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Trait Criteria Points

1 2 3 4
Viewers Viewers have Student Students present
cannot difficulty presents information in a
Organization understand the following the information in logical
presentation presentation a logical interesting
because there because sequence which sequence which
is no sequence student jumped audience can audience can
of information around. follow follow.
Students does Student was Student is at Student
not have a uncomfortable ease with demonstrates
grasp of with expected full knowledge
information information answers to all (more than
student cannot and is able to questions about required) by
answer answer only but fails to answering all
questions simple elaborate. class questions
about the questions. with
subject. explanations
and elaboration.
Students uses Student Student Students
redundant occasionally graphics relate graphics explain
Graphics graphics or no uses graphics to text and and reinforce
graphics that rarely presentation screen text and
support text presentation.
Students Presentation Presentation Presentation has
presentation has three has no more no misspellings
Mechanics has four or misspellings than two or grammatical
more spelling and/or misspellings errors.
errors and/or grammatical and/or
grammatical errors grammatical
errors errors
Students reads Student Students Students
all of report occasionally maintains eye maintain eye
Eye Contact with no eye uses eye contact most of contact with
contact contact , but the time but audience,
still reads most frequently seldom
of reports. returns to note returning to
Pronunciation Students Student’s voice Students voice is Student uses a
mumbles, is low. Students clear. Student clear voice and
incorrectly incorrectly pronounces most correct, precise
pronounces pronounce words correctly. pronunciations’
terms and terms. Audience Most audience of terms so that
speaks too have difficulty members can all audience
quietly for hearing hear members can
students in the presentation. presentation. hear
back of class to presentations.


Name of Student/ Group No.____________
Topic: _______________
Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
6-7 4-5 2-3 0-1
Yes. Yes, but No, but. No
Topic Directly Somewhat Remotely Totally unrelated
Relevant . Relevant Relevant
Organizatio Good Organized points Some Poorly organized no logical
n Organization; are somewhat organization; progression; beginning and ending
points are jumpy; sense of points jump are vague
logically beginning and around;
ordered ; sharp ending beginning and
sense of ending are
beginning and unclear
Quality of Supporting Some details are Details are Unable to find specific details
information details specific non-supporting somewhat
to subject to the subject ketchy. Do not
support topic.
Grammar, No errors. Only one or two More than two Numerous errors distract from
usage, errors errors understanding
Interest Vocabulary is Vocabulary is Vocabulary is Basic vocabulary needs descriptive
Level varied; varied unimaginative ; words
supporting supporting details lack color
details vivid details useful
Neatness Tyed; clean Legible writing Legible writing, Illegible writing; loose pages
neatly bound in well-formed some ill formed
a repoet cover; charracteristics letters, print too
illustrations small or too
provided large; papers
Timeliness Report on time report one class Report two class Report more than one week late
period late period late

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