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S u n - Te c h


TEL: 7808266661/2/3
A C C R E D I T E D T E S T H O U S E B Y NA B L , D S T, G OV T. O F I N D I A



Upgradation of NH-81 with a minimum of 2 lane with

paved shoulder configuration starting from Km
19.205 to Km 46.550 in the District of Malda, on EPC
mode in the State of West Bengal under Annual Plan
Bridge at Chainage 37+029Km Integral Slab


CLIENT: Government of West Bengal Office of the Executive Engineer

National Highway Circle No.: - II Public Works(Roads) Directorate Sarak
Bhawan, Lambodarpur, Suri, Birbhum, pin- 731101.


JUNE 2018

Job Code: S0650518

PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition


1.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................

1.2 SCOPE OF THIS REPORT ..............................................................................................................
2.1 PLANNING OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROGRAMME .........................................
2.2 SCOPE OF WORK .........................................................................................................................
3.1 GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION OF THE REGION ...........................................................
3.2 LOCATION ........................................................................................................................
3.3 CLIMATE ..........................................................................................................................
3.4 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND GENERAL GEOLOGY ...................................................................
3.5 SEISMICITY ......................................................................................................................
4.1 METHODOLOGY OF INVESTIGATION .....................................................................................
4.3 STANDARD PENETRATION TESTS (SPT) ........................................................................................
4.4 DISTURBED SAMPLING (SOIL) IN BOREHOLES .................................................................................
4.5 UNDISTURBED SAMPLING (SOIL) IN BOREHOLES.............................................................................
4.6 ROCK CORE SAMPLES..................................................................................................................
4.7 GROUND WATER TABLE ...............................................................................................................
4.8 LABORATORY TESTING .................................................................................................................
5.1 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS / GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT............................................
5.2 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ...........................................................................................................
5.3 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ON ROCK CORE SAMPLES.................................................................
5.4 PROPOSED DESIGN SOIL PARAMETERS ..........................................................................................
5.5 ESTIMATED RMR VALUES .............................................................................................................
5.6 LIQUEFACTION ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................
5.7 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................
5.8 SILT FACTORS & SCOU LEVELS.....................................................................................................
6.1 FOUNDATION SUPPORT .........................................................................................................
6.2 OPEN FOUNDATION ......................................................................................................................
6.3 PILE FOUNDATION ........................................................................................................................
6.4 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OPEN FOUNDATIONS ..............................................................................
6.5 PILE FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................................................................

Following details attached:
- Consolidated Logs including laboratory test results
- Silt Factor
- Calculations

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PLAN 2017-2018

Bridge at Chainage 37+029Km Integral Slab



p r o j e c t f o r construction work of Upgradation of NH-81 with a minimum of 2
lane with paved shoulder configuration starting from Km 19.205 to Km 46.550 in
the District of Malda, on EPC mode in the State of West Bengal under Annual
Plan 2017-2018 and M/s. SINGH- RKC(JV) has been appointed as the “EPC
contractor” for this project.
It was decided to conduct the Geo-technical investigation at the proposed bridge/
CD structures. The objective of this Detailed Geo-technical Investigation is to
interpret the engineering properties of the soils/rock for the purpose of design of the
foundations of structures. M/s. SINGH- RKC(JV)has arranged Sun Tech, Ranchi to
conduct subsurface investigation. Sun Tech carried out the investigations, field tests,
sampling and laboratory testing under the instructions of M/s. SINGH- RKC(JV).
Fieldwork including Drilling of bore holes and sample collection was carried out, during
APRIL/MAY 2018. Laboratory tests were conducted on selected soil / rock samples
to determine the design parameters, confirming to relevant IS/MORT&H/IRC
specifications and the guidelines received from time to time from Design Consultant.
The report covers the investigation done for the Minor Bridges & CD Structures and
includes the comprehensive field and laboratory test data, analysis and
interpretations of the test results by Geo-technical expert with precise assessment
and recommendations of the properties essential to the design of foundations.

1.2 Scope of This Report

This report contains the following information;
• Introduction
• Planning of geotechnical Investigation programme including scope of work
• Geological Information of the Region
• Methodology of Investigation
• Subsurface Conditions / Geotechnical Assessment
• Foundation support

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On the basis of nature of the project, it was decided to carry out soil exploration in order to:
(i) obtain soil samples, both representative and undisturbed (wherever necessary) for classification tests and other laboratory tests for
determining engineering properties;
(ii) obtain soundings of penetration resistance by Standard Penetration test in the boreholes;
(iii) Drilling in rock, obtain rock cores of Nx size by diamond core drilling method using double tube core barrels, determination of material
characteristics (Strength / Structure / Color / Texture / Grain size / Rock name), mass characteristics (State of weathering / existing natural
discontinuities), laboratory tests for determining engineering properties of existing rock, i.e., unconfined compressive strength, water
absorption, unit weight etc.
2.2 Scope of Work
To investigate the subsurface conditions boreholes were planned at every structure location. Disturbed and undisturbed samples were to be
collected from all boreholes to assess the soil / rock characteristics in laboratory.
2.1.1 The summary of the fieldwork is given below:


RL of

37+029 MINOR BRIDGE 26.576 BH-1 35.00 0.00 35.00

37+029 MINOR BRIDGE 27.400 BH-2 35.00 0.00 35.00

Upgradation of NH-81 with a minimum of 2 lane with paved shoulder configuration starting from Km 19.205 to Km 46.550 in the District of Malda, on EPC mode in the State of West
Bengal under Annual Plan 2017-2018: Bridge at Chainage 41.371Km Integral Slab (1x15.000m)

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All locations of boreholes / Borehole termination depths /Ground Elevation were given and approved by Design Consultant.
2.1.2 Conducting Standard Penetration Tests during boring operation.
2.1.3 Collecting disturbed / undisturbed soil samples and Rock core samples from the borehole.

Upgradation of NH-81 with a minimum of 2 lane with paved shoulder configuration starting from Km 19.205 to Km 46.550 in the District of Malda, on EPC mode in the State of West
Bengal under Annual Plan 2017-2018: Bridge at Chainage 41.371Km Integral Slab (1x15.000m)

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2.1.4 Summary of Laboratory Testing program is given below; Laboratory testing was planned on selected disturbed / un-disturbed soil
samples / rock samples as per relevant Standards and Specifications.

