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Safety Data Sheet 6 3 1 2 1 8 3 9 . 2 4 . 3 7 8 10 from April 10, 2020.

registration No. 2 3
3 Valid till April 10, 2024.
Safety of Substances and Materials
Information-Analytical Centre Head signature __________/ A.A. Toporkov/


technical (according to Atren FK A Drilling Mud Lubricant
regulatory document)
chemical (according to Not available
Atren FK A Drilling Mud Lubricant
synonyms Not available
ARPC Code code: FEACN Code:
2 4 5 8 6 1 3 4 0 3 1 9 9 9 0 0
2 1

Symbol and name of basic standard, technical or information document for products

TS 2458-013-82330939-2009 Atren FK Drilling Mud Lubricant

Signal word: DANGER
Short (verbal): a slightly hazardous substance according to extent of exposure to the organism (Hazard
Class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007). The product causes irritation of upper respiratory airways, has an
irritation effect on eye mucosa, causes slight irritating of skin. Flammable substance. Pollutes the
Detailed: in 16 attached sections of Safety Data Sheet.


COMPONENTS mg/m class (if applicable)

Mineral oil (hydrocarbon oil) 5 3 8042-47-5 232-45-58

APPLICANT: OOO Industrial Chemistry, Kazan
(organisation name) (city)
Applicant type: manufacturer, supplier, seller, exporter, importer
(delete as appropriate)
ARCCEO: 6 3 1 2 1 8 3 9 +7 (843) 537-23-93
Emergency Telephone Number:

Head of the applicant organization: _____________ / M. A. Yutyayev /

(signature) L.S. print full name

SEAL: INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY NO.2 OGRN 1091690048020 INN 1655182064

ST/SG/AC.10/30 GHS.

IUPAC – International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (International Union of

Theoretical and Applied Chemistry)
GHS – United Nations ST/SG/AC.10/30 recommendations Globally Harmonized
System of Сlassification and Labelling of Chemicals

ARPCC – All-Russian Product Classification Code

ARCCEO – All-Russian Classification Code of Enterprises and Organizations

FTCC – Foreign Trade Commodity Code

CAS No. – Substance number in Chemical Abstracts Service Register

EC No. – Substance number in European Chemicals Agency register

MAC w.z. – Maximum allowable concentration of chemicals in the working zone area,
mg/m3 (maximum single/shift-average)

Safety Data Sheet (substance, mixture, material, industrial wastes)

Signal word: – One of two words “Danger” or “Warning” (or “Not

available”) is specified according to GOST 31340-2007. Precautionary marking
of chemicals. General requirements.
1. Identification of chemicals and data about a manufacturer or supplier
1.1. Identification of chemicals
1.1.1. Technical name: Atren FK Drilling Mud Lubricant, D. [1]
1.1.2. Application short recommendations: Atren FK Drilling Mud Lubricant, D (hereinafter
(including application limitations) referred to as product) is purposed for industrial
application in oil producing industry. [1]
1.2. Manufacturer or supplier
1.2.1. Full official name of the organization: Industrial Chemistry Limited Liability Company.
1.2.2. Address (post address): Ul. Ostrovskogo, d. 84, Kazan, RT 420095
Kazan, (POB) 146, 420107
1.2.3. Phone including for emergency +7(843) 537-23-93 (8.00 – 16.00 Moscow time)
consultations and limitation of time:
1.2.4. Fax: +7(843) 537-23-94 (automatic).
1.2.5. Е-mail:;

2. Hazard identification
2.1. Hazard level of chemicals in the mass: Classification according to GOST 12.1.007: acute (oral,
(Data about hazard classification according to the legislation dermal, inhalation) toxicity – class 4 (slightly hazardous
of the Russian Federation (GOST 12.1.007) and GHS) substance)
Classification according to GHS [26,2]:
- Corrosion/ irritation of eyes, class 2B
- Corrosion / irritation of skin, class 3;
- Dangerous if inhaled, class 1;
- Harmful to aquatic life with long-lasting effects, class

