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The University of Lahore

On Site Assessment of Human Resource Management

Systems in Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of Pakistan

Internship Project Report

Submitted to
Lahore School of Aviation, The University of Lahore

in partial fulfillment of the Requirements

for the degree of
BS in Aviation Management
Session: 2016-2020

Submitted by:
Athar shafique (BSAM70074605))

Supervised by:
Mam saba Munir

DECEMBER 17, 2019

Internship Project Minutiae

Shaheen airport services

Internship Title

On Documentation process of cargo services in Shaheen airport

services at Allama iqbal international airport Lahore
Athar shafique
+92 3424344458
Facility: Shaheen airport services office, Allama Iqbal International Airport, Lahore,

Internship Tenure Total: Six weeks

From: sep 12,2020 To: oct 22,2020

Primary Internship Cargo department


Secondary Internship Commercial, Air worthiness

Department (s)

Site Supervisor: Waseem Rao

Assistant Cargo

Faculty supervisor Nadeem Iqbal (Assistant Professor)

Lahore School of Aviation
The University of Lahore

Internship Completion Certificate

Declaration of Originality
I Athar shafique hereby solemnly declare that this Thesis/Internship Report/project:

 Is my original work, except where otherwise acknowledged in the text

 I have not published/submitted it earlier to any institution/ organization

 I will not submit it in future to any institution/ organization for obtaining any degree

 I have done my work in compliance with HEC Plagiarism Policy

By all means, I assent that in case any of above declarations found violated, I shall be solely

liable to such violation and be punished as per the plagiarism rules of HEC.

Student’s Full Signature

____________________ ____________________
Athar shafique Date

PDIR Committee Review
On Documemtation process of cargo services in shaheen airprot
services at allama iqbal international airport Lahore

Internship Project Report

Athar shafique
Registration No. BSAM70074605
Session: 2016-2020

Submitted to
Lahore School of Aviation, The University of Lahore.

In Partial fulfilment of the

Requirement for the Degree of

BS in Aviation Management

Approved by: PDIR Committee

______________________ _______________________
Daniya Rehan Nadeem Iqbal
Coordinator Research/Internship Program Research Supervisor

______________________ _______________________
Nadeem Iqbal Naeem Mubashar
Manager Research/Internship Program External Supervisor/
Aviation industry professional

______________________ _______________________
Saroop Anwer Imtiaz Hussain
Controller Examination Deputy HOD

Executive Summary

The aim of this project was to ---------------------------------


This dissertation is dedicated to the persons who brought

me up to the stage of being able to dedicate my thesis
“My Parents”, who actually have drawn a beautiful way
to success for me

First and foremost I would like to pay my heartfelt thanks to ALLAH ALMIGHTY for giving me the
opportunity to study MBA and making all my ways smooth to move ahead.

I feel immense gratitude and convivial thanks to my supervisor, Mr. Nadeem Iqbal who really enlighten
my path and make it smoother for me during my work. Undoubtedly this thesis was never attaining its
final milestone without his guidance, advice and support.

Table of Contents

List of Figures
Figure 4.1 Gender……………………………………………………………...…. 39

Figure 4.2 Age………………………………………………………………....…. 39

Figure 4.3 Qualification……………….…………………………………….….... 40

Figure 4.4 Occupation ….…………….…………………………………….……. 41

Figure 4.5 Social Media Stage….…………………………………………….…... 41

Figure 4.6 Discussion on Social Media Sites………………………….…....……. 42

List of Tables
Table 4.1 Gender……………………………………………………………...…. 39

Table 4.2 Age………………………………………………………………....…. 39

Table 4.3 Qualification……………….…………………………………….….... 40

Table 4.4 Occupation ….…………….…………………………………….……. 41

Table 4.5 Social Media Stage….…………………………………………….…... 41

Table 4.6 Discussion on Social Media Sites………………………….…....……. 42

List of Equations
Regression Equation……………………………………………………………………………………………………17

Regression Equation……………………………………………………………………………………………………17

Regression Equation……………………………………………………………………………………………………17

Regression Equation……………………………………………………………………………………………………17

Regression Equation……………………………………………………………………………………………………17

Regression Equation……………………………………………………………………………………………………17


UOL University of Lahore

LSA Lahore School of Aviation

Chapter 1: Introduction of the Organization
1.1 Aviation Industry Review (Global Perspective)
1.2 Aviation Industry Review (Pakistani Perspective)
1.3 Portfolio of Aviation Industry
1.4 Organization Profile
1.4.1 History of the Organization
1.4.2 Strategic Orientation of Organization (Vision, Mission, etc.)
1.4.3 The Type of Ownership of the Organization
1.4.4 The Sector of Organization
1.4.5 The Customers of Organization
1.4.6 Organization Chart
1.4.7 Departmentalization

Abdoon RashidThe University of Lahore 13

Chapter 2: Critical Review of the Organization
2.1 Critical Analysis of the Organization
2.1.1 Portfolio Analysis-BCG Matrix
2.1.2 Competitive Analysis-SWOT Analysis
2.1.3 Environmental Analysis-PESTLE Analysis
2.1.4 Financial Analysis-Financial Ratios
2.1.5 Marketing Strategies
2.1.6 HR Analysis
2.1.7 Major competitors of the Organization
2.1.8 Market Share of the Organization
2.1.9 Success and Failure of Organization Products in the Market

Chapter 3: Internship Department/Job Review
3.1 Intern Department Review
3.1.1 Division/Department Description/Review
3.1.2 Name/Designation of the Supervisor (in this department)
3.1.3 Work Process Chart
3.1.4 Role of Intern Job in the overall departmental process
3.2 Intern Job Review
3.2.1 Description of the job nature
3.2.2 Activities Performed by the Intern in this Department
3.2.3 Work samples
3.2.4 Distinctive achievements
3.2.4 Key Failures
3.2.5 Key learning points

