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Automatic Hate Speech Detection on Social Media:

A Brief Survey
Ahlam Alrehili
Computer Science Department
Taibah University
El-Madina El-Monawara, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abstract— Due to the advancement in technology and the There is a huge difference between free speech and
explosion of the information age, people communicate with hate speech, but we can consider the hate speech as a type of
each other indirectly via using the online social networks free speech. Free speech supports community or individuals
(OSNs), such as Facebook Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. to express their ideas and opinions without fear of sanction,
Users of OSNs can post anything without any control or
censorship, and retaliation [4]. Freedom of speech is required
constraint of the content, which leads to increase in spreading
of hateful and offensive speech among users, thus resulting in for democratic rights, and it ensures the autonomous
an increase in crimes, murder, and terrorism. Hence, this enjoyment of the individual. Hence, hate speech is contrary
paper provides a survey and state of the art natural language to free speech and violates the fundamental rights of
processing (NLP) technique that is used in automatic detection community and individuals as well as reduces the
of the hate speech on OSNs, such as dictionaries, bag-of-words, permissible limits in free speech.
N-gram etc. In the recent years, the automatic detection of hate
speech has become a hot and popular topic in the research
Keywords—hate speech, OSN, online social network,
field owing to several reasons. European Union Commission,
automatic detection, offensive, hateful dictionaries, bag-of-
words, N-gram.
in recent years, has contributed to reducing hate speech by
incorporating different initiatives, such as designing
programs aimed at fighting the hate speech. Moreover, it
I. INTRODUCTION imposed Microsoft, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook to sign
In the past, people used to communicate with each a European Union hate speech code that necessitates to
other either by meeting at home or in a public place or by review the user post and delete any post containing hate
using the telephone or mobile phones etc. But, nowadays, speech in less than 24 hours [5]. On the other hand, there is
with the advancement of the technology and the explosion of no specialized tool for automatic detection of the hate
the information age, the communication between people has speech, and there is lack of data collection, documentation
become indirect, and the world has become a global village. and systematic monitoring of hate and violence.
So, people can easily and quickly communicate with each
other by using social networking sites such as Twitter, A hate speech is widely spread on online social
Facebook, and Snap Chat. However, each person may have network sites (OSN), such as Twitter, Facebook, and
one or more accounts on each social networking site and can Instagram, because it provides an open space for users to
post anything without any control or constraint. express their opinions, beliefs, and ideas without any
limitations. Moreover, it gathers users from different
Content posted by people may differ from a good countries and nationalities; each of them has a different
content that carries high value for others to abusive speech. background, customs, and traditions. However, OSN users
The reason behind this difference is the freedom and lack of tend to use hate speech for a variety of reasons, either the
restrictions that prevent abusive speech. Many online social person is proud of his/her nationality or religion or he/she
networking sites are trying to mitigate the effects of non- has the feeling of physical safety.
restrictive content by implementing algorithms solution to
detect and strictly prohibit any abusive speech. Despite all The aim of this research is to conduct a survey and
attempts for detecting abusive speech automatically, it is still state of the art technique regarding the detection of hate
a difficult task owing to multifacetedness of the content. speech in online social networking sites. This research aims
at studying the most common and famous natural language
Hate speech is one of the most abusive speeches processing (NLP) techniques, which have contributed to the
that has been recently spread on online social network sites. automatic disclosure of the hate speech.
Hate speech refers to the language that attacks a person or The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
group depending on a set of attributes, such as ethnic section II provides a hate speech technique that is mostly
origin, religion, sex, race, national origin, sexual orientation, used on NLP. Section III provides an overview of hate
gender identity, and disability[1]. Hate speech was defined speech techniques. Section IV presents challenges and
by Merriam Webster as a “speech expressing hatred of a opportunities, and this paper is we conclude in section V.
particular group of people''[2]. Moreover, hate speech is II. AUTOMATIC HATE SPEECH TECHNIQUES
defined as a “speech that is intended to insult, offend, or
intimidate a person because of some attribute (national There are many researchers who have conducted
origin, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or race)[3].'' research on the automatic detection of the hate speech in the
previous literature. These researches are distinguished by a

