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4.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher discussed in details about the findings of the case study
research and the findings are obtained through collection of data from a pre-test, a
post-test, and questionnaire. In this chapter the researcher will go far deeply about the
skill that he chose which is Reading Skills. In reading skill, the researcher introduced
the Word Recognition Techniques that can apply in reading process. The researcher
emphasis more on how to apply the Word Recognition Techniques in Reading
Process and how it can motivate students to gain more knowledge from reading.

The results and discussion will attain the readers to consider each ESL
Excellent Teacher’s beliefs on methods used for vocabulary instruction and to explore
the activities conducted by ESL Excellent Teachers based on their beliefs on the
Word Recognition Techniques in Reading Comprehension used for students as these
are the objectives of this case study.

After implementing the test, this chapter shall give the elaboration and full
detail of data collected throughout the entire test being carried out. All data shall be
measured by using tables, graph and significant result will be determined from the
calculation and measurement done. The presentation of all data will come along with
a brief elaboration regarding the reasons and differences indicate in the result.

Twelve pre-tests worksheet on Frog Virtual Learning Environment conducted

by the researcher. All of the students able to complete the comprehension questions at
the end of the test. Four weakest pupils fail to complete the questions and were given
extra time to complete the task given.

4.1 Presentation Result

In this study, data shall be collected by using research instruments, Pre-Test, Post-
Test and Questionnaire. Should the data have been collected, the data analysis will
encompass from the instruments, objectives and the questions. At the same time, the
results will answer the questions and objective stated in this study.

4.1.1 Participants’ backgrounds

The 12 students selected for this case study come from the ethnics of Bajau
and Dusun, all of the students are in age of 9 and consist of 7 male and 5
female. Their parents are most farmer and fisherman which some of them need
to go to help their parents before they go to school or after school period.

Other scenario are most of the students did not enter the kindergarten
or pre-school before they entered the primary school. Their disability in
reading made them left behind and it surely affect their learning progress.
Their environment can be considered as one of the biggest factor that
influence the students since they are from the rural area and the their daily
conversation are limited to their villages’ friends despite of using their mother
tongue as daily conversation language and most of them didn’t have time to
study and learn to read at home.

The samples consist of 12 selected Year 3 students. First step in the

implementation of my study would be to give away the Pre-Test reading
comprehension exercise to the students. The table below indicates the scores
achieved by those students in Pre-Test. When marking the papers, the
researcher has divided the scores by grading them into grades A, B, C, D and
E. As known, grades A to C are regarded as passing grades whereby grades D
and E are regarded as failing grades.

Grades Scores

A 80 - 100%
B 60 - 79%

C 40 - 59%

D 20 – 39%

E 0 – 19%

Table 4.1.1 Grading Scale

4.2 Pre-Test Result


1 Abd. Safwan Abd Rasik 9/16 56
2 Al-Saudi Arash 4/16 25
10 Amir Boldjo 2/16 13
3 Farnisha Al Sarif 8/16 50
4 Jaidin Zaineh 5/16 31
8 Md Johan Kein Paulus 4/16 25
11 Md Shakir Zufayri 3/16 19
5 Md. Aidil Ekhwan Saruna 3/16 19
6 Nazzeidah Nawi 4/16 25
7 Nor Shafiqah Disim 2/16 13
9 Siti Azlyn Abdul Gapur 5/16 31
12 Siti Nur Aysah Noon 4/16 25
Table 4.2 Pre-Test Result

Result for Pre - Test

No. of Students



Figure 4.2 Graph for Pre-Test Result

4.2.1 Pre-Test Achievement

The table and graph shown above indicate that the Pre-Test done by
the 12 selected students in Year 3 of Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanjung Batu , Kota
Marudu. A total of 16 questions in the Pre-Test taken and answered by the
students, only 2 students managed to pass the test while 10 of the students fail,
6 of the students got D while 4 of the students got E. However the researcher
going to implement the study on using Word Recognition Techniques in
Reading Comprehension to examine whether there are any increasing marks
on the Post-Test. Later, the questionnaire will be given to the students to
indicate their attitudes towards the methods.
4.3 Post-Test Result for Cycle 1