2.2. Marking data in accordance with GOST 31340-

2.2.1. Signal word: Danger. [12]
2.2.2. Danger symbols: Danger for human health. [12]
2.2.3. Brief danger characteristics: H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways
H320: in case of contact to eyes causes irritation.
H316 in case of contact to skin causes weak irritation.
H412: hazardous for aquatic organisms with long lasting
effect. [12,29]

3. Composition (information about components)

3.1. Data about products in the mass
3.1.1. Chemical name: Not available, mixed formula. [1]
(according to IUPAC)
3.1.2. Chemical formula: Not available, mixed formula. [1]
3.1.3. General description of composition: The product represents a composite on the basis of
(Subject to brand assortment including admixtures and natural fatty acids dispergated in the solvent.[1]
functional additives with an effect on hazard of Products;
production process)
3.2. Components:
(Name, CAS and EU numbers (if applicable), mass fraction,
MAC w.z. or SRLI w.z., hazard classes, reference to data
Table No. 1 [3,29, 30,28]

Components Content, Sanitary-hygienic standards of air CAS No. EC No.

(name) % of the working zone
MAC w. z. mg/m3 Hazard class
1 2 3 4 5 6
Mineral oil (petroleum oil):
5, +, aerosol 8042-47-5 2324558
C 16-18 fatty acids
Not determined, 1 Not available 67701-03-5 266-928-5

Note: + special protection for skin and eyes is required. 1- according to the document “Hygienic criteria for
substantiation of the necessity of elaboration of maximum allowable concentration of and SRLI (AAL) of
hazardous substances in the working zone air, atmospheric air of inhabited localities, water of dangerous facilities”
it is not necessary to establish standards in in the working zone air and atmospheric air of inhabited localities in
view of physical/chemical properties and low toxicity of the substance.

4. First aid measures

4.1. Symptoms:
4.1.1. Toxication via inhalation: Dangerous if aspirated, can do harm to lungs if
swallowed resulting in pneumonia. [29] Atony, nasal
cold, throat irritation, cough, shortness of breath,
headache, dizziness, nausea, vomit. [29]

4.1.2. Effect on skin: Irritation, hyperemia, edema, itch, dryness. Allergic

reaction, dermatosis, blocking of skin pori with
forming of oil folliculitis and eczema. [2, 29]

4.1.3. Contact to eyes: Irritation, tearing, “sandpaper” in the eyes, pain,

hyperemia, edema. Purulent discharge, blurring of
vision. [ 29]
4.1.4. Poisoning via peroral route (upon deglutition): Abdominal pain, cough, headache, dizziness, reduced
motor activity and reaction to external stimuli,
burning, nausea, vomit, diarrhea. In severe cases:
convulsions, faintness. [29]

4.2. First-aid for injured persons.

4.2.1. Toxication via inhalation: Fresh air, rest and warm, put an injured person to a
horizontal position, put off discomfortable clothes, if
necessary, apply for medical help. Artificial
ventilation according to indications (use a protective
mask). Persons rendering first aid shall use individual
protection equipment of respiratory organs and skin.
4.2.2. Effect on skin: Remove substance excess, put off contaminated
clothes, wash skin with water, apply for medical aid
if necessary. [29,30,24]
4.2.3. Contact to eyes: Wash with stream water during 10-15 minutes, apply
for medical aid if necessary. [29,30,24]

4.2.4 Poisoning via peroral route: Abundant water drinking, keep the injured person at
rest, warming, fresh air, apply for medical aid if
necessary. Upon vomit stoop a head to prevent vomit
entry into lungs. [29, 30, 24]

4.2.5. Contraindications: Do not cause vomit in an artificial way! Do not use

neutralizing solutions. [29, 30, 24]

