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Bonavente, Lucky Joseph M.

BIT – 11

The City of Bacoor was categorized in the list of the most flooded cities in the province
of Cavite. Practically, every area of this city experiences this problem. With the light
precipitation, and with continuous heavy downpour, expect roads and highways to begin flowing
with floodwater. Gutter-deep floodwater can easily occur in just a matter of seconds or minutes
of pouring rain. After an hour or half of it, knee-deep floodwater has already brought nuisance to
a lot of its residents. Worst case scenario is when the floodwater reaches the level of waist-deep
or chest-deep, which the possibility of occurrence is high when there is a typhoon. This problem
went on for years, and yet any solutions provided by the officials has never worked to at least
even lessen the existence of the problem. What makes it more of a damaging problem for every
Bacooreño is the fact that these cases of flooding in many areas of the city could last for days.
There are some cases, especially in some barangays, wherein the flood in their area lasted for
almost a week. It would have been easier and not a problem if these floods do not bring any harm
to the residents of the city, but that is not the case because there is nothing good brought by the
existence of flood.

Flood have its devastating consequences. These consequences affect both individuals and
communities. For every individual, especially in the case of Bacoor, flood prevents them from
travelling easily to their works, school, and other endeavor. Flood causes traffic, which makes
transportation more of a bigger problem in the city as well. Another effect or impact of flood is
destruction. This destruction applies to infrastructures and property, most of it are roads, bridges,
farms, houses and automobiles. Also, flooding does not bring anything good for our
environment. Floodwater are prone to contamination of chemicals, and when this contaminated
floodwater ends up on any water resources, water bodies and species will be damage. Another
factor affected by flooding is the livelihood of the people. Most of the places where Bacooreño’s
are earning their money from are prone to flooding as well, and obviously, when flood occurs,
their business will stop its operation in order for them to avoid any further damage. And one of
the most feared and number one reason why flood is a problem is because of the damage that it
can bring to one’s health condition. There is a lot of diseases acquainted with flood, one of which
is dengue and leptospirosis, which are both deadly diseases that can possibly lead to one’s death.
Technically, flood can be a reason for the loss of one’s life. These consequences make the
flooding in the City of Bacoor more of a concern that should be address and given solution to.

People living in the areas of the City that are always affected by flood can easily
described it as a common thing. This is a tremendous problem for places closed to the coastal
area. Poor drainage system of the city is one of the reasons behind this problem that the residents
have been enduring for a long period of time. Drainage systems are either blocked or broken for
some areas. Flood also occur because some rivers where floodwater could flow into are gone.
These problems must be address by the official. Also, waste or garbage are blocking the
streamline of the floodwater. These wastes are the reason why flood can easily elevate. To
address this problem, the officials of the city should focus more on the installation of a more
effective drainage system that are made to manage large volumes of water. Recently, the mayor
of the city seek help from the Department of Public Works and Highways for them to make an
action to lessen the suffering of the whole community of Bacoor. Also, officials should prevent
and never allow people from dumping land or soil on rivers because these rivers serve as a
solution for this problem. People living in the city also have a responsibility to fulfill in solving
this problem. It is also a matter of discipline. Garbage of any kind must be thrown and dispose to
where they should be, because it is also the reason behind the blockage of drainage systems in
the city. This problem is a joint responsibility of every people living in the community. Everyone
should act and get involve.

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