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None Dare Call It Conspriacy: The Book That Woke Up Alex

Jones Now Online

http://w w w .infow oke-up-alex-jones-now -online/ January 22, 2011
BlackRevolutionary Says:
January 22nd, 2011 at 12:43 pm

Capitalism is just as Evil.

Just ask a Black Man.

I can go on a diatribe about this all day why if you want, but that would just take all day to explain.

classicalLiberal Reply:
January 22nd, 2011 at 12:51 pm

I can go on about how state capitalism, state socialism, Fascism, and communism is evil but that
would take all day too.

Cuthach Reply:
January 22nd, 2011 at 12:59 pm

Corporatism is evil, not capitalism, just ask the Black Panthers. Huey P. Newton’s Revolutionary
Suicide praises capitalism at a grassroots and local level, whether it realizes it or not. There is no
more important thing than the community and the family, we must protect the community and the
family to save ourselves as individuals. Some may call it communal living or mutualism, but I prefer
to call it the preservation of the sovereignty of the individual through working together. The
evolution of the original Black Panther Party for Self Defense (not the racist organization it is
today) from a group of hoodlums into a truly brilliant political movement is one of the most inspiring
and important anyone can study, black, white or purple.

It’s a shame the movement was murdered by the FBI using their weapons of choice: narcotics and
the irrational fears of the population.

BlackRevolutionary Reply:
January 22nd, 2011 at 4:45 pm

Cuthach, you have a point, but after the Corporate 1840s Capitalism in this country itself like
Communism in Russia became bastardized, and grew to become a Right Socialist dictatorship of
the Corporations.

However, Capitalism has been evil to the Black worker.

American Capitalism creates a worker system based on demand (well except Government and
Car Companies), and if demand is high then everybody has a chance, but if demand is low those
in disadvantaged classes such as Blacks get the shortest end of the stick-ALWAYS.

Without some kind of weak Fabian Socialist controls on the Workplace: i.e. anti discrimination
programs Blacks would even get a shorter end of the stick. I’m quite sure you are aware of the
conditions that Blacks in poverty used to live in under a true Corporatist/Facsist system-Laissez

If we go back to a truly constitutional system it would go back to 1910. No Nig-ers allowed-even

with a Degree. Then again it’s becoming like that again today. It’s like they are trying to instigate a
Race War-just compare unemployment stats by race. Yeah, like I’m going to trust Whites to keep
their word and not discriminate in such a system.

Ok, when pigs fly.

Neo “Socailize the losses and take the profits” Corporatism seeks to wipe out the White
WHITE AMERICAN MIDDLE CLASS. Blacks were the test case for this.

The Break up of the Black Family through various pogroms, the utter disrespect of Black Private
Property rights

Like it or not your problems today started with race. They brainwashed the White populace with
the FALSE Hegelian theory of White Supremacy to not help Blacks, and even participate in
hurting Blacks undergoing the very same: anti Private Property Rights, anti-family pogroms, anti-
Religious values brainwashing Whites are now suffering from today.

Stop listening to that Left/Right Paridigm White People, the Problems with Blacks are totally by
design, to one day OPPRESS YOU!!


- Personal Responsibility and not being accoutnable for their actions, many Blacks (including
myself) are quite responsible and accountable for our actions. In fact, this Right Wing argument is
- The Average everyday “Joe Public” White guy trying to screw over the Black Man. “Joe public” is
just a brainwashed Racist Foot Soldier for their agenda. However, I will defend myself from Joe
Public if needed though.


-The problems with the Black School

-The Dysfunctional Black Family
-The lack of unbridled economic opportunities to bring Blacks “Into the Club.”
-The dumbing down of the Black youth
- The Pushed Glorification of the Sports Culture to keep Blacks distracted from their problems and
distracted from seeking knowledge
-The Corruption of the Black Church to push Blacks away from faith
-The removal of the Black Man from the home through Economic, legal, and social attrition. This
makes the Black body politic more easily manipulated. It’s MUCH easier to manipulate a society
to do your will when the Male is missing
-The glorification of the Black Single and Working Parent Female household, which places care of
the Black child in the hands of the state through day care, brainwashing public schools, various
civic programs, and various afterschool programs.