5. Measures and fire and explosion safety aids.

5.1. General description of fire and explosion hazard: Combustible liquid, burns forming toxic gases and
dense smoke, containers can explode if heated. Fire
can cause injuries and burns, in case of contact with
hot product thermal burns are possible. Reasons of
ignition: effect of flame. [29-32,21,23,25]

5.2. Indices of fire and explosion hazard: Flammable liquid.

(Range of indices in accordance with GOST 12.1.044 and GOST Boiling temperature: 100°C.
Р 51330.0) Closed cup flash point: 90°C
Ignition temperature: more than 120°C;
Self-ignition temperature: 600°C. [31]

5.3. Hazard caused by Products of combustion and/or When heated may decompose with formation of
thermal destruction: carbon oxides and nitrogen oxides affecting central
nervous and cardiovascular systems, blood, liver,
kidneys. [29-31]
5.4. Recommended fire-fighting equipment: Sand, sprayed water, generated mechanical foam, dry
powders. [21,23,25,29,30]
5.5. Forbidden fire-fighting equipment: Do not apply straight streams of water.
5.6. PPE for fire-fighting: Fire-fighting suit complete with a self-rescue device
(PPE of firemen) SPI-20 or according to the main source. [22]
5.7. Specificity upon fire-fighting: Enter the fire zone with protective clothes on. The
product emits toxic substances in the seat of fire.
Dispose fire-fighting subdivisions on a windward
side, limit access of oxygen. Cool down and combat
from the maximum distance. Packaging can be
damaged in the seat of fire. Containers may explode
when heated. [21,24,29,30]
6. Measures for prevention and elimination of
emergencies and consequences of them.
6.1. Prevention of hazardous imact
on people, environment, buildings, constructions
etc. in case of emergency.
6.1.1. Necessary general actions: Stop work, send off strangers, keep a windward side,
avoid low places, move the vehicle to a safe place.
Isolate the hazardous zone within a radius of not less
than 50 m, correct the specified distance according to
results of chemical survey. Enter the emergency zone
with complete protective clothes on, observe fire
safety measures, eliminate sources of fire and sparks.
Render first medical aid to injured persons, send
people from the emergency zone for a medical
checkup, call emergency services. [22]
6.1.2. PPE: Protective suit L-1 and L-2 completed with industrial
(of emergency crews and personnel) gas mask and A and B cartridges. Special clothing.
Oil and petrol resistant gloves, special footwear.
6.2. Operational procedure for elimination of
6.2.1. Actions in case of leak, spill, spreading: Stop work, use personal protective equipment,
(including precautionary measures providing protection of empty the content into a good container. In case of
environment) spilling in rooms collect to the container, wipe the
contaminated place, wash and ventilate the area. In
case of spill on the open ground, fence the place of
spill with an earth mound, cover up with sand.
Collect and send for liquidation to the landfill of
hazardous industrial wastes. Avoid the product entry
into water basins, sewerage and soil. Observe fire
safety regulations, do not smoke, eliminate sources of
fire and sparks. For spreading (laying, isolation) of
vapors use sprayed water. Measure MAC for
conformity if necessary, call neutralization
specialists. Burn out territories (its parts) upon
possibility of entry of the product to ground waters;
plow over the soil. [22]
6.2.2. In case of fire: Inform fire protection service, surrounding people
about the fire, leave the hazardous zone, tell to
firemen the place and the object of burning when
they arrive. Organize evacuation of people from
nearby buildings subject to a direction of movement
of toxic combustion products, do not approach
burning containers. [1,18,20,21,22,23]
7. Storage regulations for chemicals and
handling of them upon loading-unloading operations.
7.1. Safety measures upon handling of
7.1.1. Safety measures and collective protective Hermetic sealing of equipment, communication lines
measures: and containers, avoid spilling, forming of vapors,
(including system of fire and explosion safety measures) direct contact of a personnel to the product. Provide
limited access to the product, production control of
harmful factors. Use personal protective equipment,
suction-and-exhaust ventilation. Provide control of
technological processes and equipment condition.
Observe requirements in accordance with GOST
12.1.004, PPB 01-93 and GOST 12.1.018, use
explosion-proof equipment, illumination and
sparkproof tools, protect from a static electricity;
provide with emergency firefighting equipment,
exits, entrances and exits should be free. Do not pour
the product to containers close to sources of open
fire. Avoid strokes when you close the hatches of the
tanks and barrels, upon connecting of hoses and other
equipment, pour the product without spilling it.
The rooms should be equipped with washstands,
medical kits, emergency PPE, water supply and
industrial sewage. The floor in production rooms
should be easily cleaned with water and should be
with slopes and drains. [1,9, 12,13,14,21,29-32]
7.1.2. Measures for environment protection: Avoid entry of the product into the working zone and
the environment. Provide control of concentration of
hazardous substances in the air of a working zone,
sanitary protection zone, industrial effluents.
Observe requirements of accumulation, collection,
placements, disposal and utilization of industrial
wastes. Do not discharge the product to municipal
collectors, sewage systems, natural water basins,
rivers and soil, do not store containers, in which the
product was or is, directly on the ground, do not burn
waste in earth mounds, do not perform unauthorized
placement of waste, importing of the wastes to the
landfill of industrial wastes with further burying.
7.1.3. Recommendations for safe transfer and Continuity and tightness of packing, exclude
carriage: inflammability, unauthorized access, spillage, entry
into the environment. Do not use fire and sparking
equipment. Do not perform loading-unloading
operations with the product if containers do not
comply with requirements or are improper, if there is
no marking on them. Do not transport with oxidizers,
explosive substances, the substances capable of
forming explosive mixtures flammable upon contact
to air and water, alkalis and acidic-type materials,
compressed and liquefied gases, acids. Observe
requirements on securing and disposition of loads.
Avoid external mechanical effect - damage to the
package. Do not throw; do not turn over.

