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Characterization of Welding Fume

from SMAW Electrodes — Part II
The composition and morphology of SMAW fume particles are determined
using advanced characterization techniques


size range (geometric mean diameters be-

ABSTRACT niques, fume particles were classified tween 0.1 to 0.25 μm) while particle mass
into three distinct morphologies: spheri- distributions were shifted to larger parti-
In Part I of this study, an electrical cal, irregular, and agglomerate. Agglom- cle sizes (mass median diameters between
low pressure impactor (ELPI) was used erates were the most common particle 0.55 to 0.75 μm).
to collect welding fume from E6010, type observed followed by spherical and After particle collection with the ELPI,
E7018, and E308-16 electrodes and de- irregular. Many of the spherical and ag- extensive characterization was performed
termine number and mass distributions glomerated particles exhibited a core- to determine the morphology, composi-
based on fume particle diameter. Fume shell structure where a core, rich in metal tion, and structure of the fume particles in
generation rates were obtained using an oxides, was coated with a shell consisting each size range. These characterization
improved fume hood design, and bulk of more volatile elements (Si, Na, Mg).

techniques included scanning electron mi-

fume phases were identified using X-ray This core-shell morphology was evident croscopy (SEM), transmission electron
diffraction (XRD). Part II of this study in fumes generated by all three of the microscopy (TEM), X-ray energy-disper-
makes use of extensive characterization shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) sive spectroscopy (XEDS), and X-ray
work by evaluating fume particles (col- electrodes. Extensive chemical analysis photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Elec-
lected in different size ranges with the was conducted on a large number of par- tron microscopy techniques such as SEM
ELPI) with scanning electron mi- ticles and agglomerates over the entire and TEM, often combined with XEDS an-
croscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelec- size range (0.03–10 μm) collected in the alytical methods, have been widely used to
tron spectroscopy (XPS). Transmission ELPI. Fume composition was found to examine individual fume particle mor-
electron microscopy (TEM) was used to vary as a function of aerodynamic diam- phology and for performing chemical
characterize fume particles in the ultra- eter, which was attributed to the differ- analysis of both individual and bulk com-
fine (< 0.3 μm) range. Using these tech- ent fume formation mechanisms. positions (Refs. 3–5). Scanning electron
microscopy is best used to characterize
in the range of 30 nm to 10 μm, with a re- particle morphologies and measure com-
Introduction sponse time of less than 5 s (Ref. 2). The positions of particles greater than 0.3 μm
system charges particles with a corona in size as well as measure compositions of
Welding fume produced by the charger before they are collected in a low- the bulk fume collected in fume filters.
shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) pressure impactor. The impactor sepa- Transmission electron microscopy is well
process contains a variety of metallic and rates the particles by aerodynamic diame- suited for imaging particles in the ultrafine
nonmetallic elements and compounds ter, and as the particles impact each sepa- particle regime and analyzing particles
that result from the melting and vaporiza- ration stage, the charge is recorded with with microprobe XEDS analyses to find
tion of the metal core wire and flux coat- highly sensitive electrometers. This allows chemical compositions. The electron in-
ing of the electrode. Part 1 (Ref. 1) of this real-time determination of particle size teraction volume within the particles is a
investigation determined the fume gener- distributions. Gravimetric analysis can large factor in determining which analysis
ation rate (FGR), particle number, and also be performed on the individual stages technique, whether it be SEM or TEM, is
mass distributions as a function of particle to determine particle mass distribution. better suited to a given particle size be-
size, and bulk fume chemistry generated Particle number distributions measured in cause the interaction volume of the beam
by the three SMAW electrodes (E6010, Part 1 (Ref. 1) showed that fume particles can vary greatly between the two mi-
E308-16, E7018) included in this study. generated by the three electrodes were croscopy techniques. Selected area dif-
Particle number and mass distributions (as contained largely in the ultrafine particle fraction (SAD) in the TEM is a useful
a function of fume particle aerodynamic technique for determining the crystalline
diameter) were determined using an elec- structure of the particles.
trical low pressure impactor (ELPI) as de- KEYWORDS The XPS is a surface-sensitive analysis
scribed in Part I. The ELPI system was de- technique that analyzes the composition
signed to collect and measure particle size Electrical Low Pressure of the sample surface to a depth of ap-
distributions with aerodynamic diameters Impactor (ELPI) proximately 1 to 3 nm (Ref. 6). The basic
X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) principle of XPS uses the photoelectric ef-
J. W. SOWARDS ( Scanning Electron Microscopy fect where photoelectrons are emitted
and D. W. DICKINSON are formerly with, and J. (SEM) from a surface illuminated by a source of
C. LIPPOLD is currently with the Welding & Shielded Metal Arc Welding (X-ray) photons. This XPS is capable of
Joining Metallurgy Group, The Ohio State Uni-
versity, Columbus, Ohio. A. J. RAMIREZ is with (SMAW) determining valence states of surface
the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory, Welding Fume atoms on the sample by measuring binding
Campinas, SP, Brazil. energies of emitted photoelectrons. This

