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Original Paper / Araştırma DOI: 10.5455/jmood.


Factors Associated with Depression in Patients with

Gülcan Balcı1, Gözde Başefe Öter2, Hatice Alkan Akdağ3, Alper Bekki4, Cebrail Kısa5, Erol Göka6

Şizofreni hastalarında görülen depresyonla Factors associated with depression in
ilişkili faktörler patients with schizophrenia

Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Mental Bozuklukların Tanısal ve Objective: In this study, it is aimed to determine the
Sayımsal El Kitabı’na (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual prevalence of depression rate, socio-demographic factors
of Mental Disorders -DSM5) göre şizofreni tanısı almış related to depression and to determine the relationship
hastalarda depresyon yaygınlığının saptanması, depres- between depression in schizophrenia with positive and
yonla ilişkili sosyodemografik faktörlerin belirlenmesi, negative symptoms, insight and antipsychotics drugs’
şizofrenideki depresyonun pozitif ve negatif belirtileriyle side effects in patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia 1
Birecik State Hospital, Psychiatry Clinic,
antipsikotik ilaçların yan etkileri ve içgörü ilişkisinin araştı- according to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and 2
Sanliurfa Training and Research Hospital,
Department of Psychiatry, Sanliurfa-Turkey
rılması amaçlanmıştır. Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). 3
Bursa Training and Research Hospital,
Yöntem: Rastgele seçilen 120 şizofreni hastası sosyode- Method: Randomly selected 120 schizophrenia patients Department of Psychiatry, Bursa-Turkey
Anadolu University, Faculty of Science,
mografik özellikleri ve elde edilen pozitif-negatif belirtiler, are examined regarding socio-demographic characteristics, Department of Statistics, Eskisehir-Turkey
Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Training and
şizofrenide depresyon, ekstrapiramidal belirtiler ve içgörü obtained positive and negative symptoms, depression Research Hospital, Department of Psychiatry,
değerlendirme ölçek skorları bakımından incelenmiştir. in schizophrenia, extrapyramidal symptoms, and insight Ankara-Turkey
Ankara Numune Training and Research
Bulgular: Bu çalışmada şizofrenide depresyon görülme scale scores. Hospital, Department of Psychiatry,
oranı %42.5 bulunmuştur. Şizofrenide görülen depresyo- Results: Depression rate in schizophrenia is found as
nun düşük sosyoekonomik durum, ailede psikoz öyküsü 42.5%. Depression is related to low socioeconomic status, Ya­zış­ma Ad­re­si / Add­ress rep­rint re­qu­ests to:
ve ailede iki uçlu bozukluk öyküsünün varlığı, hastada family history of psychosis and affective disorders, patients’ Alper Bekki,
Anadolu University, Faculty of Science,
intihar girişimi öyküsü ve tedavisiz kalınan süre ile ilişkili suicide history and run-in period. Also, hallucinations Department of Statistics, Eskisehir-Turkey
olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca varsanılar ve sanrılar alt ölçeği, and delusions sub-scales, flattening, alogia, apathy and Elekt­ro­nik pos­ta ad­re­si / E-ma­il add­ress:
duygulanımda düzleşme, aloji, avolüsyon, apati ve dikkat attention sub-scales, Parkinsonism sub-scale and insight

alt ölçekleri, parkinsonizm alt ölçeği ve içgörü düzeyi ile levels are found directly related to depression. Geliş ta­ri­hi / Date of received:
19 Ocak 2016 / January 19, 2016
depresyonun doğrudan ilişkili olduğu da belirlenmiştir. Conclusions: Examining related sociodemographic factors
Sonuç: İlişkili sosyodemografik faktörlerin incelenmesi can aid in determining depression and depression may Ka­bul ta­ri­hi / Da­te of ac­cep­tan­ce:
28 Mart 2016 / March 28, 2016
depresyon belirlenmesinde yardımcıdır ve depresyon, accompany all the phases of schizophrenia. Therefore, it
şizofreninin tüm evrelerine eşlik edebilir. Sonuç olarak can be one of the basic indications of schizophrenia. Bağıntı beyanı:
depresyon şizofreninin temel göstergelerinden biri olabilir. G.B., G.B.Ö., H.A.A., A.B., C.K., E.G.: Yazarlar
bu makale ile ilgili olarak herhangi bir çıkar
Keywords: schizophrenia, depression, depressive çatışması bildirmemişlerdir.
Anahtar kelimeler: şizofreni, depresyon, depresif belirtiler symptoms Declaration of interest:
G.B., G.B.Ö., H.A.A., A.B., C.K., E.G.: The
authors reported no conflict of interest
Journal of Mood Disorders (JMOOD) 2016;6(2):54-62 Journal of Mood Disorders (JMOOD) 2016;6(2):54-62 related to this article.