7.2. Storage regulations for chemicals:

7.2.1. Conditions and terms of a safe storage: It is stored in covered, ventilated warehouse, under
(including storage life; incompatible substances and materials lock and supervision, vertically, in the transport
upon storage) hermetic package of the manufacturer, on the pallets,
not more than 2 layers at temperature from -35 to 35
°C. Defrosting of the product after freezing does not
influence the quality and efficiency of the product.
Avoid effect of direct sun rays, moisture, sparks, fire,
heat, acids, alkalis and oxidizers. Storage premises
shall be equipped with replacement assembly of
protective clothes, fire alarm system, temperature
control devices, industrial medical kits and also fire-
fighting equipment. Storage life of complying of the
product with specifications is 12 months. Separation
of substances and materials upon storage shall
comply with GOST 19433. Incompatible substances
are acids, alkalis and gases. [1,10,8,21,24,29,31]
7.2.2. Containers and package: Steel narrow-necked drums, with a capacity up to
(including materials they are made of) 275 dm3 according to GOST 6247, GOST 13950.
Subject to the agreement with a consumer other types
of containers and packages providing quality, safety,
hermetic sealing of the product can be used. Barrels
are filled through the hole by a hose lowered to the
bottom. Discharge of the product from the container
is made completely, down to the bottom. [1]

7.3. Security measures and storage rules in a life: Do not apply in household use. [1]
8. Control devices for hazardous exposure and
8.1. Parametres of a working zone, Health standards are given for
subject to compulsory control (MAC w.z. or SRLI mineral (hydrocarbon) oil: maximum one-time
w.z.): MAC of work. zone: 5 mg/m3, aerosol, special
protection of skin and eyes is required [29,3]
8.2. Provision measures for hazardous substances in Operability of the ventilation system. Provide hermetic
allowable concentration: sealing of production equipment, containers, avoid
forming of vapors. Use the product in well-ventilated
premises, provide control of product component
concentration in air of a working zone, sanitary and
hygienic control of ventilation systems. Laboratory works
shall be performed only in the exhaust fume hood with
ventilation switched on, periodical wet cleaning of
premises. [1,8,13,14,21]
8.3. PPE of the personnel:
8.3.1. General recommendations: Avoid direct contact with the product; do not eat,
drink or smoke in the working zone. Use PPE. Make
periodical hygienic cleaning of personal protection
equipment. Availability of PPE spare sets. Observe
HSE. Availability of fire-fighting equipment. Persons
aged 18 are allowed by results of medical checkups.
Labour protection briefing. [13]

