CommunityBanking R18.6 Release Notes

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Community Banking

R18.6 Release Notes

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

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Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

Table of Contents
Document History ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Document Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Release Components ................................................................................................................................... 5
What’s New in Release R18.6 ...................................................................................................................... 7
Micro Banking............................................................................................................................................ 7
Ref. 3307586: Performance problem in DAO counter enquiry .............................................................. 7
Ref. 3318078: Customer CORRESPOND.NAME field length .............................................................. 7
Ref. 3321988: Removal of text on BROWSER.TOOLBAR records ...................................................... 7
Ref. 3324822: Account statement enhancements ................................................................................ 7
Ref. 3327688: Block customer based on classification ......................................................................... 7
Ref. 3336878: Uploaded PDF conversion ............................................................................................. 7
Ref. 3354361: Fix product setting in BATCH.NEW.COMPANY............................................................ 7
Ref. 3400550: Unable to fund deposit by cheque ................................................................................. 7
Ref. 3403364: Migrated dividend points ................................................................................................ 7
Task Management .................................................................................................................................... 8
Ref. 3344199: Task archiving COB performance.................................................................................. 8
Group Management .................................................................................................................................. 8
Ref. 3354562: Optional group customer / account creation .................................................................. 8
Ref. 3350679: Error during group split operation .................................................................................. 8
Ref. 3390113: Group disbursement to non-member account ............................................................... 8
Single Customer View ............................................................................................................................... 8
Ref. 3352039: Internet arrangement enquiry performance ................................................................... 8
Ref. 3298970: Additional columns in customer portfolio summary ....................................................... 8
Role Based Home Pages .......................................................................................................................... 8
Ref. 3378890: Display of loan term ....................................................................................................... 8
Ref. 3391434: New employment type link ............................................................................................. 8
Product Wizard .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Ref. 3326964: Date adjustment ............................................................................................................. 8
Ref. 3391221: Automatic topup disbursal ............................................................................................. 8
Loan Origination ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Ref. 3324828: Loan origination enhancements..................................................................................... 9
Ref. 3325136: Instalment amount in application different from real amount ......................................... 9
Ref. 3345578: Out of cycle repayment day for monthly loans .............................................................. 9
Ref. 3352034: Charge frequency defined by product not mapped ....................................................... 9
Ref. 3364833: Last loan application ID in AA Customer condition ....................................................... 9
Ref. 3370033: Application delegation in loan origination ...................................................................... 9
Ref. 3374474: Document reference field length .................................................................................... 9

2 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

Ref. 3387254: Unable to proceed from credit scoring stage ................................................................. 9

Ref. 3389435: Unable to expire/cancel failed application ..................................................................... 9
Ref. 3393134: Cannot add joint holder with birth date before 1950 .................................................... 10
Ref. 3393303: Arrangement not updated for joint application ............................................................. 10
Ref. 3404407: Loan calculator fixes .................................................................................................... 10
Ref. 3409628: Instalment amount for loan topup / reschedule ........................................................... 10
Document Output .................................................................................................................................... 10
Ref. 3341985: XML sample document re-generation in TAFJ ............................................................ 10
Ref. 3344110: Audit fields in DO.QUEUE / DO.QUEUE.ARC application .......................................... 10
Ref. 3378715: Removal of charts from AA Loan Statement document .............................................. 10
Islamic Integration ................................................................................................................................... 10
Ref. 3370144: Reading parameters for Islamic integration ................................................................. 10
Ref. 3374477: Document reference field length .................................................................................. 10
Channels ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Ref. 3327693: Currency specific product parameters ......................................................................... 10
Ref. 3329890: Online application uploaded files removal ................................................................... 11
Ref. 3354339: Online application status update ................................................................................. 11
Ref. 3354732: Online application status – Approved / Documents required ...................................... 11
Ref. 3367844: ID selection in online application list enquiry ............................................................... 11
Ref. 3375664: Sort order for transaction list enquiry ........................................................................... 11
Ref. 3380188: Transaction enquiry not returning data ........................................................................ 11
Ref. 3386313: Online application fixes ................................................................................................ 11
Ref. 3387670: Repayment amount validation for loan topup .............................................................. 11
Ref. 3391331: Online customer update – zero authorisation .............................................................. 11
Ref. 3391375: Products available for online application ..................................................................... 11
Ref. 3391411: External user reactivation ............................................................................................ 11
Ref. 3409280: Joint account flag correction ........................................................................................ 12
Ref. 3409279: Maximum loans eligibility rule ...................................................................................... 12
Reporting ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Ref. 3317690: Option to switch off report of accounts closed in COB ................................................ 12
Ref. 3346032: Written off loans report ................................................................................................ 12
Ref. 3354237: Customer selection in AA simulation enquiries ........................................................... 12
External Components Installation ............................................................................................................... 13
EM_BrowserCustomization ..................................................................................................................... 13
EM_DocOutput ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Document Output / Jasperreports Libraries ........................................................................................ 14
Document Output Support Files .......................................................................................................... 14
Document Output Repository Viewer .................................................................................................. 15