1 Abd. Safwan Abd Rasik 14/16 88
2 Al-Saudi Arash 8/16 50
10 Amir Boldjo 5/16 31
3 Farnisha Al Sarif 10/16 63
4 Jaidin Zaineh 9/16 56
8 Md Johan Kein Paulus 7/16 44
11 Md Shakir Zufayri 7/16 44
5 Md. Aidil Ekhwan Saruna 5/16 31
6 Nazzeidah Nawi 6/16 38
7 Nor Shafiqah Disim 5/16 31
9 Siti Azlyn Abdul Gapur 8/16 50
12 Siti Nur Aysah Noon 8/16 50

Table 4.3 Post-Test Result Cycle 1

No. of Students
Result for Post - Test Cycle 1



Figure 4.3 Graph for Post-Test Result Cycle 1

4.3.1 Post-Test Achievement for Cycle 1

The Post-Test given after implementation the Word Recognition
Techniques in Reading Comprehension to the students showed improvement
and increased of number of students passed the test and decreased the number
of failure in the test. A total of 16 questions given and answered by students.
A total of 8 of the students managed to pass, number of one student with A,
one student with B and 6 students with C while only 4 failure with D and non
for E. Therefore, Post-Test for cycle 2 will be done by teacher to see whether
the study will really achieve it target of 100% passes with the different set of
4.4 Post-Test Result for Cycle 2


1 Abd. Safwan Abd Rasik 16/16 100
2 Al-Saudi Arash 9/16 56
10 Amir Boldjo 7/16 44
3 Farnisha Al Sarif 12/16 75
4 Jaidin Zaineh 9/16 56
8 Md Johan Kein Paulus 8/16 50
11 Md Shakir Zufayri 8/16 50
5 Md. Aidil Ekhwan Saruna 7/16 44
6 Nazzeidah Nawi 7/16 44
7 Nor Shafiqah Disim 8/16 50
9 Siti Azlyn Abdul Gapur 10/16 63
12 Siti Nur Aysah Noon 8/16 50

Table 4.4 Post-Test Cycle 2

Result for Post - Test Cycle 2

No. of Students


Figure 4.4 Graph for Post-Test Cycle 2

4.4.1 Post-Test Achievement for Cycle 2

The Post-Test given after implemented the Word Recognition
Techniques in Reading Comprehension for enhancement after the result of
Post-Test for Cycle 1. The Post-Test Cycle 2 result was surprisingly impressed
the researcher since it able to get 100% passes even though number of getting
grade C is more than grade A and B. As mention before the students were
given different set of questions and there were 16 questions. All of the
students managed to pass the test, one student with A, two students with B and
nine students with C. Graph shown that pupils’ result has increased compares
to the Pre-Test and Post-test Cycle 1. After the implementation of interactive
and fun learning through word recognition techniques in reading
comprehension students were able to have better understanding of the text.

4.5 Comparison between Pre-Test and Post-Test



1 Abd. Safwan Abd Rasik 56 88 100

2 Al-Saudi Arash 25 50 56
10 Amir Boldjo 13 31 44
3 Farnisha Al Sarif 50 63 75
4 Jaidin Zaineh 31 56 56
8 Md Johan Kein Paulus 25 44 50
11 Md Shakir Zufayri 19 44 50
5 Md. Aidil Ekhwan Saruna 19 31 44
6 Nazzeidah Nawi 25 38 44
7 Nor Shafiqah Disim 13 31 50
9 Siti Azlyn Abdul Gapur 31 50 63
12 Siti Nur Aysah Noon 25 50 50
Table 4.5 Comparison of Pre-Test, Post Test Cycle 1 & 2

Comparison of Pre-Test, Post Test Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

No. of Students

Post-Test Cycle 1
Post-Test Cycle 2



Figure 4.5 Graph for Comparison in Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle 1 & 2

4.5.1 Comparison of Achievement

The table and graph shown above are the comparison of achievement
between Pre-Test, Post-Test Cycle 1 and Post-Test Cycle 2 done by the
researcher. The percentage of students passed increase compare to the Pre-
Test before the Word Recognition Techniques taught by the teacher during
classroom to those 12 selected students. Number of failure slowly decrease
from Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle 1 and it showed lot of improvement among
students and the students themselves also started to show interest in reading.

