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The use of mobile phones in stores has led to the phenomenon of “showrooming," which turns

brick-and-mortar stores into showrooms for products that are then purchased online or via mobile.
No retailer is entirely immune to its effects. 

Google offers a full re-engagement suite, including support for app indexing, deep-linking, formats
and targeting that are optimized for re-engagement. The easy-to-use remarketing lists leverage
YouTube (videos watched), Google Play (automated), and Google Analytics (user segmentation),
along with first- and third-party data.

Call extensions give people an easy-to-click button in your ads so they don't have to dial a
number. They still have the option to click through to your website.

Leverage call-only ads if you want to focus exclusively on driving calls. Call-only ads are a
great option for advertisers with no mobile site or low mobile conversion rates.

Google forwarding numbers enable rich call reporting. Calls are seamlessly routed through
a dynamic number (different for every campaign, ad group, ad, and keyword). Your phone
rings normally but the forwarding lets you:

 see which keywords, ads, ad groups, and campaigns might be driving calls to your
 understand your return on investment (ROI) and make better-informed decisions
about your ad spend
 use flexible bid strategies (such as target CPA and target ROAS) that automatically
optimize campaigns according to your business goals

If a mobile user is near your store, use location bid adjustments to raise bids by a percentage that
you've pre-set. This gives your ad a higher rank and more visibility with these people.

Location extensions let prospective customers instantly get directions to your business or make a call
from your ad. They give mobile users extra information, saving them from having to hunt down
details. With one click, they can find out how close your store is and also get directions.

Image-based local inventory search ads tell people you’ve got what they want, and how close they
are to your store. When a shopper clicks on your ad, they go to a Google-powered local storefront
that displays other inventory and prices in your store, based on your local inventory data feed.

Omnichannel is a multichannel approach to sales that seeks to provide the customer with a seamless
shopping experience, whether they're shopping online from a desktop or mobile device, by
phone, or in a brick-and-mortar store.

One place that quickly captures people’s attention is the YouTube masthead, where you can have
100% share of voice for 24 hours, and not just on the desktop site but across screens with the
YouTube mobile site and the YouTube app.

Not only does Google let you reach your target audience (intent), you can reach these people
wherever they are on the web (context), not just in a single app.

Location signals are king on mobile, and Google offers world-class bid-by-distance and
location-targeting tools.
For example, custom mobile app install ads automatically pull relevant app information from
an app and populate it in the ad format. These ads also target only people who previously
downloaded the app.

Google lets you turn data into action with its bidding, targeting, and optimization tools. You
can turn cross-channel and -device insights into bidding and optimization decisions.

 Conversion Optimizer for apps: AdWords automatically takes into account dozens of
signals (e.g., location, time of day, CTR, device) and adjusts bids accordingly across
search and display inventory to help advertisers hit desired cost-per-install goals
 Confirmed clicks: Google’s mobile display ads help prevent accidental clicks by
verifying each person's intentions before directing to the app download page
 Automatic exclusions: Google’s mobile app promotion template ads are automatically
excluded from showing to people who've already downloaded the app

Codeless Android app install tracking: Google lets advertisers track their Android downloads without
having to add code to the app

Callout extensions let you include additional ad text so you can show more detailed information
about your business, products, and services. Callout text is limited to 25 characters in most
languages, or 12 characters in double-width languages (like Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).

 Create a universal app campaign to drive app downloads and in-app actions.

Why: These automated campaigns use machine learning to deliver a customized experience based
on someone’s context.

 Optimize your app’s listing page.

Why: Your listing page is the landing page for your app ads. You can run experiments in Google Play
to find the most effective graphics and text.

 Set up deep links that will take folks directly to specific parts of your app.

Why: This reduces friction and increases engagement.

Universal App campaigns offer two different ways to optimize for your marketing objectives:

Focus on getting more installs. AdWords will optimize your bids and targeting to help you get the
greatest number of new users for your app. The bid you set should be the average amount you'd like
to spend each time someone installs your app. As an advanced option in the new AdWords
experience, you can target users likely to install and perform a specific action. For this option, you
will still bid for installs.

