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Time : 3 hrs. Max Marks : 100

Attempt all questions.

Q. 1. Attempt any four parts : 5 x 4 = 20

a) Discuss the concept of continuum and its relevance

b) One Kg of an ideal gas at 1.0 MPa and 300 K is heated at constant pressure till the volume
is doubled and then it is allowed to expand at constant temperature till the volume is doubled
again. Calculate the work done by the gas
c) Differentiate between SI and CI engines
d) State Equivalence of Kelvin-planck’s and clausius statement
e) Prove that PVγ=C for an adiabatic process
f) Define internal energy and prove that it is a property of a system

Q. 2. Attempt any four parts : 5 x 4 = 20

a) Explain the term quality of steam. Differentiate between wet steam, dry steam and superheated
b) To a closed system 150 KJ of work is supplied. If the initial volume is 0.6 m 3 and pressure of
system changes as p=8-4V, where p is in bar and V is in m 3, Determine final volume and pressure
of system.
c) Obtain an expression for efficiency of otto cycle assuming suitable notation used for
compression ratio and cut-off ratio.
d) 0.5 kg/s of a fluid flows in a steady state process. The properties of fluid at entrance are
measured as P1 = 1.4 bar, density = 2.5 kg/m 3, u1 = 920 KJ/kg while at exit the properties are P 2 =
5.6 bar, density = 5 kg/m 3 and u2 = 720 KJ/kg. The velocity at entrance is 200 m/s while at exit it
is 180 m/s. It rejects 60 KW of heat and rises through 60 m during the flow. Find the change of
enthalpy and the rate of work done
e) Find the magnitude of two forces such that if they act at right angle their resultant is √10 KN,
while they act at 60 0, their resultant is √13 KN
f) Differentiate between classical and statistical approach of thermodynamics.

Q. 3. Attempt any two parts : 10X 2 = 20

a) A uniform ladder of weight 250 N and length 5m is placed against a vertical wall in a position
where its inclination to the vertical is 30 0 . A man weighing 700 N climbs the ladder. At what
position will he induce slipping? Take co-efficient of friction µ=0.2 at both contact surfaces.
b) Derive torsion equation and write down its assumptions
c) 12 Kg of air per minute is delivered by a centrifugal air compressor. The inlet and outlet
condition of air are C1= 12m/s, P1=1 bar, ν1=0.5m3/kg and C2= 90m/s, P2=8 bar, ν2=0.14m3/kg. The
increase in enthalpy of air passing through the compressor is 150 KJ/Kg and heat loss to the
surrounding is 700KJ/min.
Find: i) motor power required to drive compressor
ii) Ratio of inlet and outlet pipe diameter
Assume that inlet and discharge lines are on same level

Q. 4. Attempt any two parts : 10X 2 = 20

a) A simply supported beam of 16m effective span carries the concentrated loads of 4KN, 5KN and
3Kn at a distance of 3m, 7m and 11m respectively from the left support. Calculate the maximum
shearing force and bending moment. Draw shearing force and bending moment diagrams.
b) Superheated steam at a pressure of 10 bar and 400 0C is supplied to a steam engine. Adiabatic
expansion takes place to release point at 0.9 bar and it exhaust into a condenser at 0.3 bar.
Neglecting clearance determine for a steam flow rate of 1.5 Kg/s
i) Quality of steam at end of expansion and end of constant volume operations
ii) Power developed
iii) Specific steam consumption
iv) Modified rankine cycle efficiency
c) Determine the forces in all members of truss by section method

30 KN

60 30


Q. 5. Attempt any two parts : 10X 2 = 20

a) At a point in an elastic material under strain, there are normal stresses of 50 MN/m 2 and 30 MN/ m2
respectively at right angle to each other with shearing stress of 25 MN/ m 2 . Find principal stresses
and position of principal planes. Find also the maximum shear stress and its plane.
b) Calculate the maximum torque and mean power being transmitted in case of hollow shaft of which
outer diameter is 200 mm and inner 100 mm if the shear stress is not to exceed 60 MN/ m 2 and the
shaft speed is 300 rpm. Assume maximum torque to be 25 % more than mean.
c) i) Draw stress-strain diagram for brittle and ductile material.
ii) derive the relation between three elastic modulii.

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