INTRODUCTION It is still an ongoing argument subject whether depressive

symptoms occur as a reaction to the disease in the clinic
Depressive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia are picture of schizophrenia, or it is a part of a psychotic period.
reported since the day that syndrome has been defined. Siris The relationship between schizophrenia and depressive
found the rate of depression prevalence changing from %7 up symptoms cannot be completely found out because the
to %70 and stated that depressive symptoms may be observed difference between affective and psychotic disorder is not so
in all periods of schizophrenia including the early periods (1). far from each other regarding etiology, clinic, and treatment.

54 Journal of Mood Disorders Volume: 6, Number: 2, 2016 -

G. Balcı, G. Başefe-Öter, H. Alkan-Akdağ, A. Bekki, C. Kısa5, E. Göka

Many different opinions about the time and the progress retardation and another axis I diagnosis except depression
of the depressive symptoms seen in schizophrenia are are randomly incorporated into this study. Patients with the
brought forward. For instance, depressive symptoms are diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder are excluded because
seen in the active phase of schizophrenia and may be of affective symptoms in diagnosis criteria. The study is
directly related to positive symptoms, they occur because of planned as prospective.
extrapyramidal side effects caused by antipsychotic drugs,
they may occur with insight towards the disease acquired Measures
after the allayment of disease symptoms and due to several
overlapping characteristics with negative symptoms can be In the study positive and negative symptoms are
confusing and this may cause failure for the diagnosis of measured with “Scale for the Assessment of Positive
depression. Symptoms (SAPS) and Scale for the Assessment of Negative
The occurrence of depression accompanying Symptoms (SANS)” developed by Andreasen (1990), proved
schizophrenia with different reasons and in different its reliability and validity for Turkish. SAPS consists of 4
periods during the disease complicates the differential subscales evaluated by the clinician, and the sub-scales
diagnosis and makes the administration of effective involve hallucinations, delusions, unusual/bizarre behavior
treatment according to the source of depressive symptoms. and positive formal thought disorder. SANS consists of 5
It has been stated that the addition of depression to the sub-scales involving blunted affect, alogia, avolition-
clinic picture of schizophrenia patients affects the prognosis apathy, anhedonia / antisociality and attention deficit.
of the disease quite adversely with increased risk of relapse, Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS)
increase of hospitalization frequency and its duration, low assesses the schizophrenia patients for depression and
social functioning, disorder in cognitive competence, weak involves total nine subjects: depressive mood, hopelessness,
response to pharmacological treatment, substance abuse insignificancy senses, resentment senses related with
and increasing rates of suicide attempts. guiltiness, pathological guilt, morning depression, early
This study is planned to determine the frequency of wakening, self-destruction, and depression observed.
schizophrenia in the patients applying for our clinically Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale (ESRS) applied
observed by us, the socio-demographic variables which will for the reason that the patients used antipsychotic. It
make the determination of depression easier and finding in consists four subscales involving dystonia, dyskinesia,
which phase of schizophrenia depression occurs. Therefore, Parkinsonism and akathisia.
we can give an actual answer to hypothesis whether Schedule for Assessing Three Components of Insight
depression is one of the main symptoms of schizophrenia (SATCI) consists of 8 questions; it is evaluated by the
or not. Original researches conducted in the last 5-10 years clinician, assessing insight quantitatively based on three
in this field are quite a few. For this reason, this research is components as compliance to treatment, awareness of the
important regarding reawakening the clinical importance disease, correct recognition of psychotic experiences.
of the depression seen in schizophrenia.
Patient Socio-demographic Data Form: 20 different
METHODS descriptive variables have been searched. Information
related to age, sex, marital status, educational status, period
Participants of education, people living with, number of siblings, the
place lived in, work condition, monthly income of the
120 patients who consulted to Ankara Numune household, duration of the disease, the run-in period,
Education and Research Hospital, between the age of 18-65, period of regular use of antipsychotic, type of antipsychotic
diagnosed with schizophrenia according to DSM 5 used, the number of hospitalization, polyclinic control
diagnostic criteria, had not taken electroconvulsive condition, family history of psychotic disorders, family
treatment (ECT) in last 1 year, not identified with serious history of affective disorders, family suicidal history,
physical and neurologic disease, had not used alcohol and/ patient’s suicidal history have been learnt through this
or psychoactive substance, not identified with mental form. The form was carried out by the interviewer.