Chapter 4: The Internship Project

4.1 Project Description

4.2 Project Title
4.3 Project Team Composition
4.4 Project Design
4.5 Key findings/Results
4.6 Project Recommendations

Chapter 5: Internship Assessment and Recommendations
5.1 Assessment of Internship Experience
5.1.1 Major Responsibilities Undertaken During Internship
5.1.2 Skills and Qualifications Acquired from Internship
5.1.3 Impact of Internship on Future Career Path of the Intern
5.1.4 Overall Comparison Between Theory and Practice
5.1.5 General Observations about the Sector of the Internship
5.2 Internship Recommendation
5.1.6 Recommendations for the Organization
5.1.7 Recommendations for the College
5.1.8 Recommendations for Future Interns


INSTRUCTIONS: You are required to
1. Fill in all particulars correctly 2. Write SMART Objectives 3. Attach herewith the Internship Completion Certificate

Supervisor’s Consent Form

Student Profile
Student name: ------------------------- Program of Study:  BSAM  BSAMT
Registration #: -------------------------------------Semester: --------------Batch: --------------- Please affix one recent
CGPA: --------------- Contact number: -------------------------- Email: --------------------------
Internship/Research/Project Details
I solemnly declare that I want to opt for  Internship Report  Thesis  Project Report willfully with
the commitment to accomplish it within due period of time meeting all deadlines and fulfilling all
requirements as given in the module.
Proposed Title: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Organization/industry: -------------------------Department:------------------Population------------
Start date: --------------------End date: ------------------Total Duration: -----------------------------
Internship/Research/Project Objectives

1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Expectations from Prof._________________________________ as Supervisor
Student’s Signature: -------------------------------------------------- Date: ----------------------------

Supervisor’s remarks:
I am willing to take Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. --------------------------------------Reg. No.-------------------------------of 
BSAM  BSAMT under my supervision for the completion of his/her  Internship Report  Thesis 
Project Report work at Lahore School of Aviation, The University of Lahore.
Supervisor’s name: ------------------------------------------------------ Designation: --------------
Terminal degree: -------------------------------------------------------- Subject specialty: ---------
Signature ------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: ------------------------
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Nadeem Iqbal Saroop Anwer Imtiaz Hussain
Manager Research/Internship Program Controller Examination Deputy HOD
Lahore School of Aviation Lahore School of Aviation Lahore School of Aviation

Internship/Thesis Supervisor Meeting Log
Supervisor: __________________
Name of Student: _________________Registration No.: _________Batch: ______Program: _______Semester: _____Section: ____

Mtng Meeting Meeting Status of due Next task Next Meeting

Meeting Date
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DD/MM/YY Date/Time










Note: Keep track of your internship/Thesis activities on daily basis. This log will be submitted with your report.

Abdoon RashidThe University of Lahore 20

Internship /Thesis/Project Report
Formatting guidelines
Formatting Guidelines

Ensure that your thesis is in accordance with following formatting requirements

1. Divide the whole thesis/Report in chapters according to given guidelines

2. Start each new chapter from a new page

3. Insert footers (insert > Header > Annual)

4. Please don’t use any type of page border or paragraph

5. Develop automatic Table of contents (References > table of contents > automatic 1 or 2), list of
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6. Please use paragraphs neither too short nor too small (3 to 4 paragraphs on one page)

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Internship Final Report Essentials Checklist
Internship/Thesis/Project Report Essentials
S.N Internship
Content Sample Thesis Project
o. Report
Opening Essentials
1 Cover Page Attached Yes Yes Yes
2 Internship/Project Minutiae Attached yes No Yes
3 Internship Completion Certificate Attached yes No No
4 Declaration of Originality Attached Yes Yes Yes
5 PDIR Committee Approval Attached Yes Yes Yes
6 Executive Summary Attached Yes Abstract Yes
7 Dedication Attached Yes Yes Yes
8 Acknowledgement Attached Yes Yes Yes
9 Table of Content Attached Yes Yes Yes
10 List of Figures Attached Yes Yes Yes
11 List of Tables Attached Yes Yes Yes
12 List of Equations Attached Yes Yes Yes
13 Acronyms Attached Yes Yes Yes
Main Body
Chapter 1  
Chapter 2  
As per given Samples/Templates/Contents shared in Chapter
Chapter 3  
Internship-I workshops 3
Chapter 4  
Chapter 5  
Closing Essentials
1 References using (Mendeley/Zotero) Yes Yes Yes
Annexure 1: Questionnaire/ Interview Given in If used
2 Yes Yes
Schedule Class any
3 Annexure 2: Supervisor consent form Attached Yes Yes Yes
4 Annexure 3: Activity Log Attached Yes No Yes

Athar shafique
Registration no:-
Submitted to
Mam Saba Munir

Introduction to aviation industry:-

The aviation term invented in 1863 by a French pioneer named Guillaume Joseph Gabriel. It
comes from a Latin word avis that means bird. Aviation means the activities that are performed
all are linked to aircraft.
The sector of the aviation industry is a business sector that operates, manufacture, maintain the
aircraft at the airport. It provides a wide range of responsibilities. There are many activities that
performed in the airport as also in the aircraft. When the flight is at take off or at landing it
involves the duties like ground duty that are required to perform by the ground staff. Aviation
industry managed all the workflow of airlines,airport,all the business that are related to aviation
industry by performing day to day operation of an airport or an airline.
There are many constant changes in the aviation industry. The continuous improvement in the
market, technological progress and the establishment of new business describe the development
in the aviation industry within the last few years. The continues development in the industry not
only dominant the industry actors themselves but there are many department that describes its
structure and all the institutional surroundings. It raises quires for both theory and practice that
that depend on two or more than two people among different stakeholders in aviation.

Global perspective of the aviation industry:-

The international aviation industry provide its services almost every corner of the world and play
an major role in the global economy. The global aviation industry includes the services like air
transport that provide to passengers and cargo. Aviation with its many uses is the best source of
national income for global business aviation provide the world wide transport that mostly
includes the good tourism facilities and economic growth is generated. In 2014 the GDP the

industry of aviation reached usd 2.7 million It also provides many benefits such as interest or 9.9
million direct jobs many other employees work is here but that doesn't benefits aviation it is only
for the development of social welfare. Tourism facilities is one of the part that whole aviation
lies upon.. And more employees help in to over come the problem like poverty the average of
tourists crossing border is every year is app 1.2 billion the destinations can easily be achieve with
between 2010 to 2016 has increased up to 83%.
The airline Industry provides service virtually in any corner of global jet air plane for
commercial use in 1950s followed by "jumbo jet" in 1978 the airline economic degrualate in U.S
it also lies degrualate "liberalization" which had positive effect in both domestic and airline.
Approximately 5% per 30 the growth of airline increased. In U.S 100 certified passengers airline
operates 11 million flights. It is important that airline in turn reprocess the manufacture of
aircraft and much more. After airline post consist losses of $22 billion from 1990 to 1933 the
gulf War took place in result late it return in profits in excess of $25 billion rupee by aircraft
from 1995 to 1999.

