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University of Ghana












Romeo Tino SOGLO

ID: 10361536





July, 2018

University of Ghana



I hereby declare that, with the exception of references to other people’s work which

have been duly acknowledged, this work is the result of my own original research

undertaken under supervision, and either in whole or in part has not been presented for

any other degree at another university elsewhere.

……………………………… ..…………………………….




We hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of the thesis were supervised

in accordance with guidelines on supervision of thesis laid down by the University of


……………………………… ..…………………………….



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University of Ghana


This thesis is dedicated to my country, my family, and in particular to all those working

tirelessly for the establishment of Nuclear Regulatory Body and Atomic Energy

Commission in Benin.

University of Ghana


Thanks to Almighty God for assisting me through the IAEA/BEN 6006 Medical

physics programme.

All my gratitude to IAEA, for offering me two years fellowship in Medical Physics

and Two years fellowship in Nuclear science and Technology. I also thank IAEA for

giving my country opportunity to have qualify human resources.

I would like to thank my supervisors, Dr. Stephen Inkoom, Dr. Francis Hasford and

Dr. Edem Sosu who scarified their time to help collect data in Benin and guide me

throughout the course of this research work.

Thanks to Prof. Amoussou K. Marcellin, the coordinator of the National project BEN

6006 for his effort to make establish in Benin nuclear medicine and radiotherapy

centres for cancer management.

Thanks to Prof. Pascal Houngnandan and Prof. Felix Hontinfinde, for their advice and


I also want to extend my gratitude to Benin Ministry of Health who facilitated access

to the hospitals. Thanks to staff of all the seven Hospital involved in the present study.

Thanks to Ghana Atomic Energy Commission and the Dean of School of Nuclear and
Science for their contribution to knowledge and their effort in making equipment

available for data collection.

University of Ghana


DECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................ iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................... x

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. xvi

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER ONE ...................................................................................................................... 2

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Background .................................................................................................................. 2

1.2 Objectives .................................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Problem statement ........................................................................................................ 5

1.4 Relevance and Justification.......................................................................................... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitations.................................................................................................. 6

1.6 Organization of thesis .................................................................................................. 6

CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................................................... 7

LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................ 7

2.1 X-rays machine and X-ray production ......................................................................... 7

2.2 Overview of quality control of radiography X-ray machine ........................................ 8

2.3 Importance of some essential quality control tests and standard limits ..................... 14

2.3.1 Accuracy of loading factors ................................................................................... 14

2.3.2 Radiation Output, kilovoltage peak and exposure time reproducibility................. 15

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2.3.3 Radiation Output-mAs linearity ............................................................................. 16

2.3.4 X-ray beam filtration.............................................................................................. 17

2.3.5 X-ray-Light Fields Alignment and beam alignment .............................................. 18

2.3.6 X-ray tube leakage ................................................................................................. 19

2.3.7 Integrity of Protective Equipment .......................................................................... 20

2.4 Entrance surface Dose assessment ............................................................................. 20

2.4.1 Establishment of entrance surface dose. ................................................................ 20

2.4.2 Indirect measurement arrangement for entrance surface dose ............................... 23

CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................... 24

METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 24

3.1 Equipment .................................................................................................................. 24

3.1.1 Diagnostic radiology X-ray machines.................................................................... 24

3.1.2 Radiation detectors................................................................................................. 25 Multifunction meter (Piranha) ............................................................................... 25 RDS-120 Universal survey meter .......................................................................... 26

3.1.3 Collimator and beam alignment Quality Control test tool ..................................... 26

3.1.4 Tape measure ......................................................................................................... 27

3.1.5 Lead apron ............................................................................................................. 28

3.1.6 Radiographic X-ray film, cassette and CR plate .................................................... 28

3.2 METHODS ................................................................................................................ 29

3.2.1 Equipment set up for measurement ........................................................................ 29 Set up for simultaneous measurement of kilovoltage peak, exposure time, half

value layer and dose output.................................................................................................... 29

University of Ghana Equipment used .................................................................................................. 29 Setup for beam alignment and congruence of fields .............................................. 30

3.2..2.1 Equipment used .................................................................................................. 30

3.2..2.2 Procedures .......................................................................................................... 30 Setup for measuring leakage of X-ray tube housing .............................................. 31 Equipment used .................................................................................................. 31 Procedures .......................................................................................................... 31

3.2.2 Measurement for quality control tests .................................................................... 32 Accuracy of kilovoltage peak ................................................................................ 32 Accuracy of exposure time .................................................................................... 33 Reproducibility of kilovoltage peak, exposure time and dose output .................... 33 X-ray beam filtration (HVL) .................................................................................. 34 Specific dose-kVp2 linearity .................................................................................. 34 Specific dose - mAs linearity ................................................................................. 35 Leakage of x-ray tube housing ............................................................................... 35 Collimator and beam alignment ............................................................................. 35

3.2.3 Adult entrance surface dose (ESD) assessment method ........................................ 36 Measurement of X-ray tube output ........................................................................ 36 Entrance surface dose estimation. .......................................................................... 36

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS .......................................................... 37

4.1 Results of quality control tests ................................................................................... 37

4.1.1 Results of kVp Accuracy tests ............................................................................... 37

4.1.2 Results of exposure time accuracy test ................................................................. 40

University of Ghana Results of accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms ........................................... 40 Results of accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms ...................................... 42

4.1.3 Results of reproducibility of kVp, exposure time end dose output ....................... 44 Results of kilovoltage peak reproducibility ........................................................... 44 Results of exposure time reproducibility ............................................................... 48 Results of dose output reproducibility ................................................................... 52

4.1.4 Results of X-ray beam filtration (HVL) tests........................................................ 56

4.1.5 Results of Specific dose-kVp2 linearity tests ........................................................ 59

4.1.6 Results of Specific dose-mAs linearity tests ......................................................... 62

4.1.7 Results of leakage of X-ray tube housing tests ...................................................... 65

4.1.8 Results of X-ray beam alignment tests .................................................................. 66

4.2 Entrance surface dose results ..................................................................................... 68

4.2.1 Diagnostic radiography X-ray equipment dose output .......................................... 68

4.2.2 Exposure factors (kVp, mAs), FDD and patient thickness .................................... 72

4.2.3 Estimated entrance surface dose ............................................................................ 73

4.3 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................ 76

4.3.1 Discussion based on QC tests results ..................................................................... 76 Accuracy of kilovoltage peak ................................................................................ 76 Accuracy of exposure time .................................................................................... 78 Exposure time below 10 ms ............................................................................... 78 Exposure time above 10 ms ............................................................................... 79 Reproducibility ...................................................................................................... 80 Reproducibility of kilovoltage peak ................................................................... 80

University of Ghana Reproducibility of exposure time ....................................................................... 81 Reproducibility of dose output ........................................................................... 82 X-ray bean quality.................................................................................................. 83 Specific dose-kVp2 linearity .................................................................................. 84 Specific Dose- mAs linearity ................................................................................. 85 Leakage of X-ray tube housing .............................................................................. 86 X-ray beam alignment ............................................................................................ 87

4.3.2 Discussion based on entrance surface dose estimation .......................................... 88 Specific dose output curve ..................................................................................... 88 Comparison of estimated entrance surface dose with other studies ....................... 89

CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................... 93

5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 93

5.2 Recommendations ...................................................................................................... 94

5.2.1 Services providers .................................................................................................. 94

5.2.2 Regulatory body ..................................................................................................... 94

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 95

APPENDIX A ...................................................................................................................... 100

APPENDIX B ...................................................................................................................... 103

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Table Title Page

2.1 Minimum HVL Values 18

3.1 X-ray equipment specifications 24

3.2 Specifications of black piranha detector 25

4.1 Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne 37

4.2 Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at CNHU 37

4.3 Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie 38

4.4 Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande 38

4.5 Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin 39

4.6 Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo 39

4.7 Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Léré 39

4.8 Results of Accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at Clinic Ste Anne 40

4.9 Results of Accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at CNHU 40

4.10 Results of Accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at HZ-Porto Novo 40

4.11 Results of Accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at Clinic Roseraie 41

4.12 Results of Accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at Clinic Senande 41

4.13 Results of Accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at CHU-Suru Léré 41

University of Ghana

4.14 Results of Accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at Clinic Ste Anne 42

4.15 Results of Accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at CNHU 42

4.16 Results of Accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at Clinic Roseraie 42

4.17 Results of Accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at Clinic Senande 43

4.18 Results of Accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at HZ-Porto Novo 43

4.19 Results of accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray

unit at CHU-Suru Léré 43

4.20 Results of kVp reproducibility for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne 44

4.21 Results of kVp reproducibility for X-ray unit at CNHU 44

4.22 Results of kVp reproducibility for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie 45

4.23 Results of kVp reproducibility for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande 45

4.24 Results of kVp reproducibility for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin 46

4.25 Results of kVp reproducibility for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo 46

4.26 Results of kVp reproducibility for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Léré 47

4.27 Results of exposure time reproducibility for X-ray unit at Clinic

Ste Anne 48

4.28 Results of exposure time reproducibility for X-ray unit at CNHU 48

4.29 Results of exposure time reproducibility for X-ray unit at Clinic

Roseraie 49

University of Ghana

4.30 Results of exposure time reproducibility for X-ray unit at Clinic

Senande 49

4.31 Results of exposure time reproducibility for X-ray unit at CS-

Mènontin 50

4.32 Results of exposure time reproducibility for X-ray unit at HZ-

Porto Novo 50

4.33 Results of exposure time reproducibility for X-ray unit at CHU-

Suru Léré 51

4.34 Results of dose output reproducibility for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste

Anne 52

4.35 Results of dose output reproducibility for X-ray unit at CNHU 52

4.36 Results of dose output reproducibility for X-ray unit at Clinic

Roseraie 53

4.37 Results of dose output reproducibility for X-ray unit at Clinic

Senande 53

4.38 Results of dose output reproducibility for X-ray unit at CS-

Mènontin 54

4.39 Results of dose output reproducibility for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto

Novo 54

4.40 Results of dose output reproducibility for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru

Léré 55

4.41 HVL for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne 56

4.42 HVL for X-ray unit at CNHU 56

4.43 HVL for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie 56

4.44 HVL for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande 57

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4.45 HVL for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin 57

4.46 HVL for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo 57

4.47 HVL for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru lere 58

4.48 Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste

Anne 63

4.49 Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at CNHU 63

4.50 Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic

Roseraie 63

4.51 Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic

Senande 64

4.52 Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at CS-

Mènontin 64

4.53 Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto

Novo 64

4.54 Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru

Lere 65

4.55 Results of leakage of X-ray tube housing for X-ray unit at CNHU,

Clinic Roseraie, Clinic Senande, HZ-Porto Novo and CHU-Suru

Lere 66

4.56 Frequently used exposures factors and FDD for radiography

projection 73

4.57 Patient thickness 74

4.58 Estimated entrance surface dose for Clinic Ste Anne 74

4.59 Estimated entrance surface dose for CNHU 74

4.60 Estimated entrance surface dose for Clinic Roseraie 75

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4.61 Estimated entrance surface dose for Clinic Senande 75

4.62 Estimated entrance surface dose for CS-Mènontin 75

4.63 Estimated entrance surface dose for HZ-Porto Novo 76

4.64 Estimated entrance surface dose for CHU-Suru Lere 76

4.65 kVp accuracy range 77

4.66 Specific dose output function with percentage error 89

A.1 Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste

Anne 101

A.2 Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at CNHU 101

A.3 Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic

Roseraie 101

A.4 Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic

Senande 102

A.5 Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at CS-

Mènontin 102

A.6 Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto

Novo 102

A.7 Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at CHU-

Suru Lere 103

B.1 Results of dose output for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne 104

B.2 Results of dose output for X-ray unit at CNHU 104

B.3 Results of dose output for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie 104

B.4 Results of dose output for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande 105

B.5 Results of dose output for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin 105

B.6 Results of dose output for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo 105

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B.7 Results of dose output for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Lere 105

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Figure Title Page

2.1 Interpretation of the image of the steel ball in the beam alignment

test tool 19

2.2 Diagram of measurement arrangement 23

3.1 Black Piranha Detector 25

3.2 RDS-120 Universal survey meter 26

3.3 Collimator and beam alignment QC test tool 27

3.4 Wooden ruler 27

3.5 Lead apron 28

3.6 CR plate, X-ray cassette and Film 28

3.7 Set up for kVp, time, HVL and dose measurement 30

3.8 Set up for collimator beam alignment 31

3.9 Set up for leakage of X-ray tube housing measurement 32

4.1 Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne 59

4.2 Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at CNHU 59

4.3 Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie 60

4.4 Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande 60

4.5 Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin 61

4.6 Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo 61

4.7 Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Lere 62

4.8 Results of X-ray beam alignment test for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste 67

4.9 Results of X-ray beam alignment test for X-ray unit at CNHU 67

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4.10 Results of X-ray beam alignment test for X-ray unit at Clinic 67


4.11 Results of X-ray beam alignment test for X-ray unit at Clinic 67


4.12 Results of X-ray beam alignment test for X-ray unit at CS- 68


4.13 Results of X-ray beam alignment test for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto 68


4.14 Results of X-ray beam alignment test for X-ray unit at CHU- 68

Suru Lere

4.15 Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne 69

4.16 Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at CNHU 69

4.17 Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie 70

4.18 Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande 70

4.19 Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin 71

4.20 Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin 71

4.21 Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Lere 72

4.22 Clinic Senande kVp calibration curve 78

4.23 CS-Mènontin kVp calibration curve 78

4.24 Comparison of accuracy of exposure time below with

recommended limit 79

4.25 Comparison of accuracy exposure above 10 ms with

recommended limit. 80

4.26 Comparison of kVp coefficient of variation with recommended 81


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4.27 Comparison of exposure time coefficient of variation with

recommended limit. 82

4.28 Comparison of dose output coefficient of variation with

recommended limit. 83

4.29 Comparison of measured HVL with recommended minimum 84


4.30 Correlation of the specific dose versus kVp square with linear 85


4.31 Comparison of specific dose-mAs linearity coefficient with 86

recommended limit

4.32 Comparison of leakage of X-ray tube housing from the seven X-

ray unit. 87

4.33 Comparison of X-ray beam misalignment degree with

acceptable limit of 1.5°. 88

4.34 Comparison of Chest PA entrance surface dose 89

4.35 Comparison of Abdomen AP entrance surface dose 90

4.36 Comparison of Pelvis AP entrance surface dose 91

4.37 Comparison of Skull AP entrance surface dose 91

4.38 Comparison of Lumber Spine AP entrance surface dose 92

4.39 Comparison of Foot AP entrance surface dose 92

University of Ghana


The use of X-ray equipment in diagnostic radiography increases with demographic

growth of population and Benin is not an exception. Achieving good quality image

while keeping workers, public and patient exposure to ionizing radiation at an

acceptable level has become a prerequisite for radiology department in their effort to

comply with radiation protection principle of optimization. The present research work

undertook quality control measurement of seven diagnostic radiography equipment in

south of Benin. In addition, patient entrance surface dose was also estimated in the

seven hospitals. RDS-120 universal survey meter, multifunction detector (Piranha) and

beam alignment test tool were used to perform quality control tests on the seven X-ray

units. The method used as well as the interpretation of the results was based on

AAPM, FDA, HARP, IPEM, IAEA and S.C 35 recommendations. The quality control

results showed that all X-ray equipment investigated were within standard limits for

accuracy of exposure time below 10 ms; reproducibility of kVp, exposure time and

dose output; specific dose-kVp2 linearity; specific dose-mAs linearity and leakage of

X-ray tube housing. 5/7 of diagnostic X-ray machines passed quality control tests such

as X-ray beam alignment, exposure time above 10 ms and kVp accuracy. For the seven

X-ray units, the maximum average estimated entrance surface dose for chest PA, Skull

AP, abdomen AP, pelvis AP, and lumber spine AP were respectively, 1.3922 ± 0.0217

mGy; 10.5709 ± 0.4549 mGy ; 11.2909 ± 0.5324 mGy; 10.1398 ± 0.2322 mGy;

16.1073 ±0.6931 mGy and 1.4317 ± 0.0161 mGy. The choice of radiographic

parameters needs to be improved by radiographers in their effort to optimize patient

exposure to ionizing radiation.

