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***Upfront Cost PKP***

Renovation cost 770000

***Upfront Cost BKP***

Investment 800000 * Also Given Capital Expenditure anually will be
Equipment and Setup 900000 equal to the depriciation
Total 1700000

***If Rented to PKP***

Year 1 2 3 4
Rental Income 2040000 2040000 2142000 2142000

***Forcasted Sales BKP***

Year 1 2 3 4 5
Sales 4672000 4905600 5150880 5408424 5678845

***Other Costs BKP***

Year 1 2 3 4 5
Food & Bevrage 1168000 1226400 1287720 1352106 1419711
Operating Expenses 1027840 1079232 1133194 1189853 1249346

***Increase in Repair and Maintainence(Applicable to Both)***

Year 1 2 3 4 5
Annual Charge 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000

***Projection Net Room Revenue Phuket Beach(Applicable to Both)***

Year 1 2 3 4 5
Net Room Revenue 13200000 13464000 14137000 14844000 15140000
***Loss on Room Revenue due to unwelcome guests(Applicable to Both)***
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Loss (12.5% of Revenue) 1650000 1683000 1767125 1855500 1892500

***Also Given***
We 75% WACC 10.75%
Wd 25%
Ke 12%
Kd 10%
Tax rate 30%

Year 1 2 3 4 5
PVIFA 0.90293454 0.81529078 0.7361542 0.66469905 0.60017973
nditure anually will be




o Both)***

***Planet Karaoke Pub***
Cashflows Year 0 Year 1 Year 2
Rental Income - 2040000 2040000
Depriciation - -192500 -192500
Increase in Maintainence - -10000 -10000
Decrease in room revenue - -1650000 -1683000
Additional Operating Income - 187500 154500
Taxes (30%) - -56250 -46350
Net Operating Income - 131250 108150
Depriciation - 192500 192500
Capital Expenditure -770,000 - -
Total Operating Cashflow -770000.00 323750.00 300650.00

Discounting Cashflows as per WACC 292325.00 245117.00

Year 3 Year 4
2142000 2142000
-192500 -192500
-10000 -10000
-1767125 -1855500
172375 84000
-51713 -25200
120663 58800
192500 192500
- -
313163.00 251300.00

230536.00 167039.00
***Beach Karaoke Pub***
Cashflows Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Sales - 4672000 4905600 5150880
Food and Beverage cost - -1168000 -1226400 -1287720
Other Operating cost - -1027840 -1079232 -1133194
Depriciation - -283333 -283333 -283333
Increase in Maintainence - -10000 -10000 -10000
Decrease in room revenue - -1650000 -1683000 -1767125
Additional Operating Income - 532827 623635 669508
Taxes (30%) - -159848 -187090 -200852
Net Operating Income - 372979 436544 468655
Depriciation - 283333 283333 283333
Capital Expenditure -1,700,000 -283333 -283333 -283333
Total Operating Cashflow -1700000.00 372979.00 436544.00 468655.00

Discounting Cashflows as per WACC 336776.00 355910.00 345002.00

Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
5408424 5678845 5962787
-1352106 -1419711 -1490697
-1189853 -1249346 -1311813
-283333 -283333 -283333
-10000 -10000 -10000
-1855500 -1892500 -1930375
717632 823955 936569
-215290 -247186 -280971
502342 576768 655598
283333 283333 283333
-283333 -283333 -283333
502342.00 576768.00 655598.00

333906.00 346164.00 355284.00

Criteria Planet Karaoke Pub
Payback Period 2 Years 5 Months
Discounted Payback 3 Years 1 Month
Average Return on investment 30.36%
Net Present Value
Internal Rate of Return
Beach Karaoke Pub
3 Years 10 Months
4 Years 3 Months

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