Pakistan perspective of the aviation industry:-

On October 1946 1st orient airway came into being. The newly born Pakistan in 1947 seek the
help from Calcutta and the operation of airway were set in here. The airline was named as
it was formed to travel and trade between east to west of Pakistan. The critical and hardships
caused the unusual formation of international of Pakistan in 1955. It causes many despite war. In
Karachi which is the 16th largest airline in Asia 1st airline flag was raised, middle Europe also
worked for the mind easily linkage of 24 destinations. In Pakistan 87% of airline is governed by
government and at March 2007 13% with 19.263 employees was under the observation of
shareholders. It include the following airport such as Islamabad, Multan, Quetta, Faisalabad and
The SWOT and PEST are discussed with in this report the main focus is on to discuss the main
feature of PIA as its a 3 star international airline. At Karachi Airport we find PIA as superior
operating, network presence and many more technology is also one of the effective use,
passengers are on high dependencies high debt.. Where as every advantage od a site also
included disadvantages or weakness as weak linkage of route. Low cost air line loyalty of
customers... Other than use full and weaknesses it also Include major threats like accidents and
the competition with other airline.
As PIA is better service it attacks people and satisfied with the betterment.. It as direct relation
with employees and moral and income. It can be more improved by It specialists and quality can
be improved by focusing on it.

Pakistan Aviation industry portfolio:-

Public sector autonomous also include Pakistan civil aviation authority which is under
observation of federal government on 7th December 1982 aviation cabinet secretariat in 1982

Civil aviation authority ordinance was formed too. For managing the aviation (CDA) (Mod) are
the department which are responsible for it. CAA was established for a purpose for promotion
and regulation of civil aviation activities. Transport services in Pakistan also include safe and
efficient adequate. Date of creation of international civil organizations coincide wd 7th
December is also celebrated as civil aviation day world wide the role of CAA is worldwide it
also play important role in air navigation, services and it corporate with various functions in
Karachi. CAA headquarters is located. Between 2006 and 2010 restructuring process of CAA
was undertaken organization enabled to meet with (ICAO). IN June 2011 83% of compliant was
against Pakistan out of average of 65%.The distinct separation of regulatory functions was
ensured under (PCAA).

Airports Infrastructure and Domestic Airlines in Pakistan:-

There are 42 airports in Pakistan and majority are publicly airport. Military uses only few of
them and mostly airports are used by the public. All the domestic airlines has 48 aircrafts having
different kind of models like airbus, Boeing and ATR.
Following are the list of active aircraft in Pakistan:
1.PIA (33)
2.Airblue (11)
4.shaheen international airline (1)
There are 11 A320, 12 B777 and 5 each ATR 42 and ATR 72 model aircraft PIA has. The
operating number of Air blue contain 11 A320 , 12 B777 and 5 each ATR 42 and ATR 72 model
aircraft. Air blue operating number has A320 and A321 and serene Air has B 737.Shaheen has
only one active aircraft that is A300.PIA also stored some aircraft that is 18 and Shaheen contain
37 these all aircraft are stored out from the country.

Airlines in Pakistan:-
2.pakistan international airline
3.Shaheen airline

Some other company's aircraft:-

1.serene air
2.Air Indus
3 Askari air Pakistan
4.Aircraft sales and services pvt ltd

Athar(70074605) air aviation

Foreign Airlines Operating in Pakistan

Currently 19 international airlines are operating from various cities of Pakistan. These include: –
1.Air Arabia
2.Air China
3.China Southern Airlines
4.Emirates Airlines
5.Etihad Airways
6.Fly NAS
7.Fly Dubai
8.Gulf Air
9.Iran Air
10.Kuwait Airways
11.Malindo Air
12.Oman Air
13.Qatar Airways Company
14.Safi Airways
15.Saudi Arabian Airlines
16.Sri Lankan Airlines Ltd.
17.Taban Airlines
18.Thai Airways International Ltd.
19.Turkish Airlines
Flying clubs:-
Lahore flying club
Air eagle
Peshawar flying club
Ground handling agencies :-

1.paksitan international airline
2.shaheen airport services
3.gerry’s dnata
4.royal airport services
5.askari aviation services
6.air blue Ltd

Organizations in Aviation industry:-

1.Air Transport Association (ATA)
2.Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)
3.Flight Safety Foundation (FSA)
4.General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA)
5.International Air Transport Association (IATA)
6.Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP)

Traveling agencies in aviation industry:-

1.Makkah tul Madina travel and tours (Karachi)
2.Hajjuj Al hermain travel and tour (Islamabad)
3.Euro Africa Travel Ltd (Lahore)
4.Faiz -e-kabba travels (mardan)

Based on my particular interest I want to do my internship in Shaheen airport

services .
Introduction to Shaheen airport services(SAP):-
Shaheen airport services (SAPS) in its role and task is a service group handling agency having
more than two decades history in the field of aviation services. The director general of civil
aviation response to Shaheen foundation request and establish the Shaheen airport services in
November 1980.It took minimum amount of time to start the operation at SAPS. First SAPS
started a ground handling services in Karachi in February 1982 as it was already inaugurated on
10th June 1982 by PAF chief of the air staff. With the member of the IGHC and ISO it is counters
GHA. There are about 2000 certification for quality as the company starts its operation as ground
handling agency at different airports. It is an aviation organization having AOC membership in
Pakistan. SAP establish good relationship all over the world through its efforts and having a

good reputation in domestic as well as international circle. For SAPS customer satisfaction is the
main priority. Year 2007 celebrated as the silver jubilee year of SAPS.
SAPS is a subsidy of Shaheen foundation a welfare organization of Pakistan air force with the
largest set up providing complete ground handling services at five major airports In Pakistan.
The aim of SAPS is to provide safe effective and quality services to airlines operating in
Pakistan. SAPS offer ground handling services. SAPS has the ability to meet all your distinctive
needs. SAPS provide its services to following airports
SAPS ensure that from the time your aircraft take off as well as arriving it takes good care of
passengers, baggage and cargo. Now SAPS with the market share has 11000 flights annually. In
addition to charter and non schedule carriers SAPS handle more than 15 schedule airlines
operating both freighters and passenger aircraft.
SAPS is also a member of IATA ground handling council that continually make development in
the world aircraft handling industry. SAPS experience serve the most reputable airlines and
equipped excellent operational expertise required to face and current challenges.

