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Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade

Effectivity: 2020-2021 Term First Doc Status: Approved

I. Information on Instructor

Position Name Email Address Contact Office


Faculty Glenda Sin IABF/BA

Wednesday 10:00 am -12:00 pm
n Hours:

II. Class Meeting

The class meets nine (9) hours weekly from June 8, 2020 to July 24, 2020 excluding
regular/special and university holidays. The class meeting is listed below:

Section Days Time Classroom

6 MTh 4:30 – 6:00 NRH 108
11 TF 12:00 – 1:30 EB 402
15 TF 6:00 – 7:30 EB402

III. Course Description and Objectives

The course provides topics on of foreign markets, domestic capabilities, competition, shipping
alternatives, international commercial terms, raw material supply situation, incentive plans, credit
availability, and imports to support export development, diversification, and linkage to international
taxation. The course aims to provide students with a better understanding of the dimensions in
international business, capsulize knowledge of international trade especially entered into by ASEAN –
member nations, familiarize students with technical aspects in assessing and identifying business
opportunities in light of increasing competition in global markets, and appreciation of the implications
of globalization to business particularly small and medium export oriented enterprises. Students will
learn from practical examples taken from local and foreign cases to illustrate and highlight the areas
covered in the course.
Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade
AY: 2020-2021 Term: First

IV. Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

CLO1. Discuss globalization and the significant differences among countries in terms of
economy, government, culture, ethics, and sustainability.
CLO2. Analyze the dimensions of international business and how its functional fields are
different in a global perspective.
CLO3. Examine how businesses gain global competitive advantage.
CLO4. Compare and contrast international business strategies in developed and emerging
CLO5. Evaluate integrative cases and link theory and practice to arrive at sound arguments
or be able to take position for each case.

V. Alignment of Program and Course Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes Course Learning Outcomes

. . . . .
1. Professional Skills     
2. Critical Thinking & Decision-Making Skills     
3. Information Literacy     
4. Communication Skills     
5. Social Interaction Skills     
6. Citizenship, Sustainability, and Global
    

VI. Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs)

1. Lectures
Interactive lectures on major concepts and issues with PowerPoint slides are
2. In-class and Online Activities
Students are to participate in-class and online activities and be able to share their views
and opinions.
3. Videos
Students are to discuss specific sets of questions based on videos assigned and shown
in class.
4. Group Case Analysis
Students are divided into groups and are required to meet outside the class, analyze the
assigned case, and submit a written report using the required writing format.
5. Group Presentations
Students are divided into groups and are required to conduct a project output. Each
group prepares and delivers a 15 to 30 minutes oral presentation.
Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade
AY: 2020-2021 Term: First

Course Teaching and Learning Activities Expected Learning Hours

TLA1. Lecture with interactive presentation 36 hours1
TLA2. Case Discussions 11 hours2
TLA3. In-class and online activities 10 hours3
TLA4. Quizzes 6 hours4
TLA5. Group Presentations 6 hours5
TLA6. Canvas and Self -study 54 hours6
Total 123 hours
*Calculation of expected learning hours is based on the Carnegie Unit.

VII. Assessment7

Class Participation (CP) 20% Grade Computation:

a. In-class activities
Midterm Grade = 20%(CP) + 30%(Q) + 50%
b. Case discussion
c. Group presentations
Quizzes (Q) 30% Final Grade = 20%(CP) + 30%(Q) + 50%
Major Examination (ME) 50% (ME**)
TOTAL 100 Course Grade = 50%(Midterm Grade) + 50%
% (Final Grade)
*Midterm Departmental Exam **Final Departmental Exam


2 lecture hours per week x 18 weeks
11 topics x 1 hour (assuming each topic requires 1 case to be discussed, allotting 1 hour per case)
In class activities can be done virtually
Average of 3 quizzes per grading period, 1 hour per quiz.
Class is divided into 5 groups and each group has 1 hour, with 1-hour buffer (for preparation, etc).
Students are expected to allocate 3 hours per week studying the materials and working on assigned activities on Canvas.
Please also refer to FEU Policies and Guidelines for Grading and Assessment (Undergraduates)
Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade
AY: 2020-2021 Term: First

Numerical Letter Grade Quality Letter

Equivalent Grade Computed Point Grade
0 49 F 0.0 0 0.99 0 F
50 56 D 1.0 1 1.29 1 D
57 63 D+ 1.5 1.3 1.79 1.5 D+
64 70 C 2.0 1.8 2.29 2 C
71 77 C+ 2.5 2.3 2.79 2.5 C+
78 84 B 3.0 2.8 3.29 3 B
85 91 B+ 3.5 3.3 3.79 3.5 B+
92 100 A 4.0 3.8 4 4 A

Peer Evaluation for Group Work

Peer evaluation shall be administered at the end of the semester to provide an opportunity to score
group members in terms of contribution to group work. This will allow for adjustments in
individual scores.

VIII. Standards for Assessment

(A1.) Class Participation (20%)

• In-class Activities
• Case Discussions
• Group Presentations
Class participation is divided into three (3) major activities as follows (a) in-class activities; (b)
case discussions; (c) group presentations.

