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NĂM HỌC 2020-2021

Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH (chuyên)

Ngày thi:
(Đề thi này gồm có 06 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút.
Họ và tên thí sinh: ……………….………………….. Số báo danh: ………...
Chú ý: Thí sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời (có phát kèm đề).


1. Choose a word (A, B, C, D) that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.(0.5 pt)
1. A. enough B. cough C. though D. rough
2. A. through B. cousin C. wound D. group
3. A. choir B. chore C. chemist D. chorus
4. A. depths B. baths C. mouths D. truths
5. A. needs B. kills C. meets D. loves
2. Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. (0.5 pt)
6. A. cultivate B. machine C. terminate D. operate
7. A. celebrating B. marriage C. anniversary D. gathering
8. A. individual B. reputation C. experience D. scientific
9. A. accent B. unlike C. cultural D. climate
10. A. fortunately B. entertain C. recommend D. disappear
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
11. Neil Armstrong was the first man to ___________ foot on the moon.
A. try B. step C. set D. walk
12. _________ further riot to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers.
A. Should B. Did C. Were D. Had
13. New York and Tokyo are two of the most _______ populated cities in the world.
A. greatly B. densely C. variously D. closely
14. It can take up to more than six months to _______ a man to do this specialized work.
A. raise B. train C. learn D. practise
15. The longest movie I have ever seen in this cinema ________ for three hours.
A. stayed B. got C. lasted D. spent
16. James was looking for a(n) ________ to visit that wonderful island once again.
A. opportunity B. necessity C. destiny D. possibility
17. Jackie has given such a great _________ that other dancers in the audience admire him so much.
A. performance B. result C. score D. action
18. By the time we ________ the top of mountain, I think the rain will have stopped.
A. arrive B. come C. get D. reach
19. All fossil fuels are ________ resources that can not be replaced quickly.
A. unlimited B. non-renewable C. renewable D. available
20. Can you keep calm for a moment? You ________ noise in class!
A. are always made B. have always made
C. always make D. are always making
21. ________ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. So successful was her business, B. So was her successful business,
C. Her business was successful D. So successful her business was,
22. There are two small rooms in the beach house, ________served as a kitchen .
A. the smallest of which B. smallest of that
C. the smaller of which D. the smaller of them
23. I would like to _______ play the piano
A. can B. could C. am able to D. be able to
24. I was very angry _______ Tom, because he was very rude_______ me.
A. about - with B. at - with C. with - about D. with - to
25. I'm really bored_______ eating chips. Can't I have something else for a change?
A. of B. from C. about D. with
26. There were_______ accidents during the holiday weekend that the government is bringing in tough new
driving laws.
A. so much B. many C. so many D. such
27. The books _______ written by Jack London are very interesting.
A. whose were B. which were C. which D. that
28. The school for disabled children _______ in our city since last month.
A. was built B. built C. has been built D. has been built
29. Tom and Mary never came to class late. _______.
A. So did we B. Neither did we C. We did either D. Neither we did
30. I remember _______ to Hanoi when I was a very small child.
A. taking B. to take C. to be taken D. being taken
31. They quickly read the questions and tried to find out the answers.
A. complete B. guess C. offer D. discover
32.Scientists carried ____ a carefully controlled experiment on the mystery virus.
A. over B. in C. up D. out
33. Agrarian people depend on the lunar calendar to prepare for their crops.
A. farmers B. planters C. gardeners D. highlanders
34. ________ calls her Maggie, but her real name's Margaret.
A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one
35. He ______ thousands of pounds to charity.
A. donated B. gave C. raised D. volunteered
36. ______ is someone who takes part in sports competitions.