Sl. Disturbed Undisturbed Rock

Particulars of Properties Ref: IS Code
No. Soil Sample Soil Samples Sample
1. Sieve Analysis / Hydrometer IS: 2720 (Part IV) √
2. Natural Moisture Content / Bulk / Dry Density IS: 2720 (Part II) √
3. Specific Gravity IS: 2720 (Part III) √
4. Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit/ Plasticity Index IS: 2720 (Part V) √
5. Direct Shear Test (for non-cohesive soils / Mixed Soils) IS: 2720 (Part XIII) √ √
6 Chemical Analysis on Soil Samples IS: 2720 (Part XXVI & √ √
7 Chemical Analysis on water samples XXVII)
IS: 3025 & IS 5401 √ √
8 Unconfined Compressive Strength / Point Load Strength IS:9143 & IS:8764
9 Index of Gravity,
Specific Rock Water Absorption, Porosity of Rock IS: 1122 & IS: 1124
All field work, field tests, collection of samples and laboratory Tests were carried out as per relevant IS/MORT&H/IRC specifications and approved

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Malda district is a low-lying plain, through which flows a number of rivers. On the basis of
topography and drainage pattern, the district can physiographically be divided into three
regions i.e. Tal (north portion above river Kalindri), Diara (southern portion below river
Kalindri) and Barind (eastern part of river Mahananda).
Barind Region:
The ‘Barind’ tracts have the highest elevation of the district measuring 39.7 metres from
the M.S.L. The highest lands are present in Gajol P.S. under this tract. Barind areas extend
over a
wide area in Malda district. The characteristic feature of this tract is wild undulations of
successive ridges and depressions seamed with small water courses in the valleys and are
practically devoid of shade except for the village sites and small patches of sal forest here and
there in Habibpur P.S. The ground is baked hard as iron; drinking water is scarce during
summers. Except in autumn when it becomes green with winter rice, it remains arid. Of the 11
police stations in malda, 4 P.S. viz. Old Malda, Gajol, Bamangola and Habibpur are within the
tract. Adina, which was once the then capital of Bengal for sometime during the muslim rule is
located in Gajol P.S. of this tract and the Barind tract comprises of an area of 1,32,761
Tal Region:
The Tal region is situated to the west of Mahananda River and north of Kalindri River. It
is a low-lying area subjected to inundation with the rise of water level in the Ganges,
Mahananda and Kalindri. The construction of flood protection measures has however eased
the situation to some extent. The Tal area gradually slopes down towards the south and west
and gradually merges with the Diara region. Ratua, Chanchal and Harishchandrapur P.S. are
within this region. The total area under Tal tract is 1, 14,100 hectares’.
Diara Region:
The ‘Diara’ consists of a strip roughly 12.87 K.M. in width along the western and southern
sides of the district. Its formation is the result of centuries of fluvial action by the Ganges, the
old channels of which can still be traced, beginning from the present course of the Bhagirathi
River beside Gaur and extending westwards by successive stages. The soil is of light nature
with a sandy appearance. English Bazar, Baishnab Nagarar, Kaliachak and Manikchak P.S.
are under Diara tract. Total area under this tract is 1, 09,493 hectares’.

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From the brief description of the topographic characteristics of the district of Malda, it is
evident that the topographic configuration in association with the river system, soil
characteristics and climatic particularly rainfall characteristics do influence innumerable water
bodies, their distribution, areal extension and seasonal fluctuation.
Given the slightly undulating topographic character present in the Brind area the surface water
regions are expected to the less in numbers, more confined in nature and the seasonal
fluctuations are expected to be more also. More over the topographic positivity in association
with hydrological and pedological supportive characteristics the Tal and Diara regions are the
more populous area of the district. Therefore, the topographic configuration of Tal and Diara
provides an important support in terms of presence of major water bodies in one hand and
these two areas being more populated the human interaction with that of water bodies are
naturally expected to be more on the other.

The district is situated on the western part of the alluvial filled gap between the Rajmahal hills
on the west and Garo hills on the east. The entire area in the district is covered by alluvium of
two different ages (e.g. Pleistocene and Tertiary) displaying different physical and
physiographic characteristics. East of the Mahananda which bisect the district roughly along a
north-south line older (Pleistocene Period) alluvial are found. This portion known as Barind
region, is usually made up of massive, argillaceous beds of a pale reddish brown hue.
Disseminated this formation occur kankar and pisolitic ferruginous concretions. On the other
hand the recent alluvium (tertiary period) is found in the western part of the district. This
alluvium is typically dark, loosely compacted with a high water and organic material content. It
is also consisting of sandy clay, sand and fine slit. A part of the Tal region on the west of
Mahananda up to the Kalindri has the same formation. Given the geological set-up of Malda
region there is no apparent relation between the underlying rock structure and its properties
(the reason is simple). The continuing bed rock between Rajmahal and Garo hills is overlain
by several layers of alluvium with huge depth. The only direct expression of geological
properties in a feeble degree can be seen only the Barind tract. Malda region is located in the
para-delta with strong past references of deltaic hydrological activities and substantial recent
activities in terms of shifting river channels, bank erosion, dereliction of river etc. and these
have some relation with that of the beel formation in the district. The massive basin
characteristics of Malda region therefore provides a freehand to the oscillating river course
characteristics which in turn is considered as one of the reasons for

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formation of beels in this region.
The Climatic characteristic of the district can be considered as one of the explanatory factor
for the nature and type of surface water bodies essentially the ‘beels’ in the district. Reduction
in the water quantities during summer months and recharging of water during monsoon and
post monsoon months depend to a great extent on the temperature, humidity and
Rainfall naturally carries slightly more wightage in determining the recharge quantity and
quality of water in the beels. The district with its notorious flooding background provides the
recharging quantity and quality factors of the beels of the district. A brief description of the
climatic parameters of the district is given below-
The Malda district is significantly under hot and humid monsoonal climate. An oppressive
summer season, plentiful rain and humid atmosphere all through the year are the main
characteristics of the climate of Malda district.
On the basis of temperature variation, rainfall, humidity and winds, the year of the district can
be divided into four well defined seasons;
1) Hot- Summer Season- March to May,
2) Monsoon Season –June to September,
3) Retreating Monsoon-October to November and
4) Winter Season- December to February,
The Hot Summer Season starts from March and ends in the 1st week of June. This season
characterized by a rise in temperature, increases in the amount and frequent rainfall with the
advance of the season, decreases in diurnal range of temperature. The total average
temperature of this season is around 300 c, average diurnal range of about 60 c and average
rainfall is 308.7m.m.
The Monsoon Season starts from June and extends up to September. The seasonal
characteristic includes weak surface winds, cloudy sky, high humidity and sultary weather.
The average rainfall during the season is recorded at 250 cm. Maximum amount of rainfall of
the year takes place during this period.
In Retreating Monsoon through there prevails a homogeneous climate in plain nevertheless; a
little heterogeneity in climatic conditions within and between different parts of the district in
terms of variation in rainfall and range of temperature etc prevails.
The winter season starts from December and ends in February. The main characteristic

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phenomena of this season is cool weather, frequent morning fog, average monthly
temperature above 100 c and a little amount of rainfall.