Discussion and sharing in class will be considered recitation. For group presentations, each
group is required to conduct analysis of topics discussed. Group presentation shall be evaluated
based on presentation style, content coverage, articulation on critical issues, use of concepts
discussed in class, and quality of interaction with audience. In determining the grade, input
from the audiences’ evaluations and peer evaluation shall be considered.

Grading Criteria for In-Class, Online Activities, and Case Discussions

Extremely well prepared for class discussion, active in sharing views,
A participate in at least 92% of these activities
Partially prepared for class discussion, quite active in sharing views,
B+, B participate in at least 78% of these activities
Not well prepared for class discussion, only occasionally sharing views, and
C+, C participate in at least 64% of these activities
Not well prepared for class discussion, no sharing of views, and attend at
D+, D least 50% of these activities
Never prepared for class discussion, no sharing of views, and attend less
F than 50% of these activities
Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade
AY: 2020-2021 Term: First

Grading Criteria for Group Presentation

Professional presentation style, comprehensive content coverage, well-
A articulated on critical issues, effective use of international business and
trade concepts, and quality interaction with audience.
Decent presentation style, appropriate content coverage, clear discussion of
B+, B critical issues, moderately effective use of international business and trade
concepts, and acceptable interaction with audience.
Mediocre presentation style, limited content coverage, marginally
C+, C acceptable discussion of critical issues, infrequent use of international
business and trade concepts, and limited interaction with audience.
Weak presentation style, key content omitted, unclear focus on critical
D+, D issues, very limited use of international business and trade concepts, and
poor interactionpresentation
Unacceptable with audience.
style, questionable content coverage, omitting
F critical issues, zero use of international business and trade concepts, and no
interaction with audience.

(A2.) Quizzes (30%)

Assessments shall also be given in the form of quizzes that will be used to assess students’
(a) understanding of international business and trade concepts, and
(b) application of the learned knowledge and theories.

Quizzes shall consist of multiple choice questions (MCQ); fill in the blanks, and/or essays. For
MCQ, students should choose one of the best answers for each question. Fill-in-the-blanks
questions should be answered with the most appropriate term that will make the statement
meaningful. For essays, student should be able to answer in a manner that main ideas are clear
and well supported by detailed and accurate information. In determining the grade, the essay
rubric shall be followed.

Grading Criteria for MCQ and Fill-in-the-blanks

A 92-100% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.
B+, B 78-91% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.
C+, C 64-77% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.
D+, D 50-63% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.
FAIL Less than 50% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.

Essay Rubric
Criteria A, B+ B, C+ C, D+, D F
Focus & There is one clear, There is one clear, There is one The topic and
Details well-focused topic. well-focused topic. topic. Main ideas main ideas are
Main ideas are clear Main ideas are clear are somewhat not clear
and are well but are not well clear.
supported by supported by
detailed and detailed
accurate information.
Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade
AY: 2020-2021 Term: First

Organizatio The introduction is The introduction is The introduction There is no

n inviting, states the inviting, states the states the main clear
main topic, and main topic, and topic. A introduction,
provides an provides an conclusion in structure, or
overview of the overview of the included. conclusion.
paper. Information paper. Conclusion
is relevant and is included.
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is
Word The author uses The author uses The author uses The writer uses
Choice vivid words and vivid words and words to limited
phrases. The choice phrases. The choice communicate vocabulary.
and placement of and placement of clearly but Jargon or
words seems words is inaccurate writing lacks clichés may be
accurate, natural at times. variety. present and
and not forced. detract from the
Sentence All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences Sentences
Structure, well-constructed well-constructed are well- sound awkward,
Grammar, and have varied and have varied constructed, but are distractingly
and Spelling structure and structure and they have a repetitive, or
length. The author length. The author similar structure are difficult to
makes no errors in makes a few errors and/or length. understand. The
grammar, and/or in grammar, and/or The author author makes
spelling. spelling, but they makes several numerous errors
do not interfere errors in in grammar,
with understanding. grammar, and/or and/or spelling
spelling that that interfere
interfere with with
understanding. understanding.

(A3.) Major Examination (50%)

The final examination consists of multiple choice questions only. Students should choose one
best answer for each question and mark the chosen answer clearly on the answer sheet
provided. Each correct answer will be awarded one point. Each incorrect or missing answer will
have zero point.