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Table 1 — Aerodynamic Cutoff Diameter (Dp) of ELPI Stages

Stage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Aerodynamic 0.0284 0.056 0.0947 0.158 0.263 0.384 0.616 0.952 1.61 2.40 4.01 6.71 9.95
Dp (μm)

technique also has the ability to remove Table 2 — Weld Deposit and Base Metal Compositions*
surface layers by using Ar+ ion bombard-
ment (or etching), thus providing depth Element AISI A36 AISI 304L E6010** E7018 E308-16**
profiling capabilities. Between each suc-
cessive Ar+ etch, composition can be C 0.18 0.019 0.15 0.085 0.086
measured and compared with etching Mn 0.70 1.46 0.56 0.81 0.95
time to provide a composition profile of Si 0.19 0.29 0.20 0.19 0.61
the sample as a function of analysis depth. P 0.012 0.033 < 0.005 < 0.005 0.019
Applying this XPS depth profiling tech- S 0.020 0.001 0.020 0.014 0.015
nique to welding fume has shown varying Ni 0.10 8.34 0.048 0.11 9.13
composition through the volume of fume Cr 0.064 18.27 0.063 0.15 19.75
particles where the surfaces generally con- Mo 0.022 0.47 0.018 — 0.22
sist of more volatile elements and particle Cu — 0.34 — — 0.12
centers are generally metals and their ox- Fe Bal Bal Bal Bal Bal
ides (Refs. 3, 7, 8).
Welding fume particles exist across a *Carbon and sulfur analyzed by LECO technique, all others by ICP or ICP/MS technique.
**Represent compositions from the low-heat input conditions.
large size range from several nm up to sev-
eral μm in diameter as a result of different

particle formation mechanisms (Refs. ble by using SEM-XEDS for larger (accu- each electrode are presented in Table 2.
9–11). The smallest fume particles (< 100 mulated) particles, and TEM-XEDS for The scanning electron microscopy
nm) are formed by homogeneous nucle- smaller (nucleated) particles. X-ray pho- analyses were performed using conven-
ation from metal and flux vapors. The nu- toelectron spectroscopy is also important tional and high-resolution scanning elec-
cleated particles may experience growth for surface characterization because parti- tron microscopes JEOL LV-SEM JSM
by condensation of additional vapors on cles often exhibit a surface composition 5900LV and JEOL FEG-SEM JSM 6330F,
particle surfaces. Particle growth by con- different from the bulk particle, such as an respectively. X-ray energy-dispersive spec-
densation occurs until particles reach an oxide-rich or light element-rich layer troscopy analyses were performed using a
upper limit of approximately 300 nm in di- (Refs. 4, 7). These techniques were ther- microanalysis system NORAN Voyager at-
ameter (Ref. 9). Accumulation, or growth fore used in the following study to com- tached to the conventional SEM.
by collision of particles, results in forma- plement particle size distribution and bulk The aluminum foils used to collect the
tion of agglomerates and spherical parti- fume chemistry data provided in Part 1. fumes in the ELPI were secured to the
cles larger than 300 nm. Particles formed SEM sample holder using electrically con-
by any of these modes may have different Procedure ductive tape. In addition, examination of
composition because the formation mech- TEM grids in the SEM was possible with
anism is different. However, the agglom- The ELPI was used to collect samples the use of a specially designed graphite
erated particles formed by collision of for SEM, TEM, and XPS analysis. This sample holder.
smaller particles have a composition cor- system separates particles by cascade im- The SEM analyses were performed
responding to the average of the particles paction and deposits them on Al-foil sub- using 10 to 30 kV and a pole piece to sam-
that collided. strates placed on each ELPI collection ple distance of 5 to 10 mm. The XEDS
Fume contains multiple chemical stage. Al collection substrate is used be- analyses were performed at 15 keV using
species, all of which have different volatil- cause it is highly conductive, making it a live spectrum collection time of 100 s,
ities. Less volatile species condense on nu- suitable for use with electron microscopy providing excellent peak to background
cleated particles first (Ref. 9). As temper- and XPS. Also, Al was not a major com- ratios. Certified standards were used to
ature decreases, this is followed by ponent of any of the fume that was stud- calibrate the XEDS system and as a refer-
condensation of species with increasing ied. Table 1 shows the average aerody- ence for the quantitative analyses.
volatilities, resulting in the formation of namic particle diameters collected by each The quantitative analysis used a digi-
shelled particles. These core-shell parti- of the 13 collection stages of the ELPI. tal top hat filter for background subtrac-
cles have been observed in a variety of Transmission electron microscopy sam- tion and ZAF matrix correction method,
welding fumes that condense from multi- ples were collected by briefly passing car- both integrated to the Voyager system.
ple chemical species (Refs. 7, 8, 11–14). bon-coated copper TEM grids through Fume deposited on stage collection sub-
Fume particles possessing the core-shell the fume plume at distances of approxi- strates in piles directly below impactor jet
structure can have distinct surface mately 75 and 150 mm (3 and 6 in.) above orifices. Bulk stage composition meas-
chemistries from the bulk of the particle, the arc during welding. It was determined urements were obtained on each stage by
which should be considered during parti- that the entire particle size distribution defocusing the electron beam to cover a
cle characterization. range was collected onto the grids using large area of the piles. Therefore, a large
Due to the large distribution of particle this method. A detailed procedure for col- number of particles were simultaneously
sizes and compositional inhomogeneities, lection and analysis developed previously generating X-ray signals during XEDS
it is necessary to examine each size range (Ref. 5) was followed for collection and measurements.
independently from the others, and utilize characterization procedures for each of Semiquantitative composition analysis
different techniques to fully characterize the electrodes. Compositions of the base of ultrafine particles was performed with
the nature of welding fumes. This is possi- materials and actual weld deposits for the added capability of XEDS to the TEM.