University of Ghana



The present chapter provides background, objective, the statement of research

problem, relevance and justification of the study, scope and limitation and the

organization of the thesis.

1.1 Background

Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays on November 8, 1895 while

experimenting with a Crookes tube in his physics laboratory at Würzburg University

Germany [1]. X-rays are ionizing radiations. All forms of such radiation have

sufficient energy to ionize atoms that may destabilize molecules within cells and lead

to tissue damage. The harmful effects of ionizing radiation became apparent after the

discovery of X-rays and radioactivity. An American physicist, Emile Grubbe, suffered

severe burns as a result of holding the energized X-ray tube in his hands. In May 1896,

a man who had a head radiograph suffered skin burns and loss of hair [2]. From the

beginning of the use of X-rays for diagnosis, harmful effects were observed and

continued to be observed. This situation pushed various practitioners to suggest a

variety of radiation safety rules. International organizations, such as International

Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), International Atomic Energy Agency

(IAEA), recommend that proper management systems that include quality assurance

(QA) programme encompasses activities involving the use of ionizing radiation [3].

Quality assurance is defined as the function of a management system that provides

adequate confidence that an item, process or service will satisfy given requirements

for quality [4]. Also the World Health Organization (WHO) defines a QA programme

in diagnostic radiology as an organized effort by the staff operating a facility to ensure

that the diagnostic images produced are of sufficiently high quality so that they

University of Ghana

consistently provide adequate diagnostic information at the lowest possible cost and

with the least possible exposure of the patient to radiation [5]. As part of QA, quality

control (QC) intends to verify that structures, systems and components corresponding

to predetermined requirements [4]. Quality control techniques are those techniques

used in the monitoring (or testing) and maintenance of the technical elements or

components of an X-ray system. The QC techniques are concerned directly with the

equipment performance that can affect patient dose and the quality of the radiographic

image [6]. X-rays machines are used in diagnostic radiology departments to produce

images of anatomical structures through a variety of examinations including

radiography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT) and others. Diagnostic

radiology equipment are made of an X-ray tube mounted in such a way that allows the

tube to be moved in any direction. The production of X-rays by such machine is

regulated by a control console that allows the selection of radiographic parameters

(kilovoltage peak, milliamperes, exposure time) and the ability to choose between

small and large focal spot. The QC tests related to those radiographic parameters as

well as the measurement of the focal spot size is of importance to ensure safe use of

the machine and protection of patients, workers and the public. The quality and

quantity of X-ray beam that is produced should allow good image to be obtained while

keeping patient dose as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) [7].

Benin Republic, is a West African country that shares boarder with Nigeria in

the east, Togo in the west, Niger and Burkina Faso in the north. The Health system of

the country is composed in decreasing order of the Ministry of health, twelve (12)

departmental divisions of health and hospitals. Public as well as private hospitals use

conventional X-ray machines to perform patient diagnosis. Most of the radiography

centres are concentrated in Cotonou and Porto Novo. Because of the lack of

University of Ghana

radiological regulation in the country, QC of radiation emitting equipment are mostly

overlooked. The equipment are repaired by biomedical engineers only when there is

mechanical or electrical fault. After repair no quality control is undertaken to ascertain

the state of the equipment. In order to solve this problem, a law was enacted in October

2017 by the Parliament for regulation of activities involving the use of ionizing

radiation. A national project designed with the support of IAEA is aimed at building

human capacity to perform quality control tests on medical imaging equipment.

There are several research works which have been done on quality control of

diagnostic X-ray equipment and patient entrance surface dose assessments. The QC

tests are performed and evaluated based on kVp and exposure time accuracy

(Akpochafor et al., 2016); output linearity with mAs (Rasuli et al., 2015); beam

alignment and congruence (Ismail et al., 2015); focal spot size; linearity of output with

kVp2 (Azzoz et al., 2014); screen-film contact uniformity (Begum et al., 2011);

reproducibility of kVp and output (Korir et al., 2011). Entrance surface dose was

measured either with a direct measurement method using a TLD (Jibiri et al., 2016),

or the indirect estimation from X-ray equipment output variation (Ackom et al., 2017;

Taha et al., 2014).

This research study is intended to undertake QC tests on X-ray machines in

selected hospitals in South of Benin, assess their performances and establish baseline

data for future work. The study also assesses patient radiation dose in terms of entrance

surface dose.

1.2 Objectives

The primary objective of this study is to implement a comprehensive quality control

programme on X-ray systems in selected diagnostic radiology centres in Benin. To

achieve the above objective the following specific objectives will be addressed.

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i) Perform QC checks with emphasis on the following tests and tube QC tests.

o X-ray beam filtration

o Light-X-ray fields congruence and beam alignment

o Radiation leakage of tube housing

o Reproducibility of kilovoltage peak (kVp), dose output and exposure time

o Accuracy of kVp and exposure time

o Specific dose –mAs linearity

o Specific dose-kVp2 linearity

ii) Estimate entrance surface dose (ESD)

1.3 Problem statement

In Benin Republic, more than one hundred X-ray machines are in operation

daily for diagnosis of medical conditions of patients. Since there is no regulatory

system in the country, regarding the use of these machines, acquisition of such

equipment is not under proper control. Most of the equipment are not subjected to

acceptance test and the X-ray machines are not inspected during operation. The

reproducibility and accuracy of selected imaging parameters are known when regular

QCs are performed. Due to the lack of QCs performed on the equipment a big doubt

exists on the level of doses received by patients, staff and the public as satisfying the

ALARA principle. Ionizing radiations induce health effects. It is a risk related to

medical imaging. To ensure continuing production of diagnostic images with optimum

quality, using minimum necessary dose to the patient and surrounding individual,

equipment performance needs to be monitored [8].

1.4 Relevance and Justification

The use of X-ray machines for radiography is good for patient’s diagnosis, but

when not held in check, it can induce severe health effects to patients, radiographer

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and the general public. The adverse health effects associated with ionizing radiation

do not allow it to be used without balancing between risk and benefit. To achieve

proper use of those machines, protocols and guidelines have been developed at both

international and national levels for diagnostic equipment QC. In Benin no QC tests

have been performed for decades, and the machines are only repaired when there are

mechanical and electrical defaults. This study is relevant and justified in the sense that

it will provide for the first time, information regarding the state of some X-ray

machines used in most popular hospitals in Benin.

1.5 Scope and Limitations

The present study will cover:

i) X-ray systems’ quality control tests except focal spot size determination

and automatic exposure control assessment.

ii) The entrance surface dose will be estimated from radiation output


1.6 Organization of thesis

The present research thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter one covers

Introduction. Chapter two provides an overview of X-ray machine quality control and

review of work done on patient radiation dose assessment. Chapter three outlines the

materials and the experimental methods used to perform quality control of X-ray

equipment in South of Benin. Chapter four covers results obtained from data

collection, their interpretation and discussion drawn from them. In chapter five,

conclusion is made and recommendations are proposed. References used as well as the

appendix are the last pages of the present work.

University of Ghana



This chapter provides an overview of X-ray machine quality control and review

of work done on patient radiation dose optimization through quality control. The

chapter also focuses on studies done regarding entrance surface dose in radiographic


2.1 X-rays machine and X-ray production

X-ray machine consisted essentially of X-ray generator, X-ray tubes,

collimator system and image receptor. Other parts of the machine include the tube

support mechanism that allows movement of the tube to be correctly positioned at the

patient’s anatomical part to be imaged.

The generator is the source of electrical energy to the X-ray tube and ensures

how long an exposure will take. The tube of the diagnostic X-ray machine is made of

the filament (cathode); target material (anode), focusing cup, and the glass envelop

[9]. By thermionic emission, electrons are expelled from the cathode, concentrated in

the focusing cup, these electrons are accelerated by an electrical field applied between

cathode and anode. Electrons interact with the anode material and X-rays are

generated. Two types of interactions occur, including electron-electron interaction

which give rise to characteristic X-ray and electron-nucleus interactions which

produce breaking X-ray radiation [10]. The production of X-rays depends on the

selection of radiographic parameters. The tube current (mA) selection is commanded

by the filament circuit and its product with the exposure time (mAs) determines the

quantity of the diagnostic X-ray machine output. The kilovoltage peak (kVp) supplied

by the cathode–anode circuit, creates the electrical field that accelerates electron

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between anode and cathode [11]. Because of the need of uniform electrical field to

accelerate electrons, a constant potential is of interest. This is achieved by step up

transformer and rectifying circuit to correct the alternative current supplied by the

generator. The focal spot, point of interaction of electron beams with anode material

inside the X-ray tube, releases the X-rays produced and its size influence the image

resolution. During the production of X-ray heat is generated more than the X-ray itself.

For example at 100 kVp, only about 1% X-rays are produced in form of combination

of Bremsstrahlung and characteristic X-ray [12]. The pulse duration timer controls the

exposure time to optimize patient dose, film exposure and heat generated in the tube.

Low energy X-rays are attenuated from the beam spectrum by aluminum filters to

minimize patient entrance surface dose. The collimator system confines the radiation

only to the region of interest so that unnecessary exposure to other parts of patient

body is eliminated. Anti-scatter grid removes scatter radiation that will reach the film

and affect image quality. The intensifying screen and the film combination allow the

detection of the beam transmitted through the patients and the formation of the image.

2.2 Overview of quality control of radiography X-ray machine

Diagnostic X-ray machines are man-made sources of radiation that are commonly

used in hospitals and radiological research institutions. The use of such machines that

deliver ionizing radiation may induce health effects not only to patients but also to the

radiographer as well as the surrounding individuals when not held in control. Rules

and regulations are designed by national regulatory authorities, inspired by the

recommendations of international organization such as the International Commission

on Radiological Protection (ICRP), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and

World health Organization (WHO) to ensure that X-ray system perform satisfactorily

in service [3]. To achieve the goal of good image at low patient dose, regular quality

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control checks of diagnostic equipment is required. Quality control allows to detect

machine defects and to initiate corrective actions in order to ensure a safe working

environment. Equipment quality control tests includes in general, acceptance, routine

and status tests. Acceptance tests are performed at equipment installation or after

important repair to verify machine specifications as indicated by manufacture. Status

test is applied to already installed equipment and is similar to acceptance test. Routine

test is applied to important parameters that determine good functioning of the

equipment. Those parameters are tested to verify change that may occur during

equipment operation [13]. To comply with the principles of optimization which imply

obtaining a good image quality at low patient dose, a lot of studies have been done

worldwide on diagnostic X-ray machine quality control.

In 2016, Akpochafor et al, performed kVp accuracy test in ten X-ray centres. This

study conducted in Nigeria, analysed 40 kVp accuracy results. Some machine were

above acceptable accuracy limit of ± 5%. One fifth of those equipment that failed the

test were at least ten years old [14]. In the same country in 2015, Godfrey et al., worked

on radiography X-ray machine kVp accuracy, reproducibility in some Zaria hospitals.

The importance of kVp is brought out in the sense that if kVp is out of range or limits,

it can bring about either over exposure or under exposure which in turn increases the

level of rejects, retake or unwanted exposure to radiation. The study was conducted on

five X-ray machines, and it was found out that none of the machines demonstrated

complete compliance to Nigeria Nuclear Regulatory Authority standard guidelines


In Iran, Gholami et al., in 2015, assessed tube voltage and exposure time of

conventional X-ray machines in six hospitals, including governmental and private

hospitals. A total of seven X-ray units in Lorestan province were involved in the study.

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The detector used was a Barracuda dosimeter. From their work evaluation of kVp

accuracy showed values out of therequired limit of accuracy Exposure time accuracy

evaluation showed that some hospitals complied with the requirements. The highest

X-ray tube output was 147×10-3 mGy/mAs. From their conclusion, age of X-ray

machines and the rate of their maintenance are likely the causes that affect patient

radiation dose and radiographic image quality [16]. Mehrdad Gholami et al work done

in Lorestan province, Iran is similar to Behrouz Rasuli et al study published in the

Iranian Journal of medical physics in September 2015. They performed ten standard

quality control tests on fifteen conventional radiology devices in Khuzestan province,

Iran. Reproducibility test for kVp, dose exposure output and time as well as linearity

test were successful, for all devices. There was poor beam alignment in 3/5 of the units.