3.2 Seismicity

The intensity of an earthquake at a place is a measure of the strength of shaking during the
earthquake, and is indicated by a number according to the modified Mercalli Scale or M.S.K.
Scale of seismic intensities
The Zone factors ‘Z’ for various Seismic zones as per IS:1893 (P-1)-2002 is as follows:
Seismic Zone II III IV V
Z 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.36
The area falls under Zone-III as classified by Bureau of Indian Standards, Indicating
moderate intensity earthquake zone.


Liquefaction is a state in saturated cohesionless soil wherein the effective shear strength is
reduced to negligible value for all engineering purpose due to pore pressure caused by
vibrations during an earthquake when they approach the total confining
pressure. In this condition the soil tends to behave like a fluid mass.
Typically, cyclic loading of saturated soils leads to the buildup of excess pore-water pressure
as a result of soil particles being rearranged with a tendency toward denser packing. Under
undrained conditions (such as during earthquake shaking), loads are transferred from the soil
skeleton to the pore-water with consequent reduction in the soils’ shear strength.
Liquefaction-induced ground settlement and lateral spreading have been the primary cause for
extensive damage to aboveground structures, foundations and pipelines during many

Cyclic Stress Ratio ( CSR )

The equivalent average of shear stress τav likely to be induced in the foundation

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material due to an earthquake is calculated by using the equation
τav = 0.65 * γ * h * (amax / g )* rd
τav = equivalent average of shear stress likely to be induced by DBE
γ = Unit weight of foundation material
= depth at which cyclic shear stress is calculated
amax = maximum surface acceleration
rd = Stress reduction factor
= 1.0 – 0.00765 * h if h < 9.15 m
= 1.174 – 0.0267 * h if h = 9.15 m to 23 m
= 0.744 – 0.008 * h if h = 23.0 m to 30.0 m
= 0.50 if h > 30.0 m
If the equivalent average of shear stress τav is normalized with the initial effective
overburden pressure (σo), the term is called seismic demand of soil layer or cyclic
stress ratio ( CSR ).
CSR = 0.65 * (σo / σo’ )* (amax / g )* rd
Cyclic Resistance Ratio ( CRR )
It expresses capacity of soil to resist liquefaction. CRR is determined using correlation
between corrected blow count (N1)60 and CRR for earthquake of magnitude 7.5. (N1)60
is the SPT blow count corrected to an effective overburden pressure of 100 kpa and to
hammer energy efficiency of 60 %. The corrected blow count (N1)60 is determined as
(N1)60 = Nm CN CE CB CR CS
Nm = uncorrected SPT blow clount
CE = correction factor for hammer energy ratio
CB = Correction factor for borehole dia = 1.05 for 150 mm dia borehole
CR = Correction factor for rod length = 0.75 for 3.0 m to 4.0 m
= 0.85 for 4.0 m to 6.0 m
= 0.95 for 6.0 m to 10.0 m
= 1.0 for 10.0 m to 30.0 m
CS = correction factor for standard sampler = 1.0
Correction factor for effective overburden pressure (CN ) is given by the following
CN = Sqrt (Pa / σo’)
Where Pa = Atmospheric pressure
The value of SPT blow count for soil with fines content (FC) can be adjusted to the
equivalent clean sand value of (N1)60CS as follows:

(N1)60CS α + β (N1)60
where α and β can be determined as follows.
α = 0.0 and β = 0.0 for FC <= 5.0 %
α = exp [(1.76 – (190/FC )] for 5.0 % < FC < 35.0 %

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β = [0.99+ (FC /1000)]
α = 5.0 and β = 1.20 for FC >= 35.0
% CRRM = 7.5 is given by the following equation.
1 (N1)60CS 50 1
CRRM=7.5 = ----------------- + ------------- + ------------------------- - ------
34 – (N1)60CS 135 [10*(N1)60CS + 45] 200
Hence the CRR for a particular earthquake magnitude is determined as
CRR = CRR M = 7.5 * MSF * Kσ
The MSF value is 1.44 for earthquake of magnitude 6.5. Kσ is taken as 1.
The factor of safety against liquefaction , FSL, is given as
The value of CSR and CRR are computed at different depth and depth susceptible to
liquefaction is determined. Liquefaction is probable when FSL is less than 1.0.

Andrews and Martin (2000) have re-evaluated the liquefaction field case histories from
the database of Seed et al. (1984, 1985), and have transposed the "Modified Chinese
Criteria" to U.S. conventions (with clay sizes defined as those less than about
0.002mm). Their findings are largely summarized in table below:
Liquid Limit <32 Liquid Limit > 32
Clay content <10% Further studies required
Clay content > 10% Further studies required Not susceptible

Note: 1. Liquid Limit determined by Casagrande type percussion apparatus.

2. Clay defined as grains finer than 0. 002m

The investigation was planned to obtain the subsurface stratification in the proposed
project site and collect soil / rock samples for laboratory testing to determine the
engineering properties such as shear strength, along with basic engineering
classification of the subsurface stratum.

4.2 Boreholes

For Geotechnical investigation work, drilling rig was installed at the specified borehole
location. The Boreholes were progressed using US made ACRE Hydraulically
Operated Rotary Drilling Rig. Boring was advanced at selected / specified borehole
locations. The following steps will be adopted during boring operations;
1) Rotary boring / drilling machine will be assembled at site and will be shifted and
erected at the borehole location.
2) Drilling through soil overburden will be advanced by soil cutters attached at end
of drilling rods, drilling in rock will be advanced by drilling bit fixed to the lower
end of drill rods with barrel, is rotated by a suitable chuck and always kept in firm
contact with the bottom of the borehole.

