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Academic Games

2020 - 2021
Oak Park High School Course Grading Guidelines and Classroom Expectations

Department: Electives Course Name: Academic Games

Text: Mathematics and Strategies of Equations, Neal Golden, S.C.

On On-Sets, Neal Golden S.C.
Teacher: Mr. Kelly, M.Ed

Course Description:
Based on criteria from the Michigan Leagues of Academic Games and the Academic Games League of
America, students learn about academic concepts and examine academic research to be able to compete
in either of the following games: Equations (mathematics application), On Sets (set theory), Wff ‘N Proof
(logic), Presidents (History and Social Studies), World Card (current events – topics vary each year), Theme
(topics vary each year, i.e. Greek Mythology), Propaganda (persuasive arguments), LinguiSHTIK (grammar
and vocabulary), and/or On Words (phonetics and word roots). This course is designed to mirror the
requirements for competition in the Michigan Leagues of Academic Games (MLAG), and the Academic
Games League of America (AGLOA). As a student in the class, you are considered a member of the OPHS
Academic Games Team.
 The League
The league hosts divisional tournaments monthly at various schools in the Detroit area. In March, a
statewide tournament is held over a 3-day period in Grand Rapids, MI. Success at the MLAG tournament
may result in an invitation to participate in the AGLOA Competition. You are expected to participate in at
least 1 regional tournament. It will count as one of your tests. If you are interested in attending the MLAG
tournament, there is a cost, and you will need to attend at least 3 regional tournaments. Fundraising
opportunities will be available to offset the cost of attending the MLAG tournament.
NOTE: Currently, the 2020-2021 COVID contingency plan is incomplete.

Marking Period Grade Criteria:
 Summative Assignments (Tests, quizzes, projects, tournaments): 90%

 Formative Assessments (worksheets, classwork, homework): 10%

Semester Grade Criteria:

• A comprehensive exam will be given at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2.
• Each student must take these comprehensive exams.
• Semester grades are computed based on the following weighted average:
40% for each of the two marking periods + 20% Semester Exam
Student Expectations/Responsibilities
 Log in on time and prepared to work

 Remain logged in for the duration of the class

 Actively participate (take notes, ask questions, etc.)

 Discuss solutions and explain reasoning to others

 Keep a notebook and a folder/binder to stay organized

 ALL submitted work is expected to be the product of the student ONLY.

 The Oak Park Public Schools Board of Education Policy and the Oak Park High School Code of Conduct will
be followed for dress code and electronic devices.

Make up work:
Students are expected to make up all work missed due to absence from class for any reason. Students are
allowed a 2 week period in which to make up a summative assignment. Formative assignments must be
completed within 2 days of return, if the assignment was not provided prior to the absence. If the
assignments were provided prior to the absence, they are due upon your return.

Tournament Schedule
Due to COVID restrictions, the tournament schedule is currently incomplete.

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