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What makes ASAP especially attractive for SMB customers?

Ease of management

Full automatization

Flexible per-user licensing model

All of the above

2. Which roles should be targeted inside the customer organization?



Dedicated Security Awareness specialists


All of the above

3. What is the full title of the KIPS training?

Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation

Kaspersky Industrial Protection Simulation

Kaspersky Industrial Pentesting Solution

None of the above

4. What are the key benefits of ASAP for partners?

Getting additional revenue for managed services

Managing multiple companies from the same account

Licensing tailored to MSPs

Opportunities for xSP

All of the above

5. Which statement is NOT true about Kaspersky ASAP?

Target levels help save customers’ time investment in training and ensure that each
employee is learning according to their risk profile

The Platform combines different types of content to ensure efficient learning (interactive
lessons, tests, reinforcement emails, simulated attacks)
MSP Partners can buy a pool of licenses by subscription and distribute them to end

The Platform only covers simulated phishing attacks

6. Which feature is NOT supported in ASAP?

Automated curriculum management

Gamification interface

Risk profile model

Skill-based lessons
7. In which situation is the customer NOT likely to buy ASAP?

Customer losses from human error are high

The customer needs to orchestrate multiple topics to be learned by different employee

roles and risk levels

The customer views training solely as a compliance requirement

The customer has already conducted awareness training, but staff is continuing to make
the same mistakes as before the training
8. Should you explain your arguments based on feature-by-feature comparison when
talking about program management?

It’s true. However, in the most cases customer doesn’t have clear program requirements
and they will struggle to come of with answers. So it’s better to share the ASAP approach and
explain why it’s effective and how it meets the customer’s needs.

Yes, it’s always better to structure argumentation based on the customer’s needs, so you
should ask what functionality they are looking for and which modules and reports they
9. Which description best defines the ASAP approach to reporting?

The platform provides actionable dashboards that objectively demonstrate progress and
provide practical recommendations

The platform provides a wide range of custom reports that needs to be set up and
scheduled manually

The platform supports only individual reporting on every employee’s progress

10. While talking with a client you should advise the customer about how to formulate
training objectives (based on time investment and different target levels) rather than
demand that information from them.

11. How do you obtain an ASAP trial for your customer?

Contact the Security Awareness team in Moscow

Partners must buy a full license

Trials are only provided to those customers who have already verbally agreed to buy
ASAP for at least 400 users

Send your customer a link to and encourage them to register. The
customer will buy a commercial license from you after the trial
12. Which option best describes the security awareness vendor group that offers
programs with very heavy program management?

These vendors don’t build strong skills or defense mechanisms because their main focus is

These vendors offer training products with limited functionality and content and they have
no threat intelligence expertise

These vendors have very broad functionality and as result, their training program
management is complex and time-consuming

These vendors offer localization in European languages which is limited and often of
unsatisfactory quality
13. Which statement is true about CITO?

It is based on theoretical material only

It is an interactive training for IT generalists

It contains 6 modules

It requires in-depth security expertise

14. What does ASAP have to offer MSP partners?

It allows partners to buy a pool of licenses in their name and distribute them among their

Availability of monthly subscription & volume based pricing

Possibility to manage security awareness solutions for all customers from a single console
with no need for additional hardware

All of the above

15. Which type of exercises are not included in ASAP?
Simulated phishing attacks

Reinforcement emails



16. What are the benefits of the Security Awareness training?

Protecting company assets

Saving money by reducing number of incidents

Helping employees with both business and personal computer use

Avoiding reputational risks

All of the above

17. Kaspersky ASAP’s fully automated training assignments don’t allow the assignment
of a certain kind of course to certain users (features and modules cannot be individually
enabled / disabled)

18. The product has a per-user licensing model. Depending on the region, the minimum
client order is 5 licenses.

19. ASAP’s two-pillar approach includes the following: effective training using
incremental learning & time-saving ease of management.

20. Which customer needs are covered by automated curriculum management?

Different employee categories are given training at the level relevant to them

Creating an effective learning path that covers all necessary topics and includes different
elements, ensuring knowledge retention

Reducing time spent on learning and program administration

All of the above

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