A. Judge B. Sportsman C. Athletic D. Sponsor
37. Banh Chung, which is made _______ sticky rice, is one of Tet's special foods.
A. of B. from C. out D. in
38.There was complete silence in the room. ________ said anything
A. No one B. Someone C. Everyone D. Anyone
39. Jane is a very sociable girl. She likes parties and ______.
A. festival B. ceremonies C. traditions D. celebrations
40. Some scientists say that there are enough resources to ______ 8 billion people.
A. provide B. distribute C. raise D. support
41. We encourage students to ______ fully in the running of the college.
A. join B. participate C. suffer D. overcome
42. The contest aimed to stimulate the spirit of learning English ______ students.
A. on B. for C. among D. of
43. The second solution is to provide safe, ______ birth-control methods.
A. expensive B. inexpensive C. expensively D. inexpensively
44. How can I know______ book is yours? They are so alike.
A. what B. which C. this D. the
45. The secretary to______ you met yesterday is very intelligent.
A. which B. who C. that D. whom
46. Could you please ______ me the way to Tran Quoc Tuan high school?
A. tell B. talk C. ask D. speak
47. She ______ him into handing over his savings.
A. perceived B. received C. deceived D. cancelled
48. They don’t let me______ out after 10 p.m.
A. go B. going C. to go D. went
49. He didn’t mention______ about his progress in his study.
A. concerning B. being concerned C. to concern D. to be concerned
50. Stop now, you 've done ______ work for one day.
A. too many B. plenty C. quite more D. quite enough
51. Did you form any close _______ while you were at college?
A. friendships B. teams C. companies D. conferences
52. I am looking forward to _______from you soon
A. hearing B. hear C. heard D. be heard
53. After finishing high school, I’ll choose _______ to university
A. not to go B. not go C. not going D. going
54. I remember _______ the door before I came home yesterday.
A. to lock B. lock C. locking D. locked
55. The child is so _______that she never lets others play her toys.
A. kin B. sneaky C. cruel D. selfish
56. What _______ you _______at 7 o’clock last night?
A. did /do B. are/ doing C. were/ doing D. do /do
57. While he _______dinner, I _______
A. had/ had come B. had/ come C. had/ was having D. was having/ came
58. My shoes need _______.
A. to mend B. mending C. being mend D. mend
59. Will you stop _______ while I’m talking?
A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. are singing
60. He’s always try _______ me
A. to avoid to meet B. avoiding meeting C. to avoid meeting D. avoiding to meet
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
61. –“You’re really in good shape.” –“___________________”
A. I’m a real couch potato B. Oh, are you? C. Thanks a lot D. Good for you
62. –“You look nice in your new dress." –“___________________”
A. It's nice of you to say so. B. Am I? Thanks.
C. Oh, poor me. D. I am interesting to hear that.
63. –“You haven't finished your homework, have you?" –“___________________”
A. Yes, I have. B. No, I haven't. C. No, I have. D. Yes, I haven't
64. –“Excuse me! What time is it?" –“___________________”
A. Two to a quarter B. A quarter to two C. Two past a quarter D. Two quarter to a
65. –“Do you mind if I use your phone?" –“___________________”
A. No, you don't. B. Yes, you do. C. No. You can use it. D. Yes. It's my pleasure.
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
It is said that what one (66) _______ considers beautiful may not be beautiful to another. (67) _______
beauty is something that (68) _______ not only to the eyes, but also the other senses. I think true beauty makes
you see beyond the lovely sight. It will give you insight or realization of something (69) _______ beyond the
When we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to their (70) _______ attractiveness. Of course, a
beautiful or handsome face is pleasant to (71) _______. But I find that the most memorable ”beautiful people”
are those who have good personalities behind their pretty faces.
(72) _______ kind of beauty in people that attracts us greatly is what known as the inside beauty. People
with this kind of beauty have attained inner peace. They usually care about their fellow -man, and try to right the
justice in this world. As you know, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa are well-known for these
In fact, around us, we know many people who are always ready to lend (73) _______ to people in
trouble. Many people in our city provide (74) _______ of floods in Mekong Delta, the disabled or the poor....
with clothes, money and food. Many young go to rural, mountainous or island areas to help people there... We
greatly admire the beauty of these people because they make the world better. This inner beauty gives a certain
radiance to their looks.
In short, everyone has (75) _______ idea of beauty, and we need to have things, people and places of
beauty in our everyday life. Do you think so?
66. A. individual B. persons C. people D. member
67. A. With me B. For me C. To me D. Of me
68. A. pleasant B. pleases C. pleased D. pleasing
69. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interestedly
70. A. physic B. physics C. physist D. physical
71. A. look for B. look after C. look at D. look in
72. A. Another B. Other C. Others D. Anothers
73. A. hands B. a hand C. the hand D. the hands
74. A. peoples B. individuals C. members D. victims
75. A. his own B. our own C. their own D. her own
Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.
