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Cyclonic Furnace Design Program - CFD version 8.3.8.


Calculation done 17-March-2008

For Leonine International
Result file is

Run number - 1/3

Customer – Input name
Client Unknown
Calculation ID - 00009 - CFD - Mar/2008
Job number - Canada
Enquiry number - Leonine International

Files used
Data file - CWD20-25-350-Howick.cf6
Site file - City, South Africa

Calculation by Gary
Registration status - Legal copy.
This program run 1/3
This calculation
Furnace data - CCS 800

Furnace model = CCS 800

Internal diameter = 3900 [mm]
Internal length = 5750 [mm]
Brick length = 230 [mm]
Exit diameter = 1700 [mm]
Number of layers = 6
Emissivity = .9 []
Fuel air nozzle inlet velocity = 30 [m/s]
Secondary air nozzle inlet velocity = 30 [m/s]
Refractory/Layer type = Superduty fire brick
Thickness = 115 [mm]
Refractory/Layer type = Insulating brick
Thickness = 115 [mm]
Refractory/Layer type = Insulating brick
Thickness = 115 [mm]
Refractory/Layer type = Insulating brick
Thickness = 115 [mm]
Refractory/Layer type = CalSi board
Thickness = 50 [mm]
Refractory/Layer type = Steel
Thickness = 15 [mm]

Cyclonic furnace results


Heat duty (output) of the furnace is 20584.9 kW

Boiler output 15211.2 kWth
Recommended heat release maximum is 445.0 kW/m³
Heat released in the furnace (Gross) 340.7 kW/m³
Heat duty (Gross) 84.25 GJ/hour
Heat duty (Net) 74.11 GJ/hour
Recommended net heat release maximum is 1.60 GJ/hour/m³
Heat release (Gross) 1.23 GJ/hour/m³
Heat release (Net) 1.08 GJ/hour/m³
Fuel Net Calorific Value 12.051 MJ/kg
NREL Modified CV (see note below) 1.484 MJ/kg products

Effective gas residence time 0.98 seconds

Furnace heat loss 0.30 % based on gross

Furnace external surface temperature 66.3 °C
Refractory surface temperature 1099.8 °C
Furnace gas exit temperature is 1098.6 °C
Estimated combustion air preheat temperature 110.0 °C (min)
Preheat air to evaporate all fuel moisture 22.0 °C (max)
Actual combustion air temperature used 110.0 °C

Hot gas mass flow from furnace 56769.8 kg/hour

Hot gas mass flow from furnace 15.77 kg/s
Hot gas volume no cooling 69.761 m³/s
Normal gas volume 12.285 Nm³/s
Furnace gas constant 289.309 kJ/kg K
Furnace pressure 89.61 kPa g
Density of furnace gas 0.226 kg/m³
Normal density 1.3 kg/Nm³

Fan and ducting requirements 100.0 % excess air...

The furnace exit temperature is NOT controlled.

Cyclonic furnace - induced draft fan

ID fan mass flow 56769.75 kg/hour
ID fan mass flow 15.77 kg/s
ID fan volume flow 22.26 m³/s
ID fan normal flow 12.30 Nm³/s
Static pressure of IDF 2500.0 Pa
Typical operating pressure of IDF 1700.0 Pa
Efficiency of IDF at duty point 50.0 %
Temperature of hot gas 164.5 °C
Pressure of hot gas 89.7 kPa g
Specific volume of ID gas 1.411 m³/kg
Density of ID gas 0.709 kg/m³
Normal density 1.282 kg/Nm³
Gas constant 289.309 kJ/kg K
Estimated power absorbed 111.28 kW

