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Kaspersky Threat intelligence includes the following services :

- Cloud Sandbox
- Threat intelligence Reporting
- Threat Lookup
- Threat Data feeds

How many new malicious objects do Kaspersky Lab Epxperts detect every day :

- 350 000

Example of target customers include :

- Entreprise with a security center ……

- Government bodies …….
- Law enforcment agencies
- All of the above

Key positions within the business that you should speak to according our recommandations :

- Soc manager
- Incident response expert / threat Hunter
- Ciso CTO or CIO

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence isn’t just one product , it’s a set powerful services that together give
your customers the ability to identify threats and understand the risks posedand the impact on their

- Vrai

Threat intelligence reporting includes the following types of reporting

- Kaspersky APT Intelligence Reporting

- Kaspersky customer/country-specific threat intelligence reporting
- Kaspersky financial threat intelligence reporting

What roles will be the best to appeal when positionning threat lookup and Cloud Sandbox :

- Soc manager
- Incident responder
- Threat hunter

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence is derived from accross the globe and provides a comprehensive viex of
the modern landscape threats :

- Vrai

Kaspersky threat intelligence is aggregated from a collection of distincly different sources, including

- Kaspersky security Network

- Botnet monitoring system
- Dark web
- Web crawlers , spam traps and honeypots
- Global research and analyst team

Kaspersky threat intelligence allows customers who are for whatever reason not using our products
to nevertheless benfit from our recognized threat research expertise and knowledge and stay
protected against even the most sophisticated attacks :

- Vrai

Match the threat intelligence service with the corresponding value proposition :

- Using kaspersky threat lookupand cloud sandbox customer benefit from : improving and
accelerating incident response and forensic capabilities
- With Kaspersky threat Data Feeds customers benefit from : reinforcing security solutions
such a SIEM with continuously updated information about threats
- Using Kaspersky threat intelligence reporting customers benfit from : implementing
defensive mechanisms the most damaging threats in advance

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