The results revealed, X-ray machines met the standard criteria despite the fact that the

machines were relatively old with high workload. Such result were due to the

implementation of after-sale services, including quality control of X-ray machines in

the province [17]. In the same country Iran but in a third province, Golestan et al 2013,

performed quality control on forty-four X-ray units. kVp accuracy and reproducibility;

mA-time reciprocity, exposure linearity and reproducibility, timer accuracy, X-ray

beam quality, and beam alignment were assessed. 100% of equipment kVp were

reproducible. Exposure linearity, mAs reciprocity, kVp accuracy, light field-beam

alignment, and reproducibility of exposure were found to be acceptable [18].

In Sudan, Ismail et al 2015, performed quality control tests on eighteen X-Ray

Units at Khartoum State Hospitals. The QC tests performed were, kilovoltage peak

and exposure time reproducibility and accuracy; mAs linearity; of light beam

coincidence with radiation beam and fog level in darkroom. CONNY II QC dosimeter

made by PTW was used to achieve measurements. It was found out that two of

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hospitals had a problem in mAs linearity, also two out of eighteen unit had a problem

in kVp accuracy and one had a problem in kVp reproducibility. Light field and

radiation beam alignment were successful for 15 machines. Only few darkrooms are

free from fog level problems; time accuracy and time reproducibility were in the

acceptable limit. From their results it was necessary to spread the quality control

programme to the whole Sudan [19].

In the same year 2015, Ngoye et al. published in the Journal of Medical Imaging

and Radiation Sciences, a research work done to verify how quality control measures

are implemented in Tanzania by radiographers. From the study it is found out lack in

implementing QC programme by radiographers despite benefit related to it to reveal

equipment malfunction at an early stage [20].

In Egypt, Azzoz et al. 2014, evaluated ten stationary X-ray units in eight hospitals.

The quality control tests performed included, beam Alignment and collimator accuracy

for radio-diagnostic machine; output reproducibility and linearity of kVp2 versus

exposure per mAs for small and large focus; beam quality; focal spot size;

reproducibility and accuracy of exposure time; amount of leakage radiation and

scattered radiation. From their results the total beam filtration was 2.5 mm aluminum.

Their study revealed that optimization of radiographic parameters is important for dose

reduction. Azzoz et al recommend that workers should be provided with specific

training programmes to enhance diagnosis [21].

In Ghana, Inkoom et al. published in 2011 a chapter on QA and QC of diagnostic

radiology machines. The study was based on experience gained in Ghana. From their

study, the importance of quality assurance programmes in terms of patient dose

reduction, image quality, medical costs reduction and improving diagnostic radiology

department management is not to be underestimated. In addition to the components of

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QC procedures all the quality control tests performed in Ghana were documented in

the regulations that allow those tests to be performed anywhere ionizing radiation is

used [6].

In Bangladesh, Begum et al, 2011, assessed forty X-ray units. The tests that were

carried out are light field and radiation beam congruence; focal spot size; half value

layer and film-screen contact test. Each parameter was assessed with a specific quality

control tests tool. The method used in their work was based on existing standard

quality control protocol. Investigation of half value layers (HVL) revealed all the forty

diagnostic X-ray machines were out of range. Only 7.5% machines failed the focal

spot size test. Congruence between light field and radiation beam was satisfactory in

more than 75% of cases while 65% of machines achieved the expected screen film

contact uniformity. It is clear that from Begum et al studies, quality control actions

need to be performed regularly for safe and proper operation of the X-ray units [22].

Gholamhosseinian-Najjar et al, 2014, conducted research on eleven X-ray units.

Exposure time and kVp accuracy, mAs linearity with exposure, and exposure

reproducibility were measured using Unfors Mult-O-Meter model 303. Results

obtained revealed many faults on equipment. It was recommended not to use the

devices in the regions where those errors were found and it was suggested that some

X-ray units should undergo repair or substitution [23].

In Brazil, Ebisawa et al, 2009, conducted a retrospective study on QC acceptance

indices. About 1177 reports on conventional diagnostic X-ray equipment recorded

over a seven year period in the state of São Paulo were analysed. Results on half value

layer assessment conformed to required standards accepted values in the proportion of

89% in 2000 to 94% in 2006. The satisfactory results obtained throughout the period

of study was attributed to the compliance with the state regulation. Worker integrated

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quality assurance in their working culture, this induced natural observance of the

regulations and the development of safety culture [24].

In Kenya, Korir et al., 2011 conducted a research work on the protection of patients

by establishing QA baseline for diagnostic radiology. The study was done on four X-

ray machine. Each machine was used over 1 month with 400-speed film/screen system.

Quality control tests were performed on each diagnostic X-ray machine.

Reproducibility, accuracy, linearity and beam quality are some of the QC tests

performed. The results revealed that the machines were in good status with faults

observed for the light/radiation beam alignment where the bottom and top as well as

cathode side showed deviation from the standard limits. From their conclusion patient

overexposure was due to equipment age [25].

In Nigeria, Akaagerger et al, 2015, assessed HVL and beam alignment using

collimator tests tool. The study was made on two X-ray machines, using DIAVOLT

universal model 43014 dosimeter. It was found out that light-radiation field

misalignment was within the acceptable limit of 2.0cm as specified by ICRP.

Comparing the two diagnostic X-ray machines, one of them had higher probability of

poor image contrast [26].

Sungita et al, 2006, worked on QC of X-ray machines in Tanzania. This study was

conducted because of the increasing number of X-ray machines in the country and the

little availability of technical support to operate and maintain them adequately. Four

QC tests were performed on 196 diagnostic X-ray units. The tests included beam

alignment and collimation test made on 80 X-rays units; timer accuracy test performed

on 120 X-ray units; radiation leakage test assessed on 47 X-ray units and preventive

maintenance tests evaluated on each of the 196 diagnostic X-ray units. The outcome

revealed that 41% of equipment passed kVp tests, 43% passed exposure time accuracy,

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60% satisfied conformity with beam alignment tests standards, and 20% failed the

radiation leakage of tube housing test. From their research report, governmental

authorities in charge of regulation, took actions in improving radiological services in

Tanzanian hospitals [27].

Hassan et al 2012, in Egypt assessed absorbed dose to patient and diagnostic X-

ray units. Five groups of five X-ray equipment were involved in the study. It was found

out that the absorbed dose to different organs was a function of the X-ray tube loading

factors (kVp and mAs). Leakage radiation tests were acceptable and the measured at

1 m was far below the acceptable limit of 1 mGy/h at 1m. Tests of X-ray field

alignment with light field as well as focal spot position were satisfactory. Accuracy

tests for kVp showed the deviation was within standards limit [28].

In Turkey, Sezdi from Istanbul University wrote in 2011, a chapter on QC tests of

diagnostic X-ray units to optimize radiation dose. The QC tests carried out included,

accuracy, reproducibility and linearity tests of radiographic parameters. Beam quality

test as well as image quality was performed in five hospitals on ten diagnostic

radiology X-ray units. The objective was to determine the tube loading factors that will

be suitable for quality control tests [8]. The parameters setting values of 70 kVp-(20,

40, 50mAs) were recommended for the acquisition of high quality image

2.3 Importance of some essential quality control tests and standard limits

2.3.1 Accuracy of loading factors

Loading factors are radiographic parameters including kilovoltage peak (kVp),

tube current and exposure time. The kVp is very important parameter, since it account

for X-ray beam quantity and quality. Variation of kilovoltage peak influences the mean

energy of photon emitted and thus affects the subject contrast of radiographic image

produced. It is therefore necessary that kVp be accurate as much as possible. The dose

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output is proportional to the square of kVp. The product of tube current and exposure

time is proportional to the quantity of X-ray produced during an exposure. If the

measured exposure time is lower than the selected, then mAs is small and this induces

quantum mottle which affects radiograph by noise. When the exposure time is greater

than the selected, patients will be overexposed. It is important to verify variations

between indicated and measured kVp and exposure time for diagnostic X-ray

equipment calibration [30].

Accuracy is the degree of agreement between the measured radiographic

parameters (kilovoltage peak/ time) and the indicated or selected values. According to

AAPM [31], FDA [32] and IPEM [33], the measured kVp accuracy limit is set to be

±5% of the indicated or selected kVp . Based on the Healing Arts Radiation Protection

Act, the kVp should also be assessed at most commonly used milliamperage stations.

According to Canadian’s Safety Code S.C. 35, deviation of the measured exposure

time should not exceed ±10% +1 ms of the time selected [29]. Similarly H.A.R.P Act

set the limit to be ±10% [34]. More precision was provided by AAPM report 74 which

specify limit for exposure below 10 ms and exposure above 10 ms. Above 10 ms, the

limit for time accuracy is set to be ±5% while below 10 ms it is ±10%. The tube

current, limit was set to be 20% while that for mAs is 10% +0.2 mAs [31].

2.3.2 Radiation Output, kilovoltage peak and exposure time reproducibility

When several measurements of radiographic parameters (kVp, exposure time or

dose output) are taken in the same conditions, the degree of agreement between

measurements is called reproducibility [30]. It is mainly done to ensure that a set of

radiographic parameters can be repeated without major deviation. The same or very

close exposure can be obtained each time from an X-ray machine. Reproducibility is

important because it guarantees that the X-ray machine is capable of delivering dose

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to the specifications for which it is rated and help to detect operator error when the X-

ray machine performs perfectly. Reproducibility is determined by calculating the

coefficient of variations which is the standard deviation divided by the mean of ten

consecutive measurements taken within a time period of 1 hours at same source-to-

detector distance.

Limit for reproducibility was recommended by the United State Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) to be 5% [32]. S.C.35 set the coefficient of variation limit to

5% and each measurement should not exceed 15% of the average value. H.A.R.P is in

agreement with S.C.35 and AAPM coefficient of variation but allows 20% deviation

between each measured value and the average value [34].

2.3.3 Radiation Output-mAs linearity

It is expected for a fixed value of mAs obtained from any combination of

milliamperage and exposure time, a constant amount of radiation is produced [30]. The

selection of milliamperage and exposure time product determines the number of

electrons that interact with the target material (anode). Thus mAs is related directly to

the quantity of radiation that is produced. Even if these interactions of incident

electrons with both target material electrons and nucleus are probabilistic, it is

expected that the radiation output to be the same for a constant film density. In the

clinical setting, if milliamperage (mA) and time product varied, a proportional

variation of X-ray output should be obtained. Linearity tests are essential in the

detection of change in image quality and monitoring of patient dose in the sense that

poor quantity of X-ray beam reaching the film will induce- noise in the image and this

will produce image reject and repeat of patient examination. According to Canada

safety code 35 and FDA, for a fixed value of kVp, the difference between two specific

doses should be less or equal to 0.10 times their sum.

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2.3.4 X-ray beam filtration

Filtration exists to cut off low energy X-rays by the mean of a layer of material.

The purpose is to reduce dose to the skin and shallow tissues induced by low energy

X-rays which cannot reach image receptor. They increase patient dose unnecessarily

and contribute nothing useful to the image. Radiographic images are obtained by

transmission of X-ray beam through patient. It is important that the X-ray beam has

just enough ability to penetrate deeper into tissue so that patient dose can be reduced

and image contrast to be maintained [1]. Total filtration consists of inherent filtration

and added filtration. Attenuation by housing oil; the thickness of glass envelop of the

tube and collimator assembly field light mirror are the inherent filtration components.

Added filtration use metal filters, intentionally insert in the X-ray field to modify it

effective energy. Generally the filters used are plates made of aluminum to remove

low energy X-ray with little diagnostic value.

In radiography, the quality control test of X-ray beam quality is determined by

measuring the half value layer (HVL). HVL of an X-ray beam is the thickness of filter

that will halve the initial intensity of the beam. X-ray beam quality test is done to check

the minimum half value layer necessary to remove low energy radiation.

According to FDA the following minimum HVL are defined for various kVp setting

(table 2.1).

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Table 2.1 Minimum HVL Values [32]

Minimum HVL (mm

X-ray tube voltage (kVp)
of Aluminum)
Designed Measured
X-ray systems
Operating Range operating potential
30 0.3
Below 51 40 0.4
50 0.5
51 1.3
51 to 70 60 1.5
70 1.8
71 2.5
80 2.9
90 3.2
100 3.6
Above 70 110 3.9
120 4.3
130 4.7
140 5.0
150 5.4

2.3.5 X-ray-Light Fields Alignment and beam alignment

Collimators localize and modify the dimensions and form of the X-ray field rising from

the tube port. In the apparatus design, collimator assembly is hooked up to the tube

housing with a swivel joint. A rectangular X-ray field is set by means of lead shutters.

Collimator housing includes a light bulb and mirror. Le light emitted by the bulb is

reflected by a mirror to simulate the X-ray emission from the tube [35]. Collimator’s

shadows help identify the collimation of the X-ray field. Congruence between light

field and radiation field help practitioner to position well the anatomical part to be

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imaged. In case of misalignment there will be cut-off of anatomical structures, leading

to repeat of examination and unnecessary increase of patient radiation dose.

Coincidence checking is a necessary evaluation of any quality control program.

According to safety code S.C 35 and AAPM report n° 74, the limit that should not be

exceeded is 2% deviation of the radiation field perimeter from the light field perimeter.

This limit is in an agreement with FDA and H.A.R.P policies. For X-ray beam

alignment the following criterion is applied for a source-table distance of 100 cm [35].

Figure 2.1 Interpretation of the image of the steel ball in the beam alignment test tool

2.3.6 X-ray tube leakage

The X-ray tube housing shield, supports and protects the X-ray tube insert. All X-rays

in the direction other than the exiting window are attenuated by a lead shielding. A

small fraction of these X-rays, known as leakage radiation may escape from the

housing [36]. Leakage radiation quality control test is necessary to minimize the risk

of unnecessary patient radiation exposure, loss of image quality, overexposure of

workers and surrounding individuals. It is recommended in the safety code 35 a limit

of 1.0 mGy/h at a distance of 100 cm from the position of the focal spot and at

maximum specified energy input. In standby the limit is 20 μGy/h at a distance of 5cm

from any accessible surface [29].

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2.3.7 Integrity of Protective Equipment

Protective equipment used in diagnostic radiology include aprons, gloves and

gonadal shields. The protective equipment are lead-impregnated materials worn by

radiologists, radiologic technologists in some radiographic procedures. In the absence

of mechanical immobilization devices to maintain in required position those that are

not physically able to support themselves, comforters may also wear protective

equipment to provide help. To detect defects of protective equipment, it is necessary

to perform radiography of these equipment. In case of detection of cracks or holes

greater than 670 mm2 the protective devices should not be used. If the cracks or holes

are close to the thyroid or gonads, it should not exceed 5 mm in diameter. When not

in use, protective apparel must be kept on properly designed racks [29].

