Notes: Activity

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2058 Notes

Acknowledgment. The authors wish to thank Dr.

D. A. Nicholson for purification of the iron penta-
carbonyl used in this study.

(7) Calculations of the apparent masses for the singly and doubly
charged transitions were made using the standard equation cited in
ref 6, p 124.
(8) Metastable transitions are observed for each of the four iron
isotopes. All calculations, however, were made using the major
isotope (56) of iron.
(9) A similar decomposition scheme has been suggested for W(CO)*2 +
breakdown (R. E. Winters and R. W. Kiser, J. Phys. Chem., 70, 1680
(10) J. H. Beynon, G. R. Lester, and A. E. Williams, ibid,., 63,
1861 (1959).
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

(11) A. S. Newton and A. F. Sciamanna, J. Chem. Phys., 40, 718

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(12) K. E. McCulloh, T. E, Sharp, and . M. Rosenstock, ibid., 42,
3501 (1965).

Mass Spectrometric Method for the

Determination of the Activity Coefficient of
Figure 1. Magnetic scan of mass regions 144 and 116 for
Fe(CO)e. The diffuse peaks correspond to the
Ammonia in Aqueous Salt Solutions1
metastable transitions noted.

by Richard A. Durst,2
of the metastable ions are summarized in Table II.
The two most abundant metastable transition patterns8 Department of Chemistry, Boston College,
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167
are shown in Figure 1. The sharp peaks at m/e
142 and 114 are Fe68(CO)3+ and Fe68(CO)2+, respec-
Paul G. Schmidt,3 and Irwin Feldman3
Each of the metastable transitions observed involves Department of Chemistry, Pomona College, Claremont,
California 91711 (Received January 10, 1966)
the loss of a neutral carbon monoxide from the metal
carbonyl ions. In the case of the singly charged Fe-
(CO)z+ transitions, the decomposition scheme recently
Experimental techniques for the determination of
proposed by Winters and Kiser,2 i.e., a series of con-
activity coefficients of nonelectrolytes have been
secutive unimolecular reactions
primarily limited to four methods: solubility, distri-
bution, cryoscopy, and vapor pressure.4 Solubility,
Fe(CO)s+ —Fe(CO)4+ Fe+ (1) while a simple and precise method, is easily applicable
only to nonelectrolytes having low solubilities. Dis-
involving successive removal of neutral CO groups is tribution is also a relatively simple method, but it is
substantiated. Metastable transitions also were ob-
often difficult to find a reference solvent that is suf-
served for the loss of carbon monoxide from FeC302+
ficiently immiscible with water and for which the dis-
and FeC20+ions.
tribution ratio of the nonelectrolyte is such as to give
The metastables observed in the decomposition of
adequate accuracy in the activity coefficient determi-
Fe(CO)z2+ suggest that the doubly charged transition nation. Although very precise, cryoscopy is more
metal carbonyl ions also lose neutral CO groups in a
complex and the temperature of the experiment is
successive manner.9 Beynon, et al.,w have reported
similar transitions for the dissociation of doubly
(1) This work supported by the National Science Foundation under
charged ions in the mass spectrum of 2-hydroxyan- Grant No. GE-6158.
thraquinone. Recent studies11·12 of the decomposi- (2) Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Pomona College
tion of C022+ ion indicate CO+ and 0+ as the product (1964-1965), and author to whom reprint requests should be directed.
(3) Supported by NSF Undergraduate Science Education Program
ions. Evidence for this type of transition was sought (GE-6158).
in this study but was not found. (4) F. A. Long and W. F. McDevit, Chem. Rev., 51, 119 (1952).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry

Notes 2059

necessarily limited to the freezing point of the solution. with standard HC1 to determine the ammonia concen-
Finally, the use of the vapor pressure method is re- tration.
stricted to volatile substances, and accurate measure- For two solutions of a nonelectrolyte, the relation
ments often require a high concentration of the non- between the activities of the solutions and their partial
electrolyte. vapor pressure is given by the equation
A new method is presented here for the determina-
tion of activity coefficients of ammonia in aqueous salt fC_ =
solutions. It is a variation of the vapor pressure fC° p°
method, but the need for a high concentration of the where f° is the activity coefficient, C° is the concentra-
nonelectrolyte has been eliminated and the procedure tion, p° is the partial pressure of the nonelectrolyte
greatly simplified. The mass spectrometer is used to in pure water, and /, C, and p represent the respective
analyze quantitatively the ammonia vapor in equi- values in the salt solution. Since the peak heights,
librium with the solutions, giving activity data over P° and P, recorded by the mass spectrometer are di-
a wide range of salt concentrations. The range of
rectly proportional to the partial pressures, the equa-
sensitivity of the mass spectrometer is such that the tion can be rewritten
ammonia concentration limits in both directions
extend well beyond any previously studied. The high / JVC