Journal of Mood Disorders Volume: 6, Number: 2, 2016 - 55

Factors associated with depression in patients with schizophrenia

Statistical Analysis Ethical Provisions

As Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia cutoff Required approval for research was taken from Ankara
score was taken 12, the ones scored 12 or above were Numune Education and Research Hospital Ethics
grouped as “depression (+)”, the ones scored below 12 were Committee.
grouped as “depression (-)”. Also the “depression (+) group”
was diagnosed with depression clinically. The relationship RESULTS
between each of the socio-demographic attributes of
patients and these depression groups are investigated Demographic and Medication Characteristics of
separately using Pearson chi-square test statistics. Participants
Spearman rank correlation is calculated to determine the 55 female (45.8%) and 65 male (54.2%) as total 120
correlation degree and direction for variables statistically patients diagnosed with schizophrenia according to DSM-V-
significant in Chi-square test results. According to the TR were incorporated into the study. The ages of the group
depression groups, whether there is a difference between of patients are between 19 and 62, and the average age of the
average scores of the SAPS, SANS, ESRS, SATCI and their patients is 35. 30.8% of the patients is married, 50.8% is
sub-scales or not is investigated by Student-t test. To find single, and 18.4% is widow or divorced. As for educational
out which of the sub-scales are more effective regarding status, it was learned that 5.8% of them is uneducated, 45.8%
determining depression in schizophrenia is performed by is a graduate of the primary school, 34.2% is a graduate of
regression analysis. high school, and 14.2% is a graduate of higher education.
Statistical procedures were implemented with the IBM While the rate of the ones living in the city is 70.8%; 29.2% of
SPSS Statistics 21 software. The significance level was taken them lives in the villages. While the rate of the working ones
as α=0.05 for all evaluations. is 31.7%; 68.3% of them do not work.

Tab­le 1: The relationship between monthly incomes of the household, family history of psychosis, family history of affective
disorders, patient’s suicidal history, run-in period and depression groups
Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia
Calgary lower than Calgary 12 and
12: depression (-) above: depression (+)
n=69 % n=51 % χ2 df p Rs p

The Amount of Monthly Income

of the household 21.245 3 0.000* -0.405 0.000*
0-500 tl 5 27.8 13 72.2
500-1000 tl 26 46.4 30 53.6
1000-1500 tl 26 83.9 5 16.1
1500 tl and above 12 80.0 3 20.0
Family History of Psychosis 7.266 1 0.007* +0.246 0.007*
Yes 48 67.6 23 32.4
No 21 42.9 28 57.1
Family History of Affective Disorder 23.487 1 0.000* +0.442 0.000*
Yes 64 69.9 28 30.4
No 5 17.9 23 82.1
Patient’s Suicidal History
and/or Suicide Thought 15.786 1 0.000* +0.363 0.000*
Yes 62 67.4 30 32.6
No 7 25.0 21 75.0
Run-in Period (month) 16.043 4 0.007* +0.343 0.000*
0-6 months 28 80.0 7 20.0
7-12 months 15 57.7 11 42.3
13-36 months 18 56.3 14 43.8
37-60 months 3 25.0 9 75.0
60 months and above 5 33.3 10 66.7
*statistically significant.

