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A New Industrial Approach Compatible With Microelectronics Education :

Application to an RF System Design


Centre Commun d'Enseignement Supérieur de Microélectronique Avancée Aquitaine (CCESMAA)
IXL (CNRS URA 846) ENSERB - Université Bordeaux 1
351, Cours de la Libération 33404 TALENCE Cedex FRANCE
Tel : 33 556 84 65 50 Fax : 33 556 64 28 00 Email :

Abstract "symbol 1"

Teaching analog electronics leads us to set up a RF
"symbol 0"
analog integrated circuit design flow to allow students
to detail the main aspects of designer’s tasks. In our
case we propose the study of .a 433 MHz transceiver for
voice transmission. The whole design methodology relies
upon the COCISPER approach to improve the quality of 0 T 0 T
the electronic architecture.
Figure 1 : Symbol coding.

The architecture of the system is fixed as shown in

1. Introduction Fig 2 and the chosen modulation is a FSK one
Before the practical training, we give these
specifications to the students. They have to finalize the
This paper describes a final year course in
technical requirements document, detailing all the study
Microelectronics whose aim is to merge the technical
parameters and choices (supply voltage, power
and management aspects of a mixed signal design flow.
consumption, test environment ….) according to the
Our pedagogic objective is to provide students a
COCISPER guide [2]. They are divided in several
concrete example of circuit integration [1] to bring into
groups, dealing each with a specific task : one is the
play their theoretical electronics knowledge, but also to
project leader, another the Tx group, another the Rx
make them following the steps defined by an industrial
group, another PA group, another the LNA group and
methodology. In this paper, we detail the actual project
the last the frequency synthesizer group. After some
proposed in the Microelectronics DESS training courses
extra hours of “brain storming”, we operate a design
: a 433 MHz RF transceiver
review, looking at the hierarchy of each block and
discussing their choice. A VHDL AMS description of
2. Project-oriented course each block is also required to verify the integrity of the
Dedicated to microelectronics education, we propose For the moment only the analog part, i.e.
a training course which merges the main aspects of Emitter/Receiver, PA, LNA and Frequency synthesizer
analog IC designer’s tasks, i.e. circuit analysis, design is studied, developed and integrated. The second phase
improvement, layout and test but also project of this project will be held in two years and will concern
management. the channel coding by the implementation of VHDL
The application exercise we propose to the 16 algorithms. The AD and DA converters will also be
students is to design a RF transceiver at 433 MHz for included in this phase.
voice transmission for short distances. The theoretical background brought into play
A voice band limited to 4kHz is digitized by a 10 concerns the following topics : integrated circuit design,
bits Σ∆ ADC at a sampling frequency of 10 kHz. The optimization and simulation of analog cells, layout
binary digits are represented by the NRZ code of Fig. 1 . drawing. The practical part on CAD tools of the training
lasts a full week. The required and used materials are : a Framework II (Cadence), components library of the
workstation, HSPICE electrical simulator, Design imposed technology AMS BiCMOS 0.8 µm.

Σ∆ ADC Channel coding FSK Modulator PA

Freq. Synthesis

DAC Channel decoding FSK Demodulator LNA

Figure 2 : system configuration for laser writing.

3. RF performances 5. Conclusion

In baseband, the worst case input signal frequency is This training course has been designed to provide a
100 kHz, so we decide to take a 400 kHz channel width concrete application example, involving both
to transmit most of the signal power. theoretical, practical and management knowledge. It
A theoretical RF link study yields a –94 dBm introduces the different steps from the definition of the
minimum detectable signal. Assuming a 6 dB Signal to requirements to the design and integration. Moreover, it
Noise ratio, it leads to a –100 dBm LNA sensitivity. As is easy to modulate the training level depending on the
a maximum detectable signal of –40 dBm is expected, students microelectronics background, even if they do
the LNA dynamic is thus about 60 dB, associated with a not complete all the steps. All the parts of the system
–20 dBm IIP3 [2,3]. have their own behavioral description.
The PA output power is fixed at 0 dBm. An off-chip
PIN diode antenna switch allows the half-duplex 6. References
[1] J. Tomas, Y. Deval, P. Fouillat, E. Ragbi, J-P. Dom and J-
4 COCISPER Methodology L. Aucouturier, 'Design, Integration and Characterization of
Analogue Integrated Circuits – A Complete Design Flow
The COCISPER (Conception Circuits Intégrés Dedicated to Microelectronics , MSE 97 Arlington USA July
Spécifiques et PERennité - ASIC Design Methodology 21-23 1997
[2] Behzad Razavi ‘RF microelectronics’ Prentice Hall PTR
for the Durability of Systems) group is a consortium
including Aerospatiale, Thomson CSF, Matra BAe [3] Thomas H. Lee ‘The design of CMOS radio-frequency
Dynamics, Matra Marconi Space, Sagem, Sextant integrated circuits’ Cambridge University Press1998
Avionique [4]. [4] COCISPER ‘Guide méthodologique de conception des
The aim of this consortium is to provide guidelines ASIC’ 1998
to guaranty the quality and durability of electronic
systems integrating specific circuits whose process life
time is shorter than the one of the system itself.
We focus one point of this guide : the definition of
the technical requirements.

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