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Constraining future greenhouse gas emissions

by a cumulative target
Matthew H. England1, Alexander Sen Gupta, and Andrew J. Pitman
Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia

y 1994 all major industrialized Emissions (PgC yr-1) acted as a tremendous buffer of climate
nations, including the United 16 6 change to date; these systems have ab-
States, had ratified the United 14 sorbed more than half of our industrial
Nations Framework Convention emissions (6). Yet the ability of these
12 2
on Climate Change (UNFCCC), yet 15 stores to sequester carbon is changing
years later policymakers still debate how over time. Fifty years ago natural car-
best to formulate emissions legislation. 8 bon sinks removed ⬇600 kg of every ton
Article 2 of the UNFCCC calls for ‘‘sta- 6 of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere. To-
bilization of greenhouse gas concentra- 4 day, these sinks remove only ⬇550 kg
tions . . . at a level that would prevent 5 per ton emitted (6), and this amount is

950 PgC
2 3
dangerous anthropogenic interference expected to continue to fall (3, 4).
with the climate system.’’ Emissions tar- 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150 There are also risks of abrupt change in

700 PgC
gets are commonly quoted as a percent- Cummulative Emissions 6 1785 PgC the terrestrial carbon sink; for example,
relative to 2000 (PgC) in 2200 5
age reduction relative to a baseline year. 590 PgC
climate change could trigger Amazon
600 1
A different framework for emissions 66% probability forest die-back (7), and permafrost melt

590 PgC
2 of not exceeding
targets is presented in a recent issue of 400
2o warming
could expose northern peatlands to
PNAS (1), wherein the targets are set as large releases of carbon (8), both result-
a cumulative emissions inventory, spell- 200 4
170 PgC ing in strong positive feedbacks. In

200 PgC
90% probability
74 PgC
short, the carbon sinks that have served

170 PgC
ing out to policymakers the net emis- emitted in of not exceeding
2o warming
0 last 8 years
us so well are by no means stable: they
sions allowable to avoid the worst im-
pacts of climate change. 440 PgC
are changing and, unfortunately, chang-
Setting emissions targets around a net emissions since
ing in the wrong sense. Add to this land
-220 PgC