2.4 Entrance surface Dose assessment

2.4.1 Establishment of entrance surface dose.

Entrance surface dose or entrance surface air kerma is the absorbed dose to air

at point of intersection of X-ray beam central axis with patient or phantom. It takes

account of incident and backscatter radiation. There are two ways of establishing

entrance surface dose including, the direct method and the indirect assessment method.

Entrance surface dose determination by the direct method is based on

thermoluminescence dosimeter reading on patient or phantom. Indirect assessment use

recorded tube loading factors and specific dose variation curve with kVp to estimate

entrance surface dose [37].

In Ghana, Ackom et al, estimated in 2017, entrance surface dose of adult

patients undergoing computed radiography examinations in two hospitals. 619 patients

including 39.3% males and 376 (60.7 %) females with age ranging from 18 to 82 years

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old were investigated. Indirect assessment method was used to estimate the entrance

surface dose with backscatter factor equal to 1.35 as recommended by European

Commission in 1996. From their study it was found out that, calculated mean ESD

were within the recommended references values except chest PA and range from 0.29±

0.0041 mGy to 6.08 ±0.55 mGy for all the diagnostic examinations including chest

PA, lumber spine AP and LAT, skull LAT and AP, cervical spine LAT and AP, and

abdomen AP. Their results compared with publications from Inkoom et al, IAEA and

Public Health of UK respectively, revealed that values they obtained were lower than

those published [38].

In 2016, Jibiri et al, conducted research work on investigating patient dose for

radiographic examination. The method applied was direct assessment using

thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs). Twelve hospitals and a total of fifteen

diagnostic X-ray equipment were involved in the study. Seven different types of

examinations were investigated. The results showed from comparison with

NRPBHPA 2010 review for UK, lower values of entrance surface dose for pelvis AP

and lumber spine AP. For the other five examinations, ESD were higher. This

difference in results was related to the tube loading (mAs) used [39].

In 2014, Ofori et al., estimated entrance surface dose for patients aged over 18

years old. A total of 320 patients were considered in the research work. The mean

entrance surface dose (ESD) was estimated using caldose_x 5.0 software. Input data

were patients’ data (age, sex) and exposure parameters. It was found out that the

highest mean ESD was 3.25 mGy for lumber spine examination. For all examinations,

ESD ranged from 0.27 mGy to 3.25 mGy. The entrance skin doses for thorax was

slightly higher than published works. From the study it was confirmed that

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optimization of technical and clinical factors will reduce substantially patient doses


In the same year 2014, Taha et al, investigated entrance skin dose for 500

patients undergoing diagnostic examination in King Abdullah medical city in Egypt.

Six different examinations were considered in the study. The methods applied was

indirect assessment using mathematical model. The input for the model included X-

ray dose output, backscatter factor, tube current-time product, focus to skin distance

patient thickness and kilovoltage peak. Taha et al study was within the range of

reported international organizations value [41].

In Nigeria, in 2013, Ademola et al, assessed ESD resulting from children

chest, skull, abdomen and pelvis radiography. Five radiology centres were considered

in the research, with 450 patients with ages ranging from 0 to 15 years old. In their

work, indirect assessment method was used to estimate entrance skin dose (ESD)

based on standard exposure data because of the lack of TLD system. The results

revealed that there was no standard procedure used in the hospitals due to the wide

variation in technical parameters (kVp and mAs) for the same examination and

patients’ data [42].

Tamboul et al 2014, assessed in Sudan ESD of 191 patients by the means of

indirect method. Satisfactory results were obtained during the study [43].

In Serbia and Montenegro, Ciraj et al, 2004, estimated patient dose for eleven

different X-ray examinations. A total of 419 patients were considered in the study.

Results revealed that only entrance surface dose from chest PA was above stated

reference level for plane film examination. The study underlined the importance of the

survey data in the establishment of national radiation protection and quality control

programme for medical exposures [44]

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2.4.2 Indirect measurement arrangement for entrance surface dose

Figure 2.2: Diagram of measurement arrangement [37]

The entrance surface dose given by the equation (2.1) :

ESD = B × Output(mGy/mAs) × mAs × ( ) ( 2.1) [41]
dFTD − t p

Where B is backscatter factor, mAs is milliamperes second used for a given

examination, d is the distance at which dosimeter reading was made, d FTD is focus to

patient table top distance and tp is patient thickness.

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The main objective of this study was to perform quality control of seven X-ray

machines in south of Benin. This chapter outlines the materials and the experimental

methods used to achieve this objective. The methods used for each quality control test

is based on recommendations of American Association of Physicist in Medicine

(AAPM), Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act (H.A.R.P), Safety code 35,

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), United States, Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) and Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM).

3.1 Equipment

3.1.1 Diagnostic radiology X-ray machines

Seven x-ray units were used. Their specifications are indicated in table 3.1
Table 3.1: X-ray equipment specifications

Tube Range
Tube Type of
Manufacturer Manufacture
Hospitals serial X-ray
& Country date
number system* kVp mAs

Ste ANNE 579502 Not visible SF 40-125 0.5-800
CNHU November
Japan 75178 CR 40-150 0.5-800
ROSERAIE ROHRE 348482 Not readable SF 40-125 0.1-400

SENANDE VARIAN - - SF 40-125 1-500

MENONTIN 820017131 June 2017 DR 40-130 0.4-360
SURU-LERE 12799 January 2007 CR 40-150 0.5-630


71k061 June 2010 SF 40-150 0.4-1000
Porto Novo FRANCE

(*) SF: Screen Film; CR: Computed Radiography; DR: Digital Radiography

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3.1.2 Radiation detectors Multifunction meter (Piranha)

Piranha is a solid-state detector designed to detect mostly X-ray radiation (figure 3.1).

It is manufactured by RTI group based in Sweden. The black Piranha used in the

present study is manufactured in Sweden and its serial number is CB2-11020219. It

was used for seven diagnostic radiography equipment to measure kilovoltage peak,

exposure time, half value layer and dose output of the equipment simultaneously. The

OCEAN Software associated with the detector allows the selection of the

simultaneous measurement [45]. According to the specifications of the detector the

following inaccuracies are related to each type of measurement as indicated in table

3.2 below

Table 3.2 Specifications of Piranha detector [46]

Measurements Range Inaccuracy

Kilovoltage peak 35-160 kVp 1.5%

Exposure time 0.1 ms-2000s 1%

Half value layer 0.72-13 mm Al 10%

Dose output 0.1nGy-1500Gy 5%

Figure 3.1: Black Piranha Detector

University of Ghana RDS-120 Universal survey meter

The serial number of RDS-120 universal survey meter used is 20563054.It was

manufactured by RADOS Technology Oy in Finland (figure 3.2) and can measure

dose rate in the range 0.05μSv/h − 10Sv/h. RDS-120 universal survey meter, is

designed for X-ray and gamma radiation detection. When used with beta probe it can

detect beta radiation. The RDS-120 universal survey meter can detect photon energy

ranging from 50 keV to 3 MeV. The maximum X-ray energy generated by the

diagnostic X-ray equipment involved in the present research work is 150 keV. The

survey meter was suitable for measuring dose rate for leakage radiation of X-ray tube


Figure 3.2: RDS-120 Universal survey meter

3.1.3 Collimator and beam alignment Quality Control test tool

The test tool allows the performance both QC for light field and X-ray field congruence

and central beam perpendicularity with image receptor. The test tool consists of flat

plate (20 × 25 cm) made of brass and contains rectangular outline and marking

etched. The main component of beam alignment tool is the sixteen centimeter high

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acrylic cylinder. Each end of the cylinder holds one steel ball. The superimposition of

the steel ball determines the alignment of central X-ray beam. The test tool also

includes a leveller for checking whether patient table top is horizontal (figure 3.3) [47].

Figure 3.3: Collimator and beam alignment QC test tool

3.1.4 Tape measure

Tape measure with minimum count of 0.1 cm was used in the present research work

(figure 3.4). It was used in focus to table top distance (FTD) checking, measurement

of distance for leakage radiation and the setting up of detector.

Figure 3.4: Wooden ruler

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3.1.5 Lead apron

At each diagnostic radiology department, at least one lead apron was available (figure

3.5). The radiation leakage test was performed in the X-ray room outside the

radiographers bunker. Lead apron was used to protect against X-ray in case of leakage.

Figure 3.5: Lead apron

3.1.6 Radiographic X-ray film, cassette and CR plate

The types of X-ray systems used in the study include Screen-Film (SF), Computed

Radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR) system. The CR plate and the

cassette used for light field and X-ray field alignment tests was the plate or cassette

available that can contain the alignment test tool (figure 3.6). For screen film system

the film used were processed manually in two centres and automatically in one centre.

For CR and DR systems, the obtained image of the tests tool setting was printed on

radiographic film.

Figure 3.6: CR plate, X-ray cassette and Film

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3.2.1 Equipment set up for measurement Set up for simultaneous measurement of kilovoltage peak, exposure time,

half value layer and dose output Equipment used

Below are the equipment used for simultaneous measurement of kilovoltage peak,

exposure time, half value layer and dose output

1 Diagnostic radiography X-ray machines (table 3.1)

2 Piranha multifunction meter (figure 3.1)

3 Tape measure (figure 3.4)

4 Computer with Ocean software Procedures

1 Piranha, multifunction meter was connected to the computer.

2 Ocean software was started on the computer to select parameter to be

measured. These parameters include, kilovoltage peak, dose output, exposure

time and half value layer.

3 X-ray machine was warmed up with three exposure parameters [(50kVp, 50

mA, 100 ms); (50kVp, 100 mA, 200 ms); (70kVp, 100 mA, 200 ms)] and with

5 minutes interval between exposures.

4 Collimator of X-ray machine was set at 0° to face the patient table in such a

way that X-ray source assembly was centred over the table.

5 Focus to table top distance (FTD) was set to be 100 cm and it was verified

using the tape measure.

University of Ghana

6 X-ray field was collimated where possible to just cover the sensitive area of

the detector, to achieve conditions of narrow beam geometry (figure 3.7).

7 The detector was placed in the center of the X-ray field.

Figure 3.7: Set up for kVp, time, HVL and dose measurement Setup for beam alignment and congruence of fields

3.2..2.1 Equipment used

The following equipment was used to undertake the test

1 Diagnostic radiography X-ray machines

2 Congruency tool (figure 3.3)

3 Perpendicularity tool (figure 3.3)

4 Loaded cassette or CR plate and film (figure 3.6)

5 Tape measure

3.2..2.2 Procedures

1 Patient table was levelled to verify its horizontality and X-ray tube was centred

to the table so that the central beam was perpendicular to the table.

2 Loaded cassette or CR plate was placed on the table in the center of the light

field. FTD was kept to 100 cm

University of Ghana

3 The congruency tool was placed on the cassette in the center of the light field

and the perpendicularity tool in the center of the congruency tool (figure 3.8).

4 Collimator shutters were adjusted so that edges of the rectangular field coincide

with the rectangular outline of the congruency tool.

Figure 3.8: Set up for collimator beam alignment Setup for measuring leakage of X-ray tube housing Equipment used

The following equipment was used to perform test

1 Diagnostic radiography X-ray machines

2 RDS-120 Universal survey meter (figure 3.2)

3 Lead apron (figure 3.5)

4 Tape measure Procedures

1 The collimator was shut off such that no primary X-ray was emitted.

2 The tube assembly was placed down on the X-ray table

3 The tape measure was used to define the position of 1 meter distance in front,

behind, left, right and on top away from the focal spot (figure 3.9).

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Figure 3.9: Set up for leakage of X-ray tube housing measurement

3.2.2 Measurement for quality control tests

For each quality control, radiation detector was exposed with exposures parameters

and data were recorded. Accuracy of kilovoltage peak

Accuracy of kilovoltage peak was performed on all the seven diagnostic X-ray

machines involved in the present study. The radiographic parameter mAs, was kept at

a constant value (20 mAs), and clinically used kilovoltage peak accuracy was

investigated. The value of kVp tested ranged from 50 kVp to 120 kVp. For each kVp

value, three measurement were recorded. The focus size was the frequently used in the

radiology department. Accuracy of the measured values were calculated by the means

of the equation 3.1:

Xm − Xs
E=| | × 100% ( 3.1) [17]

Where E is error on kVp selected, ̅̅̅̅

Xm is the mean of the three measurement and Xs is

the selected kVp value

Results of the tests are indicated from tables 4.1 to 4.7

University of Ghana Accuracy of exposure time

Exposure time accuracy was conducted on six diagnostic X-ray machines. The QC test

takes account of two intervals of exposure time, exposure time below 10 ms and

exposure time above 10 ms. For each interval, three values of exposure times were

selected and each of them was measured three times. The mean exposure time was

used to determine accuracy of each measurement using the formula:

tm − ts
E=| | × 100% (3.2)

̅̅̅̅ is the mean of the three

Where E is error on exposure time set or display, tm

measurements and ts is the selected exposure time.

Measurements were done at a constant and most commonly used kVp. The focal size

was which is frequently used in the radiology department. Results of the tests are

indicated from tables 4.8 to 4.19 Reproducibility of kilovoltage peak, exposure time and dose output

At the frequently used focal size, ten consecutive exposures of the Black Piranha were

performed at constant mAs, kVp and exposure time. The most commonly used kVp

was the one used for the reproducibility test. All seven X-ray units kilovoltage peak as

well as dose output and exposure time reproducibility were tested. For the Unit at

radiology department of Mènontin it was not possible to select exposure time. But at

the constant parameter setting exposure time was measured and its reproducibility was

checked. At Senande clinic exposure was display by the X-ray units after each

exposure. 122 ms was the exposure time used at this radiology department to perform

reproducibility test. The Coefficient of variation of the ten measurements of each

reproducibility test was calculated using the equation:

University of Ghana

SDx 1 xi 2
CVx = =√ [∑ ( − 1) ] (3.3) [17]
x̅ n−1 x̅

Where CVx is coefficient of variation, x̅ is the mean value of measurement, SDx is the

standard deviation, n is the total number of measurement, xi is the ith measurement and

x is time or kVp or dose output.

