Brampton Bulletin: Ongratulations TO AN EX Pupil

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B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l Week ending: 21.1.

S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Spring Term: Issue 3

Brampton Bulletin

Inside this week’s issue: C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S TO A N E X - P U P I L

• Major Butterfill
We are very proud to report that a former Brampton School pupil,
• Forthcoming Dates
Company Commander, Major Jo Butterfill of the Royal Regiment of
• FAMILY SEAL Fusiliers was awarded the Military Cross at Buckingham Palace by
• SEAL Home Activities Prince Charles on 17th December 2010.
• Music success His citation read, ‘During his tour in Helmand Province between
April and October 2009 Major Butterfill's company endured 12 lED
• Week 1 Menu strikes but crucially found a staggering 63 devices. Major Butterfill's
• Gold Book Entries operations have been characterised by a robust offensive spirit. Taking
• Weekly Attendance the fight to the enemy his personal example to his Fusiliers was
inspirational. His courageous actions, reflected his position as an
• And finally— School
inspirational leader of men under the most testing of combat
Uniform situations. For his actions in Helmand, Major Butterfill is awarded
the Military Cross.’
Forthcoming Dates:
Congratulations to Major Butterfill
Friday 21st January and we hope we
9.10 Family SEAL Assembly can arrange for
for Year 3 parents him to come and
talk to our pupils
Friday 28th January about his
1st Family SEAL session inspirational work
Arsenal—French 6C and leadership.
FOB New Year Fair
Tuesday 1st February
KS2 Sounds Steps Assembly Salad Bar
Friday 4th February Since the beginning of term Harrisons, our school caterers,
Arsenal - French 6C
have improved their service
2.00 Coffee Afternoon for
by providing a real salad bar
parents Support Group with
that allows the children to
Amanda Reed
help themselves to the salad
Friday 11th February
Y5 British Museum pieces they like. It is proving
Friday 18th February extremely popular with the
2.00 Coffee afternoon for children and is well used!
Page 2 Brampton Bulletin

Last Friday Year 3 sent out personal invitations to their parents for a special assembly to
explain to them all about SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) and what it
means to our children. Brampton is one of just four schools taking the lead in introducing
Family SEAL in the Bexley. Family SEAL is about fun, working together and sharing ideas to
help children gain the skills they need to cope with the social aspects of school, and life
outside of school such as:
• Understanding another’s point of view
• Working in a group
• Sticking at things when they get difficult and
• Managing worries.
Following the assembly parents from Year 3 will be invited to attend a series of six weekly
workshops lasting 2 hours each, followed by a farewell party. Obviously we will have to limit
places due to space but we intend to repeat the programmes next term as well. The
workshops will be led by Miss Wilson, Miss Lambert and Mrs Reed, our Parent Support
Advisor. The workshops are split into two—part one where parent or carer meet to discuss
the theme for the week and part two the child joins the parent/carer and spend time doing
lots of chatting and activities together.
We are looking forward to starting this exciting project in Year 3 and developing our
parent partnership to a new level. All the activities are great fun and we know that soon
everyone will want to be joining in. We will continue to support all parents with our weekly
ideas for other activities to do at home.
Going for goals!
Miracle time (2) Follow on from last week’s idea
Can you all think of one thing that you are going to do to help your miracle come true?
Child Parent/carer
I am going to … I am going to …
Other members of the family
I am going to …. I am going to …
Agree a day and time when you are going to talk together about how well you got on.

Music Success
Congratulations to Sorrel Bulpitt, who has recently taken her first Royal
School of Music Grade 1 trumpet exam and passed with merit! Her
report read ‘ an excellent start to the grades. With more confidence and
experience your playing will blossom!’ We look forward to hearing more
from Sorrel in the future.
Issue 3 Page 3

W E E K B E G I N N I N G - 2 4 T H J A N UA RY 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Meat Spaghetti Bolognaise Chicken Noodles Roast loin of Sweet Paprika Chicken Maryland Chicken
Singapore Style cure Bacon with with Rice with Chipped
Roast Potatoes & Potatoes

Fish or Tuna Pizza Jacket Potato with Cheesy Bubble & Salmon &
Cheese or Tuna Squeak with Sweetcorn Quiche
alternative Homemade Salsa

Vegetarian Tomato & Basil Vegetable Spaghetti Vegetable Korma Savoury French
Pasta with Rice Toast with Baked

Desserts Peaches & Fruit Cup Cake Apple & Cinnamon Banana & Chocolate Shortbread served
Strawberry Ice Wheel with Custard Loaf with Custard with Fruit Wedges

A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter,

fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily.

