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BARBERO, Nick Earl B.

PROGRAM OUTCOME A. Ability to apply knowledge

of mathematics, science and engineering
Data Sheet / Computation (10)

PROGRAM OUTCOME G. Ability to communicate

Presentation / Graph, Figures and
Tables (15)

PROGRAM OUTCOME B. Ability to design and

conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
interpret data
Results and Discussion (15)

Conclusion / Error Analysis (15)

PROGRAM OUTCOME K. Ability to use the

techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering practice
Application (5)


November 29, 2019
E104: Torque: Second Condition of Equilibrium
Nick Earl B. Barbero
(School of ------------------, Mapúa University, Philippines)

Results and Discussion

There were two methods that was undertaken to comprehend torque in a more applicative manner. The first
method was to discover how torque works is using two pans in opposite sides of a model balance. Since the mass of the
pans and its distance from the center or the rotational axis are equal, the pans will be balance. However, when mass is
added to one pan, it causes the model balance to rotate and the side of the pan with the added mass rotates downwards
while to opposite side rotates upwards. The balance returns when the side with the added mass moves closer to the
center or the rotational axis.

The second method that was undertaken is little bit similar to the first method but instead of placing pans to
opposite sides of the model balance, the center of the model balance will be shifted to one side and the opposite side
will still carry the pan and its mass. The center of the model balance being shifted also changes the rotational axis of
the balance. The side with no pan used the weight of the beam which is also longer than the side with the pan. This
resulted the pan-less side and the side with the pan to have equal masses

Table 1 This is a style for Table Titles. “Table 1, 2, etc.” should be in bold. Table captions should appear above tables.
The table is not necessarily similar from the lab manual.
Table 1. Determining the Weight of the Pans
TRIAL L1 L2 L3 L4 P1(computed) P2(computed)
1 W1=10g 15.5cm 21.5cm 21cm 18cm 27.39 26.96
2 W1=15g 14cm 21.5cm 21.5cm 10.5cm 24.9 25.98

Table 2. Determining the Weight of the Beam

TRIAL L1 L2 W1+P1 WB(computed) WB(measured)
1 14.5cm 7.5 74.8g 144.61g
2 11cm 8 94.8g 136.28g 135.2g
3 9cm 7.5 114.8g 137.76g
Graph 1 This is a style for Figure legends. “Figure 1, 2, etc.” should be in bold. Figure legends should appear below
(Insert graph here with proper label and description)

Attach at least 2 photos with proper caption below.

Figure 1. Add caption Figure 2. Add caption

The experiment made it clearer how two objects can be balanced even if both weights of the object are
different to each other. Not only the weights of two objects are observed during the balancing but also their distance to
the rotational axis. The platform where the two objects are being balanced is also observed, in the experiment’s case,
the model balance also has mass which is being factored in during the process. When one side of the model balance is
heavier than the other, the heavier side will rotate in a circular motion downwards while the lighter side will rotate

Torque can be observed in a real-world application through a part of a car. The steering wheel of a car is an
example where torque exists. The steering wheel, when rotated, will also turn the front wheels of the car in the same
direction the steering wheel was rotated and will also return to its original position when mass in one side is stopped
from being applied. Torque is basically the reason why a car can turn in other directions while being able to return it to
its linear direction when torque is no longer being applied.

NOTE: Do not use the PHY Laboratory manual as your reference.

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