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Fig. 1 — Schematic of observed particle morphologies Fig. 2 — An SEM micrograph of fume particles collected with the ELPI. Shown (left) are stage
found in SMA welding fume. 10 E6010 particles consisting of agglomerates of spherical particles and (right) stage 3 E308-
16 showing spherical agglomerates.

The TEM allowed the morphological and cations difficult. ameters < 100 nm). Therefore, this tech-
chemical characterization of particles of The XPS analysis was performed on par- nique was used to image particles from all
much smaller physical diameters due to the ticles collected on stage 3 of the ELPI sys- of the ELPI stages, but worked best on
technique’s finer spatial resolution. The tem. The XPS system was a Kratos Ultra stages 3–13. Three distinct particle mor-
narrow volume of material exited by the Axis XPS and UPS system with depth pro- phologies were observed, namely spherical,

electron beam allowed localized chemical filing capabilities using Ar ion etching. Ini- irregular, and agglomerated. Spherical par-
analysis of the ultrafine particles. tial survey scans were completed for each ticles were the most abundant type of indi-
Chemical elements with atomic num- sample to determine the elements con- vidual particle. Irregular particles were gen-
bers lower than Na and C become difficult tained within particle surfaces. Detailed re- erally rod shaped and not as common as the
to quantify with the XEDS technique for a gion scans were then performed for each el- spherical ones. Agglomerates were found
diffusion vacuum pumped SEM and TEM, ement observed to obtain higher to consist of anywhere from several to
respectively. Because of this, oxygen was signal-to-background ratios. Samples were hundreds of spherical and irregular par-
often eliminated from the quantification then etched with Ar+ ions for a period of ticles bound together. A schematic rep-
routines even though most particles were 10 min. Region scans were performed again resentation of the types of particles ob-
heavily oxidized. Among the difficulties for to observe changes in peak intensity after served is shown along with a schematic of
oxygen XEDS quantification, the low-en- the etching sequence. the core-shell structure, which was ob-
ergy O-K X-ray photons are highly ab- served at high magnifications during
sorbed by very thin C contamination films. Results and Discussion TEM analysis — Fig. 1.
These films are very common in SEMs and
TEMs, which severely compromises such The initial particle characterization was SEM – Particle Morphology
element quantification. Al was also left out performed with SEM and XEDS analysis
of the analysisbecause the Al substrates on because particle morphology and bulk com- Spherical and agglomerated particles
which the particles are collected resulted in position of each ELPI stage are most easily were observed on each stage of the E6010
a large stray signal during XEDS analysis. In obtained with these two techniques, respec- collections, but individual spherical parti-
addition, fluorine was not quantified in tively. Magnifications in excess of 100,000× cles were present in low percentages on
most of these samples due to the F-K X-ray were readily obtainable with field emission the lower stages (1–6). Many of the ag-
peak overlap with the highly excited Fe-L SEM, allowing for imaging of particles at glomerates consisted of loosely packed
X-ray peak, making such element quantifi- the larger end of the ultrafine region (di- spherical particles with diameters on the

Table 3 — Estimated Volumetric Percentage of Particles from SEM Analysis of the Individual ELPI Stages

Spherical Particles Irregular Particles Agglomerates

ELPI Stage E6010 E308-16 E6010 E308-16 E6010 E308-16

1 — — ~ 70 — ~ 30 —
2 — — ~ 80 — ~ 20 —
3 — — <2 ~ 10 > 98 ~ 90
4 — — <2 ~ 10–15 > 98 ~ 85–90
5 — — <2 ~ 10–20 > 98 ~ 80–90
6 — — <2 — > 98 100
7 <2 — <2 — > 96 100
8 <6 ~ 20–30 <2 — > 92 ~ 70–80
9 ~ 40–50 < 20 — — ~ 50–60 > 80
10 ~ 50–60 ~ 50 — — ~ 40–50 ~ 50
11 ~ 60–70 < 10 — — ~ 30–40 > 90
13 — — ~ 30 — ~ 70 —

