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P1: Home Project: Write a radio advertisement

You are in charge of creating a radio advertisement for the
project #myplasticfreefuture. You will need to keep in mind the
requirements of the creative brief in order to produce a powerful radio ad
with a clear, appealing message. 
TASK 1: Review the creative brief 
Go through the #myplasticfreefuture creative brief (completed in P1:
Activity 3) and identify the key elements that will guide you in writing your
radio advertisement. 
Consider the following aspects that will help you as the part of the
creative process for your radio advertisement: 
 Description of the product and market (What is the product? What
are the features of the product? Who is your target market, gender?
age? etc) 
 What are the benefits of the product? (What makes this product
different to others? why would people prefer this product instead of the
competitor's product?) 
 What is going to be the enticement to be offered? (This can be a
special offer that is only available to those hearing your ad on the
radio. Make your enticement a powerful incentive and make sure to
remind the listening audience that only they qualify for this special
 What is the tone of the ad? (are you aiming for something more
serious and factual, are you aiming to use humor? This will be
determined mainly by your objectives and target audience) 
 What is going to be the call for action? (you need to close your ad
with a quick call for action: a phone number, a website, social
network? Many listeners might be in their cars and unable to write
down your information so make sure this is an easy thing to
Write a summary outlining the elements you will be taking into
consideration when creating your script and what kind of impact they will
have (200-250 words). 
#myplasticfreefuture is a small project to increase community awareness among
children on the environmental impact of using plastic, so that plastic consumption
is reduced.
The project is directed to young families, single parents, teenagers and young
adults, school or age children, university students.
The benefits of the project is that we want to teach kids about this environmental
issue and encourage them to spread the words with their closer circle. We are not
only looking to tell people what to do, we also want to tell them why and how to
reduce of plastic. This is an educational community project.
We are going to grab people attention by making them part of this movement and
make them realized that with their positive actions and spreading the knowledge,
they can make a change and help to protect the oceans.
In this ad we will use an emotional tone, in order to involve people and make them
think about the environment situation that we are living.
We will invite people to join to our Facebook Community Group “my plastic free
future”, where we will be posting activities, information, links, among others. To
make people part of it and also they can share their own experiences.

TASK 2: Review the timeline and budget 

Your ad will be on air for two weeks. Using the tables below, define the
timeframe and budget for your ad on a weekly basis: 
1. When will you be broadcasting your ad? Decide which time slots
will be the most effective considering your target audience. 
As this project is mainly oriented to children, we are going to broadcast will be two
times a day, in the morning and afternoon, on the way to school and on the way
back home, so parents and children can listen together.

2. How often will you be broadcasting? Keep in mind that you have a
budget of $2500/ week. 
Radio advertisement average costs (based on 30 sec) per
Cost per
Slot time 
Breakfast (6AM – 9AM)  $520 
Morning (9AM – 12AM)  $390 
Afternoon (12AM – 3PM)  $390 
Drive (3PM – 5PM)  $490 
Evening (5PM – 9PM)  $320 
Sat/Sun (all day)  $350 
Step 1. Please fill in the table below to establish the timeframe and
budget to broadcast your radio ad. Indicate an “X” in the box according to
the day and time of day you want to broadcast your ad.  
Day of the Breakfast Morning Afternoon Evening Total
(3PM Sat/Sun
week\ Slot (6AM – (9AM – (12AM – (5PM – cost/
– (all day) 
time  9AM)  12AM)  3PM)  9PM)  day 
Monday         x   -  $490 
Tuesday   x         -  $ 520
Wednesday            - 
Thursday   x         -  $ 520
Friday         x   -  $ 490
Saturday  -  -  -  -  -   
Sunday  -  - x -  -  -    $ 350
            $ 2370

Step 2: Please write a brief explanation outlining your decisions, why you
have chosen particular slots, and how you remained within your budget
(150 words). 
We decided to mainly focus on breakfast and drive time because are the moments
when parents and children are together, and mostly like to listen the radio either
having breakfast at home or driving back home from school.
We will assign part of the budget to advertise on Sunday morning as we think is a
family time too.
Also we will leave a small extra amount of the budget in case we need adjust any
of the slots.

Step 3: Please research legal and ethical requirements to be taken into

account when broadcasting ads on the radio. Outline at least one legal
and one ethical requirement that you will need to apply when writing your
Use the following resources to help you answer this question:

1- Code of advertising and Marketing Communications to Children

It is a combination of visual techniques, product and age of characters and actors,
which will bring marketing communication within the ambit of the Code. The
themes, visual and language used, must be directed primarily to children and have
to be for product
Taking into account the target audience of the Project, it is important to choose
appropriate language and be careful with the themes and visual we use. If we want
to increase community, especially children awareness on the environmental
impacts of using plastic, we need to keep in mind the marketing communication we

2- ADMA Code of practice

It provides a principle-based, agile compliance framework that places consumers’
interests at its core and gives marketers the support and guidance they need to
make responsible decisions about data, technology, creativity, content, and
customer experience.
The campaign involves the community and their mission is to encourage kids to
inspire their parents to reduce the use of plastic, so it is important to deliver
appropriate information so people will know what to do.

TASK 3: Write the script of your radio ad 

Note: For this task and the following task (Task 4) you have the choice to
work on your own or in pairs. If you decide to work in pairs, make sure to
submit your assignments individually on Moodle. 
Using all the information you have gathered, please write the script of
your radio ad, making sure that you determine content of opening, middle
and close of radio advertisement to create impact, introduce central idea,
provide support for key product benefits, and provide information to
facilitate consumer action. 
Your script should outline exactly how the ad will unfold, if there is going
to be any dialog, what kind of voice you want to read the script, etc. Make
sure to put in as much detail as possible. To help you with your writing,
you may want to perform some research and read articles on how to write
a radio script (see example at the following link), or get inspiration from
existing radio ads (but be careful to not infringe on any copyright). Your
ad’s content MUST be original and comply with ethical and legal
Please consider the following aspects as the part of the process of
creating this radio advertisement: 
 Description of the product and market. (What is the product?, what
are the features of the product?, who is your target market, gender?
age? etc) 
 What are the benefits of the product? (What makes this product
different to others? why would people prefer this product instead of the
competitor's product?) 
 What is it going to be the enticement to be offered? (This can be a
special offer that is only available to those hearing your ad on the
radio. Make your enticement a powerful incentive and make sure to
remind the listening audience that only they qualify for this special
 What is it going to be the call for action? (you need to close your ad
with a quick call to action: a phone number, a website, social network?
Many listeners might be in their cars and unable to write down your
information so make sure this is an easy thing to remember) 
 Remember that your ad should not exceed 30 seconds. Write the
script of you Radio ad.  (70 words). 
Once you have written your script, please submit it
under YourFirstName_YourLastName_Radio script. 
( Word document attached to this attempt)

(birds sounds on the background)

(serious tone)
Do you still wanna see them play on the bush?
Do you still wanna hear them singing?
Do you still wanna say hi to them while you are surfing?

Your action can make the difference

You can help us to keep them alive
Find our community group My Free Plastic future, and be part of the change.

TASK 4: Record your radio ad  

Using your phone or computer (or any other recording device of your
choice), please record your radio ad following your script. You may want
to ask for a classmate, a friend, colleague or family member to help you if
you have dialogue, or if you think that their voice would be more
appropriate. Keep in mind that the total duration of your ad must not
exceed 30 seconds. 
NB: Make sure that your final file in is MP4 format. 
Once you have recorded your ad, please upload it
under YourFirstName_YourLastName_Radio ad recording. 
(Audio record attached to this attempt)

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