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Present simple/ Present continuous Name:

1. When do I use Present Simple? 6. When do I use the present continuous?

A To talk about routines, habits, A When I talk about habits

general truths.
B When I talk about actions in
B To talk about things happening progress and temporary actions
at the moment of speaking. 
C When I talk about moments in
C To talk about temporary the daym

7. What do I need to add to the verb

2. Which of these is correct? when I use the present continuous?

A Are you work everyday? A -es B -ed C -ing

B Does you work everyday?
C Do you work everyday? 8. Which of these sentences is correct?

A I can't go to the cinema,

because I studying?
3. Which of these is correct?
B I can't go to the cinema because
A Do she run in the park?
I'm studying
B Does she runs in the park?
C I can't go to the cinema because
C Does she run in the park? I'm study.

4. Which of these words is nNOT usually 9. Which of these sentences is correct?

used with the present simple?
A I'm usually going to the
A Always supermarket on Mondays.

B At the moment B I go usually to the supermarket

on Mondays
C Every weekend
C I usually go to the supermarket
on Mondays. 
5. When do I need to add -s / -es to verbs
in the present simple
10. Which of these sentences is correct? 
A When the subject is plural.
A I'm always nervous before a
B When the subject is you /we/
B I'm nervous always before a
C When the subject is he/ she/ it?

C I always am nervous before a


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