Deviation of each measurement from the mean measurement was also calculated based

on the equation:

E = | − 1| × 100% (3.4)

Results of the tests are shown in tables 4.20 to 4.40 X-ray beam filtration (HVL)

Half value layer was measured by direct reading for all seven X-ray units. The tube

current and exposure time product were kept constant. Kilovoltage peak was varied in

increments of 10 from 40 to 90 kVp. For each kVp value the half value layer was

recorded three times. The mean of the three measurements was the HVL at the specific

kVp. Results of the tests are indicated from tables 4.41 to 4.47 Specific dose-kVp2 linearity

mAs was kept constant. kVp was varied from 40 to 90 with increments of 10. The

dose output and kVp were measured. The specific dose expressed in mGy/mAs was

plotted against the square of measured kVp. Results of the tests are indicated from

figures 4.1 to 4.7

University of Ghana Specific dose - mAs linearity

Kilovoltage peak was kept constant (the most commonly used kVp) and mAs was

varied. Dose output was recorded for each mAs value and specific dose output (𝑫′𝒊 )

was calculated by dividing the dose output value by the corresponding mAs value. To

check for linearity, the linearity coefficient (LC) was calculated using the equation 3.5

below for two consecutive mAs values.

|D′ i − D′ i+1 |
𝐿𝐶 = ′ (3.5)
|D i + D′ i+1 |

Where D′i is the ith specific dose, D′i+1 is the i + 1th specific dose
Results of the tests are indicated from tables 4.48 to 4.54 Leakage of x-ray tube housing

Leakage test was done at 80 kVp and mAs ranging from 60 to 63 for six X-ray units.

The X-ray unit at Ste Anne collimator was not able to select field size. The collimator

cannot be shut off. It was clear that the parameter selected for leakage tests did not

reflect the standard recommendation, but because on the X-ray unit console indication

of error appear at the highest kVp and mAs when exposure was undertaken, the

leakage tests was done with these factors to have at least an idea on leakage value for

each machine. Results of the tests are indicated in table 4.55 Collimator and beam alignment

At each radiology department the exposure factors for extremity radiography were

used to expose the collimator and beam alignment test tool. Beam alignment was

performed in all centre while for light field and radiation field congruence the image

obtained cannot allow to distinguish the radiation field edges (we should use coins to

University of Ghana

delimit the edges for a better results). Results of the beam alignment tests are indicated

from figures 4.8 to 4.14.

3.2.3 Adult entrance surface dose (ESD) assessment method Measurement of X-ray tube output

Measurement was done on all seven X-ray machines. After setting up the Piranha

detector, different exposure factors were selected to expose the detector. The X-ray

tube output graph was generated by plotting the specific dose against the kVp. Results

of the measurements are indicated from figures 4.15 to 4.21 Entrance surface dose estimation.

The chief radiographer in each diagnostic radiology department was asked to provide

the range of kVp and mAs used for six radiography examinations. The examination

included chest PA, abdomen AP, pelvis AP, skull AP, lumber spine AP and foot AP.

The Focus to detector distance was also provided for each examination. Twenty

patients thicknesses were measured for each radiography projection. To calculate the

entrance surface dose, average kVp value and average mAs value were introduced in

the mathematical equation defined by:

−1 )
ESD = B × Output(mGy ∗ mAs × mAs × ( ) (3.6) [41]
dFDD − t p

Where B is backscatter factor, mAs is milliamperes second used for a given

examination, d is the distance at which dosimeter reading was made, dFTD is focus to

patient table top distance and tp is patient thickness.

Results of the estimated entrance surface dose are indicated from tables 4.58 to 4.64

University of Ghana


In the present study, dose is measured in mGy and specific dose which is dose

measured divided by the mAs used is expressed in mGy/mAs. Distances are in

centimeter (cm), exposure time is expressed in millisecond (ms).

4.1 Results of quality control tests

The choice of focal spot size was based on the most commonly used in the radiology

department. For Clinic Ste Anne, CNHU, Clinique Senande and HZ-Porto Novo, broad

focus was used while for Clinic Roseraie and CHU-Suru Léré, fine focus was used.

The focus at CS-Mènontin was not defined.

4.1.1 Results of kVp Accuracy tests

The test was undertaken using 20 mAs. Tables 4.1 to 4.7 indicate kVp accuracy results.

Table 4.1: Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne

Set kVp Measured kVp Mean kVp Deviation (%)

50.00 49.34 49.32 49.33 49.33 1.34

60.00 59.03 59.13 59.27 59.14 1.43
70.00 69.31 69.28 69.35 69.31 0.98
81.00 80.06 80.28 80.12 80.15 1.05
90.00 89.15 89.05 89.26 89.15 0.94

Table 4.2: Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at CNHU

Set kVp Measured kVp Mean kVp Deviation (%)

60.00 59.87 59.87 60.05 59.93 0.12

70.00 69.98 69.71 69.86 69.85 0.21
80.00 79.74 79.98 79.89 79.87 0.16
90.00 90.15 90.03 90.27 90.15 0.17
120.00 119.42 119.27 119.59 119.43 0.48

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Table 4.3: Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie

kVp Set kVp Measured Mean kVp Deviation (%)

50.00 49.70 49.78 49.74 49.74 0.52

60.00 59.53 59.66 59.75 59.65 0.59
70.00 69.75 69.72 69.74 69.74 0.38
80.00 79.64 79.72 79.69 79.68 0.40
90.00 89.85 89.92 89.90 89.89 0.12

Table 4.4: Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande

kVp Set kVp Measured Mean kVp Deviation (%)

50.00 47.02 46.78 47.26 47.02 5.96

60.00 56.90 53.59 56.83 55.77 7.04
70.00 65.77 63.91 63.97 64.55 7.79
80.00 76.44 74.50 72.98 74.64 6.70
90.00 80.55 79.47 79.47 79.83 11.30

Table 4.5: Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin

Set kVp kVp Measured Mean kVp Deviation (%)

50.00 48.22 48.33 48.28 48.28 3.45

60.00 57.51 57.61 57.59 57.57 4.05
70.00 66.43 66.56 66.65 66.55 4.93
80.00 75.79 75.89 75.91 75.86 5.17
90.00 84.36 84.68 84.55 84.53 6.08

University of Ghana

Table 4.6: Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo

Set kVp Measured kVp Mean kVp Deviation (%)

50.00 49.96 49.91 49.94 49.94 0.13

60.00 60.29 60.37 60.30 60.32 0.53
70.00 70.15 70.16 70.16 70.16 0.22
80.00 80.03 80.09 79.87 80.00 0.00
90.00 90.35 90.40 90.41 90.39 0.43

Table 4.7: Results of kVp accuracy for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Léré

Set kVp kVp Measured Mean kVp Deviation (%)

50.00 49.75 49.88 49.82 49.82 0.37

60.00 60.37 60.32 60.51 60.40 0.67
70.00 70.16 70.04 70.08 70.09 0.13
80.00 80.23 81.19 80.29 80.57 0.71
90.00 91.58 91.14 91.19 91.30 1.45

University of Ghana

4.1.2 Results of exposure time accuracy test Results of accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms

Quality control tests were performed using 60 kVp for Clinic Ste Anne and 80 for the

others X-ray units. Tables 4.8 to 4.13 indicate exposure time less than 10 ms accuracy


Table 4.8: Results of accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray unit at

Clinic Ste Anne

Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

7.67 7.02 7.23 6.81 7.02 8.47

8.63 8.19 8.55 8.93 8.56 0.85
9.72 9.02 8.98 9.05 9.02 7.24

Table 4.9: Results of accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray unit at


Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

2.50 2.51 2.48 2.55 2.51 0.53

6.30 6.01 6.04 5.97 6.01 4.66
8.00 8.03 8.01 8.06 8.03 0.42

Table 4.10: Results of accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray unit at

HZ-Porto Novo

Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

2.5 2.52 2.58 2.47 2.52 0.93

5 5.01 5.03 4.98 5.01 0.13
8 8.04 8.03 8.06 8.04 0.54

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Table 4.11: Results of accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray unit at

Clinic Roseraie
Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation
(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

2.50 2.02 2.08 1.97 2.02 19.07

5.00 4.41 4.62 4.51 4.51 9.73
9.00 8.52 8.47 8.58 8.52 5.30

Table 4.12: Results of accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray unit at

Clinic Senande

Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

5.00 5.03 4.9 5.17 5.03 0.67

7.00 6.03 6.09 5.98 6.03 13.81
9.00 8.02 8.09 7.95 8.02 10.89

Table 4.13: Results of accuracy of exposure time less than 10 ms for X-ray unit at

CHU-Suru Léré

Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

4.00 4.00 4.03 3.98 4.00 0.08

6.30 6.51 6.48 6.53 6.51 3.28
8.00 8.00 8.02 7.99 8.00 0.04

University of Ghana Results of accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms

The test was performed at constant kVp, 60 kVp for one hospital and 80 for the other

facilities. Tables 4.14 to 4.19 indicate exposure time greater than 10 ms accuracy


Table 4.14: Results of accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray unit at

Clinic Ste Anne

Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

50.00 56.18 56.11 56.26 56.18 12.37

100.00 123.93 124.2 123.66 123.93 23.93
140.00 167.61 169 166.22 167.61 19.72

Table 4.15: Results of accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray unit at


Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

40.00 39.63 39.70 39.57 39.63 0.92

80.00 80.31 80.57 80.06 80.31 0.39
100.00 99.88 99.87 100.1 99.95 0.05

Table 4.16: Results of accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray unit at

Clinic Roseraie

Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

20.00 19.58 19.64 19.53 19.58 2.08

40.00 40.16 40.09 40.23 40.16 0.40
80.00 79.82 78.89 80.75 79.82 0.23

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Table 4.17: Accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray unit at Clinic


Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

22.00 22.1 22.05 22.07 22.07 0.33

74.00 25.10 25.05 25.16 25.10 66.08
132.00 29.60 29.72 29.49 29.60 77.57

Table 4.18: Accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto


Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

20.00 20.08 20.10 20.17 20.12 0.58

50.00 49.67 49.80 49.55 49.67 0.65
100.00 99.45 99.36 99.28 99.36 0.64

Table 4.19: Accuracy of exposure time greater than 10 ms for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru


Set Time Measured Time Average time Deviation

(ms) (ms) (ms) (%)

20.00 20.06 20.07 20.09 20.07 0.37

40.00 40.21 40.12 40.16 40.16 0.41
80.00 79.80 79.77 79.84 79.80 0.25

University of Ghana

4.1.3 Results of reproducibility of kVp, exposure time end dose output

Constant kVp and 20 mAs was used to perform reproducibility tests. 60 kVp was

used at clinic Ste Anne and 80 for the others X-ray units. 100 ms was used for the

exposure time reproducibility except for CS-Mènontin and Clinic Senande Results of kilovoltage peak reproducibility

Tables 4.20 to 4.26 indicate results of kVp reproducibility of the seven x-ray units

Table 4.20: Results of kVp Table 4.21: Results of kVp

reproducibility for X-ray unit at reproducibility for X-ray unit at

Clinic Ste Anne CNHU

Deviation Deviation
Measured kVp (M) from Measured kVp (M) from
mean (%) mean (%)

M1 58.83 0.32 M1 79.74 0.32

M2 58.87 0.56 M2 79.04 0.56
M3 58.86 0.00 M3 79.48 0.00
M4 58.92 0.48 M4 79.86 0.48
M5 58.93 0.38 M5 79.78 0.38
M6 59.11 0.70 M6 78.92 0.70
M7 59.01 0.30 M7 79.24 0.30
M8 59.04 0.03 M8 79.50 0.03
M9 58.92 0.14 M9 79.59 0.14
M10 58.93 0.19 M10 79.63 0.19
Mean 58.94 Mean 79.48
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟖𝟕 𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟑𝟐
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓 𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟒𝟎

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Table 4.22: Results of kVp Table 4.23: Results of kVp

reproducibility for X-ray unit at reproducibility for X-ray unit at

Clinic Roseraie Clinic Senande

Deviation Deviation
Measured kVp (M) from Measured kVp (M) from
mean (%) mean (%)

M1 79.73 0.11 M1 72.89 0.75

M2 79.69 0.07 M2 72.75 0.94
M3 79.56 0.10 M3 72.87 0.77
M4 79.64 0.00 M4 73.01 0.59
M5 79.67 0.04 M5 72.80 0.87
M6 79.56 0.10 M6 75.15 2.32
M7 79.58 0.08 M7 75.21 2.41
M8 79.66 0.03 M8 74.96 2.07
M9 79.68 0.04 M9 72.70 1.01
M10 79.68 0.05 M10 72.06 1.88
Mean 79.64 Mean 73.44
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟔 𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟏. 𝟏𝟖
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟎𝟕 𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟏. 𝟔𝟎

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Table 4.24: Results of kVp Table 4.25: Results of kVp

reproducibility for X-ray unit at CS- reproducibility for X-ray unit at HZ-

Mènontin Porto Novo

Deviation Deviation
Measured kVp (M) from Measured kVp (M) from
mean (%) mean (%)

M1 74.24 1.82 M1 80.02 0.06

M2 75.11 0.67 M2 80.19 0.15
M3 75.77 0.20 M3 80.09 0.03
M4 75.85 0.31 M4 80.02 0.06
M5 76.10 0.63 M5 80.12 0.06
M6 75.77 0.20 M6 80.05 0.02
M7 75.79 0.22 M7 80.04 0.04
M8 75.86 0.31 M8 80.04 0.04
M9 75.83 0.28 M9 80.04 0.04
M10 75.92 0.39 M10 80.08 0.01
Mean 75.62 Mean 80.07
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟓𝟓 𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟓
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟕𝟐 𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟎𝟕

University of Ghana

Table 4.26: Results of kVp

reproducibility for X-ray unit at

CHU-Suru Lere

Measured kVp (M) from
mean (%)

M1 80.91 0.26
M2 80.93 0.29
M3 80.46 0.30
M4 80.45 0.31
M5 80.41 0.36
M6 81.30 0.74
M7 81.19 0.61
M8 80.77 0.09
M9 80.39 0.39
M10 80.18 0.64
Mean 80.70
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟑𝟖
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟒𝟕

University of Ghana Results of exposure time reproducibility

Tables 4.27 to 4.33 indicate results of exposure time reproducibility of the seven x-ray