 History of the SAPS:-

Shaheen airport services is the ground handling agency is a project of Shaheen foundation and a
welfare organization established by Pakistan air force (PAF)In February 1999 SAPS aviation
college was established as a training centre at Karachi to provide training to SAPS personnel for
passenger services , cargo services and ramp operation. The need for quality training inherently
increased in SAPS because it the stranded operation desired by chief of air staff PAD chairman
committee of administration Shaheen foundation PAF .In Lahore, Islamabad Peshawar satellite
training also set up to enhance the training and the scope that include dangerous goods
regulation, flight operation ls officer course refresher training. CAA approval were compulsory
for passing all these training facilities.

Information about the Organization:-
Every successful company and organization defines its visions and mission and makes
the strategies and rules to achieve these missions and visions. To achieve these visions

and missions the organizations and companies have to fulfill the objectives so that the
long term visions and missions can be achieved.

“To be the market leader in every of our Services, Nationally and regionally”
 Our foremost aim is to think big, be the pace setter and modernizer. we have concrete plans to re
plicate our best practices in every of our offerings, across the region.

“To provide ground handling to all wide body and narrow body aircraft used 
by commercial or non commercial operators in accordance with the rules and
regulations of Pakistan civil aviation authority and recommended procedures
of the operators”

1.aircraft handling
2.cabin service
4.ramp handling
6.CUTE :cabin use terminal equipment
7.flight service rental service
9.aircraft handling service
10.aircraft equipment hiring
11.groung transport
12.representatinal service
13.passenger handling service
14.cargo handling service
15.specilized cargo handling service
16.compilaance of minimum ground handling equipment

Aircraft handling:-
SAPS provide services to all type of wide and narrow bodies aircraft. From parking to servicing
and pushback it provides all type of services to handle an aircraft once it is on the ground. SAPS
have team of experience and dedicated staff for passenger handling. Personalized inter action
with passengers ensure the confidence in the airline for departing passengers from check to
boarding and arriving passengers. Staff is always present for baggage handling that assist the
passengers to make their travel comfortable and memorable one. There are automatic check in so
that there will be less waiting time. There are most modern world trace system in case of loss of
the baggage. SAPS has effective control over staff performance.

Cabin service:-
Proper maintenance and passengers safety and comfort are the key things in which SAPS mainly
focused. SAPS cabin cleaning staff with effective supervisors always make certain that
cleanliness maintained all the time at the airport. SAPS focus on the good hygienic conditions in
the aircraft.

Security :-
SAPS supply ex armed forces and fully trained and committed staff according to the individual
requirements of the airline .

Flight service:-
There are qualified and experienced start operation 24 hours to provide flight documentation,
crew briefing, ATS flight plan filing ,NOTAM , including in flight assistance.

Car rental service:-

SAPS provide comfortable and reliable fully standard vehicles to provide passengers
comfortable services .

Aircraft handling service:-

This service is under the supervision of the aircraft handling services that include ramp handling
passengers handling in terminal building and cargo operations.

Aircraft loading and unloading service:-

This service provide the aircraft the equipment to load unload passenger and cargo and taking
them from the aircraft to passenger terminal and cargo bay.

Functions of cargo :-

SAPS Cargo Complex Lahore is Pakistan's first ever purpose built Air Cargo Complex which is
capable to handle about 200,000 lac tons cargo every year. It is a freight forwarding company
functioning since 2001. Besides having its Head Office at Karachi, it has branch offices at
Lahore and Islamabad. SAPS staff always strive hard to come up to the expectations of airlines,
consignees and shippers by using most modern computerized system of cargo management.

Representational service:-
This concerns with the catering facilities and the movement to carry flight document with the
local authorities.

Passenger handling service:-

Passenger check in counter check in baggage and the transportation to and from the aircraft to
passenger. Other services include arrival, transit and departure.

Cargo handling service:-

The loading and off loading of cargo and transportation of cargo to cargo section.

Specialized cargo handling service:-

Provide storage for import and export cargo this can include chilled dangerous goods and
provide the passage for domestic cargo.

Full range of motorized and non motored GSE enables SAP to handle any number and aircraft
type .

Motorized GSE:-
1.Aircraft towing vehicle
2.AC van
3.Amu lifter
4.Cintainer dollies
5.cherry Picker
6.conveyor belt
7.Fresh water cart
8.Main deck leader

Non motorized GSE:-

1.Container dollies

2.Groung power unit
3.Pallet dollies
4.ULD dollies

Goals and objectives:-

●SAPS create a standard of high level learning.
●To establish training program for each job category for the progression of the each employees.
●To provide high quality training that makes each employee reliever high level of performance,
internal and external customer service .
●To maintain attraction with every customer for proper guidance .

Quality policy :-
●To Carey out all service function in accordance with our establishment quality management
●To deliver high quality safe and high level services that fulfil the needs and requirements of
every customer.
●To seek the continuous improvement.

Message:-SAPS to provide safe, high quality and cost effective ground handling services
beyond our expectations.

Organizational chart:-

Athar shafique
Registration no:-

Submitted to
Mam Saba Munir


Organization analysis:-

For analysis the organization I have choose that where’s it standing from the business point of
view today. Basically analysis also consists on different factors such as environment which
consists of actors and forces which are effective able to ma management abilities and also
maintain the relationship with target customer it also to provide the solution to the customer in
the form of products or services to maintain the healthy relationship. It also has further divided
into groups.