56 Journal of Mood Disorders Volume: 6, Number: 2, 2016 -

G. Balcı, G. Başefe-Öter, H. Alkan-Akdağ, A. Bekki, C. Kısa5, E. Göka

As for the average duration of disease, 24.0% of them the variables. Again as it can be seen from the Table 1, there
had 7-12 months, 20.8% had 1-3 years, 27.5% had between is a statistically significant relationship between the
3-5 years and 27.5% had five years or above. variables studied for Chi-Square analysis. Further, using the
12.5% of patients was using typical antipsychotic, 83.3% Spearman’s Rank Correlation coefficient the following
atypical antipsychotic and 4.2% of them was using typical results can be said. There is a moderate negative relationship
and atypical antipsychotics combination treatment. between Monthly Income of the Household and Depression
Groups (Rs= -0.405 with p= 0.000). There is a weak positive
Relationship between Depression Groups and correlation between Family History of Psychosis and
Socio-demographic Variables Depression Groups (Rs= +0.246 with p= 0.007). There is a
In our study, depression rate in schizophrenia patients moderate positive correlation between Family History of
is found to be 42.5%. A statistically significant relationship Affective Disorders and Depression Groups (Rs= +0.442
between depression groups and sex, patient’s age, marital with p= 0.000). There is a moderate positive correlation
status, educational status, period of education, work between Patient’s Suicidal History and Depression Groups
condition, place lived in, people living with, the number of (Rs= +0.363 with p= 0.000). There is a moderate positive
siblings, antipsychotic used, period of regular use of correlation between Run-in Period and Depression Groups
antipsychotic, the number of hospitalization, polyclinic (Rs= +0.343 with p= 0.000).
control condition, duration of the disease and family
suicidal history respectively has not been identified. Comparison of averages of the SAPS, SANS, ESRS,
However, according to the results of chi-square tests, SATCI and their subscales scores according to
there is a statistically significant relationship between Calgary depression groups
depression groups and the variables interested in the According to depression groups, averages of all scale
investigation namely monthly income of the household, the scores are compared with two independent sample t-tests.
family history of psychosis, the family history of affective Descriptive statistics and test results of these scales are
disorders, patient’s suicidal history and the run-in period. shown in Table 2. According to the test results, probability
The test statistics and their probability values are shown in values which we had statistically significant averages scores
Table 1. Additionally, Table 1 includes the information scales are marked with an asterisk.
about Spearman’s Rank Correlation investigations between The aim of this comparison is to investigate if there is a

Tab­le 2: Comparison of average scores of all scales according to Calgary depression groups
Calgary lower Calgary 12 and
than 12: depression (-) above: depression (+)
N=69 N=51 p
SAPS Score 24.25±20.159 32.55±22.479 0.036*
Hallucinations Total Score (SAPS sub-scale) 3.81±5.571 6.45±7.882 0.044*
Delusions Total Score (SAPS sub-scale) 10.86±7.781 15.98±8.874 0.001*
Unusual (bizarre) Behaviour Score (SAPS sub-scale) 3.35±4.094 3.51±4.061 0.830
Positive Formal Thought Disorder (SAPS sub-scale) 6.25±7.459 6.69±6.398 0.735
SANS Score 32.30±18.669 65.27±17.537 0.000*
Affective Flattening and Blunted Affect Score (SANS sub-scale) 8.45±6.404 18.84±6.670 0.000*
Alogia Score (SANS sub-scale) 4.36±4.472 10.39±4.850 0.000*
Avolution-Apathy/Weakness of will-Apathy Score (SANS sub-scale) 5.94±3.391 10.88±3.793 0.000*
Anhedonia-Antisociality Score (SANS sub-scale) 11.64±4.863 19.57±3.551 0.000*
Attention Deficit Score (SANS sub-scale) 1.77±2.745 5.88±2.732 0.000*
ESRS Score 6.12±8.220 9.10±8.909 0.060
Parkinsonism Score (ESRS sub-scale) 4.29±4.941 6.35±5.090 0.027*
Dystonia Score (ESRS sub-scale) 0.55±1.399 0.67±1.479 0.662
Akathisia Score (ESRS sub-scale) 1.04±2.470 1.63±3.538 0.289
Dyskinezia Score (ESRS sub-scale) 0.23±0.926 0.45±1.346 0.320
SATCI Score 6.80±6.496 12.16±5.312 0.000*
*statistically significant.