978-1-7281-5052-9/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

variety of the methodologies and approaches used for the words and dictionaries to improve classification for various
detection of hate speech. Hence, in this section, we will kinds of cyber hate. Also, they depended on using three
highlight the most important methodologies and approaches supervised learning algorithms (SVM, Random Forest, and
used for hate speech automatic detection. Decision Tree) to assist the classification task. They
achieved precision and recall as 0.79 and 0.59 respectively,
A. Dictionaries
and the F1 score is 0.68.
Dictionaries are one of the most important techniques
that are used in natural language processing. Dictionaries are C. N-gram
based on creating a list of words that appear in a text or N-gram is considered as the most commonly used
context and counting the number of occurrences. The technique in the automatic detection of hate speech. In
occurrences of these words can be used directly to compute sample words, N-gram technique is collected lists of
scores or features. In the literature, there are a lot of sequential words with size 1,2, 3, N; previous word for an
dictionaries for detection of hate speech, such as: instant, the unigram collect word itself (N=1) as well as
- Liu[6] built dictionaries based on the content bigram collect word based on one previous word (N=2) and
words collected from to so on. Thus, the aim is to list all the expressions of N size
detect hate and violence web content. and count their frequencies. N-gram is used not only to
collect word, but it may be used to collect characters or
- Dictionaries based on the number of profane words
syllables of a word. This approach is not susceptible to
in the text, such as dictionaries built by [7]
consisting of 414 words, including abbreviations spelling changes when used in words.
and acronyms.
Some studies indicate that when higher N values are used
- Lexicon based on Ortony to detect a negative in N-gram features such as tri-gram and quad-gram, it leads
effect. The Ortony lexicon contains words that to better performance than using lower values such as
have a negative effect, but each negative word, unigram and bigram [10]. On the other hand, according to a
not necessarily, contains a rude comment or survey conducted by [11], researchers reported that using N-
profanity and may be classified as a useful grams features on automatic detection of the hate speech is
comment. usually highly predictive, but when combined with others
The dictionaries construction for the detection of hate features, N-gram performs better.
speech has been done in different ways and in different
languages. For example, in the study conducted by Tulkens Kwok [12] used a supervised machine learning [8], they built a dictionary to detect racism in Dutch approach with N-gram as features for detecting racist tweets
social media comments. They created three discourse against blacks. They classified each tweet as “racist” and
dictionaries to classify the text into racist or non-racist “non-racist”. The questionnaire methodology has been used
category. The first dictionary was created for retrieving more in this research to measure the complexity of how people can
neutral terms and possibly racist terms, while the second identify the hate speech. They collected hundreds of tweets
dictionary was created by automatic expansion based on that contained hateful keywords and asked three students
using a word2vec model trained on a large corpus of general with same gender and age but different races to classify
Dutch text. The third dictionary was created based on
whether the tweet was offensive or not. The result showed
filtering out incorrect expansions manually. The aim of this
33% overall agreement, which is more difficult for machines
study was to classify the text into racist or non-racist
category. They mainly depended on using SVM as to do accurately. They distinguished between racist and non-
supervised machine learning classifier. They achieved racist tweets by using Naïve Bayes classifier, which achieved
precision and recall as 0.49 and 0.43 respectively. an average accuracy of 76% for individual tweets and the
average error rate of 24%.
B. Bag-of-words (BOW)
On the other hand, Burnap [13] proposed text
Bag of words is another NLP technique used to detect classifier based on supervised machine learning to
hateful and offensive speech like dictionaries. There is a distinguish between antagonistic responses and hateful
difference between the bag of words and dictionaries. speech including religion, ethnicity, race, and more general
Dictionaries are a set of words predefined in the dictionaries, responses. They depended on using N-gram, typed
while the bag of words corpus collected from the training
dependencies as the features and Random Forest, Decision
data. In the bag of words, after collecting a set of words, Tree and SVM as supervised machine learning classifier.
word frequencies are selected as a feature for training a They obtained an overall F-measure of 0.95.
classifier. The drawback of this approach is ignoring the
word sequence and its semantic and syntactic content. D. Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)
Hence, the word used in various contexts may lead to TF-IDF is a tool that measures the importance of the
misclassification. N-gram is adapted to overcome this word in the document inside a corpus. It is incremented by
limitation. the number of times that word appears in the document. In
Burnap [9] created several models to categorize fact, it combined two concepts, such as term frequencies and
cyber hate based on the set of characteristics, including inverse document frequency. Term frequency means the
sexual orientation, disability, and race. They used typed word is important when it appears in many documents, while
dependencies to show the grammatical and syntactic the inverse document frequency means word appearing in