3 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

DocRepoWebApp Application ............................................................................................................. 15

BrowserWeb Plugin ............................................................................................................................. 16
EM_ReportingExtract .............................................................................................................................. 17
Further Information ..................................................................................................................................... 18

Document History

Author Version Date

Lukasz Czechowicz 1.0 13th November 2019


4 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

Document Purpose
This document highlights new functionality, enhancements and fixes introduced in the R18.6 release of the
Temenos Community Banking model bank. The following tags are used to mark the different items.

 NEW New feature – new functionality that did not exist before

 ENH Enhancement – change/improvement of existing functionality

 FIX Bug fix – fix to a problem found in existing functionality

Release Components
The following EM components are included in this release. New components introduced in this update are
marked in red. Optional components are marked with yellow background, non-T24 with blue background.
R18_EM_CZFramework_1 (install only if CZ module is used)
R18_EM_IslamicIntegration_5 (install only if IS module is used)

5 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

R18_EM_Sepa_6 (install only if EP module for SEPA is used)
IMPORTANT: The R18_EM_BrowserCustomization, R18_EM_DocOutput and R18_EM_ReportingExtract
components contain non-T24 objects. The relevant .zip files need to be removed from the update pack
before running T24 Updater tool and installed manually in the environment. Please refer to the External
Components Installation section at the end of this document for more details.

6 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

What’s New in Release R18.6

Micro Banking
FIX Ref. 3307586: Performance problem in DAO counter enquiry
This fixes a performance problem in the enquiry displaying summary of contracts affected by bulk DAO
change operation.

FIX Ref. 3318078: Customer CORRESPOND.NAME field length

This fix changes length of the CUSTOMER CORRESPOND.NAME local field from 35 to 65 characters.

FIX Ref. 3321988: Removal of text on BROWSER.TOOLBAR records

This fix updates the model BROWSER.TOOLBAR records – removing the TOOLBAR.TEXT field value
that caused invalid icon display in specific BrowserWeb releases.

ENH Ref. 3324822: Account statement enhancements

These enhancements to IBS account statement narratives solution include:
- Ability to define balance types / properties to be included in statement running balance for AA
- Ability to hide specific AA activity types
- Additional parameters to control display of AA account statements
- Improved handling of transaction reversals
- Ability to categorise transactions into types and filter display by transaction type.
Please refer the Account Statement Narratives user guide for more details about the new features.

FIX Ref. 3327688: Block customer based on classification

With this fix, the system will automatically mark customer as blocked if specific member classification is
selected. The classification types causing the block are parameterised in EB.PARAM >

FIX Ref. 3336878: Uploaded PDF conversion

This fixes an error during verification of uploaded PDF document, where the document should be moved
to the document repository without image / PDF conversion attempt.

FIX Ref. 3354361: Fix product setting in BATCH.NEW.COMPANY

This fixes a problem during a new company creation, where not all IBS BATCH records were automatically
created in the new company.