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3) A mud- laden fluid or grout is pumped continuously down the hole through drill
rods, and the fluid returns to the surface in the annular space between the rods
and the side of the hole, and so the protective casing may not be generally
necessary. The mud returning upwards brings the cuttings to the surface.
4) After reaching the drill rods attached with the cutting bit attain its full depth
another piece (extension rod) will be attached and continue the drilling.
5) Rotating core barrels, provided with commercial diamond bits are also used for
rotary drilling and simultaneously obtaining the rock cores or samples.
6) The casing pipe of reduced diameter (NX) if necessary will be driven up to the
required depth / level as the bore hole is advanced depending upon the rock
The following precautions were taken;
1) Diameter of Borehole was 150mm in soil and Nx size in rock, all field work was
supervised by well trained / experienced persons.
2) Borehole was properly cleaned before taking any sample.
3) Casing was used as per the prevailing soil conditions, to stabilize the borehole.
4) Required field tests i. e, Standard Penetration Tests and collection of undisturbed
/ disturbed samples was conducted as per requirements and specified depths /
levels, the same has been discussed in detail in sampling and tests in a bore
hole clause of this document.
5) Rock core drilling was advanced using double tube core barrels with diamond

4.3 Standard Penetration Tests (SPT)

Standard Penetration Tests were conducted at specified interval by client interval as per
the procedure in IS: 2131 – 1981.

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For conducting the test, the bottom of the borehole was properly cleaned and split
spoon sampler was properly seated in position in the borehole. The split spoon sampler
resting on the bottom of borehole was allowed to sink under its own weight; then the
sampler was seated 15 cm with the blows of the hammer of 63.5 Kg weight falling
through 75 cm. Thereafter, the split spoon sampler was further driven by 30 cm. The
number of blows required to affect each 15 cm of penetration was recorded. The first 15
cm of drive is considered to be seating drive.
The total blows of penetration for the second and third 15 cm of penetration is termed
the penetration resistance N. The ‘N’ values are indicative of the compactness / relative
density of cohesion less soils and consistency of cohesive soils.
In case the blow count of SPT in soil (including the number of blows for seating)
exceeds 100, the corresponding penetration was recorded and this particular test at that
depth stopped. If the total penetration is more than the seating penetration of 15 cm,
then breakup of blow count for 15 cm seating penetration and for remaining portion of
penetration is also be given.

SPT ‘N’ values are correlated with relative density of non-cohesive stratum as per BS:
5930 (1999) - for sandy Strata and with consistency of cohesive stratum.


Consistency Penetration Value Relative Density Penetration Value
Very Soft 0 to 2 Blows Very loose 0 to 4 Blows
Soft 3 to 4 Blows Loose 5 to 10 Blows
Medium Stiff 5 to 8 Blows Medium 11 to 30 Blows
Stiff 9 to 16 Blows Dense 31 to 50 Blows
Very Stiff 17 to 32 Blows Very Dense Above 50
Hard Above 32

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4.4 Disturbed Sampling (Soil) in boreholes
In all boreholes, disturbed soil samples was taken at every 1.5 m interval and at
significant change of stratum (or as per specified). Soil from cutting edge of undisturbed
samplers and from split spoon sampler used for standard penetration tests was taken
as disturbed samples. These samples were placed without delay in adequately sealed
polythene bags.

Disturbed Soil Sample from SPT

4.5 Undisturbed Sampling (Soil) in Boreholes

Undisturbed sampling was done in accordance with IS: 2132 – 1986. Undisturbed soil
samples (UDS) was obtained at every 3.0 m interval.
Undisturbed samples were collected using 100mm dia and 450mm long MS tubes with
Area ratio as specified in BIS provided with sampler head with ball check arrangement.,
before taking any sample tubes were properly greased. Immediately after taking an
undisturbed sample in a tube, the adopter head was removed along with the disturbed
material. The visible ends of the sample shall each be trimmed off any wet disturbed
soil. The ends will then be coated alternately with four layers of just molten wax. More
molten wax will then be added to give a total thickness of not less than 25mm.

Undisturbed samples were collected by light hammering, all precautions were taken to
prevent disturbance in transport also. If in laboratory, density is not found in order in
comparison of N values, that sample was treated as disturbed sample, and tests were
conducted on remolded samples. Collection of undisturbed samples in hard cohesive
soils / dense granular soils / gravels / cobbles / pebbles / boulders, refusal strata is
practically not possible and such collected samples will not truly represent the
undisturbed conditions.

4.6 Rock Core Samples

Drilling was advanced by rotary core drilling method using double tube core barrels as
per the guidelines of IS: 6926-1996. A core barrel and Nx sized bits are used for drilling
and recovering rock cores. Recovered rock cores were numbered serially and
preserved in good quality sturdy wooden core boxes as specified in IS: 4078-1980.
Rock core recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) were computed for every run
length drilled.

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Rock classification in terms of weathering and state of fractures and strength is carried
out in the following manner. Tabulations given in below explain it briefly.
Terms Description Grade Geologists
Fresh No visible sign of rock material weathering; I CR > 90 %
perhaps slight discoloration on major
discontinuity surfaces.
Slightly Discoloration indicates weathering of rock II CR between 70
Weathered material and discontinuity surfaces. All the % to 90 %
rock material may be discoloured by
Moderately Less than half of the rock material is III CR between 51
Weathered decomposed or disintegrated to a soil. Fresh % to 70 %
or discolored rock is present either as a
continuous framework or as corestones.
Highly More than half of the rock material is IV CR between 11
Weathered decomposed or disintegrated to a soil. Fresh % to 50 %
or discolored rock is present either as a
discontinuous framework or as corestones
Completely All rock material is decomposed and / or V CR between
Weathered disintegrated to soil. The original mass zero to 10 %
structure is still largely intact.
Residual All rock material is converted to soil. The mass VI CR = Zero %
Soil structure and material fabric are destroyed. But N > 50
There is a large change in volume, but the soil
has not been significantly transported.

It should be understood that all grades of weathering may not be seen in a given rock
mass and that in some cases a particular grade may be present to a very small extent.
Distribution of the various weathering grades of rock material in the rock mass may be
related to the porosity of the rock material and the presence of open discontinuities of
all types in the rock mass.

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Rock quality is further measured by frequency of natural joints in rock mass. Rock
Quality Designation (RQD) is used to define state of fractures or massiveness of rock.
Following table defines the quality of rock mass.


