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0 Project Phasing

1.1 Pre-construction

All contractors to submit a detailed Method Statement and Programming in relation to the
Natural Environment and the Built Environment, Health and safety and risk assessment in
accordance with CDM Regulation 2007 and Health and Safety at Work Act 1999.

The client will provide all bidders detailed plans of design for the project prior to tender and
procurement stage.

Prior to work starting within site boundaries, trees present need to be protected. Fence of at least
2 metres in height made of weather resistant plywood on timber frame will be erected around every
tree, as well as the appropriate fencing that will surround the site. (Appendix 1)

Permits for services as electricity, water and sewage will have been arranged by the client and
they should be available on site when works start.

Site office, drying rooms, canteen, toilets and other facilities should be temporarily connected to
the mentioned above services prior of starting the levelling, cutting and filling of site perimeter.

-access and egress will be made through the main entrance as described above off The Endway
road. Signs will be clearly displayed to delimitate pedestrian route from traffic route by colour and
barriers. Red route for vehicles only and green route for pedestrians

-limited car parking spaces should be reserved on site

-all operatives and visitors will have to sign in the visitor’s book which will be located at the entrance
of the site

-all personnel will have to wear the minimum PPE required by law after entering the site boundaries:
high visibility vests, appropriate footwear and hard hats as a minimum requirement.

6.2 Site inductions and risk assessment

-All operatives will be inducted prior of starting work and a signed statement of acknowledgement of
site rules and risk assessment should be logged and kept on file for every operative

- risk assessments and method statements must be submitted by all subcontractors

6.3 Welfare facilities

The welfare facilities on this project will be in full compliance with CDM Regulations 2015 and with
Considerate Construction Scheme. Separate drying rooms and toilets for women to be built/hired.
(Appendix 1)

6.4 Segregation of pedestrians and works traffic ( Appendix 1)

-access and egress will be made through the main entrance as described above off The Endway road.
Signs will be clearly displayed to delimitate pedestrian route from traffic route by colour and
barriers. Red route for vehicles only and green route for pedestrians

-limited car parking spaces should be reserved on site

-all operatives and visitors will have to sign in the visitor’s book which will be located at the entrance
of the site

-all personnel will have to wear the minimum PPE required by law after entering the site boundaries:
high visibility vests, appropriate footwear and hard hats as a minimum requirement.

6.5 Work at height

-scaffolding company to undertake all exterior work needs in terms of height access as the works

-all interior works should only be made using proper access equipment like tower scaffold, working
platforms etc.; the use of ladders on site is restricted and only where no other means of access is
possible they may be used under a special permit to work scheme only available on the day for that
specific work.

6.6 Control of dust and noise

-Exposure to noise will be more than likely present and all the work must be done between the
hours of 8 am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 2pm on Saturdays. Residents of Mansion House
Care Home at western side of site may be affected (Photo 3). All concrete or stone cutting to be
done with proper equipment with water fed system

6.7 Control of surface mud water and debris

-the traffic route areas will be tarmacked, however, as a countermeasure a system of jet washing will
be in place if needed to maintain cleanliness of public roads and pedestrian path way at the
southern side where the entrance is situated, operated by the banksman on site

6.8 Health & safety measures and emergency procedures in case of accidents

-Nearest Hospital in case of emergency is Broomfield Hospital, Court Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1
7ET, United Kingdom (Photo 1)

-all accidents will be registered in the accident site book

-a permanent first aider must be on site at all times

6.9 Hot works

- Disk cutting of metals should only be done in a designated area protected with fire
retardant fabrics and well away from any flammable substances or materials under a
permit to work scheme. The work area should also be within easy reach of a fire
extinguisher in case one should be needed. Any permits to work should only be made
valid for the length of the shift work and renewed daily if required signed by the
operative to undertake works as well as the issuer of the permit . A toolbox talk and risk
assessment prior to issuing of a permit to work must be done to raise awareness of
possible hazards that may occur.

6.10 Fire emergency procedures

-Fire points will be located within easy reach to every plot, so a number of enough double trolleys to
cover the whole site is mandatory. ( see Appendix 1) Every trolley to contain 1 foam extinguisher, 1
CO2 extinguisher, fire bucket with flamesorb granules and 1 sound alarm, bell or gas horn.

-An evacuation plan must be displayed and explained at induction

-In case of fire, after alarm is raised all operatives and visitors must immediately gather to the
assembly/muster point which is located outside main entrance

6.11 Miscelaneous

-Use of radios and mobile phones on site during working hours are restricted.

-Smoking is only allowed in a special designated area

-All tools and electrical equipment used on site must pass an electrical Pat test

and only 110v equipment is allowed on site. A charging station will be made available for operatives
using cordless tools on site.

Every contractor is expected to adhere to the above recommendations prior to submitting their
tender. Our aim is to achieve completion with 0 incidents throughout building works from start to

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