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in Health
Systems Advancing access,

affordability and
Edited by:
Maryam Bigdeli, David H. Peters, Anita K. Wagner
appropriate use
Medicines in Health Systems:
Advancing access, affordability and appropriate use

Edited by:
Maryam Bigdeli, David H. Peters, Anita K. Wagner
WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:

Medicines in health systems: advancing access, affordability and appropriate use.

1.Drugs, Essential – supply and distribution. 2.Drugs, Essential – standards. 3.Universal Coverage. 4.Delivery of
Health Care. 5.Drug Utilization. 6.Drug Costs. I.World Health Organization.

ISBN 978 92 4 150762 2 (NLM classification: QV 736)

© World Health Organization 2014

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Contents –3


Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................9

Chapter 1
Why a health systems approach?...................................................................................................................17
1.1 Introduction to Essential Medicines............................................................................................................. 18
1.2 Introduction to the Flagship Report............................................................................................................. 19
1.3 Definitions and concepts............................................................................................................................ 20
1.3.1 Selection and availability of medicines................................................................................................. 20
1.3.2 Affordability........................................................................................................................................ 20
1.3.3 Appropriate use.................................................................................................................................. 21
1.4 Essential medicines and health systems...................................................................................................... 21
1.5 Applying systems thinking to access to medicines........................................................................................ 24
1.6 Overview of chapters.................................................................................................................................. 25

Chapter 2
Evolving concepts in essential medicines and health systems................................................................27
2.1 A historical perspective............................................................................................................................... 29
2.1.1 Essential medicines since the 1970’s................................................................................................... 29
2.1.2 Health systems: from Alma Ata to UHC............................................................................................... 30
2.1.3 The impact of HIV/AIDS on health systems and essential medicines...................................................... 30
2.2 Current situations of medicines in LMICs.................................................................................................... 31
2.2.1 Availability of medicines...................................................................................................................... 31
2.2.2 Affordability for patients...................................................................................................................... 31
2.2.3 Affordability for health systems........................................................................................................... 32
2.2.4 Prescribing practices, dispensing and use............................................................................................. 32
2.2.5 Health-seeking behaviour and reliance on the informal health sector.................................................... 33
2.2.6 Traditional medicines.......................................................................................................................... 33
2.2.7 Quality control and regulation............................................................................................................ 33
2.2.8 Investing in research and development................................................................................................ 34
2.3 The future of medicines in LMIC health systems.......................................................................................... 35


4 – Contents

Chapter 3
The role of medicines in achieving universal health coverage.............................................................. 41
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 43
3.2 Why is an explicit focus on medicines needed to achieve UHC?................................................................... 43
3.2.1 The inappropriate use of medicines can threaten equity, quality, affordability, and efficiency.................. 44
3.2.2 Decision-makers must balance competing policy objectives.................................................................. 44
3.2.3 Decision-makers can use information and financial levers to balance competing objectives................... 45
3.3 Medicines management in China, Ghana, Indonesia and Mexico................................................................. 46
3.3.1 Systems striving towards UHC face common policy implementation challenges.................................... 49
3.3.2 Using financial and information levers to increase quality and efficiency............................................... 49
3.3.3 A systems approach is important when implementing medicines policies.............................................. 51
3.4 Towards UHC: ethical considerations must guide policy decisions................................................................ 52
3.4.1 Striving towards equity-enhancing pharmaceutical policies................................................................... 53
3.5 Information about medicines is key to achieving UHC goals........................................................................ 54
3.6 Conclusions and recommendations............................................................................................................. 56

Chapter 4
Innovation to ensure better access to medicines.................................................................................... 59
4.1 An inclusive definition of innovation........................................................................................................... 61
4.2 Towards innovative R&D models................................................................................................................ 61
4.2.1 India’s Open Source Drug Discovery initiative (OSDD)........................................................................... 63
4.3 Innovation in expanding markets for high-quality generic products.............................................................. 65
4.3.1 The evolution of Brazil’s approach to generic medicines....................................................................... 67
4.4 Innovation in expanding access to specialty medicines................................................................................ 68
4.4.1 The E2 Access programme for high-cost specialty medicines in Thailand............................................... 70
4.5 Innovation and ethics in medicines decision-making................................................................................... 71
4.6 Conclusions and recommendations............................................................................................................. 71

Chapter 5
Making health market systems work for medicines............................................................................... 73
5.1 The growing role of health care markets in access to medicines.................................................................. 75
5.2 A systems approach to analysing health care markets.................................................................................. 76
5.3 Case-studies of interventions addressing market failures in LMICs............................................................... 78
5.3.1 The United Republic of Tanzania: Accredited Drug-Dispensing Outlets................................................... 78
5.3.2 Cambodia: task shifting to expert patients for diabetes care................................................................. 80
5.3.3 Thailand: Antibiotic Smart Use initiative............................................................................................... 82
5.3.4 Kenya: Familia Nawiri social business initiative.................................................................................... 85
5.4 Conclusions and recommendations............................................................................................................. 88


Contents –5

Chapter 6
Using a systems approach to innovate in access to medicines............................................................. 91
6.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 92
6.2 Essential cross-cutting elements: Engagement, information and adaptation................................................. 93
6.2.1 Engaging diverse health system stakeholders...................................................................................... 93
6.2.2 Generating and using information to facilitate dialogue and inform decisions...................................... 96
6.2.3 Adapting to changing health systems.................................................................................................. 98
6.3 A framework for moving forward.............................................................................................................. 100

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Interconnectedness of health system components............................................................................. 22
Figure 1.2 Access to medicines from a health system perspective....................................................................... 23
Figure 2.1 Timeline of milestones in development of essential medicines and health systems concepts.............. 36
Figure 3.1 Approaches to balance competing medicines policy objectives.......................................................... 45
Figure 3.2 Stakeholders in Ghana’s pharmaceutical sector and potential impacts of excluding medicines from
case-based provider payments......................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 5.1 Framework for understanding health market systems........................................................................ 77
Figure 5.2 Reinforcing feedback loop representing the Familia Nawiri social business model............................. 86
Figure 5.3 Interventions to create a growth loop for the ongoing purchase of medicines in the Familia Nawiri
social business model ...................................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 5.4 Expanded conceptual map of Familia Nawiri social business model................................................... 88

List of Tables
Table 3.1 Overview of health-care financing schemes in China, Ghana, Indonesia and Mexico........................... 47
Table 3.2 Policy and management approaches in country case-studies............................................................... 50
Table 6.1 Examples of objectives, roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in advancing the access,
affordability, and appropriate use of medicines................................................................................................. 94
Table 6.2 Intervention Implementation Outcomes............................................................................................ 100

List of Boxes
Box 1.1 Systems thinking for health systems strengthening............................................................................... 24
Box 3.1 Universal Health Coverage................................................................................................................... 43
Box 3.2 Equity.................................................................................................................................................. 53
Box 3.3 The Harvard Pilgrim Health Care ethics advisory group.......................................................................... 55
Box 4.1 Innovative push and pull R&D Strategies.............................................................................................. 62
Box 6.1 Four steps to systems-informed intervention design.............................................................................. 97
Box 6.2 Factors influencing the implementation of policy decisions or specific interventions............................... 99
Box 6.3 Medicines in health systems: An agenda for action............................................................................. 103

The Web Annex presents all the case-studies that informed this report, along with other useful resources. It can be accessed at:


6 – Contributors

Maryam Bigdeli, David H. Peters, Anita K. Wagner.

Advisory committee
Irene Agyepong, Kees de Joncheere, Abdul Ghaffar, Vera Lucia Luiza, Malebona Precious
Matsoso, Zafar Mirza, Eva Ombaka, John-Arne Røttingen, Göran Tomson, Suwit

Chapter 1 – Why a health systems approach?
Authors: Maryam Bigdeli, Laura F. Garabedian, Dena Javadi, Sandy Campbell.

Chapter 2 – Evolving concepts in essential medicines and health systems

Authors: Laura F. Garabedian, Dennis Ross-Degnan, Maryam Bigdeli, Richard Laing, Anita K.

Chapter 3 – The role of medicines in achieving universal health coverage

Authors: Anita K. Wagner, Veronika J. Wirtz, Maryam Bigdeli, Calvin WL Ho, Dennis Ross-Degnan.
Box: Anita K. Wagner, James E. Sabin (3.3).
Case-studies: Warren A. Kaplan, Wen Chen, Veronika J. Wirtz (China); Paul Ashigbie, Daniel K.
Arhinful, Veronika J. Wirtz (Ghana); Mohammad Ibrahim Brooks, Yusi Aggriani, Veronika J. Wirtz
(Indonesia); Veronika J. Wirtz, Anahí Dreser (Mexico).

Chapter 4 – Innovation to ensure better access to medicines

Authors: Anita K. Wagner, Maryam Bigdeli, Anthony D. So, Andreas Seiter; Calvin WL Ho (co-
author of section on ethics of decision-making).
Case-studies: Anthony D. So, Will Woodhouse (Open Source Drug Discovery in India); Isabel
C. M. Emmerick, Andréa D. Bertoldi (Generic medicines in Brazil); Rosarin Sruamsiri, Netnapis
Suchonwanich (E2 Access Programme in Thailand).

Chapter 5 – Making health market systems work for medicines

Authors: David H. Peters, Maryam Bigdeli.
Case-studies: Edmund Rutta (Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets in the United Republic of Tan-
zania); Natalie Eggermont, Josefien van Olmen, Maurits van Pelt, Wim Van Damme (Task-shifting
to peer educators in Cambodia); Anthony D. So, Will Woodhouse (Antibiotic Smart Use Initiative
in Thailand), Anita K. Wagner, James P. Thompson, Dennis Ross-Degnan (Familia Nawiri social
business initiative in Kenya).

Chapter 6 – Using a systems approach to innovate in access to medicines

Authors: Maryam Bigdeli, David H. Peters, Sandy Campbell, Anita K. Wagner.


Acknowledgements –7

This report was developed by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) in col-
laboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Department of Essential Medicines and
Health Products.

AHPSR and WHO acknowledge with thanks the authors, editors, reviewers/advisors and consul-
tants whose dedication and expertise made this report possible. Special thanks are due to Richard
Laing for his contribution to the editorial process, especially during the review meeting in Octo-
ber 2013 and to Ruediger Krech for his final review of the report. Thanks are also due to Sandy
Campbell and Priya Shetty, who edited the final text.

Funding for this report was made possible through a grant provided in 2012 by the UK Depart-
ment for International Development (DFID) to the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research
on Access to Medicines.


8 – Preface

There is now a much welcomed push by WHO Member States to implement the concept of uni-
versal health coverage (UHC) and thus to ensure that all people obtain the health services they
need without suffering financial hardship when paying for them.

UHC requires strong, well-run health systems, sustainable and equitable methods to finance
health services, sufficient capacities of well-trained and motivated health workers, and – last but
not least – access to essential medicines and technologies.

This Flagship Report deals with the latter – the challenges to achieve equitable access to essential
medicines. With expenditures on medicines reaching extreme levels – with some low- and middle-
income countries directing two thirds of their entire health spending on medicines – the need to
rethink and redirect action in the field of medicines has never been more pressing. Only with new
ways of understanding the scope of the problems can policies, regulations and health interven-
tions be designed to ensure that, when it comes to accessing necessary medicines, no one is left
behind, no matter where they live, no matter their age, or sex, or race.

This Flagship Report calls for a “systems approach” to position medicines within the complexity
of any health system. This approach moves beyond the idea that medicines are little more than
a series of interactions between patients and public health services. A health systems approach
to medicines may facilitate the understanding of the system’s integral relations and connections,
allowing for innovative and contextual responses in developing and implementing new medicines
and new medicines policies and regulations.

As evidenced throughout this report, medicines access, affordability and appropriate use must be
a core focus for any effort to strengthen health systems and to advance universal health cover-
age. This Flagship Report calls for greater accountability of stakeholders, and stimulates some
fresh thinking among decision-makers, researchers, civil society, and development partners. This
Flagship Report will undoubtedly inspire important conceptual and practical on-the-ground work.

Marie-Paule Kieny
Assistant Director-General
Health Systems and Innovation Cluster
World Health Organization


Executive Summary –9

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines medicines. Through various country case-stud-
essential medicines as those medicines that ies, the report illustrates major challenges and
respond to the priority health needs of a spe- advances in the access, affordability and ap-
cific population. They should be available at propriate use of medicines in low- and middle-
all times in adequate amounts, be affordable, income countries (LMICs).
and have a proven efficacy, quality and safety.
Only through an appreciation of the
When observing these criteria, essential medi-
dynamic interplay – often unpredict-
cines are one of the most cost-effective ele- able and always changing – among
ments for any health system, with an immedi- health system components and actors
ate and long-lasting health impact. can we arrive at a full understanding
of a health system, and specifically
WHO has deemed medicines and health tech-
how medicines policies and medicines
nologies one of six health system building
interventions affect and are affected
blocks. Yet as a fundamental element, medi- by the system’s constant adaptation
cines and health technologies do not lie in iso- and complexity.
lation from the other components of a health
system. To appreciate the many interconnec- Following a description of how the access to
tions and actors that influence and shape medicines field has evolved since the 1970s,
medicines, a systems approach is required. we explore specific links between medicines
and UHC, then move to the role of innovation
A systems approach features prominently in in developing and delivering medicines, and
this report. This allows us to situate medi- then to a focus on the pluralistic health sys-
cines against the full complexity of a health tems around medicines, with particular atten-
system, understanding how interventions in tion on health market systems. We conclude
the pharmaceutical sector influence the rest of with some action-oriented guidance and rec-
the health system and vice versa. In applying ommendations for decision-makers to inform,
a systems approach, we come to understand monitor, and evaluate the inevitable reforms
that improving access to medicines can pro- required to improve medicines access, afford-
mote health equity, and contribute to both ability, and use in LMIC settings.
stronger health systems and the goals of uni-
versal health coverage (UHC). As demand-side barriers are of critical impor-
tance in accessing medicines, it is essential to
As health systems and the actors who
move past the traditional conceptual confines
shape them feature many core interac-
of medicines as goods transacted in a series
tions and connections, it is essential to
of interactions between patients and public
examine the ways in which the access
to, affordability, and use of medicines health services.
affect and are affected by decisions in
This report argues that only with sound deci-
other parts of the health system.
sion-making – informed by the aspirations
Drawing on the work of the Alliance for Health of universal health coverage, a fuller under-
Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) (11, standing of the interrelationships between ac-
12), this report applies a systems approach to tors in systems, and guided by health system
strengthening efforts – will we make viable


10 – Executive Summary

and sustainable progress in increasing equi- The challenge: providing equitable,

table, affordable access to medicines that are affordable access to appropriately used
appropriately used by providers and patients essential medicines
in LMICs.
This report focuses on three specific medicines
As multiple dynamics, factors and sys- dynamics: the equitable access to essential
tems influence pharmaceutical and medicines, their affordability, and their appro-
health sector governance, it is essential priate use.
to map out, analyse, and involve these
actors of influence. kk Equitable access. The actual medicines
that patients access will differ from country
Essential Medicines in LMICs to country, depending on multiple factors
Despite increased global attention to medi- including disease burden, health system in-
cines – with rights to medicines enshrined frastructure, and the financial capacity (of
in national constitutions, and as part of Mil- households and of health systems). Within
and across LMICs, vulnerable populations
lennium Development Goal 8 – there remain
often lack access to essential medicines,
some core problems with essential medicines
due to geographic, economic, cultural, or
in LMICs. Cost-effective, quality-assured medi-
other barriers. Equitable access to medi-
cines are not guaranteed to be available, pre-
cines means that each person receives
scribed or used appropriately. Medicines may
medicines available in a system according
be counterfeit or substandard, and they may
to her or his needs, and that the quality
not be accessible due to financing barriers or
of care and the quality of medicines is the
poor advice from providers and drug sellers.
same for everyone.
Essential medicines reflect, in short, the prin-
cipal shortcomings of the health systems in kk Affordability. For households, high out-
which they are distributed and delivered. of-pocket payments can have clinical re-
percussions (e.g. those in need forego or
To ensure that medicines are, as per WHO,
interrupt their treatment), economic reper-
“available within the context of function-
cussions (e.g. high out-of-pocket expendi-
ing health systems at all times in adequate
tures reduce household spending on other
amounts, in the appropriate dosage forms,
necessary items), and societal repercus-
with assured quality and adequate informa-
sions (e.g. community divisions stemming
tion, and at a price the individual and the
from inequitable medicines access due to
community can afford,” any medicines strat-
cost). For many health systems, medicines
egy must pay specific attention to a fuller
constitutes a large and growing propor-
understanding of the bottlenecks in ensuring
tion of total spending and certain essential
equitable access to and appropriate use of
medicines (e.g. novel cancer treatments)
medicines across various LMIC populations. may be unaffordable, creating health-equi-
What policies can improve both the afford- ty ramifications across a society. Ensuring
ability and the appropriate use of medicines? that medicines are, in fact, affordable is a
And how can we strengthen accountability key dimension of access.
and good governance structures in the public
and private sectors? kk Appropriate use. When medicines are
available, they need to be appropriately
used by all involved, including prescribers,


Executive Summary – 11

dispensers, households and patients. Mul- When we recognize that access to medicines
tiple factors contribute to their misuse, in- depends on much more than a series of in-
cluding a lack of regulatory enforcement, teractions between patients and public health
insufficient disease and treatment knowl- services, we understand that innovations for
edge, and unintended effects of health and developing medicines and implementing med-
pharmaceutical system policies. Ensuring icines policies are essential to bring both new
the appropriate use of medicines is criti- and existing medicines to people. This raises
cal to reducing disease burden in LMICs, challenging questions around novel, high-cost
to preserving the future efficacy of proven medicines and generics which, to be resolved,
treatments, and to spending scarce re- require routine multi-stakeholder engage-
sources wisely. ment in fair and inclusive decision-making
Our strategy: addressing medicines
challenges using a systems approach A Framework for moving forward

Conceptualizing access to medicines as a Following discussion and analysis of the medi-

foundational element for a health system al- cines situation across LMICs, this report con-
lows us to move past the more traditional cludes with three core arguments for the
approach to medicines. Integrating medicines medicines agenda in LMICs:
within a holistic concept that better reflects
how real-world, complex systems actually 1. Include access to medicines and their
function allows us to appreciate how medi- appropriate use as an explicit focus in
cines affect and are affected by decisions and health system strengthening and efforts
interventions in other parts of the health sys- towards universal health coverage. As
tem. This report examines many of these health LMICs currently spend a disproportionate
system connections – between medicines and amount of households’ and systems’ budgets
governance, for instance, and between medi- on medicines, any attempts to strengthening
cines and information, arguing throughout health systems and achieving UHC must in-
that an increased attention to these connec- clude a primary focus on medicines.
tions is paramount. 2. Recognize the needs for transparency
As different elements of systems – including and governance in the medicines sector
the development, production, marketing, reg- within and across health systems, and
istration, selection, financing, procurement, then strengthen governance capacities.
distribution, prescribing, dispensing and ul- For essential medicines in any LMIC health sys-
timately the use of medicines – must func- tem and globally, there are multiple authorities
tion in a coordinated fashion to ensure that and governance structures. Pluralistic health
medicines benefit lives, the routine inclusion care delivery and financing systems require in-
of multiple stakeholders is another aspect of novative forms of governance different from
vital importance. Recognizing the many dy- those systems that organize public health care
namics, factors and systems that influence delivery alone. Moreover, the governance and
pharmaceutical and health sector governance, regulation of essential medicines transcends
we must map, analyse, involve, and try to align national boundaries, requiring both local and
actors of influence in medicines decision-mak- international collaboration and innovation.
ing, and actively guide health market systems.


12 – Executive Summary

3. Build more robust connections be- alternative ways of delivering and accessing
tween information, medicines and de- medicines in pluralistic health systems. Chap-
cision-making. Recognizing that data on ter 6 concludes by drawing lessons from the
medicines lie in a fragmented manner across examples and complex situations discussed in
a health system – and that information is the preceding chapters. Finally, the Web An-
central to a systems approach to medicines – nex presents all of the case-studies that in-
there is an urgent need to develop innovative formed this report, along with other useful re-
means for generating information from data sources. It can be accessed at:
and for connecting not only information and alliance-hpsr/resources/flagshipreports/en/
medicines policies, but the actors who gather,
As population needs and the health systems
shape, control and make decisions based upon
to meet those needs continue to evolve in an
that information.
increasingly connected world, old challenges
An overview will persist and new ones will arise. No one
stakeholder or single approach will suffice to
In Chapter One, we lay the groundwork for
ensure that medicines contribute to improving
the rest of the report by introducing and ex-
individual and population health and well-be-
ploring key medicines concepts, including
ing. The emerging synergies between efforts
how a systems approach allows us to bet-
to improve health equity, to strengthen health
ter understand medicines interventions and
systems, and to provide universal health cov-
health system connections. Chapter 2 offers
erage, offer unprecedented opportunities to
a historical perspective on concepts regarding
make appropriately-used medicines accessible
medicines access, affordability, and use, draw-
and affordable across LMICs.
ing important parallels between the evolution
of the field of essential medicines with the The time is now – for communities, for nations,
global agenda of health systems strengthen- for our community of nations – to act upon
ing and universal health coverage. Chapter these synergies, and respond to the pressing
3 argues for an explicit focus on medicines medicines needs in LMICs.
when moving towards universal health cov-
erage. The chapter discusses how two key
aspects of implementing universal health
coverage – information and financing – can
support policies that facilitate the equitable
and affordable access to, and appropriate use
of, medicines. Chapter 4 discusses how inno-
vation can meet three key challenges in access
to medicines: the lack of optimal treatment
options for some health conditions; under-
use of high-quality, lower cost generic medi-
cines in most health systems; and the lack
of equitable, affordable access to specialty
medicines. Chapter 5 explores health market
systems, examining how medicines are deliv-
ered, and how patients and communities ac-
cess medicines in markets. The chapter offers


14 – Acronyms

ADDO Accredited Drug-Dispensing Outlets
AHPSR Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research
AMP Accelerating Medicines Partnership
ANVISA Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitària (Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency)
ART Antiretroviral Therapy
ASAQ Artesunate and Amodiaquine
ASU Antibiotics Smart Use
A4R Accountability for Reasonableness
CEWG Consultative Expert Working Group
CHAI Clinton Health Access Initiative
CSIR Council on Scientific and Industrial Research
CSMBS Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme
DDW Diseases for the Developing World
DLDB Duka la Dawa Baridi (Private medicine outlets)
DNDi Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative
EAG Ethics Advisory Group
EML Essential Medicines List
FDA Food and Drug Agency
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GFATM Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
GPO Government Pharmaceutical Organization
HAI Health Action International
HPHC Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
HTA Health Technology Assessment
IAVI International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
ICIUM International Conference on Improving the Use of Medicines
IFPMA International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations
INRUD International Network for Rational Use of Drugs
LCSs Licensed Chemical Sellers
LMICs Low- and Middle-Income Countries
MDG Millennium Development Goals
MEDS Mission for Essential Drugs Supply
MeTA Medicines Transparency Alliance


Acronyms – 15

MMV Medicines for Malaria Venture

MOHSW Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
MSH Management Sciences for Health
NCD Noncommunicable Diseases
NCMS New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme
NGO Nongovernmental Organization
NHIS National Health Insurance Scheme
NHSO National Health Security Office
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NLEM National List of Essential Medicines
OSDD Open Source Drug Discovery
PATH Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health
PDP Product Development Partnership
PHC Primary Health Care
PREPFAR President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
QUAMED Quality Medicines for All
R&D Research and Development
REACT Response to Accountable Priority-Setting for Trust in Health Systems
ReAct Action on Antiobiotic Resistence
SEAM Strategies for Enhancing Access to Medicines Program
SP Seguro Popular (Mexican Social Security)
SSS Social Security Scheme
STGs Standard Treatment Guidelines
SUS Sistema Único de Saúde (Unified Health System)
SWO Social Welfare Office
TFDA Tanzania Food & Drugs Authority
TRIPS Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
UC Universal Coverage
UHC Universal Health Coverage
UMICs Upper-Middle-Income Countries
WHA World Health Assembly
WHO World Health Organization


18 – Chapter 1: Why a Health Systems Approach?