Table 4.27: Results of exposure time Table 4.28: Results of exposure time

reproducibility for X-ray unit at reproducibility for X-ray unit at

Clinic Ste Anne CNHU

Measured time (M) Deviation Measured time (M) Deviation

from from
(ms) mean (%) (ms) mean (%)

M1 123.97 0.07 M1 99.8800 0.0030

M2 123.95 0.09 M2 99.8795 0.0034
M3 123.93 0.10 M3 99.8800 0.0030
M4 123.97 0.07 M4 99.8897 0.0068
M5 123.97 0.07 M5 99.8800 0.0030
M6 124.49 0.35 M6 99.8795 0.0034
M7 123.97 0.07 M7 99.8897 0.0068
M8 124.49 0.35 M8 99.8804 0.0025
M9 123.95 0.09 M9 99.8800 0.0029
M10 123.93 0.10 M10 99.8900 0.0071
Mean 124.06 Mean 99.8829
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟐𝟑 𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟒𝟖
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟏𝟖 𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟒𝟖

University of Ghana

Table 4.29: Results of exposure time Table 4.30: Results of exposure time

reproducibility for X-ray unit at reproducibility for X-ray unit at

Clinic Roseraie Clinic Senande

Measured time (M) Deviation Measured time (M) Deviation

from from
(ms) mean (%) (ms) mean (%)

M1 99.86 0.29 M1 142.52 0.25

M2 99.38 0.19 M2 143.04 0.11
M3 99.88 0.31 M3 142.52 0.25
M4 99.36 0.21 M4 143.03 0.10
M5 99.36 0.21 M5 144.05 0.82
M6 99.35 0.22 M6 142.52 0.25
M7 99.39 0.18 M7 142.52 0.25
M8 99.89 0.32 M8 143.03 0.10
M9 99.88 0.30 M9 143.04 0.11
M10 99.39 0.18 M10 142.52 0.25
Mean 99.58 Mean 142.88
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟐𝟔 𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟒𝟗
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟐𝟔 𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟑𝟒

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Table 4.31: Results of exposure time Table 4.32: Results of exposure time

reproducibility for X-ray unit at CS- reproducibility for X-ray unit at HZ-

Mènontin Porto Novo

Measured time (M) Deviation Measured time (M) Deviation

from from
(ms) mean (%) (ms) mean (%)

M1 84.83 0.25 M1 99.36 0.47

M2 84.31 0.36 M2 99.86 0.03
M3 84.81 0.22 M3 99.89 0.06
M4 84.83 0.25 M4 99.88 0.05
M5 84.30 0.38 M5 99.89 0.06
M6 84.80 0.22 M6 99.86 0.03
M7 84.31 0.37 M7 99.89 0.06
M8 84.82 0.24 M8 99.87 0.04
M9 84.83 0.25 M9 99.88 0.05
M10 84.31 0.36 M10 99.88 0.05
Mean 84.62 Mean 99.83
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟐𝟕 𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟏𝟔
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟑𝟏 𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟏𝟔

University of Ghana

Table 4.33: Results of exposure time

reproducibility for X-ray unit at

CHU-Suru Lere

Measured time (M) Deviation

(ms) mean (%)

M1 100.39 0.16
M2 99.89 0.34
M3 99.89 0.34
M4 100.39 0.16
M5 100.36 0.13
M6 100.34 0.11
M7 100.39 0.16
M8 100.38 0.15
M9 100.39 0.16
M10 99.89 0.34
Mean 100.23
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟐𝟒
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟐𝟒

University of Ghana Results of dose output reproducibility

Tables 4.34 to 4.40 indicate results of dose output reproducibility of the seven x-ray


Table 4.34: Results of dose output Table 4.35: Results of dose output

reproducibility for X-ray unit at reproducibility for X-ray unit at

Clinic Ste Anne CNHU

Measured dose (M) Deviation Measured dose (M) Deviation

from from
(mGy) mean (%) (mGy) mean (%)

M1 0.697 0.145 M1 0.787 0.481

M2 0.695 0.205 M2 0.792 0.106
M3 0.696 0.010 M3 0.790 0.169
M4 0.695 0.161 M4 0.797 0.769
M5 0.697 0.126 M5 0.794 0.395
M6 0.695 0.214 M6 0.787 0.481
M7 0.696 0.040 M7 0.787 0.481
M8 0.697 0.145 M8 0.790 0.169
M9 0.696 0.010 M9 0.794 0.395
M10 0.695 0.214 M10 0.792 0.106
Mean 0.696 Mean 0.791
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏 𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟑
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟒𝟑𝟐

University of Ghana

Table 4.36: Results dose output Table 4.37: Results of dose output

reproducibility for X-ray unit at reproducibility for X-ray unit at

Clinic Roseraie Clinic Senande

Measured dose (M) Deviation Measured dose (M) Deviation

from from
(mGy) mean (%) (mGy) mean (%)

M1 1.281 0.148 M1 1.121 1.634

M2 1.281 0.133 M2 1.155 1.279
M3 1.283 0.016 M3 1.164 2.123
M4 1.283 0.001 M4 1.121 1.662
M5 1.282 0.077 M5 1.143 0.301
M6 1.282 0.104 M6 1.149 0.787
M7 1.285 0.185 M7 1.121 1.662
M8 1.281 0.132 M8 1.121 1.634
M9 1.283 0.001 M9 1.155 1.279
M10 1.285 0.185 M10 1.149 0.787
Mean 1.283 Mean 1.140
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟐 𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝟕
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟏𝟐𝟑 𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟏. 𝟒𝟗𝟎

University of Ghana

Table 4.38: Results of dose output Table 4.39: Results of dose output

reproducibility for X-ray unit at CS- reproducibility for X-ray unit at HZ-

Mènontin Porto Novo

Measured dose (M) Deviation Measured dose (M) Deviation

from from
(mGy) mean (%) (mGy) mean (%)

M1 0.604 0.144 M1 0.971 0.080

M2 0.603 0.031 M2 0.970 0.132
M3 0.602 0.122 M3 0.971 0.006
M4 0.601 0.257 M4 0.972 0.037
M5 0.603 0.025 M5 0.972 0.043
M6 0.601 0.394 M6 0.971 0.024
M7 0.612 1.418 M7 0.972 0.042
M8 0.601 0.276 M8 0.972 0.053
M9 0.602 0.243 M9 0.972 0.029
M10 0.601 0.257 M10 0.972 0.025
Mean 0.603 Mean 0.971
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟑 𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟓𝟐𝟒 𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟎𝟔𝟏

University of Ghana

Table 4.40: Results of dose output

reproducibility for X-ray unit at

CHU-Suru Lere

Measured dose (M) Deviation

(mGy) mean (%)

M1 0.8882 0.0281
M2 0.8888 0.0472
M3 0.8887 0.0353
M4 0.8878 0.0723
M5 0.8885 0.0142
M6 0.8876 0.0878
M7 0.8883 0.0065
M8 0.8885 0.0142
M9 0.8885 0.0142
M10 0.8885 0.0142
Mean 0.8884
𝑺𝑫𝒙 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟒
𝑪𝑽𝒙 (%) 𝟎. 𝟎𝟒𝟒𝟒

University of Ghana

4.1.4 Results of X-ray beam filtration (HVL) tests

HVL was measured at 20 mAs. Tables 4.41 to 4.47 indicate X-ray beam filtration

quality control test results.

Table 4.41: HVL for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne

kVp designed Operating HVL Measured Mean HVL

operating range potential (mm Al) (mm Al)
40 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.5
𝐤𝐕𝐩 < 𝟓𝟏
50 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.8
60 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.1
𝟓𝟏 ≤ 𝐤𝐕𝐩 ≤ 𝟕𝟎
70 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.4
80 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.9
𝐤𝐕𝐩 > 𝟕𝟎
90 3.3 3.2 3.0 3.2

Table 4.42: HVL for X-ray unit at CNHU

kVp designed Operating HVL Measured Mean HVL

operating range potential (mm Al) (mm Al)
40 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.3
𝐤𝐕𝐩 < 𝟓𝟏
50 1.8 2.1 1.9 1.9
60 2.3 2.2 2.4 2.3
𝟓𝟏 ≤ 𝐤𝐕𝐩 ≤ 𝟕𝟎
70 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7
80 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.2
𝐤𝐕𝐩 > 𝟕𝟎
90 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.5

Table 4.43: HVL for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie

kVp designed Operating HVL Measured Mean HVL

operating range potential (mm Al) (mm Al)
40 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.3
𝐤𝐕𝐩 < 𝟓𝟏
50 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9
60 1.9 2.3 2.3 2.2
𝟓𝟏 ≤ 𝐤𝐕𝐩 ≤ 𝟕𝟎
70 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.5
80 3.1 2.9 3 3.0
𝐤𝐕𝐩 > 𝟕𝟎
90 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.4

University of Ghana

Table 4.44: HVL for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande

kVp designed Operating HVL Measured Mean HVL

operating range potential (mm Al) (mm Al)
40 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0
𝐤𝐕𝐩 < 𝟓𝟏
50 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.8
60 2.0 1.9 2.3 2.1
𝟓𝟏 ≤ 𝐤𝐕𝐩 ≤ 𝟕𝟎
70 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.3
80 2.7 2.5 2.6 2.6
𝐤𝐕𝐩 > 𝟕𝟎
90 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9

Table 4.45: HVL for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin

kVp designed Operating HVL Measured Mean HVL

operating range potential (mm Al) (mm Al)
40 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.5
𝐤𝐕𝐩 < 𝟓𝟏
50 2.4 2.2 2.4 2.3
60 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7
𝟓𝟏 ≤ 𝐤𝐕𝐩 ≤ 𝟕𝟎
70 3.3 3.1 3.2 3.2
80 3.5 3.6 3.6 3.6
𝐤𝐕𝐩 > 𝟕𝟎
90 4.0 3.9 4.0 4.0

Table 4.46: HVL for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo

kVp designed Operating HVL Measured Mean HVL

operating range potential (mm Al) (mm Al)
40 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
𝐤𝐕𝐩 < 𝟓𝟏
50 2.2 2.1 2.3 2.2
60 2.4 2.6 2.5 2.5
𝟓𝟏 ≤ 𝐤𝐕𝐩 ≤ 𝟕𝟎
70 3.1 2.9 3.1 3.0
80 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.4
𝐤𝐕𝐩 > 𝟕𝟎
90 3.9 3.8 3.9 3.9

University of Ghana

Table 4.47: HVL for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Lere

kVp designed Operating HVL Measured Mean HVL

operating range potential (mm Al) (mm Al)
40 1.5 1.6 1.5 1.5
𝐤𝐕𝐩 < 𝟓𝟏
50 2.2 2.1 2.3 2.2
60 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.6
𝟓𝟏 ≤ 𝐤𝐕𝐩 ≤ 𝟕𝟎
70 3.1 2.9 3.0 3.0
80 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5
𝐤𝐕𝐩 > 𝟕𝟎
90 3.9 4.0 4.0 4.0

University of Ghana

4.1.5 Results of Specific dose-kVp2 linearity tests

Figures 4.1 to 4.7 indicate the results of specific dose-kVp2 linearity tests for the

seven X-ray units.

Figure 4.1: Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne

Figure 4.2: Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at CNHU

University of Ghana

Figure 4.3: Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie

Figure 4.4: Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande

University of Ghana

Figure 4.5: Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin

Figure 4.6: Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo

University of Ghana

Figure 4.7: Specific dose versus kVp2 for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Lere

4.1.6 Results of Specific dose-mAs linearity tests

The tests were performed at constant kVp. 60 kVp was used for clinic Ste Anne and 80

kVp for the other X-ray units. Tables 4.48 to 4.54 indicate results of specific dose-

mAs linearity quality control tests.

Table 4.48: Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne

Dose Specific dose

Set mAs Linearity coefficient (10-2)
(mGy) (10-1mGy/mAs)
2.50 0.08 0.34 0.25
50.00 0.17 0.33 0.06
10.00 0.33 0.33 0.19
20.00 0.67 0.33 0.10
32.00 1.07 0.33 0.06
40.00 1.34 0.33 -

University of Ghana

Table 4.49: Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at CNHU

Dose Specific dose

Set mAs Linearity coefficient (10-2)
(mGy) (10-1mGy/mAs)
5.00 0.31 0.61 0.97
10.00 0.63 0.63 0.08
16.00 1.00 0.62 0.16
20.00 1.24 0.62 1.89
22.00 1.42 0.65 1.25
25.00 1.57 0.63 -

Table 4.50: Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie

Dose Specific dose

Set mAs Linearity coefficient (10-2)
(mGy) (10-1mGy/mAs)
2.50 0.16 0.63 0.71
5.00 0.32 0.64 0.39
10.00 0.65 0.65 0.23
16.00 1.03 0.64 0.08
20.00 1.29 0.64 0.31
28.00 1.79 0.64 -

Table 4.51: Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande

Dose Specific dose

Set mAs Linearity coefficient (10-2)
(mGy) (10-1mGy/mAs)
2.50 0.12 0.49 0.10
5.00 0.24 0.48 0.52
10.00 0.48 0.48 2.90
15.00 0.68 0.45 1.91
20.00 0.87 0.44 2.89
28.00 1.29 0.46 -

University of Ghana

Table 4.52: Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at at CS-Mènontin

Dose Specific dose

Set mAs Linearity coefficient (10-2)
(mGy) (10-1mGy/mAs)
2.50 0.06 0.25 5.28
5.00 0.14 0.28 2.46
10.00 0.29 0.29 1.02
16.00 0.47 0.30 1.50
20.00 0.61 0.31 0.16
25.00 0.76 0.30 -

Table 4.53: Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo

Dose Specific dose

Set mAs Linearity coefficient (10-2)
(mGy) (10-1mGy/mAs)
2.50 0.12 0.48 1.15
5.00 0.24 0.49 0.41
10.00 0.49 0.49 0.10
16.00 0.79 0.49 0.00
20.00 0.98 0.49 0.00
25.00 1.23 0.49 -

Table 4.54: Results of specific dose-mAs linearity for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Lere

Dose Specific dose

Set mAs Linearity coefficient (10-2)
(mGy) (10-1mGy/mAs)
2.50 0.11 0.45 0.90
5.00 0.22 0.44 0.57
10.00 0.44 0.44 0.11
16.00 0.70 0.44 0.00
20.00 0.87 0.44 0.00
25.00 1.09 0.44 -

University of Ghana

4.1.7 Results of leakage of X-ray tube housing tests

For all the five X-ray units involved in the leakage test, 80 kVp was used to perform

the tests. The mAs was set to be 63 at CNHU and 60 for the others X-ray units. Leakage

radiation was measured in μSv/h. Background dose rate was 0.05 μSv/h except at

HZ-Porto Novo and CHU-Suru Lere where it was 0.06 μSv/h

Table 4.55: Results of leakage of X-ray tube housing for X-ray unit at CNHU, Clinic

Roseraie, Clinic Senande, HZ-Porto Novo and CHU-Suru Lere

Dose rate (μSv/h)

X-ray units
Front behind Right Left Top

CNHU 0.155 1.030 1.850 3.235 1.125

Clinic Roseraie 0.830 0.075 2.045 1.010 0.055

Clinic Senande 5.240 5.990 1.515 23.240 1.250

HZ-Porto Novo 0.060 0.050 0.060 0.450 0.060

CHU-Suru Lere 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.430 0.050

University of Ghana

4.1.8 Results of X-ray beam alignment tests

Figure 4.8 to 4.13 indicate the results of beam alignment tests.