Journal of Mood Disorders Volume: 6, Number: 2, 2016 - 57

Factors associated with depression in patients with schizophrenia

Tab­le 3: The regression analysis table of SANS, SAPS, ESRS, SATCI versus their sub-scales for the patients with schizophrenia and

Model Unstandardized Standardized

Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
Hallucinations Total Score (SAPS sub-scale) 0.089 0.025 0.089 3.529 0.001*
Delusions Total Score (SAPS sub-scale) 0.197 0.024 0.197 8.287 0.000*
Affective Flattening and Blunted Affect Score (SANS sub-scale) 0.248 0.033 0.248 7.478 0.000*
Avolution-Apathy/Weakness of will-Apathy Score (SANS sub-scale) 0.104 0.031 0.104 3.368 0.001*
Anhedonia-Antisociality Score (SANS sub-scale) 0.205 0.029 0.205 7.169 0.000*
Attention Score (SANS sub-scale) 0.203 0.029 0.203 7.053 0.000*
Parkinsonism Score (ESRS sub-scale) 0.207 0.023 0.207 8.895 0.000*
Akathisia Score (ESRS sub-scale) 0.100 0.022 0.100 4.526 0.000*
*statistically significant.

statistically significant difference between averages of all In the final model, Hallucinations and Delusions sub-
scale scores according to the depression groups. scales of SAPS, Affective Flattening and Blunted Affect,
According to two independent sampling t-test results Avolition-Apathy, Anhedonia-Antisociality and Attention
are given in Table 2, there is a statistically significant Score sub-scales of SANS and Parkinsonism and Akathisia
difference between the average scores of SAPS, sub-scales of ESRS are included in the regression model,
hallucinations, and delusions, SANS, affective flattening and the rest sub-scales are excluded.
and blunted affect, alogia, avolition-apathy, anhedonia-
antisocially, attention deficit, parkinsonism and insight DISCUSSION
assessment scales of the Calgary depression groups.
In our study, depression rate in schizophrenia was
Relation of Calgary Depression Scale for found to be %42,5, and this result is compatible with the
Schizophrenia with SAPS, SANS, ESRS and SATCI World Health Organization data to show the prevalence of
(Regression and Correlation Analysis) depression in schizophrenia to be %19-81 (2). Many reasons
SAPS, SANS, ESRS and CDSS main scales are merged such as active psychotic symptoms veiling depression,
into one factor by applying factor analysis. Obtained factor overlapping properties of depression and negative
is taken as the dependent variable, and standardized sub- symptoms, side effects of drugs causing depression or
scales are taken as independent variables for regression having depressive symptomatology may have caused this.
analysis. The purpose of this analysis is to find out which of As a result, it is seen that the depressive symptoms found in
the sub-scales are more effective regarding determining every phase of schizophrenia are responsible for the
depression in schizophrenia. For this purpose, all variability of prevalence rates.
independent variables are included in the model initially, Our study also shows that family history of affective
and final regression model is obtained by using the disorders or psychosis, as well as existence patient’s suicidal
backward elimination approach. history, increases the rate of depression. Our results are
In the model independent variables explain %96,9 compatible with the research findings of Bottlender et al.
(R2=0,966) of dependent variable. Reliability of the model is showing depressive patients have a higher suicidal tendency
tested with the variance analysis, and the model is found and a family psychiatric history (3). Depressive patients
statistically significant with F8,112 =400,994 and p=0.000. having a family history of affective disorders can be
Independent variables used to explain the dependent explained with the genetic transition of depression. This
variable and that are attained through backward elimination situation shows that depression in schizophrenia is not only
approach, can be seen in the column B. When tested separately, a reaction to having psychotic attacks or a part of healing
coefficients of all these independent variables are found to be process. Findings seem to be compatible with the model to
statistically significant and can be seen in column “sig”. show that the family history or psychosis had an expression