Total combustion air required 13.57 m³/s

Cyclonic furnace - fuel air fan

Mass flow of air 12682.4 kg/hour
Mass flow of air 3.52 kg/s
Total air for fuel - FAF at 22 °C 3.39 m³/s
Volume flow per fan 0.85 m³/s
Normal fuel air fan flow 0.70 Nm³/s
Static pressure of FAF 1120.0 Pa
Typical operating pressure of FAF 560.0 Pa
Efficiency of FAF at duty point 50.0 %
Estimated power absorbed 7.60 kW
FAF air temperature 22.0 °C
Atmospheric pressure 89.7 kPa
Density 1.038 kg/m³
Normal density 1.267 kg/Nm³
Size of fuel nozzles - DN 200
Number of fuel inlets 4
Velocity in fuel duct 24.8 m/s

Cyclonic furnace - combustion air fan

Combustion air mass flow 38047.3 kg/hour
Combustion air mass flow 10.57 kg/s
Combustion air (secondary and tertiary) 10.18 m³/s
Combustion air fan at 22 °C 13.57 m³/s
Normal combustion air flow 11.12 Nm³/s
Combustion air - duct at 110 °C 10.18 m³/s
Static pressure of CAF 1500.0 Pa
Typical operating pressure of CAF 1000.0 Pa
Efficiency of CAF at duty point 50.0 %
Estimated power absorbed 40.72 kW
CAF air temperature 22.0 °C
Atmospheric pressure 89.7 kPa
Density 1.038 kg/m³
Normal density 1.267 kg/Nm³
Size of air nozzles - DN 200
Number of air inlets 10
Air velocity in duct 29.8 m/s

IFS recommend primary air 30.0 % of total

IFS recommend secondary air 70.0 %
Raymond Combustion Engineering excess air 20.0 %

Exit velocity is recommended at 15 m/s, but up to 30 m/s has been used.

Hot gas exit velocity is 30.7 m/s

Chimney results...
Mass flow 56769.8 kg/hour
Mass flow 15.77 kg/s
Volume flow 22.1 m³/s
Volume normal flow 12.2 Nm³/s
Gas constant 286.928 kJ/kg K
Gas temperature 164.5 °C
Gas density 0.714 kg/m³
Gas normal density 1.293 kg/Nm³
Minimum ID 1367.8 mm
Maximum ID 2013.7 mm
ID recommended 2004.0 mm
Exit velocity 7.0 m/s
Grits 108.2 kg/h

Preheater results...
Hot gas exit temperature 164.5 °C

Ratio of furnace diameter to exit diameter- recommended 1.5 : 1.0.

Diameter ratio is 2.29
Recommended steel shell thickness 15.0 mm

Mass flows...
Steam - actual 19973.5 kg/hour
Fuel burnt in the furnace is 6149.4 kg/hour
Combustion air - FAF 12682.4 kg/hour
Combustion air - CAF 38047.3 kg/hour
Total combusion air 50729.8 kg/hour
Hot gas to the boiler 56769.8 kg/hour
Grit from furnace 108.2 kg/hour
Ash in furnace 1.1 kg/hour
Total waste from furnace 109.3 kg/hour
ID products 56769.8 kg/hour
Chimney grits 108.2 kg/hour

Heat balance...
Useful heat - steam 54.76 GJ/h
Air preheater 4.74 GJ/h
Air preheater - loss 0.14 GJ/h
Heat loss - furnace surface 0.25 GJ/h
Heat loss - boiler stack 8.65 GJ/h
Heat loss - boiler 20.57 GJ/h
Heat loss - boiler and stack losses 29.22 GJ/h
Heat loss - fuel moisture 10.14 GJ/h
Gross heat into furnace 84.25 GJ/h
Net heat into furnace 74.11 GJ/h

Overall efficiency 65.00 % gross

Overall efficiency 73.89 % net

Normal temperature = 0 °C
Normal pressure = 101.325 kPa

A more useful number for comparing the thermal contribution of fuels to

boilers is the amount of heat released during complete oxidation of a fuel divided
by the
sum of the fuel and oxidizer, or alternatively, divided by the total mass of
Fuel-bound oxygen decreases the amount of air required to burn a fuel.
Dry air is nearly 80 % nitrogen and other inerts. These inert gases tend to dilute
heat released. Ref. NREL


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