8.3.2. Respiratory protective equipment (RPE types): Half-mask with BKF cartridges according to GOST
TR TS 019/2011. [29, 17]
8.3.3. Protective clothes (material, type): Acid and alkali resistant rubber gloves, type I-II,
(special clothes, special footwear, hand protection, eye according to GOST 20010. Acid-resistant suit
protection): according to GOST R 12.4.248 or a chemical
protective overall according to TR TS 019/2011,
apron according to GOST 12.4.029 is recommended
for use. Leather, rubber or compound boots
according to GOST 12.4.137. Mask-type goggle
according to GOST [29,17]
8.3.4. PPE for household used: Do not apply in household use. [1]

9. Physical and chemical properties

9.1. Physical condition: Liquid with the color ranging from brown to dark
(Aggregative state, colour, smell) brown, slight opalescence, moderate odor. Vapors
are heavier than air, they accumulate on the lower
parts of the surface [1]
9.2. Parametres specifying basic properties of Density: 0,89±0,10 g/sm3. [1]
chemicals, hazardous properties first: Freeing point: not higher than 10°C. [1]
(temperature values, рН, solubility, n-octanol/water index etc.) Boiling temperature: is not available until 300°C.
Closed cup flash point: 133°C
Ignition temperature: 236°C;
Self-ignition temperature: 337°C. [31]
The substance is not soluble in water, but soluble in
fats. [29]

10. Stability and chemical reactivity

10.1. Chemical stability: The product is stable subject to a correct storage,
(specify decomposition products for astable products) operation and carriage, if exposed to high
temperatures the ability of thermal destruction is
retained. It does not form derived toxic substances in
the air and sewage with other substances or factors,
at ambient temperature. [29,30]

10.2. Chemical reactivity: It is halogenated, sulphurized, oxidized, reacts with

acids and alkalis. [1,29,30]
10.3. Avoided conditions: Avoid high temperatures, effect of fire, sparking,
(including hazard upon contact to substances and materials to heat, sun rays, moisture and contact to acids and
avoid) alkalis, forming of vapors, direct contact to a person.
In case of burning and high temperatures carbon
oxides and nitrogen oxides are emitted, see Clause
5.3 hereof. [1,13,21,29,30]
11. Toxicity information
11.1. General description of effect: A slightly hazardous substance upon single
(potential health effect) intragastric route, if inhaled and skin contact. The
product causes express irritation of eyes, slight
irritation of skin. Has cumulative properties.
Dangerous if inhaled. [2,29,30,28]
11.2. Ways of effect: In case of contact to skin, eye mucosa, in case of
(inhalation, ingestion, skin and eyes contact) swallowing and inhalation. [29,30]
11.3. Target organs, tissues and systems of the body: Respiratory system, central nervous system,
cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, blood,
gastrointestinal tract, skin. [29,30]
11.4. Effects dangerous to health upon a direct The product has poor irritation properties if it is
contact to the substance and also aftereffect: inhaled. Dangerous if aspirated. [29,30]
(irritant action on upper respiratory airway, eyes, skin including The product has poor skin irritation properties (mice,
percutaneous action; sensibility) time of exposure - 4 hours, 3 applications) – 1 point,
slight erythema. [2]
The product causes irritation of eye mucosa (one or
two drops, single exposure, rabbit’s eye, tearing,
hyperemia, eye mucosa edema) (slight irritation).
Sensibilizing properties were not revealed (by the
method of Alekseyeva and Petkevich, guinea pigs).
Mineral (hydrocarbon) oil has allergenic properties
Skin-resorptive properties were not studied. [1]
Mineral (hydrocarbon) oil has skin-resorptive
properties. [2]
Cumulative properties were not studied. [1]
All the components have cumulative properties.
11.5. Long-term adverse health effects: Long-term adverse health effects on the body were
(influence on reproductive performance, carcinogenicity, not studied in respect to the product on the whole,
cumulativeness and other chronic exposure) additional information is given for the mineral
(hydrocarbon) oil, mutagenic properties were
revealed during animal experiments.
According to classification of the International
Agency for Research on Cancer highly treated oils
refer to group 3; untreated and partially treated oils
refer to group 1. [28,29]