4.6 Questionnaire
The questionnaire divided by two sections. Section A is built using Likert Scale
(Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly Disagree) and section B is
used the Binary Scale (Yes or No).

For section A, there are 10 questions or statements to be answered by the

students. Each question or statement shall be determined first whether it is a positive
or negative form. The questions are based on the new method that the researcher
teaches to the students which is using word recognition in reading process.


Strongly Disagree - -
Disagree - -
Neutral 20 17
Agree 70 58
Strongly Agree 30 25
Total 120 100
*Score : Based on 12 respondents (Section A questions 10 x 12 = 120)
Table 4.6 Scores for Questionnaire Section A

From the section A questionnaire result shows a positive attitude that the
students are like the used of new methods in reading process. They found out that the
new method taught will help them to improve their reading ability and understand the
text better. From the results, it shows that 17% of the students answered neutral, 58%
answered agree and 25% answered strongly agree. The results are based on the 12
respondents answering the 10 questionnaire.
In section B, binary scale is used to measure students’ basic perception of the
new teaching method. The students just need to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in the
questionnaire paper.


Yes 45 75
No 6 10
Not Sure 9 15
Total 60 100
*Score : Based on 12 respondents (Section B questions 5 x 12 = 60)
Table 4.6 Score of Questionnaire Section B

This section consists of 5 questions. Most of the students answer ‘Yes’ on the
questions asked whether they like using of word recognition technique in reading
process. Hence, 75% of the students like the new method very much since it help the
students not only to get higher mark but to understand better and only 10% answered
‘No’ in this section while 15% answered ‘Not Sure’ about the method. This shows
that there is a positive attitude towards a new teaching method.

4.7 Conclusion
In conclusion, the findings from the Students’ Feedback Lists had reflected to the
methods used in teaching, nonetheless, it had shown the methods were considered as
effective because the feedbacks from the students showed that the activities had
allowed them to learn reading effectively.
The data obtained in this study are all roughly taken before it is being arranged
according to the results needed. All data from the respondents will be kept confidently
as the researcher’s strict property. Over all the data collected, it is clearly indicated
that most of the students did what a new teaching’s method rather that usual method
use by their teacher in order to motivate students in reading and improve the students
reading ability.


5.0 Introduction

In this chapter, all the topics discussed in the previous chapters shall be concluded, to
be reviewed and to suggest or recommend any suggestion for further research in the
future regarding the method of using word recognition techniques in reading skills.

Through this case study, ESL Excellent Teachers’ beliefs seem to play the
significant role in choosing which methods used in teaching reading. It is proven that
students’ learn and understand easily through word recognition techniques taught
during the lesson and learning can be improved through the suitable activities
regardless methods used. In connection to this, ESL Excellent Teachers’ beliefs
towards which methods are considered as effective are depending on the contexts that
they own. In this chapter 5, some recommendations are suggested for further studies
which in long-term, it will benefit not only the ESL Excellent Teachers in specific,
but also to all ESL teachers.

The researcher applied the new methods in teaching reading comprehension to

the students in The Reading study which was conducted in Sekolah Kebangsaan
Tanjung Batu , Kota Marudu on 13 October 2014. To examine the effectiveness of
using word recognition techniques in reading comprehension, the researcher used the
Pre-Test, Post-Test and supported by the questionnaire to discover the acceptance of
the new method to the students. Besides that, further elaboration on Chapter 4
regarding the data and result achieved will also be stated in this chapter.
5.1 Discussion

Students’ score are to be graded according to the grading level. The passing grades
are A (80%-100%), B (60%-79%), and C (40%-59%) and the range encompass from
100 – 40 percents. Grades D(20%-39%) and E (1%-19%) are regarded as the failing
grades encompass the marks below 40 percents.