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Fig. 3 — Bulk composition of ELPI stages as a function of aerodynamic Fig. 4 — Bulk composition of ELPI stages as a function of aerodynamic parti-
particle diameter for the E6010 fume. Note different scales of y axes. cle diameter for the E308-16 fume. Note different scales of y axes.

order of tens of nanometers. Irregular E6010 fume as

particles were observed on all stages as well, except irregu-
well, but were most prevalent on stages 1 lar particles were
and 2. A qualitative bulk estimate of observed with
E6010 and E308-16 particle types was per- lower frequency.
formed with SEM on each of the ELPI To verify the ex-
stages. This estimate, provided in Table 3, tent of particle ag-
should only be regarded as indicative of glomeration occur-
the distribution of particle morphologies ring before
in each stage. collection in the
E308-16 fume morphology distribution ELPI, carbon-
was similar to E6010 where the highest coated TEM grids
percentage of individual spherical parti- were passed
cles was observed on the upper stages. A though the fume
large number of agglomerates were found plume at different
on all the stages for the E308-16 samples, distances during
though they were quite different from the welding. These
agglomerates found in E6010 fume. These grids were exam-
agglomerates were generally well packed ined with SEM
together, and in some cases formed large using a specially
consolidated round agglomerates consist- designed stage ca-
ing of multiple fume particles of different pable of accepting
sizes. These round agglomerates were TEM grids. Exami- Fig. 5 — Bulk composition of ELPI stages as a function of aerodynamic parti-
cle diameter for the E7018 fume. Note different scales of y axes.
most prevalent on stages 3–6. On stages nation of particles
7–11, there were more loosely packed ag- deposited on the
glomerates similar to the open-structured grids showed that
type observed in E6010 fume. However, agglomerates col- performed on stages 1–13 of the ELPI col-
during E308-16 fume morphology analy- lected from the plume were representative umn for E6010, stages 3–13 for E308-16,
sis, most of the agglomerates were gener- in size of those observed on ELPI stages. and stages 2, 4, 8, 10 for E7018 fume col-
ally observed to be spherical in shape and Further agglomeration or deagglomera- lections. These measurements were per-
apparently consolidated. Representative tion was determined to be minimal during formed to determine fume composition as
secondary electron micrographs are ELPI collection. a function of aerodynamic diameter, and
shown for E6010 and E308-16 fume col- to analyze individual particles and ag-
lections — Fig. 2. E7018 fume particle SEM – Chemical Analysis glomerates greater than 0.3 μm in size.
morphology as a function of size was gen- Little fume was present on stages 1 and 2
erally consistent with the observations of The SEM-XEDS measurements were of the E308-16 collection because size dis-


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creases in concentration from 10 at.-% to

A B zero as particle size increases toward the
larger diameters. Si is present in rather
low concentrations on lower stages but in-
creases to its maximum level just above 0.1
μm. Fe is fairly uniform in composition ex-
cept in the presence of high amounts of
potassium (K) (50.6 at.-%) on stage 13;
however, K was not present in detectable
levels on the other stages. Ti was also pres-
ent in low concentrations and observed
initially on stage 5 (0.4 at.-%) and peaked
in concentration on stage 13 (3.4 at.-%).
Both Ti and K are contained in the flux
coating of the E6010 electrode. Due to the
lack of fluoride present in the E6010
fume, potassium would likely be present
as an oxide that would have lower volatil-
C D ity than a potassium-fluoride (KF) com-
pound. This could shift the distribution of
K-bearing particles to larger sizes as com-
pounds with lower volatilities preclude va-
porization, whereas vapor-condensed
particles (such as those containing the
more volatile KF compound) would dom-
inate the fume distributions in the smaller