Excellent 91 to 100
Good 76 to 90
Fair 51 to 75
Poor 26 to 50
Very Poor 00 to 25

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Rock is also classified by strength of intact rock cores collected during drilling. Rock
Unconfined Compressive strength (UCS) is used to define strength of rock.
Classification of rocks given in Table 2 of Appendix-2 of IRC: 78-2014 (Revised Edition)
is reproduced below;


(UCS) in MPa
Extremely Strong > 200
Very Strong 100 to 200
Strong 50 to 100
Moderately strong 12.5 to 50
Moderately Weak 5 to 12.5
Weak 1.25 to 5
Very Weak < 1.25

4.7 Ground Water Table

The depth, at which groundwater will struck during boring, will be carefully noted and
the depth of water table was ascertained subsequently in the completed borehole as
given method:
The water table in the borehole will be allowed to stabilize after depressing the water
level adequately by bailing. Stability of the borehole sides and bottom will be ensured at
all times, ground water table measurement shall be done after minimum 2 hrs of bailing
in sandy strata and after 24 hrs in cohesive strata.

4.8 Laboratory testing

Laboratory tests were carried out as directed by client, consultant and approved
laboratory schedules in accordance with the procedures described in the relevant Indian
Standard Codes of practiced.

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5.2 Subsurface Conditions

Based on the boring information, the generalized subsurface conditions at the site are as follows.



Str. NO./ SAND (SP)
Classification Observed Classification
Thickness Thickness Thickness
as per SPT 'N' as per
(m) (m) (m)
IS:1498 values IS:1498

37+029 36.576 BH-1 3.00 CI 4-5 32.00 SP 8-75

37+029 27.400 BH-2 1.50 CI 5 33.50 SP 6-77

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5.3 Proposed design soil parameters
In design calculations, the following soil parameters are proposed:

BORE HOLE Cohesion

Depth(m) Type of soil N φ
NO./ ,

from to values c kg/cm2 degree

1 0 3 Clayey 5 0.9 0
37+029 BH-1/ BH-2 2 3 15 Fine sand 18 0 30
3 15 35 Fine sand >50 0 35

• 5.4 Laboratory Test Results on Rock Core Samples

Not applicable

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Estimated RMR values
Rock Mass Rating (RMR) of jointed rock masses, may be worked out based on IS
13365 (part I). Rock Mass Rating parameters are reproduced from annex B of IS 13365
(part I) below for ready reference.
Strength of intact rock material (MPa)
Compressive Strength (M Pa) Rating Basis
Exceptionally >250 15
Very Strong 100-250 12
Strong 50-100 7 UCS value data of
Average 25-50 4 specific borehole
Weak 10-25 2 from laboratory test is
used in RMR
Very Weak 2-10 1
Extremely <2 0
Rock quality designation (RQD)
RQD (%) Rating Basis
Excellent 90-100 20
Good 75-90 17 RQD values of specific
Fair 50-75 13 borehole below given depth
from relevant borehole is used
Poor 25-50 8 in RMR
Very Poor <25 3
Spacing of discontinuities
Spacing, (m) Rating Basis
Very Wide >2 20
Wide 0.6-2 15 Spacing of discontinuities of
Moderate 0.2-0.6 10 specific borehole from field
Close 0.06-0.2 8 observations is used in RMR
Very Close <0.06 5
Condition of discontinuities
Very rough slightly rough
rough and wall rock 5 mm thick
and and moderately
slightly surface or 1-5 soft gauge
unweathered to highly
weathered wall mm thick gauge 5 mm wide
rock wall rock, weathered wall
rock surface, or 1-5 mm wide continuous
tight and rock surface,
separation < 1 opening, discontinuit
discontinuous, separation < 1
mm continuous y
no separation mm
30 25 20 10 0
Ground water condition
General Completely
Damp Wet Dripping Flowing
Description Dry
Rating 15 10 7 4 0

Page No. 22 of 44
Table 3 of IS-12070, Design & Construction of Shallow Foundation on Rock, gives net
allowable pressure based on RMR values. These values will ensure settlement of
foundation to be less than 12 mm. This table is reproduced below.


Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor
of Rock
RMR 100-81 80-61 60-41 40-21 20-0
Q ns (T/m ) 600-448 440-288 280-141 135-48 45-30
RMR value for highly fractured rock is also determined based on experience as Joints
are not very clearly defined. In cases where the shear failure is to be considered to
occur through highly fractured rock masses, cohesion can not be relied upon to provide
resistance to failure; hence only angle of internal friction is considered to determine the
bearing capacities by conventional method. If Rock is not Intact UCS value of
recovered core does not represent the strength of rock mass.

5.4 Liquefaction Assessment

Subsurface consists of very dense sand with high standard penetration

resistance, , hence site may be classified as “Liquefaction unlikely” in
earthquake event.

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5.5 Chemical Analysis
Soil samples and groundwater samples collected from boreholes were analyzed
chemically in the laboratory. Following results are reported.

Chloride Sulphate
Chainage Str. Type pH
(mg/l) (mg/l)

37+029 BH-1/2 7.02 56 27

Results of chemical analysis indicate that the sub-soils fall in class-1 classification that means the soil is not
aggressive to concrete and not corrosive to reinforcement steel, Hence, ordinary Portland cement with
specified minimum cement content and maximum w/c ratio can be used with clear cover to reinforcement
for the concrete as per IS: 456. Concrete expert may be referred for any further advice.

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5.6 Silt Factors & Scour Levels
We presume that the scour is likely to occur for minor and major bridges over rivers. Silt factor calculations are attached in Annexure – I for
river bridges. Silt factor for MNBs are listed below.