relationships between words. Moreover, they used a bag of many documents has less importance. Hence, TF-IDF has
given high weight or importance to a word that appears G. Sentiment Analysis
frequency in the document and is found rarely in others Sentiment analysis is also known as opinion analysis, or
document. emotion analysis. AI refers to the use of computational
linguistics, text analysis, natural language processing, and
In [10], the authors introduced an approach for the biometrics to systematically quantify, extract, identify and
classification of a web page content into predefined labels. study subjective information and affective states [17]. The
They depended on using sentiment analysis and applied text goal of sentiment analysis is to identify the attitude of a
summarization techniques to extract sentiment indicators and writer, subject or speaker with respect to an emotional
the topic of web pages. Moreover, they relied on using two reaction to an event, interaction or document, or overall
NLP features such as TF-IDF and N-gram and Naive Bayes contextual polarity of some topic.
as supervised machine learning classifier. Finally, they
achieved overall precision and recall as 0.97 and 0.82 In the context of hate speech, sentiment analysis is
respectively. considered as a powerful tool to detect hateful speech due to
E. Part-of-speech discourse that preaches hatred. The content that exists more
in the sentence has a negative polarity. Sentiment analysis is
Part of speech has a great importance in revealing the
usually used as an auxiliary feature in revealing hate speech.
role of the word in context, thus improving the importance of
the context. This feature precisely helps in defining the
In [18], the authors aimed at determining the speech that
category of the word such as Adjectives (JJ), person singular
has racist intent on the Tumblr microblogging website. They
present form (VBP), personal pronoun (PRP), and
based on using ensemble learning classifier consisting of
Determiners (DT). Part of speech is the feature that helps in
Decision Trees, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, One-class
detecting the hate speech [14]. This feature is considered as
Classifiers, and Random Forest with Topic modeling,
an important feature to detect the pairs of part speech that
sentiment analysis, tone analysis, semantic analysis, and
usually come together (bigram), for example VB_PRP and
contextual metadata as features. They showed that language
cues, social tendencies, personality traits of a narrative, and
emotion tone are discriminatory features for identifying the
There are some studies based on using POS features,
racist intent. They achieved overall precision and recall as
such as the study conducted by Vigna, et al [15]. This study
0.73 and 0.86 respectively.
aims at detecting and preventing the hateful speech on a
Facebook post written in the Italian language. The hate H. Template Based Strategy
speech is categorized into different types to distinguish Template based strategy refers to creating a corpus of
between them. Then, according to the defined classification, words, and for every word that appears on the corpus,
the fakebook post is manually annotated by five distinct gathering n-word that has occurred around it. It is used as a
annotators. After that, they implemented and designed two feature for automatic detection of hate speech. For example,
classifiers by leveraging POS, sentiment polarity, word the research conducted by [19] was based on data provided
embedding lexicons, and morpho-syntactical features. by Yahoo, which contains a set of news that readers found it
Moreover, they depended on using two learning algorithms; as offensive speech, and 452 URLs, which were originally
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Support Vector collected to categorize websites that advertisers may find
Machines (SVM). inappropriate. From their analysis of the data, they found that
the offensive words might be hidden by a deliberate
F. Rule-Based Approaches misspelling, substitution of one character of the words by
another, or the word may be separated between punctuation
Rule-based approaches are widely used in the field of
marks, such as word “jew” and “j@e@w@”. The reason for
text mining, which contains a set of rules created by the
this is to escape the automatic detection of hateful words
human and enriched by linguistic knowledge. It relies on
used by some sites.
using a dictionary or a pre-compiled list of subjectivity clues,
but is not involved in the learning process. Moreover, it uses
They have assumed that hate speech is often well
the method of processing and storing knowledge to interpret
distinguished by the Stereotypes in the text. For the
information in a meaningful way. For example, it is used to
classification approach, they used the template-based
categorize tense content and antagonistic on Twitter as
strategy proposed by [20], which contains set of templates as
features based on using associational terms. The advantage
shown in figure1 ,and each template was centered around a
of rule-based approaches is that it achieved high accuracy as
single word. After that, they used a method called log-odds
compared to other method, but it, at the same time, takes a
like method proposed by [20], which is called log
lot of time and effort to manipulate system based on rule-
likelihood.log. Odds are the same as log likelihood, but the
based approaches.
difference is that log odds are added as an extra feature.
In the study conducted by Dennis [16], they relied
Hence, they calculate log odds value as the flowing:
on disclosure of three kinds of hate speech in web pages,
which are religion, nationality, and race. The aim of this
study was to create a classifier model based on using Rule-
based approach, sentiment analysis, and typed dependencies.
Moreover, they depended on using Non-supervised machine
learning approach.