particle diameters (Refs. 11, 15). This rea-

soning may also explain why Ti increases
in concentration with increasing particle
diameter. Mn was found in highest con-
centration (21.8 at.-%) in stage 1 (0.03 μm
Dp) of the ELPI. It decreased to approx-
imately 8
at.-% in the larger sizes and remained
Fig. 6 — Electron micrographs taken with SEM (A) and TEM (B, C, and D). The XEDS measurement lo-
fairly constant as a function of Dp. The
cations are indicated on each micrograph except for XEDS 3, which was measured over the entire agglom-
erate in (C) by spreading the electron beam. enrichment of Mn in the nucleation range
of fumes produced during gas metal arc
welding (GMAW) with ER70S-3, more
specifically in primary spherical particles
tributions were skewed toward larger di- E6010 with diameters < 0.06 μm, has been ex-
ameters. As fume particles were not ob- plained by the degree of supercooling a
served in large piles on those stages, a sta- Measured bulk compositions (in particle experiences from vapor (Ref. 16).
tistically meaningful measurement of bulk at.-%) of E6010 fume collected on ELPI Smaller particles experience larger de-
composition of fume deposited on those stages are plotted as a function of aerody- grees of supercooling from the initial
stages was not possible. namic diameter (Dp) — Fig. 3. Na de- fume vapor, resulting in higher Mn con-
tents. It is expected that primary particle
formation in fumes generated during
SMAW would occur in a similar manner.
Table 4 — Composition Ranges (at.-%) for Individual Particles and Agglomerates as Measured
Considering that chemical species from
the welding flux condense after the metal-
E6010 E7018 E308-16 lic particles nucleate, because they are
generally more volatile, the same type of
Element Min. Max Min. Max Min. Max Mn enrichment is anticipated in the small-
est SMAW fume particles. This is shown
Mn 2.8 10.1 1.8 4.4 2.8 7.4 in Fig. 3 where Mn increases in concen-
Fe 42.2 77.2 7.7 27.1 3.6 37.7 tration on stage 1.
Si 3.2 17.5 1.8 8.2 1.5 17.9 Approximately 15 individual particles
Na 2.4 12.2 5.3 22.2 0.5 2.6 were analyzed with XEDS on each stage.
Ti 0.0 0.6 0.2 2.1 1.1 30.1
The composition of these particles was
Mg 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.9 0.0 0.0
S 0.2 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.4 1.6 generally more complicated than those of
Cl 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.4 5.8 the bulk analyses because of the presence
K 2.7 2.7 1.5 4.3 14.1 50.3 of minor additional elements not detected
Ca 0.0 0.0 0.7 16.8 0.2 22.7 in bulk measurements. Individual analy-
Cr 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 3.0 23.4 ses were also made difficult because large
F 0.0 0.0 7.5 22.1 0.0 0.0 Al-K and O-K X-ray signals were gener-
Zn 0.0 0.0 0.5 6.4 0.0 0.0 ated by the background substrate holding
the particles. These peaks were sub-
tracted from the X-ray spectra generated

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Table 5 — Composition of Individual Particles and Agglomerates from the SEM-XEDS and TEM-XEDS Measurements Shown in
Fig. 6


wt-% at.-% wt-% at.-% wt-% at.-% wt-% at.-% wt-% at.-%

O K* 32.1 50.1 9.7 25.0 — — 5.3 15.8 16.7 30.3

FK 12.8 16.9 — — — — — — — —
Na K 5.1 5.6 1.7 3.0 — — — — — —
Mg K — — — — — — 0.2 0.4 — —
Si K 5.6 5.0 8.1 12.0 2.0 3.8 3.9 6.6 51.2 53.0
SK — — 0.1 0.2 — — — — — —
Cl K — — — — — — — — — —
KK 3.0 1.9 — — 1.1 1.6 — — — —
Ca K 11.7 7.3 — — — — — — — —
Ti K 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 — — 0.2 0.2 — —
Cr K — — — — — — — — — —
Mn K 4.1 1.9 8.9 6.7 1.3 1.3 10.0 8.7 1.6 0.9
Fe K 25.5 11.4 71.3 52.9 95.6 93.3 80.3 68.2 30.6 15.9
Zn K — — 0.2 0.1 — — — — — —

*Note: O was included in the quantifications to show its presence in these particles, but values are not accurately measured with XEDS.