1.internal environment
2.external environment

1.portfolio analysis (BCG matrix)

2.competitive analysis (SWOT analysis)
3.environmental analysis (PESTEL)
4.Financial analysis
5.HR analysis
6.Marketing analysis

1.Internal environment:-
It is given the name of culture it manages the decision making factors within the institution with
collaboration it work internally as a whole it can be positive or negative. As I have been doing
internship in SAP (Shaheen Airport services).

2.External Environmental:-
It influence the decisions it has further two groups.

1.micro environmental
2.macro environmental factors
Micro environmental factor are the factors which are which on small scales influence the
business decisions directly in short term whereas macro environmental factors they influence on
long term decision on large scale indirectly.
Here we 1st discuss about the macro environmental factor in detail as per the chosen internship
topic SAP.

The company:-
Shaheen foundation is an airline company which work for Pakistan organization of the air force.
It has 6 airport all over Pakistan and is also the largest industry. It was established in 1982 and
got a great success by providing people with safe and cost effective quality services for
customers. It has very good management facilities and security on airport such as aircraft
handling and flight dispatch, load and ULD control, ramp and cleaning services. Today SAP has
been working so successfully that it is handling 10 schedule airlines with 11,000 flight annually.
Shaheen is a member of IATA's Ground handling council. SAPS is proud to place on record for
an above 96% on time performance.

The suppliers of SAP:-

Airport suppliers is the global industry leading procurement portal for operators, venders, airline,
authorities, architects.
●system integrates
●basic ground handling
●basic technical handling
●basic translate handling
●basic turnaround handling
●PAX Meets and Assists

6 airports are supplied with ground handling services by Shaheen Airport

1.Islamabad Benazir Bhutto International Airport
2.Karachi Jinnah International Airport
3 Lahore Allama Iqbal International Airport
4.Multan Airport

5.Peshawar Bacha Khan International Airport
6.Quetta Airport

Marketing intermediaries:-
Yes SAP also work as in indirect and direct both intermediaries for the supply of products.
The lines are blurring between sales channels and marketing platforms (e.g., OTAs). Search
engines, social media, crowd sourcing, and mobile are redefining the consumer journey,
particularly in the discover and research phases. Consumers can now book directly from travel
metasearch portals that were once strictly for research. Moreover, as the consumer journey
becomes more digital and complex, there are more opportunities for suppliers to market across
multiple touch points. Emirates, for example, uses Instagram posts that tout premium products
and encourage consumers to imagine dream destinations. Finding the right touch points between
social media and direct sales channels will be important for airlines.

New digital technologies also allow airlines to reach consumers in real time during their research
phase. Airlines can further personalize the travel experience. TAM, for example, used Facebook
profiles to personalize inflight magazines placed on the seat of each passenger to celebrate the
35th anniversary of its Sao Paulo to Milan route. Each cover bore a different passenger’s photo
and name, in accordance with the seat assignments, and content was geared toward each
individual’s interests and life experiences. Airlines need to improve their specific destination
content and inspirational media if they are to stay relevant in the search/inspiration part of a
consumer’s travel booking journey.
Airlines can benefit from this only if they undertake three major initiatives within a holistic
strategy enabled by technology. They have to transform their travel distribution model in both
direct and indirect channels. They must pursue closer partnerships with channel, content, and
technology players. Finally, they should enhance internal capabilities (operating model,
processes, skills, and technology) to capture the opportunities of the new distribution trends and
so become centred on customers in their organizational setup. In particular, airlines need to
adeptly manage digital innovation and use these technologies to improve areas of the business,
particularly direct channel sales, marketing, cross-selling, and dynamic pricing and inventory

●Types of customers
1-consumer customer
2-business customers
3-reseller markets

4-government markets
5-international marketers
Three global trends are reshaping travel distribution business models and threaten to weaken the
connection between airlines and their customers. These trends are shifting customer behaviour
on both retail and business side changing dynamics within direct and indirect sales channels, and
the rise of digital technologies. The consumer trends involve an increasing use of online channels
for search and booking, the use of multiple devices, and the growing popularity of social media.
Meanwhile, changing dynamics within direct and indirect sales channels.
● online travel agents, traditional travel agents, and travel management companies
●offer opportunities and pitfalls for airlines.
Airlines can benefit from this only if they undertake three major initiatives within a holistic
strategy enabled by technology. They have to transform their travel distribution model in both
direct and indirect channels. They must pursue closer partnerships with channel, content, and
technology players. Finally, they should enhance internal capabilities (operating model,
processes, skills, and technology) to capture the opportunities of the new distribution trends and
so become centred on customers in their organizational setup. In particular, airlines need to
adeptly manage digital innovation

Environmental factor:-
●Point 6 public further has 7 types.

Financial public:-
This is directly linked with the company which can influence the decisions of SAP.
This is a factor which is interrelated with company funding and this is done by people. People
also effect the campiness abilities to take loans and favourable payments. This determine how
the customer or other publics perceive the business. And this also make sure that it doesn't
influence the company negatively.

Media factor:-
Its the mode  of communication which carry news feature and editorial services they delivers the
news to people with in the few seconds.
It have different medium of delivering the news such as:

So the company needs to built up the very strong relationship with mass communication this also
help us survive compactly. It can be negative if Healthy relationship are not built up and it has a
great impact on the company the business level can go down because media has the power to
show all the hidden truth of anything too. We can invest so much money and benefit out of this
and Shaheen airways has also strong relationships as very few number of accidents and the
mishap has been in the front of viewers

Government public:-
●It passes the legislation and law they can put restrictions on the company action
●It also municipality FINAS and other government bodies

Citizen public:-
●Includes the minority group that can question the company and put them into spotlight.

Local public:-
●Communication organizations that question the company that impacts the company are
responsible for local area and their actions

General public:-
●It also affect the company change in their company is direct interlinked with their attitude
●It consist population at large

Internal public:-
●It is the public which deal within the company and organizations the construction work of the
company product. In this company the workers rights are given.
●It has a positive attitude spill over external public.

