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Rio Awitin

Formative assessment 3     MGT 1130 Due: August 3 (5 PM)

1. What does social responsibility mean to you personally? Do you think business
organizations should be socially responsible? Explain.

Personally, social responsibility means it’s a self-evident fact that since I am part of society, I
must also contribute to its well-being by being socially responsible. The same applies to a
business organization that is made up of people and does not operate in a vacuum. It makes
good business sense to be seen by potential customers as a socially responsible company.

2. Based on the documentary film, Going Green, you viewed, which of those individuals
interviewed has struck you and has challenge you. Why?

What struck me the most is the part of the film where the inventions of plastic bottles made an
unconventional decision to build an entire village out of plastic bottles. He builds the house with
the use of plastic bottles through recycling that made that house build. As what I've seen,
Plastic has become one of the most used substances. It's seen everywhere that affecting
humankind, wildlife, and aquatic life. The challenging part is that instead of throwing plastics
anywhere, we make or use recycling plastic to produce concrete, building materials,
construction materials, and other materials for use, and it can help it to the future, not just for
me but also for the environment. Plastic makes our lives incredibly convenient, disposable, and
easy but if we know how to reduce, reused, and recycle we can be good socially responsible of
the environment and keep our planet clean and healthy for future generations.

3. What going green effort you think you can do in your own small way, which is aligned to
the 17 sustainable development goals for 2030?

For me, To begin with, I should use reduce, reuse and recycle to have sustainable development
in our world because one of the numerous problems is waste management. We must not litter
in the street, parks and everywhere. We should recycle waste to save our priceless natural
recourses and have sustainable clean water and good health being of the environment. Also,
we should always responsibly recycle electronics and e-waste, not just dump them in landfills.
Because the purpose we ought to go green to save the life of future generations.

4. Nearly everyone has experienced a situation when a colleague has taken credit for work
they didn’t do or ideas they didn’t create.  
a. Are these actions innocent or deliberate?  
b. Do you think that those who take credit for your work know that what they’re
doing is wrong?  
c. How would you respond?   

In most cases, if someone has not worked on an idea or a task, then he/she is aware of his/her
lack of involvement. In such a situation, if that person accepts/takes the credit, then it is a
deliberate act rather than an innocent one. This situation depends on the people involved in
stolen credit that didn’t do or didn’t create from their ideas. What would be my response is to
talk to that person. If they did say it was their idea, I would be calm and collected and ask them
why this happened after they had already brought the idea to them. Giving them the benefit of
the doubt while also giving them a chance to admit their mistake might prevent it from
happening in the future. Because stealing someone else ideas while doing any work and
making them as your own is very bad morally and ethically. So it’s better to be true in yourself,
no doubt, do your work, be original, and believe in yourself.

5. You are an HR manager. A well-liked member of your staff with an excellent record
confides that he has AIDS. Although his illness has not affected his performance, you’re
concerned about his future health & about the reactions of his coworkers. You
a. Tell him to keep you informed about his health and say nothing to his coworkers.
b. Arrange for him to transfer to an area of the organization where he can work
c. Hold a staff meeting to inform his coworkers. Ask them how they feel about his
presence on you team.
d. Consult your boss on how to proceed.

My answer is option “A” because under ADA guidelines, the manager or employer has a legal
responsibility to keep his medical condition or information confidential, or otherwise will be liable
for damages due to invasion of privacy or defamation. There’s no legal obligation to notify or
warn others, but as an employer or manager, there’s a legal responsibility to other staff or
employees such as, educating them about HIV/AIDS exposures and precautions, keeping a
non-discriminating work environment, and giving reasonable accommodations to qualified

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