One of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century was a method of using natural gas for
cooking and heating. Large amounts of natural gas are found in the United States, usually several thousand
feet below the surface of the earth. Natural gas is most often found in places where petroleum, the oil from
which gasoline is made, is found. Often the natural gas must be removed before the oil itself can be reached.
For many years after natural gas was first discovered, it was thought to have no value. Finally, however,
people began to understand its use and to find ways of storing it and moving it from place to place. Today
natural gas is stored in large tanks and used for lighting, cooking and heating. It has also been used for
electric generators and hybrid cars recently. In many ways natural gas is one of our finest fuels. It can be
used for cooking without making the room hot. It is cheap and can be moved easily from one place to
another through long pipelines, some of which are hundreds of miles in length.
76. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A. natural gas is useless B. people once wasted natural gas
C. natural gas is moved in trucks D. natural gas is found where there’s no petroleum
77. This passage as a whole is about _______.
A. discovering natural gas B. finding petroleum.
C. using natural gas and petroleum D. natural gas and its use
78. Which of the following is NOT true about natural gas?
A. It is not used for heating. B. It is cheap.
C. It moves through pipes. D. It can be stored.
79. According to the passage, the easiest way to move natural gas from one place to another is _______.
A. to liquidize it and move it through pipelines
B. to liquidize it and move it by trucks
C. through pipelines
D. to store it in large tanks to move
80. How many uses of natural gas are mentioned?
A. two B. three C. four D. five
I. VERB FORMS. (1.5 pts)
Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
A young man and his wife (81-drive) _______________ through the countryside in Oxfordshire
when they saw a girl (82-stand) _______________ by the road. At first, they carried on (83-drive)
_____________, but the wife said, “ It (84-get) _____________dark. She might have wanted a lift”. So they
stopped, turned round, and (85-drive) _____________back to the girl. “You (86-like) ___________ a lift ?”
they asked her. “Yes, please”, said the girl. She got into the back of the car. “Where you (87-go)
_____________?” asked the man. “I (88-go) _____________ to Witney. I (89-live) _______________ there
since I left school,” the girl (90-reply) _______________.
II. WORD FORMS. (1.5 pts)
91. Bill Gates is a_____________ story of an entrepreneur. (succeed)
92. Novelists are among the most _____________ people in the world. (imagine)
93. Secondary education is _____________ and free in many countries. (compel)
94. The song has _____________ been selected for the SEA Game 22, Vietnam. (office)
95. Knowing a lot of languages, he’s in a very _____________ position. (advantage)
96. Actually, there is no short cut to _____________ a foreign language. (master)
97. We can protect the environment by _____________ air pollution. (reduce)
98. Your father is a bit _____________ . I think he should go on a diet. (weigh)
99. The police should impose heavy fines on those who drive _____________ . (danger)
100. As _____________ as he is, it’s not surprising that he believed their lies. (impress)
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer: True (T), False (F), No information (NI)
Camping is an activity in which people live temporarily in the outdoors. Campers participate in
fishing, hunting, swimming, plant studying, wildlife watching and natural photography. It provides physical
benefits when its involves hiking to, from and around the campsite, and many people believe that camping
makes youngsters feel more confident.
People throughout the world enjoy hiking to wildness campsites. This activity is called backpacking
because it involves carrying such essential camping gear as a tent, food, clothing, and sleeping bag called
backpack. Backpacking is the best suited for those who are in good physical condition as it may require
walking several miles.
The key to any enjoyable camping trip is planning. A decision on where to camp depends on
personal preference, but planning the trip before leaving helps campers avoid preventable accidents. Many
situations – bad weather, injury, or a crowded campsite – are less alarming if campers are prepared.
Statements T F NI
101. Camping helps people enjoy outdoor activities and nature.
102. The only purpose of camping is to have pleasure.
103. Camping not only strengthens your health but also makes you feel confident.
104. It’s more intereesting to go camping with many people.
105. People in the cities like going camping more than people in the countryside.
Supply each space with a suitable preposition to complete each sentence.
