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Innovations in present time truly proven that human resourcefulness and creativity is
expanding and become more advance. This happening would a hidden one with the absence of
digital media. Digital Media is one of the three types of media, together with print and broadcast
media. It is the most used media in present days as it make human task easy and handy.
Because of the positive benefits of digital media to humankind, no one wants to get left behind
in this day and age of technology.
In my life, I consider my media life like a key. A key is used to unlock the padlocks or
bolts. Like media, which serves as my key, it enables to unlock all the hidden information that I
am very eager to know something. Media unbolted my ignorance and made me feel how
wonderful to be alive in this era. It makes me fun and happy during mind- numbing days. Its
allow me to communicate with my friends and family. It serves as my key source to my study
references and sources to my lessons. I experience so many benefits with digital media or any
kind of media.
Media is a key that opens a lot of opportunity to me. Not in arrogant way, I am a
freelance layout artist that edit and enhance graphics, specifically for tarpaulins and streamers;
with this, I used media in making this kind of things. It not just enhance my editing skill but it
made me earned money from it. The money that I earned will serves as my allowance and I can
now buy things that I need without asking an amount from my parents. Media is now applicable
anywhere and in everything, that is why I keep on enhancing and improving myself to learn
more of media creation and used it in effective way.
Digital Media is now a big part of my life, even yesteryears. Almost all of my action and
activity every day is now involving digital media. It seems that I cannot live without it and it has a
great/ lot impact to my life. It is like a key that opens my new path towards life, a path that in the
end I can fully reach my dream and media is one of the thing that I need in attaining my
aspiration. Even sometimes, I am spending more hours on it, but I disciplined myself and I put
limitations in using such media.
As I used media almost every hour in a day, one of my favorite is chatting and browsing
on the internet. It seems that we are just a centimeter closer with my family and friends when we
exchange crazy and funny messages. When we are at home (since I rent an apartment near the
school), most of the day I watched TV. Noontime show like Its Showtime makes me laughed
and I entertained Reality TV Show like PBB. I infrequently used digital media in playing mobile
games or computer games. I am not a fan of it. In addition, for myself I consider it as nonsense
things even though others are fun playing it, but for me I haven’t engaged with that thing ever
and I will never try to play that kind of things, but I respect others with it. Because for me, the
time that I spend on playing it, it could be better that I will going to read social news and political
news because I love doing it so that I will be aware of the happenings around the society.
Like what I have mentioned above that I used media mostly for communicating and
creating some graphics arts, media is my key that opens the door of opportunities. Even though
opening the door of opportunities in life is so hard and stiff, media as my key, opens it. Not just
by opening it, but it guides me, help me, continue to inspire me, continue to inform me, continue
to help me communicating other and with my studies, until I reach the finished line on my own
game towards my dream which I call “The Battle Towards the Shining Trophy” . Lastly, media is
one of my weapon to fight the hurdles towards my victory.

By Joefrey P. Baluma

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