sensitivity also permits the study of substances not f pyc°

volatile enough for the usual vapor pressure methods.
The activity coefficient ratio of ammonia in salt solu-
Experimental Section tions is then calculated using the ammonia in pure
For each salt studied, six or seven 100-ml solutions water as the reference solution. However, since the
containing approximately 0.1 mole of ammonia and activity coefficient of ammonia in pure water can be
salt concentrations covering a molality range of 0 to 6 determined by another method (described below),
were prepared and placed in 250-ml erlenmeyer flasks. the ratio measured mass spectrometrically can be used
Each flask was fitted with a two-hole rubber stopper. to calculate the ammonia activity coefficient in the
A short piece of glass tubing was inserted into one of salt solutions.
the holes in order that a rubber balloon, which served In order to check the validity of this technique, the
as a pressure compensator, could be fastened inside the mass spectral data were compared with data obtained
flask. A ground glass joint was inserted into the other by an independent method, i.e., activity measurements
hole and stoppered with a cork. All solutions were made cryoscopically.5 Solutions of various concentra-
allowed to equilibrate for a minimum of 12 hr. tions of ammonia were mixed with crushed ice and
A Hitachi Perkin-Elmer RMU-6D mass spectrometer allowed to come to equilibrium. The temperature
was used for the vapor analyses. Samples were taken at equilibrium was recorded as the freezing point of
with a 50-ml glass sample bulb which was evacuated to the solution. Simultaneously, a sample of the solu-
a pressure of 10~2 mm and fitted over the glass joint tion was taken and titrated to determine its molar
in the equilibration flask. As the valve on the sample concentration. Using values for the densities of
bulb was opened, the balloon, which was open to the aqueous ammonia solutions,6 the concentration terms
atmosphere, expanded, thus avoiding a large reduction were converted from molarity to molality. The activ-
in pressure inside the flask. The vapor sample was ity could then be calculated from the relationship7
then analyzed with the mass spectrometer. Inlet
In (a/m) =
system pressures were reproduced to within ±0.05%.
The NH3+ peak (m/e 17.0265) and the OH+ peak (m/e where the activity, m is molality, and ,7
a is = 1 —

17.0027) were completely separated by using a narrow At/mKs; At is the freezing point depression and =

collector slit width and a slow mass scanning speed.

1.855°/molal =
cryoscopic constant for water. The
The NH3+ peak was scanned every 10 sec following the
resulting data are given in Table I.
introduction of the sample into the analyzer. Maxi-
mum peak height occurred approximately 1 min after
(5) D. P. Shoemaker and C. W. Garland, “Experiments in Physical
sample introduction and remained constant for about Chemistry,” McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1962,
seven readings before tapering off. This height, p 143.
after correcting for the background, was used for cal- (6) “International Critical Tables,” Vol. Ill, E. W. Washburn, Ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1928, p 59.
culating the ammonia activity coefficient. Aliquot (7) J. M. Wilson, et al., “Experiments in Physical Chemistry,"
samples of the solutions in the flasks were then titrated Pergamon Press, New York, N. Y., 1962, p 150.

Volume 70, Number 6 June 1966

2060 Notes

Table I: Cryoscopic Data for the Aqueous Ammonia Activity

Molarity Molality® Activity

0.097 0.097 0.18 0.097
0.246 0.246 0.47 0.261
0.352 0.352 0.69 0.395
0.508 0.508 0.84 0.409
0.540 0.540 1.05 0.594
0.612 0.612 1.19 0.673
0.654 0.654 1.20 0.640
0.687 0.687 1.30 0.714
0.709 0.710 1.47 0.897
0.879 0.880 1.55 0.795
0.999 1.02 1.84 0.965
1.037 1.07 2.05 1.14
1.151 1.18 2.14 1.12
1.21 1.25 2.4 1.34 Figure 1. Activity coefficient ratio of
1.26 1.30 2.5 1.39 ammonia in aqueous salt solutions.
1.69 1.77 3.4 1.90
1.86 1.99 3.8 2.11
2.50 2.68 5.3 3.05
2.65 2.86 5.6 3.19
3.07 3.35 6.7 3.92
3.74 4.15 8.4 4.97
3.97 4.43 9.0 5.35

Calculated from molarity and density data.

