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SUBMITTED TO: Zahid Hossain

Senior lecturer
Department of English
East West University

SUBMITTED BY: Ainul khdaem


Submission Date: January 24th, 2019

Narrative paragraph
 My best friend
 Sharing everything with each other
 Doing mischief together
 Him getting a girlfriend
 Stop meeting me regularly
 Not sharing things like before
 Having a confrontation with him
 End of the friendship

Thesis Statement: My relationship with my best friend ended in a bizarre fashion.
Supporting statement-1: We were best friend since our school days.
Supporting idea:
1. Sharing everything with each other
2. Doing mischief together
Supporting statement-2: Then, one day he got into a relationship with his girlfriend
Supporting idea:
1. Stopped meeting me regularly
2. Did not shared things like before
Supporting statement-3: One day we had a confrontation.
Supporting idea:
1. Exchanging heated words
2. Ending of our friendship

Friend is important to us because we can share our happiness and sorrow to her or him.
Among These friend we all have a best friend who is really close to us. We cannot stay away
from them for one second. My relationship with my friend ended in a bizarre fashion.

My friend and I were best friend since our school days. We studied in the same school and
same college. We used to share everything that happened in our lives. We never hid anything
to each other. We used to do a lot of mischief together. None of us took our friendship for
granted. We used to mock other people who do not have time for their friends as they
accompany their boyfriend or girlfriend.

Then, one day, he got into a relationship with his girlfriend. I was happy for him. We
promised we will still be meeting regularly and share our thoughts. But things started to
change quickly. He stopped meeting me regularly, did not shared thoughts. I was clueless. I
tried to ask him what is the problem but he never said anything seriously.

Then, one day we had a confrontation. We were sitting with our group and he said, he had to
leave to meet with his girlfriend. I told him not to leave but he did not listen to me. I said,
“your girlfriend is more important than us now?” he did not reply. Simply left the place.
From that day onwards we never talked again. Our friendship has ended from that day

Soon after, his girlfriend broke up with him. Now he does not have his best friend to console
him at his tough days. Friendship is a beautiful relationship. No matter what happens, you
should never lose your friendship. Best friends are hard to find and one should not be let his
best friend just like my friend did.

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