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BSBMGT616 - Develop and implement strategic Plans

Knowledge Test


NUMBER response (to
by the
Why should you confirm with stakeholders that the organisational vision and mission are S
Question 1: up-to-date and are helpful to the strategic plan? (100-120 words.)

Why does an organisation need to make changes or refinements to their mission S

Question 2: statement? (100-120 words.)

Identify and explain the six (6) steps in developing organisational values, which would S
Question 3: support the vision and mission statement of an organisation. (100-120 words.)

How can a stakeholder play a significant role in providing support for the strategic S
Question 4:
planning process? (50-70 words.)

Answer the following questions:

Question 5: a. What is a PEST Analysis? Write your answer in 50-100 words
b. How can a PEST analysis assist businesses to monitor their internal and external S
environment to determine impacts on organisational objectives? Write your answer
in 70-100 words. NS

c. What are the benefits of an organisation analysing PEST in a global context? (50-
100 words)
Answer the following questions:
Question 6: S
a. What is a SWOT analysis? Write your answer in 70-100 words.
b. What are steps to conduct SWOT analysis for an organisation? Explain all the steps NS
in 70-100 words.

How can you determine information requirements and undertake research to be able to S
Question7: deliver the relevant information? ( 70-100 words.)

Identify five (5) appropriate experts from whom you may seek advice regarding your S
Question8: strategic plan and explain their role. Write your answer in 100-120 words.

How can you identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of present and potential S
Question9: competitors? (50-70 words)

Question10: Why should you ensure that your analysis of the internal and external environments is S
consistent with the perspectives of other informed people? (100-120 words.)

Question11: What are the major components of a strategic plan, in which you will need to include S
documented and relevant research? Write your answer in 100-120 words.

Question12: Describe any six (6) steps to formulate strategic objectives and strategies needed which S
are beneficial for the future of an organisation. (70-100 words.)

Question13: What is the importance of circulating the strategic plan for comment, support and S
endorsement to all relevant stakeholders? (70-100 words.)

Question14: Discuss options and considerations for communication and how you can communicate a S
strategic plan. (100-120 words.)

Question15: Answer the following questions:

a. Why is it necessary to consult with and brief people in a range of roles in relation to
strategies? Write your answer in 100-120 words NS
b. How can you structure this process to ensure the briefing process works? Write your
answer in 100-120 words
Question16: What is the importance of having performance indicators to monitor progress in S
implementing a plan? (100-120 words. )

Question17: Identify and describe any ten (10) methods used to make necessary refinements to a S
strategic plan. (100-120 words. )

Question18: Identify and describe a way you can evaluate achievement of objectives at agreed S
milestones. (100-120 words.)

Question19: Strategic planning is a dynamic process of continuously looking at your current situation
and plotting your next move. This requires a solid understanding of the organisation as S
well as an understanding about the environment that the organisation operates in.
Supporting this statement answer why we should review the effectiveness of a plan and NS
consider methods for improving strategic planning processes. (100-120 words.)
Question 20: Mention any five (5) legislations, regulations or codes of practice applicable to strategic S
planning and explain how you apply them? (100-120 words.)

Question 21: Identify and explain five (5) tools and approaches you may find useful for strategic S
planning and developing and/or implementing the strategic plan. (50-100 words for each)

Question 22: Answer the following questions: S

a. Define organisational values. ( 50-70 words)
b. List the techniques used to develop organisational values. (50-70 words.) NS

Question 23: Answer the following questions:

a. Identify and explain four (4) types of risk that an organisation can encounter. ( 100- S
120 words)
b. Explain what intellectual property rights and responsibilities are and the risks NS
associated with them. (100-120 words.)
c. How can you integrate risk management into strategic planning? ( 100-120 words)
Question 24: Answer the following questions:
a. Define and identify four (4) internal sources of information. ( 50-100 words)
b. Define and identify four (4) external sources of information. ( 50-100 words) NS
c. How are they relevant to an organisations market, competitors, customer base,
vision, values and capabilities? ( 50-100 words)
Question 25: Answer the following questions:

a. What is a cooperative venture? ( 30-50 words S

b. What are the advantages of a cooperative venture? (50-70 words)
c. What are the risks associated with a cooperative venture? ( 50-70 words) NS
d. How can a cost benefit analysis and due diligence ensure consistency with an
organisations vision, mission and values( 100-120 words)
Question 26: Answer the following questions:
a. Why should each strategy be assigned with a priority, a timeframe, responsible
parties and measurable performance indicators? ( 100-120 words) NS
b. Why is it important to develop action plans for strategies and how do you develop
one? ( 100-120 words)

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