106. There's little hope _______ catching Schumacher's Ferrari.
107. We finally reached an agreement _______the Zoning Board.
108. He was in trouble _______stealing.
109. Write the name and address_______the front page of the envelope.
110. There's a real reason _______winning the contest.
111. He is in doubt _______ buying the correct software for his computer system.
112. The rise _______fuel prices worries many people.
113. I just got _______ the flu and now my sister has it.
114. You should get _______and give the elderly man your seat.
115. My father gave me _______at my wedding.
V. Identify and correct a mistake in each line in the following passage.
Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actual, the world’s energy
resources are limited. Nobody know exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them
economically and try finding out alternative sources of power. According for Professor Marvin Burnham of
the New England Institute of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is very late;
and nuclear power is the only alternative. However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power
because of it’s very dangerous. What would happen whether there were a serious nuclear accident?
Radioactivity causes cancer and may bad affect the future generations. The more effective thing is that we
should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction

116. => 121. =>
117. => 122. =>
118. => 123. =>
119. => 124. =>
120. => 125. =>
126. Mary cooks better than her elder sister does.
=> Mary is ....................................................................................................................................

127. I started playing badminton four years ago.
=> I’ve .........................................................................................................................................
128. They have no trouble understanding the chemistry lessons.
=> They find it .............................................................................................................................
129. My father used to smoke cigarettes.
=> My father has .........................................................................................................................
130. Children enjoy walking in the rain.
=> Children are fond ....................................................................................................................
131. He is too short to be in the basketball team.
=> He’s not ..................................................................................................................................
132. How about having something to drink now?
=> Shall .......................................................................................................................................
133. The teacher makes them do many difficult exercises.
=> They .......................................................................................................................................
134. They believe Nadal is the best tennis player now.
=> Nadal is ..................................................................................................................................
135. They had a really good time thanks to Henry’s wonderful sense of humor.
=> If it ..........................................................................................................................................
VII. WRITING (2 pts)
Write about 150 to 200 words to give your own opinion on the following topic:
‘’ The importance of learning English nowadays.’’



















______________THE END___________


1. Choose a word (A, B, C, D) that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.(0.5 pt)
1. A. enough B. cough C. though D. rough
2. A. through B. cousin C. wound D. group
3. A. choir B. chore C. chemist D. chorus
4. A. depths B. baths C. mouths D. truths
5. A. needs B. kills C. meets D. loves
2. Choose the word (A, B, C, D) whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. (0.5 pt)
6. A. cultivate B. machine C. terminate D. operate
7. A. celebrating B. marriage C. anniversary D. gathering
8. A. individual B. reputation C. experience D. scientific
9. A. accent B. unlike C. cultural D. climate
10. A. fortunately B. entertain C. recommend D. disappear
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
11. Neil Armstrong was the first man to ___________ foot on the moon.
A. try B. step C. set D. walk
12. _________ further riot to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers.
A. Should B. Did C. Were D. Had
13. New York and Tokyo are two of the most _______ populated cities in the world.
A. greatly B. densely C. variously D. closely
14. It can take up to more than six months to _______ a man to do this specialized work.
A. raise B. train C. learn D. practise
15. The longest movie I have ever seen in this cinema ________ for three hours.
A. stayed B. got C. lasted D. spent
16. James was looking for a(n) ________ to visit that wonderful island once again.
A. opportunity B. necessity C. destiny D. possibility
17. Jackie has given such a great _________ that other dancers in the audience admire him so much.
A. performance B. result C. score D. action
18. By the time we ________ the top of mountain, I think the rain will have stopped.
A. arrive B. come C. get D. reach
19. All fossil fuels are ________ resources that can not be replaced quickly.
A. unlimited B. non-renewable C. renewable D. available
20. Can you keep calm for a moment? You ________ noise in class!
A. are always made B. have always made
C. always make D. are always making
21. ________ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50.
A. So successful was her business, B. So was her successful business,
C. Her business was successful D. So successful her business was,
22. There are two small rooms in the beach house, ________served as a kitchen.
A. the smallest of which B. smallest of that
C. the smaller of which D. the smaller of them
23. I would like to _______ play the piano
A. can B. could C. am able to D. be able to
24. I was very angry _______ Tom, because he was very rude_______ me.
A. about - with B. at - with C. with - about D. with - to
25. I'm really bored_______ eating chips. Can't I have something else for a change?
A. of B. from C. about D. with
26. There were_______ accidents during the holiday weekend that the government is bringing in tough new
driving laws.
