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Reading Enrichment Unit – UBD Lesson

Grade: 2nd
Theme: Pets
Curriculum Areas:
Language Arts, Science, and Math with Information Literacy integration

Stage 1- Desired Results

Standards Addressed:
2nd Grade Standards
Language Arts
ELA2R4 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level text.
b. The student makes predictions from text content.
c. The student generates questions before, during, and after reading.
h. The student makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences.
S2L1. Students will investigate the life cycles of different living organisms.
a. Determine the sequence of the life cycle of common animals in your area: a mammal
such as a cat or dog or classroom pet, a bird such as a chicken, an amphibian such as a
frog, and an insect such as a butterfly.
M2G1. Students will describe and classify plane figures (triangles, square,
rectangle, trapezoid, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, and irregular
polygonal shapes) according to the number of sides and vertices and the sizes of angles (right angle,
obtuse, acute).

AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner

I. Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge.
1.1.1 Follow an inquiry-based process in seeking knowledge in
curricular subjects, and
make the real-world connection for using this process in own life.
1.1.2 Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.

IV. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.

4.1.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth.
4.1.2 Read widely and fluently to make connections with self, the
world, and previous
4.1.3 Respond to literature and creative expressions of ideas in various
formats and

Established Goals:
Students will learn…
• How to create a pet using mathematical shapes/figures
• How to diagram an animal’s life cycle
• How to make connections between literature and real-life situations
• How to use a wiki as a source of information

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that… ♦ What is a pet?
• reading can be a fun, interactive ♦ Why do pets have life cycles?
experience ♦ How are the pets in the books we are
• reading can be linked to real-world reading similar to/different from your own
knowledge and experiences pet(s)?
• all pets (like people) have a life cycle ♦ What is a wiki?

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:

♦ The reading and response activities will • The teacher will observe the students’
strengthen students’ abilities to understand interests levels during reading, listening,
and synthesize literature. and other interactive activities.
♦ Students will learn that all living things • The students will respond in writing to
have unique life cycles. three prompts during the unit.
♦ Students will use information literacy • The students will seek additional books
skills by accessing the unit wiki page and based upon the “pets” theme.
using it to search for books. • The students will create a life cycle flow
♦ Students will use existing math chart for a frog.
classification knowledge to construct their • The students will construct a “shape
“shape pets.” pet” using mathematical shapes/figures.

Self-Assessments Other Evidence, Summarized

• Students will choose their own • Students will use the wiki at
pet/animal book after we have read to
three of these as a class. locate additional pet books and view a
• Students will evaluate their own “shape video about Splat the Cat.
pets” for accuracy and completion. • Classroom discussions about pets.
• Students will listen to and watch the
DVD version of the book John Willy
and Freddie McGee by Holly Meade.
Stage 3 Learning Plan
. Learning Activities:
Day 1
1. Begin with a HOOK! Introduce students to a small pet – a hamster, guinea pig, fish, frog,
etc. This will generate discussion about pets, which students have a pet, and how to care
for them. The teacher will also add that pets are living creatures that need care in order to
complete their life cycles.
2. Story time – The teacher will read aloud the book I Need a Snake by Lynne Jonell.
3. Discussion - The teacher and students will discuss the book and decide if they think a
snake makes a good pet.
4. Students will respond in writing on their “pet page” to the question: Which animal, in
your opinion, makes the best pet?
Day 2
1. Story time – The teacher will read aloud the book Oscar and the Frog: A Book About
Growing by Geoff Waring.
2. Discussion – The teacher and students will discuss the book and the life cycle of the frog.
3. Students will complete a life cycle flow chart for a frog, showing the animal as a baby and
its growth into adulthood.
Day 3
1. Interactive story time – Students will listen to and view the DVD reading and presentation
of the book John Willy and Freddie McGee by Holly Meade.
2. Students will use the pet wiki to browse other book titles about pets and view a short
video about Splat the Cat.
3. Teacher and students will visit the media center so that students can look for their own
pet/animal book to read. The media specialist will have several of these on display.
Day 4
1. Students will read their pet books from the media center and respond once again to the
question from day one using a new “pet page.”
2. Students will construct a pet using foam or cardboard shapes. The students will write at
least three sentences identifying their pet and the shapes used in its construction.

Lesson Resources:
• One small pet
• Books about pets – I Need a Snake by Lynne Jonell, Oscar and the Frog: A Book
About Growing by Geoff Waring, and John Willy and Freddie McGee by Holly
Meade (DVD)
• Pet themed writing sheets from the following website:
• Mathematical shapes for construction of shape pets
• Wiki site of additional pet books:
• Frog life cycle flow chart booklet:

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