58 Journal of Mood Disorders Volume: 6, Number: 2, 2016 -

G. Balcı, G. Başefe-Öter, H. Alkan-Akdağ, A. Bekki, C. Kısa5, E. Göka

increasing effect on depressive symptoms in schizophrenia. hallucination and delusions sub-scales are related to
Correlation of a family history of psychosis and depressive depression in schizophrenia. Especially, the high scores of
symptoms of the patient strongly support the opinion of delusions and hallucinations sub-scales support that as
depression being one of the core symptoms of shown in the studies above, depression, which comes along
schizophrenia. Increased suicidal tendencies in with psychotic symptoms in the active psychotic episode, is
schizophrenia and depression are shown in many studies one of the core symptoms of schizophrenia.
and our research results also support it. Relation of depressive symptoms and negative
Our study also shows that the lower the monthly income symptoms of schizophrenia has become the topic of many
of the household is, the higher the depression rate gets. Our studies, and they all have different results. It is not clear
result is compatible with Bottlender et al.’s information on whether the negative symptoms in schizophrenia are
depression in schizophrenia being correlated to lower separate from depressive symptoms or are existent in
socio-economical level (4). depressive symptoms. Most researchers agree that
In our study, as the run-in period increases, the rate of depressive symptoms in schizophrenia can be mistaken for
depression has also increased. Depression with negative symptoms. The reason is, some symptoms of
schizophrenia is also shown to be related to more attacks, schizophrenia and depression overlap. The decrease in
hospitalization frequency, and deterioration of psychosocial motor activity, apathy, sleep disorder, anorexia,
functioning and bad response to the treatment (5). Bad concentration disorder, attention deficit and anhedonia are
response to the treatment and a long run-in period also symptoms that can be seen in both groups. Symptoms such
increase the development of depression and intensify it, as grieving affect and depressive cognitive compound are
resulting in higher risk of suicide, exacerbation of negative related to depression and identifying them makes it easier
symptoms, and deterioration of cognitive functioning to differentiate.
increased relapses and an overall bad effect on the course of There are also studies to show that negative symptoms
the disease. For these important reasons, depression must are independent of depression. Kullhara et al. uphold that
be taken seriously and treated. vegetative symptoms such as psychomotor retardation,
Many studies show that depressive symptoms are a part energy loss, weight loss, libido loss and cognitive
of the natural course of schizophrenia, are most seen during compounds of depression such as depressive mood,
the acute period and decrease during the remission of the suicidal thoughts, self-accusation, hopelessness, a decrease
disease (6). It is stated that especially in depression seen of self-respect are not significantly related to the negative
during acute psychotic period, delusions of hopelessness symptoms. They claim that although negative and
and self-accusation are more dominant, depressive depressive symptoms are similar in looks and observed
symptoms’ severity is correlated to psychotic symptoms, behaviors, they are rooted from entirely different processes
with allayment of psychotic symptoms the severity of (9). When patients with and without insufficiency symptoms
depressive symptoms also regress and this is interpreted as were compared, the first group had lower depression scores
“depressive symptoms being a core symptom of acute (10). Accordingly, it is claimed that mood shifts can be the
model”. It is also stated that in some cases depressive primary symptom of the type of psychosis and negative
syndromes are an integral part of patient’s psychotic life symptoms are a different aspect of schizophrenia.
and carry out a lifetime (7). Similarly, Zisook et al.’s study Along with those who claim there is no correlation
show that depressive symptoms are related to positive between negative symptoms and depression, there are also
symptoms; but age, sex, negative symptoms, extrapyramidal those to say there is a small correlation. In the study of Sax
symptoms and antipsychotic doses are not related and this et al. it is stated that symptoms of apathy and anhedonia are
situation causes to think that one of the core compounds of correlated to depressive symptoms whereas positive
the disorder can cause depression through psychotic symptoms are related to the severity of depression (11). In
symptoms (8). There are also others to show that depressive the research carried out by Aydemir et al. with the purpose
symptoms are related to positive symptoms such as hostility of finding the difference between schizophrenia patients
and skepticism (6). Regression and correlation analyzes with or without depression regarding symptoms, the results
carried out in our study; SAPS overall score shows that show that negative symptom of blunted affect overlaps