FIX Ref. 3400550: Unable to fund deposit by cheque

This fixes a problem in deposit funding by cheque transaction, where the cheque nostro account was not
defaulted on the version and the transaction could not be committed.

ENH Ref. 3403364: Migrated dividend points

A new field is now available in the EM.DIV.POINTS application – MIGRATED. When this field is set to YES
for specific months, the system will not try to recalculate dividend points for these months based on the
account balance available in T24.

7 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

Task Management
FIX Ref. 3344199: Task archiving COB performance
This fixes a performance problem in the COB job archiving old tasks / notifications, where the task archival
parameter record is not configured in the environment.

Group Management
ENH Ref. 3354562: Optional group customer / account creation
With this enhancement, it is now possible to decide whether a new group customer / account record is
created during new group setup, or an existing customer / account is reused.

FIX Ref. 3350679: Error during group split operation

This fixes a problem in group split operation in an environment with customer numbers longer than 8

ENH Ref. 3390113: Group disbursement to non-member account

With this enhancement, it is now possible to do group loan disbursement to account that does not belong
to the group member.

Single Customer View

FIX Ref. 3352039: Internet arrangement enquiry performance
This fixes a performance problem during display of internet arrangements in Single Customer View.

ENH Ref. 3298970: Additional columns in customer portfolio summary

This enhancement adds two new columns in data returned to the customer portfolio summary (total
outstanding, penalty interest). The new columns can be added to the enquiry display manually, if required.

Role Based Home Pages

FIX Ref. 3378890: Display of loan term
This fixes a problem in loan enquiries, where the loan term was displayed in days after it was changed
manually. The system should always display the original term as defined on the loan application.

FIX Ref. 3391434: New employment type link

This fixes a problem with invalid version called from the “New employment type” link available in System
Parameters > Customer area.

Product Wizard
ENH Ref. 3326964: Date adjustment
With this enhancement, it is now possible to define the “Date Adjustment” parameter for loan / deposit
products, in customer / account stage. The parameter is defaulted to PERIOD by the product wizard.

ENH Ref. 3391221: Automatic topup disbursal

A new routine EM.VA.AA.TOPUP.DISBURSE is available and can be attached to AA.PRD.DES.ACTIVITY
product condition record as Post Routine for LENDING-INCREASE-COMMITMENT activity. The routine

8 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

will look at a new parameter “Automatic Topup Disbursal” in the product settlement settings, and if set, will
automatically disburse funds to the disbursal account, after executing loan topup.

Loan Origination
FIX Ref. 3324828: Loan origination enhancements
These enhancements to loan origination include:
- Parameter to enable / disable invocation of auto approval rules for applications entered in back
- Parameter to enable / disable option to automatically process the workflow for applications
entered in back office
- New read only file (EM.LO.APPROVAL.AUTO.RESULT) to store auto approval results
- Improved access for application specific and join applicant income expenditure profiles from
within the application workflow
Please refer the Loan Origination user guides for more details about the new features.

FIX Ref. 3325136: Instalment amount in application different from real amount
This fixes a problem in loan instalment calculation, where the calculated amount was different from the real
repayment amount after loan creation.

ENH Ref. 3345578: Out of cycle repayment day for monthly loans
With this enhancement, it is now possible to enter day of the month different from repayment start day for
monthly repayment frequency.

FIX Ref. 3352034: Charge frequency defined by product not mapped

This fixes a problem with loan products that define charge frequency different from repayment frequency.
Before the fix, charge repayment frequency on arrangement was not mapped correctly.

FIX Ref. 3364833: Last loan application ID in AA Customer condition

This fixes a problem where the last loan application reference was not updated correctly in the AA Customer
condition, after loan topup / reschedule.

FIX Ref. 3370033: Application delegation in loan origination

This fixes a problem in loan origination, where delegation parameters were not read correctly if loan
application has been referred to another participant.

FIX Ref. 3374474: Document reference field length

This fixes a problem with the length of the field storing reference of document generated from loan
application – in some cases (long document name), the field was too short to store the full reference.