During the implementation of the Pre-Test paper to the students, the

percentages of passing grades only 17% of the students passed while the rest failed. A
total of 16 questions in the Pre-Test taken and answered by the students, only 2
students managed to pass the test while 10 of the students fail, 6 of the students got D
while 4 of the students got E. This calculation was shown in Chapter 4 and based on
12 selected students from Year 3, whom taken the test and the given answered by
students was based on their previous knowledge or method. The researcher feels that
the new method will help the students to gain motivation in reading comprehension
and gain achievement in Post-Test.

After the researcher implement the method of word recognition techniques in

reading comprehension to the students, another Post-Test was done to measure any
development occurred after the method introduced. The Post-Test was given to the
students and the result achieved from the Post-Test paper somehow did showed
improvement but not yet achieved 100% passes and the researcher decided to do the
second Cycle to test the students achievement and give extra enhancement on word
recognition before the second cycle were done by researcher.

Before we discuss more on the Post-Test Cycle 2, let discuss the Post-Test
Cycle 1, the Post-Test given after implementation the Word Recognition Techniques
in Reading Comprehension to the students showed improvement and increased of
number of students passed the test and decreased the number of failure in the test. A
total of 16 question given and answered by students. A total of 8 of the students
managed to pass, number of one student with A, one student with B and 6 students
with C while only 4 failure with D and non for E. Even though the researched did not
managed to get all passes in Cycle 1 but yet lots of improvement can be seen in the
Post-Test Cycle1 compare to the Pre-Test, when the result reveal to the students, they
were quite surprised and impressed with the result and motivated by the result the
students was so excited when they were told there will be second Cycle of the test.
One thing for sure, the students really enjoyed with the online test (worksheet) done
in Frog Virtual Learning Environment that have been introduced by our government.

The Post-Test for Cycle 2 given after implemented the Word Recognition
Techniques in Reading Comprehension for enhancement after the result of Post-Test
for Cycle 1, it was surprisingly impressed the researcher since the Cycle 2 able to get
100% passes even though number of getting grade C is more than grade A and B. As
mention before the students were given different set of questions and there were 16
questions. All of the students managed to pass the test, one student with A, two
students with B and nine students with C. Graph shown that pupils’ result has
increased compares to the Pre-Test and Post-test Cycle 1. After the implementation of
interactive and fun learning through word recognition techniques in reading
comprehension students were able to have better understanding of the text.

The comparison of achievement between Pre-Test, Post-Test Cycle 1 and

Post-Test Cycle 2 done by the researcher, the percentage of students passed increase
compare to the Pre-Test before the Word Recognition Techniques taught by the
teacher during classroom to those 12 selected students. Number of failure slowly
decrease from Pre-Test and Post-Test Cycle 1 and it showed lot of improvement
among students and the students themselves also started to show interest in reading.
They accept the new method by using word recognition techniques in reading
comprehension. It really showed their capability to understand better and read the
text. The increase gains the students motivation towards reading comprehension and
improved the students reading ability and what more important is the acceptance of
the new method by students.
The result shows the researcher that by using word recognition techniques in
reading comprehension, it can motivate students to read more and useful of learning
to read to enhance their knowledge in language study. They are few techniques in
word recognition such as instant recognition, context clues, analogy clues etc. The
techniques they learnt in the reading which conducted in Sekolah Kebangsaan
Tanjung Batu, Kota Marudu helps the students in develop the students reading ability
and that will also motivate to do more reading in future.

Besides that, the using of word recognition techniques in reading

comprehension can help students to improve their reading ability and habit, because
the students are motivated to read. In future, the students will read more books and
indirectly it will help them to improve not only in reading skills but other skills too. It
was supported by the score of achievement by the students.

