Box. Then he baked only different kinds. “You cannot find this at Big-Box!" he said. "It's speciall” People listened to that. Soon, new people started coming to Brown's » They wanted special bread. And they Paid more for it, 94 ‘Beustomer someone who buys goods roma shop {2 complain to say thal you're not happy or saisied wih something Comprehension ‘© Complete the topic sentence of the passage. enencnnenceeen ee When a large store opened, the butcher just vbutthe baker founda solaion to atact © . J ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 1 Big-Box Superstore was (cheaper / closer 2. Big-Box Superstore got big ( prices / discounts ) rom farms, 3. Brown's new bread was itferent / large). ‘© Choose the best answer to each question. 1 What is Big-Box? @ abutcher shop ® abekery © asuperstore 2. How much did Jones and Brown buy from farms? @ small amounts © normal amounts © large amounts 3. Who lost customers in the end? @ Brown ® Jones © Big-Box Superstore © Read the passage again. Then complete the chart below. After Big-BoxOpened E ‘butcher ] } ee | = Complained and yelled at + Checked the a : Big-Box. |» + Baked only kinds listened to him. > New people came and wanted the bread, 2 co ¢ to Brown's Bakery! 3 bo you want fresh-boked bread? Then why not visit us ard look around? ‘We are a small bekery with a long history! ‘+ Why Qur shop? * SOMETHING Td) Sl i PR a rT ut it a) a can © Fillin the blank to complete the sentence. 1 Isntthe ‘dry yet? I need new clothes to wear. 2. He decided to ‘some photos on the wall 3. The air feels so heavy and wet. I's today. 4 isa light cloud low over the ground, 5 When | made a goal, Dad raised his hand and gave me a(n) & Ala) makes the air cool and dry indoors. es es See v YN aS = + i — an a v ve y fey Par u x ; v 2 Be Re hing ‘ vee vy = 2 met un <4 Then Sofie began hanging clotiiés by the air conditioner. * ¥ ae In the Ail cx 6 | > oivervascontusea, but he helped 7 < : : Pel : UN SRRE RIN Sane éxplained. “Humidity is water in the air, like mist. ° Oliver finished hanging laundry. He came inside, When air is full of water, it can’t take more, So the water dripping with sweat: in clothes can’t go into the air. Air conditioners reduce “Y's too hot!” he said, humidity.” “Actually, it's just humid," said his sister Sofie. “Anyway, “And that dries the clothes!” Oliver added. want some help with the laundry?” Then, Dad walked in, “I'm already finished!” Oliver said. “Good idea, Oliver!" he said, giving Oliver a high-five. “No, you're not,” Sofie said. “It’s too humid. The clothes Sofie laughed. “Ha-ha. Good idea ... Oliver!” she said. will never dry outside.” ‘ —" How does Sofie fe inthe WervupeT| (een teed eontused not ebieto understand © dip to let uid alin crops reduce to make somthing sate eles © sweat salty water coming cut of your skin a Comprehension © Whats the passage mainly about? ® doing auncry © humidity inthe air © air conditioning ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 1 Oliver il laundry on (rainy /humid) day. 2 Sofie said the clothes would not get ( clean / dry ) outside. 3. Dad thought ( Oliver / Sofie ) had a good idea. ‘© Choose the best answer to each question. 11 What is true of humidity? (Pick two.) @ Wsinai, © It's tke mist © Neries laundry, 2. What reduces humidity? @ dripping sweat ® hanging laundry © airconditioning 3 Who explained humidity? © Oliver ® Sofie © Dad © Read the passage again. Then complete the chart below. Hanging Laundry ona Humid Day + The airs full of water. onsiae + The water in can't go into the + Clothes will never Sytheair + Anairconditioner humidity. conditioner | + Giothes will well, Linkto SS Today's Weather Temperature: 17°C. & = Temperature: 24°C, Bowl the bal, as + Youneed + Youneed a ball, + Tt has some important rules 1 Baseball = Tools: a basetzall : aball * Rules: Throw the ball right into the target, > the ball DO you DANCE? WHAT KIND OF DANCE DO YOU LIKE? Words. © Look