Journal of Mood Disorders Volume: 6, Number: 2, 2016 - 59

Factors associated with depression in patients with schizophrenia

significantly with apathy and attention deficit (12). between depression and akathisia (6).
In our research; overall SANS score and score of all sub- Akathisia caused by antipsychotic drugs can easily be
scales are higher in the group with depression in mistaken for depression and can be a situation related to
schizophrenia when compared to the group without. In the suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Akathisia with motor
regression and correlation analyzes, SANS and sub-scales restlessness can easily be differentiated from depression
are related to depression in schizophrenia. The results are with clinical examination whereas akathisia without motor
compatible with studies to have results of correlation restlessness and with dysphoria is harder to differentiate
between depression and negative symptoms of from depression.
schizophrenia. Patients, independent from periodical Eren et al.’s study shows that in patients with EPS
properties of schizophrenia such as acute-remission, to be symptoms, that are objectively determined through clinical
chosen from any period of schizophrenia, all of them taking examination have a weaker relation to depressive
antipsychotic treatment and the low number of sampling symptoms; whereas EPS that the doctor cannot objectively
are limitations of our study. The mutuality of negative determine but the patient can subjectively feel (akathisia,
symptoms such as blunted affect, alogia, avolition-apathy, akinesia without motor restlessness but dysphoria) have a
anhedonia and attention deficit and symptoms that are stronger relation to depressive symptoms and this situation
major depressive episode scales are clear. Schizophrenia has caused false diagnosis of depression (14).
patient with the hardship of expressing his/her emotions to On the contrary, there are also researches to state that
have blunted affect can easily be interpreted as depressive antipsychotic drug-induced depression is controversial.
mood. Similarly, symptoms such as psychomotor Siris et al. could not find a parallel relation between the
retardation, short responses during the interview, dose of fluphenazine decanoate used for maintenance
anhedonia, attention, and concentration deficit can be treatment of schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients
mistaken for negative symptoms. These two symptom and plasma levels and depression severity of the patients.
groups that are similar in style but different in content are The claim of a probable neuroleptic side effect is not valid
found to be statistically related in our study. Depressive and because of patients on the basis of syndromal depressive
negative symptoms being hard to differentiate in the symptoms and non-responsive antiparkinsonian treatment
clinical case, antipsychotic side effects making this (15). Alfredsson et al. have also concluded with their study
differentiation even more complicated, our study being there is no relation between depressive symptoms of
compromised of randomly selected patients and the patient schizophrenia patients and neuroleptic dose, use of
population not being grouped accordingly with their period administration, plasma and BOS levels (16). There are also
of the disease decrease the liability of the result of our studies to show when patients with and without
research. antipsychotic treatment were compared; there were no
Antipsychotic drugs both in short and long term use, significant differences regarding depression incidence (17).
cause many side effects to affect long-term well-being Today the view of antipsychotic drugs inducing
significantly and some to affect course and outcome. depression or tendency in schizophrenia patients is still
Although there are no certain data, it is emphasized that controversial.
antipsychotics cause anhedonia and possibly depression In our study; the results of examination of ESRS mean
through dopamine blockage. Restlessness, dysphoria and scores in groups with and without depression, there was a
sometimes anhedonia may come up during drug use. This statistically significant difference between Parkinsonism
table is accompanied by slowness of movements, a decrease scores of each two groups. Other sub-scales, dystonia,
of spontaneity and other extrapyramidal system symptoms. akathisia and dyskinesia overall ESRS scores did not have
The research of Möller HJ et al. to support this view, significant differences. In the regression analysis,
states that in 280 schizophrenia patients without Parkinsonism and akathisia are effective in identifying
depression, in the beginning, depression development rate depression.
was 41.0% after antipsychotic treatment started (13). In the Significance in Parkinsonism sub-scale is a sign for
research of Baynes et al. in 13.3% of schizophrenia patients’ other extrapyramidal side effects such as clinically identified
depression is existent and there is a significant relation akinesia, bradykinesia, rigidity, and tremor. Results showing