Grading Criteria
A 92-100% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.
B+, B 78-91% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.
C+, C 64-77% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.
D+, D 50-63% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.
FAIL Less than 50% of the responses are accurately and clearly marked.
Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade
AY: 2020-2021 Term: First

IX. Relationship Among Course Learning Outcomes, Teaching and Learning

Activities, and Assessments

Teaching and Learning

Course Learning Outcome Assessment
Activity (TLA)
TLA1 | TLA2 | TLA3 | TLA4 | TLA5 | A1 | A2 | A3
CLO1. Discuss globalization and
the significant differences ☐ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒
among countries in terms
CLO2. of economy,
Analyze the government,
of international business
and how its functional ☐ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒
fields are different in a
global perspective.
CLO3. Examine how businesses
gain global competitive
advantage. ☐ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒

CLO4. Compare and contrast

international business
strategies in developed ☐ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒
and emerging markets.
CLO5. Evaluate integrative cases
and link theory and
practice to arrive at sound
☐ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☐
arguments or be able to
take position for each

X. Academic and Class Conduct

Anchored on the core values of Fortitude, Excellence and Uprightness, Far Eastern University
(FEU) believes that its students, administration, faculty and staff should demonstrate academic
integrity at all times. Academic integrity means that the members of the entire academic
community adhere to the fundamental values of honesty, hard work, originality, respect and
responsibility. FEU students are expected to always adhere to the highest standards of
academic excellence.

FEU students are expected to demonstrate beliefs, attitudes and behaviors associated with
academic honesty. Thus, all acts of academic dishonesty in FEU are not tolerated. Academic
dishonesty comes largely in two forms: cheating and plagiarism.

All students should support and share responsibility for the academic integrity in the FEU
community, as well as their own work. Students are expected to:
 Refrain from cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct
 Not to aid others to commit any form of academic misconduct
Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade
AY: 2020-2021 Term: First

 Report to the Dean’s Office about any incident of academic misconduct observed

Any act of plagiarism or cheating is a disciplinary matter that can result in serious
consequences, including expulsion from the University.

XI. Course Materials, Schedule and Topics

Required Electronic Book:

C.W.L. Hill, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 13th Ed.

Learning Management System:

Connect (McGraw-Hill)*
*paired with Canvas
 Hult, G. Tomas M. Global Supply Chain Management: leveraging processes,
measurements, and tools for strategic corporate advantage. New York: McGraw-Hill
Education, c2014.
 Gaspar, Julian, James Kolari, Richard Hise, Leonard Bierman, and L. Murphy Smith.
Introduction To Global Business: Understanding The International Environment & Global
Business Functions. 2nd ed. Cengage, 2016.
 Wild, John J. (c2014). International business: the challenges of globalization. Boston:
Pearson Education Ltd.,
 Peng, Mike W., (c2014). Global Business. Australia: South Western Cengage Learning,.
For online journals and magazines:
Discussion Materials:
Provided by instructors and/or available online through linked LMS (i.e. MindTap).
Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade
AY: 2020-2021 Term: First

Course Content Outline:

Week Topic Case/Activities Readings
1 Course Overview and classroom rules
Introduction to International Business General Motors in China Ch 1 and 2

Differences between countries in terms of Transformation in Saudi

economics, political, and legal system Arabia
2-3 Differences in economic development Brazil’s Struggling CWLH
among countries Economy Ch 3, 4, and
Differences in Culture China, Hong Kong,
Macau, and Taiwan

International Business, Ethics, Corporate Sustainability Initiatives

Social Responsibility, and Sustainability at Natura, The Body
Shop, and Aesop
4-5 International Trade Theory Trade Wars are Good CWLH
and Easy to Win Ch 6 and 7

Government policies in international


6 Foreign Direct Investments and the Case of Geely Goes Global CWLH
Brexit NAFTA 2.0: The Ch 8 and 9
7 International Monetary System The Fluctuating Value of CWLH
the Yuan Gives Chinese Ch 10, 11,
The Forex and Capital Markets Businesses a Lesson in and 12
Foreign Exchange Risk
Midterm Departmental Examination
8-9 Strategy and Structure of International Red Bull: A Leader in CWLH
Business International Strategy Ch 13 and
Entering Developed and Emerging IKEA Entering India,
Markets Finally
10-11 International Trade Spotify and SoundCloud CWLH
Ch 16 and
Global Supply Chain Procter & Gamble 17
Remakes Its Global
Supply Chains
12 -15 Global Marketing and Business CWLH
Ch 18, 19,
Overview of Global Workforce and 20
Course Code: MGT 1111 Course Title: International Business and Trade
AY: 2020-2021 Term: First

Overview of Global Finance and

16 -17 Integrative Cases (may change)
 Globalization of BMW, Rolls, Royce, and the MINI
 The Swatch Group and Cultural Uniqueness
 Woolworths’ Corporate Responsibility Strategy
 Boeing and Airbus Are in Dogfight over Illegal Subsidies
 FDI in the Indian Retail Sector
 Free Trade in Africa
 The Mexican Peso, the Japanese Yen, and Pokemon Go
 Alibaba’s Record Setting IPO
 Sony Corporation: Still a Leader Globally?
 Organizational Architecture at P&G
 Tata Motors and Exporting
 Alibaba and Global Supply Chains
 Best Buy Doing a Turnaround Again
 Sodexo: Building a Diverse Global Workforce
 Tesla, Inc. – Subsidizing Tesla Automobiles Globally

18 Final Departmental Examination

*Note that contents may be adjusted depending on the needs of the students
**Based on the required text.

Prepared by: Recommending approval: Approved by: Rev. No.:

Program Head - BA
Assoc. Dean
OIC Dean 000

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