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Unit 5: Ventilation and Cargo Sweat

Cold region to warm region:
Not critical, therefore ventilation not essential. In some cases
on opening hatches at the discharge port immediate
condensation may form on surface but will dry off as cargo is
Cold region to warm region:
No Ventilation. Cargo sweat would occur on the surface of
the cargo if relatively warm moisture laden air was admitted.
If due to any reason it is not possible to take readings within
the hold then ‘Three Degree Rule’ can be used;
 During loading, regular cargo temperatures should be
recorded. Whilst on passage if the atmosphere dry bulb
temperature is at least 3ºC cooler than the average
temperature of the cargo when loaded, then ventilate
the hold, if the temperature of the atmosphere is less
than 3ºC cooler than the average temperature of the
cargo when loaded, the do not ventilate the hold.
Ventilation Systems:
The holds of most dry cargo ships are ventilated by a
mechanical supply and natural exhaust system. Here the
object is to reduce the hold temperatures if necessary and
prevent large amounts of condensation accumulating on the
hull and cargo.
Often the cargo hold fans which are of the axial type are
located in the mast houses, although they have been
positioned in derrick posts where these posts are used to
ventilate the tweens and holds. 
1. Natural Ventilation method 

In the natural ventilation method, cowls are trimmed into the

wind to take in outside air, and trimmed back to wind to
allow the air circulation an exit from the hold.
Fans may be incorporated into this cowl ventilator system
especially for the lower hold regions where fans assist
delivery and air extractors assist the exhaust system. Cowls
may also be fitted with manually operated closure flaps. 
Fig: Cowl ventilators used in general cargo ships.
2. Forced Ventilation method:
If the dew point temperature in the cargo compartment can
be retained below the temperature of the ships structure, i.e.
decks, sides, bulkheads and the cargo, there would be no risk
of sweat forming.
Such a condition cannot always be achieved without some
form of mechanical (forced) ventilation from fans or blowers.
There are several excellent systems on the commercial
market which have the ability to circulate and dry the air
inside the cargo holds.
Systems vary but often employ ‘baffle’ plates fitted in the
hold and tween decks so that air can be prevented from
entering from the outside when conditions are unfavourable.
Systems re-circulating the compartment’s air can also
operate in conjunction with dehumidifying equipment to
achieve satisfactory conditions pertinent to relevant cargo.
Recent developments in ventilating systems have led to air
being pre-dried before entering the hold. In some cases the
temperature of the air as well as its humidity may be
controlled before entering the compartment .This artificial or
forced ventilation, has become increasingly popular because,
when properly used, it can almost prevent any sweat damage
to cargo. 
Cargoes requiring special Ventilation:
COAL is very liable to spontaneous heating. If there is
sufficient oxygen available, combustion is liable to take place.
The amount of heating that takes place depends on the type
of type coal and how much heat can be dispersed by
ventilating the coal. Ventilation can be a double-edged
weapon as although it takes heat from the coal it also allows
unwanted oxygen into the coal. To keep the coal as cool as
possible it should be stowed away from hot bulkheads. To
keep oxygen away from the coal only surface ventilation
should be allowed.
Freshly mined coal absorbs oxygen, which, with extrinsic
moisture, forms peroxides. These in turn breakdown to form
carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
Heat is produced by this exothermic reaction causing further
oxidation and further heat. If this heat is not dissipated
ignition will occur. This is called Spontaneous combustion.
As this is essentially a surface reaction the smaller the surface
available for the absorption of oxygen the better. Every
attempt should be made to prevent undue breakage of the
coal whilst it is being loaded. It may be noted that 1 MT of
coal in an unbroken cube has a surface area of about 3.72m2,
whereas if it is broken up to pass through a 1.5mm mesh
screen its surface area is nearly 4000m2.
If a large amount of breakage occurs the small coal with the
large surface area is found in the centre of the hold, whilst
the large coal will roll down the sides. This aggravates the
situation, as the large coal gives a good path for air to flow to
the smaller coal where the spontaneous heating is most
liable to occur.
Most coal fires in cargo occur at about ‘tween deck level and
this is the area where the greatest attention should be paid
to temperature and the restriction of through ventilation.
The following are recommendations for the carriage of coal.
The ventilators to the lower holds should be so arranged that
they might be opened or closed at will during the voyage.
As the critical temperature at which the process of
spontaneous heating in coal becomes greatly accelerated is
in some varieties of coal as low as 36˚C, and generally is not
much higher, the need of keeping the exteriors surface of the
hull, and thereby the interior of the ‘tween decks and holds,
as cool as possible is manifest.
The iron decks of ships carrying coal in the tropics can be
covered with dunnage to lessen heating.
Suitable means should be provided for ascertaining from
time to time the temperature of the lower mass of coal,
particularly below the hatchways, and this might be done by
means of two pipes leading down to the bottom of the coal
at each hatchway.
The temperature tubes should have closed ends to prevent
admission of air into the cargo. The temperature of the coal
at three heights should be taken daily.
Gas from the holds or ‘tween decks space may find its way
into shaft, peaks, chain lockers or similar space unless the
bulkheads and casings are maintained in gas tight conditions.
Naked lights should not be used in holds or other spaces in
which gas may accumulate until the spaces have been well
Full use should, when necessary, be made of the breathing
apparatus or smoke helmet and the safety lamp, which form
part of the ship’s statutory fire appliances.
The employment of the crew in chipping and painting below
decks during the voyage should be avoided. The danger from
smoking should be realized and no oily waste, wood, old
rope, sacking etc. should be left below where it can become
ignited by spontaneous heating
On arrival at the port of discharge the hold ventilators should
be unplugged and the lower hold well ventilated before
commencing to work cargo.

List of cargoes which generate heat, gases and moisture:

1. Wood, paper pulp and agricultural products may result
in rapid and severe oxygen depletion and formation of
carbon dioxide.
2. The IMSBC code lists the following cargoes as potentially
oxygen depleting: coal, direct reduced iron, sponge iron,
sulphide concentrates, ammonium nitrate based
fertilisers, linted cotton seed. Various gaseous products
are formed including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen sulphide and hydro carbons.
3. Some cargoes like coal and sulphur can cause severe
damage due to corrosion.
4. Common cargoes like coal, sulphur, cotton, and fishmeal
are liable to spontaneous heating. Coal also emits
methane which is a flammable gas. When mixed with air
it can form an explosive mixture.
5. Dust created by certain cargoes may constitute an
explosion hazard. Sulphur dust can readily ignite causing
an explosion.
6. Friction between cotton bales can cause spontaneous
combustion and produce heat.
7. Ammonium nitrate-based fertilisers support
combustion. If heated, contaminated or closely
confined, they can explode or decompose to release
toxic fumes and gases.
8. Metal sulphide concentrates. Some sulphide

concentrates are prone to oxidation and may have a

tendency to self-heat, leading to oxygen depletion and
emission of toxic fumes. Some metal sulphide
concentrates may present corrosion problems.

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