5.2 Recommendations

Teachers in Malaysia can introduce the word recognition techniques to their students
in order to help them reading comprehension. There are many techniques that the
researcher can apply in their teaching. One of the techniques in word recognition is
the use of logographic symbol although it is controversial. While education advice
typically promotes this practice, the results of controlled studies show it to be
ineffective and potentially detrimental to students learning. According to Sheehy,
Kieron in 2001, their study partially resolves this conflict. A comparison is made
between new techniques (the Handle Techniques), Integrated Picture Cueing and a
Word Alone method. The result show that using a new combination of teaching
strategies enable logographic symbol to be used effectively I teaching word
recognition to children with severe learning difficulties who had previously failed to
develop a sight vocabulary.

The recommendations of this case study are based on the themes found in
chapter 4. It is recommended in-depth studies could be done to analyse the crucial
beliefs of ESL Excellent Teachers towards methods use in word recognition
techniques in reading comprehension. It would benefit the ESL Excellent Teachers’
practise in ESL classrooms. It is also suggested that teachers could use methods that
which it is believed to be very useful for the students as they need to equip themselves
with the listening, speaking, and writing skills.

In future, it is also recommended that the time span for similar case studies
may be extended as to compare to this case study which only has two consecutive
months to collect data. Therefore, sufficient duration may strengthen the validity and
reliability of the study as in general, teachers’ belief is too abstract to be analysed and
by taking the consideration that every method chosen has its strong reason in
particular. At the same time, it would be an advantage for readers to understand why
such methods are chosen and how the methods could improve students’ reading skill
as it is aware that word recognition knowledge is one of the key factors that would
enable students to improve their learning regardless the skills.

Another recommendation is that, number of participants could be increased as

to compare to this case study which it is solely depending on one particular class only
(enlarge the scale). More participants to be involved means more exploration could
be done to teachers’ beliefs towards methods used to improve reading. Of course, this
recommendation would demand more efforts in collecting the data, but, in long-term,
similar case studies are expected to reveal more significant individual belief towards
the methods chosen.

This would help to sustain the objectives of conducting the studies as its aim is
to explore rather than to gauge any method highlighted by ESL teachers as to referred
to the themes found in chapter 4 such as the crucial beliefs of ESL Excellent Teachers
towards methods used in reading comprehension through word recognition and the
relationship between ESL Excellent Teachers’ beliefs on methods used for
improvement and overcome the problem.

Furthermore, the ESL teacher also will have also to consider the way the
techniques used and presented during the lesson should be attractive and interesting.
By combining as what have been done by the researcher to make the effectiveness of
the word recognition in reading comprehension study using not only paper to prepare
the test, it also give the opportunity to the students to explore the online study as
encourage by our education system nowadays using of the 1Bestarinet Frog Virtual
Learning Environment, since the test was done online by the researcher.

Last but least, the word recognition is a useful strategy to help the students to
enhance reading fluency and reading comprehension. The study by Soo Jung Hong
about sight word recognition has been useful strategy to enhance reading fluency and
reading comprehension. If children are taught to recognize sight words in the given
sentence instantly, they will have more than enough capability to focus on a text’s
meaning. If they are given the understanding of the rest, the initial reading process
would be speeded up and children would find learning to read more satisfying.
Incorporating high frequency words in word study activities such as word walls, word
sorts, and making and breaking words are useful to improve children’s sight

5.3 Conclusion

As we have learnt in the previous chapter, we know that in the process of learning,
tools are very important in giving impact for the students’ achievements. The title
“Word Recognition in Reading Comprehension” is indeed success because the results
comparison from the Pre-Test and Post Test for both Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 showed the
increase of percentage.

The questionnaire results also shows that the used of word recognition
techniques in reading process accepted by the respondents. The students like to adapt
a new method of reading in order to help them to understand better and for their
comprehension. Reading comprehension is very important for anybody to understand
various types of reading materials.

This study also supported by the past research made by researcher all over the
world. The past research helps the new researcher to discover the word recognition
techniques in order to apply in reading process for reading comprehension. As reading
is very important to students to gain knowledge in their study, the word recognition
techniques will open the new dimension in the students mind to be more creative for
reading comprehension.

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