This is becoming the life of most White Americans today.

In 20 years will you be able to easily replace Black with White in my statements.

This is what Rev.Wright meant by “Chickens coming home to Roost.” Mr. Wright is a smart and
wise man, I met him. He is very anti NWO, and that’s why Obama had to “throw him under the
A REAL AMERICAN HE IS. Too bad most of you don’t see it that way, and for that you deserve
the same slavery Blacks are trapped in.


January 22nd, 2011 at 5:59 pm

BlackRevolutionary – Apparently you have never seen the YouTube video of Reverend Wright’s
sermon called “The White Rodney King”, in which Reverend Wright correctly predicts that heavily
armed, well trained, and fed up white people who are expert long range hunters are going to go
into the black communities and teach you dim witted black folks what STFU means! Black
“gangsters” will learn that “9 millimeter” means “very short range and very little power”, while
“7.62×51 means before you hear the shot, you’ve been permanently knocked down from 800
meters away by a white deer hunter with average skills”. BTW, Perpetual whiner, blacks sold other
blacks into slavery and they still do. As a matter of fact, today’s statistics prove there are more
black slaves in Africa than there ever were throughout the world in all past history combined!
Guess who owns ALL those black slaves in Africa? OTHER BLACKS, THAT’S WHO! Now take
that silly looking chicken wing bone out of your nose and learn history, then stop repeating the
same tired old worn out propaganda and lies. Decent people are sick and tired of hearing you
mindless jerks moaning and crying.


January 22nd, 2011 at 4:18 pm

BlackRevolutionary – The only people who call capitalism ”evil” are those who are too lazy and
stupid to be highly productive – you are a prime example of a whiny ass bum.

rabid robert Reply:

January 22nd, 2011 at 6:10 pm

Well said, watcher!!!!!!!!!!

Cydonia Reply:
January 22nd, 2011 at 4:40 pm

Capitalism is trading value for value. Only if BOTH parties agree to a trade is it capitalism. In
capitalism, we contract every exchange as there is an offer, a consideration, and an acceptance.
Capitalism is the ONLY form of economy that may exist in a free society.

I would say either BlackRevolutionary is confused or, more like is a government swill…I mean shill.


January 22nd, 2011 at 5:27 pm

Cydonia – “BlackRevolutionary” has proven time after time after time that he is not even minimally
educated in economics or law. He has also created his own “poor little us” world using
propaganda, paranoia, and “politically correct” lies. He’s the type who blames his personal failure
on everyone and everything but himself. If you ask him what the “legal value” of an item is, he will
fabricate a nonsensical and totally out of context definition. Since the dawn of civilization, the law
has recognized that the definition of the “legal value” of any item is “whatever a buyer and a seller
agree upon”. That is also the basic foundation of capitalism. When I hear blacks saying how
“strong and intelligent” they are in one breath, then in the next they begin to whine about how
“mean old whitie held them as slaves” and how “blacks had built a great civilization in Africa”, I
have to laugh. A crew of twelve seamen operated, loaded, and unloaded an average slave ship
loaded with 400+ slaves – where was all that “strength” then? And that “great civilization” that was
built with black “intelligence” – are they talking about those random villages filled with mud huts
that a beaver would be ashamed to call home? Are they serious? ROTFLOL! THOSE IDIOTS!

rabid robert Reply:

January 22nd, 2011 at 5:38 pm

Are you black people ever gonna stop crying??????????