Macro environmental factor:-

It is used in the long term it influences the business  indirectly the trend is changed over here
time it also have different type.
Demographic environment:-
●It is the study of the human and its population in different aspects such as size, density,
location, gender
●It is important because in this the involvement of people is there
●By the buying behaviour it can  help improve  the product

Economic environment:-
●This factor effect the Power of buying and spreading patterns

●It show the influence of customers spend their money

Natural environment:-
These are the requirements of the company that also affect the marketing activity they are the
natural useful material needed as input
●Shortage of minerals resource will effect the price of products
●Increased population
●Government should intervene the production activity and  save endangered environment
●Increased government intervention
●Happen in natural resource management
●Logging activity may reduce timber supply

Technology environment:-
●Force they create new technology they create new product and market opportunities
●Technology help a company to increase its productivity
●Company should pay close attention towards technology so they don’t have negative impact on
the economy
●Political and social environment
●It influence the law government agencies and rights of individuals in given society
●Marketers should be aware of the law and rules and should also follow them and give the
impose taxes

Culture Environment:-
●Some persistent values like core values cannot be changed which secondary can be changed
●All forces and institutions that effect the basic value, perception and behaviour

Company reaction towards marketing approach:-


Proactive Approach:-
●Company take aggressive action to effect the public and forces

●Companies even hire lobbyist to influence legislation affecting their industry and stage media
event to gain favourable press coverage

Reactive approach:-
●The company must control the marketing environment on which they react and adapt
●They analyse the force and design the strategies
●To avoid threats.

BCG matrix:-
BCG matrix contain four types

Question mark analysis:-

●In this field the question mark is telling that the business in on the starting point where it have
to take certain measurements so it can give us more profit on the point it is not confirmed
weather or will going to be a success or not. Following are the points we need to are about in this
1.People relation
2.Increase investment
●Questions mark also used to analyse the maximize company’s future growth and profitability
●It has two dimensions relative market share and market growth rate
●Heading with the business of SAP
It is the largest setup of air force providing compete ground handling services. It was
incorporated under the companies ordinance 1984. It becomes the public company in March
1995 and obtained the certificate of commencement of business in July 1995.

Star is actually the Turing point of a business where it determine the market share on the same
wavelength otherwise it will become a cash cow.
●Heading with the example of SAP
●It needs to keep the high quality management in the same way that reach it to campiness
●SAP needs to provide with the same high quality services


They are the foundation of the company and often of yesterday star. They generate more cash
than required. They are located in an instantly that is mature not growing or declining. More
profit is extracts from the source in cash cows.
●Heading with the example of SAP
●SAP has its own material manufacturing companies with that it has more profit than buying
from outside.
●SAP is only private limited company and ground handling services.

According to the BCG matrix dog come in the 4th quadrant of it tells that their low growth and
low market rate. They actually the cash trap high cost and low quality. Business is situated at a
declining stage.
●Heading with the example of SAP
●SAP as come to its declining when CAA was introduced
●Because it provided students with free internship whereas SAP it paid so fewer number of
students comes here.

SWOT analysis:-
Every things has its strengths and some weaknesses and some threats as well as opportunities.
Here we discussed below :

1-SAP has a large number of outlets all over the world and have strong distribution network
2-SAP produce low cost product and sell in market at low cost
3-SAP also have a strong relationship with its dealers that promote the company's product
4-SAP has a strong social media team and have large number of followers all around the world

1-A significant proportion of SAP have to pay large amount in the form of rent of building
2-There is a lack of proper financial planning at SAP regarding cash flow
3-SAP have not conduct market research from past two years
4-SAP have low budget for quality control than other departments


1-There is an increase in an number of internet users all over the world means there's an
opportunity for SAP to expand their presence
2-There's an increase in number of social media users
3-lower interest rate than compared to previous years
4:Govt reduce the tax policy for employees

1-New competitors can cause threat to company
2-The exchange rate keeps fluctuating and this affects the company supply
3-The rise in the price of fuel can also increase the price of product which is also type of threat

HR analysis:-
SAP employs 68 employees. SAP management team includes Tahir Hashmi as a general
manager of SAP Misbha uddin as assistant flight operation officer. Gul Hassan as deputy
general flight manager.

Market analysis:-
SAP has 11,000 flight annually and has 10 schedule airlines. It has both fighter and passengers
aircrafts at different cities of Pakistan e.g. Lahore Karachi Peshawar Quetta Multan. SAP is
ground handling aircraft industry its well equipped and SAP is ISO certified company.

Financial analysis:
●SAP revenues 65.5 million dollars.
●SAP is the only private sector in Pakistan that work under the Shaheen foundation.
● t was registered with the Controller of Insurance in November 1995 to carry out non-life
insurance business comprising fire, marine, motor, aviation, engineering, transportation, etc.
●SAP is listed on all the stock exchange in Pakistan.
●The financial statement have been prepared in accordance with approved accounting standard
applicable in Pakistan.
● These financial statements have been prepared on the format of financial statements issued by
the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) through Securities and Exchange
Commission (Insurance) Rules, 2002

Athar shafique
Registration no:-
Submitted to
Mam Saba Munir
4 /5/2020

Critical review of the cargo documentation process in Shaheen airport
services at ALLAMA Iqbal international airport in Lahore Pakistan.

Department of the SAPS:-

● Passenger and baggage handling
● Aircraft handling
● Cabin service
● Ground support equipment
● Catering service
● Security services
● Cargo and mail handling
● Flight services
● Ramp handling

These are all the services that are performed by SAPS and we already discussed these services
like what are their dealings what are their activities in the 1st chapter.

Primary department:-

●As my career preferences I was totally focused on doing my internship in cargo department of
the SAPS.
●I work 6 weeks as a internee in the cargo department.
●I work as a recording keeping in cargo department and also dealing with customers.
● I worked under the senior manager of SAPS cargo Mr. Muhammad Ali. He is a resourceful
and motivated Airline Operations Professional with 17 years experience in Airline Industry in
customer service, security, cargo operations and public relations (PR).
●During my internee in SAPS I took my interest in cargo department the reason of choosing this
department is that I want to set up my long run business in this.
●Another reason for choosing cargo department is that it is the most leading and reliable
department in all the services in SAPS.
●During my work there I feel that in the cargo services of SAPS they are primarily focused on
quality services and do not compromise on it. They make ensure that they deliver the goods of
there customer on time with care.