Focus on driving in-app actions. If your goal is to find more valuable users, and you have the key in-
app action tacked as a conversion event, use this option. AdWords will focus on people who are
most likely to complete the specific in-app actions you've set up and selected for this campaign. Set
the target CPA (cost per action) to be the average amount you'd like to spend each time someone
performs the selected in-app action in your app.

Unlike most AdWords campaigns, you don't design individual ads for Universal App campaigns.
Instead, we'll use your ad text ideas and assets from your app's store listing to design a variety of ads
across several formats and networks. All you need to do is provide some text, a starting bid and
budget, and let us know the languages and locations for your ads. Our systems will test different
combinations and show ads that are performing the best more often, with no extra work needed
from you.

AdWords Customer Match lets you show ads to your customers based on data about those
customers that you share with Google. Customer Match is a useful advertising tool for many
business goals, from increasing brand awareness to driving performance. For example:

 On YouTube, reach new audiences, by targeting similar audiences to your most

valuable customers.
 On Gmail, reach your customers or a similar audience with personalised ads at the top
of their inbox tabs, in addition to your email campaigns.
 On the Search Network, optimise your campaigns by adjusting your bid, based on
what you know about your customers’ activities.

Remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) is a feature that lets you customise your search ads
campaign for people who have previously visited your site, and tailor your bids and ads to
these visitors when they're searching on Google and search partner sites.

Remarketing lists for Search ads are only available for the following campaign types: 

 "Search Network only – All features" 

 "Search Network only – Dynamic Search Ads 

The list membership limit for these lists is capped at 540 days. 

 If your campaign is using an automated bid strategy other than Maximise Clicks, it's
not possible to set ad scheduling bid adjustments.
 For Target CPA, device bid adjustments change your CPA target, rather than your
 For Target ROAS, the only device bid adjustment that can be used is -100%.

Adjusting bids for audiences is quick and easy when using 'Bid only'. After applying your audience
lists to campaigns or ad groups, you can update how much you’d like to bid for each of the auctions
connected to those audiences.

AdWords Smart Bidding considers audience list factors when setting auction-time bids. All that you
need to do is create your audience lists and apply them to a campaign that is using Smart Bidding.

Dynamic Search Ads feature custom-tailored headlines and landing pages that help you reach
customers as they search - all without you needing to stay on top of a detailed keyword list.

AdWords Smart Bidding is a subset of automated bid strategies that use machine learning to
optimise for conversions or conversion value in each and every auction – a feature known as
“auction-time bidding”. Target CPA, Target ROAS, Maximise Conversions and Enhanced CPC are all
Smart Bidding strategies.

With auction-time bidding, you can factor a wide range of signals into your bid optimisations. Signals
are identifiable attributes about a person or their context at the time of a particular auction. This
includes attributes like device and location, which are available as manual bid adjustments, plus
additional signals and signal combinations exclusive to AdWords Smart Bidding.

An app is essentially a bookmark for loyal users who’ve invested the energy to download your app in
order to interact with your brand more easily. A mobile site is for everyone else.

While apps can be effective in deepening relationships with loyal customers, the majority of your
traffic will probably come from the web. And while apps must be designed for specific platforms, a
mobile site is accessible by everyone, across all screens. Having an app is not the same as having a
mobile strategy.

If you have to prioritise between an app and a mobile site, then your first task should be creating a
mobile site. Once it's live, you can then launch a mobile app for power users.

Mobile-friendly experiences typically feature very simplified navigation, quick-to-load images, and
streamlined text. Many successful mobile sites reduce or eliminate the need for scrolling or typing,
and may have large “touch targets" for clicking that take into account the lack of precision on a
touch screen.

Automated bidding takes even more factors into consideration when adjusting bids than are
available in the interface with standard bid adjustments. Not only that, those bidding decisions are
made uniquely for each auction that you enter. It’s highly specific bids, made efficiently and at scale.

Moving from target CPA to target ROAS typically results in the most total value at your desired level.

When optimising for in-app actions, make sure that you pick an event that happens more than 10
times a day per campaign with at least a 5% conversion rate.

