Tula's Institute, Dhoolkot, Dehradun

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Tula’s Institute, Dhoolkot, Dehradun

Course /Branch: B.Tech. /ME Semester: - 8th 1st Sessional Test

Subject (With Code):- POWERPLANT ENGG.(TME -801)
Session: 2012 -2013 Roll No
Time: 90 minutes Max Marks30
Note : Attempt all questions .

Q1.Attempt any two questions (3×2)

(a) Define plant capacity factor,plant use factor,diversity factor and load factor.

(b) What do you understand by depreciation? How is the depreciation rate determined.

(c) Discuss the various tariffs and give the economic basis for adopting such tarrifs.

Q2. Attempt any two questions (3×2)

(a) Explain the working of Electrostatic Precipator with a neat diagram.

(b) Discuss various types of over feed stoker system.

(c) Explain supercritical boiler.

Q3. Attempt any two questions (3×2)

(a) Describe with neat sketch,the different types of surface condensers used in steam power plant.

(b) What is the importance of electric power plants?Enumerate the major sources of energy.

(c) How the fuel is classified?.

Q4. Attempt any one question (6×1)

(a) Discuss various types of burners used for burning pulverised coal and their merits and demerits.

(b) What do you understand by variable load problem? How can this problem be solved.

Q5. Attempt any one question (6×1)

(a) What are the different methods of coal firing in boilers? Explain and compare the pulverised coal
firing and fluidised bed coal firing.

(b) Write short note on Feed Water Treatment.


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