Cargo services:-
●Freight handling
●Mail handling
●Document handling(Export/import)
●Integrator handling
●Freight ramp services
●Dog sniffling services

Cargo services in SAPS:-

●The loading and unloading of cargo and transportation of cargo in cargo section.
●It provides services for import and export and the ware housing storage space facility for the
handling of perishable items, dangerous goods , valuable goods, special shipment and un
accompanied baggage.
●The staff of SAPS using the most advance and modern system of cargo management to fulfil
the expectations of airline, consignee and shippers.
●For providing maximum security for the cargo operations the screening facility of the SAPS
using the latest technology of the CCTV cameras and security guards are there for 24 hours duty.

How SAPS operates cargo services:-

●Cargo handling operations at airports involve the preparation of cargo shipments, the loading
and unloading of the aircraft, and the transfer of cargo between the storage facilities and land
.●For outbound cargo, the preparation includes consolidation of cargo, building up of the air
cargo pallets and containers, inspection and documentation.
●For inbound cargo, the preparation includes customs and other regulatory procedures, as well
as deconsolidation.
●For transhipment cargo, the operation is generally limited to unloading, reconsolidating, and
reloading the cargo but can be as simple as a direct transfer between aircraft. Although air cargo
ideally remains in the airport for a relatively short time, it is necessary to provide storage
facilities. Bonded facilities are required for imports and international transhipment cargo.
●For perishable cargoes, it is necessary to provide cold rooms.
●For outbound cargo it is necessary to provide X-ray scanners to inspect the cargo.
●Since most air cargo is low density, most of the cargo is stored on racks, preferably in large
open warehouses with high ceilings. The storage areas must be equipped with loading docks on
the landside to allow for rapid movement of goods to and from trucks.
● Most airports also provide offices near the warehouses for the airlines and forwarders to
receive/deliver cargo and prepare shipping documents, and for customs to clear import and
export cargo.

Basic job description of the cargo department:-

●Airport cargo operation assistant is responsible for loading and unloading of cargo to storage
facilities in and around the airport premises.
●To make sure the smooth handling of cargo throughout cargo operations by performing multi
skilled role by using the resources effectively.
●Task that are perform in cargo handling include documentation, customer service, delivery,
breakdown, build up, equipment operation and transport.
●Precipitate the movement of the cargo that is incoming and outgoing in trains, airlines and
trucking terminals.
●When you take a order from the customers you have to arrange the cargo so that you deliver to
loading platform.
●For determine charges for shipping you have to prepare and examine bill for lading.

Duties and task:-

●Check the documentation for the import/export to determine cargo contents and by using a
traffic coding system arrange goods into different fees.
●In case of problems regarding with the shipment contact vendors or contact with service depots
for repairs.
●A scanner that can read bar codes on goods can be used for entering shipping information into a
●Save all the records of all goods shipment that are received and stored.
●Notify passengers or the customers in case of baggage is arrival of the baggage and arrange for
the delivery.
●In case of the item is lost it is necessary to trace it.
●Write the number of the flight and airplane, name of crew members and record data on airplane
flight papers.
●Confirm baggage, mail, freight weight and number of passengers on airplane and covey data to
●When the airplane loading is complete remove ramps and signal pilot that equipment are clear
of plane.

●For the inspection and checking of the goods send sample to quality control units.
●Give instructions to clients about the payment methods.

●Observing, receiving and getting information from all the relevant sources.
●Entering, strong, recording and maintaining information in written or electronic form.
●Using the information that is necessary and fulfil all the proceeds that comply with regulations,
laws and standards.
●In case of any problem monitor and review all the information.

●Find a way to help people during activities.
●Coordinate with others and adjust actions in relation to others actions.
●Having a good communication and written and interpersonal skills.
●Able to work under deadlines.

A cargo assistant safely drives the vehicle in a controlled manner on the airfield. Following the
routes, airside markings for the safety of the airside traffic so that it can avoid airside accidents
and emergency procedures

Personal attributes:-
A cargo assistant show verbal and communication skills, time management skills, decision
making skills, critical thinking skills and stress management skills.

●Fuel pricing
●Security concerns
●Revised management policies

●Competition from other transport modes

Athar shafique
Registration no:-
Submitted to
Mam Saba Munir
11 /5/2020
Description of the internship project:-

Activities in the departments:-

I have done my internship in SAP in the cargo department. My basic purpose in the cargo
department was to access the documentation process. During my duration I have done small
activities for example I visit many departments there like in cargo department I determine the
cargo handling process. In this process I feel how the employees use their vehicles, what kind of
vehicles they use during storage of cargo, What was there process of import and export, what
was the time limit. During my internship I also visit in passenger and baggage handling
department. There I saw the process of check in and boarding and arriving passengers, the
screening of the baggage and how many stages a passenger passed. There I saw the key
connection between the employees and passenger like how they check the passenger during all
the stages. There I saw one thing that is very important according to me was that in case of lost
of the baggage the customer care staff was very keen to register the complain and have a very
quick respond reaction.

Project description:-
As I mentioned above I work in the cargo department during my internship. I work under the
supervision of Ms.Muhammad ali. They were very professional and so skilful. I learn lot of
things from them.

Project title:-
Critical review of the cargo documentation process in Shaheen airport services at
ALLAMA Iqbal international airport in Lahore Pakistan.

Project design:-
It was a project of two members. Our project was to determine the process in the cargo
department and all there activities performed during cargo operations and in ramp area. During
our project in the cargo department we visited two to three days in the ramp area we personally
feel that how the process of ramp handling is performed . We observe that the time departure of
the flight is on time and they are deployed proper ground support equipment and sufficient
trained manpower. We observe that in the cargo department during loading and off loading the
vehicles that was used by going handling staff were good standards and they were follow the
standard operational procedure. There were almost 20 to 30 staff were working during this
procedure of loading and off loading. The time that used during loading and off loading was
taken almost two hours. Some dollies were also used for the transportation of baggage, mail
bags, cargo cartons between the aircraft and terminal. In the cargo department we saw how the
documentation process was done. We formally interview many employees that was working
there. We gather some data from them compile it and derive our results.

Key findings:-
As we were two members we divided our project intro different parts as we decide that we first
visit our primary department observe all the process there and then we visit other departments.
During our visit we observe the following things:

Positive things:-
●In each department the staff was very well dressed and well mannered.
●The staff main goal was primary focused on the customer satisfaction.
●The staff attraction amongst the customer was good and the behaviour was adequate.
●The staff was doing there work with fully dedication.They were fully trained and professionals.

