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DATE: 08.02.2020



The NSS Team of school of mechanical

Engg had organised a five day NSS Camp
in Kesura Village. In this camp we aimed
to spread awareness about Corona Virus
and Bird Flu (Avian Influenza).

We set off to our event Early Morning and

the wheather showed kindness towards
us by gushing cool breeze almost whole
journey and thus kept our spirits high
made us more enthusiastic for this event.
On Reaching the Village we got Divided
into four groups in which there was one
photographer and Atleast Two Oriya
speaking volunteer so that He/She could
convey message in a proper Way And
Appropriate Manner.
We started our journey by going to
different homes and And telling them
about all the details of corona virus and
bird flu and what are its preventing
measures. We told them to avoid eating
of uncooked meat and avoid shaking of
hands always cleaning of hands when
coming from outside. The response of
villagers were very positive and were
Quite Impressed by our communication

For this we had also prepared posters to

convey the message which was written in
Oriya language.
All the volunteers roamed all the
marked areas and were able to deliver
their message.
In such villages were communication gap
plays a role the work of female volunteers
palys a major role and our female
volunteers were up to the task and were
very impressive as well as expressive .
They even went inside the houses to
convey the message to small girls and
mother about this deadly viruses which
are causing Havoc over the world specially
china. They also interacted with old age
women and paid more attention as they
have come to a certain age were they are
more vulnerable towards these kinds of

One group of our volunteers went into

a local school were there small children
were studying. Children After Seeing
volunteers they became enthuasistic and
full of joy. Our group were able to
convey meassage in front of them they
also played some games with children and
children were fully into it.

After Visiting all the areas all the groups

met at a point and rested and much
deserved refreshment were given to
Thus the event was successfully

“A village is a hive of glass, where nothing

Unobserved can pass”
(MR. Spurgeon)

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