11.6. Acute toxicity equivalents: DL50 10000 mg/kg, intragastric route, mice (by the
(DL50, routes of entry (intragastric, epicutaneous), animal type; method of V. B. Prozorovsky). [2]
CL50, exposition time (h), animal type) DL50 > 2500 mg/kg, epicutaneous, rabbits.
CL50 > concentration is not achieved, 2 hours.

12. Information about environmental impact.

12.1. General description of impact on environmental The product pollutes water basin and the atmospheric
objects: air, has negative impact on water biological
(atmospheric air, water basins, soil) resources, pollutes soil, is transformed in the
environment. The product is not qualified as an
ozone-destroying substance. [28,29,30]
Changes appearance, odor, flavour of water, has an
impact on sanitary conditions of water basins and
their inhabitants, retards a biological need for
oxygen, violates self-cleaning processes, depresses of
nitrification processes. Causes soil degeneration and
vegetation depression, changes their biological
composite, has negative impact on soil animals. [29-

12.2. Ways of environmental impact: In case of violation of rules of handling, storage,

carriage, unorganized waste disposal as a result of
emergencies. [1]
12.3. Health standards:
(allowable concentration in atmospheric air,
water including fisheries waters, soil)

Table No. 2 [29-32,4-7]

Components MACa.a. or MACw or MAC fisheries3 or MAC or AAC
SRLIa.a., AALw, mg/l, SRLI fisheries, of soil,
mg/m3 (LHI, hazard mg/l mg/kg
(LHI 1, hazard class) (LHI, hazard class) (LHI)
Mineral oil (petroleum
oil): 0, 3, oil, org.
SRLI max. one 0,05, fishery, hazard
film; hazard Not determined
time - 0,05 class 31.
class 41

C 16-18 fatty acids : Not determined Not determined Not determined Not determined

1 – emulsified and dissolved oil and oil products
2 - according to the document “Hygienic criteria for substantiation of the necessity of elaboration of
maximum allowable concentration of and SRLI (AAL) of hazardous substances in the working zone air,
atmospheric air of inhabited localities, water of dangerous facilities” it is not necessary to establish standards
in in the working zone air and atmospheric air of inhabited localities in view of physical/chemical properties
and low toxicity of the substance.

LHI – limiting harmful index (tox. – toxicological; s. – sanitary-toxicological; org. - organoleptic; refl. – reflexory; rez. -
resorptive; refl.-res. – reflexory and resorptive, fisheries (change of market conditions of field aquatic organisms); gen. – general
Water of water bodies of household and cultural and general water use
Water of water bodies for fishery purpose (including off-shore facilities)
12.4.2. Ecotoxicity parametres: Acute toxicity for fish according to GHS
(СL, EU for fishes, daphnias magna, seaweed etc.) recommendations makes CL50 10-100 mg/l, fishes,
96 hours, is defined by action of mineral
(hydrocarbon) oil CL50>10 mg/l, fishes, 96 h.
Acute toxicity for fishes and bioaccumulation
properties were determined, is defined by the action
of mineral (hydrocarbon) oil. The substance is not
soluble in water, capable of accumulating in the
water, forms a stable oily film on the surface of the
water, Log pow=6 [26,28,29]
A threshold concentration limit of its influence on
the organoleptic properties of water was not studied
regarding the product. [29,30]