Another set of activity determinations was then

made using the mass spectrometer. The method
used was the same as that discussed for the salt effects,
except that varying concentrations of ammonia were
used, and no salt was added.
Results and Discussion
Data obtained for the activity coefficient ratio of
ammonia in the NaCl, NaCKX, and LiBr systems are
listed in Table II, and these results are shown in Figure
1. Since differing concentrations of ammonia were
used in the three sets of determinations, the data are
reported in terms of the ratios to facilitate intercom-
parison of the results. However, it should be re-
Figure 2. Comparison of mass spectrometric
emphasized that by using the activity data for ammonia and cryoscopic data for the activity of ammonia.
from Figure 2, it is possible to evaluate the activity
coefficient ratios for the particular reference solution
and obtain the actual activity coefficient for ammonia Abegg and Riesenfeld,8 who studied the effects of
in the salt solutions. The graph of the activity of several salts over a much smaller concentration range
ammonia vs. molality of ammonia (Figure 2) from 0.5 to 1.5 m. Ammonia activity data for NaCl
shows the good correlation between the cryoscopic and LiBr concentrations above 1.5 m have not been
method (at approximately 0°) and the mass spectromet- previously reported, nor have data (at any concentra-
ric method (22°). In addition, it can be seen that the tion) for NaCICX solutions. The activity coefficient
mass spectral data are considerably more consistent, ratios of ammonia vs. the salt molality appear to be
particularly in the more dilute solutions (less than 1.5 linear within the deviation limits, although the pos-
m) where the precision of the cryoscopic data is low. sibility of some curvature cannot be ruled out. How-
The data obtained for the NaCl and LiBr solutions
are in excellent agreement with results obtained by (8) R. Abegg and H. Riesenfeld, Z. Physik. Chem., 40, 84 (1902).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry

Notes 2061

activity determination of water. Since the peak

Table II: Activity Coefficient Ratio of Ammonia
in Aqueous Salt Solutions height ratio between OH+ and H20+ is constant after
correcting for contributions from other sources, the
Number Std dev OH+ peak is a direct measure of the water vapor
Salt Ammonia /NHj/ of observa- of the
molality molarity /°NHi tions mean
partial pressure. Because of the adsorption problem,
measurements of the water activity were not made in
LiBr this study, but there should be no difficulty once the
0.0 1.034 1.00 4
direct capillary inlet is constructed. Since the mass
0.50 1.050 0.936 3 0.015
1.046 0.892 0.020 spectrometer can both quantitatively and qualitatively
1.00 3
2.00 1.053 0.810 4 0.012 analyze the vapor sample, this technique should be
3.00 1.054 0.718 4 0.014 applicable to the simultaneous determination of
4.00 1.050 0.606 4 0.018 activity of several volatile species in complex multi-
6.00 1.026 0.404 4 0.020
component systems.
0.0 0.806 1.00 3
0.505 0.838 1.049 3 0.004
1.02 0.831 1.107 3 0.010
2.09 0.805 1.220 2 0.019 Free Radical Addition of Perfluoroacetonitrile
3.77 0.774 1.361 3 0.016
5.59 0.783 1.520 3 0.002 to Vinyl Fluoride
0.0 0.988 1.00 3 by G. J. Janz and J. B. Flannery
0.50 0.982 0.993 3 0.015
1.00 0.981 0.993 2 0.015 Department of Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, New York (Received February 11, 1966)
2.00 0.978 1.003 3 0.049
3.00 0.982 0.997 3 0.037
4.00 0.984 0.992 3 0.015
6.00 1.000 1.005 2 0.006 In the free-radical addition of perfluoroalkylnitriles
and propylene, two isomeric products are formed.
Correspondingly, with vinyl fluoride and CF3CN,
one would predict two possible structures for the
ever, the present data do not justify any such curve
compound, CF3CH2CHFCN (I) and CF3CHFCH2CN
The wide range of sensitivity of the mass spectrom- (II), resulting from the equimolar addition reaction.
The results of a series of experiments are reported in
eter makes it ideal for the measurement of ammonia
this note for the addition reaction CF3CN and CH2CHF.
activities over a large range of ammonia and salt con-
centrations. The precision obtained (2-3%) was Only one of the two possible isomeric compounds,
somewhat reduced by minor instrumental difficulties, namely, CF3CH2CHFCN, is apparently formed. A
but the major source of error was due to the adsorp- precise kinetic study was found impossible since the
formation of higher telomeric compounds could not
tion of water on the glass walls of the inlet system of
be suppressed to less than 13%. These results are
the mass spectrometer. Ammonia, with its affinity
examined relative to related studies1·2 with C2Hí and
for water, was probably absorbed to some extent.
This difficulty was minimized by allowing the system propylene.
to reach equilibrium during each mass spectral de-
termination. More precise results could be obtained Experimental Details and Results
by introducing the sample directly into the ion source The reactants, CF3CN (95% nr ', bp —64°, Peninsu-
through a fine capillary inlet. With this modification lar Chemresearch, Inc.) and CH2CHF (bp —51°,
and with higher instrument stability, a precision of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc.) were de-
better than 1% could be expected. The effect of gassed three times under high vacuum at —195°.
changes in the hydrolysis of ammonia in the different Analysis by gas chromatography showed the purity
salt solutions is not included in the present study. of both reactants to be better than 99%.
However, it is expected that this factor will not have a
significant effect on the observed activity results. (1) G. J. Janz, N. A. Gac, A. R. Monahan, and W. J. Leahy, J. Org,
Furthermore, indications are that the mass spectrom- Chem., 30, 2075 (1965).
eter can be successfully applied to the simultaneous (2) N. A. Gac and G. J. Janz, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 86, 5059 (1964).

Volume 70, Number 6 June 1966

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