In recent years 1.1 Introduction to Essential medicines as part of a broader movement to

a human rights Medicines improve the equitable access to health and ac-
argument has
framed access celerate the achievement of UHC (2-4). To that
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
to essential end, many LMICs have enshrined the right to
medicines essential medicines as those medicines that
health – including access to medicines – in
as part of respond to the priority health needs of a spe-
their national constitutions (5). This has in turn
a broader cific population. The WHO Model List of Es-
movement to contributed to the inclusion of access to es-
sential Medicines provides guidance for the
improve the sential medicines in Millennium Development
equitable ac- development of national and institutional es-
Goal 8, and the increasing – though incom-
cess to health sential medicine lists. Not only does this guid-
plete – use of the essential medicines concept
and accelerate ance allow countries to select medicines for
the achieve- across United Nations agencies and other in-
their own context, it has led to the global ac-
ment of UHC. ternational organizations (6, 7).
ceptance of essential medicines as a powerful
means of promoting health equity, pursuing Despite some global attention on the issue,
universal health coverage (UHC), and, ulti- however, much work remains to be done. Cru-
mately, strengthening health systems (1). cially, governments, the international commu-
nity, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Essential medicines should be available at all
and the pharmaceutical industry must move
times in adequate amounts, in appropri-
the medicines agenda beyond intellectual
ate dosage forms, and be cost effective. To
property rights and increasingly respect their
respond effectively to a population’s health
legal and ethical responsibilities in working
needs, they must have a proven efficacy, qual-
towards the equitable access to medicines in
ity and safety. When respecting these criteria,
LMICs. This includes specific attention to:
essential medicines are one of the most cost-
effective elements for any health system, with kk a fuller understanding of the bottlenecks in
an immediate and long-lasting health impact. ensuring equitable access to medicines
In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), across LMIC populations;
simple iron-folate preparations can reduce
kk improving both the affordability and the
maternal and child mortality from anaemia
appropriate use of medicines;
during pregnancy; inexpensive artemisinin-
based combination therapies can prevent ma- kk increasingly using fair and transparent pri-
laria fatalities; and affordable medicines can ority setting processes to determine which
reduce heart attacks and strokes (1). medicines to select and include on a na-
tional essential medicines list (8, 9);
Despite this health impact – and despite a
thriving medicines market – there remain kk determining innovative pricing and financ-
critical problems with essential medicines in ing strategies for medicines, along with
LMICs. They are often not easily available or more efficient models of supply; and
accessed. They can be unaffordable and of
kk developing incentives for the appropriate
poor quality. They are used inappropriately.
use of medicines.
They reflect, in short, the principal shortcom-
ings of the health systems in which they are LMIC governments and the international com-
distributed and delivered. munity must recognize and follow through
on their responsibilities to achieve these ac-
To address this issue, in recent years a human
cess goals. Furthermore, this focus on access
rights argument has framed access to essential


Chapter 1: Why a Health Systems Approach? – 19

to medicines can help advance steps towards goals of medicines policies with their actual Global atten-
universal health coverage – a principle where outcomes and implementation challenges. The tion on UHC
and strength-
people can obtain the health services they report also offers guidance and recommenda- ening health
need without incurring financial hardship. tions for decision-makers to inform, monitor, systems opens
Giving people access to the high quality, af- and evaluate the inevitable reforms required some impor-
fordable medicines they require can only occur to improve medicines access, affordability, and tant windows
for access to
within a context of stronger health systems use in LMIC settings. 1 medicines.
that have removed barriers to the full and
This report’s central contribution lies in its ap-
equitable participation of populations across
plication of a health systems approach to
essential medicines. Recognizing that the in-
This global attention on UHC and strengthen- troduction of a new or modified intervention This report uses
ing health systems opens some important generates both predictable and unpredictable concrete ex-
amples through
windows for access to medicines (10). To take responses from the health system, a health
full advantage of these opportunities, we must systems approach allows us to anticipate case-studies
adopt a health systems approach and situ- how pharmaceutical interventions affect other to contrast the
ate medicines against the full complexity of a health system functions and are, in turn, af- stated goals
of medicines
health system to visualize how interventions in fected by them. What, for instance, are the
policies with
the pharmaceutical sector influence the rest of governance or financing or service-delivery their actual
the health system and vice versa. In applying implications – across a system – when ex- outcomes and
a health systems approach, this report deep- panding access to an essential medicine? A implementation
ens our understandings of the many ways to medicine may be an essential life-saving mea-
improve access to medicines within a broader sure, but without adequate attention to how it
system that is increasingly able to satisfy the will be financed in the medium and long term,
health needs of the people it serves. Such an or to how it will be stocked and delivered –
analysis generates some strong recommen- consistently and reliably – and how it will be
dations for decision-makers to act upon, and used appropriately, the intervention will be-
presents priority topic areas for researchers. come yet another vertical effort that fails to
integrate with the health system, seeing its
1.2 Introduction to the Flagship Report
impact fading over time.
The goal of this Flagship Report is to provide
A health systems approach allows for a com-
an analysis of essential medicines using a
prehensive mapping of relevant actors and
health systems approach. This approach ad-
their influence and power on medicines ac-
vances an innovative and holistic perspec-
cess. Some of these actors may be an active
tive that will ultimately enhance informed
part of the health system (e.g. nurses provid-
decision-making to improve medicines access,
ing health care and local officials implement-
affordability and appropriate use in LMICs.
ing medicines policies), and some may lie well
Drawing on the work of the Alliance for Health
beyond the actual delivery of health care (e.g.
Policy and Systems Research (AHPSR) (11, 12),
bilateral donors funding specific interventions
this report uses concrete examples through
or pharmaceutical companies’ marketing prac-
country case-studies to contrast the stated
tices). Arriving at a deeper understanding of
health system actors – including an appre-
1. Whereas the report recognizes that there are vulnerable popula-
tions in all countries – with growing inequities threatening people ciation of their power, interests and ability to
in need of essential medicines for acute and chronic conditions no
matter their geography – the report focuses on LMICs. effectively collaborate – is a crucial missing


20 – Chapter 1: Why a Health Systems Approach?

piece in access to medicines. Through this serves as a guide for developing national and
increased understanding of relevant actors, institutional essential medicine lists. Effec-
a systems approach allows us to then visu- tive implementation of essential medicines
alize the many decision-making points and lists will depend on several factors: standard
processes within a health system – in priority treatment guidelines for health conditions, in-
setting, for instance, in policy formulation, and cluding communicable and noncommunicable
in policy implementation (10). diseases that are relevant to the population
(15-17); changing population-health condi-
The challenge of course lies in finding new
tions and treatment options; the capacity of
ways of influencing those decision-making
skilled health care providers and levels of care;
processes with voices and experiences from
infrastructure conditions such as the state of
across the health system. We argue through-
storage facilities and transport issues; the
out this report that only with sound decision-
Only with availability of quality-assured products; af-
making – informed by the aspirations of UHC
sound decision- fordability; and financing, with a particular
making – and guided by health system strengthening
focus on out-of-pocket costs.
informed by efforts – will decision-makers make viable and
the aspirations sustainable progress in increasing access to 1.3.2 Affordability
of UHC and
guided by
medicines in LMICs.
There are different ways to define affordabil-
health system
strengthening 1.3 Definitions and concepts ity, with assessments typically focused on two
efforts – will levels: affordability for patients/households,
decision-mak- In any context, access to medicines is much
and affordability for the health system itself. At
ers make viable more than simply an intellectual property is-
the patient/household level, an inability to af-
and sustainable sue. Access to medicines depends on which
progress in in- ford medicines can have clinical repercussions
medicines are selected for inclusion on a na-
creasing access (e.g. those in need forego or interrupt their
to medicines in tional essential medicines list, and whether
treatment), economic repercussions (e.g. high
LMICs. they are available, affordable and appropri-
out-of-pocket expenditures reduce household
ately used. As these dimensions of access are
spending on other necessary items), and so-
of fundamental importance to the report, we
cietal repercussions (e.g. community divisions
define them below.
stemming from inequitable medicines access
1.3.1 Selection and availability of medicines due to cost). The WHO/Health Action Interna-
tional (HAI) Project on Medicine Prices Avail-
WHO updates its Model List of Essential Medi- ability and Affordability measures patient af-
cines every two years (13), selecting medicines fordability by estimating the number of daily
“with due regard to public health relevance, wages – using the salary of the lowest-paid
evidence on efficacy and safety, and compara- unskilled government worker – required to
tive cost-effectiveness” (14). WHO states that purchase a course of treatment (18).2 Such
“essential medicines should be available with- measurements provide a precise snapshot of
in the context of functioning health systems at a medicine’s affordability in any given context,
all times in adequate amounts, in the appro- helping to quantify the impoverishing effect of
priate dosage forms, with assured quality and purchasing medicines (19).
adequate information, and at a price the in-
dividual and the community can afford” (14).
2. Cameron et al. (2009) studied affordability for both acute and
chronic conditions – specifically a course of antibiotics for a bacterial
The WHO Model List of Essential Medicines infection, and one month of treatment for diabetes.


Chapter 1: Why a Health Systems Approach? – 21

Several authors (20, 21) have furthered this processes).

work by constructing three indicators of the
1.3.3 Appropriate use
financial burden of medicines spending at the
household level: WHO defines the appropriate use of medicines
as when “patients receive medications ap-
(1) high (and potentially catastrophic)
propriate to their clinical needs, in doses that
health care spending, defined as 40%
meet their own individual requirements, for
or more of total expenditures after ac-
an adequate period of time, and at the low-
counting for food costs, over a period of
est cost to them and their community” (23).
4 weeks;
Historically, this concept was referred to as
(2) undesirable financial coping strate- the “rational use” of medicines – but in this
gies, such as using savings, borrowing report, we prefer the term “appropriate use”
money, or selling assets to pay for health as stakeholders have various reasons for using Thinking of
care; and particular medicines and the “rational” use of access to
medicines as
medicines may in fact still be inappropriate a foundational
(3) an unbalanced proportion of house-
(as inappropriate use includes overuse, unde- element for a
hold health care spending on medicines. health system
ruse, or inefficient use of medicines, including,
allows us
At the health system level, there are no set for example, using antibiotics for viral infec-
to integrate
benchmarks for what is an affordable medi- tions or non-adherence to chronic treatment medicines
cine. Can LMIC health systems afford the med- regiments). within a holistic
concept that
icines they put on their essential medicines
Several major initiatives such as the 1985 better reflects
list? Can they, for instance, afford a high-cost how real-world,
Conference of Experts on the Rational Use of
cancer treatment on their list? Health system complex sys-
Drugs in Nairobi, Kenya (24), the International tems actually
affordability depends on medicines prices and
Network for Rational Use of Drugs (25), and function.
also on the budgets health systems can com-
the three International Conferences for Im-
mand to spend on medicines. Commonly-used
proving Use of Medicines (26), have increased
indicators of health system spending on medi-
global awareness of the problem of inappro-
cines include the proportion of total health
priate use of medicines, and have encouraged
expenditure on medicines, total pharmaceuti-
programmes and policies to target the appro-
cal expenditure as a percentage of GDP, and
priate use of medicines in LMICs.
per capita pharmaceutical expenditures (22).
Ultimately, however, we need to ensure that 1.4 Essential Medicines and Health
spending on medicines aligns with the needs Systems
of all population groups, defined by socioeco-
Essential medicines and medical technologies
nomic status (e.g., expenditure quintiles), geo-
are core elements of a health system (27, 28).
graphic location (e.g. urban or rural), racial or
Thinking of access to medicines as a founda-
ethnic category, health status, and other char-
tional element for a health system allows us to
acteristics that allow for the identification of
integrate medicines within a holistic concept
potentially vulnerable populations. Spending
that better reflects how real-world, complex
medicines budgets without strong regard for
systems actually function. Figure 1.1 conveys
who benefits from that spending could lead to
the many interactions and connections among
disproportionate gains for specific population
a health system’s building blocks, which were
groups (e.g. the urban elite, given their typi-
first described by WHO in 2007 (27).
cal proximity and access to decision-making


22 – Chapter 1: Why a Health Systems Approach?

Figure 1.1: Interconnectedness of health system 1. As health systems – and the actors
components (12) who shape them – feature many core
interactions and connections, it is es-
sential to examine the ways in which
the access to, affordability, and use of
GOVERNANCE medicines affect and are affected by
decisions in other parts of the health
TECHNOLOGIES Essential medicines connect to the other core
health system components in the following
PEOPLE ways:

kk Service delivery processes affect how

HUMAN medicines reach patients and whether they
are appropriately prescribed, dispensed,
and taken.
DELIVERY kk Well-trained health care providers are
required for appropriate prescribing and
dispensing practices as well as for support-
ing patient adherence to prescribed use.

kk Information systems play a critical role

A systems ap- While these building blocks divide a health in supporting the appropriate use of medi-
proach that system into convenient, conceptual pieces that
recognizes the cines (e.g. through monitoring prescription
interconnected provide, above all, for analytical simplicity, the practices and adherence), supply manage-
nature of systems approach as advocated throughout ment (including avoidance of stock-outs),
health system this report goes much further. We argue that pricing, and payment.
only through an appreciation of the dynamic
– and the
interplay – often unpredictable and always kk Financing systems are crucial to ensure
policies and
interventions changing – among health system components equitable access and affordability of medi-
that play out and actors can we arrive at a full understand- cines. Without national policies stipulating
across them – access to essential medicines for vulnera-
represents a
ing of a health system, and specifically how
medicines policies and medicines interven- ble populations, many households are un-
true paradigm
shift in access tions affect and are affected by the system’s likely to access medicines when necessary
to medicines constant adaptation and complexity. – or will access them at the risk of further
(29). impoverishment.
A systems approach that recognizes the inter-
connected nature of health system compo- kk Good governance and effective
stewardship are essential to all aspects
nents – and the policies and interventions
of medicines in health systems, including
that play out across them – represents a true
registration, selection, quality assurance,
paradigm shift in access to medicines (29). Ac-
procurement, financing, prescribing and
cording to Bigdeli and colleagues (2013), this
dispensing of medicines.
shift reveals three key factors that characterize
access to essential medicines (29):


Chapter 1: Why a Health Systems Approach? – 23

2. As demand-side barriers are of criti- these actors of influence. This would in-
cal importance in accessing medicines, clude mapping and analysing international
it is essential to move past the tradi- development efforts, global and bilateral trade
tional conceptual confines of medicines agreements, local politics, public and private
as goods transacted in a series of in- market forces, informal and unregulated pro-
teractions between patients and public viders, research and development priorities,
health services. Access to medicines, and industry priorities, and intellectual properties
their affordability and use, are influenced by rights. An analysis of these dynamics, factors
multiple factors at the patient, household, and systems – focused on the converging and
community and systemic levels. Understand- diverging interests that influence the health
ing the cost and perceived quality of medi- system – will greatly assist in an understand-
cines and health services, patient demand and ing of the forces for and against change, the
health-seeking behaviour, and sociocultural perspectives any medicines policy will need to
barriers (among others) are critical elements navigate or address, and ultimately move us
that expand our area of inquiry and generate towards a broadened vision of health system
more systems-based knowledge. stewardship.

3. As multiple dynamics, factors and Figure 1.2 illustrates the conceptual frame-
systems influence pharmaceutical and work that guides this report (reproduced from
health sector governance, it is essen- 29). It shows how the medicines sub-system is
tial to map out, analyse and involve nested within the broader health system and

Figure 1.2: Access to medicines from a health system perspective adapted from Bigdeli et al. (29)

Equity, human rights

International context
Governa nc e National context
Health sector

Private sector, informal sector, trade Medicines
and economic goals
Availability - Accessibility,
New medicines, formulations, and Service
delivery channels
delivery Better
Health Health health
Information Financing Quality out-
Equity comes
Price, source, quality
Health Infrastructure

Individuals, households and communities

Physical and natural resources, social and human capital,
financial resources


24 – Chapter 1: Why a Health Systems Approach?

in constant interaction with other sub-systems. are governed by a set of inherent rules that
These dynamic relationships are characteristic are highly context-specific. Sheikh et al. (34)
of a complex system, and must be considered designate values and norms, relationships and
in order to understand how innovations and power, and ideas and interests, as the “soft-
interventions in one part of the system will ware elements” of health systems. The sys-
affect other parts of the system (30-32). As tem’s reaction to an intervention creates new
Kannampallil and colleagues rightly observe, relationships and often reconfigures these ex-
“complex systems cannot be understood by isting “software elements” (34).
attending to their individual components in
Understanding access to medicines through a
isolation” (33).
health systems approach must take into ac-
1.5 Applying systems thinking to count several additional factors. First, studying
access to medicines effects over time is important since adapta-
tion – in which the effect changes with time
Health systems have both predictable and un-
– is common in complex systems. For example,
predictable behaviours and reactions to indi-
interventions may have a so-called “flash ef-
vidual interventions. Research tends to assess
fect” – they seem successful immediately
the predictable outcomes of these interven-
but less so in the medium and longer term.
tions, ignoring the unpredictable or unintend-
Another characteristic of complex systems is
ed consequences of the system’s response. This
the inclusion of multiple actors, with their per-
contributes to an inaccurate and incomplete
spectives, connections and the ways in which
picture of the full effects of an intervention.
they interact influencing each other’s behav-
Relationships between system components iour, which in turn affects the system. When

Box 1.1: Systems thinking for health systems strengthening (12)

The Alliance published its 2009 Flagship Report on Systems Thinking for Health Systems Strength-
ening. This 2009 Flagship Report discussed the linkages between the concepts of systems think-
ing and health system strengthening, arguing that systems thinking provides “a way forward for
operating more successfully and effectively in complex, real-world settings. It can open powerful
pathways to identifying and resolving health system challenges, and as such is a crucial ingredi-
ent for any health system strengthening effort”. This current Flagship Report expands on the
work and thinking of the previous report, applying systems thinking to the area of access to

As described in the 2009 report, systems thinking is a process that “works to reveal the underly-
ing characteristics and relationships of systems... Health systems are constantly changing, with
components that are tightly connected and highly sensitive to change elsewhere in the system.
They are non-linear, unpredictable and resistant to change, with seemingly obvious solutions
sometimes worsening a problem.” Anticipating how an intervention might “flow through, react
with, and impinge on” sub-systems is crucial, creating “the opportunity to apply systems thinking
in a constructive way…” (12).


Chapter 1: Why a Health Systems Approach? – 25

assessing an intervention in a complex system, two key aspects for implementing universal Systems think-
we must attempt to predict actors’ behaviours health coverage – information and financing – ing has particu-
lar relevance
and reactions, as these may lead to potential can support policies that facilitate the equita- for medicines
unintended consequences in the system. Iden- ble and affordable access to, and appropriate as their access,
tifying these potential unintended effects of use of, medicines. The chapter describes medi- affordability,
interventions before the intervention is imple- cines management strategies used in financial and use are
mented is critical in ensuring that intended risk protection schemes in several countries by multiple
outcomes overshadow the unintended. at different stages of implementation of uni- processes both
versal health coverage. It then discusses the within and
Systems thinking has particular relevance for outside the
importance of ethical considerations in de-
medicines as their access, affordability, and health system –
signing medicines policies for universal health and at multiple
use are determined by multiple processes both
coverage. political and
within and outside the health system – and socioeconomic
at multiple political and socioeconomic levels. Chapter 4 discusses how innovation – broad- levels.
Predicting patterns of behaviours from various ly defined as “a process to create or improve
perspectives and based on different sources products, processes, technologies and/or ideas
should help us better plan, implement, and as- to generate positive changes in efficiency,
sess interventions that improve access to med- value and quality” (162) – can meet three
icines (and in turn, better health outcomes). key challenges in access to medicines. These
While such predictions are essential, they are include: the lack of optimal treatment options
often challenging to make in practice. for some health conditions; underuse of high
quality, lower cost generic medicines in most
This report responds to that challenge by of-
health systems; and the lack of equitable, af-
fering concrete examples of specific medicines
fordable access to specialty medicines.
issues through a systems approach. The report
uses case-studies to describe challenges and Chapter 5 explores health market systems,
the approaches to meet those challenges in examining how medicines are delivered,
real-life contexts. and how patients and communities access
medicines in markets. The chapter offers ex-
1.6 Overview of the chapters
amples of alternative ways of delivering and
Following this introduction, Chapter 2 offers accessing medicines in pluralistic health sys-
a historical perspective on concepts regarding tems – through accreditation of drug outlets,
medicines access, affordability, and use. It ex- expert patients groups, provider and regula-
amines how these concepts have evolved over tory networks, and social business initiatives.
time since the 1970s and 1978’s Alma Ata These new approaches are promising yet have
Declaration, and then briefly discusses issues broader system implications that require care-
around the quality of medicines. The chapter ful consideration.
draws an important parallel between the evo-
Chapter 6 concludes by drawing lessons
lution of the field of essential medicines with
from the examples and complex situations
the global agenda of health systems strength-
discussed in the preceding chapters. Acknowl-
ening and universal health coverage.
edging the many challenges of ensuring the
Chapter 3 argues for an explicit focus on equitable, affordable access to and appropri-
medicines when moving towards universal ate use of medicines, the chapter offers tools
health coverage. The chapter discusses how and recommendations for understanding


26 – Chapter 1: Why a Health Systems Approach?

medicines situations in complex health

systems that will ultimately inform sound

The Web Annex presents all of the case-stud-

ies that informed this report, along with
other useful resources. It can be accessed at:


28 – Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems


kk Since the 1970s, the concept of essential

medicines has evolved beyond the selection
of essential medicines to include product
quality, sustainable supply chains, equity in
access, efficiency and appropriateness of
medicines use, and affordability for both
households and health systems.
kk In many LMICs, the availability of essential
medicines remains poor, particularly in the
public sector, and available medicines are
often unaffordable, of questionable quality,
and used inappropriately.
kk In parallel, a focus on health systems has
also evolved over time and now targets uni-
versal access to, and equitable financing of,
health care, including essential medicines.
kk It is crucial that stakeholders consider es-
sential medicines and health systems in rela-
tion to each other, so that improving access
to medicines is an explicit target for health
systems strengthening and an understand-
ing of health systems informs policies and
programmes for medicines.
Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems – 29

2.1 A historical perspective on resource-poor countries” (25). In 1985, key

stakeholders, including patients and consum-
This chapter provides a historical perspective
ers, discussed the appropriate use of essential
on the development of essential medicines
medicines at a landmark conference in Nairobi
and health systems, describing the current en-
(24). This meeting resulted in the WHO Re-
vironment in which each is situated, and then
vised Drug Strategy, which put the “emphasis
identifying priority issues related to the access,
beyond selection [onto] procurement, distri-
affordability, and use of medicines in health
bution, rational use, and quality assurance for
systems in LMICs.
the public sector” (37).
To provide a sequential understanding of
The first International Conference on Improv-
many of the aspects central to this chapter, an
ing the Use of Medicines (ICIUM) convened in
extensive table (Figure 2.1) shows some no-
1997, followed by ICIUM conferences in 2004
table milestones in the evolving concepts of
and 2011, which brought together research-
essential medicines, health systems, and the
ers, policy-makers and, most recently, indus-
interplay between the two.
try stakeholders. Above all, these conferences
2.1.1 Essential medicines since the 1970’s sought a global consensus on interventions
designed to improve the use of medicines and
The idea of selecting a list of essential medi- on a research agenda to address particular
cines originated in military medicine, particu- knowledge gaps (26). There was also atten-
larly during the Second World War, and was tion paid – particularly by northern European
adopted in some LMICs (e.g., Bangladesh and development agencies – to support research
Sri Lanka) in the 1970s (35, 36). WHO formal- and capacity strengthening on the use of
ized the concept of medicines selection with medicines in LMICs (25, 26). With a growing
the publication of the first essential medicines focus on improving the quality of essential
list (EML) in 1977 (37). In 1981, WHO created medicines, the WHO began a Prequalifica-
the Action Programme on Essential Drugs – tion Programme in 2001 to assess the quality,
now called the Department of Essential Medi- safety and efficacy of medicines for HIV/AIDS,
cines and Health Products – while Manage- tuberculosis and malaria (39). This service has
ment Sciences for Health published the first since been expanded to cover medicines and
edition of Managing Drug Supply, a leading products for other priority diseases and for re-
reference on how to manage essential medi- productive health.
cines in developing countries (38).
More recently, there has been a focus on
While this initial focus lay on creating a list of household access and affordability with the
medicines, in the 1980s and 1990s multiple development of measurement tools to in-
stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, crease transparency and the creation of evi-
and pharmaceutical companies, began to con- dence-informed policy. The WHO/HAI pricing
sider factors such as supply, appropriate use, survey methodology, first published in 2003,
product quality, and affordable pricing. The In- provided a new approach to measuring prices
ternational Network for Rational Use of Drugs of medicines at different points in the supply
(INRUD) was established in 1981 “to design, chain (40). This had a particular focus on end-
test, and disseminate effective strategies to user prices and in promoting greater transpar-
improve the way drugs are prescribed, dis- ency of global medicines prices. Over this pe-
pensed, and used, with a particular emphasis riod, WHO led the development of a toolkit for


30 – Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems

country assessments that includes health facil- towards universal health coverage (45). The
ity and household surveys to measure the sup- 2010 WHO World Health Report (46) provided
ply of medicines, how they were prescribed, guidance for countries to raise sufficient re-
along with their price, accessibility, and use sources, improve efficiency of health systems,
(41). Currently, as described in this report, and achieve universal health coverage.
there is a growing focus on the availability, ac-
During this time, there has also been a grow-
cess, affordability, and use of medicines in the
ing recognition, largely as a result of the World
context of complex, real-world health systems.
Bank’s 1993 World Development Report (47,
2.1.2 Health systems: from Alma Ata to 48) and the 2001 WHO Report of the Com-
UHC mission on Macroeconomics and Health (49,
50), that greater investment in health by both
Alongside this evolution of the access to medi-
LMICs governments and donors will acceler-
cines field were important developments in
ate economic development in LMICs.
the concept and understanding of the health
system. The 1978 Alma Ata Declaration was 2.1.3 The impact of HIV/AIDS on health
the first international commitment to primary systems and essential medicines
health care and “a first attempt to unify think-
The HIV/AIDS epidemic has had massive impli-
ing about health within a single policy frame-
cations for both essential medicines and
work” (27). It emphasized the importance of
health systems. As the HIV epidemic spread,
essential medicines in health systems when it
with more and more patients requiring anti-
identified the “provision of essential drugs as
retroviral therapy (ART), pharmaceutical com-
one of eight key components of primary health
panies defended their intellectual property
care” (37). In 1987, the Harare Declaration
rights, which maintained high prices for ART,
and Bamako Initiative spearheaded efforts to
putting these life-saving medications out of
improve primary health care systems in Africa
reach for most LMIC populations (51). South
through decentralization (i.e. a district health
Africa in particular struggled with a devastat-
system approach) and user fees for medicines
ing HIV/AIDS epidemic, with the government
(i.e. revolving drug funds) (42). In the 1980s
eventually enacting the Medicines and Re-
and 1990s, user fees were widely promoted
lated Substances Control Amendment Act in
as a means to finance struggling health sys-
1997, which allowed for the provision of more
tems, though this approach would contribute
affordable HIV medicines through parallel im-
to “widespread ‘financial catastrophe (for
ports and compulsory licensing (52).
households) associated with direct payments
for health services’” (43). Three decades after In 1998, however, 41 companies sued the
the widespread adoption of user fees, there government of South Africa, claiming that the
is now a worldwide movement toward more act was in violation of the Trade Related In-
equitable financing of health care and risk tellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement
protection through universal health coverage. protecting drug patents (51). Following pub-
lic outcry highlighting the urgent life-saving
The 2000 WHO World Health Report (44) em-
importance of these medicines, the case was
phasized the goals of quality and equity, par-
dropped in 2001. However, the publicity sur-
ticularly fairness of financial contributions,
rounding the court case spurred global access
of national health systems. In 2005, WHO
campaigns and the creation of donor-driven
Member States made a commitment to work
access-to-medicines programmes, especially


Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems – 31

around HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria (e.g., Clin- patients and for health systems; prescribing
ton Health Access Initiative, Global Fund, PEP- practices, dispensing and use; health-seeking
FAR, and UNITAID) (53-56). Ensuring access behaviour and reliance on the informal health
to medicines that prevent or treat these three sector; traditional medicines; quality control
diseases has since become the focus of major and regulation; and investing in research and
global health efforts. development.