60 Journal of Mood Disorders Volume: 6, Number: 2, 2016 -

G. Balcı, G. Başefe-Öter, H. Alkan-Akdağ, A. Bekki, C. Kısa5, E. Göka

Parkinsonism and akathisia to be related with depression scores lower than 12(without depression) and higher than
seem to be compatible with the view of secondarily 12(with depression) according to Calgary mean scores of
developing depression to antipsychotic treatment. schedule for assessing insight, a statistically significant
However, to attain clear results on the topic, there is a need difference was identified between two groups. The group
for examining the relation of antipsychotic type and dose to with depression along with schizophrenia had higher
depressive symptoms. In our study, there was no significant insight when compared to the group with no schizophrenia.
relation between antipsychotic type and depression Our result of schizophrenia patients with high insight levels
symptoms, but the relation of depression and the having higher depression is compatible with the results of
antipsychotic dose was not examined. Finally; patients many studies listed above.
taking antipsychotic treatment at the beginning of our With this study; we had the results that schizophrenia
research and the population not belonging to a specific patients frequently have depression symptoms and family
phase of the disease (acute or chronic) require interpretation history of psychiatric disorders increase the risk of
with many variables and decrease the liability of the results. depression, depression is related to low socio-economic
On the other hand, it should not be neglected that existence status and delaying schizophrenia treatment may cause the
of akathisia in patients causes false positive depression development of depression.
diagnosis. Moreover, we stated that depression may be one of the
Insight deficit is one of the most common symptoms of core symptoms of schizophrenia since positive and negative
psychotic disorders, especially schizophrenia. A majority of symptoms come along with depression, similarity of
schizophrenia patients have no awareness of their disease, negative symptom pattern to depressive symptoms may
symptoms or their need of treatment. Insight level is cause confusion of diagnosis, antipsychotic drugs may
affected by the severity of clinical symptoms of cause depressive symptoms, on the other hand,
schizophrenia. Along with studies to show that only the extrapyramidal side effects such as subjective akathisia may
severity of positive symptoms has a linear relationship with result in false positive results by creating manifestations
insight level, there are also studies to show the linear similar to depression and patients with a high insight level
relationship between insight levels and both positive and have higher risk of depression.
negative symptoms (18). Among positive symptoms, Considering that diagnosis is still controversial, it is
hallucinations and delusions are related to low levels of important to keep simply in mind that schizophrenic
insight. There are also scientific publications to research patient may show many symptoms peculiar to depression
the relation of insight levels to depressive mood as well as in specific phases of the disease. Such an approach will
positive and negative symptoms in the literature. Evren et increase the life quality of both patients and their family,
al., in their study on the relation of depression to positive improve insight about their disease and decrease several
and negative symptoms and insight in patients at acute and complications peculiar to schizophrenia, especially suicide.
stable phases, have stated that in the stable phase of the Even though our study sheds light on the relation of
disease high levels of insight is related to high scores of schizophrenia and depression, there is a need for studies
depression. During the acute phase, negative, positive with bigger sampling.
symptoms and general psychopathology were identified  
and during the stable phase, insight was identified as the Acknowledgments: We thank Mr. Gürkan, Miss Yıldırır,
predictors of depressive symptoms (19). Mr. Türkkan, Mr. Yirur, Mrs. Tıkır, Mr. Asan and Mr. Çağlar
In our study; after examining the relation of groups with who kindly provided the data necessary for our analysis.

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