during the analyses, introducing some ther examination would be necessary to de- electrode coating formulation, but virtu-
error into the measurement. Composition termine the extent of its presence as a func- ally none was detected in the weld deposit.
ranges for individual fume particles and tion of particle size. The Zn ended up primarily in larger par-
agglomerates are provided in Table 4, ticles and agglomerates (> 1 μm) with the
which shows that some of the particles E7018 levels shown in Table 4. Irregular particles
contained low levels of Cr, K, Ti, Mg, and had slightly different compositions, usu-
S in addition to those shown in Fig. 3 (bulk The ELPI stages 2, 4, 8, and 10 were an- ally consisting of a large percentage of
compositions). However, elemental com- alyzed for the E7018 fume. Bulk composi- metallic elements, instead of types typi-
positions of individual particles were gen- tions are shown as a function of aerody- cally found in the fluxes such as Ca or Na.
erally in agreement with bulk analyses per- namic particle diameter — Fig. 5. Mn and Figure 6A represents a typical second-
formed on the same stage. Fe are present in lower concentrations ary electron micrograph of a group of ag-
than those found on the E6010 stages. glomerated particles. The corresponding
E308-16 This is largely due to the presence of high composition data are shown in Table 5 for
concentration of the compounds NaF and the spot analysis location indicated as
Bulk compositions of the E308-16 CaF2 in the E7018 fume. Ca appeared to XEDS 1. This agglomerate was imaged on
fume on the ELPI stages showed more increase in concentration as a function of stage 8 of an ELPI collection of E7018 weld-
scatter than the E6010 fume with respect particle diameter, though the extent of ing fume. Fluorine and oxygen concentra-
to the levels of Mn, Fe, and Cr — Fig. 4. that increase was not large. The F-K X-ray tions are included in the quantification to il-
These three metals all varied in level and peak overlap with Fe-K prevented accu- lustrate their presence. The agglomerate is
remained below 20 at.-% across the parti- rate measurements of fluorine concentra- composed mainly of Fe, O, and F along with
cle size range. Fe, Cr, and Ti had minima tion, and there are obvious problems with the presence of two cations typically found
in concentration on stage 5 (Dp = 0.263 oxygen quantification. Therefore, little in fluoride compounds (Na, Ca). Individual
μm) of the ELPI and increased in concen- could be said about the competition of Na particle analyses showed that E6010 and
tration from stage 5 in both the finer and and K forming oxide or fluoride com- E7018 fume particles were fairly uniform in
larger particle diameters. Na decreased in pounds, and how this would ultimately af- composition for both spherical particles and
concentration with an increase in particle fect the distribution of particle size due to agglomerations, irrespective of size.
size, whereas Si increased from approxi- different volatilities of those compounds.
mately 10 to 20 at.-%. Analyses of individ- The E7018 fume generally had high fluo- TEM – Particle Analysis
ual particles and agglomerates shown in rine (based on qualitative comparison of
Table 4 were in agreement with the bulk F-K and Fe-Kα X-ray peak heights) and Fume particles formed by nucleation
analyses, although XEDS spectra of indi- sodium content in the finer spherical par- (primary particles) and growth by vapor
vidual particles occasionally revealed ticles, which is expected of elements with condensation vary in composition with
lower levels of K and higher levels of Fe. higher volatilities. Also, fluorides were size, but as accumulation of these particles
It is also worth noting that K and Cr were si- present in high concentration in bulk fume occurs from many primary particles, ag-
multaneously present in many individual according to XRD (Ref. 1). This supports glomerates become similar to the bulk
particles, and were measured across the en- previous explanations (Refs. 9, 11) that fume composition (Ref. 16). This is why
tire collected size range. This observation, fluorides increase the number concentra- many of the particles and agglomerates
along with the X-ray diffraction (XRD) tion of finer particle sizes and was shown analyzed with SEM do not exhibit much
data showing K2CrO4 in bulk E308-16 fume in particle number distributions of E7018 variation in composition with particle di-
in Part 1, suggest that the Cr(VI) valence is measured with the ELPI (Ref. 1). Zn ameter. The particle and agglomerate
possible in all particle sizes. However, fur- measured in the E7018 fume was part of compositions measured with SEM-XEDS


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(Fe3O4 type and K2MO4 type) were

imbedded in a Si-rich matrix. These parti-
cles likely occur from collisions of primary
particles of different compositions fol-
lowed by chemical segregation of the dif-
ferent phases driven by minimization of
Gibbs energy.
The corresponding SAD patterns of
the particles in Fig. 6B and D are shown
along with the transmission electron mi-
crographs. The E6010 pattern in Fig. 6B
was formed by beam diffraction through
all of the crystalline particles in the micro-
graph. Note this pattern exhibits some in-
dication of diffraction rings, indicating
many orientations of magnetite occur
within the agglomerate. The convergent
Fig. 7 — High-resolution (HR) TEM micrographs of E7018 ultrafine particles of Fe3O4 and CaF2. beam electron diffraction (CBED) pat-
tern in Fig. 6D identifies an (M,Fe)3O4
type structure along the [111] zone axis. In
the magnetite matrix, M may be substi-
tuted with Cr and/or Mn. Two high-reso-
lution TEM micrographs of different
E7018 particles are shown — Fig. 7. The
interplanar spacing of the image on the
right side, measured to be 3.1 Å, matches