●The shopkeeper was well educated.
●We met with some customers for their reviews and they gave us some feedback and that was
acceptable and up to the mark.

Negative things:-
As I mentioned some positivity about SAPS but in every organization there are some cynicism
like SAPS:
●The price of the product was so high according to there standards and quality.
●The hygienic conditions was not at required standard.
●Some vehicles that were used at the ramp was so old.
●In the passenger and baggage handling department there was lack of discipline.
●In the catering services there were lack of variety in the meal.

●First of all SAPS needs to improve the quality of there products. As SAPS offers paid
internship so they need to improve there standards. Mostly students do there internships in other
organizations as some are free and some charging less rather than SAPS. The basic benefit of
improving there services is that many students are come back to SAPS for internship that are
totally beneficial for the organization.
●SAPS needs to develop a proper mechanism for improving there quality management services.
●SAPS needs to improve there documentation process because it was very slow.
●SAPS needs to focus on the discipline in the baggage handling department .

Athar shafique
Registration no:-
Submitted to

Mam Saba Munir
11 /5/2020
●Internship experience:-
I have been working in SAPS as an internees. The reason for choosing SAPS was that it is the
biggest private sector in Pakistan that provide many services. As there are companies for
example Pakistan civil aviation authority, Pakistan international airline and many other
companies provide Internship but I decided to work in SAPS because of it’s great reputation,
facilities and friendly environment. As I was working there I was not a permanent employee of
the company but in all this period of time I learn so many things that help me in gaining my
skills and knowledge about many departments.
During my work I keep one thing in my mind that its my opportunity to acquire as many skills I
can and this will help me in my future. All the management staff in each department helped ma a
lot. They were very cooperative and they guided me during all this period. During my work they
never let me feel that I am just a internee as they treated me like their employee. This was the
first time I really feel that I am doing some practical work and gaining something. During all my
time there I tried so hard to perform my duties and tasks that was given to me with my
concentration and full responsibility.

●Major responsibilities undertake during the internship:-

The main responsibilities are that I had to work on time when assigning any work during the
internship, and learn from my supervisors the rules and regulations. I had to communicate all day
on my duties and obligations and I was responsible for having the job information. By submitting
the day's learning finale report. I had to keep every person in the department disciplined. Since I
was an intern and learned new things from them, I had to respect them in whatever way they
treated me. Preparing the things that were going to be learned first, and then asking the question I
d that is not understandable. As a team, we have had to manage the time and the team where
everyone is responsible to follow the rules.

●Skills and qualification acquired from internship:-

During the internship we had the opportunity to put this knowledge of books into practice, I had
learned that how to communicate with all the people who work there, how to maintain good
relations with them as working in the same organisation. When there is no good contact among
the workers, this may affect the job. I had learned to cooperate with others as if they came to me
for work, they could not compromise with them to hinder my job, which could also create other
problems. This is the main thing that makes us able to maintain good relations with other people.
Then I'd learned how to react to other people, what things to keep for work. Time management in
this field is an important key, as this is very important, and a small delay can cause many losses.

The key to success is to do the work properly on time. For the job, we should be sensitive to any
situation. These are the same types of working environments as not for all areas, but we have to
be flexible for any working environment. There we have to be very cautious of thought when
implementing the world as in aviation we have to take decisions very carefully so consider a lot
of time and then make a decision. I had also learned to be sensitive so that if I had made some
mistake and others mentioned it to me, I would have to consider it because we are wrong
somewhere and should give chance to others to make it correct.

●Impact of internship on my future career path:-

We had learned many things from the internship which had been done in the Shaheen airport
services but we have to gain experience for future job. The things that impact the future path of
intern is that how to communicate with other employees in the organization, whatever the
working environment is we should have to be adaptive to it after some time these things will be
changed, we were trained to take decisions by critical thinking as in proper job we should have to
be very careful in making any decision during work. Technical knowledge is also very important
which helps in many things at the time of the job. The main thing is time management, this is the
thing which every organization needs to work on time and aviation industry demands for it. I had
learned that if we are not working on time or we do not have on-time performance then there is
no advantage of yours in the industry, the industry only needs to work on time and if delayed this
can cause many loses. In a nut shell, the internees should communicate well, be adaptive to any
environment, time management, collaboration, technically good skills.

●Theory learnt vs. Practices in Aviation :-

The theory and practical work have a huge difference. The theory is for knowledge only.
Sometimes the theory that we study in the class is different from what we have to do in the
practical work may miss some points. When we do the practical work we face many different
challenges for the life we've faced in the past, it's all changing. They need on-time results that
will be reliable and often we don't get what we 're talking about but have to be with or adjust to
the environment. We should have to stay quiet during the working which no one tells but this
thing we have to notice this on our own. The things which are learning, in theory, is easy to
forget but as when we do the things in practice those things would be remained in main. Recheck
the things much time so that if there is an error in it we can find it and remove it. The main
difference is that of the time management everything should be on time so that there were no
delays in practical work as compare to the theory we can have no time limitation for work. In the
classroom, we had learned how to perform things and just see them in pictures but in practical
work, we have to implement that knowledge which we gain in the classroom. Things are much
more different in every way and critical as well.

●Recommendation for college:-

For the internship purpose, college firstly gives a briefing about the internship that what should
has to be done during the internship. In this, each student first knows about their role and what
things have to be done for gaining knowledge about the work.If the roles to the students are not

cleared to them it will cause nothing to gain. The main thing is to learn about the things that
should have to learn first and study that thing so that it will be easy to understand at the time of
work. Make sure about the performance of the students during the period of the internship so that
it helps them in highlighting the areas of weakness of both students and colleagues.

●Recommendation for future interns:-

The students you will start their internships in the coming periods has to be first clear about the
purpose of the internship, they should have the knowledge about the company in which they will
start their internships. Before going to the company intern had to study about the things related to
that department so that at the time of internship they will easily understand the working things
and questioned about the things. Be very punctual about the time and should have to behave in a
professional way. Maintain the level of communication and discipline in the departments and try
to cover those things which are related to the field and helps in future.


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