Figure 4.8: Results of X-ray beam Figure 4.10: Results of X-ray beam
alignment test for X-ray unit at alignment test for X-ray unit at Clinic
Clinic Ste Anne Roseraie

Figure 4.9: Results of X-ray beam Figure 4.11: Results of X-ray beam
alignment test for X-ray unit at alignment test for X-ray unit at Clinic
CNHU Senande

University of Ghana

Figure 4.12: Results of X-ray beam Figure 4.14: Results of X-ray beam
alignment test for X-ray unit at CS- alignment test for X-ray unit at CHU-
Mènontin Suru Lere

Figure 4.13: Results of X-ray beam

alignment test for X-ray unit at HZ-
Porto Novo

University of Ghana

4.2 Entrance surface dose results

4.2.1 Diagnostic radiography X-ray equipment dose output

Figures 4.15 to 4.21 indicates the results of the seven X-ray units dose output curve

Figure 4.15: Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne

Figure 4.16: Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at CNHU

University of Ghana

Figure 4.17: Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie

Figure 4.18: Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande

University of Ghana

Figure 4.19: Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin

Figure 4.20: Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo

University of Ghana

Figure 4.21: Specific dose output versus kVp for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Lere

University of Ghana

4.2.2 Exposure factors (kVp, mAs), FDD and patient thickness

Table 4.56 below shows information obtained from radiographers at each Radiology


Table 4.56: Frequently used exposure factors and FDD for radiography projection

Factors Projections


Chest PA Abdomen Pelvis Skull Lumber Foot

kVp 109-125 75-96 70-96 70-77 75-96 60-66
Clinic Ste

mAs 10-20 25-45 25-40 16-25 25-45 2.5-7

FDD 200 100 100 100 100 100

kVp 115-125 75-100 65-100 70-95 70-100 47-55


mAs 10-20 40-90 40-80 40-80 50-160 6.3-10

FDD 180 100 100 100 100 100

kVp 100-105 65-75 70-75 70-75 70-75 45-60


mAs 10-14 72-90 90-106 90-100 90-126 32-36

FDD 180 100 100 100 100 100

kVp 70-90 80-100 80-90 70-80 80-95 50-60


mAs 50-70 50-85 50-70 30-60 60-85 4-10

FDD 180 100 100 100 100 100

kVp 120 90-94 75-84 85-90 78-85 60-65


mAs 10-14 63-80 50-56 50-63 45-80 10-18

FDD 180 100 100 100 100 100

kVp 104-112 72-78 72-77 70-72 75-90 51-53


mAs 4-12 50-80 32-64 16-25 50-80 3.2-4

FDD 180 100 100 100 100 100

kVp 110-115 70-80 70-85 65-70 70-85 50-55

CHU- Suru

mAs 3.2-6.3 32-50 32-63 12.5-16 32-63 4-5

FDD 180 100 100 100 100 100

University of Ghana

The table 4.57 below indicates the thickness of patients obtained.

Table 4.57: Patient thickness

Patient thickness
Projection Range Mean SD
Chest PA 19.50 - 26.00 22.75 1.20
Abdomen AP 21.00 - 26.00 23.50 1.60
Pelvis AP 20.00 - 26.00 23.00 1.80
Skull AP 17.00 – 23.00 20.00 0.90
Lumber Spine
21.00 - 26.00 23.50 1.60
Foot AP 7.00 - 9.00 8.00 0.50

4.2.3 Estimated entrance surface dose

Tables 4.48 to 4.64 show the results of estimated entrance surface dose.

Table 4.58: Estimated entrance surface dose for Clinic Ste Anne
Chest Abdomen Pelvis Skull Lumber
Projection Foot AP
Mean kVp 117.0000 85.5000 83.0000 73.5000 85.5000 63.0000
Mean mAs 15.0000 35.0000 32.5000 20.5000 35.0000 4.7500
Specific Dose
0.1332 0.0702 0.0661 0.0516 0.0702 0.0376
FSD (cm) 177.2500 76.5000 77.0000 80.0000 76.5000 92.0000
ESD (mGy) 0.8585 5.6678 4.8914 2.2313 5.6678 0.2849
Error 0.0122 0.2411 0.2321 0.0518 0.2411 0.0033

Table 4.59: Estimated entrance surface dose for CNHU

Chest Abdomen Pelvis Skull Lumber
Projection Foot AP
Mean kVp 120.0000 87.5000 82.5000 82.5000 85.0000 51.0000
Mean mAs 15.0000 65.0000 60.0000 60.0000 105.0000 8.1500
Specific Dose
0.1318 0.0705 0.0627 0.0627 0.0665 0.0242
FSD (cm) 157.2500 76.5000 77.0000 80.0000 76.5000 92.0000
ESD (mGy) 1.0793 10.5709 8.5659 7.9355 16.1073 0.3146
Error 0.0178 0.4549 0.4108 0.1881 0.6931 0.0038

University of Ghana

Table 4.60: Estimated entrance surface dose for Clinic Roseraie

Chest Abdomen Pelvis Skull Lumber
Projection Foot AP
Mean kVp 102.5000 70.0000 72.5000 72.5000 72.5000 52.5000
Mean mAs 12.0000 81.0000 98.0000 95.0000 108.0000 34.0000
Specific Dose
0.1017 0.0471 0.0506 0.0506 0.0506 0.0264
FSD (cm) 157.2500 76.5000 77.0000 80.0000 76.5000 92.0000
ESD (mGy) 0.6663 8.8007 11.2909 10.1398 12.6062 1.4317
Error 0.0104 0.3717 0.5324 0.2322 0.5324 0.0161

Table 4.61: Estimated entrance surface dose for Clinic Senande

Chest Abdomen Pelvis Skull
Lumber Foot
Mean kVp 80.0000 90.0000 85.0000 75.0000 87.5000
Mean mAs 60.0000 67.5000 60.0000 45.0000 72.5000 7.0000
Specific Dose
0.0425 0.0591 0.0504 0.0355 0.0546 0.0149
FSD (cm) 157.2500 76.5000 77.0000 80.0000 76.5000
ESD (mGy) 1.3922 9.2024 6.8855 3.3697 9.1315 0.1664
Errror 0.0217 0.3877 0.3240 0.0768 0.3847 0.0019

Table 4.62: Estimated entrance surface dose for CS-Mènontin

Chest Abdomen Pelvis Skull
Lumber Foot
Mean kVp 120.0000 87.0000 79.5000 87.5000 81.5000
Mean mAs 12.0000 71.5000 53.0000 56.5000 62.5000
Specific Dose
0.0597 0.0313 0.0261 0.0317 0.0275 0.0161
FSD (cm) 157.2500 76.5000 77.0000 80.0000 76.5000
ESD (mGy) 0.3911 5.1625 3.1497 3.7780 3.9648 0.3595
Error 0.0065 0.2227 0.1514 0.0899 0.1710 0.0044

University of Ghana

Table 4.63: Estimated entrance surface dose for HZ-Porto Novo

Chest Abdomen Pelvis Skull Lumber
Projection Foot AP
Mean kVp 108.0000 75.0000 74.5000 71.0000 82.5000 52.0000
Mean mAs 8.0000 65.0000 48.0000 20.5000 65.0000 3.6000
Specific Dose
0.0966 0.0448 0.0442 0.0399 0.0548 0.0207
FSD (cm) 157.2500 76.5000 77.0000 80.0000 76.5000 92.0000
ESD (mGy) 0.4219 6.7174 4.8308 1.7254 8.2168 0.1189
Error 0.0066 0.2837 0.2278 0.0395 0.3470 0.0013

Table 4.64: Estimated entrance surface dose for CHU-Suru Lere

Chest Abdomen Pelvis Skull Lumber
Projection Foot AP
Mean kVp 112.5000 75.0000 77.5000 67.5000 77.5000 52.5000
Mean mAs 4.7500 41.0000 47.5000 14.2500 47.5000 4.5000
Specific Dose
0.0882 0.0365 0.0392 0.0290 0.0392 0.0168
FSD (cm) 157.2500 76.5000 77.0000 80.0000 76.5000 92.0000
ESD (mGy) 0.2287 3.4521 4.2397 0.8717 4.2953 0.1206
Error 0.0035 0.1447 0.1986 0.0197 0.1801 0.0013

University of Ghana


4.3.1 Discussion based on QC tests results Accuracy of kilovoltage peak

Table 4.65 kVp accuracy

Radiology department kVp deviation range (%) Mean kVp deviation (%)
Clinic Ste Anne 0.94 - 1.43 1.15
CNHU 0.12 - 0.48 0.23
Clinic Roseraie 0.12 - 0.59 0.40
Clinic Senande 5.96 - 11.30 7.76
CS-Mènontin 3.45 - 6.08 4.74
HZ-Porto Novo 0.00 - 0.53 0.26
CHU-Suru Lere 0.13 - 1.45 0.67

The results obtained in assessing the kilovoltage peak accuracy in the seven radiology

departments revealed that five out of the seven diagnostic radiology departments

passed the quality control tests (table 4.65). The kVp deviation range for all kVp

selected for these five departments were far below the 5% limit recommended by

international organizations. These five X-ray units, when efficiently used would

produce the desired good quality X-ray for a given examination. 28.57% of the X-ray

units that were involved in the kVp accuracy tests have all or at least one of their

accuracy deviation values above 5%. Radiographic image contrast may be affected

because selected kVp is no longer the optimum kVp for a specific examination as the

radiographer thought. In Mènontin Hospital, it was found out that as the kVp increased

the deviation also increased and the inaccuracy is mainly observed at high kVp values

above 70 kVp. The minimum deviation calculated represent 69% of required limit.

The mean deviation of all kVp measured in this hospital, represent 94.8% of the

required limit. In clinic Senande, the kVp measurement showed inaccuracy for all kVp.

University of Ghana

Because of lack of QC equipment, cross check after repair is not possible. It was

proposed to the Radiology Department the use of calibration curve to adjust the kVp

selected between 50 and 90 to the desired one.

Figure 4.22: Clinic Senande kVp calibration curve

Figure 4.23 : CS-Mènontin kVp calibration curve

University of Ghana Accuracy of exposure time Exposure time below 10 ms

Figure 4.24: Comparison of accuracy of exposure time below 10 ms with

recommended limit.

Accuracy of exposure time below 10 ms was investigated for six X-ray units

including the X-ray unit at Clinic Senande where exposure time selection was not

possible. At Senande Radiology Department the control console indicates the exposure

time after exposure. The measurement done with the Piranha multifunction meter was

compared with the exposure time display on the X-ray unit control console. For all

measurements of exposure time below 10 ms, the X-ray units were within required

limit set by Safety Code S.C 35 (figure 4.24). For 66.67% of diagnostic radiology X-

ray units, the AAPM recommended limit was above all measured exposure time

deviation, meaning that in those X-rays units exposure time was accurate according to

University of Ghana

AAPM standard limit. Two X-ray units present both accuracy and inaccuracy for some

exposure time selected below 10ms. Exposure time above 10 ms

Figure 4.25: Comparison of accuracy of exposure above 10 ms with recommended


Average percentage deviation of exposure time in the different diagnostic

radiology departments showed that 66.67% of the X-ray units passed the quality

control test of exposure time accuracy. The five X-ray units’ average deviation are all

below standards limits recommended by international regulators, such as AAPM (5%),

HARP (10%), and Safety Code S.C35 (10% + 1ms) as indicated in figure 4.25. Two

X-ray units failed the QC test. Clinic Senande, X-ray unit accuracy tests revealed that

exposure time display by the control console was far different from the measured one.

Further investigation is required.

University of Ghana Reproducibility Reproducibility of kilovoltage peak

Figure 4.26: Comparison of kVp coefficient of variation with recommended limit.

For all X-ray units involved in the present study, kilovoltage peak coefficient

of variation ws within standard limit specified by AAPM (5%) as shown in figure 4.26.

Average deviation of each measurement from the mean measurement ranged from

0.06% to 1.36%.This is far below the deviation limit recommended by S.C 35 (15%)

and HARP (20%). All the X-ray units passed the reproducibility tests. This mean that

in all the radiology department kVp can be repeated without any major deviation.

University of Ghana Reproducibility of exposure time

Figure 4.27: Comparison of exposure time coefficient of variation with

recommended limit.

The maximum deviation of each measurement from the mean measurement

value was 0.36% for all X-ray units. It represent 2.4% and 1.8% of limit respectively

recommended by S.C 35 and HARP. In the seven departments of diagnostic radiology,

reproducibility coefficient of variation of exposure time was far below 5% limit

recommended by AAPM (figure 4.27). All the X-ray units successfully passed the

quality control tests in terms of reproducibility of exposure time.

University of Ghana Reproducibility of dose output

Figure 4.28: Comparison of dose output coefficient of variation with recommended


Dose output reproducibility QC tests revealed that all the X-ray units involved

in the present research work, reproduced dose output within the specified limit

recommended by AAPM and S.C35. Maximum dose output coefficient of variation

recorded was 1.49% (figure 4.28). This value represent 29.8% of AAPM limit.

Deviation between mean dose output calculated and each measured dose output range

from 0.03% to 1.36%. The maximum deviation of measurements from their mean

value is within S.C 35 required limit.

