Detailed Lesson Plan

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1. Identify the different layers of the sun.
2. Describe each layers of the sun.
3. Explain why sun is also a star.



1. Science Ideas
a. The sun is the center of our solar system.
b. The sun is one of the medium sized stars in the universe.
c. The sun has 4 major layers: photosphere, radiation zone, convection zone, and the
2. Science Processes
a. Observing
b. Describing
c. Identifying
d. Comparing
3. Materials
a. Video presentation
b. PowerPoint presentation
c. Model of the sun
4. References
a. Into the Future: Science and Health 5, page 252-255
b. Science for Daily Use 5. Page 262-267


Teacher Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory activities

Class, stand and let us pray! The pupils will stand.

(Teacher calls a student), please come (Student will come forward and will lead
forward and lead. the prayer)

Thank you, (student).

Good Morning, class! Good Morning, Sir! Good Morning,


How are you today?

You may take your seats. We are fine, Sir. Thank you.
Now, let us check who is/are absent
today. Let us hear from group 1… (up
to the last group)

Thank you, leaders. (The leader of each group will stand and
will report the attendance of his/her
Before we start in our lesson, let’s
sing and dance Mr. Golden Sun.

Are you ready?

(video presentation)
(the pupils are singing)

A. Review of the past Lesson

What have we discussed last time? We discussed about the members of the solar
Very Good!

What is Solar System? The solar System it is a collective planets and

heavenly bodies orbiting our sun.

Will you enumerate the member of

our solar system? Sir our solar system is consisting of Sun, Eight
planets, dwarf planets, asteroid and meteor.

And what are those Eight planets? Sir the eight planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

2. Lesson Proper

A. Motivation

Before we start in our lesson

I want you to guess our new topic for

(The pupil are answered)
Let’s have game

Our game called 4 Pics 1 word

Are you familiar with this game?
Yes, Sir
I reveal the pictures and then you
guess what it says?
It’s that clear?
Sir, Sir
Okay, Let’s start


Now can you guess our puzzle?

Sir, It’s the Sun!
Very Good!!
B. Presentation of the lesson

Our Topic for today Is all about The


I have here another video

presentation for you to learn about
the sun.

Before we start what you should have

to do while all of you are watching?
 Watch the video properly
 Take a note the important details
 Keep quiet
Very Good!!

Now, Let’s proceed to the video.

(Video Presentation)

C. Unlocking of Difficulties

This is a planetary orbit; each orbit

consists of a word.
You will pick a word from the orbit and
place to its correct meaning.

It’s that clear?

Yes, Sir.

Sunspot Sunspot
a. Dark patch of the sun
Star b. Dark patch of the sun

Sun c. Mass of gas in space.

d. Mass of gas in space.

a. Dark patch of the sun e. Mass of gas in space.

b. A star where planet orbit

c. Mass of gas in space.

d. Flame form at the surface of the sun

e. Level or parts.
D. Development of the Lesson

Do you think sun is a star?

Yes, Sir.

What makes you think that sun is a

star? Because just like star, sun is a ball of hydrogen
and helium gas that emits light and heat.
This time, I will show you a video clip
about our sun as a star.

Shall we proceed?
Yes, Sir.
(teacher will show the video clip)

From the video you have watched, is

our sun the largest star?
No, Sir.

What is the largest known star?

VY Canis Majoris

How do you describe the size of our

sun as compared to other star?
Our sun is a medium or average – sized star.
Let’s study this picture.

(insert picture of the parts of the sun)

What can you see in the picture?

The layers of the sun.
Will you enumerate the layer of the
Sir, the layers of the sun are: photosphere,
Convection Zone, Radiation Zone and the core.
Will you describe the photosphere?
Sir, It is the surface of the sun.
What is a Corona?
Sir, it is a solar flare formed at the surface of the
How sunspots form?
Sir, when the solar flare happens the underneath
form dark and cooler space called sunspot.
Another, how about Convection
Sir, the convection zone is the second outer-
most layer of the sun.
Very Good!

For your activity, I have here a

manila paper. With unlabeled layers
of the sun, I want you to paste their
name each layer.

Did you get it?

(the activity has ended)
E. Generalization

Will you enumerate the layers of the

sun? The layer of the sun are photosphere,
convection zone, radiation zone and the core

Is the sun is considered as star?

Yes, Sir.
Why our sun is considered as star?
Because our sun and another are made up of
hydrogen and helium gas.
F. Enrichment Activity

For your group activity I will give you

the parts of the sun and you will form
them in order and post it on board.

It’s that clear?

Yes, sir

Before we start your group activity what

you should do while you’re working?  Participate with the group.
 Work actively
 Work quietly
Very Good!!

I will give you 5 minutes to do your

activity, you can work now. CORONAA



Who will go in front and explain your work?

Sir, this is the sun and its part corona,
photosphere, convection zone, radiation
zone and core.
Very good!!

Direction: Encircle the correct answer.

1. It is the innermost layer of the sun.

a. Photosphere c. Convection zone
b. Radiation zone d.Core

2. What is the name of our Sun?

a. Sal c. Sel
b. Sol d. Sil

3. Layer of the sun that is responsible for cloud formation in the earth and on other planets in the
solar system.
a. Photosphere c. Convection zone
b. Radiation zone d.Core

4. It is the layer of the sun that produces radiation.

a. Radiation Zone c. Convection zone
b. Photosphere d.Core
5. It is a dark, cool space found underneath of the corona.
a. Solar flare c. Gas
b. Sunspot d. Sunburn

Key answers:
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. C

V. Assignment
Give at least 5 benefits we can get from the sun. Write on your answer to your notebook.



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