the (111) CaF2 plane. This agrees with re-

sults obtained from the bulk X-ray dif-
fraction (Ref. 1), but more detailed analy-
sis is necessary to fully and unequivocally
identify this phase. Many of these particles
with high fluoride content were observed
with TEM. This further supports the ob-
served shift of the E7018 number distribu-
tion to smaller diameters relative to E6010
and E308-16 number distributions.
Fig. 8 — The XPS peak intensities as a function of etching for three welding fumes analyzed. The SAD patterns showed the Fe3O4
type crystal structure was most prevalent
in particles found in all three types of
fume. As a comparison with the electron
(> 300 nm diameter) were well above the of oxygen. diffraction data, XRD results (Ref. 1) re-
size range where particles forming via a The TEM results showed a core-shell vealed that the primary phase present in
nucleation and growth mechanism are ex- structure was present in fumes from all the three fumes analyzed was Fe3O4.
pected to be found. The TEM work was three electrode types. These particles tend Slight diffraction peak shifts suggest that
performed on particles less than 300 nm to to have an inner core consisting of iron Mn (or Cr when present) is probably act-
better capture the composition of parti- and manganese in the form of a Fe3O4 ing as a substitution for Fe in the mag-
cles formed via the nucleation and growth type iron oxide (magnetite). Surrounding netite matrix. The XRD showed addi-
mechanism. the core is a coating (or shell) of different tional peaks for the E308-16 electrodes as
Extensive TEM analyses were per- composition. An amorphous silicon-rich K2MO4 and NaF, while the E7018 had ad-
formed on fume samples collected from oxide was identified as the main con- ditional peaks for NaF and CaF2 (Ref. 1).
each electrode. A nano-scale agglomerate stituent in the E6010 and E308-16 shells, However, these phases were not observed
of several particles generated from E6010 while the E7018 shells tended to be much with the same frequency as magnetite dur-
is presented — Fig. 6B. The bottom parti- thinner and enriched in calcium (and ing SAD analysis of particles.
cle was analyzed with XEDS 2, and the probably fluorine). Composition analyses
composition is shown in Table 5. Note that of an E308-16 core-shell particle are XPS — Particle Analysis
this composition, as compared with E6010 shown, where XEDS4 denotes the particle
fume particles from much larger relative core composition, and XEDS5 denotes The XPS was used to obtain informa-
sizes, has higher metal (Fe, Mn, Si) con- the composition of the shell — Fig. 6D. tion about valence states and for partial
tent. Part of a relatively large agglomerate Note that concentrations of silicon and depth profiling of fume particles. Because
generated during E7018 welding is also oxygen increased drastically from 6.6 to 53 XPS has the ability to bombard the sam-
shown — Fig. 6C. An average composition at.-% and from 5.3 to 16.7 at.-%, respec- ple with Ar+ ions to remove surface layers
(XEDS 3) of this agglomerate was meas- tively, while relatively large decreases of the fume particles, the system was used
ured by spreading the electron beam to in- were observed for Mn and Fe in the shell. to analyze the composition of the particle
teract with the entire agglomerate. All of This core-shell effect was observed in both shell structures and then remove them via
the spherical particles within the agglom- spherical and agglomerated particles. etching to analyze core compositions.
erate are likely primary particles that are Many of the E308-16 particles were of a Stage 3 of ELPI collections was used for
rich in metals (Fe, Mn), the alkali metal K, matrix-precipitate type, where small fume fume analysis (aerodynamic diameter of
the metalloid Si, as well as being deficient particles consisting of metallic oxides approximately 0.1 μm) though XPS results

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must be interpreted carefully due to the nity, and government bodies that sanction cent of particles on all stages of the ELPI
technique’s limited spatial resolution the regulations regarding exposure. It is ap- were agglomerates of spherical particles.
(Ref. 3). These XPS results showing the el- parent that fume must be collected and sep- Individual spherical particles were common
ement intensities in the initial and etched arated into sizes where the appropriate to all fumes, but were found in lesser fre-
conditions are summarized — Fig. 8. Area characterization technique may be applied quency than the agglomerates. Agglomera-
counts per second (CPS) was used as an to study fume particles in the different size tion was common because metal aerosols
estimate of composition. This corre- ranges. In conjunction, it is also imperative are typically highly charged or may sinter at
sponds to the area under the intensity vs. that fume particle size and mass distribu- high temperature, providing different
binding energy curve for each element tions are measured, because they provide mechanisms for particles to adhere to-
peak (Mn 2p, Fe 2p, etc.). The values insight into the physical phenomena gov- gether. Irregular-shaped particles were also
shown are area CPS of each element di- erning formation of welding fume. Cou- found in fumes from each electrode, but
vided by total area CPS. The XPS sug- pling advanced particle sizing techniques, were not as common as agglomerations or
gested the existence of a core-shell struc- such as use of the ELPI, with the advanced individual spherical particles.
ture in the fume of all three electrodes.. characterization techniques including HR- 5. The TEM and HR-TEM were used
The E6010 fume responded to etching SEM, HR-TEM, and XPS, provides a more to image nano-scale particles. Most of the
with an increase in Fe, Mn, and Si, and a complete study. Though there is much to be ultrafine particles had a crystalline struc-
corresponding decrease in Na, O, C, and gained from studying welding fume, a few ture, and some particles exhibited a core-
F. The E7018 fume was rich in Ca, K, Na, benefits are as follows: shell structure.
and F prior to etching and showed only • Evaporative losses of elements dur- 6. Chemical analysis techniques used
trace levels of Mn in the outer layers of the ing welding can result in changes in weld during this investigation included SEM-
fume. Mn, Fe, and Si in the E7018 fume in- deposit composition. Also, vaporization of XEDS, TEM-XEDS, and XPS. The XEDS
creased in concentration with etching. Fe core wire and flux constituents controls as a fume analysis technique is limited by
peak positions of both fumes (E6010 and fume generation rates. Therefore, core the size of the electron beam and interac-
E7018) correlated with the Fe3O4 form of wire and flux compositions may be ad- tion volume with the particle, and its inabil-
iron oxide, thus complementing SAD and justed to compensate for this during con- ity to accurately analyze light elements.
XRD data. Iron also appeared to be pres- sumable formulation. Therefore, SEM-XEDS was limited to