While these vertical disease-focused pro- 2.2.1 Availability of medicines

grammes have improved access to medicines
The availability of essential medicines, particu-
through increased donor support, novel and
larly in the public sector, is still poor in many
enhanced funding and purchasing mecha-
LMICs. Beginning in 2003, WHO/HAI surveys
nisms, and improved supply chains, they have
have found that the availability of widely-used
created a raft of unintended consequences.
generic medicines was 57% in the public sec-
These consequences have seen the global fo-
tor and 65% in the private sector (61). In both
cus shift away from other essential medicines,
sectors, medicines for chronic conditions were
and from other issues such as the appropriate
less widely available than those for acute con-
use of medicines, and the role of medicines
ditions (62).
in overall health system strengthening efforts.
Where people live in relation to the nearest
Recent attention to these unintended conse-
health facility affects their geographical access
quences has, however, helped to shift the
to medicines. As a result, those in rural areas
global focus back to health system strength-
typically have much poorer access to medi-
ening and improving access to medicines for
cines – a fact further compounded by lower
noncommunicable diseases (57). Govern-
treatment adherence in rural areas (63). Rural
ments use flexibilities in the TRIPS agreement
households are also more likely to incur cata-
that encourage efforts to make medicines
strophic health expenditures (64). Distance
more affordable in LMICs – allowing, for in-
and poor road conditions can also interrupt
stance, for the production or importation of
the medicines supply chain, leading to an er-
generic products of patented medicines when
ratic supply of medicines, including stock-outs
there is a public health emergency (58, 59).
Donors are now analysing the HIV/AIDS access
campaigns for lessons on how to strengthen 2.2.2 Affordability for patients
health systems and improve access to essen-
tial medicines for noncommunicable diseases The price of medicines varies widely across
within the context of a complex, real-world countries, as well as by region and between
health system (60). the public and private sector (18). Medicines
are often wholly unaffordable for poorer pa-
2.2 Current situations of medicines in tients (18). Without a financial risk protection
LMICs scheme (e.g. health insurance with a compre-
hensive medicines benefit) and a functioning
In this section, we examine some of the cur-
public health care delivery system in most
rent key issues relating to access to medi-
LMICs, patients pay high out-of-pocket costs
cines in LMICs. This includes sub-sections on
for medicines. Out-of-pocket spending can
the general LMIC situation around the avail-
be financially devastating as medicines ac-
ability of medicines; affordability issues for
count for the largest category of out-of-pocket


32 – Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems

Three of the health expenses in LMICs – in 2002-03, ap- expenditures, a dynamic that requires more
top ten sources proximately half (41%-56%) of households emphasis on the appropriate and efficient use
of health care
spent 100% of their health care expenses on of medicines (68). Risk protection schemes
involved medi- medicines (20). and health care delivery systems in LMICs can
cines. use purchasing, selection, utilization manage-
Medicine expenditures often lead to cata-
ment, and contracting strategies to provide
strophic levels of household spending and im-
incentives for health system stakeholders
poverishment, with the poor being particularly
(e.g. pharmaceutical industry, providers, and
vulnerable (66). Health insurance, which can
patients) to sell, dispense and use medicines
reduce or eliminate out-of-pocket spending
more appropriately and more efficiently (see
on medicines, provides a form of financial risk
Chapter 3).
protection and has been shown to improve
access to medicines in LMICs (67). However, 2.2.4 Prescribing practices, dispensing and
many insurance programmes do not provide use
a comprehensive essential medicines benefit.
Over half of the medicines used in LMICs are
2.2.3 Affordability for health systems used inappropriately; according to the World
Medicines Situation 2011, only 30-40% of
On average, total pharmaceutical expendi-
LMIC patients are treated according to clini-
tures in both public and private sectors ac-
cal guidelines and only about 50% of patients
count for over a quarter of total health expen-
anywhere adhere to treatment regimens (69).
diture in LMICs (30% in low-income countries
Recent studies have identified health system
and 28% in lower-middle income countries),
shortcomings – including unreliable medicines
with some LMICs spending up to two-thirds
procurement and supply systems; insufficient
(67%) of their total health expenditure on
numbers of adequately trained prescribers and
pharmaceuticals (22). A high proportion of
dispensers; inadequate knowledge of prescrib-
health spending on medicines may constitute
ers, dispensers and patients about medicines;
good value for money. However, high expen-
and perverse incentives for prescribers and dis-
ditures on medicines may in fact threaten the
pensers – as the major causes of suboptimal
sustainability of a health system, as in Ghana
use of medicines (70, 71). These shortcomings
where, in 2008 – three years following the im-
require targeted system strengthening policies
plementation of the National Health Insurance
to improve the use of medicines (69).
Scheme – spending on medicines consumed
nearly half of the scheme’s expenditures (see In a 2012 report (70), WHO promoted various
Chapter 3). actions for improving medicines situations at
the national level. These included the develop-
Given resource constraints, LMIC health sys-
ment and mandated use of a national essen-
tems cannot afford to spend money ineffi-
tial medicines list; investments in improving
Over half of the ciently. In 2010, WHO determined that three
national medicines procurement and supply
medicines used of the top ten sources of health care inefficien-
in LMICs are systems; promoting early screening and ac-
cy involved medicines – specifically the high
used inappro- curate diagnoses; facilitating the implementa-
priately prices of medicines; the use of substandard
tion of evidence-based treatment guidelines;
and counterfeit medicines; and the inappro-
promoting patient-centred treatment initia-
priate and ineffective use of medicines (46).
tives; monitoring medicines use to guide ev-
Health system reforms aimed at increasing ac-
idence-informed policy-making; and ensuring
cess to medicines may also serve to increase


Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems – 33

government commitment to and stakeholder beliefs or because of poor access to the for- On average,
engagement in the appropriate use of medi- mal health system. While these traditional total phar-
cines (70). medicines or complementary and alternative expenditures in
medicines may have clinical benefit, there is both public and
2.2.5 Health-seeking behaviour and reli- private sectors
concern regarding their lack of regulation and
ance on the informal health sector account for
insufficient data on safety, efficacy and quality
over a quarter
Over-the-counter treatments, when used (77). WHO encourages countries to develop a of total health
properly, can reduce pressure on the health national policy on these medicines and when expenditure in
safety, efficacy and quality can be established, LMICs (30%
system and give patients – especially those
in low-income
with poor access to formal health care pro- these medicines may be eligible for inclusion
countries and
viders – greater control over their medical in a national essential medicines list and a 28% in lower-
conditions (72). However, in many countries, health insurance system’s medicines reim- middle income
bursement list. countries), with
prescription-only medicines are widely sold
some LMICs
without a prescription, resulting in patients spending up
2.2.7 Quality control and regulation
self-medicating without proper instruction to two-thirds
(72). This type of self-medication may not Challenges in ensuring the quality of medi- (67%) of their
total health
be effective and potentially compromises pa- cines in LMICs include a lack of reliable data expenditure on
tients’ safety when treatments require diagno- on the extent of the problem, and a lack of pharmaceuti-
sis by trained practitioners, proper instructions agreement between stakeholders about how cals (22).
on drug regimens, or follow-up with a provider to deal with those quality issues (78). These
(83). People may also self-medicate when they challenges have to be addressed within wid-
have poor access to health care providers or er system constraints that include a lack of
perceive public health facilities to be ineffi- regulatory capacity, a general inability to test
cient or of low quality. Health insurance cover- and monitor data, and a substantial market
age for medicines can potentially reduce reli- for counterfeit medicines in LMICs (79, 80). In many coun-
tries, pre-
ance on self-medication and thereby improve WHO has defined standards of acceptable scription-only
the appropriate use of medicines. product quality, safety and efficacy, and it uses medicines
these criteria to evaluate medicines for prior- are widely
There are a host of social factors that influence sold without
ity diseases and to “prequalify” medicines for
health-seeking behaviour specific to medi- a prescrip-
UN agency and other LMIC purchasers (39). tion, resulting
cines. Medicines are sometimes not accept-
Cost-effective, rapid technologies are needed in patients
able due to cultural reasons, stigma (e.g. self-medicating
to monitor the quality of medicines in supply
enrolment in an HIV medicines programme without proper
systems, and improved information exchange
signals HIV/AIDs status (73)), or perceptions instruction.
about quality between key stakeholders (81).
about low product quality (e.g. belief that ge-
neric medicines from local manufacturers are An example of an initiative for supporting the
inferior (74)). Evidence of gender inequities in exchange of information on medicines qual-
access is thus far not conclusive (75,76) – the ity is QUAMED (Quality Medicines for All),
issue remains to be investigated further. an alliance of non-profit organisations (82).
QUAMED was launched in 2011 by the Insti-
2.2.6 Traditional medicines
tute of Tropical Medicine (Antwerp, Belgium)
Patients in many LMICs rely on traditional with a mission to improve the quality of the
medicines or complementary and alternative medicines available in LMICs. The organization
medicines (77), either because of cultural collects independent information on quality of


34 – Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems

Challenges in medicines from multiple sources (e.g. public a Consultative Expert Working Group on Re-
ensuring the sources such as WHO, audits of international search and Development: Financing and Coor-
quality of
wholesalers and local distributers and manu- dination, which has made far-reaching recom-
medicines in
LMICs include a facturers, and registration files submitted mendations to change incentives for R&D (see
lack of reliable to regulatory authorities) and partners with Chapter 4).
data on the NGOs and non-profit procurement centres to
extent of the The pharmaceutical industry, from small local
problem, and a share information on the quality of medicines
manufacturers to large multinational R&D
lack of agree- and to build the capacity of LMIC partners to
ment between firms, has an important role to play in improv-
procure quality medicines.
stakeholders ing access to medicines in LMICs. Increasingly,
about how to 2.2.8 Investing in research and companies recognize that improving access to
deal with those
development medicines in LMICs is a corporate social re-
quality issues.
sponsibility goal – and a viable business strat-
Research and development (R&D) on innova-
egy (89). There are numerous tools that in-
tive products, formulations, and drug deliv-
dustry can use to expand access to innovative
ery technologies are important components
products, such as: differential or tiered-pricing
of improving access to essential medicines
according to the economic capacity of the
in LMICs, especially for HIV/AIDS, tuberculo-
buying country or population group; voluntary
sis, malaria, neglected tropical diseases (83)
licensing to generic manufacturers for produc-
– and also for the medicines children require
tion of generic versions of patented medicines;
(84). Driven by strong advocacy, global ac-
investing in R&D for neglected diseases; pro
cess campaigns for HIV/AIDS have resulted in
bono research; creating wholly-owned local
patent flexibilities for public health emergen-
subsidiaries in LMICs; public-private partner-
cies and national disease priorities (51, 85);
ships for R&D; and participating in patent
Research and enshrined the right to health and medicines
pools, in which several patents are donated by
development in many LMIC constitutions (2); and led to
medicine producers to drive R&D in a particu-
(R&D) on the creation of organizations dedicated to
innovative lar area (89, 90).
expanding access to medicines for HIV/AIDS,
products, for-
mulations, and tuberculosis and malaria, such as the Global More recently, some pharmaceutical compa-
drug delivery Fund, PEPFAR, Clinton Health Access Initia- nies have started so-called social business or
technologies tive, and the Global Drug Facility (53-56, 86). shared-value initiatives that target both the
are important
Similar campaigns are needed for neglected generation of social value for populations in
of improv- tropical diseases, since many of these can be LMICs, and profit (91, see Chapter 5). The Ac-
ing access to prevented or treated with available medicines, cess to Medicines Index collects data on in-
essential medi- and more research is needed to develop strat- dustry efforts to improve access to medicine
cines in LMICs,
especially for
egies to make these medicines accessible, par- in LMICs and publically recognizes companies
HIV/AIDS, ticularly for remote populations (87). for their investments and initiatives (92, 93).
tuberculosis, The Index’s objective is to create another form
malaria and ne- The problem of low investment in R&D for
of competition between companies, based
glected tropical medicines for neglected diseases due to low
diseases. on recognition of their investments in access
market demand in poor countries is now well
to medicines rather than on market share or
recognized. Of the 850 new therapeutic prod-
sales volumes.
ucts registered in 2000–11, only 37 (4%)
were for neglected diseases (88). WHO has
tried to address this problem by establishing


Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems – 35

2.3 The future of medicines in LMIC

health systems

Recent decades have seen great progress in

improving the access, affordability, and appro-
priate use of essential medicines. During this
time, understanding has grown about how
to create sustainable and equitable health
systems in LMICs. From a health systems per-
spective, many countries have now identified
achieving universal health coverage as their
top health system priority (10). At this junc-
tion, it is essential to bridge the considerable
work done towards improving access to medi-
cines, and their affordability and appropriate
use in LMICs with the promising agenda of
health systems strengthening and universal
health coverage.


36 – Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems

Figure 2.1: Timeline of milestones in development of essential medicines and health systems concepts
A more comprehensive timeline with full references is available in the Web Annex:

Essential medicine policies milestones
Health systems strengthening milestones

WHA Resolution 28.66 calls on WHO to assist
Member States to select and procure essential
drugs of good quality and at a reasonable cost.

1977 WHO publishes first EML of 205


Alma Ata identifies the “provision of essential

drugs as one of eight key components of PHC”. 1978
The Alma Ata Declaration
articulates the concept of
Primary Health Care.
WHO launches Action Programme on
Essential Drugs.
1981 Management Sciences for Health publishes
first version of “Managing Drug Supply”.

WHA Resolution 37.33 requests meeting
of experts on rational use of medicines
(the Nairobi conference).

The Nairobi conference results in the WHO Revised

1985 Drug Strategy, which puts the “emphasis beyond

selection [and onto] procurement, distribution, ratio-
nal use, and quality assurance for the public sector.”

Implementation of the Bamako Initiative leads to the
establishment of revolving drug funds, specifically
collecting user fees for medicines.

The International Network for Rational Use of

Drugs (INRUD) is established “to design, test, and
1989 disseminate effective strategies to improve the way
drugs are prescribed, dispensed, and used, with a
particular emphasis on resource-poor countries”.

Many LMICs start implementing user

fees for health care, supported by
international development agencies.

WHO begins the development of
medicines indicators and regular
surveys in Members States.


Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems – 37

Essential medicine policies milestones
Health systems strengthening milestones

The World Development Report 1993:

1993 Investing in Health includes a section

on “Improving the selection, acquisi-
tion, and use of drugs”.
The World Development
Report argues for
investing in health as a
means of accelerating
economic development.
The report recommends
redirecting government
The World Trade Organization’s Trade Related Intel- spending “away from
lectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement sets
minimum 20-year patent protection for technology
products, including medicines.
1994 specialized care and to-
ward low-cost and high-
ly effective activities,
such as immunization…
and control of infectious

1997 First ICIUM conference.

Pharmaceutical companies sue the govern-

ment of South Africa over policies that
aim to improve access to low-cost HIV
World Health Report 2000
- Health systems: improving
performance emphasizes quality
and equity of health care.
Medicines are identified
in the World Health UN Millennium Declaration
Report as a key input creates eight Millennium Devel-
for functioning health opment Goals related to poverty,
systems. health and education, with the
goal of achieving targets by
MDG 8 (Partnerships for
2015. Health-related MDGs are
2000 development) specifi-
cally targets access to
medicines ”in coop-
MDG 4 (child mortality), MDG 5
(maternal health), MDG 6 (HIV/
AIDS, malaria and other diseases)
eration with pharma-
Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and MDG 8 (partnerships for
ceutical companies,
and Health recommends scaling-up “the re- development).
[providing] access to
sources currently spent in the health sector by affordable essential
poor countries and donors alike and tackling The HIV/AIDS crisis attracts
drugs in developing greater political attention to the
the non-financial obstacles that have limited countries”.
the capacity of poor countries to deliver health public health implication of the
services”. TRIPS agreement; this is formally
discussed by the Group of 8 (G8),
and at the International AIDS
WHO introduces prequalification service to
Conference in Durban.
assess quality, safety and efficacy of medicines

for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

The Global Drug Facility for TB medicines is



38 – Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems

Essential medicine policies milestones
Health systems strengthening milestones

Doha declaration creates flexibilities for countries to

2002 protect public health under TRIPS agreement and
“promote access to medicines for all”.

Most global health initiatives include activ-

ities to improve medicines procurement,
distribution and use.

First edition of WHO/HAI medicines price

and availability survey is released.
The Global Drug facility for TB medicines is

Launch of major global health initiatives

such as Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and
Malaria (GFATM); Clinton Health Access Second ICIUM conference.
Initiative (CHAI), President’s Emergen-
cy Plan for AIDS Relief (PREPFAR) and
2004 ReAct, an independent global network for concerted
action on antibiotic resistance, is created.

WHA Resolution 58.33 on Universal Health Coverage

commits to developing health care financing systems
so that people who need services can access them
without financial hardship.

Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and

2006 Public Health publishes report with recommendations on

innovative mechanisms for the creation of new medicines for
diseases that “disproportionally affect” LMICs.
WHO publishes Everybody’s business: strengthening
health systems to improve health outcomes, which states
that “equitable access to essential medicine products,
vaccines and technologies of assured quality, safety, effi-
cacy and cost-effectiveness, and their medical scientifical-
ly sound and cost-effective use” is one of the six health
system building blocks.

World Health Report 2008: Primary
The WHO’s Framework for Action in Everybody’s Business: Health Care: Now more than ever is
Strengthening health systems to improve health outcomes published.
presents six health system building blocks for functioning
health systems. Getting health reform right: a guide to
improving performance and equity which
The second AHPSR Flagship Report: Sound choices: enhanc- recommends analysing a health system
ing capacity for evidence-informed health policy is by looking at eight “control knobs,” is
published. published.

The Access to Medicines Index publishes its

first report – on pharmaceutical companies’
efforts to improve access to medicine in
2008 developing countries.

Medicines Transparency Alliance (MeTA) is



Chapter 2: Evolving Concepts in Essential Medicines and Health Systems – 39

Essential medicine policies milestones
Health systems strengthening milestones

Third AHPSR Flagship Report: Systems thinking for

health systems strengthening is published.

High Level Task Force on Innovative International

Financing for Health Systems recommends “the
creation of a platform to coordinate aid to health

The World Health Report 2010 highlights that

three of the top 10 sources of health system

2010 inefficiency involve medicines: high medicine

prices and underuse of generics; use of sub-
standard and counterfeit medicines; and inap-
propriate and ineffective use of medicines.

World Health Report 2010: Health systems

financing: the path to universal coverage
The UN NCD meeting also recommends improving is published.
access and affordability of medicines for NCDs.
First Global Symposium on Health System
The Global Compact LEAD Task Force is formed. Research is convened.

WHO Consultative Expert Working Group (CEWG)

on Research and Development: Financing and
Coordination holds meetings.

Third ICIUM conference.

IFPMA Directory of Global Health Partnerships

is released.
2012 Report of the WHO CEWG: Financing and
coordination is published.

United Nations General Assembly releases

Resolution on Universal Health Coverage

Second Global Symposium on Health

The Lancet Infectious Disease Commission pub-
lishes a report with policy recommendations for System Research is convened.
coordinated efforts to curb antibiotic resistance.

World Health Report 2013: Research for

universal health coverage is published.

WHA 67 adopts the draft resolution EB134.R16 on access to

essential medicines recommended by the Executive Board.
2014 The draft resolution includes references to complexity and
inter-relation of system components.

Third Global Symposium on Health

Systems Research is convened.


42 – Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage


kk An explicit focus on medicines is necessary

for health systems to achieve the goals of
universal health coverage.
kk Using a system approach to medicines, com-
bined with information and financing levers,
can contribute to achieving UHC goals and
to supporting strategies to maximize equi-
table access, appropriate use, and efficiency,
and to ensure household and system afford-
kk Competing objectives of medicines policies
create ethical challenges that require in-
formed, inclusive, and fair decision-making
kk Health systems working towards UHC must
routinely monitor the impacts of medicines
policies and adapt strategies accordingly.
Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage – 43

3.1 Introduction effectively monitor and adapt policies that ad- Medicines are
dress the equitable access to medicines, their indispensable
While defined in different ways (94), universal for delivering
appropriate use, and their affordability for key aspects of
health coverage (UHC) is the focus of high-
households and systems. UHC – includ-
level global health discussions (95-99) and a ing coverage,
declared goal of governments in more than 50 3.2 Why is an explicit focus on medi- service provi-
countries (95). WHO’s approach to UHC is in cines needed to achieve UHC? sion, and risk
Box 3.1 below. protection (46)
The key facets of UHC are the “provision of,
In this chapter, we describe how a systems ap- and access to, high-quality health services” for
proach to medicines, combined with using in- all people and “financial protection for people
formation and financing levers, can contribute who need to use these services” (46). Achiev-
to achieving UHC goals. We summarize medi- ing these goals sustainably requires “constant
cines policies and management strategies in attention to waste and inefficiency” in health
four countries working towards UHC, and dis- systems (99).
cuss the importance of a systems approach.
Medicines are indispensable for delivering key
We go on to emphasize the need for policies
aspects of UHC – including coverage, service
to engender equity in health care, and suggest
provision, and risk protection (46) – because
that equity could be advanced through fair
they are a requirement for high-quality care,
decision-making processes. Finally, we outline
contribute significantly to household health
categories of the information necessary to
expenditures, and are one of the major causes

Box 3.1: Universal Health Coverage (3)

The goal of UHC is to ensure that all people obtain the health services they need without suf-
fering financial hardship when paying for them. For a community or country to achieve UHC,
several factors must be in place, including:

1. A strong, efficient, well-run health system that meets priority health needs through people-
centred integrated care (including services for HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, noncommunicable
diseases, maternal and child health) that:

kk informs and encourages people to stay healthy and prevent illness;

kk detects health conditions early;
kk has the capacity to treat disease; and
kk helps patients with rehabilitation.

2. Affordability – a system for financing health services so people do not suffer financial hard-
ship when using them.

3. Access to essential medicines and technologies to diagnose and treat medical problems.

4. A sufficient capacity of well-trained, motivated health workers to provide the services to meet
patients’ needs based on the best available evidence.


44 – Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage

of health system inefficiency. Moreover, the health system resources. These include higher
policy mechanisms to manage, pay for, and than necessary medicines prices, substandard
facilitate the appropriate use of medicines are and counterfeit medicines and the inappropri-
interwound with those guiding the improve- ate use of medicines (46). Medicines-related
ment of health systems as a whole. Hence, waste occurs through cost-inflating taxes and
policy-makers committed to achieving UHC tariffs (101); the underuse of generic products
must explicitly focus on medicines through (46); the unreliable availability of medicines in
targeted, well-implemented, and continuously public sector facilities (62, 103); the overuse of
adapted policies. Even systems with a long antibiotics (often for children with respiratory
history of working towards UHC must develop infection or diarrhoea) (104), resulting in drug
new mechanisms for managing the financing resistance (105); and the underuse of proven
of medicines (see Thailand’s policy for cover- therapies, particularly among the poor and for
age of high cost medicines in Chapter 4) and chronic conditions (e.g., hypertension, diabe-
incentivizing their appropriate use in changing tes) (106, 107) Meanwhile, many households
environments. face poverty from having to pay for medicines
(108, 109) and many patients die prematurely
3.2.1 The inappropriate use of medicines
because they lack access to life-saving medi-
can threaten equity, quality, affordability,
cines (110).
and efficiency
3.2.2 Decision-makers must balance com-
When used appropriately, medicines contrib-
peting policy objectives
ute to the health and well-being of individuals
and populations. When used inappropriately, Governments and other stakeholders in health
medicines can exacerbate health system in- systems must balance the competing objec-
equities, endanger health, waste resources, tives of policy decisions relating to medicines,
and threaten the sustainability of health sys- all of which are closely connected to the goals
tems. Given that about half of the medicines of achieving UHC. In an ideal world:
in primary care settings are inappropriately
kk all patients – particularly those in vulner-
prescribed and dispensed (100, 101), ensur-
able populations – would be able to ac-
ing quality and appropriate use is of primary
cess the medicines they need, according to
concern for health systems and financing
evidence-based treatment guidelines;
kk products would be of proven quality;
More than US$1,000 billion is spent globally
on medicines every year (102), accounting kk appropriately prescribed and dispensed
for up to 67% of total health expenditures medicines would be available where and
in LMICs (22) – mostly paid out-of-pocket by when patients need them;
consumers. Spending on medicines in LMICs
will need to increase even further as donors kk patients would take these medicines as
decrease their financial support for expanded necessary to achieve their clinical effects;
access programmes for HIV/AIDS, malaria, and kk households and health systems would
tuberculosis treatment. have the resources to pay for medicines;
As discussed in Chapter 2, medicines account kk patients and providers would be satisfied
for three of the top 10 sources wasting scarce with the way the health system functions;


Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage – 45

kk local manufacturers would be profitable medicines to preserve financial sustainability The four main
while providing high-quality priority prod- – for example, by only subsidizing medicines policy objec-
tives with
ucts at affordable prices; used in inpatient settings – may increase out-
respect to
of-pocket household spending on medicines medicines in
kk research companies would develop inno-
in ambulatory care, impoverish households, health systems
vative products for unmet health needs; – widely
decrease access, impede appropriate use, and
and available high-
negatively impact health (111). In addition to quality generic
kk all stakeholders would adhere to good competing objectives, other system charac- and innovative
governance and ethical business prac- teristics add further complexity. Weak regula- products; equi-
tory capacity, information imbalance, lack of table access;
tices and actively contribute to equitable
systems. coordination among – and opportunities for and safe use;
economic gain by – different stakeholders and afford-
The four main policy objectives with respect to provide perverse incentives for suppliers, dis- ability for
medicines in health systems – widely available tributors, prescribers, dispensers and patients
high-quality generic and innovative products; and systems
to increase the consumption, cost, and inef- – inevitably
equitable access; appropriate and safe use; ficiencies of medicines in systems. compete in
and affordability for households and systems many ways.
– inevitably compete in many ways (Figure 3.2.3 Decision-makers can use information
3.1). For example, price pressures to contain and financial levers to balance competing
costs may contribute to low quality – or the objectives
outright lack – of products in the market, and
Although the various objectives of medicines
providing subsidized medicines may strain a
policy may compete with each other, a systems
system’s resources. Limiting the coverage of

Figure 3.1: Approaches to balance competing medicines policy objectives

Ensuring Availability of Improving Equitable

Quality Generic and Access
Innovative Products • Understanding socioeconomic and geographic
disease and utilization profiles
• Monitoring product quality • Assessing of household care seeking and
• Prequalifying supplies, products barriers to care
• Negotiating prices, quality, volume, • Expanding provider networks
supply-chain security • Targeting policies and programs to improve
• Promoting fair competition access for vulnerable populations
• Engaging in risk sharing agreements
• Establishing patient access programs

Encouraging Keeping Costs

Appropriate Use Affordable
• Implementing and updating standard treatment • Monitoring routine medicines expenditures by
guidelines (STGs) therapeutic area
• Matching essential medicines and reimburse- • Evaluating health technologies, budget impact
ments lists to STGs • Assessing household medicines expenditure
• Assessing provider performance burden
• Managing care comprehensively • Implementing and monitoring policies and
• Implementing and monitoring policies to programs to reduce waste, inappropriate use
encourage clinically appropriate and
cost-effective use