Nuclear Boy Reply:

January 22nd, 2011 at 5:39 pm

Hey Black Rev, why don’t get off this thing about black and white!!!!! Everytime I read your posts
you have to mention the “black man” or the “white man” What the hells your problem? We’re all in
this together, AS ONE!!!!! The black man and white man crap was in the 50′s and 60′s Get over it
already will ya!! All its going to do is just eat you up inside every day!!! Let me put you in a time
capsule and transport you back to the 50′s and you can raise hell against the KKK all you want !!!
OK brutha!!!
Unspun Says:
January 22nd, 2011 at 5:06 pm

Prior to Hegelian dialectics, super computers and Stuxnet, it took a lot longer to profile and
manipulate humanity. Just look at Rome and christianity.

So going about it long hand and without the technology of Stuxnet to crash computer programs,
they began with Jeckle Island and the Federal Reseral Act, then proceeded with Social Security,
moved on to hijacking the dollar with wars, the assassination of JFK and taking silver backing off
the dollar, to corporate off shoring, endless massage of the open border policy to Bulcanize the
US, lifted the Glass Stiegal Act allowing run away derrivatives and bubbles, then hit us with 9/11
and then proceeded with an agenda from think tank resembling a Stuxnet program – policy to
agressively dismantle and overthrow the US Constitution, Bill of Rights & US economy, hijack the
US military and all other US institutions and now the US is an occupied nation controlled by
Globalcrats using the arms, hands and fingers of the DHS, TSA, CFR, IMF, AIG, MSM and on and

IMO, the escalating latter parts after the events of 9/11, were no doubt built using super computer
generated models akin to Stuxnet, aimed at annihilating the Constitution and Bill of Rights, right on
to the banking scams and TSA shoving rubber gloves up our butts to show us who’s boss.

As it all unfolds, it becomes GLARINGLY APPARENT that the planners of this debocle had
extreem insight into the many infrastructures of America’s institutions(our under pinings, pilings
and foundations) and how to align the events in domino take down fashoned, as we are now
seeing and waking up to.

IMO, it is impossible for this to happen without the very precise writing of the Patriot Act and other
pieces of legislation that are all multiplier forces to it, without an in depth and comprehensive
working knowledge of our Constitution, economy and all other aspects of corporate cronyism, all
leading to how it has been waged against us, using every means to obfuscate and deliberately
attack America and The Constitution Of The United States Of America.

We are dealing with a long, hand written version of a deliberate Stuxnet type of psyopp being
waged against the formerly real and now lost American people, many of whom are waking up
because the lies are totally outright and can no longer be kept secret and denied.

It also becomes easier and easier to identify and recognize the members of this Global criminal
network, by understanding the EFFECTS of their work, such as lifting Glass Stiegal, the Patriot
Act, Military Commissions Act, AT&T Secret Rooms – wiretapping, rewriting FISA domestically,
the diversion of funds to FEMA, DHS, TSA, FED, IMF, AIG, CDC, NAFTA, CAFTA, UNESCO,
CFR, Socialist and Fascist markets, etc.. When you look at whom supports what, it becomes very
obvious who is an infiltrator working for the cabal and against America and We The People! It is
easy to identify all of the puppets and now it is time to bring the puppet masters into the light of
day, realizing this mess is sabotauge and is at par with something like a sophisticated computer
virus like Stuxnet, only this form of social virus attacks freedom and the very heart and soul of
America, dilligently written out in longhand. It’s been so well done that you can only compare it to
something like Stuxnet, other than it’s the long hand version, politically speaking.

Now who do you suppose has that kind of ability and surely you must realize this mission was
accomplished as a lifetime and transgenerational endeavor by some very powerful and evil
minded bastards. Alls, I can say is that now that people are waking up to the fact that we have
been fooled, don’t get fooled again, because if we do, their mission has been accomplished.

Our founders warned PRECISELY of this and our documents were framed around their very clear
awareness and understanding of how to prevent it from happening in this country. But, we did not
listen, we stopped reading, we were brainwashed and we forgot.

Unspun Reply:
January 22nd, 2011 at 5:19 pm

I should have ended my previous post with: and now Barkey is our president and he might as well
have been Castro’s nephiew during the Cuban missile crisis! Things could not be any worse for
America then they are now when one considers where it’s headed!!!

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