ent in the metallic state after the etching • Particle size distribution measure- analysis of particles above 0.3 μm, and
was completed. Manganese was detected ments (number and mass) provide a gauge TEM-XEDS was used for particles below
in complex oxides in the fume from both to the industrial hygiene community of po- this size range.
electrodes, but the absolute valence states tential interactions that particles will have 7. Compositional variations were ob-
could not be determined due to the in- with the body. Knowledge of fume com- served with SEM-XEDS across the col-
ability to isolate Mn compounds within position and chemistry allows the hygiene lected particle size range, and individual
the spectrum generated by the system. community to determine what epidemio- particle analyses generally were within
The XPS data suggest that Mn is present logical effects may result upon interaction bulk compositions on each stage. TEM-
in the form of a metal oxide of the M2O3 with human tissues. XEDS and SAD showed that ultrafine
and M3O4 type, giving valence states of • Government regulations concerning particles were typically metal oxides of the
Mn+2 or Mn+3 in both E6010 and E7018 worker exposure to welding fumes should form (M,Fe)3O4, where M may be substi-
electrodes. Based on XRD and TEM be continually updated as characterization tuted for Mn and Cr, though different
analysis, it is most likely that Mn is present techniques provide additional information compounds were found when particles ex-
as a substitutional element in the Fe3O4 regarding composition and chemistry. This hibited a core-shell microstructure.
compound. is also true of new welding consumables as 8. The XPS confirmed the core-shell
The XPS etching response of E308-16 they come into widespread use. morphology by partial depth profiling and
revealed an increase in Mn, Fe, Cr, and O revealed that the most likely valence states
suggesting that inner portions of particles Conclusions for Fe and Mn are +2 and +3, because
are rich in metallic oxides. A large de- they are found largely in the (M,Fe)3O4
crease in F intensity after etching suggests 1. An electrical low pressure impactor compound. Examination of E308-16 fume
a fluoride-rich layer may coat many of the (ELPI) was used to collect SMAW fume revealed valence states corresponding to
particles. Peak locations of Cr were not and separate the particles by aerodynamic Cr+6 bearing compounds, which agrees
clearly discernible; however, they were lo- diameter, allowing for the different size with XRD results in Part 1.
cated within the regime of Cr2O3 (Cr+3), ranges to be imaged and analyzed with the
CrO2 (Cr+4), and CrO3 (Cr+6), which sug- appropriate analytical methods according Acknowledgments
gests a presence of Cr+6 in the fume, to particle size.
though this observation is unsubstanti- 2. Fume particles generated by the The authors would like to thank Matt
ated. To reveal this indisputably, other SMAW process vary across a large size Gonser of the Welding & Joining Metal-
methods would be required such as wet range (several nm to several μm), which re- lurgy Group at The Ohio State University
chemical testing (Ref. 17). However, the quires the use of multiple imaging and for his valuable assistance in fume collec-
compound K2CrO4 (Cr+6) was observed in chemical analysis techniques to fully char- tion and analysis. Also, thanks to Troy
XRD results (Ref. 1), which agrees with acterize the fume. Paskell of WeldQC for help with equip-
the current XPS observations. 3. The SEM, TEM, and HR-TEM were ment setup and testing. Funding for this
used to characterize both individual parti- project was provided by D&L Welding
Practical Implications cles as well as the bulk fume on each ELPI Fume Analysis LLC representing a con-
stage for three SMAW electrode fumes. sortium of past and current consumable
Fume characterization is relevant in un- This revealed three unique particle manufacturers.
derstanding the impact of fume exposure on structures: spherical, irregular, and References
the health and safety of welding personnel. agglomerate.
The data provided in studies, including this 4. The SEM was used to image fume par- 1. Sowards, J. W., Lippold, J. C., Dickinson,
one, are important to consumable manu- ticles and examine the morphology of parti- D. W., and Ramirez, A. J. 2008. Characteriza-
facturers, the industrial hygiene commu- cles greater than 0.3 μm. The largest per- tion of welding fume from SMAW electrodes —


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90-s APRIL 2010, VOL. 89

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