Years Reference Aim of Study Futures Algorithm P R F

Template-based strategies,
Detecting hate speech
2012 [19] word sense, SVM. 0.68 0.6 0.63
on web bags.
Detecting racist tweets
2013 [12] N-gram. NaiveBayes. - - -
against blacks.
distinguish between
N-gram typed Decision Tree, Random
2014 [13] antagonistic responses 0.89 0.69 0.95
Dependencies. Forest, SVM.
and hateful speech
Introducing an TF-IDF , sentiment
approach for the Analysis,N-grams, topic
2014 [10] Naive Bayes. 0.97 0.82 -
classification of a web Similarity.
page content.
Detecting hate and
2015 [21] violence on the Web NaiveBayes. 52 92 -
Rule-based approach,
Detecting hate speech
2015 [16] sentiment analysis typed Non-supervised. 0.65 0.64 0.65
on web bags.
To categorize cyber
Bag of the word- typed SVM, Random Forest,
2016 [9] hate based on the set 0.79 0.59 0.68
dependencies-dictionaries. and Decision Tree.
of characteristics.
To classify the text into Dictionaries.
2016 [8] SVM. 0.49 0.43 0.46
racist or non-racist.
To determine the Topic modeling, tone
Decision Trees,Naive
speech that has Analysis, contextual
Bayes ,Random
2016 [18] radicalized or racist metadata 0.73 0.86 -
intent on the Tumblr and sentiment analysis.
microblogging website.
Detecting and
POS, sentiment polarity, Long Short-Term
preventing the hateful
word embedding lexicons, Memory (LSTM ) and
2017 [15] speech on a Facebook 0.833 0.872 0.851
and morpho-syntactical Support Vector
post written in the
features. Machines (SVM) .
Italian language.
Unigrams,smentic feature
Detecting hat espeech
2018 [3] sentmental and writing SVM. 0.88 0.87 0.87
on twiter.

