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On the Design of A Generic Visual Programming Environment

Da–Qian Zhang Kang Zhang

Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia

1. Introduction  different modules of a VPE should be designed and

implemented separately, and
Visual programming languages (VPLs) are usually  improvement of one module should have little impact
embedded and tightly integrated within visual on other modules.
environments so that they are often characterised by the
attributes of the environments [2]. The creation of a VPL is, To ease maintenance, modification, and reuse of a VPE,
therefore, concerned with the creation of its visual interactions between different modules of the VPE should
programming environment (VPE). be clearly specified. This also allows different formalisms
to be developed into individual modules.
The graphical requirements of a visual programming
The Model–View–Controller (MVC) [3] concept has been
environment include defining the visual elements of the
successfully used to build user interfaces in Smalltalk–80.
language and the graphical relationships that must be
MVC consists of three types of objects: Model, View and
maintained when these elements are connected together.
Controller. Model is an application object, whose screen
Algorithms must be provided for graphically editing these
presentation is View, and Controller defines the way in
elements while maintaining their graphical relationships.
which a user–interface reacts to user inputs. Based on MVC,
The underlying data structures are complex, containing
the DV–Centro framework [1] aims at supporting visual
information about visual representation, logical
language development. It uses the Supervisor–Agent
connectivity, domain knowledge, etc. It is difficult to parse
pattern to specify the interaction between the modules of the
an edited diagram with a general parsing algorithm. Any
framework. Supervisor controls Agent’s behaviour, while
solution to solving the data structure problem tends to be so
Agent is independent of Supervisor, except that it may notify
specialised that it applies only to a single visual language.
Supervisor in a predefined protocol.
The generation of every new visual language requires a
re–development of the whole machinery. To avoid such As shown in Figure 1, DV–Centro replaces MVC Model
re–development, we need to find a proper representation of controls
ViewController ImageController
the data structure and a generic model, which are able to notifies
notifies notifies
decouple the components of a visual programming
controls controls
environment. controls
View Image
Our approach is to view a target or domain–oriented VPE as notifies notifies
a specific instance of a generic VPE such that the techniques controls
applicable to the generic VPE can also apply to a target VPE Subject Figure 1 : The DV–Centro framework
and functionalities common to VPEs need not be
re–developed. This paper addresses the issues in a design
model that supports the development of a VPE by dividing with the term Subject, that provides all the necessary
the whole development process into several independent information about an application. A View is a manager and
functional modules. logical representation of a diagram while an Image is a
visual representation of a diagram. A ViewController
interprets events occurred in a single view and uses
2. MVC and Supervisor–Agent Pattern ImageControllers to implement graphical and textual
editing operations. An ImageController interprets specific
A generic VPE can be viewed as a collection of visual and mouse and keyboard events and manipulates elements of
textual specification tools, which are themselves visual Images.
languages and/or textual languages. To design a visual
programming environment, one needs to consider the
language’s syntax and semantics, and the visual interface.
3. An Improved Model
For supporting the generation of a wide range of VPLs, we The dependence of ViewController on ImageController and
aim at maximising the reuseability of language components View implies that the high level control depends on its low
with the following considerations: level implementation (e.g. ImageController). It is, however,
desirable that any improvement on the low level facilities example, a user may move the mouse onto a visual object
will have no impact on the high level specification. So a and click a button to trigger an action. When a visual object
model that removes the dependency relationship between receives a user input, View sends the visual object to
ViewController and ImageController is more flexible. Controller, which interprets the input and sends back a
If the link between ViewController and ImageController has control command indicating what View should do next. For
been removed, View becomes a key module because it example, Controller may instruct View to pop up a menu to
relates to almost all the other modules. To allow allow the user to act further.
indenpendent designs of ViewController, Subject, and Diagram Creation. A graph consisting of a set of visual
ImageController/Image, we reverse the relationships objects can be created on a visual editor controlled by
between View and Image and between View and Subject so Controller. Once the graph is constructed, its abstract
that the other modules depend only on View. The resulting diagram with domain concepts is created. The mapping
framework is shown in Figure 2, where View serves as an relationships between an abstract diagram and a graph
interactive protocol between different modules. implies that the abstract diagram provides a logical interface
understood by all the VPE modules, and any modification
ViewController ImageController to the abstract diagram will be reflected on the graph on the
notifies notifies screen. A visual editor itself can be a visual object in View.
controls controls
controls Parsing. Model receives parsing demands from Controller
View Image
notifies notifies and performs corresponding transformations and
computations on abstract diagrams.
Subject Figure 2: An improved framework Layout and Animation. If an abstract diagram is associated
with visual concepts, the parsing algorithm can perform
graph layout and animation by operating on the visual
To represent the above framework in the MVL notations, we concepts. This is because that a visual object’s appearance
redefine the model as shown in Figure 3, where View may change dynamically when any of its visual attributes is
Controller modified through the corresponding concept space.

Model Abstract Diagram View

Based on the above design model, we have developed a
& Concept Space generic VPE and a set of visual programming tools for
generating domain–oriented VPEs [4]. The generic VPE
Figure 3 : The VPE design model can be customised to any domain VPEs once the domain
specifications are provided through these tool. Each module
corresponds to ImageController and Image, Model in a domain VPE can be designed independently and used
corresponds to Subject, and Controller corresponds to with other modules by sharing an abstract diagram and some
ViewController. The protocol of interactions between the domain concepts.
three functional modules is defined by Abstract Diagram
and Concept Space, which replace the previous View. An
abstract diagram describes the program structure of a VPE References
and a concept space specifies the domain concepts for the
[1] P. C. Brown, Satisfying the Graphical Requirements of
interaction among the modules. If we view a concept space
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as a lexicon of a visual language, an abstract diagram
13th IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, Capri,
provides the sentence structure with which the words of
Italy, Sep. 23–26, 1997, pp84–91.
lexicon can be described as a visual sentence by associating
each word with an entity or a relation of the abstract [2] A. Goldberg, M. Burnett, and T. Lewis, What Is Visual
diagram. This sentence is constructed through direct Object–Oriented Programming? M. Burnett, A.
manipulation by the user on the screen (View) and controlled Goldberg, and T. Lewis. (eds.), Manning Publications
by Controller. By providing a high level description of Co., 1994
domain concepts in the form of a concept space, Model can [3] G. E. Krasner and S. T. Pope, A Cookbook for Using
interpret the visual sentence. the Model–View–Controller User Interface Paradigm
in Smalltalk–80, Journal of Object–Oriented
4. How It Works Programming, 1(3), Aug. 1988, pp.26–49.
Below we describe how Model, View and Controller interact [4] D–Q. Zhang and K. Zhang, VisPro: A Visual Language
in our model. Generation Toolset, Proc. 14th IEEE Symposium on
User Interaction Control. View consists of visual objects Visual Languages, Halifax, Canada, 1–4 September,
which can be manipulated directly on the screen. For 1998.

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