Sl.No Chainage Span Str. Type

1 37+029 1 MNBR BH-1/2 0.24 0.87

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Considering the nature of sub-surface strata, type of proposed structures, loads on

foundations, Open foundation / Pile Foundation is recommended;

6.2 Open Foundation

Design Considerations for Open Foundations

Permissible settlement in soil (Non Plastic / Plastic) = 50mm / 75 mm
Permissible settlement in rock = 12mm
Water table depth = at ground Level
Water Table correction factor = 0.50
Average Design Parameters = as per clause 5.1 to 5.7
Depth of Open Foundation in Soil
A foundation must have an adequate depth from considerations of adverse
environmental influences. It must also be economically feasible in terms of overall
Depth of foundations in soil shall be decided as per clause 7 of IS: 1904 for special
cases like; where volume change is expected / scour is expected / foundations on
sloping ground / foundation on made or filled up ground / frost action is expected etc.
Depth of Open Foundation in Rock
The founding levels should fix considering an embedment of at least 0.60 m into the
sound rock and 1.50 m in to the disintegrated / weathered soft rock.
As per IRC: 78-2014, clause 705.2.2; the minimum embedment depth of foundations into
the rock shall be 0.6m below rock surface for rocks of moderately strong having ultimate
crushing strength of more than 125 Kg/cm and 1.50 m for rocks of moderately weak
2 2
having UCS < 125 kg/cm but > 25 Kg/cm .
In other cases the embedment of the foundations shall be decided keeping in view the
overall characteristics like fissures, bedding plans, cavities, ultimate crushing strength,
proposed treatment of foundation strata etc.

6.2.1 Bearing Capacity for Open Foundations in Soil

Bearing capacity for shallow foundations in soil has been analyzed in accordance with
IS: 6403-1981, which is based on, modified Terzaghi classical approach. The
weighted average of shear parameters for various strata up to a significant influence
zone of 1.5 B (B = width of the foundation) below the foundation level is used in the
analysis. Considering the fluctuation of ground water, it is assumed that water table will
be at existing ground level and accordingly the water table correction is applied. A
factor of safety of 2.5 is selected based on IRC 78-2014 to estimate the net safe
bearing capacity from ultimate net bearing capacity.
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) results are also used to determine the safe bearing
capacity of shallow foundation in accordance with IS: 6403-1981 for non-cohesive soil,
hard clay. While using this approach, the N value was corrected, wherever applicable,

Page No. 26 of 44
below the footing base to at least 1.5B below the base to account for the effects of
energy ratio, adopted boring procedure, dilation for submerged Silty fine sands /fine
sands as well as that due to the overburden pressure (Reference: IS: 2131-1981,
“Foundation Analysis and Design” by J.E.Bowles).
Settlement for Open Foundations
The magnitude of settlement, when foundation loads are applied, depends upon the
compressibility of the underlying strata and rigidity of the substructure. In cohesive
deposition, the post construction settlement is caused by dissipation of pore pressures
and hence is time dependent so that consolidation settlement is computed for such
soils using Terzaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation theory. The immediate
settlements in clays are estimated using the elastic theory considering the effect of a
rigid stratum underlying the foundation soils (Reference: “Foundation Analysis and
Design” by J.E.Bowles). The immediate settlements in cohesion-less soil are estimated
using elastic theory as mentioned above or using SPT value as per IS: 8009 (Part 1).

6.2.2 Bearing Capacity of Open Foundations on Rock

Analysis for allowable bearing capacity on rock has been done by the following four
a) Based on Presumptive value
b) Based on rock mass rating (RMR value).
c) Based on compressive strength of intact rock specimen using the procedure
given in IS: 12070
d) Based on soil mechanics approach Safe Bearing Pressure from the RMR System:

Analysis has been carried out using the RMR also known as Geo-mechanics
classification by considering various parameters such as uniaxial compressive strength,
RQD, spacing and condition of discontinuities and ground water condition. The
correlation between the RMR value and allowable pressure has been given in Table –3
IS: 12070. This will ensure settlement of raft foundation to be less than 12 mm.
Net Safe Bearing Pressures Based on RMR:

Classification No I II III IV V

Description of Rock Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

RMR 100-81 80-61 60-41 40-21 20-0

Q ns (T/m ) 600-448 448-288 280-141 135 - 48 45-30

The RMR for use in Table should be the average within a depth below foundation level
equal to the width of foundation, provided the RMR is fairly uniform within the depth. If
the upper part of the rock, within a depth of about one fourth of the width of foundation, is
of lower quality the value of this part should be used or the inferior rock should be
removed. Since these values are based on limiting the settlement, they should not be
increased if the foundation is embedded into the rock.

Page No. 27 of 44 Safe Bearing Capacity from the Core Strength:
The safe bearing capacity has been estimated from the following equation given in IS:
qs = qc Nj
qs = gross safe bearing pressure (includes safety factor 3)
qc = average uniaxial compressive strength of rock cores
Nj = empirical coefficient depending on the spacing of discontinuities.
= (3 + S/Bf) /10√(1 + 300 δ / S), Equation include a factor of safety 3.
= 0.10 for spacing of discontinuities 300 mm to 1000 mm
Where, δ = thickness of discontinuities (cm)
S = spacing of discontinuities (cm)
Bf = width of footing (cm)
This relationship is valid for a rock mass with spacing of discontinuities greater than 0.30
m aperture of discontinuities less than 10 mm and foundation width more than 0.30 m.
Correction to be Applied:
For getting the allowable bearing pressure the safe bearing pressure obtained from
Core strength shall be multiplied with the correction factors according to the geological
conditions as per IS: 12070 Clause 9.2.
For submerged conditions - correction factor of 0.50 to 0.75 depending upon
the aperture of joints
For orientation of joints - correction factor of 0.50 to 1.00 depending upon
the orientation of joints
These correction factors are not applicable for bearing pressure from RMR system. Safe Bearing Capacity based on soil mechanics approach

The AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS recommends calculating the
bearing capacity considering general shear failure with irregular failure surface through
rock mass. Based on our evaluation of the rock characteristics and RMR values,
interpreted shear parameters (C & φ) for the rock mass have been selected.
The ultimate bearing capacity equation is as follows;
qult = CNcCc + 0.5 B γ Nγ Cγ + γ D Nq
B = width of foundation
D = depth of foundation
γ = effective unit weight of the rock
Cc, Cγ = correction factors for foundation shape
Cc = 1.2 for circular foundation
= 1.25 for square foundation
Cγ = 0.7 for circular foundation