46 – Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage

approach offers opportunities for innova- are needed to prioritize health conditions in
tive solutions. Countries implementing and a population, and to signal potential inappro-
expanding financing schemes to meet UHC priate medicines use patterns. Evidence-based
goals will also have levers – information and clinical guidelines (113) can inform medicines
financial incentives – to help balance compet- reimbursement lists. Economic assessments
ing medicines policy objectives (Figure 3.1 lists (including health technology assessments and
some approaches that rely on these levers). budget impact analysis) (114), can inform de-
cisions about the coverage of treatments, and
For instance, financing schemes can access in-
frameworks for transparency (115) can guide
formation on the demographic characteristics,
decision-making processes (116). Participa-
health care needs, and utilization patterns of
tion in international collaborations on product
members because they enrol members and
quality assurance (117) can strengthen capac-
pay for their care. Financing schemes can also
ity for the efficient and reliable supply of medi-
access information about the demographics
cines (118).
and behaviour of health care providers, includ-
ing their prescribing patterns and associated Several medicines management approaches,
costs, because they employ or contract with such as implementing standard treatment
them. guidelines and selecting medicines for es-
sential medicines lists, have been used for
As financial intermediaries, financing schemes
many years in LMICs (120). In section 3.2, we
have leverage to determine what types of care,
describe examples of approaches used in se-
and medicines, they pay for; they can also pro-
lected countries.
vide incentives to health care providers for
purchasing, prescribing, and dispensing, and Policies and programmes that target costs of
to patients for using the most clinically appro- care (e.g. reference pricing or generic substitu-
priate, safe, and cost-effective medicines. Since tion) or quality of care (e.g. disease manage-
they pay for large quantities of medicines, fi- ment programmes) have been used extensively
nancing schemes can also be in a position to in high-income countries. More recently, coun-
negotiate product prices with suppliers (See tries and systems have implemented policies
Chapter 4), dictate standards of product qual- that seek to incentivize use of high-value care
ity, react to unethical promotion practices, and through pay-for-performance programmes.
demand supply chain efficiency. By virtue of These financially reward prescribers for achiev-
their access to information, schemes can help ing quality, efficiency and “value” by reducing
to shape patient demand for care, through ed- out-of-pocket expenses for medicines known
ucational outreach and provider and patient to improve health outcomes. However, evi-
targeted incentives to encourage screening, dence on the effects of value-focused policies
prevention, and cost-effective care. is mixed in high-income countries (121-124)
and virtually non-existent in LMICs (125).
Information and financing levers may help
policy-makers balance the competing aims of 3.3 Medicines management in China,
equitable and affordable access, availability of Ghana, Indonesia and Mexico
high-quality, needed medicines, and appropri-
To illustrate how health care financing
ate use. International (111, 112) and local data
schemes have balanced competing objectives
on burden of disease, combined with informa-
with respect to medicines, we conducted case-
tion on patterns of utilization within schemes,
studies in four countries striving towards UHC:


Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage – 47

Table 3.1: Overview of health care financing schemes in China, Ghana, Indonesia and Mexico The case-study
Reported % popula- Scheme covering the poor a wealth of
Country tion enrolled in any information on
Year of inception: funding
scheme in the country Provider mix health system
arrangement structures
within which
NCMS (2003): Premiums the schemes
Largely private operated, on
China 94%-99% (126) and federal and local
contractors the popula-
government subsidies tions, sources
of overall
scheme financ-
JK (2005)1: Largely public ing, and on the
Indonesia 40%-63% (127, 128)
General tax revenue sector providers medicines that
were selected
for service
NHIS (2004): Value added
provision and
tax and mandatory social Mixed public/ paid for by the
Ghana 33% (129)
security contributions by private providers scheme.
formal employees

Nearly exclu-
SP (2003): Premiums and
Mexico 75-100% (130, 131) sively public
general tax revenue

Legend: NCMS: New Rural Cooperative Scheme, JK: Jamkesmas, NHIS; National Health Insurance Scheme, SP: Seguro Popular: 1Since 2014
Jamkesmas has become the National Social Security Body (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial or BPJS) Detailed information about the
case-studies is in the web annex.

the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme kk contracting with or paying providers who
(NCMS) in China; the National Health Insur- prescribe and dispense medicines;
ance Scheme (NHIS) in Ghana; Jamkesmas
kk medicines utilization management tools;
(JK) in Indonesia; and Seguro Popular (SP) in
Mexico (Table 3.1). The countries were select-
ed to balance a mix of population coverage kk systems for monitoring prices, prescribing
(showing different stages of moving towards behaviour, and user satisfaction.
UHC), funding arrangements (tax-based vs.
premium-based), geographical differences, We reviewed documents and interviewed key
and provider networks (public vs. private). informants to understand whether the
schemes used specific strategies for selecting
In performing these case-studies, we explored medicines (lists of covered medicines [formu-
five crucial policy and management areas (67): laries]; patient cost sharing; and regulations
for dispensing a generic for a prescribed
kk the selection of medicines that schemes
brand-name product). We also investigated
provide or subsidize;
what policies were in place for purchasing
kk strategies for procurement and reimburse- (price negotiations, bulk purchasing, and ref-
ment; erence pricing); contracting (fee-for-service,
capitation, or case-based provider payments,


48 – Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage

reimbursement rates, and preferred provider authorization).

networks); and management of utilization
The four schemes used pooled procurement to
(pay-for-performance, separation of prescrib-
lower medicines procurement prices. In addi-
ing and dispensing, disease management pro-
tion, three schemes (China, Indonesia, Mexi-
grammes). We also asked schemes whether
co) engaged in direct price negotiations either
they monitored member satisfaction, and pur-
for all medicines procured by the scheme or
chasing and prescribing patterns.
only for single source products, and they have
The case-study investigations uncovered a introduced electronic procurement systems to
wealth of information on health system struc- enhance transparency in the process. Ghana
tures within which the schemes operated, on and Mexico set maximum prices at which sup-
the populations, sources of overall scheme fi- pliers are reimbursed by the scheme. Indone-
nancing, and on the medicines that were se- sia set maximum retail prices for all retailers,
lected for service provision and paid for by the not only those affiliated with the scheme.
scheme. Much less information was available
Most schemes limited coverage to accredited
on medicines procurement, and even less on
health care service providers. Prescriber and
how schemes contract suppliers, manage the
dispenser payment strategies varied: Ghana,
use of medicines, and monitor prescribing or
Indonesia and Mexico used fixed prescriber
member satisfaction. Some evidence on the
payments whereas in China, payment was
impact of medicines financing on medicines
linked to service volume and type. Whereas In-
access was found in China, Ghana and Mexi-
donesia and Mexico had fixed dispenser pay-
co, but not in Indonesia.
ments in the public sector, dispensing charges
Table 3.2 summarizes the management and in China and Ghana were included in the
policy approaches of the four schemes in product reimbursements.
2013 (further details are in the web annex).
All schemes implemented a variety of strate-
All schemes had formularies that defined
gies to manage utilization, including sepa-
the medicines they covered, and these were
rating the incomes of public prescribers from
based on national essential medicines lists, al-
medicines sales. Most reported well-estab-
though selection criteria may not always have
lished programmes for developing and imple-
been based on evidence of clinical effective-
menting standard treatment guidelines and
ness. Some schemes (Indonesia and Mexico)
for disease management. However, payment
required the use of generics when available.
for performance in relation to standard treat-
All schemes paid 100% of the costs of cov-
ment guidelines had not been used to incen-
ered medicines without patient co-payments.
tivize individual prescribers or dispensers.
However, in China, schemes only start cover-
ing medicines after patients have paid a de- In general, publicly-available documentation
ductible, and they discontinue coverage after in these four countries provided little informa-
a maximum insurance payment has been tion on monitoring and evaluation activities of
reached (coverage cap) in a given time frame. the schemes. No scheme reported mechanisms
Informants did not mention restrictions on to routinely monitor utilization. All schemes
coverage for specific medicines or populations, had introduced the monitoring of procure-
such as requirements of documenting failed ment processes. Only Mexico routinely moni-
treatment with a first-line therapy before a tored and published information on patient
second-line therapy would be covered (prior satisfaction with the dispensing of medicines


Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage – 49

at the country level. Evidence from Thailand shows that financing Given that
schemes tend to address medicines in an ex- about half of
The case-studies found some information on the medicines
plicit way only when spending on medicines in primary care
how financing medicines affects the availabil-
threatens the viability of the scheme (141), and settings are
ity, access, and use of medicines, and house- inappropriately
that they then focus primarily on prices rather
hold and system affordability in China, Ghana prescribed and
than on appropriate use of medicines and the
and Mexico. Early cross-sectional appraisals dispensed (100,
mechanisms that influence use. This approach 101), ensuring
of China’s health system reforms found lower
is reflected in the four schemes studied, where quality and
medicines prices in primary care facilities, but appropriate
responses to containing expenditure growth
no clear positive impacts on generally low use must be
have included budget caps on pharmaceuti-
availability (132), cost per prescription (133) of primary
cal expenditures (Mexico) and medicines price concern for
or less-than-appropriate use. In Ghana, medi-
limits (all four countries). Providers are mostly health systems
cines expenditures had drastically increased and financing
paid through fixed salaries, irrespective of the
(134), although for some, access to medicines schemes.
quality of their prescribing efficiency or the
seems to have improved (135). However,
health outcomes actually achieved.
whether increased spending has improved eq-
uity in access and appropriate use is question- 3.3.2 Using financial and information levers
able, given evidence of supplier-induced de- to increase quality and efficiency
mand (136) and medicines utilization changes
Given that about half of the medicines in pri-
that did not match enrolment patterns (137).
mary care settings are inappropriately pre-
In Mexico, there was no drop in household
scribed and dispensed (100, 101), ensuring
medicines spending after 10 months (138) or
quality and appropriate use must be of pri-
in comparison to households not insured by
mary concern for health systems and financ-
Seguro Popular (139).
ing schemes.
3.3.1 Systems striving towards UHC face
Expenditure-focused policy instruments can
common policy implementation challenges
be blunt and have unintended effects: while For numerous
These case-studies highlight common chal- policies such as state-level caps in the Chi- reasons, includ-
ing increasing
lenges faced by different health systems. For na and Mexico case-studies could contain numbers of
instance, decentralization in China, Indone- spending on pharmaceuticals, they do not individuals
sia, and Mexico has led to differences in the necessarily direct spending to more clinically enrolled, a rise
implementation of medicines policy across appropriate medicines or eliminate wasteful in prevalence of
chronic condi-
provinces, and may contribute to geographic spending on clinically unnecessary or substan- tions requiring
and socioeconomic inequities in access and dard products. Medicine sales are difficult to long-term
use. For numerous reasons, including increas- regulate in the private sector, even when, as in therapy, greater
availability of
ing numbers of individuals enrolled, a rise in Ghana, private sector providers are part of the
new, higher
prevalence of chronic conditions requiring NHIS network. Incentives to sell higher-priced cost medicines,
long-term therapy, greater availability of new, products may drive higher medicines expendi- and higher de-
higher cost medicines, and higher demand tures in such systems. Different mechanisms mand for these
medicines, the
for these medicines, the use of medicines and of provider payment may incentivize more
use of medi-
their expenditures increase over time in any cost-effective use of medicines. So far, perfor- cines and their
system. If rising costs are not managed effec- mance-based payment strategies have been expenditures
tively, they may threaten the long-term sus- underused in the schemes studied. increase over
tainability of schemes (140).


50 – Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage

Table 3.2: Policy and management approaches in country case-studies

Medicines Management Cooperative
Medical National Health Seguro
Strategies Scheme Insurance Scheme Jamkesmas Popular
(China) (Ghana) (Indonesia) (Mexico)


Formulary ü ü ü ü

Cost sharing for medicines included in the formulary ü   

Generic substitution  ü 1 1

Medicines prices negotiation or rebates ü  ü (ü)

Bulk procurement ü ü1 ü ü
Generic reference pricing  ü 1 ü

Fixed salary for prescribers  ü ü1 ü

Fixed reimbursement rates for medicines ü ü 1 1

Preferred provider network (accreditation)  ü ü ü


Standard treatment guidelines (ü) ü ü ü

Payment for performance (ü)   
Separation of prescribing and dispensing ü ü ü ü

Disease management programmes ü 4 ü ü


Routine patient consumer satisfaction

monitoring (ü)  4 ü
Medicines purchasing monitoring ü4  4 ü
Prescription monitoring   4 
Legend: 1=public sector; 2= mix of capitation and salary; 3= confidential agreements between insurance companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers or wholesalers;
4=information not publically available; ( )= Limited use.


Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage – 51

The four case-studies highlight the fact that innovative, high-cost biological medicines such One policy in a
schemes may not have sufficient information as novel cancer treatments that may benefit complex sys-
tem can impact
about which medicines they pay for. As ob- only a few carefully selected patients. Differ- the behaviours
served in Ghana and Indonesia, schemes of- ent tools and approaches than those designed of multiple ac-
ten have inefficient claims-processing systems, to provide a minimum benefit from medicines tors, which may
in turn affect
which may be paper-based rather than elec- are needed to help make decisions about the
tronic, and often require resource-consuming coverage of specialized high-cost medicines quality of care,
reviews. Inefficient claims-review systems can (142). (See Chapter 4). and patient
lead to delays in payments to facilities, short- outcomes in
3.3.3 A systems approach is important numerous
ages of facility funds to purchase medicines,
when implementing medicines policies ways.
and medicines stock-outs. Inefficient data pro-
cessing systems also make it difficult to access The case-studies highlight how one policy in a
timely information about medicine utilization, complex system can impact the behaviours
which is crucial for both routine expenditure of multiple actors, which may in turn affect
monitoring and for designing strategies to en- expenditures, quality of care, and patient
courage more cost-effective use. Access to pa- outcomes in numerous ways. Figure 3.2 il-
tient-level clinical and demographic data will lustrates the relationships between key actors
be increasingly important in systems covering in Ghana’s pharmaceutical system. Since the

Figure 3.2: Stakeholders in Ghana’s pharmaceutical sector and potential impacts of excluding medicines from
case-based provider payments

SUPPLY OF Manufacture & import

International manufacturers
Potential policy effects:
Domestic Delays in receiving payment
Drug importers manufacturers for medicines supplied

Public sector care Potential policy effects:

Private sector
Potential policy effects: care • Increased market share
• Supplier induced demand
• Reimbursement delays • Poor compliance with STGs
• Supplier induced Ministry of Health and Wholesalers and • Reimbursement delays
demand Ghana Health Service distributors • Medicine stock outs
• Poor compliance with procurement • Pharmacies and LCS
STGs decrease participation in
• Medicines stock-outs the scheme
• Procuring low cost • Procurement of low cost
medicines products

Licensed chemical
Public hospitals Mission hospitals Private hospitals Private pharmacies

Payer (NHIA) Consumers/patients

Potential policy effects: Potential policy effects:
• Increase in medicines National Health • Flexibility to purchase covered prescrip-
expenditures as a Consumers and tions from both public and private sector
proportion of average Insurance
patients providers
claims expenditures Authority
• Inability to obtain medicines in the case
of stock-outs
• Out-of-pocket payments for medicines
DEMAND FOR in case prices > reimbursement price
Policy: Fee for service payments for medicines

Legend: STGs=standard treatment guidelines; LCSs=licensed chemical sellers

Notes: full arrows represent the direction of supply or demand of medicines; Broken arrows show reimbursements for medicines from the National Health Insurance Authority.


52 – Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage

The case- NHIS scheme finances a large proportion of highlight some of the substantial ethical chal-
studies the health care in Ghana, it is closely linked to lenges that schemes face when making deci-
illustrate that
medicines poli- providers in the public and private sectors, and sions about medicines coverage.
cies and strate- its policies will affect the behaviours of these
gies – which 3.4 Towards UHC: ethical consider-
providers in both intended and unintended
are crucial to ations must guide policy decisions
achieve wider
UHC goals – UHC is by definition an ethical endeavour as it
When case-based provider payment was first
vary across urges health systems around the world to
different set- introduced in Ghana in 2008, medicines were
implement pre-payment and risk-sharing
tings, and that excluded from the provider payment, and
information strategies, ensure the equitable distribution
medicines reimbursement to facilities contin-
and financing of health resources, and move towards equity
ued on a fee-for-service basis (143). For the
levers with the in access to health services (45). Equity here
potential to various types of providers (e.g. licensed chemi-
refers to “equal access to available care for
help balance cal sellers, private pharmacies, private hospi-
competing equal need, equal utilization for equal need,
tals, public hospitals, and mission hospitals),
medicines pol- and equal quality of care for all” (144). In the
icy objectives
payments for medicines may have served as a
context of this chapter, equity relates to avoid-
are currently source of income to offset perceived or actual
ing or minimizing disadvantages that arise
decreases in income from medical services
from lack of access to medicines (for example,
(143). Providers’ responses to the payment
due to an inability to pay for them), especially
policy likely contributed to an unintended rise
for the poorest.
in numbers of prescriptions, cost per prescrip-
tion, and doubling of NHIS expenditures on In every health system, limited resources are
medicines (143), which pressured the NHIS spread across medical services that range
both logistically (through the required review from preventive to curative (including pharma-
of claims) and financially. Reimbursement de- cotherapy) and palliative care. Medicines con-
lays may have led to medicine stock-outs and stitute a critical component of expenditures.
to providers leaving the NHIS. This cascade of Even well-intended policies may create ineq-
policy effects (described in more detail in the uitable outcomes. For instance, limiting cover-
web annex) would have had negative effects age to inpatient care (inclusive of medicines)
on consumers and patients, as they had more to protect households from catastrophic pay-
difficulty in obtaining access to prescribed ments for sudden high-cost hospitalizations
medicines. may contain expenditures on medicines by the
financing scheme, but may be detrimental for
The case-studies illustrate that medicines poli-
poor households that cannot afford regular
cies and strategies – which are crucial to
payments for common outpatient medicines.
achieve wider UHC goals – vary across differ-
In contrast, wealthier households are better
ent settings, and that information and financ-
able to shoulder recurring expenditures, and
ing levers with the potential to help balance
they are also more likely than poorer house-
competing medicines policy objectives are cur-
holds to be able to access hospital-based care.
rently underused. A systems approach helps
In working towards UHC, decision-makers
to identify where policies have the greatest
must ensure that policies facilitate access to
potential to advance UHC and medicines ob-
medicines and decrease economic burden
jectives – or where those policies might lead
equitably, an aspect we address in the sub-
to unintended consequences that undermine
section below.
their objectives. Such a perspective can also


Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage – 53

3.4.1 Striving towards equity-enhancing many values. A systems ap-

pharmaceutical policies proach helps to
There are several frameworks for assessing the identify where
To achieve UHC, policy-makers must move to- equity and fairness implications of a policy. policies have
the greatest
wards equity-enhancing pharmaceutical poli- Rather than providing the strengths and weak- potential to
cies. Equity is intimately linked with fairness nesses of these frameworks here, we have in- advance UHC
and social justice, and underscores the legiti- stead selected a commonly-used and accepted and medicines
macy of policies (see Box 3.2). Equitable poli- objectives
ethical framework – “accountability for rea-
– or where
cies can help reduce poverty in the long run, sonableness” (A4R) – to guide our analysis those policies
especially where investment strengthens hu- (149, 150). To date, a number of organizations might lead to
man capabilities (145, 146). They also height- and regulatory bodies have applied this A4R unintended
en awareness of the discrimi-
that undermine
nation suffered by certain their objectives.
groups of people, boost trust
Box 3.2: Equity
and social cohesion, and re-
duce political conflict (147).
Finally, equity contributes to
Equity refers to “equal access to available care for equal
the sustainability of health
need, equal utilization for equal need, and equal quality
systems by determining what of care for all.” (144) In the context of this chapter, equity
will be provided within a relates to avoiding or minimizing disadvantages that arise
resource-constrained setting from lack of access to medicines (for example, due to in-
based on a set of criteria that ability to pay for them), especially for the poorest. Equity is
is fair (148). intimately linked with fairness and social justice, and un-
derscores the legitimacy of policies.
Determining whether a phar-
maceutical policy is equitable
can be difficult as this judg-
ment is intertwined with other social values.
framework, to varying degrees, in assessing
Often, a specific situation is further compli-
the equity and fairness implications of policies.
cated by clinical uncertainties, competing ob-
These include Harvard Pilgrim Health Care in
jectives, and different stakeholder interests.
the USA (see Box 3.3), the National Institute
Not surprisingly, there is disagreement over
for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in
which values should drive pharmaceutical
the UK (151), Seguro Popular in Mexico (152),
policy decisions and there is no fixed formula
the Response to Accountable Priority Setting
guaranteed to resolve differences arising from
for Trust in Health Systems (REACT) project in
conflicting values or to generate categorically
the United Republic of Tanzania (153), and the
equitable outcomes. Many health systems rely
National Health Insurance Program of South
on input about cost-effectiveness from health
Korea (154).
technology assessment (HTA) for decisions
on medicines selection or reimbursement, al- A4R seeks to ensure that policies enhance eq-
though different systems vary in how they ap- uity by satisfying four decision-making condi-
ply these assessments. While HTA and other tions (149):
forms of economic evaluations are important
kk Publicity: policies regarding both direct and
in informing policy, they tend to be primarily
indirect limits on the provision and
concerned with efficiency, which is just one of


54 – Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage

Systems need reimbursement of medicines and their ra- requirements of the A4R framework. While the
to generate tionales should be publicly accessible. framework attempts to ensure that decisions
routine, up-to-
date informa- in pharmaceutical policies are legitimate and
kk Relevance: the rationale behind decisions
tion about fair, the outcomes are not necessarily equi-
the medicines
should provide a reasonable explanation
table. Hence, constant monitoring and evalu-
that patients of how the varied health needs of a de-
ation of policy outcomes is of utmost impor-
need, which fined population are met under reasonable
medicines they tance in ensuring that equity is enhanced or
resource constraints. An explanation is
are using and maximized as systems strive towards UHC.
how use differs
“reasonable” if it is grounded in principles
across member and evidence that are accepted as relevant 3.5 Information about medicines is key
groups, who by fair-minded people who are disposed to achieving UHC goals
prescribes to finding mutually justifiable terms of
them, whether Information is critical in determining policies
these medi-
for effective, safe, equitable, and efficient use
cines are clini-
cally appropri-
kk Revision and appeals: all decisions and of medicines; affordable access by households;
ate, address the policies must be subject to mechanisms and economic sustainability of schemes. Medi-
disease burden for challenge and dispute resolution, and cines policies also need to account for contexts
faced by the more broadly, provide opportunities for
population, and
such as population demographics, disease
how much both
revision and improvement in light of new epidemiology, treatment approaches, and
the scheme and evidence and arguments. political and economic environments that are
its members constantly changing. This means that systems
spend on kk Regulation or enforcement: there must be
medicines. voluntary or public regulation to ensure need to generate routine, up-to-date informa-
that the conditions set out above are met. tion about the medicines that patients need,
which medicines they are using and how use
To further emphasize the importance of full differs across member groups, who prescribes
participation in democratic deliberation, some them, whether these medicines are clinically
have proposed empowerment as a fifth con- appropriate, address the disease burden faced
dition to the A4R framework (155). In the by the population, and how much both the
context of this report, empowerment would scheme and its members spend on medicines.
require effort by policy-makers to minimize Without this information, systems will find
power differences in decision-making pro- it difficult to ensure that they are moving in
cesses and to optimize opportunities for par- the direction of UHC – i.e. equitable access
ticipation in priority setting. to quality care and financial risk protection
– and that they are spending their resources
Arguably, pharmaceutical policies in systems
working towards UHC are more likely to be
equity-oriented or equity-enhancing if they Information systems need to have mecha-
are generated in a deliberative environment nisms to capture individual medicine utiliza-
that is fair and inclusive – both in terms of tion and expenditures, to judge the quality,
the values encompassed and through partici- equity, and efficiency of care and to know
pation by members of the health system con- whether bundled payment rates, when imple-
cerned, especially those that are most directly mented, are justified. However, when schemes
affected. reimburse providers through bundled payment
arrangements (e.g. case-based or episode-
In reality, however, it can be difficult to fully
based payment), information systems may not
account for these fairness and inclusion


Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage – 55

seeking to
Box 3.3: The Harvard Pilgrim Health Care ethics advisory group improve medi-
cines situations
on the way to
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HPHC) is a not- available high-cost specialty medicines that UHC need to
for-profit, private health insurance company provide benefits to only a few patients. Such take a systems
serving about 1.2 million members in the USA. medicines include ivacaftor, a new drug to approach,
In 1996, facing the challenge of balancing treat patients with a rare form of cystic fibro-
the converging
rising costs with growing patient needs, the sis, currently priced at about US$ 300,000 per or competing
organization created an ethics programme, patient per year. Importantly, this EAG meeting interests, roles,
based on “the conviction that virtually every included representatives from several pharma- responsibilities,
area of our activity has implications for the ceutical companies (160). In both instances, and resources
ethical quality of the care and service our EAG deliberations provided non-binding guid- of all stake-
members receive” (156). An ethics advisory ance to insurance decision-makers.
group (EAG) composed of health insurance
The experience of how this group has worked
leaders, insurance purchasers, consumers, and
within the organization offers several practi-
physician leaders from contracted practices,
cal lessons. The stakeholders of the EAG can
and representatives of the larger public (157)
help insurance leaders tease out the value di-
meets quarterly to deliberate on cases brought
mensions underlying policy options; voices of
to it by the insurance scheme’s managers who
members, providers, employers who purchase
need to consult on the values associated with
insurance, insurance programme staff, and the
operational and policy decisions. The EAG’s ap-
larger community contribute to a growing case
proach is based on a widely-used framework
portfolio of transparency in difficult discussions
for conceptualizing the ethics of organizations
about cost and quality of care. Explicit ethical
called “stakeholder theory” which holds that
analysis of challenging coverage questions can
the interests of all the parties involved in any
provide practical decision-making support to
transaction ought to be considered in deter-
insurance leaders and help communicate deci-
mining how to act ethically (158). The main
sions to different stakeholders (159).
goal of the EAG is to “promote increased or-
ganizational skill at identifying and addressing EAG leaders believe that over time, health care
ethical aspects of key policy, operational, and ethics will advance through careful observa-
budgetary decisions”. (159) tion of decision-making processes by govern-
ments, payers, providers, and consumers (159);
Through active participation, members of the
that values underlying decisions will become
ethics group systematically examine conflicts of
more transparent and decision processes more
values that arise from the legitimate and often
fair, contributing to increased trust between
competing interests of the various stakehold-
patients, providers, and payers; and that re-
ers whose needs the insurance scheme seeks
sulting management of costs of care through
to meet. Over the years, the EAG has deliber-
limit-setting policies may be more just and ac-
ated on a number of challenging medicines-
ceptable by different stakeholders. (160)
coverage decisions. For example, the 1998
US approval of sildenafil for erectile dysfunc-
tion raised the question whether an insurance
scheme should allocate resources to pay for
a medicine considered by some to be “a life-
style drug” (159). More recently, the EAG dis-
cussed the challenge of covering increasingly


56 – Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage

be designed to capture data on specific medi- information on utilization to inform policy

cines prescribed for individual patients, since decisions. Widely-used facility-based indica-
payment does not depend on the information. tors of medicine use that can be calculated
from relatively small, regular samples of pa-
Routine information in at least four categories
per-based records include the percentages of
is needed to inform medicines policy
medicines procured or dispensed in primary
care facilities that are injectables, antibiotics,
kk spending on medicines (e.g. per member corticosteroids, or vitamins; the percentages
Pharmaceutical per month); of medicines prescribed that are on essential
policies in medicines or reimbursement lists; and the per-
systems work- kk medicine utilization (e.g. number of pre- centage of prescriptions that follow standard
ing towards scriptions per member per month);
UHC need treatment guidelines. Chapter 6 and the re-
continuous kk quality of pharmaceutical care (e.g. per- lated web annex elaborate more on medicines
adaptation to a indicators and data sources.
shifting context centages of primary care patients receiving
(e.g. evolving antibiotics, those receiving injections, or Importantly, equity in access to medicines can-
population newly-diagnosed diabetic patients receiv-
not be assessed using only data from the
ing first-line therapy according to standard delivery system, because these data do not
ics, disease
epidemiol- treatment guidelines); and capture underuse of services by people who
ogy, treatment cannot access care because of geographic,
approaches, kk fraud and abuse (e.g. number of prescrip-
political and tions per provider, number of prescriptions economic, or sociocultural reasons. Household
economic envi- dispensed per member). surveys are needed to understand community
ronments) and need for and barriers to access among vulner-
changing reali- Key indicators need to be assessed overall, but able, disadvantaged populations (161).
ties. Such adap- also disaggregated by therapeutic drug class,
tations must be
provider, and member characteristics (so- 3.6 Conclusions and recommendations
informed by the
best available cioeconomic status, location of residence,
The case-studies presented in this chapter il-
evidence. etc.). Based on key medicines information,
lustrate that, despite the overall size of the
policy-makers can develop interventions to
pharmaceutical market, to date medicines
strengthen the management of medicines in
are not a central component of UHC debates.
the scheme as a whole; target policies that
Making UHC a reality will require a much more
increase access within specific disadvantaged
explicit focus on medicines. Health systems
groups; develop strategies for volume-based
pursuing UHC have information, financial and
price negotiations with manufacturers; target
other policy levers to work towards balancing
education programmes for members and pro-
the competing objectives of availability, access,
viders and incentive policies aimed at improv-
affordability and appropriate use, equitably
ing prescribing; and carry out audits of institu-
and efficiently. Policy-makers seeking to im-
tions or providers suspected of fraud.
prove medicines situations on the way to UHC
In the early stages of developing information need to take a systems approach, considering
systems, schemes can plan to combine in- the converging or competing interests, roles,
formation from different parts of the health responsibilities, and resources of all stake-
care system. Regular samples of paper-based holders – regulators, payers, facility managers,
facility procurement, prescribing, and dispens- procurement officers, local and multinational
ing records can provide sufficiently detailed drug industries, prescribers, dispensers, and


Chapter 3: The Role of Medicines in Achieving Universal Health Coverage – 57

consumers. These diverse stakeholders have

different perspectives on how systems should
devote resources to medicines, highlighting
the ethical complexities of policy-making that
require deliberative, inclusive, and transpar-
ent processes. The use of evidence-informed,
systems-oriented policy approaches will in-
crease the likelihood of equitable, effective, af-
fordable pharmaceutical policy outcomes, and
boost progress towards UHC.