revealing hate speech, such as Profanity Windows,

• Generate templates for each paragraph in the corpus Word Embeddings, Deep Learning, and Distance Metric.
• Count the occurrences of the positive and negative These technics can be summarized as follows:
• Calculate the log-odds, which are the ratio of • Profanity Windows: a technique that integrates
positive to negative occurrences. dictionaries approaches and N-gram. The goal of
• Discard each template that does not occur at least profanity windows is to test whether the pronoun of
once for both positive and negative. This process the second person is followed by a profane word or
produced 4379 features. not within a certain window[7].
After calculating the feature, they applied it on SVM • Word Embeddings: a set of feature learning
classifier and achieved overall precision and recall as 0.68 techniques and language modeling in NLP, which
and 0.6 respectively. converted phrases or words to the vector consisting
of a real number. In the context of hate speech,
Djuric[22] used paragraph2vec approach to classify
user comment as clean and obvious.
• Deep Learning: it is considered as a new family of
machine learning algorithms, which deals with the
creation of theories and algorithms that allow the
machine to learn by itself by simulating neurons in
the human body. It is recently used in sentimental
Fig.1. Example of template features analysis and text classification to achieve high
accuracy. Yuan [23] used the deep learning
I. Other technics approach with word2vec features for identifying the
In the previous sections, we have discussed the discrimination on online social network tweets.
techniques most used in the discovery of hate speech. They achieved overall accuracy of 0.91.
Moreover, there are other techniques that can utilize them in
• Distance Metric: some studies on hate speech such [15] used POS, word embedding, lexicons, sentiment
as [19] stated that words that denote hate speech are polarity, and morpho-syntactical features.
often hidden by a deliberate misspelling or single
character substitution. Levenshtein distance is one
method that can be used to solve this problem, in IV. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES
which the least number of modifications are needed
to convert one string to other [24]. Distance metric A hate speech is a complex phenomenon, and is
is complementary approach to dictionaries based considered as a difficult task to detect it. In this section, we
approaches. will review the major challenges and difficulties explored in
previous literature.
III. OVERVIEW OF THE HATE SPEECH DETECTION • The disclosure of hate speech requires experience
TECHNIQUES and skill in social construction and knowledge in
In the previous section, we have discussed the most culture [35].
widespread natural language processing (NLP) techniques • The development of languages and social
used in hate speech detection. In this section, we will review phenomena makes it difficult to trace all racial and
these techniques to see which of these techniques have minority insults [27].
contributed significantly to detecting the problem of hate • The language develops very quickly among young
speech. people, who use it frequently [35].
• Regarding the concept of the offensive nature of
We have categorized features into three types; token the hate speech, the offensive language may be
frequencies, linguistic pre-processing, and content analysis. very elaborate and grammatically correct, crossing
Token frequencies consist of a bag of word, N-gram, the boundaries of the sentence. The use of sarcasm
profanity windows-TF-IDF, and dictionaries as shown in is also common [27].
Table II. Linguistic pre-processing consists of part of speech, • The automatic discovery of hate speech is more
rule-based approaches, template-based approaches, and type than searching about keyword[27].
dependencies as shown in Table III. Finally, a content
analysis, which consists of sentiment analysis, is shown in In general, our research regarding the previous studies
Table IV. has found some notes that we would like to highlight as
• Rare to find open source algorithms and platform.
Token frequencies Most of the research describes methods, algorithms
Features Reference
and features extracted. In fact, open source code
Bag of word [9], [12], [14]
N-gram [25],[9],[26],[14],[10],[27],[28] helps in developing research faster and eliminating
Profanity windows [7] the hate speech problems.
TF-IDF [10]
Dictionaries [7],[29],[30],[21]. • Most research lacks a clear definition of the data
set, and there are no data sets that have been
commonly adopted. The clear definition of dataset
Linguistic pre-processing is considered as an important step in facilitating the
Features Reference comparison of different researches.
Part of speech [10],[13], [14].
Rule-based approaches [16].
Template based approaches [31], [19]. • Most hate speech detection research is done in the
Type dependencies [13], [9],[32],[33],[16]. English language, and very small amount of
research has been done in another language, such
TABLE III. CONTENT ANALYSIS as Italian, Dutch, and German. Hence, researchers
Content analysis must be directed to detect hate speech in other
Features Reference languages, such as Arabic, France, and Spanish.
Sentment anaylsis [34],[26],[15],[16],[21].

Based on information provided by Table II, Table V. CONCLUSION

III and Table IV, we note that N-gram is the most widely In this paper, we have conducted a systematic
used feature in the token frequencies, while Type literature review of hate speech detection techniques and
dependencies are highly used in linguistic pre-processing approaches. We have focused on eight techniques that are
features. Moreover, most research mainly depends on using widely used for automatic hate detection. These techniques
sentiment analyses in the term of hate speech detection. include dictionaries, Bag of the word, N-gram, TF-IDF,
sentiment analyses, part of speech, rule-based approach, and
On other hand, we noted that some researches template-based approach.
depended only on using one feature, such as Kwok [12]
used only the N-gram feature as shown in Table I. Other
researches combined multiple features, such as Vigna, et al REFERENCES
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