Page No. 28 of 44
= 0.85 for square foundation
Nc, Nq, Nγ = bearing capacity factors, function of φ
As given by ASCE, these factors may be calculated using the following
NC = 2 Nφ (Nφ + 1)
0.5 2
Nγ = Nφ (Nφ - 1)
2 (Nφ - 1)
Nq = Nφ
Nφ = tan (45 + φ/2)
The net safe bearing capacity may be worked out using the following equation;
qns = 1/F(qult - γD),
F = factor of safety, taken as 3.0.
If RQD>50 %, Bowles recommends, obtaining the bearing capacity of rocks using the
angle of internal friction and cohesion of rock according to Stagg and Zienkiewicz as
given below. Based on our evaluation of the rock characteristics and RMR values,
interpreted shear strength parameters (C and φ) for the rock mass have been selected.
The ultimate bearing capacity equation is as follows;
qult = CNcSc + q(Nq-1) + 0.5 B γ Nγ Cγ
B = width of foundation
D = depth of foundation
γ = effective unit weight of the rock
Nc, Nq, Nγ = bearing capacity factors, function of φ
Nc = 5tan (45+φ/2)
Nq = 6
tan (45+φ/2)
Nγ = (Nq+1)
The reduced net ultimate bearing capacity may be worked out based on RQD as;
q’ult = qult (RQD)
The allowable bearing pressure may be worked out as q’ult / F,
where F = factor of safety, taken as 3.0. Safe Bearing Capacity of Open Foundation in CWR / Highly weathered Rock
For Calculating SBC, Completely weathered Rock (CWR) / highly weathered Rock
(HWR) with low core recoveries and almost Nil RQD shall be considered as dense sand
as per IRC 78, Clause 706. For CWR / HWR φ shall be considered as 35°.
Conventional soil mechanics approach shall be used to determine the SBC value

Page No. 29 of 44
6.2 Pile Foundation
6.2.1 Pile Foundation in Rock (Socketed Piles)
Rock socketed piles can be designed to carry compressive loads in side wall shear only
or end bearing only, or a combination of both. The most important factors that influence
the design procedure are the strength, degree of fracturing and modulus of deformation
of rock mass, the condition of the walls and base of the socket and the geometry of the
As Per IRC: 78 – 2014:
Qa = Ksp qc df Ab + As Cus
Qa = Ultimate load capacity of pile socketed into rock;
Ksp = An empirical coefficient whose value ranges from 0.3 to 1.2
(CR + RQD)/2 Ksp
30 % 0.3
100 % 1.2
qc = Uniaxial compressive strength of rock, MPa
df = depth factor (1.0 + 0.4ls/D), df <=1.20;
Ab = Cross –sectional area of base of pile.
As = Surface Area of socket
Cus = Ultimate shear strength along socket length = 0.225 √ qc. The same
should be restricted to 3 MPa.
Factor of safety = 3 on the end bearing component and 6 on socket side resistance
As Per IRC: 78 – 2014 (As per section 9 of Notification No. 54 of Indian Highways
(VOL 37)):

As per New Amendment of IRC:78 (Section 9 of Notification

No. 68), Method 2
Moderately If the extrapolated
Strength / Consistency Weak Very Weak
Weak values of 'N'
Approx. N Value 300 - 200 200 - 100 100 - 60 greater than 300
shall be limited to
Shear Strength / 300 using this
3.3 - 1.9 1.9 - 0.7 0.7 - 0.4
Cohesion (Cub) in mPa method.
Qa = Cub Nc Ab + As Cu

Page No. 30 of 44

Qa = Ultimate load capacity of pile socketed into rock;

Ab = Cross –sectional area of base of pile.

As = Surface Area of socket

Cus = Ultimate shear strength along socket length, this shall be restricted to
shear capacity of concrete of the pile, to be taken as 3.0MPa for M35
concrete in confined condition, which for other strengths of concrete can
be modified by a factor √ (fck/35).

Factor of safety = 3 on the end bearing component and 6 on socket side resistance
component. (IRC78: 2014)
1. For calculation of socket friction capacity, the top rock 300mm shall be
neglected. The friction capacity shall be limited to further six times diameter of
2. The allowable end bearing component after dividing by factor of safety shall be
restricted to 5 MPa.
3. For the termination of working piles in the rocky strata methodology given in sub-
clause 10 of section 9 of notification no. 54 can be used as a quality control tool.
Applicability of Different methods
Applicability of method-1: Where cores of the rock can be taken and unconfined
compressive strength directly established using standard method of testing, the
approach described in method 1 shall be used

Applicability of method-2 - where strata is highly fragmented, where RQD is nil or

(CR+RQD)/2 is less than 30 %, or where strata is not classified as a2granular or clayey
soil, or when the crushing strength is less than 10.0 MPa (100 Kg/cm ), Also, weak rock
like chalk, mud stone, clay stone, shale and other intermediate rocks. In such Cases
method-2 shall be applied for calculating Pile capacity in rocks.

Page No. 31 of 44
6.2.2 Pile Foundation in Soil
Considering the high scour / higher depths of liquefiable strata, RCC bored cast-in-situ
piles may be used as foundation system to support the heavy loads on foundations.
Based on soil design parameters and calculations attached in Annexure - I,
recommendations are presented below for 1200mm diameter bored piles. The cut-off
level has been considered as 1.80m below bed level.

Design Consideration:
Parameter Value
1. K (Coefficient of earth pressure) 1.00
Maximum overburden pressure at bottom
of pile for calculation of shaft resistance
Overburden pressure to calculate
and bearing resistance is limited to
2. the shaft resistance and end
overburden pressure at depth equal to 15
bearing resistance of pile
times diameter of pile considered from
ground level applicable for granular soils.
Ground water is considered at ground
3. Depth of water table
level / Bed level.
Maximum deflection at Pile cutoff
level or at bottom of free length 1% of pile diameter = 12mm (as per
4. for calculating the lateral load Clause 709.3.5.2 of Notification No. 54 of
capacity of pile in Normal Indian Highways (VOL 37))
While calculating the pile load capacity in
Vertical Capacity in Seismic seismic condition, over burden pressure /
Condition friction due to liquefiable strata have been
As per IS:2911 (part1/Sec2) or as per
6. Other parameters
Revised version of IRC: 78-2014
In case piles passing through Penetration of at least twice the diameter
7. cohesive strata and terminating in of the pile shaft should be given into
granular stratum granular stratum.
End bearing resistance is calculated
considering the effect of strata of minimum
8. End Bearing Resistance 4 times diameter of pile below termination
level and of strata minimum 2 times of
diameter above pile termination level.