12.4.3. Migration and transformation in Biodeterioration and biodissimilation are poor. The
environment owing to biodeterioration and other product is transformed in the
processes (oxidation, hydrolysis etc.): environment.[28,29,30]

13. Recommendations on waste disposal (residues).

13.1. Safety measures upon handling with wastes Standardization, registration and certification of
formed during application, storage, carriage etc. waste. Waste is subject to collection, disposal,
removal and recycling in places agreed in the
established manner. Selective collection of waste by
hazard types and classes. Observe safety
requirements to transportation of hazardous waste.
Use ventilation, personal protection equipment, store
in hermetic containers, avoid forming of vapors, high
temperatures, provide hermiticity of the equipment
and containers, control of concentration of harmful
substances in air of the working zone. Transport the
waste in special transport facilities. Observe rules of
fire safety regulations, see 7.1.1 hereof. In case of
spilling cover with sand, collect into a special
container and remove wastes for liquidation to the
places in the prescribed manner. [1,13,14,21]
13.2. Places and ways of neutralisation, Possibility of pollution of territory, soil of populated
recycling or management of substance waste areas shall be excluded. The waste or the product
(material) including containers (packing): should be recycled in specialized organizations. The
air before emission is subject to clearing according to
standard rates of maximum permitted emissions. The
waters from washing of the equipment, polluted
surfaces are collected and transported to specialized
water treatment facilities. Wastes of the product and
the product itself shall be burnt in special
organizations. The empty containers are not subject
to repeated application and should be recycled in
specialized organizations; before recycling the
containers should be emptied, washed and steamed
for at least 2 times; do not cut containers with
electromechanic tools. Keep environmental
requirements. See section 8 hereof. [1,13,14,21]
13.3. Recommendations for waste disposal Do not apply in household use. [1]
formed during household use of the Products:
14. Information for transportation
(according to the UN Recommendations on the THE ENVIRONMENT, N.O.S. [27]
Transport of Dangerous Goods
14.2. Proper shipping name and/or transport 3082 LIQUID SUBSTANCE, DANGEROUS FOR
name: THE ENVIRONMENT, N.O.S. / Atren FK Drilling
Mud Lubricant, D. [1]
14.3. Types of applied vehicles: Transported by all types of surface transport according
to cargo transportation rules applicable for this type of
a transport facility. [1].

14.4. Classification of cargo hazard

in accordance with GOST 19433-88:
‒ Class:
‒ Subclass:
‒ Classification code (in accordance with The product is not classified as a hazardous cargo. [11]
GOST 19433-88 and in case of railway
‒ number(s) of drawing(s) of danger
14.5. Classification of cargo hazard The product is not classified as a hazardous cargo. [27]
in accordance with UNO Recommendations
concerning hazardous cargoes transportation:
‒ Class or subclass:
‒ Additional danger:
‒ UN packing group:
14.6. Transport marking: “Avoid direct sunlight”; “Keep dry”; “Temperature
(manipulation signs according to GOST 14192) limits”, “Tight packing”, “Up”, “Do not turn over”,
“Piling limit according to weight” [1,11]

14.7. Emergency cards: Not required, the product is not classified as a

(for railway, sea and other carriages) hazardous cargo. [19,20,22]
15. Information about national and international legislation
15.1. National legislation
15.1.1. Laws of the Russian Federation: On Public Sanitary and Epidemiologic Well-Being.
On protection of environment. On Fire Safety
Regulations. Uniform sanitary and epidemiologic
requirements in the Customs Union.
15.1.2. Environment and person protection The product is not subject to obligatory certification.

15.2. International conventions and Not regulated.

(regulation of the Products by Montreal Protocol,
Stockholm Convention etc.)

