Hanumans Encounter With Sita

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Hanuman encounter with Sita in Ashoka Vanam

Anvi Namaste to all, Am Anvi here.

Aarav Namaste to all, Am Aarav here, Today we are going to narrate about Hanuman’s encounter
with Sita in Ashoka Vanam.
Aarav Ashoka vanam was a garden in Lanka, that was located in the kingdom of Ravana. It was
Narrator the place where Sita was held captive by Ravana. As hanuman was a vanar, he entered the
palace easily with the ring that Lord Ram had given, thinking that Ravana must have kept
Sita there.
Aarav Oh Lord! I have not seen mother Sita. How I am going to find her here?
(by action Hanuman grew restless but calmed himself down and began walking
across the gardens)
Anvi Hanuman enters Ashoka vanam and hides behind the tree, Later hanuman exclaimed and
narrator felt very happy after he seeing mother Sita sitting under a tree.
Aarav Ram kahani suno, ye Ram kahani. Sunkar jise aaye aankho me paani. Sri ram Jai Ram, Jai
Jai Ram, Sri Ram Jai ram, jai Jai Ram.
Anvi Is someone really here! Is someone here! Who narrated the lord’s story to me why don’t
you come before me?
Are u a visible or invisible being? whoever you are please appear before me
Aarav (By action - Hanuman jumped from the top of the tree and stood before Sita)
Mother, I bear a message from Sri Ram. Please accept my obeisance. I am Hanuman, son
of wind and servant of Lord Ram.
Anvi (by action - Sita was taken a step back and she feared).

I thought a messenger of my lord had come. But you demons use your magical power to
deceive me! I won’t be attracted to you. Be kind enough to leave me alone.
Aarav Mother, Iam not ravana, I am Hanuman the humble servant of Lord Ram. I am here to
serve you.
Avni If Lord Ram sent you, how did you cross the big ocean.
Aarav First let me show you the ring that Lord asked me to give you as a sign of recognition, look
at this,
Mother don’t doubt me, I am truly Sri Rama’s bhakt. Please accept me as your son and
trust me, mother.
Anvi She took the ring and reverently touched her eyes with the ring.
Anvi (By action - Looking at the ring. Tears flowed from sita’s eyes, face shone with
Aarav Mother! Am delighted to see you. This is the same ring that was to be given to Kevat.
Anvi O messenger, Yes, It’s my lord’s ring.
Aarav Day and night, Lord Rama is lost in thoughts of you.
Anvi Till now, why did he neglect me? why did he forget his Sita.
Aarav Mother, if he had known you are here, he would have destroyed this place and taken you.
In search of you, thousands of vanars have been sent out in all directions.
It’s my good fortune, I am the first to have your honor. Now no obstacle can stop him.
Anvi I can’t believe that lord ram have sent a messenger to look for me.
O hanuman, is it true that my lord remembers me?
Aarav Forgive me mother, Lord Rama’s love is greater than yours. But none can see it.
Anvi It’s my Lords duty to come and take me back. Tell Lord Rama that my faith in him keeps
me alive. I will suffer all the hardships till he comes.
Anvi Sita gave hanuman a jewel from her hair that she was wearing and said
Anvi Please give this to my lord as a sign of recognition and inform that iam waiting for him.
Aarav Mother, don’t worry nothing will happen to you; bless us that we vanars may succeed in
serving Lord Rama by destroying this place.
Anvi My blessings are with you Hanuman. Be blessed.
Aarav Narrator - Later Hanuman returned and informed Ram about Sita’s whereabouts.
Anvi and Aarav – Jai Sri Ram. Dhanyavaad.

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