and listen. Then repeat the word. Qa 1 2 LL combine costume tiptoe 4 aur, 5 ‘ { y €. & ¥ if i_~“\ bamboo pole block © Fillin the blank to complete the sentence. You should at night not to make noise. To stay in shape, you should exercise and diet. The fag flies at the top of a long Each stone In this building weighs 30 kilograms. In the play, the actress wore a traditional 6 isnota tree, I's a kind of tropical plant. Tiptoe Tapping, the Tinikling o You know this dance. You just don’t know that you know it! ‘The tinikling is a traditional Filipino dance. It started when Spain ruled the Philippines. It combines native dancing with Spanish music. The dancers usually wear colorful costumes. The name comes from a bird. It steps lightly, quickly, and carefully. Tinikling dancers do that too. Dancers tiptoe between two bamboo poles. Two other people slide the poles. They go together, apart, and together again, And they hit wooden blocks or the floor. That makes a rhythm: clip-clip-clop. The dancers do several steps. They're careful not to hit the poles. It's similar to the “Double Dutch.” That's an American playground game. It uses jump ropes. But it, looks like dancing. Now schools around the world teach tintkling, It’s good exercise and really fun. Try it! Double Dutch isa rope game. Two poopie old the ar fo ropes. Thestherjumps up and down trough we ropes. slide to move something smooth and quietly ‘apart separate fom each other 105 Comprehension ‘© Complete the topic sentence of the passage. ——— _ . |The tinikng isa traditional F ance using two b poles. ‘© Choose the right one according to the passage. 11 The tinting combines native dancing and Spanish ( music / costumes). 2. The name “tinkling” came from a (costume / bid), 3. The bamboo poles hit ( wooden blocks / ropes ) and make a rhythm. ‘© Choose the best answer to each question. 1 Which country ruled the Philippines in the past? @ America Germany © Spain 2. What is the Double Dutch? @ amusic style @ arope game © adance 3 What do the tiniking dancers do? (Pick two.) @ wearcostumes _@ hit the poles © step carefully 4 Pet ‘© Read the passage again. Then complete the chart below. They Are Similar Thetinikting: The Double Dutch * It is a traditional Filipino dance, * Itisia(n) s Ruses baniboo, playground game. * Dancers do several steps but do hues. not hit the + Itlooks tke dancing ‘Do you like to dance? Complete the plan to dance on yourown, 5 z Beatty eA emD Luray Pe ees De eat oR * Come to the playground and enjoy! My Best Reading is a sicievel reading comprehension series for young leamers reaching, to intermediate level, Tis series will help leamers develop their wading comprehension skis through school subjestreloted fictional and non fitional passages and meaningful activities. + Student Book A tought provoking question Bout te topic setates, earners” ‘Word recognition actities using pictures and meaning sentences farvilarizeleamers with important ‘content words before reading, Aetna! or nonfiction reading passage broadens learners! nowtegge of shoal subjects The More Horas & Phrases seeton assists tne reading comprehension. These two types of short question sitemately follow the passage and ‘depen eaers" interest in what theyte reading. Lenmers check thee undersanding through vorlous {ypes of questions and improve ‘heir problem-solving sks. _ Link to Write A elded wing sctvy helps reamers personaze what theyve leamed and complete a paragraph on thei ann + Workbook Learmers wrapup Key wards and key sentences from the reading passages. Trough a summary acti, leamers review whet they've reed once more : Supplements ‘Speaking Worksheets Beyond reading leemers participate various spesting actiies| Using worksheets. Mp3 co An M30 allows earners to listen to ond comprehend hey words nd ead passages. The Ol Resi racks ge xa chance to repeat alltne sentences separate,

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