cumulative quota is a familiar paradigm 1950 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 clearing and the associated release of
for policymakers. It is analogous to CO2 and loss of natural carbon storage
Fig. 1. Historical and future scenarios of global (9), and the combined land–ocean sink
planning for expenditure against a net
carbon emissions (Upper) and their cumulative is showing diminishing returns in time.
income or setting a catch quota to main- growth (Lower) in PgC (1 PgC ⫽ 1 ⫻ 1015 g of
tain a sustainable fishery. In such cases, Carbon feedbacks can thus greatly
carbon). Pathways 1–3 show three scenarios where
the available resource is fundamentally total post-2000 emissions accumulate to 590 PgC,
reduce the allowable emissions to stabi-
limited in a cumulative sense; harvest or giving a 66% chance that long-term warming will lize at some policy-prescribed target.
spend too much and things become un- not exceed 2 °C (1). Curve 4 yields 170 PgC post- Yet these feedbacks are generally not
sustainable. For the global harvesting of 2000 emissions and a 90% probability of avoiding incorporated into future climate projec-
fossil fuels the message becomes clear: 2 °C warming. Curve 5 shows an example of rapid tions. By doing an inverse calculation
decarbonization (25% reduction by 2020 and 80% within their model, Zickfeld et al. (1)
burn beyond a cumulative cap and you
reduction by 2100, relative to a 2007 baseline), but are able to progressively track an emis-
commit the planet to a high risk of dan- with weaker mitigation into the future, resulting
gerous anthropogenic climate change. sions pathway that leads to a given sta-
in ongoing increasing cumulative emissions be-
The article by Zickfeld et al. (1) uses bilization target for global warming,
yond 2100. Error bars at right indicate the range in
a coupled climate model to carefully post-2000 emissions for the 66% and 90% proba- while also incorporating carbon feed-
diagnose, via inverse methods, the level bility cases of 2 °C warming, when a suite of climate backs. This approach differs from the
of emissions allowable to track toward a sensitivities and carbon feedbacks are taken into conventional methodology in that they
given stabilization target for global account. Scenario 6 shows business as usual for (i) use an inverse method working back
warming. Normally, the problem is ad- several decades to come, with emissions peaking in from a given temperature target to
2050 before gradually declining over the ensuing quantify the allowable CO2 emissions;
dressed in reverse: namely, for a given century (cumulative post-2000 emissions eventu-
future emission pathway (2), how will (ii) explicitly link CO2 emissions with
ally stabilize at ⬇1,890 PgC). This net emission
the climate system respond? Both ap- CO2 concentrations, taking into account
yields a ⬇50 –50 chance of exceeding 4 °C warming
proaches are valid, yet to make mean- using the median climate sensitivity and carbon
the coupled carbon cycle; (iii) quantify
ingful projections they each need to feedback range examined by Zickfeld et al. (1). the emissions in terms of a cumulative
carefully incorporate coupled carbon target that turns out to be more robust
feedbacks. than the time-dependent pathway, and
Carbon feedbacks occur when there pacity of seawater to dissolve CO2, (iv) use a 3D coupled carbon cycle
are climate-induced changes in the net which weakens the solubility pump as model. This procedure allows an exami-
the planet warms (3). Carbon feedbacks nation of the evolution of the coupled
fluxes of carbon between the land/ocean
are particularly uncertain for the terres-
and the atmosphere. The strength of the trial biosphere (4, 5), with changes in
feedback depends on the scale of physi- atmospheric quantities directly affecting Author contributions: M.H.E., A.S.G., and A.J.P. wrote the
cal climate change and biophysical pro- vegetation type, properties, and physio- paper.
cesses in the ocean and land systems. A logical function. These can then affect The authors declare no conflict of interest.
simple example of an ocean carbon land carbon uptake via both positive See companion article on page 16129 in issue 38 of volume
feedback is caused by the solubility of and negative feedbacks (4). 106.
CO2, which varies inversely with temper- The anthropogenic carbon stored in 1Towhom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
ature. Ocean warming reduces the ca- the oceans and terrestrial biosphere has