FIX Ref. 3387254: Unable to proceed from credit scoring stage

This fixes a problem where it was not possible to proceed with a loan application that failed auto-approval
rules and was stuck in credit scoring stage.

FIX Ref. 3389435: Unable to expire/cancel failed application

This fixes a problem where it was not possible to cancel / expire loan application that failed eligibility check.

9 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

FIX Ref. 3393134: Cannot add joint holder with birth date before 1950
This fixes a problem where joint application with birth date before 1950 could not be added to loan

FIX Ref. 3393303: Arrangement not updated for joint application

This fixes a problem where the loan arrangement ID was not updated correctly on the
EM.LO.APPLICATION record in case of a joint application.

FIX Ref. 3404407: Loan calculator fixes

This fix introduces a few improvements in the loan calculator invoked from loan application, for calculating
instalment amount.

FIX Ref. 3409628: Instalment amount for loan topup / reschedule

With this fix, the system will pass the calculated instalment amount to arrangement payment schedule
condition also for topup / reschedule application, to ensure that the payment schedule on AA is the same
as the one calculated on the loan application.

Document Output
FIX Ref. 3341985: XML sample document re-generation in TAFJ
This fixes a problem in re-generation of sample XML document during document build operation, where in
random cases the content of the old document remained in the new document.

FIX Ref. 3344110: Audit fields in DO.QUEUE / DO.QUEUE.ARC application

This fixes a problem in displaying DO.QUEUE / DO.QUEUE.ARC records in some internet browsers, due
to missing audit fields in the application definition.

FIX Ref. 3378715: Removal of charts from AA Loan Statement document

This fix removes chart elements from the AA loan statement document. The chart caused error in statement
production if there were no interest repayments in the statement period (nothing to display).

Islamic Integration
FIX Ref. 3370144: Reading parameters for Islamic integration
This fixes a problem in the Islamic integration component, where incorrect parameters were read in specific
loan origination configuration.

FIX Ref. 3374477: Document reference field length

This fixes a problem with the length of the field storing reference of document generated from Islamic loan
application – in some cases (long document name), the field was too short to store the full reference.

FIX Ref. 3327693: Currency specific product parameters
This fixes a problem with multi-currency products that define currency specific restrictions (e.g. min / max
amount), where the restrictions were not returned correctly to TCxB for the selected currency.

10 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

FIX Ref. 3329890: Online application uploaded files removal

This fixes a problem with cancelled online loan applications, where in specific setup, uploaded files /
documents were not physically deleted from the environment.

FIX Ref. 3354339: Online application status update

This fixes a problem with updating online loan application status when going back within the online
application workflow.

FIX Ref. 3354732: Online application status – Approved / Documents required

This fixes a problem with retrieving loan application status in TCxB – for approved application with
documents outstanding.

ENH Ref. 3367844: ID selection in online application list enquiry

This enhancement adds a new selection field (application reference) in the online application list enquiry.

FIX Ref. 3375664: Sort order for transaction list enquiry

This fix adds missing sort order criteria for the online transaction list enquiry.

FIX Ref. 3380188: Transaction enquiry not returning data

This fixes a problem with online transaction list enquiry causing display error in TCIB.

FIX Ref. 3386313: Online application fixes

This item includes the following fixes:
 Correct mapping of repayment day selected online (for monthly frequency) to T24
 Use repayment start date defined in repayment instructions for calculating loan detains in submit
summary stage
 Fix retrieving “Loan Issued” application status after running COB on the environment

FIX Ref. 3387670: Repayment amount validation for loan topup

This item contains the following fixes:
 Introduces a new parameter in EB.PARAM > ALL-LO.PARAMS record – parameter
WARN.LOWER.INSTALMENT. If set, the system will raise error if the instalment amount
calculated for topup is less than the current instalment amount.
 Correction for cost of credit calculation for loan topup / reschedule.
 Additional argument returned by loan calculator routine – final repayment amount.