Peanut Allergies
Please can we remind everyone that we are a ‘Peanut Free’ school in our cooked meals and we ask
parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their child’s packed lunches. Thank you

Second Hand Books

Class teachers were wondering if any families who have got any
unwanted picture or story books, that their children have grown out of
but that are still in good condition, could send them in to be used in our
class libraries. They would be more than pleased to receive them, as
you can imagine, our popular story books soon get worn out with repeated use.

Another group of our parents have started a free 5 week ‘Keeping Up with the Children in
Literacy’ course this week. Designed to help with supporting children with literacy teaching
methods and homework these course are always popular and well supported by Brampton
parents and grandparents.

Little Accidents
There are times when some of our children have little accidents and require a change of
clothing. We did have a good supply of underwear and socks but unfortunately they have
not been returned to school after use and we are now desperate to replenish our stocks. If
you can return any or supply good quality underwear please send it into the school office.
Striving to Reach the Best Weekly Attendance
Every week we print the names of those children who have
achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around
school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have
been mentioned in Monday’s celebratory assembly. After 3
mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a
silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold and
15 mentions for a Platinum certificate, 18 for Diamond, 21+
for a Head teacher’s Award and 24 for a Special Head teacher
Award and Badge. Week ending

11BA– Jaydn Burt (Bronze) 6B– Cameron Ball

RB: 100%
1BA– Cameron Chester (Bronze) 6B– Cameryn Whyte RJ: 98.7%
1BA- Cemal Huseyin (Bronze) 6C– Leon Francois
2EW– Carl Jones 6C– Jack Potter 1B: 96.3%
3WH–Joshua Marley (Super Gold) 6C— Jenna Rye (Headteacher)
3WH– Aisha Kimber 6C— Ramilka Perera 1BA: 96%
3WH– Miatta Mbriwa 6C— Amy Allen 2H: 100%
3WH– Austen Coppen 6C– Chloe Wait (Diamond)
3WH– Navpreet Minhas 6C –Andrew Polston 2EW: 98.3%
3WH– Sam Edwards 6C– Kiefer Buckle
3WH-Louie Panayiotou 6C –Jamie Wise (Diamond) 3W: 94.7%
3WH-Charlotte Edwards 6C –Sophie Cospgrove
3WH-Abbie Waitson (Headteacher) 3WH: 97.7%
3WH-Daniella Capelli 6C –Etty Martin 4P: 98.7%
3WH-Vaishali Kulenthiran 6C –Harrison Try (Headteacher)
3WH-Serena McKay 6C– Reece Peto 4C: 99.3%
3WH-Luke Jarvis (Super Gold) 6C– Muammer Ari
3W-Jimmy Thompson 6C– Rahat Chowdhury 5S: 95.4%
3W– Victor Obinya 6C– Joe Faulks (Platinum)
3W– Allan Bracher
5M: 95.8%
3W– Lily Batt Unfortunately there is not 6B: 90.3%
4C– Sydney Tracey enough space to mention the
4C– Victoria Obinya children’s achievements here 6C: 98.1%
4C– Dylan Varney but if you are interested to see
4C– Conor Murphy your child’s mention the book is Well done to RB and 2H!
4C– Holly Adams usually kept in the office—so Our target is 96.1%
5M—Nicola Brooker please pop in and ask to see it.
Our School Total was 97.1%!

And finally.......School Uniform

Raffle Prize Winners
School uniform is on sale today and every other week. The winners in this week’s draw for
FOB are happy to take in any good quality unwanted tea with Miss Fisher were Alfie
school uniform to sell second hand and are also keen top Russell in 4P and Elois Turkson in
sell any unwanted Cubs, Beavers, Rainbow or Brownies 2EW.
etc uniform as well. Please send it into school marked Well done to them for showing the
appropriate behaviour.
for the FOB Uniform shop.
Remember if you like what we’re doing —tell
us and others! If you don’t, please help us im- We’re on the web!
School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298

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