16. Additional information

16.1. Data about revision (reedition) SDS: SDS was reregistered due to expiration of its period
(It is specified: «First edition of Safety Data Sheet» or of validity.
“SDS was reregistered after expiry of validity period. Previous SDS No. 63121839.24.23304
Previous SDS No.” or “ Clauses …. were amended, date of
16.2. List of data sources used upon execution of Safety Data Sheet
1. TS 2458-013-82330939-2009 ATREN FK DRILLING MUD LUBRICANT.
2. Toxicological test report FGUZ Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Republic of Tatarstan
No. 14611.E dated 04.05.2009, GSEN RU.COA.043.
3. GN Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of hazardous substances in the
working zone area, Ministry of Health of Russia, M. 2003.
4. GN 2.2.5. 2308-07. Safe Reference Levels of Impact (SRLI) of hazardous substances in the working
zone area. Ministry of Health of Russia. M, 2007.
5. GN Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of chemicals in water of water bodies
of household and cultural and general water use, Ministry of Health of Russia, М, 2003.
6. GN Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of air contaminants in populated
areas, Ministry of Health of Russia, М, 2003.
7. GN Safe Reference Levels of Impact (SRLI) of air contaminants in populated areas,
Ministry of Health of Russia, М, 2007.
8. GOST 12.1.005-88. SSBT. General sanitary requirements for working zone air. М, Standards
Publishing House, 1988.
9. GOST 12.1.007-76. SSBT Hazardous substances. Classification and general safety requirements.
10. GOST 19433-88. Hazardous cargoes. Classification and marking. М, Standards Publishing House,
11. GOST 14192-96. Cargo marking. М, Standards Publishing House, 1996.
12. GOST 31340-2013. Precautionary marking of chemicals. General requirements.
13. SP 2.2.1327-03. Hygienic requirements to organization of operating procedures, industrial equipment
and work tools.
14. SanPiN Hygienic requirements to placement and neutralisation of waste products and
consumption residuals.
15. Uniform list of goods pertaining to a state sanitary and epidemiologic supervision at the customs
border and customs territory of the customs union.
16. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No.563 dated 08.05.1996 “On regulation of
import to the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation of ozone-destroying
substances and products containing them”.
17. Decree of the Ministry of Labour of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 1999 No. 26 “On adoption
of typical field standards of free provision of chemical production workers with special clothes,
special footwear and other PPE means”.
18. Safety rules and order of elimination of emergencies with hazardous cargoes upon carriage of them
by rail, M., 1997.
19. Carriage rules of of hazardous cargoes by motor vehicles adopted by Ministry of Transport of the
Russian Federation Order No. 73 dated 08/08/95 registered by Ministry of Justice of the Russian
Federation with No.997 dated 12/18/95, М, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, 1996.
20. Carriage rules of of hazardous cargoes by rail (as amended and revised dated 11/23/07, 05/30/08,
21. Fire prevention rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03).
22. Emergency cards for hazardous cargoes transported by rail of the CIS, the Latvian Republic, the
Lithuanian Republic, the Estonian Republic.
23. Ivannikov V. P, Klyus P.P. Guide of Manager of Fire Fighting. Stroyizdat. 1987.
24. Lazarev N.V., Levina E.N. Hazardous substances in the industry. Guide for chemists, engineers and
25. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials and fire agents: Reference Edition.
26. Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) United Nations
27. Recommendations for transportation of hazardous cargo. Standard rules. Edition 16.
28. Database IUCLID Chemical Data Sheet:, Database N-
CLASS Database:, Database ESIS:, Database ICSC:, GESTIS
Substance Database
29. Information card of hazardous chemical and biological substance. Mineral oil (hydrocarbon oil).
Certificate of state registration. Series VT No. 001052, FBUZ RPOKhV.
30. Information card of hazardous chemical and biological substance. C 16-18 fatty acids. Series VТ No.
006053, FBUZ RPOKhV.
31. Test report No. 288/1 dated 10.12.2009 ANO GTsSS Neftepromkhim.

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