FIX Ref. 3391331: Online customer update – zero authorisation

This fix changes the way a customer record is updated from online loan application – without the need to
authorise the record.

FIX Ref. 3391375: Products available for online application

This fixes a problem in returning loans / products that online user can apply for (new loan or loan topup).

FIX Ref. 3391411: External user reactivation

With this fix, the system will correctly default attributes on the external user reactivation version.

11 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

FIX Ref. 3409280: Joint account flag correction

With this fix, the system will now correctly mark jointly held contracts as “Joint”, on the joint customer side
– previously it was displayed correctly only for the main holder.

FIX Ref. 3409279: Maximum loans eligibility rule

This fixes a problem where a loan product was available for a new loan application even if the customer
already had maximum number of loans allowed for this product type.

FIX Ref. 3317690: Option to switch off report of accounts closed in COB
This fix introduces a new parameter to switch off production of a COB report containing accounts closed
during COB. The parameter CREATE.REPORT should be added to EB.PARAM record XXX-
EM.ACCOUNT.CLOSED.XREF and if it has value different from YES, then the report is not produced.

FIX Ref. 3346032: Written off loans report

This fixes a problem in the written off loans report, where the write-off flag was not always recognized
properly and loan was reported as closed.

FIX Ref. 3354237: Customer selection in AA simulation enquiries

This fixes a problem with AA simulation enquiries that could not return data when customer number was
used in selection in a database with huge number of simulations.

12 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

External Components Installation

The EM_BrowserCustomization component contains images and stylesheet for the browser
(BrowserWeb.war) application, for proper display of the Inclusive Banking Suite role based home pages.
The following is the folder structure of this component:

This whole structure needs to be copied into the BrowserWeb.war application installed in the web server
in the environment, replacing any existing files.

The EM_DocOutput component contains jasperreport libraries for producing PDF documents, sample
document templates and images, and repository PDF viewer application.
The following is the folder structure of this component:

13 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

Document Output / Jasperreports Libraries

The document output / jasperreports libraries from the DocOutputLibs/jars/DocumentOutput folder:

Should be copied into the t24lib/DocumentOutput folder of a TAFJ environment (keeping the above folder
structure), and then the libraries need to be configured in the modules.xml file.

Document Output Support Files

The files included in the DocOutputSupportFiles should be copied into the main T24DocumentOutput
module folder, as defined in the Document Output main parameter file in the T24 environment (example
path below):

14 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

Document Output Repository Viewer

The PDF repository viewer can be installed in a TAFJ environment in two ways:
 As a standalone DocRepoWebApp.war application in jboss
 As a BrowserWeb.war plugin (recommended)

The two options are described below.

DocRepoWebApp Application
This web application should be manually deployed in jboss.

Some configuration changes are required to point the repository viewer to where the PDF documents
generated from T24 are stored – this is manual task – edit web.xml file below:

And update the below parameters to the same paths that are defined on the main Document Output
parameter file in T24 (DO.PARAMETER).

15 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

BrowserWeb Plugin
This method requires the DocRepo.jar library to be copied into the BrowserWeb.war/WEB-INF/lib folder,
and the following changes should be done in the BrowserWeb.war/WEB-INF/web.xml file (at the end of
<context-param> section) – the paths should be set to the document output locations from the main
Document Output parameter file in T24.

Then after the <servlets> tag, the following should be added:

16 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

When Browser plugin method is used, also the Repository Viewer URL (setup on Document Output Main
Parameter file) should be: http://<browser_host>/BrowserWeb/DownloadServlet, example below:

The EM_ReportingExtract component contains sample SQL scripts (for PostgreSQL database) to create
external reporting database structure and sample batch files to import extracted data from csv files into
the reporting database, and documentation.
The following is the folder structure of this component:

The installation guide for this component is available in the Documentation folder –

17 Community Banking Suite Product

Community Banking R18.6 Release Notes

Further Information
For further information and additional details relating to any of the features highlighted in this document,
please email the Community Banking Suite Product Manager, Lynn Petersen, at

18 Community Banking Suite Product

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