Page No. 32 of 44
6.3 Pile Foundation Recommendations:

Safe Vertical Safe Uplift
RL of DEPTH OF Lateral
Str. RL of Bore Silt Founding RL of Pile Load Load
Chainage Borehole FOUNDATION Load
Type Hole Top Factor Strata Toe Capacity Capacity
Top (m) Capacity
(Ton) (Ton)
26.576 BH-1 0.87 SAND 17.00 9.576 350.00 49.00 160.00
27.400 BH-2 0.87 17.00 10.400 350.00 49.00 160.00

Note: Lateral load capacity has been calculated considering scour depth of 2.00m and deflection of 12mm it may suitably be
adjusted as per actuals.

for Sun Tech, Ranchi

Geotechnical Consultant

Page No. 33 of 44
Following details attached for all structures separately…

- Consolidated Logs including laboratory test results

- Silt factor calculations for river bridges
- Pile Capacity Calculations

Page No. 34 of 44

Upgradation of NH-81 with a

minimum of 2 lane with paved
shoulder configration starting from
Km 19.205 to Km 46.550 in the
District of Malda, on EPC mode in
the State of West Bengal under
Annual Plan 2017-2018
(BRIDGE AT CH.37+029)



Page No. 35 of 44
Page No. 36 of 44
Page No. 37 of 44
Page No. 38 of 44

Upgradation of NH-81 with a

minimum of 2 lane with paved
shoulder configration starting from
Km 19.205 to Km 46.550 in the
District of Malda, on EPC mode in
the State of West Bengal under
Annual Plan 2017-2018
(BRIDGE AT CH.37+029)


Page No. 39 of 44
Upgradation of NH-81 with a minimum of 2 lane with paved shoulder configration
starting from Km 19.205 to Km 46.550 in the District of Malda, on EPC mode in the
State of West Bengal under Annual Plan 2017-2018
(BRIDGE AT CH.37+029)
CALCULATION OF SILT FACTOR (REF. APP. 2, IRC: 5-1998, Cl. 703.2.2 IRC:78-2014)
Wt. Average % Wt.
Sieve % Wt.
Retained Sieve sizes (mm) size (mm) Retained A*B RESULTS
Size (mm) Retained
(g) (A) (B)
10 0 0 10.00-4.75 7.375 0.00 0.00
4.75 0 0 4.75-2.36 3.555 0.00 0.00 dm

2.36 0 0 2.36-1.18 1.770 0.00 0.00

1.18 0 0 1.18-0.600 0.890 1.25 1.11

0.6 12.5 1.25 0.600-0.300 0.450 12.90 5.80

Silt Factor
0.3 128.96 12.896 0.300-0.150 0.225 74.27 16.71

0.15 742.65 74.265 0.150 & below 0.075 11.59 0.87

Pan 115.89 11.589 TOTAL 24.49

**************END OF REPORT****************

Page No. 40 of 44

Upgradation of NH-81 with a

minimum of 2 lane with paved
shoulder configration starting from
Km 19.205 to Km 46.550 in the
District of Malda, on EPC mode in
the State of West Bengal under
Annual Plan 2017-2018
(BRIDGE AT CH.37+029)


Page No. 41 of 44
Calculation Sheet

Bridge at Chainage 37+029Km Integral Slab (1x15.000m)
1 Determination of soil properties from SPT values
Depth(m) Type of soil N Cohesion , φ
from to values c kg/cm2 degree
1 0 5 Clay fill 5 0.2 0
2 5 11 Medium sand 18 0 30
3 11 17 Fine sand 28 0 35
4 17 35 Fine sand >50 0 37

2 Properties of pile section

Legth L= 17 m
Diameter, D= 1.2 m
L/D= 14.166667
Critical depth= 20xD= 24 m
Assuming submerged wt. of soil= 0.8 ton/m2
Max. eff. Overburden, PD= 13.6 ton
Ap= 1.1304 m
Perimeter,Asi= 3.768 m
3 Determination of components of top layer (-negative friction)
Thickness= 5m
qsi=-Asixc 7.536 ton
4 Estimation of friction from 2nd to 4thlayer
Layer Overburden
Layer Depth(m) Type of soil N Cohesion , φ thickness pressure PDi K Asi δ
tanδ δAsi
from to values c kg/cm degree m t
2 5 11 Medium sand 18 0 30 6 6.4 1.5 3.768 0.577 125.23
3 11 17 Medium sand 28 0 35 6 11.2 1.5 3.768 0.7 265.87
4 17 35 Medium sand 33 0 37 18 20.8 1.5 3.768 0.75 0.00

Rf= 391.10 ton

Page No. 42 of 44
Calculation Sheet

5 Estimation of Ulimate base resistence

φ= 35 degree
Ap = 1.1304 m2
D= 1.2 m
γ= 0.8 ton/m
N γ= 33.3
N q= 48.03
PD 11.2 t/m2
Ru= 626.15117 t

6 Ultimate load carrying capacity of Pile,Q u= 1017.25 ton

Qallowable= Qu/F.S.- Negative skin friction
F.S.= 2.5
Qallowable= 399 ton
7 Check on structural capacity
Based on concrete only; fc=0.25fck*Ap
Taking fck= 35 N/mm
Qst= 989 ton Hence, Safe
Recommended Pile Capacity
Qallowable 350 ton Pile Length = 17 m

Page No. 43 of 44

Upgradation of NH-81 with a minimum of 2 lane with paved shoulder configration

starting from Km 19.205 to Km 46.550 in the District of Malda, on EPC mode in the
State of West Bengal under Annual Plan 2017-2018
(BRIDGE AT CH.37+029)
LATERAL PILE CAPACITY (fixed end pile)
IS:2911( PART-I/ SEC-2) 2010 APPENDIX-C

N= 13 Average Value

∆= 1.20 cm (1% of Pile Dia at Scour Level Cl. 709.3.5.2 of IRC78-2014)

η h= 0.182 kg/cm medium sand submerged
I= 10173600.00 cm
E= 296000.00 kg/cm

T= 440.29 cm
Lf= 959.83 cm

Lf= 959.83 cm

49039.09 kg
49 ton ( to be suitably adjusted depending upon scour depth)

N= Corrected Av. SPT value

∆= Permissible deflection of Pile Head as per -IRC:78

η h= IS:2911( PART-I/ SEC-2) App.C

I= πXD4/64- Moment of Inertia

E= Young Modulus of Concrete= 5000X(f ck)0.5

T= =(EI/ηh)0.20

Lf= Length of Fixity=2.18xT (from Graph)

H= Lateral Load=( ∆x12xEI)/Lf3

fck 35 Mpa

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************END OF REPORT**************

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