Smart Bidding will automatically optimise your bids for performance metrics that are important to
your business. Apply the Target Return on Ad Spend (Target ROAS) bid strategy to adjust your bids
for every user search to meet your set ROAS goal and maximise conversion value. Many factors,
including device type, user location and product details are evaluated into each bid adjustment. If
you have strong mobile performance, for example, Target ROAS will adjust your mobile bids

Once your campaign has accumulated enough data, you may consider switching to an eCPC or
Target ROAS bid strategy to start optimising for conversions instead of traffic.

Whether you’re looking to achieve performance or traffic objectives, you can add a layer to your
campaigns to differentiate your bids based on your target audience. You may exclusively bid on
returning traffic by applying the Target and bid setting to serve your products only to shoppers who
fall within your audience lists. However, this can limit your scale by restricting your reach to a
smaller audience list. Instead, differentiate bids for returning traffic while maintaining your current
bids for new traffic by adding remarketing lists to your current campaigns with the Bid only setting.

Instead of creating separate apps that your users need to download for smartphones and tablets,
consider developing a single ‘hybrid’ app that automatically adapts its layout to best fit whichever
device is accessing it.
Apps can offer features mobile sites can’t such as notifications, camera integration, and one-click
purchasing. Use the added functionality to better serve app users whose expectations and needs will
be different than mobile site visitors. Apps that mirror a company’s mobile website or represent a
ported mobile website miss out on an opportunity to engage with app users more deeply.

A bid adjustment represents a percentage change in your bids. You can increase or decrease every
bid in your campaign to bid more or less competitively across devices, locations, times of day and
more. You can also adjust your bids based on how your ads perform, helping to improve your return
on investment (ROI).

Your spending on individual clicks may vary as your bids increase or decrease according to the
adjustments that you’ve set, but your overall daily budget won't change.

When conversion data shows that mobile drives more value, increase your mobile bid to capitalise
on mobile success. Alternatively, when conversion data shows that desktop drives more value, turn
down your mobile bid based on the difference

Mobile display inventory is made up of two different ad networks: AdMob and mGDN

AdMob Network

Admob, a company acquired by Google in 2010, makes it possible for advertisers to monetize
apps and promote ads. App developers use the Admob SDK to display ads in their apps,
therefore monetizing them.  Admob also has an extensive mobile app inventory, making it
possible for advertisers to display their ads across a network of hundreds of thousands of
mobile apps when using Adwords. Advertisers are able to use Placement, App Category,
Demographic, Interest-based, and/or App Remarketing targeting methods to serve into
inventory on the AdMob network.

Google Display Network

The mobile Google Display Network (mGDN), is comprised of both mobile websites and
apps. Advertisers are able to use Keyword Contextual (KCT), Placement, Topic,
Demographic, Interest-based, and/or Web Remarketing targeting methods to serve into
inventory on the mGDN.

 You can create mobile-specific sitelinks. For example, if you have mobile-specific
product pages on your website and want to use a mobile-preferred sitelink to direct
users there, create your mobile-preferred sitelink and check the “Mobile” box next to
“Device preference” in the “New sitelink” window.
 You can limit which devices your sitelink extensions can appear on at the campaign
or ad group level. For example, if you want the sitelinks for a specific campaign to
appear only on desktops and tablets, edit the extension settings at the campaign level

 Text ads
 Image Ads
On mobile devices with full browsers,
 App promotion ads
such as smartphones or tablets
 HTML 5 ads built with Google Web Designer

 Text ads
 Image Ads
Within apps on smartphones or tablets  App promotion ads
 Image app promotion ads
 Video app promotion ads

Lightbox is a new cross-screen format platform designed mobile first. It renders beautifully on any
screen and optimises for taps/swipes on mobile and mouse-overs/clicks on desktops. Not only does
it elegantly deliver rich media and video on mobile (and everywhere else), Lightbox relieves the
problem of creating numerous sizes and response methods for brand campaigns. This is a common
barrier in modern display campaigns – creative resizes for every IAB slot, device type and
orientation, and the cost is often more than the media buy itself. With Lightbox, brand advertisers
can focus on storytelling and let the platform optimise efficiently, reaching consumers across

There are two distinct aspects of viewability at Google: buying viewable impressions on CPM for
display ads and auction in-stream video ads for Google Video Network and YouTube inventory, as
well as Active View reporting.