Pharmaceutical policies in systems working

towards UHC need continuous adaptation to
a shifting context (e.g. evolving population de-
mographics, disease epidemiology, treatment
approaches, political and economic environ-
ments) and changing realities. Such adapta-
tions must be informed by the best available
evidence of what works, for whom, how, and
why, in a given situation. Routine monitor-
ing and periodic evaluations of impacts of
pharmaceutical policies in health systems are
therefore indispensable.


60 – Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines


kk Innovation – broadly defined as “a process

to create or improve products, processes,
technologies and/or ideas to generate posi-
tive changes in efficiency, value and quality”
(162) – is urgently needed to bring new and
existing medicines to people in novel ways.
kk Innovations for developing novel medicines
for unmet needs require multiple public-
and private-sector partnerships, building on
communication technology advances, and
delinking research and development (R&D)
funding from sales revenue.
kk Innovations to increase the use of quality-
assured generic products include multi-
pronged strategies involving government
regulations of generic product manufactur-
ing and licensing, payers that incentivize the
prescribing and dispensing of generic prod-
ucts, and media that communicate the value
of quality generics in health systems.
kk Expanding access to increasingly available
novel products – often high-cost, biotech-
nology-based products – raises challenging
clinical, ethical, economic, societal, legal and
political questions that require multi-stake-
holder engagement in fair decision-making
kk The overall effects of innovations on health
systems need to be assessed. This includes
evaluating the reasons the innovations were
introduced, monitoring their intended and
unintended effects over time, and determin-
ing how the innovations adapted (or were
adapted to) local contexts.
Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines – 61

4.1 An inclusive definition of trade (166). Overcoming

innovation challenges in
In this chapter, we explore innovations in med- medicines avail-
Overcoming challenges in medicines availabil- icines in three different ways. First is a discus- ability requires
innovation to
ity requires innovation to identify new diag- sion of innovative models of research and identify new
nostics and therapies for many diseases and development, illustrated by India’s promising diagnostics and
populations around the world (163). Innova- Open Source Drug Discovery initiative (OSDD). therapies for
tions are also necessary to ensure that exist- many diseases
In section 4.3 is an analysis of how markets for
and populations
ing products are supplied, prescribed and generics are expanding, with a look into Bra- around the
dispensed correctly, and used appropriately zil’s innovative generic laws. And lastly is an world.
by those who need them, at costs that both examination of ways to expand access to spe-
households and health systems can afford. cialty medicine, exploring Thailand’s access
programme targeting high-cost medicines.
Innovation does not solely mean invention, or
the development of a new product or technol- 4.2 Towards innovative R&D models
ogy. Throughout this report, we consider inno-
Innovations in research and development
vation broadly as “a process to create or im-
(R&D) are needed to develop new products for
prove products, processes, technologies and/
neglected diseases (e.g. Dengue, Chagas, river
or ideas to generate positive changes in ef-
blindness) and newly emerging diseases (e.g.
ficiency, value and quality”(162). For instance,
pandemic influenza) – both of which dispro-
ensuring that medicines are more widely avail-
portionally affect people in LMICs. Innovations
able and that health market systems work (see
on new formulations of existing medicines ap-
Chapter 5) requires stakeholders engaged in
propriate for LMIC populations (e.g. paediatric
different parts of the health system to oper-
formulations of HIV/AIDS treatments; heat-
ate in new ways in developing, regulating,
stable products) are also required. Traditional
financing, procuring, distributing, prescribing,
R&D models based on protecting intellectual
dispensing, and using medicines. These health
property rights have failed to bring necessary
system activities are connected to each other;
technologies to market because there is often
as in the systems approach advanced through-
little financial profit. This is a critical friction to
out this report, innovations targeting one part
resolve: impoverished populations – who suf-
of the health system will require interaction
fer from diseases they often cannot afford to
with health system components, institutions
treat – lack both the political voice and the
or stakeholders to ensure that medicines do in
economic means to afford new medicines.
fact improve health.
How can industry’s profit motive be effectively
There are many examples of innovations de- balanced with essential treatment needs?
signed to make medicines better available
Creating incentives for pharmaceutical R&D is
(164, 165), several of which illustrate how
not only an urgent issue for LMICs, but increas-
health system activities are integrally con-
ingly, for the rest of the world. A major global
nected to other sectors. For instance, the 2013
R&D challenge is the development of new an-
joint report of the World Health Organization,
tibiotics, since many bacteria have developed
World Intellectual Property Organization, and
resistance to frequently-used antibiotics. No
World Trade Organization offers a crucial, in-
matter how judiciously antibiotics are pre-
depth discussion of issues at the intersection
scribed, their use will inevitably generate re-
of public health, intellectual property, and
sistant organisms, rendering novel antibiotics


62 – Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines

Box 4.1: Innovative push and pull R&D Strategies

“Push” strategies can be used to subsidize research inputs – using funds to spur, for instance, the
discovery of new medicines. These strategies, which often devote public funds to R&D in the
private sector, include: public-private partnerships such as the GAVI Alliance (168) and the GSK
Diseases for the Developing World Research Centre (169); targeted research grants programmes
such as the Drugs for Neglected Disease Initiative (170); and tax credits for R&D spending (169).
“Pull” strategies, on the other hand, reward research output, providing an incentive to make the
results available to its intended population (171). Innovative pull strategies include: prize funds
(163), priority review vouchers (169), transferable patent exclusivity (169), and advance market
commitments, in which governments or donors commit to buying a quantity of a drug to drive
R&D (163, 172). Other strategies to incentivize priority R&D include orphan drug legislation,
open source drug discovery, patent pools and regulatory harmonization (173).

less effective over time. Further complicating (PDPs) (174, 175) have increased the number
the matter is market logic: restricted use of of medicines in development for neglected dis-
antibiotics will limit sales and impede the cost eases (176). PDPs are non-profit R&D partner-
recovery of drug development, providing little ships between industry and non-profit organi-
incentive for pharmaceutical companies to zations with major external funding (notably
develop new antibiotics. Even if R&D for an- by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). Ex-
tibiotics could be sufficiently stimulated with amples of major PDPs include the Programme
public or private subsidies, the current busi- for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH),
ness model that links revenue and profit to the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI),
sales volumes will lead to marketing strategies the Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV),
that encourage overuse and drug resistance. the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development,
Thus, innovative business models are needed and the Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation.
to delink revenue from usage. In 2012, these organizations collectively ac-
counted for two-thirds of the more than US$
Alternative R&D models do exist and more are
375 million funding for PDP research (almost
currently under development. These involve a
12% of all global funding for research) on
wider range of actors and innovative collabora-
medicines for neglected diseases (176).
Creating incen- tions to “share resources, risks, and rewards”.
tives for (167) These novel R&D approaches seek to PDPs are beginning to generate products. In
pharmaceutical delink sales revenue and R&D costs through 2007, the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Ini-
R&D is not only
an urgent issue push mechanisms – payments for R&D inputs tiative (DNDi) developed the first ever anti-
for LMICs, but by, for example, supporting the conduct of malarial resulting from a PDP (177). ASAQ,
increasingly, for clinical trials – and through pull mechanisms a fixed-dose combination of artesunate and
the rest of the
such as prizes for R&D that brings successful amodiaquine for uncomplicated malaria, is
inventions to market. a non-exclusive and non-patented drug for
adults and children in sub-Saharan Africa; it
Innovative product development partnerships
is a quality, heat-stable product that is dosed


Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines – 63

once a day (178). The drug is sold at a “no- Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, rheuma-
profit, no-loss” maximum price of US$ 1 per toid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythema-
adult treatment to national health services tosus (183). AMP data and analyses will be
and nongovernmental organizations in en- made available to the entire biomedical com-
demic countries. So far, ASAQ has been regis- munity, with the goal of shortening the time to
tered in more than 30 countries and more than bring new therapies to the market.
200 million treatments have been distributed
4.2.1 India’s Open Source Drug Discovery
(179). Using a tiered-pricing approach, the
initiative (OSDD)
company sells the fixed-dose combination in
private sector markets and contributes 3% of In 2008, India’s Council on Scientific and In-
net private sector earnings over seven years to dustrial Research (CSIR) piloted the OSDD to
DNDi to further lower the public sector sales develop new medicines for those diseases that
price. drug discovery and development processes had
thus far neglected. This first targeted tubercu-
Another key issue lies in the fact that restricted
losis and later broadened its scope to malaria,
access to proprietary data can slow or even
filariasis and leishmaniasis (184). The initia-
prevent drug discovery. India launched the
tive seeks to reengineer the means by which
Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) Initiative
new drugs are brought to market. By sharing
(180) to identify urgently needed medicines by
resources, risks and rewards, OSDD engages
combining open source innovation and prod-
a community of students, scientists, clinicians,
uct development partnerships (see section
academicians, and institutions, which collabo-
4.2.1.). This new initiative draws upon the les-
rate through an online platform and offline
sons of open-source innovation in information
lab work, in partnership with companies, to
technology and is strategically positioned be-
develop new treatments free from monopoly
cause of the Council on Scientific and Industri-
rents. By publicly financing the costs of R&D,
al Research’s history of translating its findings
OSDD can work with generic manufacturers to
for the Indian generic industry.
produce the treatments at close-to-marginal
Innovative open-access development has also cost, thereby ensuring greater affordability for
begun with medicines to treat common chron- those in need (185).
ic diseases affecting patients in high-income
OSDD shares resources through an online col-
countries (181). Similar to the European
laborative platform that operates through
Union’s Innovative Medicines Initiative (182),
a “clickwrap license” in which participants
the Accelerating Medicines Partnership (AMP)
agree not to remove knowledge generated
is a new venture between the United States’
from the online commons for proprietary gain.
National Institutes of Health, ten biopharma-
So far, the platform has over 7600 registered
ceutical companies and several non-profit or-
participants from 130 countries, 13 engaged
ganizations to transform the current model for
CSIR labs, 39 academic institutions and 14
developing new diagnostics and treatments
industry partners. OSDD has connected with
by jointly identifying and validating promising
major product development partnerships, in-
biological targets of disease (183). To do so,
cluding the DNDi, the TB Alliance, and MMV.
the NIH and industry partners have committed
The OSDD hosts over 240 projects, both online
to a (roughly equal) contribution towards an
and offline, led by over 180 principal investi-
initial five-year budget of US$ 230 million for
gators. At any given time, up to 20% of the
up to five pilot projects in four disease areas:


64 – Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines

By sharing registered participants actively contribute. non-financial rewards, both at the individual
resources, risks, and collective levels. Individual rewards have
and rewards, Online collaborators work on diverse projects,
and involv- ranged from activities encouraging women
focusing, for example, on identifying gene tar-
ing scientists scientists to small prizes in the form of credit
around the gets for therapy and understanding toxicities
for phone usage and Internet access. Largely
world, OSDD of pre-clinical compounds. The initiative also
supported by the Indian government, scien-
exemplifies a maintains publicly accessible databases, in-
new culture tists and students alike contribute voluntarily
cluding an integrative genomics map of My-
of R&D and is to the network’s activities. The OSDD’s col-
developing a cobacterium tuberculosis (185). Engaging its
laborative platform tracks those contributing
publicly-owned online community, OSDD recently ran a You-
significantly to the online community project,
pipeline for Tube Video competition on “The Need for New
bringing new and rewards those individuals in various ways,
Drugs for TB.” One product from the OSDD
products to including authorship and acknowledgement
markets. network has already involved network volun-
in subsequent publications. Moreover, the
teers, who re-annotated the entire M. tubercu-
best performers in the OSDD community have
losis genome, telescoping 300 person years of
leveraged their participation into competitive
effort into four months (186-188).
applications for fellowship training in pro-
The OSDD Initiative has also sought to line up grammes abroad.
the infrastructure to translate early-stage dis-
By publicly financing the R&D of novel antibi-
coveries into the first in-human trials, facilitat-
otics, OSDD seeks fair returns from this in-
ing the transfer from basic research scientists
vestment by keeping drug costs affordable
to those who might translate this work into a
through generic licensing.
drug candidate. Biological resources are avail-
able through such collections as a library of To advance its virtual R&D pipeline, OSDD en-
plant-derived, anti-infective compounds for gages partners in such undertakings in two
screening, and an open-access repository of ways: it contracts service providers on a “work
M. tuberculosis clones. The initiative has also for hire” basis; and it collaborates with part-
assembled a diverse small molecule repository, ners who donate their services, with the re-
synthesized by a community of about 80 syn- sulting intellectual property belonging to the
thetic chemists from 35 institutions. OSDD community. Along these lines, OSDD
has secured a non-exclusive right to TB drug
The OSDD Initiative’s models share both risks
candidate PA-824 from the TB Alliance for
and rewards. Funding is both public and pri-
testing this drug in a new combination regi-
vate, including US$ 12 million funding from
men (pyrazinamide + moxifloxacin + PA-824)
the Indian government, private-sector dona-
in Phase IIB clinical trials. The combination has
tions and in-kind Information Technology
the potential of shortening TB treatment from
support from companies such as Infosys, and
six to two months.
grants from foundations such as the Sir Dorabji
Tata Trust. Funding is, in turn, released to proj- OSDD’s non-hierarchical structure carries over
ects, both as awards to principal investigators to its governance. A Science Support Group
or as projects commissioned and coordinated – comprised of seven core members and
by OSDD itself. people drawn from the OSDD community,
with the leadership of Chief Mentor Dr. S. K.
Brahmachari – guides the direction of the
The OSDD initiative also shares financial and OSDD initiative and makes decisions on


Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines – 65

policies governing its open-access reposito- their active ingredient is absorbed at the same
ries. Though the vision and mission of OSDD rate and to the same extent as the originator
is to improve innovation for neglected diseas- product – i.e. that they are “bioequivalent”.
es and provide affordable health care to all, Studies on “bioequivalence” (199) and clinical
its efforts have also inspired a generation of equivalence (200) have shown that most orig-
young minds. inator and generic products in the USA are,
in fact, equivalent. The FDA also enforces the
By sharing resources, risks, and rewards, and
same rigorous standards for quality assurance
involving scientists around the world, OSDD
(current Good Manufacturing Processes) (192)
exemplifies a new culture of R&D and is devel-
for generics as for originator medicines. Qual-
oping a publicly-owned pipeline for bringing
ity assurance is one of several important steps
new products to markets.
to overcome the almost universal perception
4.3 Innovation in expanding markets that generic products are of lower efficacy or
for high-quality generic products quality than originator products.

Quality generic medicines can greatly improve Generic products play a crucial role in the US
a population’s access to medicines (189) – health system. In 2011, nearly 80% of the 4
but producing generics and marketing them billion prescriptions written in the USA were
are not on their own sufficient to achieve this. dispensed using generic products (193). Ge-
Introducing generics requires addressing mar- nerics were dispensed 94% of the time when
ket forces and challenges in public perception, both a generic and an originator brand coun-
and in creating incentives for their preferential terpart were available (194). Use of generics
use. Until this occurs, the utilization of gener- is facilitated by state-level generic substitution
ics and the realization of potential savings regulations, which, in most states, mandate
from generic utilization, will remain variable pharmacists to substitute an interchange-
across countries at all income levels. able generic product for a prescribed origina-
tor product unless otherwise indicated by the
Most medicines on national essential medi- prescriber (195). Health insurance schemes in-
cines lists are available as generic products – centivize generic use through tiered pharmacy
defined here as products that are intended to benefit policies, which have lowest patient co-
be clinically equivalent, lower-cost versions of payments for generic products (196).
the molecules of their originator brand coun-
terparts, manufactured without a license from The high use of generics has resulted in major
the originator and marketed after the expiry medicine expenditure savings in the USA,
date of the patent or other exclusive rights. where generic prices are typically a fraction of
(189, 190). originator brand prices. Once a second generic
product enters the market, the average gener-
The highest volumes of generic utilization and ic price falls to half the price of the originator
resultant medicines expenditure savings have counterpart; additional generic competition
been reported for the United States of Amer- reduces the cost further, to 20% or less (197).
ica (USA), which has successfully addressed Without safe, high-quality generics, the USA
both market forces and the challenges of pub- would have spent US$ 500 billion instead of
lic perception (191). The United States Food US$ 320 billion on medicines in 2011 (197).
and Drug Administration (FDA) approves ge- Between 2002 and 2011, the use of generics
neric products if there is evidence to show that is estimated to have saved the US health care


66 – Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines

Innovation system US$ 1,070 billion (207). In addition, prices of originator brand counterparts, thus
required to compared to patients who were dispensed limiting price competition. In addition, the
promote ge-
neric medicines brand-name products, those who were given Brazilian public health care system – Sistema
include the prescriptions for generic products were more Único de Saúde (SUS) – does not currently
development of likely to adhere to their chronic disease treat- apply procurement or financing levers to in-
ment regimens since they incurred lower co- centivize generic use. Other barriers to wider
strategies to
ensure that payments (198). generic use in many countries include mistrust
low-cost, high- from both providers and patients of the qual-
quality generics Generic products can reduce health care ex-
ity of generic products, pharmaceutical sector
are available, penditures provided that quality generic prod-
policies that incentivize the use of high-cost
prescribed, ucts cost much less than their originator coun-
dispensed, and brand name products, and lack of regulation
terparts. Some European countries have been
used in ways on generic substitutions (202).
that fit local less successful than the USA in realizing the
contexts full savings potential from the use of gener- For LMICs to increase their use of generic
ics, due to a prevailing model of administra- products, several factors must be addressed:
tive price regulation that caps reimbursement
kk the availability of less expensive, high-
for generic medicines at a threshold derived
quality generic products;
from the originator price, rather than letting
the market determine the price – as in the kk the low levels of public trust in the quality
USA. When all generics are reimbursed at the of available generics; and
same price, the incentive for price competition
is lost. This is why several European countries kk the incentives for prescribers, dispensers,
have re-introduced elements of competition in and patients to preferentially use generics.
their generics reimbursement policies. Recom-
The principal innovation required to meet the
mendations to increase the use of generics in
above factors include the development of
Europe include, among others: accelerating
multi-pronged strategies to ensure that low-
market authorization, pricing and reimburse-
cost, high-quality generics are available, pre-
ment decisions for generic products; increas-
scribed, dispensed, and used in ways that fit
ing prescribing through the use of electronic
local contexts. Local contexts will require bal-
generic prescribing tools coupled with finan-
ancing the goals of the health sector – i.e. the
cial incentives; expansion of generic substitu-
availability of low-cost, high-quality generic
tion policies; and incentives for pharmacists to
products – with those of other sectors – e.g.
preferentially dispense generics (199, 200).
maximizing local generic industry profits –
If LMICs increased their use of high-quality, through public and professional education,
lower-cost generic products, they could realize enforced regulation, active management, and
substantial savings (201). Switching to gener- value-based financing policies.
ics, however, poses considerable challenges.
In section 4.3.1, we describe several ap-
In some LMICs, generics remain relatively
proaches undertaken by the government and
expensive because of regulations that do not
other stakeholders in Brazil to increase the
encourage price competition and a strong
availability and use of high-quality generics.
domestic generic industry that benefits from
keeping prices relatively high and does not
favour pro-competition reforms. In Brazil, for
instance, generic prices are set at 65% of the


Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines – 67

4.3.1 The evolution of Brazil’s actors were engaged at the policy develop- Regulated
approach to generic medicines ment stage, including various arms of the gov- market entry
of quality-as-
ernment (the Ministry of Health and ANVISA), sured generic
Access to medicines has been a constitutional
local and multinational pharmaceutical com- products was
right in Brazil since 1998. The societal and one strategy
panies, private retail pharmacies, professional
political environments in 1998 were favour- adopted by the
organizations of doctors and pharmacists, and
able for the necessary technical and regula- Brazilian
the general population. In 2002, to further government to
tory changes, and the government launched
engage multiple stakeholders, the Ministry of increase the
a multi-pronged strategy to facilitate access availability of
Health launched campaigns to educate con-
to high-quality, affordable generic medicines high-quality
sumers (208-210), prescribers, and dispensers
(203). Highly-publicized uses of counterfeit medicines.
about the value of generic medicines, often
products (204) had encouraged social mobi-
communicating through social media (218).
lization (of patient organizations, advocacy
The educational campaigns seem to have con-
groups and the media) to improve the safety
tributed to public awareness of generics: in
and quality of medicines. In 1999, the Bra-
2007, 95.7% of the sampled population had
zilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)
heard of generic products, and 68.1% could
(205) was created to protect and promote the
even define “generic medication” (211).
health of the population.
Since the National Medicines Policy was im-
One of ANVISA’s first actions was to develop
plemented, Brazil has had three types of medi-
the Brazilian Generics Law, which is one instru-
cines. The first are originator brand products.
ment in the 1999 National Medicines Policy
The second are generics that meet clinical
(206). The goals of the Generics Law were to
equivalence criteria, are commercialized under
stimulate competition by increasing the num-
the international non-proprietary name (212)
ber of products on the market, to improve the
of the active ingredient in packages marked
quality of medicines, and to facilitate access
with a yellow stripe, (along with a large letter
to medicines. Following international stan-
“G” and the inscription Generic Medicines),
dards (206), the Brazilian Generics Law estab-
and which are considered interchangeable
lished criteria for production, bioequivalence,
with the respective originator brand prod-
bioavailability, registration, prescription and
ucts (213). The third are “similares” or non-
dispensing of generic medicines. In 2000, Bra-
originator brand-name products which do not
zil’s first six generic products were registered
have to meet equivalence criteria, and which
(207). Then, in January 2001, a new regula-
are marketed under a trade name.
tion – with Resolution 10 replacing Resolution
391 – provided greater flexibility in the reg- Since 2000, regulations aimed at assuring the
istration process for generic medicines, thus quality of medicines in the market have been
accelerating the availability of generics in the implemented. In 2002, Resolution RDC 157
market. The new regulation added informa- established the requirements for pharmaceu-
tion, revised points of the original resolution, tical equivalence studies for “similares”. In
and filled regulatory gaps (206). 2003, Resolutions RDC 133 and RDC 134
required “similares” to undergo, by 2014, the
The 1999 National Medicines Policy regulates
same relative bioavailability and pharmaceu-
generics, along with medicine production, pro-
tical equivalence tests required for generic
curement, prescribing, dispensing, and use. To
encourage effective implementation, different


68 – Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines

Within Brazil’s public Unified Health System 4.4 Innovation in expanding access to
(SUS), prescribers must use generic names. In specialty medicines
private practices, prescribers may use generic
The majority of new medicines coming to mar-
or brand names, but may choose to restrict the
ket target complex diseases that require
substitution of branded medicines with gener-
specialist treatment. Many of these diseases
ics (214). Notably, the procurement of generic
are increasingly prevalent across the globe,
products is not mandatory in the SUS; rather,
including cancer (221) and hepatitis; oth-
quality standards, product specific characteris-
ers, such as cystic fibrosis, affect relatively
tics, and lowest price are the principal criteria
few patients, with most of these in high-
for selecting a supplier and product for SUS
income countries. Frequently, new medicines
(215). “Similares” are thus more available
are biological agents – complex macromol-
than generics in the public sector (214, 216).
ecules produced by recombinant DNA tech-
Regulated market entry of quality-assured ge- nology – that come to market at prices that
neric products was one strategy adopted by are orders of magnitude higher than those of
the Brazilian government to increase the small-molecule products. Biological agents
availability of high-quality medicines. To make are expected to represent about 20% of the
generics more affordable, the Brazilian Gov- world’s pharmaceutical market by 2017 (222).
ernment set the maximum generic end-user Reasons behind the high prices for biological
product prices at 35% below the innovator agents include: the challenge of establishing
brand product prices (217). On average, in bioequivalence for follow-on biologics, or bio-
2006, generic medicines were priced 40% similars; the extended data exclusivity offered
lower than their innovator counterparts (218). to biologics (12 years in USA); and the com-
plexity of manufacturing some biologics.
The introduction of the 1999 Generics Law
likely contributed to the growth of the domes- Providing access to novel cancer therapies and
tic pharmaceutical industry. In 2003, only one other specialty medicines poses enormous
Brazilian firm was among the 12 companies challenges. Innovation is required to ensure
controlling close to half of the Brazilian mar- that specialty medicines reach only the pa-
ket, but by 2012, 5 of the top 12 companies tients for whom they are indicated; that they
– with a 49% market share – were Brazilian are administered in the specialty settings re-
(219). In 2002, generics made up 4.8% of the quired for safe and effective care; that they are
market volume, but this grew to 18% by 2008. priced and financed in ways that individuals,
Market share in value increased from about households, and systems can afford; and that
4% in 2002 to about 15% in 2008 and 27% they maintain incentives for different actors to
in 2013 (220). While additional policy mea- continue the R&D of innovative products.
sures are available, a multi-pronged strategy
Pharmaceutical companies, governments, pay-
of ongoing adaptation of legislation, the gov-
ers, philanthropists, clinicians and professional
ernment’s enforcement of regulations, and its
societies, nongovernmental organizations, pa-
involvement in educating the public through
tient groups, academics and others have roles
social marketing have increased access to
in improving access to valuable new specialty
quality assured generic medicines at more af-
medicines. To make new treatments more af-
fordable prices in Brazil (207).
fordable, these groups should engage in con-
structive dialogue about which medicines are


Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines – 69

clinically beneficial and economically afford- TRIPS agreement, with such licensing allowing
able, and how products should be priced to re- governments to import or produce a generic
flect their medically-proven and cost-effective version of a patented product without the con-
value (223). sent of the patent holder (227-228). However,
compulsory licensing is highly controversial
Companies can offer highly discounted prices
and its use can lead to political pressure and
for valuable medicines to LMICs, with tiered-
potentially negative consequences for trade in
pricing schemes targeting different in-country
other, unrelated sectors. Compulsory licens-
populations, patient assistance programmes
ing is also time- and resource-consuming as it
for the poor, risk-sharing programmes with
usually has to be applied product-by-product
LMIC governments and insurance schemes,
and company-by-company and may involve
and voluntary licenses to – and partnerships
lengthy, confrontational negotiations. How-
with – generics manufacturers (224).
ever, some countries (for example Brazil, India,
Governments can facilitate access through and Thailand) have used the credible threat of
regulations that increase the speed and effi- applying TRIPS flexibilities to strengthen their
ciency of clinical trials for promising products. negotiating position with innovator compa-
They can ensure that only valuable specialty nies and to incentivize the development of
medicines are appropriately used by improv- creative solutions for better access to novel
ing health care delivery and informatics infra- medicines with high public health impact.
structures and through financing policies that
Payers can collaborate on the review of new
remove provider and patient incentives that
technologies, in light of new disease priorities,
unintentionally lead to the misuse of high-
available budgets, and the values underlying
cost medicines. Governments can allocate
decisions about benefit packages in their set-
resources, engage in innovative financing ar-
tings. They can engage with other stakehold-
rangements with companies, and coordinate
ers on the values underlying different deci-
different funding sources – e.g. the private
sions and communicate coverage decisions
sector, philanthropic agencies, and third-party
transparently (Chapter 3); they can also nego-
payers – of specialty medicines for different
tiate risk-sharing agreements with companies,
populations in their systems.
incentivize appropriate use of products, and
Generic production of biosimilars, and subse- implement strict monitoring systems to track
quently, competition among products, are the spending on and use of specialty medi-
expected to make biologic compounds less cines (229).
expensive and more accessible. Different from
Funders can contribute resources to the treat-
small-molecule medicines, however, for which
ment of poor patients suffering from cancer
approval generally indicates interchangeabil-
and other complex diseases. Clinicians must
ity with the originator product, governments
push for novel therapies with substantial clini-
need to define requirements for approving a
cal benefits, and prescribe and dispense spe-
biosimilar. To date, regulations on the licens-
cialty medicines only to patients for whom the
ing and interchangeability of biosimilar prod-
products are indicated, with strict continued
ucts vary by jurisdiction and remain in flux
clinical monitoring and support to ensure safe
(225, 226).
use in severely ill patients. Academics can con-
Governments also have the option to use tribute evidence for decision-making by evalu-
compulsory licensing provisions under the ating the impacts of different strategies to


70 – Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines

In most coun- make specialty medicines accessible to those NLEM, insurance schemes were given time to
tries, high-cost who need them. implement coverage of E2 medicines to allow
specialty medi-
cines pose a them to identify ways to address the resulting
Section 4.4.1. below describes a range of pol-
major challenge budget impact. The National Health Security
to the health icy approaches used by different stakehold-
Office (NHSO) began covering E2 medicines
system. ers in Thailand to facilitate access to selected
for UC scheme patients in January 2009, with
high-cost specialty medicines (230).
the Social Welfare Office (SWO) following
4.4.1 The E2 Access programme for high- suit three years later (July 2012). Enrollees in
cost specialty medicines in the CSMBS scheme continued to receive the
Thailand medicines without charge under their fee-for-
service benefit (233).
The National List of Essential Medicines
(NLEM) has been an important part of the Thai Following the announcement of the E2 access
national medicines policy since it was first pub- programme, government, payers, and com-
lished in 1981 (231). The NLEM is the basis for panies facilitated its implementation through
the mandatory payment of medicines costs by strategies focused on system affordability of
the three major Thai health insurance schemes the regulatory coverage mandate. These strat-
– the Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme egies differed by medicine, manufacturer, and
(CSMBS), the Social Security Scheme (SSS) and payer. For example, the government consid-
the Universal Coverage (UC) Scheme – which ered the use of compulsory licences for three
together enrol nearly all Thai people. Insured E2 anti-cancer medicines, letrozole, docetaxel,
patients under these schemes do not pay for and imatinib (234, 235). The Thai government
medicines on the NLEM. allowed patent holders to negotiate before
resorting to compulsory licencing. In 2008,
As in most countries, high-cost specialty medi- Novartis Pharma AG agreed to provide the
cines pose a major challenge to the health anti-cancer drug imatinib free of charge by
system in Thailand. The government addressed expanding its patient access programme to
this challenge in 2008 through a multi- all patients under the UC Scheme – in lieu of
pronged strategy known as the E2 access a compulsory license – facilitating the NHSO
programme (232).3 The programme initially implementation of the E2 policy for this drug.
targeted ten very costly medicines (botulinum For letrozole and docetaxel, the government
A toxin, docetaxel, erythropoietin alfa, eryth- instituted compulsory licences in January 2008
ropoietin beta, letrozole, leuprorelin acetate, – applying this policy instrument for the first
liposomal amphotericin B, human normal time to non-AIDS medicines – to reduce the
immunoglobulin intravenous, imatinib, and prices of these anti-cancer medicines. Payers in
verteporfin) for 21 relatively rare conditions, turn implemented the E2 programme-mandat-
which require specific diagnostic and treat- ed coverage for these medicines. In addition,
ment monitoring approaches (232). the NHSO collaborated with the Government
Pharmaceutical Organization (GPO), introduc-
E2 programme medicines were listed in the
ing in 2009 central procurement (instead of
newly-created NLEM E2 medicines category,
individual hospital-based procurement) for all
which then mandated insurance schemes to
pay for these high-cost medicines for patients
meeting specific clinical eligibility criteria. 3. In Thailand, medicines on the National Essential Medicines List are
However, unlike for other medicines in the classified in 6 groups from A to E2. The E2 category includes “high
risk costly drugs to be used by a senior specialist”.


Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines – 71

E2 products used for UC patients in hospitals. financing. These dilemmas affect countries at Innovation to
Pooled procurement resulted in lower prices of all income levels, although LMICs are likely to bring urgently
needed medi-
medicines, saving the government the equiva- face greater constraints in re-allocating funds cines to market
lent of millions of dollars annually (236). from other public needs to health financing. requires novel
Health technology assessments – as imple- partnerships
Operationally, the GPO distributes E2 products among health
mented for example by NICE in the UK (237) –
for UC-insured patients directly to hospitals system stake-
can contribute technical information on cost- holders.
via the so-called vendor-managed inventory
effectiveness but importantly do not ensure
system. On behalf of hospitals, the SWO en-
that a policy decision meets ethical goals. Po-
gaged with the pharmaceutical manufac-
litical battles in many countries (238, 239) and
turer, negotiating a 50% price reduction for
legal challenges to reimbursement decisions,
imatinib, while also completely covering the
mostly in those Latin American countries with
drug for social security patients as of 2012. In
a constitutional right to health (240), are il-
January 2013, the SWO transferred its budget
lustrative of contentions in rationing health
to NHSO to participate in the central procure-
care resources. Controversies among different
ment and delivery of E2 medicines for SSS pa-
stakeholders are likely to become more preva-
tients. Recently, the list of E2 medicines has
lent, given that most drugs in development
been expanded and in 2013 includes 16 prod-
pipelines are biotechnology-based, will come
ucts indicated for 27 conditions (232).
to market with high prices, and will need to be
The Thai E2 strategy illustrates aspects of a evaluated for potential coverage by expanding
system-oriented approach to benefit policy health insurance schemes.
design that combines government regula-
There is no easy solution to fundamental con-
tory, managerial, and economic measures
flicts in which “reasonable people will have
with stakeholder cooperation in order to bal-
moral disagreements about choices that create
ance equitable access to and appropriate use
winners and losers – often with life at stake.”
of medicines with their affordability – along
(241) At a basic level, decisions on priority set-
with the development of viable markets for
ting and resource allocation processes should
industry. Given an increasing number of novel,
be made in a way deemed “fair”. Generally
high-cost treatments available and the result-
speaking, this will require these processes to
ing expansion of the E2 access programme,
be transparent and inclusive. In addition, deci-
questions about its present and future eco-
sions should be deliberative and reasonable,
nomic impacts on the health system must be
with attention paid to appropriate scientific
raised. In addition, effects of the programme
evidence as well as to the perceptions, inter-
on the health of individuals who receive E2
ests, and values of different stakeholders af-
category medicines and on the overall popula-
fected by such decision-making.
tion’s health are currently unknown.
4.6 Conclusions and recommendations
4.5 Innovation and ethics in medicines
decision-making Innovation to bring urgently needed medicines
to market requires novel partnerships among
The increasing availability of novel but expen-
health system stakeholders. LMICs must find
sive medicines and health technologies
a combination of approaches that integrate
heightens some ethical decision-making di-
the interests of these stakeholders and match-
lemmas – particularly around priority setting
es the needs of different constituencies in
and resource allocation in health policy and


72 – Chapter 4: Innovation to Ensure Better Access to Medicines

pluralistic financing and care systems.

The intended and potentially unintended im-

pacts of innovations in bringing medicines
to markets must be better and more system-
atically assessed. We do know that bringing
needed medicines to markets generate prime
learning opportunities for national and global
systems. At this point, monitoring and evalu-
ation of the impacts of innovative regulatory,
financing, supply and delivery mechanisms on
medicines access, affordability, and use are
crucial – not to “take advantage of these op-
portunities condemns us to rediscover at great
cost what is already known or to repeat past
mistakes” (242). It is also critically important
to consider how innovations could be opti-
mized given the constantly changing environ-
ments of LMIC health systems, and how in-
novations have adapted to local contexts and
implementation challenges.


74 – Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines


kk Improving access to and ensuring the appro-

priate use of medicines requires an under-
standing of health market systems. In recent
years, these markets have expanded dra-
matically in LMICs, yet policy-makers have
not given them sufficient attention.
kk Poorly-organized health market systems fail
in many dimensions, resulting in unneeded
or harmful treatments, excessive and impov-
erishing costs, counterfeit and substandard
products, and antibiotic resistance.
kk In and of themselves, the training of health-
care providers and providing better, more
targeted information to health system
stakeholders are not enough to improve the
access and appropriate use of medicines.
kk Successful interventions aimed at improving
health system markets and correcting market
failures require continuous revision; they en-
gage multiple stakeholders, apply a balance
of incentives, controls, and capacity building,
and use data to monitor the intended and
unintended consequences and to enhance
Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines – 75

5.1 The growing role of health care their understanding of disease, an assessment Although mar-
markets in access to medicines of provider reputation, the effectiveness of kets have come
to play such
medicines, and their purchasing power (244). an important
Market factors are now critical to the health
role in health
systems of LMICs. They are especially impor- Although there are many debates around the systems over
tant in the development of medicines and oth- best way to organize health systems, there is the last few
er diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, as a widespread consensus that markets on their decades,
well as in the delivery of health-related goods governments
own do not produce efficient or equitable
have not cre-
and services. However, although markets have health systems. Both the causes and symp- ated adequate
come to play such an important role in health toms of market failures in the health sector regulatory
systems over the last few decades, govern- are well documented (247), and include in- developments
to provide
ments have not created adequate regula- formation asymmetry between providers and
effective market
tory developments to provide effective market clients that make clients vulnerable to the oversight.
oversight (243, 244). abuse of provider power, resulting in exces-
sive health costs, and unneeded or ineffective
Most countries have highly pluralistic health
treatment. This can also lead to shortages of
care delivery systems, with health providers
public health and preventive services, under-
ranging from itinerant drug sellers, small shops
insurance against major health expenditures,
and private pharmacies, private clinics, not-for-
an inability to control health care costs, and
profit and government hospitals, public sector
the inequitable distribution of health services Active interven-
multi-specialty hospitals, and different types tions in informal
and medicines (245, 247, 248).
of provider networks. These health providers markets can be
have different levels of knowledge, training, A variety of measures exist in most countries effective, and
tend to require
and qualifications, various types of legal and to counteract these market failures. These in- multi-compo-
professional standing, and different mecha- clude the government provision of health ser- nent strategies
nisms for formal and informal payment (245, vices, public regulation and laws, and profes- that balance
246). In most LMICs, medicines are more likely sional self-regulation based on adherence to incentives,
controls, and
to be purchased from shops, private pharma- rules and standards. In LMICs, many of these education and
cies, and informally-trained private providers formal institutions are weak, and the arrange- involve multiple
than through government health facilities. Yet ments to create market order tend to be more stakeholders.
many governments and international agencies informal and local, such as through provider
have long neglected the role of the private referral networks or consumer word-of-mouth
sector in the supply of medicines. (249). Active interventions in informal markets
can be effective, however, and tend to require
Health markets are highly segmented. Often,
multi-component strategies that balance in-
those who are well-off can afford higher-quali-
centives, controls, and education and involve
ty professional care and have better protection
multiple stakeholders (250). This was demon-
through privileged financing arrangements –
strated in a series of studies in Thailand and
such as private health insurance – while the
Viet Nam, where poor case management and
poor rely on underfunded public systems and
dispensing practices at private pharmacies
low-cost, informally-trained providers (e.g. vil-
were improved through regulation, education,
lage doctors or traditional health providers).
and peer support (251, 252).
This segmentation is further subdivided on the
basis of patient preferences and social needs, The public sector in health often fails too. In
their particular health condition, as well as LMICs, shopkeepers who sell drugs,


76 – Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines

The public and informally-trained providers, and public sec- 5.2 A systems approach to analysing
private health tor health workers who take supplemental health care markets
sectors are
clearly intercon- payments or hold additional private-sector
Given the interconnectedness of stakeholders
nected since jobs – all of this operates outside the formal
the factors in the health sector and pervasiveness of mar-
legal framework, leaving governments with
that threaten ket transactions, analysing the public and pri-
little capacity to enforce existing regulations
government vate sectors separately jars with the reality of
systems also (253, 254). Government health services can
how LMIC health systems actually work, and
affect the also fail to deliver due to under-funding and
performance of limits the options for intervention. Instead, it
weak management systems, or because of re-
private markets. can be helpful to consider health market sys-
current shocks to the system from civil conflict,
The ability of tems, with supply and demand – or the service
institutions natural disasters, and economic crises. Analy-
transactions among providers and clients in
to enforce ses of public-sector failure in LMICs find that
agreed-upon both the publicly- and privately-owned health
government employees may be influenced by
rules specifying facilities – at their core (as shown in Figure
financial incentives, or political and patronage
5.1). These provider-client transactions are in-
and behavioural relationships, and may not act in the general
norms are
fluenced by formal and informal sets of rules,
interests of the population (255, 256). Some
critical to the which are established and enforced by a wide
informal payments may be considered “fair”
performance of range of market actors, each of whom is in-
both the public in the context of low public-sector pay, while
fluenced by many other factors. Supporting
and private others may be considered exploitive. Interven-
health sectors functions for providers and users in a health
tions that do not consider the reality of condi-
(249, 258). market include those that provide infrastruc-
tions for public providers and regulators may
ture, equipment, training and human resource
create negative, unintended consequences
management, monitoring and evaluation,
coordination and management support, and
The public and private health sectors are financing services. These supporting functions
clearly interconnected since the factors that create an environment that either enhances
threaten government systems also affect the or constrains the market actors, reflecting the
performance of private markets. The ability of norms, values, and regulatory actions for the
institutions to enforce agreed-upon rules spec- suppliers and users of health care and medi-
ifying expectations and behavioural norms are cines (244).
critical to the performance of both the public
The wide number of stakeholders and interac-
and private health sectors (249, 258). The in-
tions confers a complexity to health market
ability to provide such institutions may con-
systems. As in other complex systems, inter-
tribute to growing problems with substandard
ventions that focus too narrowly on a specific
and counterfeit medicines, the excessive use
aspect – such as strengthening the manage-
of antibiotics, the poor quality of medical care,
ment of a single organization – are likely to
and excessive costs. Pharmaceuticals markets
fail (259). A review of interventions on infor-
have also been harmed by unethical drug pro-
mal private providers (260) found that train-
motion practices, including misleading or false
ing alone had little impact on performance
claims about a drug, non-disclosure of side
– unless combined with reinforcing measures
effects, and sales representatives who influ-
that change incentives to improve prescribing
ence doctor’s prescribing practices by offering
financial incentives and gifts (250).


Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines – 77

In any complex system, unintended conse- (261). A systematic review of health-provider

quences are common, and many different performance in LMICs (262) found that many
health system interventions, whether initiated interventions can be effective, though results
through public or private providers, can affect are highly variable across different contexts,
medicines access, affordability, and use. One and that multi-component strategies with
reason for this lies in the self-organizing be- system-oriented problem-solving approaches
haviour of the different market actors, as they are more likely to improve performance.
react to each other, test and learn new ways
Interventions in health markets are often ex-
of acting, and create new structures and in-
amined through a narrow perspective, typi-
stitutional arrangements. Thus, interventions
cally only addressing their intended effects.
that are flexible in design, and use data and
However, to understand the wider effects on
feedback to adapt are more likely to succeed
the critical stakeholders, it is essential to use

Figure 5.1: Framework for understanding health market systems adapted from Bloom et al (254)


Informal networks

Government FUNCTIONS Private sector


Informing and


Informal rules
Laws Setting and and norms
enforcing rules

regulations Non-statutory
and standards regulations

Not-for-profit Membership
sector organizations

Representative bodies


78 – Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines

In any complex a systems approach. This will provide a better Smart Use project – was a response to market
system, unin- understanding of how interventions change failure involving the over-prescription, inap-
tended con-
sequences are over time, indicate why they may succeed or propriate demand, and subsequent growth
common, and fail, and point towards systemic elements that of treatment resistance to antibiotics. It re-
many different would benefit from routine monitoring and veals how many different stakeholders were
health system evaluation measures. Ultimately, this approach involved in the design and implementation
whether initi- can provide insights that will inform key stake- of the programme, which required concert-
ated through holders in ways that can bring increased order ed efforts to align competing interests and
public or to health market systems, which in turn will incentives.
private provid-
contribute to a transformation of the medi-
ers, can affect The final case-study, from Kenya, is a recent
medicines ac- cines situation in LMICs.
social business innovation, Familia Nawiri, de-
cess, affordabil-
ity, and use. 5.3 Case-studies of interventions ad- signed to increase access to generic medicines
dressing market failures in LMICs for poor populations. It also aims to build a
sustainable enterprise that meets both social
Four country case-studies analyse different in-
goals for the population and a level of prof-
terventions designed to improve health mar-
itability to continue operations. It also high-
kets and to address market failures in LMICs.
lights the use of “systems dynamics” research
These case-studies also highlight the role of
methods to understand how this type of inter-
important market players and how the inter-
vention can achieve its intended objectives in
vention managed to channel their contribu-
a complex environment.
tions towards improved medicines access.
These case-studies combine a review of pub-
The first case from the United Republic of Tan-
lished and grey literature, complemented by
zania documents the development of ac-
direct or indirect information collected in the
credited drug dispensing outlets, created in
field through an analysis of monitoring data,
response to a weak supply chain and failing
internal or external evaluation reports, discus-
market, with the intention of providing es-
sions with key informants, and access to un-
sential medicines to the rural poor. It was
published data. Full case-studies are available
designed through engagement with multiple
in the web annex.
stakeholders, with strong government leader-
ship, and was adapted as the program became 5.3.1 The United Republic of Tanzania: ac-
more decentralized. The participation and buy- credited drug-dispensing outlets
in of drug shop owners, a neglected market
Private medicine retailers are key players in
player in the health systems of LMICs, was an
supplying medicines in LMICs (263-265),
important component of its success.
yet their role tends to be ignored in devis-
The second case – the MoPoTsyo programme ing health policies, strategies, and monitoring
in Cambodia – addressed a market failure and evaluation approaches. In rural areas of
that left diabetes patients without care. It did the United Republic of Tanzania, most people
this by creating an innovative and effective depend on duka la dawa baridi (DLDBs) or
network for highly sought-after services that private medicines outlets for essential medi-
rotated around a new market player – a peer cines, since most of the country’s pharmacies
educator. and formal health facilities are in urban areas
(266). Whereas these outlets are only autho-
The third case-study – Thailand’s Antibiotic
rized to sell over-the-counter medicines or


Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines – 79

non-prescription medicines, they frequently region resulted in the MOHSW describing the Private medi-
sell prescription medicines illegally. They typi- programme as a “key MOHSW programme” cine retailers
are key players
cally have poorly-trained staff, inadequate and not a “donor-funded project,” then al- in supplying
drug storage facilities, and low-quality drugs. locating government funds for the further medicines in
expansion of the programme. After a 2006 LMICs (263-
In 2003, the accredited drug-dispensing out- 265), yet their
independent evaluation of the pilot, the pro-
lets (ADDO) programme was launched in the role tends to
gramme was rolled-out by central authorities be ignored
United Republic of Tanzania’s Ruvuma region
to three more regions. By 2007, it was clear in devising
to train and accredit DLDBs with the aim of health policies,
that a centralized management approach was
improving access to quality medicines and strategies, and
taking too long, was too expensive, and had
increasing consumer demand for appropriate monitoring
overstretched their ability to inspect and sup- and evaluation
medicines. Intended as a partnership between
port DLDBs. A decentralized approach was approaches.
public and private actors, the programme set
then taken through the training of trainers
out to improve government oversight of stan-
and local inspectors, along with greater in-
dards for training, operations, and quality con-
volvement of local governments, including
trol. Capacity building was a strong focus of
local government financial contributions. This
the programme, training shop owners in effec-
was successful, cutting the cost of rolling-out
tive business practices – e.g. monitoring sales,
in half, and the time reduced from 18 to 12
stock expiry, profit management, and training
months per region, with more regions launch-
dispensers in treatment guidelines and stock
ing the programme in parallel.
management. Taken together, this pushed
training far beyond any previous interventions The government took a number of actions to
(267). The programme also rolled out a public institutionalize the programme. In 2007, Tan-
information campaign. zania’s National Health Insurance fund in-
corporated the ADDOs into its scheme. The
Following two years of assessment, consulta-
government also revised the legal framework
tion and design, the ADDO programme was
to mandate local government planning and
launched by the Tanzania Food & Drugs Au-
budgeting (2008), to update the standards
thority (TFDA), the Ministry of Health and
to allow local inspection and the phase-out
Social Welfare (MOHSW), DLDB owners and
of unaccredited DLDBs (2009), and to clarify
Management Sciences for Health (MSH) – an
ADDO programme oversight.
international NGO that was initially funded
to perform this work by the Bill and Melinda In 2010, at the initiation of ADDO owners, the
Gates Foundation. A 2004 law required all NGO MSH facilitated the creation of a new
DLDBs to practice the ADDO set of accredita- ADDO provider/dispenser professional as-
tion standards and code of ethics, established sociation to give them a stronger voice in
through consultation with government offi- dealing with regulatory authorities and local
cials, medical officers and DLDB owners. governments. It enabled the joint procurement
of drugs to reduce purchasing prices, and
The ADDO programme began with 210 outlets
provided savings and credit opportunities to
in one region (Ruvuma), with credit assistance
provided to the DLDB owners to pay for the
physical upgrades needed to meet accredi- By 2013, ADDOs were found in every region of
tation standards. Early in the programme, a the country, in both rural and urban areas.
high-profile government study visit to the There were 5,500 ADDOs representing over


80 – Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines

“Expert 60% of all drug outlets in the country, and 5.3.2 Cambodia: task shifting to expert
patients” are the programme trained more than 13,000 dis- patients for diabetes care
trained to carry
out pre-defined
pensers and 3,200 local inspectors. The quality
Many health interventions consider patients
clinical tasks of services continues to improve. For example,
and community as recipients of care, without paying atten-
in Ruvuma, patients receiving recommended
outreach, and tion to how they might play an active role in
malaria treatment rose from 6% in 2003 to
establish a link their own treatment. This second case-study
between the 24% in 2004 and 63% in 2010.
from Cambodia illustrates the importance of
community and
health services. The availability and quality of products has al- “expert patients” – individuals who are suit-
In some ready improved. No unregistered products ably educated about their own disease so
cases, their were found in 2010 compared to 2% in 2004 that they can not only effectively contribute to
and 26% in 2001. The availability of antibi- their own treatment, but provide support to
to minimizing
stigma and otics in Ruvuma in 2010 was 70% compared others. Health care delivery through “expert
achieving with 79% in 2004 and 53% at 2001. Less patients” has been tested as an innovative
greater is known about how well the programme is approach to expand HIV treatment and care
involvement of
reaching the poor; reports suggest that AD- to counteract shortages of health staff in re-
in health care DOs are still not found in the most inaccessible source-limited settings. “Expert patients” are
delivery and parts of the country where households are es- trained to carry out pre-defined clinical tasks
treatment pecially impoverished, as it would be difficult and community outreach, and establish a link
is also for them to be profitable. between the community and health services.
recognized. In some cases, their contribution to minimizing
Although international donors largely financed
stigma and achieving greater involvement of
the original programme-development costs,
communities in health care delivery and treat-
roll-out costs soon came to be shouldered by
ment programmes is also recognized. Such
ADDO owners. Unsurprisingly, in all regions,
task shifting could be especially important for
prices increased after accreditation since the
chronic diseases that require long-term care:
costs of upgrading shops and stocks, and
in many LMICs, the burden of NCDs is rising
training dispensers, needed to be recouped in
(268, 269), yet the capacity of health systems
some way. Yet these increases have been mar-
to provide that care remains sharply limited.
ginal; a 10-year evaluation of the pilot ADDOs
found that antibiotics cost 15% above median In Cambodia, 3.1% of the adult population
prices in 2004 and 16% in 2010, according to (roughly 44,000 out of 1.4 million) have dia-
the International Drug Price Indicator Guide. betes. MoPoTsyo is a Cambodian NGO estab-
lished in 2004 to empower people living with
Other African countries such as Uganda and
diabetes to self-manage their condition by
Liberia have set up similar programmes. The
creating networks of community-based diabe-
engagement of stakeholders, including a
tes peer educators. It originated out of both a
supportive regulatory environment created
market and a state failure to provide diabe-
by these national governments, attention to
tes care and medicines in urban slums. Over
technical support, available financing, demand
time, both the scale and scope of services has
generation, linkages to community health ini-
expanded, and the growing network of peer
tiatives, and use of information and evaluation
educators has become more tightly linked to
to guide changes will be critical factors in their
other market players, such as pharmacies, lab-
oratories, and public and private sector health
providers – though it has been less successful


Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines – 81

in connecting to the Ministry of Health. diabetes and chronic disease medicines

through a revolving drug fund. It established
The NGO uses expert patients as peer educa-
contracts with local pharmacies to sell certain
tors. They receive training, basic equipment
generic medicines, procured in bulk interna-
and supplies, and host weekly patient gath-
tionally, at a fixed price to MoPoTsyo mem-
erings and education sessions in their homes,
bers. The pharmacies, mostly private, are al-
which act as patient information centres. Their
lowed a 15% profit margin. The pharmacies
activities (on average three half-days per
were chosen in close collaboration with dis-
week) focus on providing people living with
trict health authorities, looking predominantly
diabetes with reliable information on nutri-
at their proximity to network coverage area,
tion and exercise and basic skills such as self-
but also at the reputation of the people run-
measurement of glucose levels. The peer edu-
ning them. Pharmacy receipts given to patients
cators are trained to do blood glucose tests
are collected by the peer educators, allowing
and general follow-up work, and if the patient
the NGO to monitor both the performance of
does not show up for follow-up, the peer edu-
the pharmacies and patient adherence. Until
cator will visit the patient at home to motivate
recently, most contracted pharmacies were
them to continue treatment. The educators
private, but the NGO is now also working with
receive financial incentives for service and
pharmacy outlets in public facilities.
performance, including incentives for activities
such as screening, monitoring, patient gather- In early 2010, MoPoTsyo started to develop its
ings, and a travel reimbursement. The average own capacity to carry out laboratory tests,
monthly incentive is around US$ 30 a month; again in response to a service gap. At the
as a comparison, garment factory workers referral hospitals these tests were either un-
earn US$ 75 a month. Occasionally, incentives available or unaffordable; MoPoTsyo charges
have led to conflicts of interests, including one less than half the price of public hospitals.
instance where the number of urine glucose Blood samples are taken in the community
self-test results recorded by a peer educator and transported to a central laboratory, and
exceeded the amount of urine strips she had the test results are sent to the peer educator,
received – but fortunately, these seem rare. who explains them to the patient. The pro-
gramme now includes other services relevant
By the end of 2013, with a growing member-
to diabetes, with peer educators also address-
ship and a weak public health system,
ing hypertension or organising eye screening
MoPoTsyo started to become more engaged
in collaboration with private non-profit clinics.
with service delivery aspects. For example,
when the NGO started to roll-out activities in By the end of 2012, over 12,000 people were
rural areas, they found that there were no doc- registered patients with MoPoTsyo, with
tors trained in diabetes care and no consul- nearly 500,000 adults having been screened
tation services available for patients at either for diabetes. An external evaluation in 2011
health centres or district referral hospitals. The (270) showed that the programme had seen
organisation hired a number of doctors from major successes. There were significant im-
diabetes clinics in Phnom Penh to carry out di- provements in fasting blood glucose levels
abetes consultations and to train local doctors. and both systolic and diastolic blood pressure
in a randomly-selected group of patients who
In 2006, the NGO decided to address the pro-
were in the programme for at least two years,
tracted problem of inadequate access to
with about one-third of patients reaching


82 – Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines

Financial and treatment targets for fasting blood glucose parallel to the public health system.
non-financial and two-thirds for blood-pressure levels. More
incentives in Senior Ministry of Health officials and physi-
place for physi- than two-thirds of patients reported improve-
cians believe that diabetes care, including
cians and phar- ment (“better” or “much better”) in terms of
macists may be laboratory services, consultation and medicine
their perceived health, ability to control their
misaligned with supply, must be accessed through the formal
condition, and adherence to both medication
appropriate health system. Similarly, the Ministry of Health
drug use. and lifestyle adjustments when compared to
opposed the Revolving Drug Fund, since it
their situation before joining the programme.
goes against official government policy that
There have also been several unintended con- medicines should be provided for free. How-
sequences of the scheme. For example, many ever, there is no alternative vision on how to
patients incorrectly view peer educators as ensure a constant supply of affordable medi-
doctors, relying on them for disease manage- cines and laboratory supplies for chronic con-
ment. Although the aim of the networks is to ditions without patient contributions and the
help patients self-manage, many patients re- type of innovation that has been developed by
main passive. It is not always clear whether MoPoTsyo.
the peer is reluctant to pass certain tasks to
5.3.3 Thailand: Antibiotic Smart Use
the patients or whether the patients do not
want to take on responsibility. Some peer edu-
cators do take on roles beyond their training, The third case-study uses traditional stake-
such as giving advice on which medicines to holders – physicians and pharmacists – as the
take or how to adjust dosage. Peer educators entry point for an intervention designed to
have in many cases become gatekeepers to improve the use of antibiotics. The misuse of
other health services; when patients encoun- antibiotics, for instance, is rampant in Thailand
ter a health problem, many turn to them for and has serious health effects; in 2010, anti-
non-diabetes related questions for which they microbial resistance in the country caused at
are ill equipped to provide referral advice. Giv- least 3.2 million extra hospitalization days and
en the high unmet demand for health services 38,481 deaths (271). This case-study shows
and the lack of professional providers in this that the financial and non-financial incentives
market, peer educators, who are trusted and in place for physicians and pharmacists may be
available, have filled some of this gap. misaligned with appropriate drug use. This has
resulted in the underuse, overuse, or misuse
The success of the network has led the Minis-
of medicines, which in the case of antibiotics,
try of Health to plan on absorbing it, but this
can drive resistance – a growing global threat
plan presents several unresolved issues. Inher-
producing untreatable or expensive infections.
ently, the effectiveness of a network that oper-
ates largely outside the formal health system In Thailand, there is no divide between pre-
creates strong concerns for the health system. scription and dispensing systems: physicians
And indeed, despite the low capacities of the may dispense medicines, and pharmacists
Cambodian government to offer diabetes care, may prescribe them. Both directly benefit from
Ministry of Health officials have condemned dispensing more antibiotics under a fee-for-
the vertical approach of the networks – ques- service system. This situation is further exacer-
tioning the sustainability of a system reliant bated by the fact that the country has strong
on donor funds and which has organised ac- consumer-demand for antibiotics, irrespective
cess to medicines and delivery of services in of the cause of infection. Thailand’s Drug Act


Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines – 83

classifies antibiotics as drugs with potential- intervention to 44 hospitals and 621 primary
ly serious side effects or ya-an-talai, which health centres in three provinces and two hos-
translates to “dangerous drugs”. Colloquially, pital networks. The National Health Security
however, antibiotics are sometimes called ya- Office (NHSO) piloted a pay-for-performance
gae-ug-sep, which means “drugs that counter system to realign financial incentives to pre-
inflammation”. This reinforces the layperson’s scribers and providers. Under the guidance
belief that all inflammatory symptoms can of the FDA, local health authorities managed
be cured with antibiotics, whether or not the this initiative with additional assistance from
cause is bacterial. the NHSO and the Health Systems Research
Thailand’s Antibiotics Smart Use (ASU) Initia-
tive was established by the Thai Food and Drug The Initiative’s third phase has seen the net-
Agency (FDA) in 2007 to improve the rational work grow to 22 public hospital systems in
use of these medicines by improving educa- 15 provinces, with the focus on longer-term
tion on antibiotic use to address local miscon- sustainability (271). The first phase of the ASU
ceptions. The Initiative also promoted alterna- intervention offered a half-day training on
tive treatments, such as traditional Thai herbal clinical guidelines for physicians, nurses and
medicines – listed in the country’s National pharmacists. These efforts were intended to re-
Essential Medicines List – for non-bacterial in- assure providers that antibiotics were neither
fections to discourage people from demanding appropriate nor necessary for patients with a
antibiotics from their doctor (271). It targeted viral infection. Health-care providers were also
three conditions not requiring antibiotic treat- given posters and pamphlets to communi-
ment: upper respiratory infections, acute diar- cate better with patients, while also receiving
rhoea, and simple wounds. The programme white-light illuminators in lieu of flashlights to
focused on healthy ambulatory patients older improve the diagnosis of sore throats.
than two years of age, and took care to ex-
The Initiative has a strongly decentralized ap-
clude those who were hospitalized, diagnosed
proach that relies on engaging local partners
with diabetes or a compromised immune sys-
from health care, government, and academia,
tem, or suffering from serious co-morbidities.
to adapt guidelines to their own health care
ASU began as a network of researchers from settings and communities. The partners includ-
Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health and phar- ed hospital directors, provincial health admin-
macists and doctors from Srinakharinwirot istrators, university researchers, medical and
University and Chulalongkorn University. They pharmacy students as well as local physicians,
piloted educational and training reforms to nurses and pharmacists. The ASU Initiative has
improve prescribing in 10 hospitals and 87 pri- encouraged ownership among local partners
mary health centers in the Saraburi province, by enabling them to brand and design locally
which had received seed money from WHO. effective methods to improve the use of anti-
During the pilot phase, the provincial health biotics in their communities, bolstered by re-
office monitored: antibiotic prescription rates; gional and national support networks and ed-
provider attitudes of effectiveness and knowl- ucational and some financial guidance (271).
edge of antibiotics; non-prescription rates in The Initiative seeks to integrate these changes
cases of non-bacterial infections; and patient into local health care systems by influencing
health and satisfaction. Applying these same individual behaviour rather than enforcing
indicators, the second phase scaled-up this guidelines through a heavy-handed, top-down


84 – Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines

approach. However, herbal medicines are not without

side effects, and the initiative is teaching pro-
In Cha-lae District in Songkha Province, ASU
viders that the best treatment at times may be
advocates added the principles of appropriate
watchful waiting.
use of antibiotics into their own local “health
constitution,” and they signed memoranda An important goal of the Initiative was to low-
of understanding with grocery store owners er consumer demand for antibiotics. It did so
not to sell antibiotics over the counter. In the through an educational programme rolled
Muaklek District in Saraburi, the ASU network out in participating pharmacies. When pa-
enlisted not only local hospitals, but also the tients came in for prescriptions, pharmacists
community bank, which rewarded customers asked them to use a mirror to examine their
with reimbursements for groceries if they cor- own tonsils along with a tongue depressor
rectly completed a self-assessment quiz on and white light illuminator, and contrast this
how to care for oneself without antibiotics against side-by-side pictures of typical bacte-
in the face of an upper respiratory infection, rial and viral throat infections. This allowed
acute diarrhoea, or a simple wound. (272). them to see when their symptoms did not ap-
pear to be caused by bacteria. The pharmacists
The first stage of the Initiative led to impres-
also provided alternative herbal treatments to
sive declines in antibiotic prescription rates in
relieve the patients’ symptoms. While not to-
hospitals (decreases were between 18% and
tally preventing the over-the-counter purchase
23%) and in primary health centres (between
of antibiotics, the pilot study found that over
39% and 46%) (271, 272) – a strong achieve-
90% of the 998 patients fully recovered and
ment given that the original goal aimed to
more than 80% were satisfied with treatment
reduce prescription rates by 10%. The third
outcomes (272).
phase began in 2010 to ensure sustainability
of these policy initiatives. Persuaded by the ini- These types of interventions could help ad-
tial success of ASU, the National Health Secu- dress challenges in the fee-for-service model.
rity Office (NHSO) – responsible for universal The ASU Initiative has also looked into incen-
health coverage for 47 million Thais – changed tives under the Diagnosis-Related Group-
the capitated, pay-for-performance system to based payment system and into establishing
ensure greater compliance with antibiotic pre- an audit system that would provide hospital-
scribing guidelines. It did so by moving from level comparisons. Where positive financial
a process evaluation, relying on a checklist incentives may not suffice, these may, in the
of key activities, to an output evaluation that future, need to be complemented by negative
measured the actual level of antibiotic pre- financial incentives, or penalties.
scriptions for upper respiratory infections and
The ASU Initiative in Thailand reveals the com-
acute diarrhoeal cases.
plex interplay between providers and patients,
In response to a need by providers to have national guidelines and locally inspired efforts
other treatment options, ASU developed pack- to implement them, and incentive systems and
ages of herbal medicines for non-bacterial in- culturally mediated interventions. As it un-
fections. These traditional Thai medicines were folded, the Initiative evolved in unanticipated
approved in the National Formulary for reliev- ways into a network with multiple implement-
ing symptoms of viral infections and were ing partners and various sources of funding,
packaged in capsules similar to antibiotics. with some agencies playing key informal


Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines – 85

influencing roles, while others created and en- availability and use of generic medicines for Social busi-
forced more formal rules. The Initiative reveals people living in rural India (279). While such nesses seek to
maximize social
the importance of local stakeholder ownership initiatives can achieve substantial scale and good, but must
in overcoming long-held expectations and generate profit – within four years, Arogya also be finan-
practices in a sustained way. Parivar achieved financially sustainability by cially profitable
to cover their
serving more than 42 million people in 31,000
5.3.4 Kenya: Familia Nawiri social business costs and offer
villages across 10 states in India – unfortu- a return on
nately not much is known about how well they investment.
meet both commercial and social objectives. In Yunus’
This fourth case-study examines the role
model, profit
played by pharmaceutical companies through goes to those
Adapting the Arogya Parivar model from India,
their social business initiatives, and the new stakeholders
the company began the Familia Nawiri pro- who help fulfil
forms of medicines supply and service provi-
gramme in 2012 in Kenya, where access to the mission of
sion these initiatives can create in LMIC health these social
medicines is characterized by a lack of quality
markets. businesses,
generics in the public sector; geographic and
rather than to
According to 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner economic barriers that prevent access to medi- shareholders.
Muhammad Yunus, the two main business cines for the poor; overuse of antibiotics; and
prototypes – organizations that seek to maxi- underuse of chronic disease treatment (280).
mize profit and shareholder value; and not- In a 2009 household survey, 57% of respon-
for-profit organizations that seek to maximize dents in the poorest households reported that
social gain – are inadequate in addressing the they could not afford the medicines they need,
global and systemic concerns around medi- and 48% of poor households with a chronical-
cines access (273, 274). As a hybrid of both ly ill member had no medicines at home (281).
models, “social businesses” can be an effec-
Familia Nawiri aims to provide access to need-
tive alternative (275). Social businesses seek
ed care and selected essential medicines at
to maximize social good, but must also be
affordable prices to the rural poor. The pro-
financially profitable to cover their costs and
gramme targets the country’s more than
offer a return on investment. In Yunus’ model,
600,000 individuals with incomes below
profit goes to those stakeholders who help
US$ 1 per day in more than 100,000 house-
fulfil the mission of these social businesses,
holds. Health educators – community mem-
rather than to shareholders.
bers who ideally have a degree in a health-
This is not an easy task, however. Several busi- related field – are engaged to raise awareness
nesses focusing on the world’s poor, or ”bot- of basic health and social issues, and connect
tom of the pyramid” populations, have had households with providers to receive care and
difficulty achieving both commercial and medicines. The health educators are given a
social value, particularly at a significant and week’s training on key topics, including: per-
sufficient scale (276). In the last five years, sonal and environmental hygiene; appropriate
several pharmaceutical companies have be- use of medicines; symptoms and treatment
gun social business or shared-value initiatives of respiratory infections, diarrhoea, diabetes,
(277), including for example, a programme and hypertension; de-worming; and health
in China aimed at diabetes prevention and insurance enrolment. Each health educator is
management ( 278) and the Arogya Parivar responsible for two-to-three wards, covering
programme in India designed to increase the about 12,000 households and 70,000 indi-
viduals, and working closely with the national


86 – Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines

health system’s community health workers to The Familia Nawiri programme seeks to be
set up health camps. profitable through increased sales of generic
medicines. Company representatives work
The day-long health camps provide primary
with all health-care providers in the area to
health care to about 300 community members
facilitate increased availability and prescrip-
at a time and are staffed by local physicians,
tion of the sponsoring company’s products.
nurses, diploma medical assistants, commu-
Each representative targets between 300 and
nity health workers, and pharmaceutical tech-
500 clinical officers, nurses, and pharmacists.
nicians who either volunteer their time or are
salaried employees of a contracted local pri- As the programme expands, it seeks to facili-
vate health care delivery organization. Clinical tate the population’s enrolment in micro-sav-
officers diagnose, prescribe, and refer to local ings schemes and health insurance. Familia
hospitals as needed, and pharmaceutical tech- Nawiri sets up partnerships with a micro-sav-
nicians dispense medicines from the country’s ings organization; in community meetings, rep-
national essential medicines list that are pro- resentatives explain micro-savings approaches
cured locally from mission hospitals, the Mis- and facilitate households’ enrolment in health
sion for Essential Drugs Supply (MEDS), or pri- savings plans using the m-Pesa mobile sav-
vate sector distributors. Drug prices are in line ings platform (282, 283). Future plans include
with the MEDS price guide and products are facilitating enrolment in the National Hospital
sourced from different manufacturers. Com- Insurance Fund, which covers inpatient care at
munity members pay a flat KES 200 registra- government and mission hospitals and using
tion fee (about US$ 2.30) for each camp visit, a mobile health platform to provide health
which covers consultations, laboratory tests, education to communities. By 2017, the Fa-
and medicines. Familia Nawiri covers all re- milia Nawiri programme is expected to have
maining costs. The Familia Nawiri initiative as- reached 7 million villagers and all private pro-
sumes that community members will continue viders in the country, and to have broken even
to seek needed care outside of health camps, financially.
in public sector facilities or from the private
The complexity of social business initiatives for
providers who serve in the camps.
improving access to essential medicines
makes an initiative like Familia Nawiri a good
candidate for a systems dynamics’ analysis.
Figure 5.2: Reinforcing feedback loop representing the Familia (284, 285). Based on interviews with Familia
Nawiri social business model Nawiri social business leaders and local health
systems experts, case-study authors identified
Improved health key relationships between actors and their hy-
pothesized behaviours in the system and cre-
Improved ated a hypothetical conceptual model of the
economic activity
Introduction to Familia Nawiri Initiative (see web annex for
needed medicines R1 the case-study and detailed explanations of
the model).

Income to buy Average The conceptual model shown in Figure 5.2

medicines Household income indicates that at the heart of the programme
is a single reinforcing feedback loop (R1).


Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines – 87

This illustrates the hypothesis that improv- through manageable staff-to-client ratios, in-
ing access to quality medicines for the poor creased availability of laboratory testing, and
improves their health status, which in turn selection of medicines from the national es-
improves economic activity and household sential medicines list, through which the target
income, thus increasing the available finan- patient population has easier access to initial
cial resources to purchase medicines. If the care. Regular follow-up care may be sought
medicines purchased are products of the so- in subsequent health camps and from public
cial business company, this feedback loop will and private sector providers. This continuity of
generate profit for the company, which can be attention leads to a second reinforcing loop
invested in expanding the programme. in the system, as shown in Figure 5.3 below.

This core feedback loop exists in every health In the next analytical step, additional hypoth-
care system. What sets the Familia Nawiri eses are incorporated into the model in the
programme apart from other typical systems form of causal loops, to represent the hypoth-
is the network of stakeholders involved: the esized effects of: promoting treatment adher-
use of privately-supported health educators ence through continued provision of medi-
working with local community health care cines in the private sector; financing via health
workers to raise awareness about health care savings accounts and microfinance opportuni-
and financing among the rural poor, combined ties for poor families; improved health of the
with privately-run health camps to facilitate participants on their lifespan and livelihoods;
their access to care and a strengthened pri- and the financial returns of the social busi-
vate-sector medicines supply system. Health ness, as seen in Figure 5.4. Note that a more
camps are not new in Kenya; government of- detailed analysis is provided in the web annex.
ficials and medical schools offer health camps
The further expanded conceptual model pre-
periodically. However, the initiative has cre-
sented in the web annex illustrates effects of
ated a reliable schedule of health camps and
private sector medicines sales. It also shows
emphasises the provision of high-quality care

Figure 5.3: Interventions to create a growth loop for the ongoing purchase of medicines in
the Familia Nawiri social business model

and purchases
of medicines

R2 Improved health

Participation in economic activity
Introduction to
Health Camps needed medicines R1

Income to buy Average

Doctors, Nurses and medicines Household income
Community Healthcare


88 – Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines

Figure 5.4: Expanded conceptual map of Familia Nawiri

Maximum lifespan
Rx adherence
R4 Pharmacy Ongoing
revenue prescriptions and
purchases of
medicines R3
Social Business Enrolment in NHI and
income Improved health Health Savings Accounts
R5 R2

Participation in economic activity
R6 Introduction to
Health Camps needed medicines R1

Income to buy Average

Doctors, Nurses and Medicines Household income
Community Healthcare

The four that there are a number of factors that can kk Continued limited affordability of
described in interfere with the growth of the system, and medicines.
this chapter need to be examined and managed in the pro-
are quite 5.4 Conclusions and recommendations
gramme. These include:
distinct, yet
each highlights The four case-studies described in this chapter
kk Limited ability of health educators to ef-
the need to ac- are quite distinct, yet each highlights the need
fectively disseminate messages about
knowledge that to acknowledge that many different stake-
many different prevention, health care, and accessing
services through health camps to the holders are central to health market systems.
are central to target population; The efforts captured by the case-studies were
health market all initiated in response to a market failure
systems. kk Community resistance to accessing health involving medicines; each intervention took
care services in health camps (e.g. due a different entry point in the system and fol-
to fees, inconvenience, or poor service lowed different pathways. The main stake-
quality); holders targeted in each intervention illustrate
different parts of the health market, from drug
kk Poor continuity of care due to low rates of
shop owners and dispensers (ADDO case) to
engagement with local health workers
expert patients (MoPoTsyo) to physicians and
and limited access to care in public and
pharmacists (ASU project), to a pharmaceuti-
private sectors;
cal-company initiated medicines supplier and
kk Failure of patients to adhere to treat- health provider organization (Familia Nawiri).
ments, especially for chronic illnesses;
These examples provide policy-makers with
kk Unnecessary use of medicines, such as several intervention models. However, they
antibiotics for viral infections; and should note that in each case, multiple


Chapter 5: Making Health Market Systems Work for Medicines – 89

stakeholders play critical roles in both the interventions were implemented as originally None of the
design and implementation of the interven- designed. In order to better manage change, interventions
were imple-
tions. Paying attention to the demands of the timely monitoring data has been important for mented as orig-
population, or the intended beneficiaries of frequent course corrections, while indepen- inally designed.
the health system, was something that each dent evaluations have also played important In order to
better manage
of the interventions did explicitly, and has roles in informing these changes.
change, timely
been a critical part of their success. Beyond monitoring
Although considerable challenges and oppor-
this, governments had other essential roles. data has been
tunities remain, these case-studies provide a important for
Government agencies played a leading part
promising basis for an improved understand- frequent course
in the ADDO and ASU cases, with the lead
ing of and innovative abilities to intervene corrections,
agencies having to navigate the separate in- while inde-
in health market systems in the quest to en-
terests of central and local governments. They pendent eval-
sure access and appropriate use of essential uations have
also provided a permissive environment in the
medicines in LMICs. The key considerations also played
MoPoTsyo case and the Familia Nawiri case. important roles
for policy-makers are that they should pursue
Other characteristics of the case-studies that in informing
strategies that involve the engagement of key these changes.
policy-makers should consider is that each of
stakeholders in both the supply and demand
the cases involved external agencies, either to
for essential medicines, build in flexible and
provide assistance to the design (ADDO case),
multi-component interventions that are ex-
or for evaluation and research (all cases). In
pected to change over time, pay attention to
each of the cases, as the enterprise grew in
the incentives and institutions involved, and
scale, management adapted by becoming in-
use data to examine both the intended and
creasingly decentralized, even if the original
unintended outcomes of an intervention in an
programmes were managed centrally.
accountable way.
Policy-makers and programme implementers
should plan for an intervention changing over
time, and to involve multiple components
that address different aspects of the market
system. In each of the cases discussed in this
chapter, the interventions involved multiple
components that evolved to adapt to the cir-
cumstances. Each of the interventions provid-
ed training, but never as the sole, or even main
intervention. Finding ways to align incentives,
and provide supervision and accountability
has been critical in each case, but in different
ways. This is because in each case, unintended
consequences are a real threat (e.g. exces-
sive drug prices in ADDO case; peer educators
taking on roles beyond their abilities in the
MoPoTsyo case; overuse of herbal medicines
in the ASU case; and unaffordable prices or
overuse of antibiotics in the Familia Nawiri
case). It is important to note that none of the


92 – Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines

We must 6.1 Introduction focus in health system strengthening or

encourage and universal health coverage efforts that
actively support The preceding chapters have highlighted the
decision-mak- target improved equity in health care
many challenges in ensuring equitable access,
ing that uses access, quality, and financing.
inclusive, multi- affordability and the appropriate use of medi-
stakeholder cines. In Chapter 2, we offered a historical Giving people access to the high-quality, af-
processes rep- perspective on the development of essential fordable medicines they require can only oc-
resenting the medicines and health systems, then identify- cur within a context of stronger health sys-
many voices
and needs from ing priority issues related to the access, afford- tems that have reduced barriers to the full
across an LMIC ability, and use of medicines in health systems and equitable participation of populations
health system. in LMICs. The central argument in Chapter 3 across LMICs. In applying a systems approach
framed medicines against the goals of univer- to medicines – situating essential medicines
sal health coverage and argued that an explic- against the full complexity of a health sys-
it focus on medicines is required to advance tem so that we might better visualize how
UHC. In Chapter 4, we highlighted innovative interventions in the pharmaceutical sector
means for bringing new and existing medi- influence the rest of the health system and