www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0908197106 PNAS 兩 September 29, 2009 兩 vol. 106 兩 no. 39 兩 16539 –16540
climate-carbon cycle toward temperature sions. Among the pathways shown are Zickfeld et al. (1); two examples are
stabilization, consistently deriving cumu- three scenarios (labeled 1–3) that are shown on the right side of Fig. 1. These
lative emissions along the way. Zickfeld likely (P ⫽ 0.66) to yield a long-term indicate the range of cumulative emis-
et al. (1) present their results in a prob- global warming of ⬍2 °C. Also shown is sions allowable for the 66% and 90%
abilistic framework, incorporating en- an emissions pathway (trajectory 4) that likelihoods of avoiding 2 °C warming.
sembles of simulations adopting a wide gives a very likely chance (P ⫽ 0.9) of So, at the high end of carbon feedback
range of climate sensitivity levels, and a stabilizing warming at or below 2 °C, an and climate sensitivity, being 90% sure
suite of model estimates of the carbon ambitious yet uncapped trajectory that of avoiding the 2 °C threshold would
feedback magnitude. sees cumulative emissions still growing have required that emissions and land-
Zickfeld et al. (1) show that to have a by 2200, and a ‘‘business-as-usual’’ sce- clearing ceased in the middle of the last
decent chance of stabilizing warming to nario that sees emissions not peaking century (⫺220 PgC). Today, this would
⬍2 °C above preindustrial, net carbon until 2050 before gradually declining require active removal of greenhouse
emissions (accumulated from the year over the ensuing century. Curves 1–4 in
gasses from the atmosphere. At the
2000) must not exceed ⬇590 PgC (1 Fig. 1 are based on the median values
other extreme, taking the questionable
PgC ⫽ 1 ⫻ 1015 g of carbon, or equiva- obtained by Zickfeld et al. (1), spanning
lently 3.67 Pg of CO2). This value is the a range of climate sensitivities and car- risk of assuming very low climate sensi-
median across a range of climate sensi- bon feedback rates. tivity and carbon feedback, we still need
tivities and carbon feedback rates (see Apparent in scenarios 1–3 in Fig. 1 is to cap post-2000 emissions at only 700
Fig. 1). Here, a ‘‘decent’’ chance is de- the strong tradeoff between the date of PgC. This requires a peak in emissions
fined as P ⬎ 0.66, equivalent to ‘‘likely’’ peak emissions and the subsequent re- within the next few decades followed by
in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate quired rate of decarbonization of the rapid decarbonization.
Change (IPCC) lexicon. Alarmingly, in economy. Put simply, if policymakers A global mean warming of 2 °C could
the first 10 years since 2000, net carbon stall significant action for too long, then still have devastating impacts on climate
emissions will reach ⬇100 PgC, approxi- the required rate of decommissioning (13), ecosystems, human health, and in-
mately a sixth of the cumulative emis- fossil fuel technologies shoots up. Ap- frastructure. This level of warming, for
sions budgeted for above. If policymak- parent in scenario 5 is the need for ur- example, is likely to significantly reduce
ers seek even greater certainty to avoid gent and sustained reduction strategies: food productivity over the tropics, sub-
crossing the 2 °C threshold, say moving in that case deep emissions reductions stantially increase the risk of extinction
into the ‘‘very likely’’ range in IPCC lex- are achieved in the near term, but the for 20–30% of species worldwide, bleach
icon (P ⫽ 0.9), then it is estimated we phasing out of carbon-intensive technol- most of the world’s coral reefs, and in-
need to cap post-2000 emissions at only ogies then progresses slowly, leading to crease the likelihood of severe weather
170 PgC. Assuming unmitigated green- the continued growth of net emissions and extreme climate events (14). Global
house gas emissions over the next few beyond the end of this century. This sce- warming to ⬇2.7 °C could additionally
years, we will exceed this cumulative nario is unlikely to stabilize global trigger a gradual but irreversible disinte-
quota as soon as 2017, which is a sober- warming ⬍2 °C. gration of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet,
ing metric in the lead-up to Copenhagen Perhaps the most troubling of the sce- with still lower thresholds thought to
this year. narios is trajectory 4, which sees emis- apply to the Greenland Ice Sheet (15),
Zickfeld et al. (1) further show that sions plunge dramatically from today,
ultimately raising sea level by ⬎10 m
the allowable cumulative emissions for a capping at a mere 170 PgC of post-2000
and displacing hundreds of millions of
given stabilization target are robust to emissions. According to the median esti-
the chosen pathway toward stabilization. mates of Zickfeld et al. (1), this cumula- people worldwide.
This finding agrees with three recent tive emission yields a 90% chance of Two degrees Celsius warming should
studies (10–12), each exhibiting remark- avoiding a 2 °C warming. Although this thus not be seen as a mere aspirational
ably consistent cumulative emissions tar- task is daunting, indeed all but impossi- target: it surely has to be the maximum
gets. What this result implies is that ble, Article 2 of the UNFCCC suggests stabilization target for global warming,
aiming for percentage reductions rela- this goal should be firmly in the minds with recognition that even this carries
tive to a baseline year is not enough: of policymakers. Unfortunately, the past significant global-scale risks. Worryingly,
cumulative emissions must also be 15 years of inaction has very real policy this once-modest target is becoming in-
capped. This is demonstrated in Fig. 1, implications today. creasingly difficult to achieve, requiring
which shows six different emissions tra- There are, of course, uncertainties in deep emissions cuts over a confronting
jectories out to the year 2200, along the magnitude of carbon feedback and time frame, something that must be se-
with the corresponding cumulative emis- climate sensitivity, as also described by cured in Copenhagen this year.

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16540 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0908197106 England et al.

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