A. so much B. many C. so many D. such
27. The books _______ written by Jack London are very interesting.
A. whose were B. which were C. which D. that
28. The school for disabled children _______ in our city since last month.
A. was built B. built C. has built D. has been built
29. Tom and Mary never came to class late. _______.
A. So did we B. Neither did we C. We did either D. Neither we did
30. I remember _______ to Hanoi when I was a very small child.
A. taking B. to take C. to be taken D. being taken
31. They quickly read the questions and tried to find out the answers.
A. complete B. guess C. offer D. discover
32. Scientists carried ____ a carefully controlled experiment on the mystery virus.
A. over B. in C. up D. out
33. Agrarian people depend on the lunar calendar to prepare for their crops.
A. farmers B. planters C. gardeners D. highlanders
34. ________ calls her Maggie, but her real name's Margaret.
A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one
35. He ______ thousands of pounds to charity.
A. donated B. gave C. raised D. volunteered
36. ______ is someone who takes part in sports competitions.
A. Judge B. Sportsman C. Athletic D. Sponsor
37. Banh Chung, which is made _______ sticky rice, is one of Tet's special foods.
A. of B. from C. out D. in
38. There was complete silence in the room. ________ said anything
A. No one B. Someone C. Everyone D. Anyone
39. Jane is a very sociable girl. She likes parties and ______.
A. festival B. ceremonies C. traditions D. celebrations
40. Some scientists say that there are enough resources to ______ 8 billion people.
A. provide B. distribute C. raise D. support
41. We encourage students to ______ fully in the running of the college.
A. join B. participate C. suffer D. overcome
42. The contest aimed to stimulate the spirit of learning English ______ students.
A. on B. for C. among D. of
43. The second solution is to provide safe, ______ birth-control methods.
A. expensive B. inexpensive C. expensively D. inexpensively
44. How can I know______ book is yours? They are so alike.
A. what B. which C. this D. the
45. The secretary to______ you met yesterday is very intelligent.
A. which B. who C. that D. whom
46. Could you please ______ me the way to Tran Quoc Tuan high school?
A. tell B. talk C. ask D. speak
47. She ______ him into handing over his savings.
A. perceived B. received C. deceived D. cancelled
48. They don’t let me______ out after 10 p.m.
A. go B. going C. to go D. went
49. He didn’t mention______ about his progress in his study.
A. concerning B. being concerned C. to concern D. to be concerned
50. Stop now, you 've done ______ work for one day.
A. too many B. plenty C. quite more D. quite enough
51. Did you form any close _______ while you were at college?
A. friendships B. teams C. companies D. conferences
52. I am looking forward to _______from you soon
A. hearing B. hear C. heard D. be heard
53. After finishing high school, I’ll choose _______ to university
A. not to go B. not go C. not going D. going
54. I remember _______ the door before I came home yesterday.
A. to lock B. lock C. locking D. locked
55. The child is so _______that she never lets others play her toys.
A. kin B. sneaky C. cruel D. selfish
56. What _______ you _______at 7 o’clock last night?
A. did /do B. are/ doing C. were/ doing D. do /do
57. While he _______dinner, I _______
A. had/ had come B. had/ come C. had/ was having D. was having/ came
58. My shoes need _______.
A. to mend B. mending C. being mend D. mend
59. Will you stop _______ while I’m talking?
A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. are singing
60. He’s always try _______ me
A. to avoid to meet B. avoiding meeting C. to avoid meeting D. avoiding to meet
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
61. –“You’re really in good shape.” –“___________________”
A. I’m a real couch potato B. Oh, are you? C. Thanks a lot D. Good for you
62. –“You look nice in your new dress." –“___________________”
A. It's nice of you to say so. B. Am I? Thanks.
C. Oh, poor me. D. I am interesting to hear that.
63. –“You haven't finished your homework, have you?" –“___________________”
A. Yes, I have. B. No, I haven't. C. No, I have. D. Yes, I haven't
64. –“Excuse me! What time is it?" –“___________________”
A. Two to a quarter B. A quarter to two C. Two past a quarter D. Two quarter to a
65. –“Do you mind if I use your phone?" –“___________________”
A. No, you don't. B. Yes, you do. C. No. You can use it. D. Yes. It's my pleasure.
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits each blank space in the following passage.