Advertisers who buy Viewable Impressions across the Google Display Network only pay when 50% of
their display ad is on-screen for more than 1 second or when 50% of their in-stream video ad is on-
screen for 2 seconds or more. No paying for wasted impressions, and no reconciliations or additional
pixels are needed. Lastly, any targeting options already used can be applied to the campaign.

The mobile video Masthead is a home page ad similar to the desktop video Masthead in that the
format is based on a YouTube video. It appears on the home page of all YouTube mobile and tablet
properties, including the Android native mobile app, the iOS app and for
smartphones and tablets. The unit features a video thumbnail, channel icon and name with optional
customisable headline and description text. The length of the video overlays the video thumbnail.

TrueView in-stream ads run on videos served on YouTube watch pages or within Display
Network videos, games and apps. They may also run on YouTube videos that are embedded
on other sites, and can appear on Android and iOS YouTube apps. Viewers can choose to
skip the ad after 5 seconds. If they choose not to skip it, the YouTube video view count is
incremented when it's been completely viewed or at the 30-second mark, whichever comes

With TrueView ads, you pay only when a viewer either selects your video or chooses to continue
watching when it first loads as they browse video content.

"Mobile app engagement" campaigns use cost-per-click (CPC) bids to start out. When you first create
your campaign, your bid strategy will be set by default to “Focus on clicks”. Later, once your
campaign has received a number of conversions, you can change your bid strategy to "Focus on
conversions" to let Google automatically adjust your cost per click to reach a target cost per action.

Currently, app engagement campaigns on the Search Network are only available for Android apps.
Note that these campaigns work best for apps with a substantial number of users, since your ads are
only shown to people who have your app.
App engagement does... App engagement does not...
 Drive existing App Users back into
the app.
 Support dynamic ad creative or dynamic
 Use device IDs & Play data
remarketing (unlike on desktop)
 Allow ads to run in AdMob (aka
 Use cookies
other apps)
 Allow ads to run on mSites or desktop
 Allow clicks to ‘deep link’ into a
specific page/section of the app

Untracked conversions happen on all devices. However, mobile phones generally tend to have more
untracked conversions compared with other devices. Two reasons for this are small screen size and
non-optimised mobile sites. Consequently, consumers tend to switch to desktop or call the business
when they're ready to make a purchase. In addition, many consumers end up going to a brick-and-
mortar shop to make a purchase after searching for the product on their phone.

Full Value of Mobile (FVOM) promotes the idea that mobile conversions are about much more than
just mobile commerce, and that conversions in a shop, via phone or on a PC may have originated
from a mobile phone.

FVOM is also a way to estimate leaked conversions in order to correctly assess the value of mobile.
Not attributing leaked conversions is essentially undervaluing mobile devices because of their
assisting characteristics (such as call and in-store conversions).

here are two types of app conversion tracking: app download conversions and in-app

 App downloads are tracked when a user downloads or installs a mobile application for
the first time.
 In-app conversions are tracked when a user takes a specific action within a mobile

On the AdMob network, ads are displayed within apps that someone has installed. Ads on the
AdMob network can promote either a mobile website or another app.

Similar to the behaviour on the mobile Search and Display Networks, a conversion on
AdMob occurs when someone performs an action that the advertiser has defined as a
conversion, like the download of an app or an in-app event like the purchase of a product
within the app.  

For AdMob ads promoting an Android or iOS app, conversions are tracked differently. On
Android, the conversion is tracked when the app is downloaded. On iOS, the conversion is
tracked when the app is opened for the first time.

There are two types of mobile TrueView ads:

1. TrueView in-stream (a skippable video ad that plays before video content).
2. TrueView video discovery (a thumbnail on the mobile home page. When
someone clicks on the ad, they're taken to the watch page).  

Android app download conversion tracking is unique, because Google owns the Play Store
and has access to install counts for any app from the Play Store.

Because of this data access, we recommend our codeless conversion tracking solution for app
downloads. This solution allows AdWords to track app downloads at the time of the install

Third-party tracking companies can also track “install conversions” for Android apps using AdWords.
However, due to technical constraints, third-party tracking companies are only able to track app
opens and therefore refer to the first time a user opens the app as an install. Typically, the codeless
tracking solution will record a higher number than a third party because they measure different
things. Codeless conversions measure app downloads while third parties measure users who open
the app.

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