Cabillo Expectation OJT

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Cabillo, Mark Angelo I.


Internship Expectation

Internship, the true test where what we have learned will be put to the test. But, it's also an environment where many
new things will unravel itself upon us. So, my expectations towards this new environment is that I’ll be able to improve
the skills I currently have now, for an individual never ceases to learn new things in life. Not to mention this will also
give an idea about how the real world really is, which really helps in more ways than one.
I really look forward to learning a lot of new things in my workplace, so that I can be a real asset in the future. For
there are things which an individual can only learn when they take an internship. Several surprises will present itself,
especially bad ones too. But, it's where an individual can really be molded into something much more than
themselves. And so, I prepare for the things to come. By going through internship this will also help me have an idea
of what it will be like in the real world. So that in a way I know what to expect and know my way around. Because
some students never really have a chance to undergo internship and so it comes off as a complete shock to them
when they enter the real world. So, I’ll use this in order to help myself. In the end, I look towards how this internship
will turn out for the best and how it will aid me in the days to come. I’ll gladly give it my utmost best too, for its also a
measure as to what my true capacity is. For an opportunity like this will never come again, so make the most out of it.
While also enjoying what I do along the way, so that I’ll still be more productive.

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