University of Ghana X-ray bean quality

Figure 4.29: Comparison of measured HVL with recommended minimum HVL.

According to FDA, HVL which determines beam quality should not be below

a specific minimum value of HVL for a given kVp. In the figure 4.29 above, the red

points indicate the minimum values. All average HVL measured at kVp ranging from

40 to 90, for the seven diagnostic X-ray units are above the minimum required value

of FDA. All X-ray units involved in the present study passed successfully the QC

tests of beam quality. Entrance surface dose that a patient received from dose

machine will mainly depend on operator errors for a specific examination because

soft X-rays are efficiently removed from the beam spectrum before they reach the


University of Ghana Specific dose-kVp2 linearity

Figure 4.30: Correlation of the specific dose versus kVp2 with linear trendline.

The kVp squared versus specific dose was plotted. Linear trendline was selected to see

how linear the variation of specific dose with kVp square was. For all the seven

diagnostic X-ray units, very high correlation was obtained as indicated figure 4.30.

The square of correlation coefficient ( R2) when taken at two decimal places, is equal

to 1 for all diagnostic radiology X-ray units. This means that variation of specific dose

with kVp square was linear for all kVp selected between 40 and 90. The error on

linearity ranged from 0.01% to 0.18% for all seven X-ray units. Specific dose from

each X-ray unit could be expressed as a linear function of the kVp2.

University of Ghana Specific Dose- mAs linearity

Figure 4.31: Comparison of specific dose-mAs linearity coefficient with

recommended limit

All 35 linearity coefficients obtained by keeping kVp constant and varying

mAs, are less than 0.1. All seven X-ray units in the diagnostic radiology departments

passed the specific dose-mAs linearity test (figure 4.31). This means that for screen

film system the same density can be achieved if the mAs is kept constant. According

to HARP regulation if linearity does not meet this standard, the unit must be serviced

and retested.

University of Ghana Leakage of X-ray tube housing

Figure 4.32: Comparison of leakage of X-ray tube housing from the seven X-ray


Five hospitals were involved in leakage of X-ray tube housing verification. The

highest dose rate at 1m from focal spot was recorded at Clinic Senande at the left side

of the collimator assembly (figure 4.32). This maximum dose rate of 23.24 μSv/h

obtained at 80 kVp and 60 mAs represent 2.32% of the recommended limit if the

measurement was done at the highest kVp (125) and mAs (500) of the X-ray unit at

Clinic Senande. For all other four X-ray units considered for leakage test in the present

study all dose rates recorded from all side of the X-ray units were below 2.5 μSv/h. It

is highly possible that leakage radiation level be below the required limit of 1 mSv/h

if the measurements was done at the highest parameter setting. Operators are safe from

overexposure due to leakage radiation from X-ray tube housing.

University of Ghana X-ray beam alignment

Figure 4.33: Comparison of X-ray beam misalignment degree with acceptable limit

of 1.5°.

From beam alignment quality control test of the seven X-ray units, 71.43% of the

diagnostic radiography equipment can be considered in the acceptable range of

misalignment. The best beam alignment among the seven units was obtained at the

main public hospital (CNHU) which has the highest workload of about 80 patients a

day. Two X-ray units ( CS-Mènontin and CHU Suru Lere) are out of acceptable range

of misalignment. There was a need to repair. But because of the unavailability of

equipment cross check after repair, maintenance cannot be performed. Staff at those

two hospitals have to work with the image distortion due to misalignment. The highest

misalignment were observed with the digital X-ray unit. This may be caused by the

fact that the leveller indicated some inclination of the image receptor.

University of Ghana

4.3.2 Discussion based on entrance surface dose estimation Specific dose output curve

The specific dose output curve generated for each X-ray unit, was a power curve that

estimated the dose output per mAs as proportional to a power function of the kVp.

This power curve was confirmed by the correlation coefficient ranging from 99.87%

to 99.99%. Thus from the equations, for any kVp a corresponding specific dose can be

generated to calculate the entrance surface dose with very small error.

Table 4.66: specific dose output function with percentage error.

Diagnostic radiology Equation of specific dose (y) in Percentage
department mGy/mAs (x=kVp) error (%)
Ste Anne 𝒚 = (8 × 10−6 )𝒙2.0411 0.07
CNHU 𝒚 = (10−5 )𝒙1.9815 0.12
−6 )𝒙2.0157
Clinic Roseraie 𝒚 = (9 × 10 0.04
Clinic Senande 𝒚 = (2 × 10−7 )𝒙2.7994 0.03
−6 )𝒙2.0076
CS-Mènontin 𝒚 = (4 × 10 0.13
−6 )𝒙2.1078
HZ-Porto Novo 𝒚 = (5 × 10 0.04
CHU-Suru Lere 𝒚 = (3 × 10−6 )𝒙2.1785 0.01

University of Ghana Comparison of estimated entrance surface dose with other studies

Figure 4.34 to 4.39 indicate the comparison of ESD with others studies

Figure 4.34: Comparison of Chest PA entrance surface dose [48, 49]

Figure 4.35: Comparison of Abdomen AP entrance surface dose

University of Ghana

Figure 4.36: Comparison of Pelvis AP entrance surface dose

Figure 4.37: Comparison of Skull AP entrance surface dose

University of Ghana

Figure 4.38 Comparison of Lumber Spine AP entrance surface dose

Figure 4.39 Comparison of Foot AP entrance surface dose

The chest PA entrance surface dose estimated in the seven radiology

departments involved in the present research work compared with UK, Australia, Taha

et al and Inkoom et al ESD values reveal that higher entrance surface doses are

University of Ghana

delivered in South of Benin in chest X-ray examination of patients. In clinic Senande

the higher result was due to the fact that the radiographer uses kVp below 100 and

higher mAs for all chest examinations. In the main public hospital, CNHU, where the

workload was the highest, patient doses from chest radiography projection represent

6.75 times the UK ESD value. These higher values were caused by the higher mAs

used by radiographers during chest X-ray examination. For clinic Ste Anne the result

could be attributed to both the large field size and the higher mAs used for chest X-ray

examination. It is urgent for the radiology department to solve the collimator blades

movement to allow X-ray field selection. At CHU-Suru Lere, the selected mAs values

ranged from 3.2-6.3 mAs and the mean entrance surface dose represent 1.63 times the

ESD value from Taha et al and Inkoom et al. This observation showed that patient

dose optimization could be achieved if in the radiography departments mAs was


Entrance surface dose estimated for all the six X-ray projections, showed that

the choice of radiographic parameter was the main reason for high ESD value obtained

in some radiology department.

University of Ghana


5.1 Conclusion

The present study investigated seven diagnostic radiography X-ray machines in South

of Benin, to check compliance of important quality control parameters with standard

requirement and their influence on radiation dose received by patient while undergoing

some radiography examination. All the X-ray machines investigated have shown

acceptable performance for quality control parameters such as accuracy of exposure

time below 10 ms; reproducibility of kVp, exposure time and dose output; specific

dose-kVp square linearity; specific dose-mAs linearity and leakage of X-ray tube

housing. 2/7 of diagnostic X-ray machines failed quality control tests such as X-ray

beam alignment, exposure time above 10 ms and kVp accuracy. Estimated entrance

surface dose revealed that patients received compared with others publication very

high radiation dose in some Benin hospitals for chest PA, skull AP, abdomen AP,

pelvis AP, lumber spine AP and foot AP. The choice of radiographic parameters need

to be improved by radiographers in their effort to optimize patient exposure to ionizing

radiation. The good result obtained in some hospitals can be used as reference in others

radiology departments in the choice of radiographic parameters. It is important that for

each radiology department in Benin a quality assurance programme is established to

ensure that X-ray machines perform satisfactory in service.

University of Ghana

5.2 Recommendations

5.2.1 Services providers

Management of service providers should

1. Ensure that safe light and door interlock are fixed and functioning

2. Avoid several patients in the examination room, for chest X-ray radiography

3. Keep lead apron as recommended when not in use

4. Establish a local Diagnostic Reference Level (DRL) to improve choice of

radiographic exposure parameters

5. Establish a Quality Assurance Programme to guide the practice of X-ray in their


6. Perform daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly quality control tests to detect

faults as early as possible.

7. For optimization purposes, radiographers should use radiographic parameters ranges

that provide lower average entrance surface dose to patients. For chest PA, abdomen

AP, foot AP and skull AP, radiographic parameter used at CHU-Suru Lere could be

applied to the other centres, if image quality will not be affected. Radiography

performed at CS-Mènontin for pelvis AP and lumber spine AP could be used as an

example in optimizing patient dose in the other radiography departments.

5.2.2 Regulatory body and Benin Ministry of Health

1. Establish policy and regulation for diagnostic radiology practice

2. Perform regular inspection of radiology department to ensure compliance with


3. Ministry of Health should pay more attention on radiology practice to held in patient

dose optimization through quality assurance programme

University of Ghana


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University of Ghana


Table A.1: Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne

Set kVp Measured Specific dose

Dose output (D) 𝒌𝑽𝒑𝟐
kVp (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
40 39.27 0.23 1541.95 0.0116
50 49.32 0.45 2432.70 0.0224
60 59.01 0.66 3481.78 0.0331
70 69.31 0.92 4803.29 0.0459
80 80.28 1.21 6445.11 0.0607
90 89.63 1.47 8034.40 0.0737

Table A.2: Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at CNHU

Set kVp Measured Specific dose

Dose output (D) 𝒌𝑽𝒑𝟐
kVp (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
40 40.32 0.17 1625.72 0.0084
50 50.02 0.31 2502.35 0.0154
60 59.87 0.46 3584.93 0.0231
70 69.98 0.63 4897.07 0.0314
80 79.98 0.80 6396.74 0.0399
90 90.15 1.02 8126.12 0.0511

Table A.3: Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie

Set kVp Measured Specific dose

Dose output (D) 𝒌𝑽𝒑𝟐
kVp (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
40 39.42 0.23 1553.81 0.0114
50 49.70 0.46 2470.57 0.0229
60 59.66 0.71 3559.86 0.0357
70 69.74 0.98 4863.60 0.0492
80 79.68 1.29 6348.13 0.0643
90 89.90 1.62 8081.69 0.0808

University of Ghana

Table A.4: Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande

Set kVp Measured Specific dose

Dose output (D) 𝒌𝑽𝒑𝟐
kVp (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
40 35.96 0.10 1293.35 0.0050
50 47.02 0.28 2210.73 0.0138
60 54.56 0.45 2976.35 0.0223
70 63.97 0.66 4092.73 0.0328
80 72.79 0.87 5298.21 0.0437
90 80.85 1.09 6537.41 0.0545

Table A.5: Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at Clinic CS-


Set kVp Measured Specific dose

Dose output (D) 𝒌𝑽𝒑𝟐
kVp (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
40 39.97 0.10 1597.55 0.0049
50 48.33 0.19 2335.62 0.0094
60 57.60 0.31 3317.24 0.0155
70 66.56 0.45 4430.81 0.0227
80 75.87 0.61 5756.18 0.0304
90 84.55 0.78 7148.70 0.0392

Table A.6: Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo

Set kVp Measured Specific dose

Dose output (D) 𝒌𝑽𝒑𝟐
kVp (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
40 40.05 0.17 1603.94 0.0087
50 49.91 0.33 2490.86 0.0166
60 60.37 0.53 3644.40 0.0263
70 70.16 0.73 4922.94 0.0367
80 79.96 0.97 6394.25 0.0485
90 90.41 1.24 8174.16 0.0618

University of Ghana

Table A.7: Results of specific dose - kVp2 linearity for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Lere

Set kVp Measured Specific dose

Dose output (D) 𝒌𝑽𝒑𝟐
kVp (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
40 40.05 0.17 1603.94 0.0087
50 49.88 0.30 2488.21 0.0149
60 60.41 0.48 3649.06 0.0239
70 70.04 0.67 4906.08 0.0335
80 80.27 0.89 6443.40 0.0444
90 91.14 1.13 8305.94 0.0565

University of Ghana


Table B.1: Results of dose output for X-ray unit at Clinic Ste Anne

Set kVp Set mAs Dose output (D) Specific dose (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)

55 40 1.17 0.029
60 32 1.15 0.036
66 22 0.97 0.044
70 20 1.00 0.050
77 16 0.97 0.061
81 10 0.67 0.067
90 6.3 0.51 0.081
96 4 0.37 0.092

Table B.2: Results of dose output for X-ray unit at CNHU

Set kVp Set mAs Dose output (D) Specific dose (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
55 40 1.15 0.029
60 32 1.09 0.034
66 22 0.96 0.044
70 20 0.96 0.048
77 16 0.92 0.058
81 10 0.64 0.064
96 4 0.35 0.089
102 2 0.20 0.098

Table B.3: Results of dose output for X-ray unit at Clinic Roseraie

Set kVp Set mAs Dose output (D) Specific dose (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
55 40 1.18 0.029
60 32 1.15 0.036
66 22 0.96 0.044
70 20 0.98 0.049
77 16 0.95 0.060
80 10 0.64 0.064
90 6.4 0.52 0.081
96 4 0.37 0.091

University of Ghana

Table B.4: Results of dose output for X-ray unit at Clinic Senande

Set kVp Set mAs Dose output (D) Specific dose (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
56 40 0.69 0.017
60 35 0.73 0.021
66 25 0.69 0.028
70 20 0.65 0.032
76 15 0.60 0.040
80 10 0.47 0.047
95 4 0.30 0.075

Table B.5: Results of dose output for X-ray unit at CS-Mènontin

Set kVp Set mAs Dose output (D) Specific dose (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
55 40 0.54 0.013
60 32 0.51 0.016
70 22 0.50 0.023
80 10 0.29 0.029
90 5 0.18 0.036

Table B.6: Results of dose output for X-ray unit at HZ-Porto Novo

Set kVp Set mAs Dose output (D) Specific dose (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
55 32 0.70 0.022
60 25 0.67 0.027
70 20 0.75 0.037
80 16 0.79 0.049
90 8 0.50 0.062

Table B.7: Results of dose output for X-ray unit at CHU-Suru Lere

Set kVp Set mAs Dose output (D) Specific dose (𝑫𝒔 = 𝑫/𝒎𝑨𝒔)
55 40 0.77 0.019
60 32 0.75 0.024
70 25 0.82 0.033
80 20 0.87 0.044
90 6.3 0.36 0.057

University of Ghana


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