Mga Munting Tinig Film Analysis

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Module 3: The Whole Child

1. Read the Article about The Whole Child Approach to Education

2. Watch the Film, “Mga Munting Tinig”
3. Answer the Guide Questions in one sheet of bond paper. Those who have laptops or
access to computers, encode your answers. Those who do not have computers, write
your answers, and take a photo. All assignments, quizzes, and projects must be sent to
my personal Messenger Account.


1. Cite a scene in the film where the pupils learned about and practices of a healthy lifestyle.
One scene that I think the pupils learned about a healthy lifestyle was when they
understood that poverty shouldn’t be a hindrance when achieving something. That’s
when they started to do something to achieve their dreams and not just believe the norm
among the society that only the rich are allowed to dream. Another scene was when they
learned to balance their life at home and at school. They learned to manage their house
chores and education well. (2 pts)

2. Were the pupils in that school physically and emotionally safe? Why or why not?
As I recalled the movie, the pupils were not physically and emotionally safe
before Teacher Melinda came. They were all physically drained due to the things that
their parents ask them to do such as harvesting and reaping as well as taking care of the
younger siblings. They weren’t emotionally safe as well since their parents hindered them
to do what they want to do. The parents were a hindrance t their children when they
wanted to continue school. However, Teacher Melinda made an effort to make the
parents understand that their kids are just that, a kid that is supposed to go to school and
not be physically drained. (2 pts)

3. How did the teacher encourage the pupils to be actively engaged in learning and connected to
the school and broader community?
The teacher encouraged the students by telling them that poverty is not a
hindrance in achieving one’s dreams. Because in reality, everyone can dream big and
actually achieve it. She encouraged their parents as well to have the pupils be actively
engaged in learning by making them understand that what the children do in school is
beneficial to the pupil. (2 pts)

4. Identify three who supported the pupils in their becoming a whole child
Firstly, is Teacher Melinda since she is the first one to encourage the pupils to
engage in learning. Second is the mother of Popoy who helped encourage the parents of
those who were hindered. Third is the other teachers because although they don’t really
show it, they actually care for the good of their pupils. (3pts)

5. How did Teacher Melinda help the school to become Sustainable?

Teacher Melinda helped the school to be sustainable because she imposed to the
pupils that they can continue to dream and achieve their dreams. She supported the
children to engage in school activities by encouraging them.

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