Decision-mak- cines to people, including new public-private vice versa – we must encourage and actively
ing on medi-
partnerships and efforts designed to increase support decision-making that uses inclusive,
cines policies
must use the use of quality-assured generic products. multi-stakeholder processes representing the
information Lastly, in Chapter 5, we examined the impor- many voices and needs from across an LMIC
and financing tance of health market systems in access to health system.
levers; decision-
makers must USING A SYSTEMS
medicines, using four country case-studies to
Within any system, there are competing policy
routinely moni- analyse different interventions designed to im-
tor the impacts PERSPECTIVE
prove health markets and to address market TO
objectives. Inevitably, these varying objectives
challenge stakeholders’ abilities to maximize
of medicines failures in LMICs.
policies and
adapt strate- INNOVATE
Taken together, the chapters illustrate the di-
equitable access to medicines and their ap-
propriate use, efficiency, and (household
gies to continu-
ously changing TO MEDICINES
verse and innovative ways in which LMICs
have addressed key medicines challenges,
and system) affordability. Decision-making
on medicines policies must use information
while emphasizing the continued and even ur- and financing levers; decision-makers must
gent need to find new solutions. In this chap- routinely monitor the impacts of medicines
ter we summarize the key lessons from our policies and adapt strategies to continuously
analysis, and suggest actions to guide both changing environments.
the decision-making and research agenda as
2. Recognizing that access to medicines
the field moves forward.
is much more than a series of inter-
We believe that improving access to medicines actions between patients and public
requires three major approaches, along with health services, innovations for de-
an appreciation for several elements that veloping medicines and implement-
crosscut each approach. ing medicines policies are essential to
bring both novel and existing medicines
1. Recognizing the interconnected na-
to people.
ture of all health system building blocks,
a systems approach is crucial in improv- In the development of novel medicines, we re-
ing access to medicines across LMICs. quire innovations that engage multiple pub-
Access to medicines must be an explicit lic- and private-sector partners, that build on


Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines – 93

advances in information and communications economic incentives, and regulatory and man-
technology, and that find sustainable ways agerial controls. Such interventions must also
of funding research and development that take advantage of existing data to monitor
move beyond a dependency on sales revenue both intended and unintended consequences
alone. Expanding access to novel, and often of changes in systems in order to continuously
high-cost, products raises challenging clinical, adapt interventions – and to facilitate the ac-
ethical, economic, legal and political questions countability of different stakeholders.1
which, to be resolved, require routine multi-
Pharmaceutical market interventions should
stakeholder engagement in fair and inclusive
decision-making processes. Innovations for
increasing the use of quality-assured generic kk the dynamic and sustained engagement of
products must include multi-pronged strate- many different health system stakeholders.
gies that involve governments, payers, health
care consumers, researchers, and the media. kk easily accessible information that can con-
tinually inform decisions on medicines
3. Recognizing the many dynamics, fac- policies and other interventions, while
tors and systems that influence pharma- assessing their impacts and facilitating
ceutical and health sector governance, accountability.
it is crucial that we use the leverage
of UHC and a systems-informed access kk flexible policy and programme strategies
to medicines approach to map, analyse that can adapt to continuously changing
and involve actors of influence, and to environments.
actively guide health market systems. 6.2 Essential cross-cutting elements:
Improving the access to and appropriate use Engagement, information and
of medicines requires an understanding of the adaptation
relevant actors, dynamics, factors and systems Cross-cutting each of the above approaches
influencing pharmaceutical and health sector are three elements critical to both the deci-
governance. And, as argued in Chapter 5, of sion-making and the research agenda: en-
crucial importance is a deeper understand- gaging diverse health system stakeholders,
ing of health market systems. In recent years, generating and using information to facilitate
these markets have expanded dramatically in dialogue and inform decisions, and adapting
LMICs, yet to date have not been given suf- to changing health systems. Considering each
ficient attention by policy-makers. Poorly-or- of these elements in turn creates a much more Innovations for
ganized health market systems can negatively comprehensive, systems-informed vision of increasing the
affect many aspects of health care, resulting in the way forward. use of quality-
unneeded or harmful treatment, excessive and assured generic
6.2.1 Engaging diverse health system stake- products must
impoverishing costs, counterfeit and substan- include
dard products, and antibiotic resistance. holders multi-pronged
There are many potential points of innovation Across the three major approaches to improv- that involve
and intervention in a pharmaceuticals market ing access to medicines is an overarching need governments,
system. Successful interventions engage mul- payers, health
care consum-
tiple stakeholders, blending approaches that 1. Accountability is defined here as the obligation of multiple health
ers, researchers,
system stakeholders to provide information about, or justification for,
include training and capacity strengthening, their actions to others, with the possibility of sanctions for failure to and the media.
comply with rules or to engage in appropriate actions (286).


94 – Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines

Table 6.1: Examples of objectives, roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in advancing the
access, affordability and appropriate use of medicines

Stakeholders Main objectives Main roles and responsibilities

Offer political leadership

Set, implement and enforce laws,
Ensure national security regulations and policies
Central government Expand or maintain international Allocate resources
relations and trade
Strategically plan and coordinate
Ensure social and economic with state actors

Improve health of the population

Strengthen health care and
pharmaceutical systems Set, implement and enforce health-
related laws, regulations and policies
Control expenditures on medicines
Central ministries of
Allocate resources for health care
health Improve the access, affordability
and appropriate use of medicines Strategically plan and coordinate
with actors in health system
Provide a stewardship function for
the health system that engages
with key stakeholders

Implement and enforce laws, regula-

Regional, district, pro- Maintain political leadership tions and policies
vincial or municipal Ensure social and economic Strategically plan and coordinate
authorities welfare with state actors at the regional,
provincial or municipal level

Set, implement and enforce health-

related laws, regulations and policies
Ensure functioning health care locally
Regional, district, pro-
system, including supply, financ-
vincial or municipal Allocate resources for health care
ing, delivery and use of needed
health authorities locally
Strategically plan and coordinate
with actors in the local health system

Produce and sell safe, high-quality

Pharmaceutical manu- essential medicines
facturers (local and Sell medicines and turn a profit Agree to and/or engage in the
international) generic production of medicines for
LMIC use

Pharmaceutical distribu- Ensure timely, efficient delivery of

Sell medicines and turn a profit
tors essential needed medicines

Ensure health care service delivery

operations Implement health and medicines
Health care facilities Provide quality care policies
(including primary, sec-
Improve patients’ satisfaction with Deliver health care services
ondary, tertiary; public,
private, and NGO) care Procure, stock, administer or dispense
Balance income and expenditures, essential medicines
or make profit


Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines – 95

Stakeholders Main objectives Main roles and responsibilities

Provide high-quality services

Ensure patients’ satisfaction with
Health care providers
care Prescribe and dispense medicines
(formal and informal)
Maintain income level or make a

Obtain high-quality medicines at

Patients and households Pay for services and obtain medicines
affordable prices

Represent interests of non-state

actors Advocate for the health care needs,
including medicines, of the com-
Participate in strengthening the munity
Civil society
health care system
Convene or participate in policy
Support individuals and house- dialogues
holds in their community

Maintain or improve the rights and

working conditions of health Negotiate relationships
Professional associa- professionals
tions Train, license and monitor profes-
Maintain or improve professional sionals
capacity and professional ethics

Set financing rules for health care

Health-financing agen- Prioritize fund allocation and medicines management strate-
cies responsible for rev- gies
Ensure appropriate use of funds
enue collection, pooling
and purchasing Remain financially sustainable Pay for health care services and

Identify points within health systems

Bilateral and multilat-
Contribute funding that works to that align with the medicines agenda
eral donors; philan-
strengthen health systems for direct financial transfer, capacity
thropic organizations
building and other technical support

to engage diverse health system stakeholders. and decision-makers, regulatory authorities,

As different elements of systems must function payers, national policy-makers in and outside
in a coordinated fashion to ensure that medi- the health sector, local and international phar-
cines benefit lives – from the development, maceutical industries, civil society organiza-
production, marketing, registration, selection, tions (e.g. community organizations, profes-
financing, procurement, distribution, prescrib- sional associations, etc.), international funding
ing, the dispensing and ultimately the use of agencies and development aid partners must
medicines – the routine inclusion of multiple all participate at various different points –
stakeholders is of critical importance. Patients, and we must recognize that each has inher-
households, communities, researchers, service ently different roles, values and objectives (as
providers, procurement officers, drug distribu- shown in Table 6.1).
tors, local and central health system managers


96 – Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines

The roles, In fact, these roles, values and objectives de- existing health system processes, it must be
responsibilities, termine their behaviours in systems. Taken to- collected and analysed in a more systematic
interests, and
constraints of gether, they can enable, reinforce, or potential- way – with the particular intention of inform-
key stakehold- ly undermine the goals of medicines policies ing medicines policy and implementation deci-
ers, including and interventions (287). A crucial understand- sions. At present, this data lies in a fragmented
their relation- ing, however, is that these stakeholders each manner across different parts of a health sys-
ships and power
dynamics, contribute to stronger health systems in vastly tem – with facilities, for instance monitoring
must be clearly different ways – without necessarily working use of medicines, and health financing agents
understood, together in harmony. monitoring medicines expenditures – leaving
important observations and results often un-
through differ- Two engagement factors are of particular im-
ent situation- or linked and not informing each other. This pro-
portance in designing and implementing poli-
stakeholder- cess of information gathering, synthesis and
analysis tools. cies and interventions addressing the access,
exchange must evolve, with robust linkages
affordability and appropriate use of medicines.
developed between health information and
First, the roles, responsibilities, interests, and
medicines, an issue we address in more detail
constraints of key stakeholders, including their
in the subsections below.
relationships and power dynamics, must be
clearly understood, potentially through dif- A proposed set of core medicines indicators
ferent situation- or stakeholder-analysis tools – along with information on data sources and
(288, 289). To this end, Table 6.1 maps each collection instruments developed by WHO and
of the major stakeholders related to the access other agencies – is presented in the web an-
to medicines movement in a typical health nex. These indicators can be used for: assess-
system, and outlines their main objectives and ing current medicines situations; monitoring
principal roles and responsibilities. changes over time in the access, use, avail-
ability and financing of medicines; periodically
Second, inclusive dialogue built on transpar-
evaluating the impacts of those changes; and
ent processes are vital to inform and guide
promoting transparency through the exchange
decisions on policies and interventions. Given
of information among major medicines stake-
the multiplicity of actors in the health system,
holders. Specific contexts will require the se-
decisions on policies and interventions may
lection and adaptation of different indicators.
not be able to satisfy all stakeholders – but
they should meet the interests of the stake- Assessing current medicines situations
holders crucial to the success and sustain- and routinely monitoring impacts of
ability of those policies and interventions. The changes
Alliance’s 2009 Flagship Report on Systems
Evaluating indicators of product quality, avail-
Thinking presents 10 useful steps to involve
ability, volumes and appropriateness of medi-
system stakeholders in the design and evalua-
cines – including their utilization, prices, and
Inclusive dia- tion of interventions (with the first four steps
expenditures – can highlight multiple perspec-
logue built on around intervention design presented in Box
transparent tives and key issues that policy-makers may
processes are wish to address. The routine monitoring of
vital to inform 6.2.2 Generating and using information to such indicators allows for timely correction as
and guide
decisions on facilitate dialogue and inform decisions an intervention is implemented. Data for core
medicines indicators may be collected at facilities (e.g.
policies and While tremendous amounts of strong data on
hospitals or dispensaries), through medicines
interventions. medicines is currently collected as part of


Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines – 97

financing agencies (e.g. health-financing expenditures are high) and how these situa- This process of
agencies), or in aggregated form at the na- tions can improve. To understand why utiliza- information
tional or sub-national levels. Data sources may tion or expenditures are at a certain level, ad- synthesis and
include health care facility procurement and ditional information is needed to comprehend exchange must
dispensing registers, payment data in health the behaviour of different system stakeholders. evolve, with
robust link-
care financing organizations, national health Core medicines indicators must be combined
ages developed
and expenditure surveys, as well as aggre- with quantitative and qualitative information between health
gated, usually proprietary, sales volumes data. on other health system components – such as information
health care financing, human resources, health and medicines
Information on core medicines indicators
service delivery, care seeking, and provider
based on both routine data and targeted sur-
and community perceptions of medicines. Ex-
veys will help decision-makers understand the
ploring the causes behind current medicines
existing situation and identify policy targets.
situations – from the perspective of multiple
Routine data can be used for timely manage- Information on
system stakeholders – must guide policy ap-
ment decisions on the selection and procure- core medicines
proaches and decisions. indicators
ment of medicines, reimbursement or cost-
based on both
containment strategies, disease management, Achieving equity in medicines access and use routine data
and annual planning or budgeting decisions. requires the identification of populations that and targeted
are particularly neglected, under-covered, or surveys will
While core medicines indicators can inform help decision-
underserved. Doing so will provide concrete
decision-makers about what is happening makers
guidance for decision-makers in formulating understand
with respect to medicines at a particular point
policies and designing implementation pack- the existing
in time, they provide limited understanding or situation and
ages aimed at closing the equity gap.
answers about why (e.g. why medicines avail- identify policy
ability is low, why out-of-pocket medicines In assessing equity, core medicines indicators targets.

Box 6.1: Four steps to systems-informed intervention design (12)

In designing an intervention, the 2009 Report (12) recommends the following four steps:

1. Convene Stakeholders: Identify and convene stakeholders including selected intervention

designers and implementers, users of the health system, and representatives of the research

2. Collectively Brainstorm: Collectively deliberate on possible system-wide effects of the pro-

posed intervention.

3. Conceptualize Effects: Develop a conceptual pathway mapping how the intervention will
affect health and the health system through its sub-systems, and through the reaction and adap-
tation of health system stakeholders

4. Adapt and Redesign: Adapt and redesign the proposed intervention to optimize synergies
and other positive effects while avoiding or minimizing any potentially major negative effects.


98 – Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines

must be measured by sub-populations defined intervention design.

by age, gender, socioeconomic quintiles, geo-
Promoting transparency through the
graphical location, ethnic groups, and other
exchange of information among
characteristics of disadvantaged or vulnerable
populations. Disease-specific utilization and
expenditure data are useful to understand Not only does information about medicines
whether patients with particular health con- exist in different parts of the health system,
ditions are currently neglected. Since health it is often under the responsibility of different
care and financing institutions routinely col- stakeholders. For example, procurement agen-
In assessing
equity, core lect data, data is often only available for pa- cies may have information on the sources,
medicines tients who can access services or are covered types, quality, and prices of the medicines they
indicators must under health-financing arrangements. Under- purchase, but may not have access to data
be measured
standing the lack of health care coverage and on the population’s need or ability to afford
by sub-popu-
lations defined the needs of underserved populations requires medicines – both of which are key factors that
by age, gender, reaching out to people who do not regularly must inform procurement decisions. Prescrib-
socioeco- use health services. This is mostly achieved ers make decisions based on clinical informa-
nomic quintiles,
through household surveys, larger population tion including efficacy and safety, but may not
location, ethnic studies, or by triangulating data from multiple know about medicines availability or prices,
groups, and data sources. and the impact of those two factors on out-of-
other char-
pocket expenditures.
acteristics of Periodically evaluating the impacts of
disadvantaged policies and interventions
or vulnerable Combining and triangulating data from mul-
populations. tiple sources could significantly improve stake-
Core medicines indicators can also be used for
holders’ information on access, affordability
evaluating the effects of policies and inter-
and appropriate use in all parts of the system
ventions. To do so, they must be measured at
and guide decisions. Sharing data does require
different points in time before and after any
the full engagement of different stakeholders,
change is implemented, and also from the
and explicit agreements on governance and
perspectives of multiple stakeholders. For ex-
use of data in the system for improving access
ample, a reimbursement policy may reduce
to medicines. Given that multiple stakehold-
medicines expenditures by a health insurance
ers are likely to continue to be involved in the
scheme but in fact increase household out-of-
financing and provision of medicines, collat-
pocket expenditures – which may particularly
ing and sharing information from multiple
impact vulnerable populations. Gathering in-
stakeholders seems increasingly important to
formation regularly over time about impacts
support system-wide management decisions,
on multiple stakeholders is thus necessary to
strategic planning, and broader policy reforms.
evaluate and adapt a medicines reimburse-
Such information is also essential for working
ment policy.
towards equity in pluralistic health care and
Periodic evaluations can lead to corrective financing systems.
measures or the formulation of new poli-
6.2.3 Adapting to changing health systems
cies and innovative interventions. They are
not intended for routine management deci- Most decision-makers are well aware of the
sions but usually serve the purpose of stra- complexity of the systems and structures for
tegic planning, broader policy reform, or new which they are responsible. They experience


Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines – 99

challenges in implementing policies and inter- Various methods are available to assess imple- Whether in
ventions on a daily basis and intuitively know mentation outcomes, depending on the nature response to
the unintended
that change is not linear. That said, decision- of the implementation problem and the needs consequences
makers must increasingly understand and plan and timeliness of decision-making. These of a policy, to
for the shifting behaviours and responses of methods draw on a wide variety of qualita- new challenges
systems over time so that they might adapt tive, quantitative and mixed-methods research from emerging
diseases, or to
policies and interventions accordingly. Wheth- approaches (11, 293). More importantly, this new opportu-
er in response to the unintended consequenc- type of implementation research must be nities arising
es of a policy strategy, to new challenges from aligned with the needs of those who imple- from novel
emerging diseases, or to new opportunities ment changes in systems; it should be seen
arising from novel treatments, medicines strat- as a core function of a programme or policy strategies must
egies must ensure that the right incentives are implementation and embedded in the pro- ensure that the
in place to mitigate negative consequences gramme cycle. Implementation research ques- right incentives
are in place
and maximize positive outcomes. tions are often put forward by decision-makers
to mitigate
or implementers who face challenges and ask negative con-
While core medicines indicators are necessary
relevant questions to solve them. Implementa- sequences and
to inform decision-makers and implementers maximize posi-
tion research can be a powerful tool in facing
of challenges and bottlenecks, or of successes tive outcomes.
implementation challenges and overcoming
essential to the replication and scaling-up of
them through concrete assistance to decision-
interventions, they are not sufficient on their
makers in applying both evidence and experi-
own. Another set of indicators, referred to as
ence in their decisions (11, 293).
“implementation outcomes variables” (11,
292) (see Table 6.2) are needed to assess how
an intervention has been implemented, includ-
ing the challenges faced.

Box 6.2: Factors influencing the implementation of policy decisions or

specific interventions

Damschroder et al. (292) outline the key factors that influence the implementation of policy deci-
sions and/or specific interventions. These factors include:

kk the underlying characteristics of policy decisions or interventions – i.e. whether they are flex-
ible and adaptable, and whether they are based on an active process to engage stakeholders.

kk the stakeholders involved, and their agency, choices, power relations, and predictable and
unpredictable reactions.

kk the implementation process itself, and whether it includes the use of data and feedback for
active course correction.

kk the inner and outer settings of the policy or implementation, including local contexts as well
wider economic, social and political contexts.


100 – Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines

6.3 A framework for moving forward kk the increased access to the types of infor-
mation needed both to support decisions
As discussed throughout this report, some of
and to examine the intended and unin-
the key factors for improving the access to, af-
tended outcomes of changes or interven-
fordability and appropriate use of medicines tions across the health system.
in LMICs are:
kk multi-component and flexible interventions
kk the dynamic engagement of multiple that are expected to change over time, and
stakeholders from across the health sys- that are aligned with relevant stakehold-
tem, with particular reference to both the ers, incentives and institutions.
supply and demand sides of the pharma-
ceutical sector.

Table 6.2: Intervention implementation outcomes adapted from Peters et al (11, 293)

Definition Outcomes

Perception among stakeholders User satisfaction with the

that an intervention is acceptable intervention

Utilization of services by users

Intention, initial decision, or ac- and utilization of processes
tions in employing an intervention or techniques by providers or

Compatibility of intervention
Relevance of the intervention in a
with other interventions in
Appropriateness particular setting or for a particular
place, suitability to local
target audience

The extent to which an interven-

Practicality of intervention in
Feasibility tion can be carried out in a particu-
everyday use
lar setting

The degree to which an interven-

Adherence to original design
Fidelity tion is implemented according to
and quality of implementation
original design

Total cost of implementation as

Cost well as the incremental cost of the Total cost and marginal cost
implementation strategy

The degree to which the target

Effective coverage and pen-
Coverage population receives the interven-

The extent to which an interven- Continuation, institutionaliza-

Sustainability tion is maintained or institutional- tion, and integration of the
ized in a given setting intervention


Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines – 101

We propose the following three actions as a with those in other areas of the health sys-
way forward: tem. Monitoring the approaches towards
UHC should include the monitoring of
1. Include access to medicines and their
medicines quality, availability, access, use,
appropriate use as an explicit focus in
and affordability for different populations.
health system strengthening and efforts
towards universal health coverage. Ap- 2. Recognize the needs for transparency
proaches to improve equity in health care ac- and governance in the medicines sector
cess, quality, and financing must address ac- within and across health systems, and
cess to medicines. This includes ensuring that: then strengthen governance capaci-
ties. Effective medicines stewardship should
kk diverse stakeholders related to access to
include all relevant stakeholders – including
medicines are a part of discussions and
the informal sector, the public service-delivery
plans to strengthen health systems, pro-
sector, or the pharmaceutical industry – and
moting transparent decision processes,
requires ongoing innovation in institutional
and accountability in the design and imple-
arrangements, and potentially a change in
mentation of strategies – with a particular
social norms and values (without which pre-
focus on equity.
viously marginalized actors may remain so).
kk principles around the availability of quality- Effectively organized, regulated and governed
assured products, equitable access to med- health market systems can, for instance, con-
icines, and their appropriate and efficient trol medicines costs, reduce counterfeit and
use, and household and system afford- substandard products, respond to antibi-
ability, are incorporated into the objectives otic resistance, and improve general levels of
of institutions that design and manage treatment.
changes in the health system.
Crucially, pluralistic health systems – encom-
kk core medicines indicators are included in passing the public and private sectors, private
metrics for assessing health systems health markets, the informal health sector,
performance. and externally-driven, vertical approaches to
treating disease – require a different, more
kk equitable medicines access, appropriate
innovative form of governance than those re-
medicines use, and affordability of medi-
quired for governing public health care deliv-
cines are explicit principles underlying
ery alone. For essential medicines in any LMIC
and informing UHC strategies. Decision-
health system, there is more than one author-
makers can take advantage of the conven-
ity, more than one governance structure. We
ing power of the UHC agenda to develop
must begin with acknowledging that this in-
multi-pronged pharmaceutical policy strat-
herent diversity may be beneficial to achiev-
egies when addressing financing, human
ing health system goals and advancing UHC.
resource development, service delivery,
Following this acceptance, we can determine
governance, health information system
the stakeholders to involve in governance
development, public education, and other
processes – in dialogue and engagement, for
aspects of system change that collectively
instance – the capacity strengthening and
lead towards UHC. Decision-makers can
economic incentives required, the type of in-
also bring together key actors involved in
formation that can routinely inform decisions
the medicines value chain, and link them
on medicines policies and other interventions


102 – Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines

For essential (while assessing their impacts and facilitating engage in a continuous learning process.
medicines accountability), and the needed regulatory
in any LMIC As population needs and the health systems
health system, and managerial controls.
to meet those needs continue to evolve in an
there is more
than one 3. Build more robust connections be- increasingly connected world, old challenges
authority, tween information, medicines and de- will persist and new ones will arise. No one
more than one cision-making. The need for connected and stakeholder or single approach will suffice to
governance robust information processes cuts across the ensure that medicines contribute to improving
above two actions. Recognizing that vital in- individual and population health and well-be-
formation related to medicines lies in a frag- ing. The emerging synergies between efforts
mented manner across a health system – and to improve health equity, to strengthen health
that this information is central to a systems- systems, and to provide universal health cov-
oriented approach to medicines – there is an erage, offer unprecedented opportunities to
urgent need to develop innovative means for make appropriately-used medicines accessible
connecting not only information and medi- and affordable across LMICs.
cines, but the stakeholders who gather, shape,
The time is now – for communities, for na-
control and make decisions based upon that
tions, for our community of nations – to act
information. One solution could be the cre-
upon these synergies, and respond to the
ation of dynamic platforms to connect, share
pressing medicines needs in LMICs.
and discuss issues related to access to medi-
cines. Ranging from the local to the global
level, such platforms could include networks,
communities of practice, knowledge transla-
tion platforms, and health system observato-
ries – entities dedicated to sharing informa-
tion and evidence on medicines, including
experiences and other tacit knowledge from
the field, as well as the formal or synthe-
sized findings of health systems research and
implementation research on medicines. Such
platforms will ensure continuous learning and
allow innovations to adapt to changes in sys-
tems over time.

Further innovation could include the adoption

of an implementation research agenda, while
also strengthening the capacity of researchers
and decision-makers to generate and use in-
formation and evidence for sound medicines-
related decision-making. This should include
strengthening the capacity to monitor medi-
cines indicators in order to move beyond rou-
tine monitoring to examine implementation
challenges and promote a wide exchange
of information that allows health systems to


Chapter 6: Using a Systems Perspective to Innovate in Access to Medicines – 103

Box 6.3: Medicines in health systems: An agenda for action

To take forward many of the recommendations made throughout this report – and
ultimately create better health outcomes – health system decision-makers should:

1. Incorporate policy-making principles that advance the availability of quality-assured

products, the equitable access to medicines, their appropriate and efficient use, and
ensure household and system affordability;

2. Include a diverse set of medicines stakeholders in medicines policy and program

design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation;

3. Implement innovative stewardship arrangements for the multiple private and public
channels through which medicines reach people;

4. Use the convening power of UHC to integrate multi-pronged medicines policies and
pharmaceutical management strategies into health care delivery and financing systems;

5. Connect fragmented information on medicines, and also the stakeholders who collect
and use this information;

6. Include core medicines-focused indicators in assessments of health systems and UHC

performance; and

7. Enable continuous learning of the health system through implementation research

on changes concerning medicines in systems.


104 – References

1. Essential medicines. Geneva: World Health Organization S0140-6736(03)13375-2 PMID:12767751
accessed 20 June 2014). 14. Health topics: essential medicines. Geneva: World Health
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systems approach allows us to situate medicines against the full com-
plexity of a health system. This creates a deeper understanding of
how interventions in the medicines sector influence the rest of the
health system and vice versa. In applying a systems approach, crucial connec-
tions become visible: improving access to medicines can promote health equity,
and contribute to both stronger health systems and the goals of universal health
coverage. Based on case-studies of medicines situations across low- and middle-
income countries, this report concludes with three core arguments for the medi-
cines agenda:

kk Include access to medicines and their appropriate use as an explicit

focus in health system strengthening and efforts towards universal
health coverage;

kk Recognize the needs for transparency and governance in the medi-

cines sector within and across health systems, and then strengthen
governance capacities;

kk Build more robust connections between information, medicines

and decision-making.

ISBN 978 92 4 150762 2

World Health Organization

Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Genève 27

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