It is said that what one (66) _______ considers beautiful may not be beautiful to another. (67) _______
beauty is something that it (68) _______ not only to the eyes, but also the other senses. I think true beauty makes
you see beyond the lovely sight. It will give you insight or realization of something (69) _______ beyond the
When we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to their (70) _______ attractiveness. Of course, a
beautiful or handsome face is pleasant to (71) _______. But I find that the most memorable “beautiful people”
are those who have good personalities behind their pretty faces.
(72) _______ kind of beauty in people that attracts us greatly is what known as the inside beauty. People
with this kind of beauty have attained inner peace. They usually care about their fellow -man, and try to right the
justice in this world. As you know, Nelson Mandela, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa are well-known for these
In fact, around us, we know many people who are always ready to lend (73) _______ to people in
trouble. Many people in our city provide (74) _______ of floods in Mekong Delta, the disabled or the poor....
with clothes, money and food. Many young go to rural, mountainous or island areas to help people there... We
greatly admire the beauty of these people because they make the world better. This inner beauty gives certain
radiance to their looks.
In short, everyone has (75) _______ idea of beauty, and we need to have things, people and places of
beauty in our everyday life. Do you think so?
66. A. individual B. persons C. people D. member
67. A. With me B. For me C. To me D. Of me
68. A. pleasant B. pleases C. pleased D. pleasing
69. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interestedly
70. A. physic B. physics C. physist D. physical
71. A. look for B. look after C. look at D. look in
72. A. Another B. Other C. Others D. Anothers
73. A. hands B. a hand C. the hand D. the hands
74. A. peoples B. individuals C. members D. victims
75. A. his own B. our own C. their own D. her own
Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.
One of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century was a method of using natural gas for
cooking and heating. Large amounts of natural gas are found in the United States, usually several thousand
feet below the surface of the earth. Natural gas is most often found in places where petroleum, the oil from
which gasoline is made, is found. Often the natural gas must be removed before the oil itself can be reached.
For many years after natural gas was first discovered, it was thought to have no value. Finally, however,
people began to understand its use and to find ways of storing it and moving it from place to place. Today
natural gas is stored in large tanks and used for lighting, cooking and heating. It has also been used for
electric generators and hybrid cars recently. In many ways natural gas is one of our finest fuels. It can be
used for cooking without making the room hot. It is cheap and can be moved easily from one place to
another through long pipelines, some of which are hundreds of miles in length.
76. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A. natural gas is useless B. people once wasted natural gas
C. natural gas is moved in trucks D. natural gas is found where there’s no petroleum
77. This passage as a whole is about _______.
A. discovering natural gas B. finding petroleum.
C. using natural gas and petroleum D. natural gas and its use
78. Which of the following is NOT true about natural gas?
A. It is not used for heating. B. It is cheap.
C. It moves through pipes. D. It can be stored.
79. According to the passage, the easiest way to move natural gas from one place to another is _______.
A. to liquidize it and move it through pipelines
B. to liquidize it and move it by trucks
C. through pipelines.
D. to store it in large tanks to move
80. How many uses of natural gas are mentioned?
A. two B. three C. four D. five
I. VERB FORMS. (1.5 pts)
Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
A young man and his wife (81-drive) ___ were driving___ through the countryside in Oxfordshire
when they saw a girl (82-stand) __ standing___ by the road. At first, they carried on (83-drive) ___
driving__, but the wife said, “ It (84-get) ___ is getting__ dark. She might have wanted a lift”. So they
stopped, turned round, and (85-drive) ____ drove__ back to the girl. “You (86-like) __ would you like__ a
lift ?” they asked her. “Yes, please”, said the girl. She got into the back of the car. “Where you (87-go) ___
are you going___?” asked the man. “I (88-go) __ am going_ to Whitney. I (89-live) __ have lived___ there
since I left school,” the girl (90-reply) ___ replied___.
II. WORD FORMS. (1.5 pts)
91. Bill Gates is a successful story of an entrepreneur. (Succeed)
92. Novelists are among the most imaginative people in the world. (Imagine)
93. Secondary education is compulsory and free in many countries. (Compel)
94. The song has officially been selected for the SEA Game 22, Vietnam. (Office)
95. Knowing a lot of languages, he’s in a very advantageous position. (Advantage)
96. Actually, there is no short cut to mastering a foreign language. (Master)
97. We can protect the environment by reducing air pollution. (Reduce)
98. Your father is a bit overweight. I think he should go on a diet. (Weigh)
99. The police should impose heavy fines on those who drive dangerously. (Danger)
100.As impressionable as he is, it’s not surprising that he believed their lies. (Impress)
III. Read the text then tick True (T), False (F) or No information (NI).
Camping is an activity in which people live temporarily in the outdoors. Campers participate in
fishing, hunting, swimming, plant studying, wildlife watching and natural photography. It provides physical
benefits when its involves hiking to, from and around the campsite, and many people believe that camping
makes youngsters feel more confident.
People throughout the world enjoy hiking to wildness campsites. This activity is called backpacking
because it involves carrying such essential camping gear as a tent, food, clothing, and sleeping bag called
backpack. Backpacking is the best suited for those who are in good physical condition as it may require
walking several miles.
The key to any enjoyable camping trip is planning. A decision on where to camp depends on
personal preference, but planning the trip before leaving helps campers avoid preventable accidents. Many
situations – bad weather, injury, or a crowded campsite – are less alarming if campers are prepared.
Statements T F NI
101. Camping helps people enjoy outdoor activities and nature.
102. The only purpose of camping is to have pleasure.
103. Camping not only strengthens your health but also makes you feel confident.
104. It’s more interesting to go camping with many people.
105. People in the cities like going camping more than people in the countryside.
101. T 102. F 103. T 104. NI 105. NI
Supply each space with a suitable preposition to complete each sentence.
106. There's little hope of catching Schumacher's Ferrari.
107. We finally reached an agreement with the Zoning Board.
108. He was in trouble for stealing.
109. Write the name and address on the front page of the envelope.
110. There's a real reason for winning the contest.
111. He is in doubt about buying the correct software for his computer system.
112. The rise in fuel prices worries many people.
113. I just got over the flu and now my sister has it.
114. You should get up and give the elderly man your seat.
115. My father gave me away at my wedding.
There are ten errors in the following passage. Identify the errors, then underline and correct them.
Write your answers in the numbered spaces.
Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actual, the world’s energy
resources are limited. Nobody know exactly how much fuel is left. However, we also should use them
economically and try finding out alternative sources of power. According for Professor Marvin Burnham of
the New England Institute of Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is very late;
and nuclear power is the only alternative. However, many people do not approve of using nuclear power
because of it’s very dangerous. What would happen whether there were a serious nuclear accident?
Radioactivity causes cancer and may bad affect the future generations. The more effective thing is that we
should use natural resources as economical as possible.

Line Mistake Correction Line Mistake Correction

116. Actual Actually 121. because of because
117. know knows 122. Whether if
118. finding to find 123. Bad Badly
119. for to 124. more most
120. very too 125. economical economically
126. Mary cooks better than her elder sister does.
=> Mary is a better cook than her elder sister (is).
127. I started playing badminton four years ago.
=> I’ve been playing badminton for four years.
128. They have no trouble understanding the chemistry lessons.
=> They find it easy to understand the chemistry lessons.
129. My father used to smoke cigarettes.
=> My father has quit / stopped / given up smoking cigarettes.

130. Children enjoy walking in the rain.
=> Children are fond of walking in the rain.
131. He is too short to be in the basketball team.
=> He’s not tall enough to be in the basketball team.
132. How about having something to drink now?
=> Shall we have something to drink now?
133. The teacher makes them do many difficult exercises.
=> They are made to do many difficult exercises by the teacher.
134. They believe Nadal is the best tennis player now.
=> Nadal is believed to be the best tennis player now.
135. They had a really good time thanks to Henry’s wonderful sense of humor.
=> If it hadn’t been for Henry’s wonderful sense of humor, they wouldn’t have had a really good time.
VII. WRITING (2 pts)
Write about 150 to 200 words to give your own opinion on the following topic:
‘’ The importance of learning English nowadays.’’



















______________THE END___________


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